wolvenstudies · 5 years
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metropolitan museum of art / new york
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
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the restaurant - het restaurant
the menu - de menukaart
the meal - de maaltijd
the dish - het gerecht
the appetizer/starter - het voorgerecht
the main course - het hoofdgerecht
the side dish - het bijgerecht
the dessert - het nagerecht / het dessert
the tip - de fooi
the fork - de vork
the knife - het mes
the spoon - de lepel
the plate - het bord
the glass - het glas
the bill/check - de rekening
the cook - de kok
the waiter - de ober/kelner
the waitress - de serveerster/kelnerin (I’ve never heard anyone say “kelnerin”, but it exists, according to Google)
to cook - koken
to order - bestellen
to eat - eten
to drink - drinken
to dine - dineren
to make a reservation - reserveren
We’ve booked a table for X. - We hebben een tafel voor X gereserveerd.
Do you have a table free? - Is er nog een tafel vrij?
We’re ready to order. - We willen graag bestellen. / We hebben onze keuze gemaakt.
I would like the X, please. - Voor mij de X, alstublieft.
The check/bill, please. - De rekening, alstublieft.
Keep the change. - Hou het wisselgeld maar.
It was delicious. - Het was heerlijk.
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
Linking Words (Dutch-English)
en - and
ook - also, too
verder - furthermore
bovendien - furthermore, in addition, besides, moreover, what’s more
daarnaast - besides, moreover
voorts - furthermore, moreover, and also
niet alleen…..maar ook - not only…..but also
zowel…..als - both…..and
noch….noch - neither….nor
daar komt nog bij dat - on top of that
ten eerste, op de eerste plaats - firstly, first of all
ten tweede, ten derde, etc. - secondly, thirdly, etc.
ten slotte - finally
vervolgens - then, subsequently
maar - but
echter - however
doch - but
natuurlijk - of course
toch - still, yet, even so
daarentegen - conversely
integendeel - on the contrary
evenwel - as well as
enerzijds….anderzijds - on the one hand….on the other hand
aan de ene kant….aan de andere kant - on the one hand….on the other hand
in tegenstelling tot - unlike, as opposed to
desondanks - even so, despite
daar staat tegenover - on the other hand
niettemin, desalniettemin - nevertheless
of(wel)….of - either….or
behalve - besides
eigenlijk - in fact
terwijl - whereas
dan - than
want - because, for
omdat - because, as
aangezien - since
immers - after all
namelijk - namely
derhalve - therefore, thus, consequently 
daarom - as a result, therefore, hence
vanwege - due to, because of
op grond van - based on, on account of
    Cause- effect
doordat - because (of)
daardoor - therefore, because of that
waardoor - whereby
hierdoor - because of this
met als gevolg - with the result
ten gevolge van - as a result
dit is te danken/wijten aan - this is due to
de oorzaak hiervan is - the cause of this is
zodat - so that, in order to
bijgevolg - consequently, subsequently
dan ook - therefore
dientengevolge - consequently
want - because
zodoende - hence
    Objective - means
opdat - so that
om - in order to
daartoe - for that purpose, to that end
met de bedoeling (om) - through, with a view to
waarmee - whereby
door middel van - by means of, through
met behulp van - by means of, with help from
is erop gericht - is aimed to 
om te - in order to
daarmee - with that
dat houdt in - that means
dat wil zeggen - that is, that means, in other words
met andere woorden - in other words
bijvoorbeeld - for example
ter illustratie - to illustrate
zoals - like, such as
onder andere - among other things
bijvoorbeeld - for example, for instance
ter illustratie - to illustrate
zo - like, such as
zoals - such as, like
stel – for example
als - if
indien - if, provided that
wanneer - when 
mits - provided that
op voorwaarde dat – provided that, on condition that
tenzij - unless
aangenomen dat – supposing that
gesteld dat – supposing that
hoewel - although, though
ofschoon - although, though
ondanks dat - in spite of
weliswaar - admittedly, certainly
tenzij - unless
alsof - like, as though, as if
evenals - as well as
eveneens - also, too, as well
evenzeer - equally
in vergelijking met – in comparison to
net als - just like
overeenkomstig – consistent with, in accordance with 
samenvattend - thus
kortom - in short
al met al - all in all
terugblikkend - in retrospect
oftewel – in other words
samengevat – in summary
dus - so
concluderend – in conclusion
dat betekent – that means
hieruit volgt dat – it follows that
    Period in time
eerst - at first
dan - then  
daarna - after that, afterwards, next
toen - once, back then, when
zodra - once
vroeger - earlier, in the past
voordat - before 
tot nu toe - up till now, so far
plots, plotseling - suddenly
reeds - already
al - already
wanneer - when
terwijl - while, whilst 
nadat - after
aanvankelijk - initially
intussen/ondertussen - meanwhile
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
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View from the tower of St Mary’s Church, Oxford
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
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my new flat is literally in front of my school so every time i look out of the window i'm reminded of how soon (less than two weeks!) it starts again.
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
my day in dutch
Het was vandaag moeilijk. Ik was zo moe, mijn ogen waren rood. Ik sliep een beetje in mijn Nederlandse literatuurklas. Op 12.00 at ik panini met kaas- en spekreepjes. Ik had mijn cijfers voor het eerste semester. Ze zijn goed! Ik ben trots.
(It was difficult today. I was so tired, my eyes were red. I slept a bit in my Dutch literature class. At 12.00 I ate panini with cheese and bacon strips. I had my grades for the first semester. They are good! I am proud.)
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
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hi!! does it ever happen to you that you’ve studying all day and you have no time to cook, or think about what kind of snack you can have that will be healthy and help you focus, or study? same here!!! that’s why i decided to put all the knowledge on the studyblr community about food and snacks in this masterpost! bon appetit 🍑🍟🍿🍴👌🏻
study snacks
5 snacks for studying! by @cutestudystuff
​best foods for studying, sleeping, stress
staying healthy while studying by @elkstudies
top 10 foods to study by @a-student-life
​healthy snack ideas
exam period snacks
healthy study snacks by @betterbrainandbody
what to eat before an exam
healthy foods to eat for brain power
best brain foods for tests takers
study with caffeine
coffee and sleeping infrographic
feed yo brain by @studylou
25 ridiculously healthy foods
top 15 cleansing fruits
must eat fruits!
teas and their effect!!
study food by @gracelearns
healthy study snacks
facts about tea!
study snacks
cheap food
save money on food by @studybudyblr
student discounts!!!
broke college kid masterpost
good and cheap recipe book (foods under 4$!!!)
cheap food!!!
100 delicious and cheap foods!!
cheap & healthy snacks
treat yourself
yummy breakfast!
healthy recipes for studying 
pantone smoothie
vegan recipes
vegan recipes pt 2
banana smoothie and another one! and another one!! (banana luv)
baked banana
french toast roll ups
green bean smoothie
hot chocolate recipes
chocolate covered strawberries
mug recipes masterpost!! by @brendons-galloping-abs
clean infused water
mircowave mug cake
101 comfort food classics
thousands of quick and easy snack recipes
quick and easy soup recipes
chocolate muffin in a mug tutorial
40 on-the-go breakfast recipes
macaroni cheese / mac&cheese in a cup
salad recipes
harry potter recipes
healthy recipes
nutella hot chocolate
cookie in a mug
starbucks holiday drinks
french bread pizza
how to microwave more than one bowl at a time
how to make the perfect cup of tea
healthy lunches
tons of pies
cookie dough you can eat
shelf life of food
how to make different looking cookies
webbsite for lack of ingredients
why you should drink water daily!
how to drink more water by @thestudyblrs
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
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Medieval City on a River by Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1815)
─ Havergal Brian - Symphony No. 1 in D minor, "The Gothic" (1919-1927)
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
Boost your Spanish with more complex synonyms for words you already know
Here you have some words/expressions (in bold) that you can use to show off while speaking Spanish. A native will know them, but if you use these you will impress them. Also, in your writings these words will look quite good. NOTE: Some of them are quite formal and not used in conversations.
similar - semejante, afín, cercano, aproximado, símil, parecido (adj.) (similar)
parecerse - asemejarse, semejar, darse un aire, recordar a (to resemble)
divertido - ameno, entretenido (adj.) (fun)
difícil - peliagudo, arduo, espinoso (adj.) (difficult)
fácil - sencillo, factible (adj.) (easy)
empezar - emprender (to begin)
terminar - concluir, ultimar, finiquitar (to finish)
la misión -  la empresa, el cometido, la tarea, la labor, el quehacer  (mission, duty)
caro - costoso, prohibitivo (adj.) (expensive)
barato - asequible, económico (adj.) (cheap)
distraer, desentender, simular - hacerse el sueco (expression, lit.
to do the Swedish. To avoid doing something that you must do)
enfermo - aquejado, indispuesto, alicaído (adj.) (sick, ill)
la historia - el cuento, la leyenda, la fábula (story, tale)
el cotilleo - chisme, chismorreo, enredo (gossip)
aprender - cultivarse, formarse, educarse, empollar (to learn)
gustar - cautivar, embelesar (to like)
saber - estar al corriente, estar al tanto (to know about something)
siempre - perpetuamente, constantemente, continuamente (always)
malo - diabólico, maléfico, maldito, ruin, infame, sinvergüenza, insolente, maligno, malicioso, depravado, inmoral, pérfido (adj.) (bad, as in “a bad person”)
malo - nocivo, dañino, perjudicial, nefasto (adj.) (bad)
comprar - adquirir, obtener (to buy)
la tienda -el comercio, el establecimiento, el negocio, la botica (shop)
continuar -prorrogar, prolongar, preservar, aguantar, proseguir (to continue)
buscar - indagar, rebuscar, escudriñar, revolver (to search)
contestar - objetar, contradecir, rebatir, refutar, rechazar, disputar, discutir, argüir (to reply, as in refute)
abandonar - marcharse, desaparecer, largarse, ausentarse (to abandon, as in “to leave a place”)
feliz - radiante, contento, risueño, campante (adj.) (happy)
triste - afligido, apenado, desconsolado, abatido, entristecido, apesumbrado, desolado, deshecho, desamparado, mustio, taciturno, tristón (adj.) - sad
antipático - desagradable, enojoso, aguafiestas, pesado (adj.) (obnoxious)
la ciudad - la urbe, la localidad, el municipio, la población
el país - la nación, la patria, el pueblo, el estado (country)
la familia - la estirpe, el linaje (family)
los padres - los progenitores, los ascendientes, los antecesores (parents)
la casa - el domicilio, la vivienda, la residencia, la morada, el inmueble, la edificación (house)
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
Duolingo Spanish Vocab: Science
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Duolingo recently rolled out a new feature that includes a dynamic list of vocabulary terms as new lessons are completed. I love this feature and its way of keeping track of words and phrases that are getting rusty, but I want a way to categorize the terms based on subject. Until a feature like that rolls out (if ever), I’m going to start posting subject- and lesson-specific vocabulary lists for Duolingo Spanish.
el análisis analysis
la atmósfera atmosphere
la ciencia science
el científico, la científica scientist
el concepto concept
los descubrimientos discoveries
la distancia distance
el elemento element
la energía energy
el equilibrio balance, equilibrium 
la filosofía philosophy
la física physics
la fórmula formula
la función function
la información information
el laboratorio laboratory
el límite limit
la línea line
la masa mass
la materia matter
la medida measurement
el método method
el núcleo core, nucleus
la observación observation
la profundidad depth 
el promedio average
la proporción proportion
las proteínas proteins
los puntos points
el químico, la química chemist
la superficie surface
la sustancia substance 
la técnica technique
el técnico technician 
la tecnología technology
la teoría theory
la temperatura temperature
la tesis thesis
la Tierra Earth
el universo universe
la velocidad speed
el volumen volume
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
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july 01, 2019. 
I can’t believe it’s already the first day of July like that’s crazy, man. I had a lot of fun yesterday eating ice cream and I couldn’t even finish it bcs it was enormous and I was so full halfway through eating it. I hope y’all have a lovely Monday today and positive energy surrounds you! Make sure to be kind to yourself and to others everyday ✨
🎧: perfect strangers - jonas blue
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
a list of my favorite study tips (and when to use them)
invest in a book of short stories for each language you’re studying, and keep the book(s) on your bedside table. take advantage of the free time while out of school to get in the habit of reading through the short stories whenever you can. just a few minutes of reading the short stories every day will immensely improve your foreign language skills and keep you from forgetting the vocab & grammar over summer break
acquire a list of the books you’ll be reading for school in the fall and start reading them. to get the list of books, try asking someone who’s already taken the class, your future teachers, or a school counselor. reading the books ahead of time will not only put you ahead of the rest of your class by giving you time to work through the material in advance; it will also significantly lessen your workload during the school year.
this applies to the school year as well, but especially when you’re reading books in advance, keep a journal and pen at hand every time you read. write down the major plot points of the section you’re reading, what you like/agree with, what you dislike/disagree with, and one or two quotes that summarize the main themes of the section (make sure you include page numbers!!!!). when school starts & you’re assigned an essay on that book, you’ll already have the main points of the book laid out, and lots of great quotes—with page references!—to use in your essay.
two weeks before school starts:
take a look at your syllabus and get started on your first assignments. if you start now, you can stay at least one week ahead on all of your assignments throughout the year. this is a HUGE lifesaver when something comes up unexpectedly during the school year—like getting sick or having to go out of town for a few days at the last minute—and you don’t have time to get homework done, because if you’ve done it in advance then you won’t have to worry about falling behind.
get a planner app for your phone. i like egenda, but you can use any app where you input homework assignments in advance and it alerts you at various intervals of time before they’re due. it’s impossible to get a good grade on an assignment if you forget to turn it in on time, so just alleviate that issue altogether.
throughout the school year:
take notes. have a notebook open in every class, and write down all important names, dates, quotes, formulas, and theorems. write the current date at the top of each page, and have a separate notebook for each subject. if a teacher repeats something more than once in a class, underline it, because those are the things that appear on midterms and finals.
help yourself memorize things by writing essays about them. even if you’re not assigned an essay about a topic, try to write/type two or three paragraphs every week to summarize what you’re learning in a class. writing things in your own words is one of the best ways to remember them, and it will also help you to improve your writing skills. additionally, this should be applied to all subjects, not just literature or history (because even if you’re studying a STEM field and writing isn’t a huge part of the curriculum, you should still have the ability to write about STEM concepts in a way that is understandable and engaging).
befriend the smartest person in the class. figure out who always has the right answers and make yourself their ally. be a good friend to them, and then when you’re struggling with a concept, they will either explain it to you or—if they don’t know what the explanation is yet—they’ll help you search for it.
take advantage of indexes. almost all books have one, and they can be lifesavers if you don’t know the answer to a question. especially in history class, when there are a bunch of names that are super difficult to memorize. i know this is a pretty basic tip (if you can even call it a tip), but i’ve had a lot of friends completely forget about indexes, so this is just a brief reminder. :)
participate in class. this might sound super obvious, but you cannot retain information without discussing it! if you’re like me and participating in class sucks because of social anxiety, try to force yourself out of your comfort zone & remember that you are your own worst critic, but it’s also okay just to discuss things with a close friend or family member instead. the important thing is that you’re repeating what you’ve learned out loud and practicing explaining it to someone else, which will really help you to grasp the concepts.
three weeks before midterms/finals:
now is when all of your notes come in handy. go back through the notes for each class and study them, particularly the parts you’ve underlined. you shouldn’t try to memorize the pages, but you should study them enough that—by finals week—you could summarize the contents if someone asked you pointed questions about them. this is also when it becomes extra helpful to be friends with the smartest person in the class, because they will be an excellent study buddy. just make sure that you reciprocate if you ask them to help you study.
fill in any gaps in your notes by talking to your teachers and attending all of the office hours that you can. many teachers will give you a study guide if you ask for one, and you can literally go through and fill it in with info from your notes. remember, most of your teachers really do want you to do well, and they’ll try their best to help you achieve the best scores possible.
if any of your quizzes are open book, ask your teacher if you can put completely blank sticky notes on pages. bookmark the pages that have important events, quotes, facts, etc., and then if you forget something on a test you can refer to the book & it will be much easier to find the information. personally, the only open book finals i’ve had are the kind where you just write three 1000 word essays in 3 hours, but we are required to have at least 5 quotes in each essay, so if that’s the case for any of you guys then this tip is super helpful for bookmarking those quotes as well.
while taking a final/midterm:
read through the whole test first. figure out how long it is, how much time you have, and how many points each question is worth. if you’re worried about running out of time, start by doing the problems that are worth more points, and then out of whatever’s left do the ones that look easiest first. this will guarantee that you make the best use of your time & get the highest grade possible
and that’s all i can think of right now! hope this can help at least a few people :)
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
Hi hello, do you guys also have that “after a Ghibli movie” state where you do something mundane like folding fresh laundry or making a braid or cutting bread and it’s suddenly the most peaceful, beautiful activity ever and you can hear the distant music playing and the wind from the ocean is suddenly blowing through your open windows? Or is it just me??
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
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bridge of sighs, cambridge | ig: studyplants
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
quick tips to just get started when you’re struggling
break down goals further and further into easily achievable tasks/steps
visualize your end goal
visualize all of the steps
tell yourself you’ll just do the first part of the task/work for five minutes (and then see if that momentum carries yourself forward)
ask a friend for encouragement
close all of your tabs/apps, close your laptop, and start over
change your physical environment (go somewhere else, even if it’s just a different room)
picture a goal and then set a short count-down timer. try to complete the goal before the timer runs out
picture a reward – could be the reward of that good feeling that comes with completing something, or it could be a piece of candy, etc
come up with the first step (should be very easy, like “stand up”) and then count backwards from 5. you should be doing that by the time you reach 0.
make a schedule even if you have no intention of following it.
if you don’t want to do the first task you have to do, just start in the middle with something you feel capable of doing
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wolvenstudies · 5 years
Is there any difference in saying either "snälla" or "tack" when trying to say please?
Saying “tack” as “please” is basically offering your thanks in advance for them doing what you asked them to. It’s polite, but it can also come off as a command because you are clearly assuming that they will 100% do what you asked them to do, since you’ve already thanked them for doing it.
It’s something you’d say when ordering a coffee, for example.“En kaffe, tack.” - “A coffee, please.”
Saying “snälla” is just saying “please”. Just like in English, it’s polite, but can sometimes instead come off as pleading in certain situations. In generally it doesn’t though so as long as you don’t say it in a too whiny tone you’ll be fine.
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wolvenstudies · 6 years
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edinburgh, scotland
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