(Sweeney Todd x reader)
Summary: Modern! AU where Sweeney is readers boyfriend and visits her on set where she has to film a sex scene and kiss a costar which ends up with jealous sex in the shower when they both arrive home!
I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed it, Sweeney is misunderstood baby I luv him.
Bold = inner thoughts
For @wonkruwanhedabloodreina
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“All right and that’s a cut! 30 minute break for everyone while we set up for the next scene!”, Shouted the director as me and my costars headed off to our trailer for lunch, shooting this new movie has been a blast, I can’t wait till it hits theatres so I can take Sweeney to the premiere. Heading down the hallways and further away from the studios I soon located my trailer surrounded by a multitude of others.
Just as I opened my door I was greeted with a warm bear hug from my boyfriend. “Sweeney! I didn’t realise you’d be visiting me on set today! How are you honey?”, I asked as I guided him over to the couch. “I’m great baby now that I’m with you”, he mumbled as he started kissing my neck. “Don’t get me worked up before my big scene love, I can’t be flustered for this next one.”, I murmured as he finally removed his lips from my neck. “What scene?”, He questioned as I dug into some of the takeout left from earlier. “The sex scene? With Alex, didn’t I tell you about it?”, “no, you did not.” grumbled Sweeney, giving me the cold shoulder while I relaxed on the couch. “Come on baby, it’s not like I like him or anything.”, was all I could manage to say around the chinese in my mouth.
“I know you don’t like him (y/n) but he likes you and I don’t want him to try anything with you while I’m not around.” grumbles Sweeney. “How about this...” I say as I dramatically fall onto his lap, “you can come and watch the scene being shot and once it’s over I promise we can have a cuddle sesh while watching horror films, that sound good to you?”, “that sounds perfect” Sweeney smiled.
My phone started ringing as we both started to relax. “I need to answer that Sweeney can you pass me my phone?”, i asked, “sure, here you go baby” he said as I answered the call. “Lunch breaks over, already? Damn, are we ready for the next scene? We are?, good. Quick question, can I bring Sweeney with me? He wants to watch the shoot.”, a muffled chorus of yea’s and okay’s could be heard through the phone as Sweeney and I started heading towards set. “Okay! Great, thank you!” I squealed in excitement as we turned the corner to the makeup room. “The director said you can come and watch the scene and you even get to sit in my seat!”, I told Sweeney as the makeup artists started applying makeup to help me gain a flustered look for the upcoming scene. Once makeup was done me and Sweeney headed over to the costume department so I could get into my gear. “What have you got to wear for this scene honey?”, Sweeney asked me as I stepped into my skirt and buttoned up my shirt. “I’m playing the superhero’s love interest who works a normal daytime job, while at night, I am the protector of the city!”, I said as I whirled my arms around as my costume was finally pieced together. I was wearing a white blouse with minimal lace details swirling up the arms accompanied with a knee length, red, corduroy skirt. I was wearing a pair of black doc martins and stocking on my legs along with black lace gloves. “This doesn’t seem very, superhero-y to me?” Sweeney mumbled as we carried on with our walk to set once we got the all clear from the costume team. “Well in the previous scenesajd episodes me and the superhero called David whose played by Alex reveal our identities to each other and start hanging out as more than just partners in solving crime, so in this scene we’re coming back from a date and we have slow, romantic sex to cement the bond between our characters which paves the way for a relationship in the future seasons, this is the season finale so it’s got to be good!” I animatedly told Sweeney as his jealousy started to flare up again. *I bet I could show you a hell of a lot better time than this stupid Alex can* thought Sweeney as we finally reached the set..
“Alright (y/n) and Alex we’re gonna need you to stand on the other side of the door and get into position. Follow the plan that was written in the scripts and this should come out like a masterpiece!” The director shouted as me and Alex got into position, I looked over at Sweeney and gave him a smile while I put my game face on and got ready. “3...2...1... ACTION!”, shouted the director as me and Alex came tumbling through the door with our hands trying to touch every piece of skin they could reach. Alex spun me around and picked me up as he slammed me against the door, his lips locking onto mine in a flurry of passion, after the need for oxygen became too strong we broke apart and his lips instantly connected with my neck while I moaned “oh Daviddddd, right there”, once he found my “pulse point” I let out a exaggerated moan as he moved us away from the door to the bed. As he slammed me onto the bed we split apart to take our clothes off and chuck them haphazardly around the room. I stood up and ran my hands over his abs while he grabbed my chin and made me look up at him “are you sure you want to do this (fake first name)? If not we can stop, I don’t want to pressure you into anything you’re not comfortable with”, I looked up at him in awe as I said my lines “you know, you’re the first person I’ve met who’s asked me that David”, I said as I teared up, “of course I want to do this with you David, I love you”, “I love you too” he said as the atmosphere slowly changed from one of passion and lust to romance and desire. He gently picked me up again as I wrapped my legs around his waist, we slowly fell on the bed with our lips locking together but this time a lot more passionately. We broke apart as the need for oxygen became too strong and he worked his way down my body, just as he reached my hips the director yelled cut so he could discuss with us what would be happening next. “Okay! Great job (y/n) and Alex, you can definitely see and feel the chemistry between you guys! Alright, for the next scene we’re gonna have Alex go under the covers and pretend to pleasure you then after a while he’ll move his way back up with both your waists still under the cover and you’ll have sex, make sure to over exaggerate how good it is to seal the deal to the watchers, after all you’re their favourite OTP!” The director walked back behind the cameras while Alex got into position and I gripped the sheets. Little did I know Sweeney was practically seething with rage and jealousy as he watched this take place. *looks like my baby girl needs to be reminded of who she belongs to, stupid Alex is enjoying this way too much, the smug bastard*
“ACTION” was heard from behind the cameras as I released a string of moans. “Oh my godddd David, yes, don’t stop oh please right there.” Was heard as David sped up his ministrations as my volume and neediness increased. “Oh my godddd, right there, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stopppp”, “D-David, I’m gonna c-c-cum” I moaned as my body “writhed in pleasure. Alex came back up from the covers working his way up my body as I stared down at him. He pretended to line himself up with my entrance, just as he went to push himself in I flipped us so I was on top straddling him. I slowly guided Alex to my entrance and sunk down, slowly grinding my hips into his. “Ohhh you’re so tight (fake first name), god the wait was so worth it” me moaned as I leaned day and connected my lips to his, once we ran out of breath I sat back up putting my hands on his chest as his hands grasped my hips. “I’m gonna cum (fake superhero name), oh my godddd”, he moaned as I sped up my movements. “I’m gonna cum too David, faster, faster!”, As he sped up his movements we climaxed and then fell next to each other on the bed, I moved around so I could cuddle him and we fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me. “CUT!”, shouted the director and we both sat up and high fived. The director came over to us and congratulated us as the costume team came over with robes for us both, Alex gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked off to have his makeup removed while giving me a cheeky wink as he turned the corner. I walked over to Sweeney who met me half way and smashed his lips onto mine, happily returning the passionate kiss we stood there making out for a few minutes before the director coughed. Laughing in embarrassment I went to the makeup trailer to have my makeup removed as Sweeney slipped his arm around my waist glaring daggers at any man that walked by us. “What’s wrong Sweeney?” I asked as I sat down in the chair while the makeup technicians did their work. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong! Alex enjoyed that way too much and by the looks of it you weren’t opposed” raged Sweeney as he paced around the trailer. “Enjoyed it? Sweety noooo! I have to act like I enjoyed it or otherwise I’d do a poor job, that’s probably what Alex was doing too!” I said as I stood back up and started making my way to my trailer with Sweeney hot on my tail. “Screw go back to your trailer wait up front and I’ll pull up the car”, Sweeney spat as he sped off down the hall. *wait, is he jealous? Oh my god I think he is!* I thought to myself as I said goodbye to my costars and waited out front for him.
Not even 30 seconds later Sweeney pulls up in front of me, I get into the car and put on my seatbelt as he goes speeding out of the parking lot and around the corner. “Are you jealous?” I asked as I glanced at him driving, his infs gripped the steering wheel even tighter in a white knuckle grip. “Yes, as a matter of fact I am (y/n), the only person who deserves to touch or see you like that is me”, he growled as I felt heat pool inbetween my legs at his response. Nothing this, he gripped my far and told me to spred my legs, “you know you’re the only one I want right Sweeney? Alex is nothing more than just a friend and costar to me”, I breathed as his hand made its way up my legs, “ I know you love me (y/n) but I think you need a little reminder of why exactly I’m better than any other man”, he growled as his hand moved in between my legs, slowly stroking my slit as I gasped and grabbed the arm rest “s-s-Sweeney what do you think y-you’re doing” I moaned as he sped up his ministrations, the heat pooling between my legs steadily growing as I started to lose myself in the pleasure. “ nah ah ah, baby girl, if I had to sit through that sex scene then for an hour then you can sit through 20 minutes of teasing” he offhandedly said as he moved his hand away, groaning in frustration I stared out the window, just as the need for him calmed down he went back to slowly flicking my clit inbetween last strokes, slowly building me up only to remove his hand like it was nothing. “So, what else did you film today honey?”, He asked as he smirked at me “come on, don’t be a buzzkill, answer the question or I’ll remove my hand”, he said in a sing-song voice while I was struggling to keep my composure. The mere prospect of him removing his hand made me clench my legs and hurriedly answer his question, this brutal cycle continued for another 20 minutes before we pulled up to the house.
Just as I stepped through the door with plans to head to the bathroom Sweeney grabbed me by my hips and pinned me against the door, leaving a trail of hickeys on my neck as I grasped his head and ran my fingers through his hair. He picked me up and led me to the couch bending me over the arm rest as he slowly grinded into me from behind, bending down to whisper into my ear. “You like that huh baby? Do you like the way I make you feel? All flustered just from a few touches, I bet Alex couldn’t do this to you”, he teased as he continued grinding into me “b-baby, ahhh that’s so good right there, you’re the only one I want, please, I love it so much please don’t stop, Alex has nothing on you oh please baby don’t stop”, I moaned as he increased the intensity of his thrusts. Seemingly satisfied with the answer he stood back up and walked into the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of whiskey, once he’d put the whiskey back and plonked down onto the couch he turned the tv on and was haphazardly switching through the channels. Turning to me with a smirk which made my knees nearly buckle he snickered. “Now baby doll, I want you to go upstairs into the en-suite, get the shower running all nice and hot and be stripped and ready for me in 5 minutes, you think you can do that?”, he drawled as I practically sprinted up the stairs.
Getting the shower running while dimming the lights and a few candles I took of my robe and placed it by the door, I stuck my hand into the shower and once I was satisfied with its temperature I stepped in and started washing myself. After about 2 minutes I heard slow footsteps come up the stairs along with a few doors opening and closing, my excitement was building up as I finally heard the door to the bathroom open and close with a soft click. Turning around I saw Sweeney in all of his glory walking into the shower and joining me with the task of washing myself. Sneaking a few kisses and touches in both of excitement built up. Just as I turned around the put the body wash back I felt Sweeney’s hard cock press into my butt as he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist . Turning around I was surprised to see how big Sweeney was, being on set for a month clearly made me forget how good sex was with Sweeney, just as I started to get distracted Sweeney attached his lips to my collarbone instantly finding my sweet spot and drawing a long moan out of me. “You like that (y/n)? Of course you do” he chuckled as he pushed me against the shower wall. Finally being in such a close proximity to Sweeney while in privacy finally made me take in all the details of him that I’d missed while filming, he’s wild,crazy hair framing his face, the white streak of hair which so deliciously contrasted against the jet black hair on his head, his black, brooding eyes staring into mine with the intensity of a thousand suns, his muscular body closing me against the wall, the droplets of water rippling against his toned body as he slowly leaned in, the water from the shower falling onto us creating a warm feeling, just adding to the desire of eachother, and his oh so plump lips, slowly coming closer to mine, enveloping mine while our limbs slowly entangled...
Getting lost in his intoxicating scent reminded me of the amazing man I was lucky enough to call my boyfriend, his lips were enveloping mine like no others had, rough but soft, passionate but slow, enticing. I broke apart from his lips as I wrapped my hands into his tangled hair, working the knots out of his hair just as he was working the knots out of my back with his each and every kiss. Soon I felt him line himself up with my entrance, slowly pushing himself in to the hilt as I gasped at the sudden intrusion. “ ohhhh you’re so big baby, ohhh don’t stop, pleaseeeeee”,I moaned as Sweeney started thrusting, each thrust accompanied by a tug to my hair as my face was pushed against the shower wall. “ I bet I’m a lot better than Alex huh? Fake or not I bet he could never compare to this babydoll, look at how well I fill your pussy, you’re struggling to take this cock” “, he groaned in my ear as he started spanking me. Turning me around and picking me up I moaned as he started slamming his hips into mine, hitting that special spot over and over again as I clawed at his back trying to find some purchase through all this pleasure. “Look at you taking my cock so we’ll babydoll, ohhh your so tight” me moaned as he bit my earlobe. My vision was soon clouded by stars as he started thrusting was at an unhuman pace. The pleasure pooling between my legs was slowly growing until it snapped, moaning his name accompanied with a chorus of “ faster, faster, faster” while my body convulsed in pleasure under his. A few more sloppy thrusts from Sweeney soon had him cumming as he screamed (y/n)!!! Oh baby you’re so tight” as he rested his head on my shoulder.
Slowly unwrapping and removing my hand and legs from his body I grabbed a towel and started drying us both off. Turning off the shower and brushing our teeth Sweeney went downstairs to grab us a few bottles of water and snacks as I relaxed in bed, picking a few hoot or films for our marathon. Just as laid back relaxing among the multitude of pillows Sweeney came back, arms full of crisps,chocolate, sweets and a few drinks for us. Climbing into bed I instantly cuddled up to Sweeney as ‘The Chainsaw Massacre’ started playing. Wrapping his arms around me while we fed each snacks, we slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep, wrapped in the arms of the man I love surrounded by tons of food. A perfect day indeed. Was my last coherent thought as Sweeney kissed me on the forehead as we fell into the grasps of slumber.
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& message you without being judged.
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Negan Imagine
So I had this idea, don't know if you'd like that. About Negan seeing his ex girlfriend, the one he had an affair with, at the lineup, she is a part of Ricks group. And both of them don't know how they should react?
Warning: None
I was on the ground, knees aching from being at the kneeling position for so long, I could see the fog of my breath in the cold air, I was violently shaking, scared of what was to come I looked over to my freinds, I looked next to Rick, he also looked terrified. I peeked up to see if I noticed anyone, maybe a rival? But I didn’t see anyone. I looked back down at the ground trying to control my breathing. I hear whistling, the whistling. It sounded.... familiar . Oh no.
It can’t be, it shouldn’t be, I look up to see Negan. “Negan” I breathe out. He looks down to see me. “y/n,” he breathed out as well. We stared at each other what felt like forever. He tilted his head back then looked back at me. “Don’t tell me you’re with this prick.” He pointed his bat at him which made both me and Rick flinch. I look down. “I am.” I say with no remorse. I glare at him. “You know him.” I hear Rick question. “Sadly yes, meet my Ex, Negan. I don’t know whether to fucking yell at you or cry.” I say through gritted teeth. He came up to me and grabbed my chin to look at him. “As I Sweetheart.”
I know it’s short! But I hope you like it!!!
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Uh YES, please 🥺
Do y’all ever just want to get bent over a bed and pounded into by a fictional character much older than you and just let him rearrange your guys till you have that 🦋🦋🦋 sensation? No? Just me? Oh well XD
YES EVERYDAY OF THE WEEK 😭😭It’s what keeping me positive lately
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First Imagine!
Angst, fluff
Warnings: none
Oh,ammm I would like it to be smt with a little angst but mostly fluff where the reader is afraid of darkness but always try to hide it until Anakin finds out while on a mission (end it however you want to:D)
Onto the story !
Conceal, don’t feel. I pushed my dark feelings deep down inside, it kept creeping up like bile in my throat. I twiddled my fingers nervously as I sat in the ship with Anakin and Obi-Wan. Lord knows how scared I was around them, I mean the force could sense darkness right? I was scared of this darkness, Bc I knew If I couldn’t control it good enough it would take over me and turn me evil, I mean that’s how Siths came to be. ‘You can be the most powerful person in the world, you can rule the galaxy, no one telling you what to do’ I squeezed my eyes shut and put both hands on my head as I tried to clear my thoughts. Anakin noticed this. “Y/N.... Y/N!” I gasp and look up to see Anakin. “I sense that there’s something deeply disturbing you.” I started to panic. “L-like what..” I replied. “Like evil? Darkness.” He said eyeing me. “Pft what? No, not at all, nope.” I said popping the P and adding a fake smile to my face. “Ok, you know you can tell me right? If anything is wrong?” I nod my head. “Of course.” He goes back to the front of the ship where Obi-Wan was. I sigh in relief. “Come on self keep it together!” I say to my self
We sneak into the room we knew Count Dooku would be in. I had my blaster in hand while Obi-wan and Anakin hands were in the hilt of their belt ready to draw their lightsabers. “Ah, Y/N I’ve been waiting for you, I’ve heard so much about you.” I turn around and point my blaster at the person speaking. “Dooku, what do you want, how do you know my name?” “That’s not a need to know now Is it ?” Dooku responded. Obi And Anakin drew their lightsabers. “Leave her Alone Count Dooku.” Obi said. “Oh have you not told your friends? About the darkness that almost consumes you, day to day.” “Shut up!” I said through gritted teeth. “What is he talking about Y/N?” I sigh as tears enter my eyes. I turn to Anakin. “I was going to tell you when I was ready. It won’t go away, I don’t know why it chose me.” I said my voice cracking. “It chose you Bc you’re strong in the force, you my dear can rule by my side.” I heard Dooku behind me. I lowered my weapon as the dark thoughts consumed my mind again, both hands shot up to both sides of my head and I scream out in pain. ‘Join us.’ ‘You will be the most powerful in all the Galaxy.’ ‘You can overthrow Dooku.’ I raise my gun to Anakin. “More powerful than you” I said in a trance. “Y/N don’t listen to the darkness, this Isn’t you. You’re good.” “I am darkness.” I say my voice cracking. “The person I love is not dark, I love you Y/N.” I feel myself wince or rather the darkness. “Come back Y/N, come back to me.” He said softly. I could feel myself pushing through the darkness. “Don’t listen to him.” Count Dooku says. Anakin begins to slowly approach me. “You’re good Y/N.” I look into his eyes and memories of him and I flood my mind. Me and Anakin practicing lightsaber fighting, jokes we threw at each other,Looking at each other at sunset, hugging him when he got back from a mission I didn’t get to go on. I gasp and come back and drop my blaster and pull Anakin into a tight hug, the tears leaving my eyes. He hugged me back tightly. “I knew you were good.” He said into my hair.
We arrive back home and I head straight to my room, not wanting to talk to Obi about anything, not even Anakin. “Y/N, hey wait up.” I turn to see Anakin running after me. “Anakin I don’t-, I cant talk about it.” I say looking down. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He said looking down at me. “I-I couldn’t lose you as a friend.” I say looking up at him with teary eyes. “You are so much more than a friend to me.” He said smiling. “A sister?” I say looking back down. He chuckled. “No, a lover.” He said lifting my chin to look at him. “But that’s against-.” “And you think I care? I can’t keep these feelings in any longer Y/N, please tell me you’ll be mine, I love you.” I don’t get to respond Bc he kisses me, right there in front of my door. I kiss back and pull away. “Sure.” I smile at him. He smiled and kissed me again, let’s just say the next year, that darkness left, for good.
I hope you enjoyed! Please share with friends and send them my way for requests!
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Hello fellow fanatics of all kind! I’m new to writing on Tumblr, I usually write on Wattpad but I thought If you guys sent in requests I’d write some for you, so any imagines you want that an account your following hasn’t got to your request I’m here for you.
Fandoms I do !
Luficer Series
Star Wars Series
The 100
Pirates of the Carribean/Jack Sparrow
The Princess Bride(which is actually a big hit on Wattpad atm)
The Walking Dead
Marvel !!!
So if any of you would like an imagine from a character out of any of these television and movie series please please please Inbox me and give me a follow! Tell your friends ! Happy reading ! Not my GIF!
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A/N: Enjoy some more Jack! Have fun!
20th October: Potions. ⚗️ | feat. Captain Jack Sparrow
Words: 896 Warnings: spoilers for POTC5
Keep reading
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Tony: *looking down at earth from heaven and sees Quentin Beck hurting Peter*
Tony: Someone resurrect me so I kill this son of a bitch!
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I laughed way to much😅😂
Your ex: “hey can we talk?”
Loki: *takes your phone* “She’s at a funeral?”
Ex: “Really? Who died?”
Loki: “Her feelings for you, mortal” *hangs up.*
You: “My God of mischief.” *laughing*
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me in the shower: writes an entire novel and plans the sequel.
me in front of my computer: how do I spell 'the'?
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my kinda guy
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☠ that boy is a monster ☠  - yet another kylo ren moodboard. 
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