wolverenmayden · 3 months
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
French house
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
French harmonies
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
French different harmonies
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
The dragon is born
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
There once was a love so grand
There once was a love so grand,
Two hearts entwined, hand in hand.
They laughed and they cried,
Through mountains they'd glide,
Together they'd always stand.
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
There once was a love so divine
There once was a love so divine,
Two souls bound together in twine.
Their hearts beat as one,
Underneath the sun,
In a love that would never decline.
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
In the realm of Plato's love
In the realm of Plato's love, we find
A love that transcends the boundaries of time
A love based on truth and wisdom pure
A love that will forever endure
It is a love that seeks the soul
And finds its true and perfect goal
It is a love that inspires us to grow
And guides us on the path we know
Plato's love is a love of the mind
A love that is gentle, patient and kind
A love that sees the beauty within
And knows that true love can never dim
It is a love that is selfless and true
A love that shines bright and clear like dew
A love that is constant and unfailing
A love that is forever prevailing
Plato's love is a love of the soul
A love that makes us feel whole
A love that is deep and profound
A love that knows no bounds
It is a love that is pure and true
A love that is eternal and new
A love that is the essence of life
A love that conquers all strife
Plato's love is a love that is divine
A love that is sacred and sublime
A love that is beyond compare
A love that is always there
It is a love that is timeless and true
A love that is forever in bloom
A love that is the deepest of all
A love that is the greatest call
Plato's love is a love that is rare
A love that is beyond compare
A love that is the essence of all
A love that is the greatest fall
It is a love that is pure and pure
A love that is the greatest lure
A love that is the highest of all
A love that is the greatest call
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wolverenmayden · 3 months
In Plato's realm of love divine
In Plato's realm of love divine,
Two souls unite in perfect rhyme.
Bound together, heart and mind,
Eternal love, forever entwined.
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wolverenmayden · 4 months
A sonnet on the advantages and effects of the common man
The average person doesn't carry too much of a burden, He doesn't flash with shiny cars and jewels, He doesn't care about the real goal of life, He just tries to find his happiness.
His perseverance in his work is exemplary, He lives his life in modest circumstances, He does not want more than what is his share, The happiness of his loving family is his joy.
The common man is a silent hero, though unnoticed, But his influence is immense, like drops of soft rain, Bringing blessings to all whom he touches.
Let us be grateful for the existence of the average person, because he is the one who really shapes the world, and brings blessing and peace to the whole world.
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wolverenmayden · 4 months
An elegy on the benefits and effects of stardom
O stardom, thou bright and bright star, Thou hast weeded out the crushing life of variety, Brought fame's pomp and splendor, But leaving deep wounds an invisible wound.
Your advantages conquer our hearts, Fierce fans and bright-eyed children, Your photographs, your stage performances, Enchant us and captivate the sky.
But what star's life is so perfect As it appears from the outside? Behind the mask, the heart is fragile, Your soul suffers while the noise rages around you.
Stardom's glorious shadow can be slain, Loneliness and loss come to the sphere of light, But you, bright star, still shine, Like the morning star that breaks the eternal night.
Stardom is a combination of blessing and curse, Which brings with it glory and bitterness, But still, you shine brighter than the endless sky, You remain an eternal memory locked in people's hearts.
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wolverenmayden · 4 months
Benefits of changing citizenship
I walk the paths of citizenship, holding my passport in my hand, in which I own the new future, which awaits me in the other country. It is possible to change it, if the new criteria are met.
Citizenship is a treasured garden, Where brave steps lead you through, Through the new gates into another life, Where opportunities are overflowing, Changing it is not an easy task, But it is a worthwhile goal in the new country.
Citizenship is to change, Not only the way, but also the feeling changes, Like fresh air in the wide landscape, Where old troubles fade away, And new hopes move into the heart, The warmth of a new home draws me in.
Obtaining citizenship is a great merit, It opens the door to new opportunities, Where you find new friends, And take root in new cultures, Your world becomes colorful, When you choose a new country for yourself.
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