wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
i am back from the dead not that anyone remembers me buT HEY i am back
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
Sad 'n' fluffy RP starters!
“Have you ever been to a funeral before?”
“Do you want to hold my hand?”
“You look like you need a hug.”
“Please hold me.”
“Don’t worry, it’s not real. It’s all a dream.”
“Shhh, it’s okay now. You’re safe in my arms.”
“Hold me until I forget.”
“I don’t feel good. Stay with me…”
“Don’t worry, baby, I got you.”
“I had that horrible dream again. Can I sleep in your bed?”
“You can’t run from your fears when you’re in my arms.”
“Kisses won’t make it better, but you can try.”
“I’m going to love you until you love yourself.”
“You look like you need cheering up.”
“I need cheering up.”
“The past is in the past. The future is for us. We can’t help what’s gone.”
“You woke up screaming. I figured breakfast in bed was in order.”
“You’re the light of my life. Please don’t go.”
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
Things I’ve said while very tired {Sentence Starters}
“You need to do the sleep. I need to do the sleep.”
“I don’t think that’s supposed to do that thing, is it?”
“Well, whatever floats your goat, friend.”
“This game tears families apart… I get to be the racecar!”
“I want one of those. I’ll ride it into battle.”
“It needs to not be cute. That’s not even fair. It’s not.”
“You can fight my face, then.”
“Stop laughing at my incompetence, that’s rude!”
“Yes, I just put the mayonnaise in the cabinet. Don’t judge me.”
“My hands stopped handing an hour ago.”
“Have you ever wondered about frogs? Just… frogs?”
“Sleep is for the WEAK! —- And I am the weak, apparently.”
“I’m not tired. YOU’RE tired.”
“I could wrestle a bear if I wanted to!”
“I’m ready to fight! I’m not sure who I’m fighting, yet, but — !”
“Can I boop your nose? Just a little boop?”
“Can I just sleep here tonight? Walking to my room requires effort.”
“I might be barely conscious, but I’m still the winner!”
“It’s three am and I’m making a bagel. Clearly, I have my life together.”
“Am I trying to science this show, again? I am, aren’t I?”
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
If you are a role player who is 21+, could you please reblog this? its for science
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
♜: Shoulder rubs
Roman was never tense, he never needed any sort of special treatment but tonight the other male insisted on giving him a massage of some kind - and Roman couldn’t bring himself to say no (no matter how much he wanted to; he was tired). The older male leaned forward in his seat as he felt Amory’s hands on his shoulders, feeling smaller than he thought they would. “You really don’t have to do this. I don’t need this... but thanks.” The word was said in a mumble, for he rarely thanked anyone for anything.
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
Oh look, I finally got my head out of my ass-- pft. 
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
                    ‘  you’re  a  monster. ’                                                                        “ yes. ”
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
And seeing her internal struggle with him being her teacher amused him far more than her previous words and he worked to keep himself from laughing at her outright. Roman chose his words carefully, knowing he couldn’t openly flirt with a student or tell them off. He watches as she fidgets and it’s too much for him, there’s a wide grin on his lips now, teeth showing as he can’t help his gaze trailing over her figure.
“There’s no need to keep calling me ‘sir’ unless it happens to be something you’re into. But I’d say I’m at least ten years your senior, so maybe you should call me sir; however, Professor Moon will work just fine with me.” Roman moves to set his material for the upcoming class onto the large desk at the front of the room, gaze raising to the female who was speaking once again. “I’m not the normal teacher, no. I actually mostly teach high school students but your professor needed a favour at the last minute and I wasn’t busy so I’m subbing for him. Is that a problem, Minhee?”
The small female’s words surprised him, and amused him all the same. A smile pulled at the corner of his lips as he looked down at her over his glasses - her chest catching his attention though he was lucky enough to not need more than a glance. “It’s good to see I have at least one honest student in my class today. Most girls would prefer sucking up to a teacher some other way I assume however. And such a bold choice to look at me in a way as you just have. I don’t even know your name yet; pity.” Roman looked down at the papers in his hand briefly before taking his glasses off and gesturing to the desks up behind the girl with a smile. “Take your seat please.”
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                her attitude soon shifted once he mentioned it being his class , brows arching as she clears her throat , a tad bit flustered by how she’d addressed her … teacher ? she adjusts her appearance , smoothing out any possible creases that’d formed in her pleated plaid skirt , tugging up at the figure - hugging fabric of her fuzzy , tight cream sweater , though her efforts of covering up a little more were to no avail . not that she was all that bothered .     ‘  ah , well . you see , i didn’t know you were my teacher , sir . otherwise i would’ve addressed you a little more … professionally ? & i’m minhee .  ‘     minhee by day , cherry by night . she teeters off towards the desk in the front row , laying her book out before her chin rests in the palms of her hands , chewing mindlessly on the end of the pen .     ‘  you don’t usually teach my class , do you sir ?  ‘     she tilts her head back to look up at him , toying with the pen between her teeth , her legs crossed beneath the desk . 
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
♛: Sharing a dessert
With a wrinkle of his nose he watches the other take a too big bite of his dessert, letting out a scoff as he eyes the other’s lips. “Come on Jongin, you didn’t want anything from the dessert menu. Why do you insist on eating my cake…” Roman sighed as he subtly pushed his plate more toward the younger, and while he may have sounded annoyed he couldn’t be further from that emotion; he enjoyed what time he could steal with the idol even if it meant he’d have to give up his chocolate mousse cake. “Ya know, it’s not sharing if you end up eating three-quarters of it,” he chuckled, nudging Jongin with his foot under the table. 
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
Nonsexual acts of Intimacy - Select from the following for my muse to respond to...
♔ : Finding your muse wearing their clothes
♕: Holding hands
♖: Having their hair washed by your muse
♗: Your muse falling asleep with their head in my muse's lap.
♘: Cuddling in a blanket fort
♙: Sharing a bed
♚: Head scratches
♛: Sharing a dessert
♜: Shoulder rubs
♝: Reading a book together
♞: Caring for each other while ill (specify which party is which)
♟: Patching up a wound
♤: Taking a bath together
♧: Your muse playing with their hair
♡: Accidentally falling asleep together
♢: Forehead or cheek kisses
♠: Your muse adjusting their jewelry/neck tie/ etc.
♣: Back scratches
♥: Your muse crying about something
♦: Slow dancing
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
The small female’s words surprised him, and amused him all the same. A smile pulled at the corner of his lips as he looked down at her over his glasses - her chest catching his attention though he was lucky enough to not need more than a glance. “It’s good to see I have at least one honest student in my class today. Most girls would prefer sucking up to a teacher some other way I assume however. And such a bold choice to look at me in a way as you just have. I don’t even know your name yet; pity.” Roman looked down at the papers in his hand briefly before taking his glasses off and gesturing to the desks up behind the girl with a smile. “Take your seat please.”
                                                             starter: @viruseok.
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               ‘  are you in this class , too ? i feel like i’d recognise you if you’d been sat in my lessons this past month … but if you’re looking for someone to steal notes from , i’m not the girl you should be copying off of .  ‘     she was stood with her books pressed up against her chest , the ample cleavage of which was peaking out over the v - line of her sweatshirt as her gaze flickers up & down his physique , hoping & praying that he was in her class & that he wasn’t just on campus for some other reason . 
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
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kim jongin ?
reblog for a starter // follow for a friend // likes get you nothing
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
The male laughed at her question, though he covered up the laugh with his signature smirk, head tilting to the side as he thought about how to word his response without sounding like a total douchebag. “We agreed earlier on fucking, enjoying the ‘rough shit’, did we not?” At this he raised a brow, leaning down into her a bit as he successfully fought back another laugh in her favour.
“I’m fairly certain most people that know me would disagree with you on me being a gentleman; sure I look like one but most of the time I’m... well, I’m an asshole. And honestly that’s just the way I like it. As for coffee,” he smirked, he never stops smirking though this time he finds his own words amusing, “It’s cliche and it totally never works as a real date but I quite enjoy coffee and I’m sure you look even better in an atmosphere of people too dull to think of something better to do than sit in a coffee shop alone.”
❝More than one topic? What do you mean, Roman– if you don’t mind my asking that is.❞ Laliana gives the man a questioning gaze, adding another smile to entice him with. If anything, she found his presence now to be not only a pleasure since they became acquainted but appealing as well.
With every passing second, the living thought of her friend had died and brought him to replace the dull spot of her long day. Meeting new people was always a goal, an ‘A+,’ even but with a man of his imagined stature left Laliana in state of awe. ❝You’re such a gentleman, although I can’t be much better than you,❞ in which it was true. It wasn’t everyday the woman would come across a man looking this good and seemingly want to make an initiative to talk more without verbal cues but the good old use of body language. ❝Did you by chance want grab a cup of coffee or something? To add to our little– meeting? If you’re up for it.❞
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
starter for @ivnsng !
Roman was weary - he was cautious especially when she’d let slip something about spells. He’d come across many witches before but none were real; they were fakes, posers, wiccan. None possessed real magic or had any idea of what being a witch was really like (at least in his mind). So when Ianthina spoke of spells his eyes narrowed and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up - to which he smoothed a hand over to get them calm again.
”What did... what did you just say?”
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
“Pretty sure heights scare everybody at least a little - some just turn that into a thrill-seeking adventure which I’m sure you’re capable of doing? And as for dolls... dolls are always fucking creepy, never not in my opinion. I refuse to get my daughter anything too creepy, mostly stuffed animals and Barbies. Those aren’t... too bad, I suppose. But snakes? Pft, snakes are harmless.”
Starter for ( @viruseok )
[♚] ❝ Heights, snakes, and crazy-looking dolls. Those are on my top three ‘I-don’t-like’ list. ❞
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wolfvirus-blog1 · 7 years
Hearing his name on her tongue made him smile - grin - almost in an inappropriate manner but he soon regained his composure, allowing his lips to relax into a softer smile though something about it could still be said was menacing. And there his name was again and he thought maybe she did it on purpose, said his name a second time to get some sort of rise out of him (which let’s be honest, it almost did).
“Well I’m glad you’re agreeing with me on more than one topic, Laliana.” Roman mused aloud, and although part of him was disappointed in her use of the word ‘friendship’ it gave him some hope that he’d at least be able to look at her more, be able to study her features and admire her beauty without looking like too much of a creep. “No one’s ever as nice to say it’s a pleasure to meet me, so I thank you for that. Though it’s quite a better pleasure meeting someone such as yourself.”
Between shaking his hand and listening to his own introduction, Laliana caught a glimpse of that smug grin before choking up a light chuckle to both his compliment and gesture between the two.
Once his name fell into the air, it held as much strengh as did his voice. It almost surprised her– then again it shouldn’t have. With a man like himself in such a confident stance. His entire image almost made the female swoon– if she were any other woman that is although to some truth, Laliana did swoon internally. Though she would never admit it, at least not now. ❝Roman.❞ She lets his name slip once then twice, finding a small glint of pleasure of doing so. ❝I appreciate the compliment and honestly–? I see potential growing in this– friendship. Pleasure is mine though for meeting you.❞
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