woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
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do i even need to say who this is about
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
forever glad that de doesn’t really have a Fandom so much as it does a Community. because if it DID we would be subjected to 24/7 arguments about how either liking cuno is immoral and blocklist worthy or how he’s just an entirely innocent abused babyboy who says the f slur to cope and if you hate him you’re an abuse apologist & also harry’s going to be his new dad and fix him or whatever. the truth is that he 1. is my little guy 2. is the worst fucking kid ever 3. can only be fixed by gifting him an ant farm. he would like an ant farm i think
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
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ohhh i can’t not fuck her
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
it is NOT kim “i can fix him” kitsuragi and jean “i can make him worse” vicquemare . jean has spent fucking YEARS trying to answer for harry’s actions, watching him bounce between illfated sobriety attempts and active addiction, bouts of mania that drive every member of his team away, and violent attacks on civilians. he’s the one who tells judit that harry doesn’t want to go for morning walks and drink juice, that harry told him himself that he only wants to get worse. jean isn’t trying to make him go further down this spiral. he’s just so so tired of fruitlessly trying to drag him out of it.
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
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INSULINDIAN PHASMID -  The insect’s head is crowned with reed-like scales, the shape of seed heads. They rustle as the air moves.
A higher quality closer look at the in-game model of the phasmid.
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
soooo funny that it’s heavily implied that the concepts that harry forgets entirely are things that gave him immense pain in life because like. he remembers art and sports and weirdly specific mechanical knowledge. but the pale? money? homosexuality? absolutely nothing. zilch. the horror of the pale and the constant crush of capitalism are pretty self explanatory. and maybe homophobia is the reason he blocks it and the fslur out entirely but i like to think he got dick so bad it gave him retrograde amnesia
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
made a post like “man its so cool that de will lie to you and you have to determine what the right course of action is regardless of the checks. because sometimes you can succeed at doing something and only make harry’s life worse! no wonder the guy went fuckin crazy” and everyone in the notes was like Yes That’s How Real Life Works Too. You Also Do That IRL. but you know what? no. im not taking that. in real life i don’t have 24+ voices in my mind telling me to kiss my exes and repress my latent homosexuality. i only have the ONE and it doesnt even do me the courtesy of turning slurs into static
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
one of the best bits in the whole game to me was when you can interrupt rené and gaston during their game. and phys instrument will be like YEAHHH THROW THE BALL! DON’T HESITATE! BE A MAN! and so naturally. i went for the check to toss it with my silly little +2 from non-hesitation. and it succeeds and their *boule* goes flying into the fucking ocean and immediately things are Worse! i have to go get them a new ball. they’re both upset with me. despite passing the check harry has failed on an Astronomical Level. and i very immediately realized that unlike any other game i’ve played, in disco elysium, the mechanics meant to help you and guide you will lie and mislead you. that was the moment--before volition and klaasje, before suggestion and dora--where i realized that this whole game was going to be on me. harry’s a detective! and even when you as the player are only dealing with your own thoughts, you have to detect. you have to play liar and lied-to with your own mind. no wonder he went fucking crazy
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
fire and flame are such important motifs in disco elysium. they’re the opposite of the title of the game, actually–disco inferno rather than disco elysium. learning through suffering and pain. put de makes it so abundantly clear that life as a whole is burning. i put something very similar to this on another post but all of it makes me think so hard about the fact that, despite everything, harry knows instinctively that his name “should be deep gold and orange, like a forest fire looming on the horizon”. and in response to that revelation, inland empire says le retour is is “golden red, inside you, but also outside, on the horizon.” tiago tells you the mother of silence must be worshipped with “a burning heart”, and the paledriver says that being deep into the pale is “like autumn. dark grey and orange, the orange of streetlights and the color of trees in the electric light.” harry can tell the phasmid life is like “fire, burning”, and in response, it’ll say “existence must be like the highest of hells, a kaleidoscope of fire and writhing glass. eternal damnation.” and that’s all there is! fire and writhing glass. sodium lights and the sky. harry is a violent, irrepressible miracle, and yet he can’t put the smoke back in dora’s mouth. because at the end of the day, at the end of the world, life and the pale alike–the spot so deep in where you’re inundated in the past of humanity, drowning in other peoples lives and memories–are burning. it’s looking at the endless darkness, at inaction and silence and nothingness and choosing to embrace pain and burning light and wanting things from people who don’t want to give them to you. and there’s no love more powerful than that. a ocean of nothingness surrounding people who burn for each other
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
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disco elysium but harry is a popsicle and kim is a clown ice cream 
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
Cannot stop thinking about Jean, cannot stop thinking about the fact that him as a person is defined by his association with Harry and he has no identity beyond being Harry’s partner, cannot stop thinking how his position in the RCM is “satellite officer” and he is nothing but his quiet orbit around Harry’s burning star, cannot stop thinking about how even his name “Jean” is a mark of his anonymous nature, cannot stop thinking about what he is going to do now that Harry no longer needs him and how he felt sitting in that wig and glasses day after day watching the man he is nothing without walk past him without recognition and how after three years of covering his ass he is instantaneously replaced by someone else better than him, less clinically depressed.
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
feel like he’d eat a handful and then start crying about how it’s a metaphor for women or whatever
harry dubois seems like the type of guy to mix m&ms and skittles
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
fire and flame are such important motifs in disco elysium. they’re the opposite of the title of the game, actually--disco inferno rather than disco elysium. learning through suffering and pain. but de makes it so abundantly clear that life as a whole is burning. i put something very similar to this on another post but all of it makes me think so hard about the fact that, despite everything, harry knows instinctively that his name “should be deep gold and orange, like a forest fire looming on the horizon”. and in response to that revelation, inland empire says le retour is is “golden red, inside you, but also outside, on the horizon.” tiago tells you the mother of silence must be worshipped with “a burning heart”, and the paledriver says that being deep into the pale is “like autumn. dark grey and orange, the orange of streetlights and the color of trees in the electric light.” harry can tell the phasmid life is like “fire, burning”, and in response, it’ll say “existence must be like the highest of hells, a kaleidoscope of fire and writhing glass. eternal damnation.” and that’s all there is! fire and writhing glass. sodium lights and the sky. harry is a violent, irrepressible miracle, and yet he can’t put the smoke back in dora’s mouth. because at the end of the day, at the end of the world, life and the pale alike--the spot so deep in where you’re inundated in the past of humanity, drowning in other peoples lives and memories--are burning. it’s looking at the endless darkness, at inaction and silence and nothingness and choosing to embrace pain and burning light and wanting things from people who don't want to give them to you. and there’s no love more powerful than that. a ocean of nothingness surrounding people who burn for each other
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
Is anyone else completely and totally enraptured with The Pale and entroponetics?? That entire discussion with Joyce had me so fascinated – and then the church, and Soona, and The Swallow? There’s so so little that we know about it, and it takes a psychic conversation with the Insulindian Phasmid to even learn that it arrived at the same time as human life did. I want to know more. I want to know e v e r y t h i n g about it. 
Where did it originate? Why? It’s expanding, but at what rate? What happens to organic and inorganic matter if it’s left in the Pale long-term? Why does it erase data? How? I need more. Does it spread sporadically, with little Swallows appearing, or is it like a blanket being pulled over the area? Can humanity survive the Pale? Are there people still living there, or is it a blight (maybe like the Shadow Fold in Shadow and Bone)?? I need to know more.
I am so obsessed with it that I literally have the Pale and Swallow concept art printed out and hanging on my wall. If they released these as actual prints I’d literally buy it so fast. Or even like an entroponetics textbook. Hell, I’d buy and play an entire game dedicated to discovering the Pale and its origins and what it does/is/quantifying it in some way. It’s so genius and I am obsessed.
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
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Love the idea that Harry is trans but he forgot. Does it make sense? No. Is it objectively hilarious? Yes.
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
playing as a moralist has been pretty funny thus far because like. the inherent absurdity of this clearly deranged and opinionated man constantly picking the None Of The Above slot and just generally being a mockery of centrism is Really Good. but absolutely nothing could’ve prepared me for what happens when you pass the viscal check on the execution site
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like i’m not kidding when i say this has haunted my thoughts for days. jesus christ
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woollymonkeybaby · 2 years
the art degree to mentally unwell 43 year old amnesiac bisexual cop who commits unspeakable actions and has psychic visions pipeline
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