wolfsilverlight · 17 days
Random question. I think I know my answer, but I'm curious as to what others think: which is worse, a pedophile or a zoophile?
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wolfsilverlight · 23 days
I have a question for everyone. And it's the same question regardless of what beliefs you hold, be they religious, political, social, whatever:
Pick a belief. Now, answer this, not to me, but to yourself: what information, evidence, event, etc, would make you stop believing it.
If you can't, after deep consideration, come up with an answer, then you hold that belief as a cult-ish dogma.
One should always be able to answer, for your deeply held beliefs, as to what could convince you otherwise.
This method has helped me get away from beliefs I've held that were harmful to myself or to others. It has also helped strengthen my deepest held beliefs, knowing that I was able to think through it all rationally, and the belief survived.
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wolfsilverlight · 1 month
we were just texting about minecraft. Check this out.
This minecraft short comic called "A strange Coast" made by Ian Flynn I believe, I found in a book from my library I work has to be one of the most beautiful and respectful takes on the game.
It understands minecraft so perfectly and doesn't treat it as childishly as the other stories in it did.
And all that within 10 pages and no word spoken.
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wolfsilverlight · 1 month
@samsheughan watch with sound 😍😍😍😍
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
Tim Walz and his wife don’t own a single stock. Their only investment is in their state pensions. He supports safer gun legislation. He supports meaningful housing reform (namely policies that make building housing - the only thing that will solve this crisis - easier). He supported queer youth in an era where support was even more difficult to come by than it is now, and he still does. He has a pittbull lab mix named Scout. He regularly asks his daughter what’s important to her and what her peers are saying on Tik Tok. He supports abortion access. He was a geographer and a teacher and only entered politics because he got so mad that one of his class field trips to a political rally was cut short by a republican staffer who denied them entry because of a student’s John Kerry pin.
He was also developed in a lab specifically for the purpose of appealing to as many white Americans as possible. He grew up on a farm in Nebraska in a community of ~400 people. He joined the Army National Guard at 17. He coached football, taking a losing team to the state championships. He hunts. He goes to the state fair every year. He uses diet mountain dew as a sobriety aid.
This was a smart pick from Harris. It’s clear from their interactions at the rally that he’s there to support her rather than hog the spotlight, as I worried Shapiro would have done. They’re able to put forward this “happy warrior” campaign together because they have good chemistry and are young enough not to be falling asleep on the job. They’re both corny as hell. They might pull this off.
No ticket is ever going to be perfect. I have always been left of the ticket and I suspect I may always be, but this is a real step in the right direction, and there’s so much more energy in this campaign. I’m feeling so much more hopeful than I was a couple months ago.
Make sure you’re registered to vote (voting rolls have been purged in places all over the country. I myself had to re-register recently, and will be checking regularly). Make sure you know what’s happening downballot in your district, because those races and initiatives are vitally important, too. Support local politicians doing excellent work.
For instance, these may be the people responsible for making new bike lanes, transit options, and housing developments possible. Where I live one of these (young, awesome) politicians was recently run out of office by insane nimby whiners sending death threats to his family. I wonder if he’d been able to stick it out if more people were paying attention and vocally supporting him. National-stage MAGA politicians are not the only people fighting to make our lives harder, so it’s worth figuring out who’s fighting against the wine-and-property class hoarding all the quality of life in your town. Find out who’s fighting to shut down your library and who’s telling that person “over my dead body.” Then go to the polls armed with that knowledge.
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
I know I don't really have a following, but we are sharing everywhere we can. The VA has denied my claim for individual unemployabilty. As I have not been able to get gainful work since before I filed for this, we are on the brink of losing everything.
If you feel like helping, and have the means to help without hurting your own finances, thank you. If you can't, then all I'd ask is for you to share this.
No matter what you choose to do, thank you.
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
And there you have it. If it's a "luxury item", that makes you a scalper. If it's a "necessity for survival", you're just a savy businessman.
Fuck that shit. If it's shirty to do with shoes or game systems, it's EXTRA shifty to do with the things needed for survival.
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
I'm a huge Calvin and Hobbes fan, and I forgot about this.
I'm scared...
HOBBES vs. TIGGER cage match TO THE DEATH say goodbye to your childhood because ONE! WILL!! DIE!!!!
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
The MAGA obsession with “proving” Kamala Harris’ race is apparently so bad that BEN SHAPIRO and is like “y’all… wait” 💀
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
Everyone should know this.
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Just something I really want to share on here because it’s important.
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
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wolfsilverlight · 2 months
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Bedtime Story.
Short story by Jeffery Whitmore! Wanted to make this into a comic for a while :] just in a girl boss sorta mood hehe
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