(sorry if this post is super long. When not being this active, I thought it would not be appropriate just to say “hi” and leave. I talk a lot about myself btw. I’m pretty much venting)
Hello everyone! It’s been a long time! :) 
So, honestly, I wanted to make this post here to just update things about this blog and a bit about me as well. 
You can probably guess why I’m back all of the sudden. A uh... certain application was predicted to shut down soon, and as someone who uses that application as their main one, I figured that I come back here. But the issue with this blog is wether I want to continue to upload on here. 
My journey with MMD has been a super long one (10+ years) and even to this day, I feel like it’s something that I can never move on from. I think it’s just the dedication that I put into learning the program, connecting in the community and my general love for Vocaloid. But before I started “Wonderful MMD Pictures” and “Wonderful MMD Models”, and before I was even Reon/Reon046, I was an artist first (TheMangaka1234). When I discovered MMD, I didn’t think it would take over my life like it did. But it became super important to me to the point that my artist journey halted. My dA page that was for my art was taken over by my MMD art and I lost focus. This was when I was in early highschool (I also changed my name to Reon046). Again, I’ve been doing MMD for so long that, at some point, people were recognizing me. My little kid brain really liked the attention. It was the people calling me “senpai” or saying that it’s an “honor” to have followed them that was the icing on the cake. In that wave, I created these 2 blogs to showcase models and pictures that I love and want to help boost. 
Also, I’m not going to sweep this under the rug, but I also have partaken in sharing mmd model download links which were public because, again, I just wanted to share cool models that I found.  I always made sure that the way that I was sharing the links was not directly (ex. linking the dA page instead of the direct mediafire link) I made sure that the rules of the model was ok with that type of distrubution. So not only was I trying to run 2 blogs, I was uploading to my dA, like, 4 times a day, almost everyday. I’m not saying that was hard work or whatever, but because of that type of scheduling, I felt like people were expecting me to be there with a model dl everyday. Again, not hard work but I felt there was pressure. Looking back, it was defiantly taking it too seriously. I was treating it like it was a 9/5 lol. But in the midst of all this, there were some cases that people have contacted me to remove a “model dl” upload. At some point, my account got 1 strike. 
The one strike didn’t stop me from doing this, but eventually, I stopped sharing model dls and just wanted to focus on doing MMD art instead. Looking back at my dA account, it doesn’t look like I did a lot, but that’s how much those model dls took over everything. I’ve deleted all of them. I remember very slowly deleting all of them ‘cause you can only delete uploads one by one, and it took forever. Again, that’s how much I was doing it. I continued to do MMD art and still had fun, but the whole reason I started a dA account was not for MMD. I felt a sense of guilt. Like, I felt anger towards me for not working towards what I really wanted. I think the reason I kept doing MMD was the ease of it. I didn’t have to study anatomy or work on a peice for weeks to make something cool. If you’re also a depressed highschooler, being “known” in a community and the instant gratification of making content in less than a day is much more satisfying. But I wanted to do more. My ideas and concepts that I wanted to flesh out was something that MMD couldn’t do. I had to go back to doing art. 
Overtime, people that I followed started to upload less and I started to upload MMD stuff less too. I opened a brand new dA account to just focus on my art. I would upload MMD stuff here and there, but I felt like the writing was on the wall. If my peers are starting to leave, that may be my sign to leave or watch at the sidelines. Right now, I choose the latter. The most recent upload on my dA was in May of this year. As of writing this, I might make an MMD picture after I’m done lol. I just think that there is a new generation (raycast gen lol) that is taking over and I don’t have to be involved. I did my thing. (i’m in my early 20s now. My body hurts for no reason lol)
SO WHAT ABOUT THE BLOGS?!?!: To be honest, I thought that now I’m trying to use tumblr, I should start uploading here. Not regularly, but ya know, be active. But as you can see from what I have said above, I think that it is better to have these blogs as an archive. Some models, art and users no longer exist. So I think it is important to, at least, keep these blogs up
As for me, I go by Yana now! :) If you still wanna refer me as Reon still, I honestly don’t mind. I think that’s kinda cool! Im just the boring Synthesizer V concept artist now haha 
Follow me here if you want <3 
deviantART (MMD) .  deviantART (Artwork) . Instagram . Personal blog (art stuff)
I still don’t like LAT style models 
UPDATE 11/18/2022: So after I started browsing a bit on my dA page, I found out that there are still a lot of model dl posts that you can’t find in my main gallery, but still in the “more” section. Again, deleting things in mass on dA is annoying but slowly, they will start to dissapear. 
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|M M D| G u m i  by  AliSato
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growing  by  Ocuuda
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Big oof
I just realized that I posted model pictures to the wrong blog! ^ ^' That should be fixed by tomorrow
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.  by  Universal-Daddy
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