#the connection w the human mind interests me the most
areislol · 1 year
I stumble upon your writing and I actually really love it. Is it okay if I request on Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Ao'nung with a human reader with their first time hearing human music? And they actually end up liking it and the human reader teaching them with fun human dance? Again your writing is amazing! 😊💙
neteyam, lo’ak, ao'nung x human! reader
ft— neteyam, lo’ak, ao'nung warnings— nothing that i can think of... please tell me if i do need to add anything! gn! reader, the boys & reader are friends but they both like each other, fluff!! a/n— MY FIRST EVER AVATAR REQUEST!! and im so glad you love my writing ^^ im not really a fan of ao'nung since he's sort of mean but! im sure he'll change, didn’t know if it was platonic or not so i just went w/ friends but crushing. hope you enjoy this love! synopsis— letting him listen to some of your favourite music, you don't expect him to like it, but he does.
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you had always kept your phone and earphones with you, it was like your comfort(ish), listening to music was comforting.
even after landing on Pandora and meeting the omaticaya clan and the  metkayina clan, you always kept your phone in your pocket.
he was always so interested and intrigued by your phone, pressing the screen and clicking on the apps, not knowing what it did.
one day, you were on your phone, taking pictures of the reef when you felt someone behind you, it was like someone tall looming over you, trying to look at what you’re doing.
and you were correct, he was looming over you, trying to see what you were doing
“im taking a picture, remember what that means?” you say, putting your phone down, he nods.
you two sit down on the sand, using the trees leaves as shade, you pull out your phone and press on an icon that looked like “ ♫ “, you put your hands in your pocket and grab out something that looked tangled.
it was quite long and black, it had two stubs at the top. upon grabbing them, he looked at you, eyes filled with curiosity.
you plug the earphones into the designated spot for the earphones, you put one of the stubs into your ear, he watched your every move.
he sat beside you, looking at the long black strings connected to your phone when you lent him one of the other half of the black stub.
he quirked his eyebrow, eyeing the mysterious string looking thing, you offered to him again, this time putting your arm out a bit more further
he reluctantly takes it and observes it, he sees you pointing to his ear indicating that he’s meant to put it in his ear
he puts the bud in his ear and doesn’t hear anything, he gives you a look, “what’s meant to happen?” he asks, you put your phone in the middle and press a button, that’s when something starts to play... the volume low, you didn’t want his ears hurt or anything since it would be his first time listening to music.
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neteyam x human! reader
He doesn’t know what to make of this, it’s his very first time listening to music, neteyam doesn’t understand, how could he hear another person’s voice through this little bud? many things and questions are going on in his mind, but most importantly, he can hear the melody in his ear. It’s nothing like what you’d hear at a ceremony, with percussions/natural instruments. It’s directly in his ear. You see his eyes squinting from confusion, his ears twitching. The volume is low but hearable, neteyam is still, not moving a muscle, while you on the other hand was bobbing your head and occasionally humming to the tune. Neteyam stares at you, wondering why you’re moving like that. Your eyes are closed, taking in the music, enjoying the music. Neteyam can’t help but feel all these unexplainable emotions and feelings, he doesn’t know what to say or think, but what he does know is that he enjoys it. The rhythm and beat is enjoyable, the person who was singing sounded nice, but not as good as the other singers from the omaticaya clan. The way you express how much you love and enjoy the song makes the song much more enjoyable, it even starts to make him feel good, smiling even. You catch him humming to the tune very few times, he had memorized the tune after hearing it repeat. The volume is always kept low, if it goes any higher, it might irritate neteyam or hurt his eardrums, that’s what you think anyways. About halfway through the song you press your finger on your phone, pausing the song. When hearing the song stop, neteyam looks at you confused, “why did you stop it?” neteyam questions, you turn your head to face him, you take out your earbud and when you do, he follows your action. “Well i didn’t know if you liked it or not so...” you reply while shrugging your shoulders, now focusing on the reef. There was a pregnant pause before he spoke again, “I do like it, it has a nice.. feeling.” he mumbles, his tail slapping the sand, once again, it was silent, it was killing you, the neteyam pressing a button on your phone, playing the song. You looked back at neteyam who was now staring at you, he had the earbud in his ear, the other one in his hand, neteyam held out your earbud and you took it without any hesitation. Your put the earbud in and you could hear the music, but instead of paying attention to the song, you paid attention to neteyam who was bobbing his head lightly, it looked like he was trying to mimic your movement. He was adorable. “Enjoying it?” you ask while chuckling, neteyam stops bobbing his head and gives you a nod. “Yes, i like it.” You’re not shocked or surprised, neteyam had always been intrigued by the “sky people’s” culture when he first met you, just as you were with their culture. So it didn’t shock you very much when he said that he enjoyed and liked the song. You pick up your phone, being careful not to stretch out the earbuds, you then swipe to play another song, neteyam remembered what you did so just incase he wanted to listen to music and then switch songs.. While listening to the songs neteyam asked you a question, it was if the sky people danced. If they danced to their favourite song or songs in general. You heard his question and quickly paused the song, you took out your earbud and set it down, neteyam sets his one down as well. “Yes we do teyam. We dance to our favourite songs, we dance at balls, graduations, whenever we feel like it.” you state. Neteyam nods to tell you that he understands you, “what are balls? and graduation?” neteyam asks, pronouncing the word ‘graduation’ with an accent, he had never of that word before so his accent was pretty clear. “Balls is basically dancing elegantly with a partner in a big room, with very fancy music. Not like the one we were listening to,” you look at neteyam to make sure that he’s understanding you, he gives you a nod which meant to ‘carry on’. “Graduations is when someone from grade 5-12 finishes their grade and most times they party you know? to celebrate the end of year and grade. For the year 12′s it is a very special and important time, they go out to find jobs, to find a place to live and to live adulthood.” you finish answering, neteyam seemed a bit.. confused. He was being fed a lot of information that he didn’t really understand, which made him feel a little bit too much and you can’t blame him. Neteyam sat still, looking at you. You’re staring at him when you have an idea, you didn’t know if it’d suck or not but it’s worth a shot. You stood up, grabbing your phone with your earphones attached, neteyam continues to stare at you, wondering why you got up out of nowhere, that was until you spoke. “Would you like me to teach you how to dance? the human way that is..” You’re standing there awkwardly, waiting for a response when you see neteyam get up, his much taller figure looms over you. Neteyam looked shy, his ears pointed downwards, his tail swaying side to side, avoiding eye contact with you only for a few seconds before he held your hands, “teach me.” This interaction made your heart pound rapidly, you hesitantly pulled your hand away, taking a few deep breaths you beamed at him, “of course!” and from that you unplugged your earphone from your phone, you put the earphones in your pocket and scrolled on your phone before stopping to press on a song, a slow and classical song plays, neteyam was confused. It sounded so, soft, “elegant” and slow. You went back to neteyam and held his arm, “don’t worry ‘kay? If you’re uncomfortable or want to stop just tell me.” You spend the next few 30 minutes and possibly even an hour teaching him how to sway side to side, twirl you around, and trying to waltz but it was hard to do so when he’s literally 3 feet taller than you, AND when he’s trying so hard to not step on your foot, it’d be one, embarrassing and two, it’d hurt your foot and would probably hurt for days. When you and neteyam got bored of dancing to the classical song, you switched up the music. This time it was the same song that neteyam first heard, it would be much easier to teach since neteyam already enjoys the song. After picking the song you go back where neteyam stood just started to... dance. There isn’t a specific way to dance when you’re enjoying something, like a NPC, you just dance however you feel like. You moved one of your shoulders up and the other down(if it was in the birds eye view) and did the opposite and then repeat, your head bobbing slightly. Neteyam followed what you did closely and started to mimic your dance moves, he was stiff and tense at first but seeing how you really seemed enjoyed everything he loosened up a bit and let his joy take over. You spun around and danced, and whenever there was a drum part you’d stop dancing and drum to the beat, neteyam was confused at first but upon hearing the drum, he pieced one and two together and understood, you did it enough times that even neteyam started to do it, the people walking past you and neteyam would give you weird looks because what are you two doing? but neither you or neteyam cared, you two were just enjoying your time together(or he’d shoot them looks which would make them instantly look the other way and scurry away while you’re still dancing, eyes closed, and when you open your eyes you see neteyam enjoying himself, not staring daggers at people). The entire time neteyam’s watching you, observing you, admiring you. The way your eyes light up and widen when your favourite part of the song comes on, the way you sing along, you looked so happy. Your expressions and dancing was enough to make him smile and tag along, neteyam watched you the entire time, he could never get enough of you. At the end of your ‘lesson’ you were tired but neteyam, on the other hand was not at all. It was like a warm up to him. “When can you teach me next time?” neteyam asks, still standing up, staring at you who’s sitting on the sand absolutely drained. Taking a few deep breaths you look right back at him, “eager to learn, hm?” you say, a smile adorning your face. He nods and sits down beside you, you two don’t talk for some times, both thinking. You may even teach him the cha cha or other famous dances (not any tiktok dances) that you think he might enjoy. “Maybe tomorrow?” you reply, neteyam nods his head. Whatever you teach him, he’ll always remember and one day you two might dance together, as friends, best friends or mates.
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lo’ak x human! reader
Lo’ak’s ear twitches, it felt.. weird to say the least. The music, the sounds, they were coming from this small bud and entered in his ear. He has never experienced this before, he’s nervous. Once he sees you dancing to the music, he eases a little. If you’re enjoying this then he should too, his eyes paying much attention to you. The entire time, you were never out of his sight. You were sitting on the sand, listening to your favourite song, you were bobbing your head side to side to the beat of the song and sang the lyrics. Lo’ak listened to your singing, and it felt as if this voice went all through his body, into his veins and blood. Slowly but surely lo’ak started to slightly bob his head as well. His tail whipped around, his ears twitching upwards, he remains quiet just watching you doing your thing. “What do you think of it?” you question, pressing the pause button on your phone, lo’ak hums, he ponders for a bit before answering, “i... i liked it? it was nice to listen to, i don’t know what to say, how can i hear this other person through this little... object?” lo’ak spoke, he sounded hesitant to speak his mind even though he thought of his answer. He held up the little bud to your face, “well, uhm, you just connect this earphone to your phone and everything that you normally hear that comes out of the phone will come out through the earphones, you put it in your ear to hear, you can’t listen to it if you don’t have it in.” you explain with a faint smile on your face, you hope the he understands and he does, somehow. Lo’ak gives you a nod and goes on to ask you more questions about the song you two were just listening to, what it meant since every song has a meaning and others. Answering all of his questions made lo’ak even more curious, he wanted to know all the details, even if you knew little yourself. When he asked you about if the sky people danced as well, you nod your head, “of course we do! why wouldn’t we?” you reply, lo’ak shrugged.  After receiving that answer your eyebrows furrowed, out of the blue you shot up, which resulted in lo’ak flinching. “Are you okay?” lo’ak asks worriedly, “why wouldn’t i be?” you respond before getting up, a gentle smile adorned your face, “want me to teach you?” you suggest, for a few (what felt like) long seconds lo’ak thinks, not before long he gives you a nod, “sure” and with that answer he gets up and you start to scroll on your phone, trying to find a song to play, after scrolling for a bit you found one of your favourite songs and pressed play. Hearing the music playing, lo’ak’s ear twitches up, his eyes kept on your figure the entire time. You then explain to him that there wasn’t anything you needed to teach him, there’s nothing specific to do when dancing, you just.. dance. It all depends on what and how you’re feeling. Lo’ak is confused, how he is just supposed to dance to his feelings? normally you learn dances from the teacher, you’re prepared. “How do you.. dance like that?” lo’ak asks, you shrug in response, “let the music take over your body.” you then say. You continue to dance while lo’ak stood still, watching your every move, watching the way your body moved when you danced, his eyes trained on you and only you. You went over to your phone and turn up the volume only by a bit then resumed dancing, lo’ak watched as you danced once again, he was hesitant to dance at first but after a few encouraging words he finally builds up the courage to start dancing along with you. Lo’ak doesn’t know what to do but observing your moves proved to be useful as he starts to copy your movements and dance with you. “Nice moves lo’ak!” you cried out while giving him a sweet smile. Once your words were registered in his mind his movements seemed to slow down, lo’ak looked much shyer now, his eyes downcast, his tail swaying from shyness or excitement, you don’t know, but what you do know is that he’s slowly enjoying this, his dancing at first was tense, he was stiff, but now? it’s like a boy going from having no balls to having balls which is a huge step. When lo’ak was getting the hang of it, you taught him how to twirl (you) and the cha cha, yes, the cha cha, and in all honestly lo’ak absolutely loved it when he twirled you, it looked fun, he wished you were just a bit taller though so maybe you could twirl him too... Lo’ak loved every second of this little lesson, the sky people’s culture differs from the na’vi one, but he has grown to (sort of) like it, being intrigued by some of the things that they don’t have but you have, curiosity always fills his mind, which may lead to good come outs, and bad come outs. Lo’ak is sure that he enjoyed todays lesson, even asking you if you could teach him more dances or things that sky people normally do which you agree at. Lo’ak goes to sleep that night, thinking about they way you held his hand, his arm, the way you stared at him when he danced with you, your eyes were on him. Needless to say, he slept with a smile on his face.
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ao’nung x human! reader
He doesn’t even know why he’s listening to “whatever this is”, butttt since you said that you enjoyed this he indulged. To say the least he’s fascinated by this small “device”, what you call it. Ao’nung hears a melodic tune in his ear, he’s confused and will probably be forever until you answer his question(s), how could this happen? he finds it odd and is already asking you questions. “How does it work?” “what it the meaning of that? what is the purpose?” “who made them?” “how does it just work like that when you put it in your phone?”, he’s bombarding you with questions and you can’t even answer them due to the fact that he’s overlapping each question one by one, you have to stop him from questioning you any further or you might be overwhelmed with all the questions. When you tell ao’nung to “stop for a second” he immediately stops, looking at you with confusion for a second but seeing how your eyes squinted and your confused look on your face he pieces one and two together and figures that you’re overwhelmed by his questions, he mutters a quiet ‘sorry’ under his breath, but you don’t catch that. After a few seconds you resume talking, this time explaining the purpose of the earphones and how it works. You paused the song to talk and he almost looks disappointed to say the least.. his face droops for a bit but once you look up he looks fine, weird. Once you were done explaining, ao’nung processes everything in his mind, so you just plug it in the phone and it works? wow. You could see how ao’nung still looked confused, thinking of something to make him understand it more, (since he was really intrigued by your earphones) you finally think of something and turn to face ao’nung who was staring at you but it felt more like he was staring right beside you. It was like he was zoning out. ″Ao’nung?” you whisper, poking his arm while looking at his face to see if he’ll react and thankfully he did. His shook his head lightly and looked down to look at you, once seeing that he was now focusing on you, his gaze was on you. You cleared your throat and asked your question, “would you.. would you like me to teach you how to dance? the human way.”, ao’nung is still, he doesn’t know what to say but his big ego says otherwise. ″Sure, it probably isn’t hard anyway.” he answers, giving you a smug look on his face and shrugging before getting up, rolling your eyes playfully you grab your phone and press “play”. Ao’nung is confident that he’ll do amazing, no mistakes, absolutely nothing. He’ll nail it. But this lesson proved to be harder than he thought. Getting up, you walked over to where ao’nung stood and was he so much taller than you, it made you knees felt like jelly and made your heart pound 100 times faster... but you snapped out of your thoughts and started your “lesson”, bobbing your head you started to sing the lyrics, “aren’t you meant to teach me how to dance your way?” you nod, still singing, “why aren’t you doing that then?” he asks, “just listen to the song, and once you really start to feel it, you’ll start to dance.” you respond with a shrug. Ao’nung tsks and crosses his arm, eyeing you as you started to do these random moves, it was new to him, and it certainly made you look funny but he found it amusing. Gradually ao’nung felt this weird feeling, it was like warmth, it radiated through out his body, was it the sun? can’t be. The song, you singing made him feel some type of way, and to his dismay (?) he enjoyed it, he liked it. A smile creeps onto his face, you’re enjoying the song and look at ao’nung who is now dancing along with you but his dancing is... a bit stiff, you almost cringe. So in order to relax him you decide to change the song to something more relaxing and classic. Yes, classical music. Changing the music, ao’nung stared at you, confused on why you changed the song when a soft, slow melody plays. You walk up to ao’nung, “twirl me around, here,” you mutter, taking his hand and making him hold your hand, ao’nung can’t help but feel his cheeks heating up, his heart beating much faster now. You gesture him to raise his hand but once he does he almost lifts you up, you yelp and he stops. Ao’nung chuckles before apologizing.  Letting out a huff you accept his apology and tell him to spin you around, he does so, and he does it quite well. You tell him to “flex his arm out” and “step back a bit”, he complies, and when he does you do too. You and ao’nung practice this for a while until he’s finally not so stiff. Every time he made progress you would praise him and clap, making him feel more shy under your gaze. That made him want to keep on practicing and dancing with you. While you two were practicing and dancing, ao’nung kept his eyes on you but upon seeing a familiar group walking beside where you two were, he shifted his gaze from you to them. It was his friend group, sure they were all his friends but he couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed, his friends caught him dancing with you, someone they despised due to the fact you weren’t one of them, na’vi. They were giggling and pointing at you two, covering their mouths to speak about you or him, but after looking at you, he regained his confidence. He looked back at his group, staring daggers at them. If looks could kill they would be on the floor already. Ao’nung mouthed “leave.” and gave them a stern and dark look, his friends rolled their eyes and walked away, waving their hands around and grumbling. Once they were out of his sight he turned to look at you who was now looking at him, you looked annoyed. “What’s your excuse now?” you say sternly. Ao’nung looks at you wide eyed before apologizing and explaining that he saw his friends and that they were bothering him. You eye him, squinting your eyes before letting out a “hmph” and changing the song, ao’nung sighed in relief, at least you didn’t scold him for not practicing when he agreed on doing so, but that relief didn’t last when you told him that he was going to learn how to do the waltz. He had you talking about “waltzing” to one of the sully kids and it did not sound fun at all, with you mentioning how some people step on each others shoe. It wouldn’t be fun if he stepped on your foot, but if you stepped on his foot it’d be nothing. You grinned upon seeing how ao’nung looked like he didn’t want to do this. You two spent the next hours waltzing, he hated it, but as long as it was with you then he didn’t mind. The feeling of your touches made his heart beat faster, how you gently touched his arm, the way you guided his hands to where they need to be made him stiff, to which you frowned upon and went on about how ‘no matter how many times you un-stiffen him, he always end up being stiff and tense again!!”. It’s not like he can control it though. At the end of the lesson you and ao’nung are walking back to where the the village is, both of your hands brushing against each other occasionally which makes you two look at each other, then when both of your eyes meet you both instantly turn away. There is silence before ao’nung clears his throat which makes you look up at him, “when can you teach me again..?” he asks, you raise your eyebrows at him and shrug your shoulders, “hm.. maybe never?” you joke, ao’nung face drops and he stops dead in his tracks. You’re quick to give your real answer though, “wait! im just kidding! tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon.” you say, a tinge of panic laced your words. Once ao’nung hears your reply he eases and resumes walking, with you catching up with him. “You’ve got to stop that.” “stop what?” “teasing me.”, you roll your eyes playfully and he smiles. “More like you need to stop teasing me on a daily basis.”
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note: if you would like to be added to the avatar taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy <3
taglist:  send me an ask or comment to be in my avatar taglist^  
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!
another note: im going on a cruise with my friends and family on jan 8th to jan 13th so i wont be writing from then :( enjoy!! also ao’nungs part is a bit rushed so <33
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satansindexfinger · 2 years
Can you do the Brothers and Undateables reacting to an MC who called God sky daddy?
Author's note: ahsjdjdkf this is hilarious, thank you for requesting! It feels so weird putting the fancy banners and everything for something this silly lmao
Warnings: none
Crack; gn!mc
Everyone's Reaction To You Calling God 'Sky Daddy'
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"... Pardon?"
He knows for a fact you did not just call his father sky daddy of all things. It takes him a moment to process it.
He visably cringes and rubs his temples, annoyance evident, "Please, for the love of everything, do not refer to him that way ever again."
What would even posess you to do that? You humans really are an enigma Lucifer can't decipher.
He couldn't look more disgusted if he tried.
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"Huh? W-who are ya callin' that?!"
Relax, Mammon. God isn't their side-hoe. It's not the type of daddy you're picturing. It's a joke.
"Damn, why didn't ya just call him by his name... yer really weird, yknow that?"
Now he's jealous. Why does God get a goofy nickname and he doesn't?!
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Thinks it's hilarious. So what if it's his dad? That was a good one, MC!
Boy is well-versed in obscure internet slang so nothing can surprise him on that front. Won't dare to use it himself but... okay, maybe when it's just you two.
He really wants to fit in okay? Probably has his own fair share of memes relating to The Lord (tm) and will send you every last one.
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"Thank who?"
Did he hear you right? Is this some weird type of human word play? Even his big brain needs a second to connect the dots.
"Huh, I've never heard that alias of his before. Well, he is on the upper realm, and he is technically the father of all things... I suppouse it makes sense."
Doesn't pay any mind to it after analyzing the connection. He thinks it's a weird way of saying it but you do you, MC.
I lied. He so keeps that in the back of his mind to use when Lucifer is around just to piss him off.
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"Oh, MC! I didn't know you had quite the mouth on you! How blasphemous!"
Gasps like the drama queen he is.
Good job, you've turned his cringy flirt mode on. Now he won't leave you alone.
You might want to reconsider your word usage around this bitch next time.
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Whomst? What?? Sky who?
Doesn't get it, doesn't ask about it. He thinks he didn't hear you clearly over the sound of his munching.
Will look at you like a confused dog and cock his head, hoping you'd explain. If you do he will just nod. Like it's the most normal thing he's heard all day.
"Ah, you mean Father." Whatever. Back to your guys' scheduled sixth meal of the day.
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"Sky daddy? Really? Could you be any weirder about him?"
If you pay close attention you can hear his subtle snicker. Come off it Belphie, you think it's hilarious.
Would absolutely call his maker sky daddy if they ever met again. Shame he's probably permanently banned from the celestial realm.
Look me in the eyes and tell me he hasn't attempted to call God weird ass names to his face before.
Joins Satan in his quest to piss Lucifer off by calling their father that.
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Congrats, you've stumped the demon lord himself! .. For a split second. Then he lets out a laugh like he's just watched the funniest stand up on Netflix.
"You're just full of surprises, aren't you, MC? What an odd nickname!"
Thinks it's charming for some reason. You little humans and your interesting choice of words! How cute!
"Does that make me ground daddy?"
Diavolo please.
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Ignores you. No reaction from this killjoy right here.
Okay, maybe he finds it just a tad amusing. Won't show it though. He might mention it in passing while he's having tea with Diavolo and chuckle a bit about the blatant disrespect you have the balls to show, but that's about it.
Or so you think. Motherfucker will drop it in conversation when you least expect it.
"It's a good thing we heard the timer on the oven this time. I suppouse we can thank Sky Daddy for this?"
It sounds illegal coming out of his mouth.
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"Daddy Jay-Z really has blessed us today."
Will play along with it. Man gives zero shits. Remember, this is the same dude who wanted to call Michael Mike.
He already knows he's going to hell shall he become mortal again so why not drag his favourite MC down with him?
"May the cloud son-in-law and holy poltergeist help us one day too."
You two are a walking menace.
(Let me upload the banner you piece of shit site)
Look absolutely scandalized. You might as well have murdered Luke right infront of his eyes.
"M-MC!! That is highly disrespectful! Please watch your language, especially if Luke is around."
Knows you were probably trying to be funny but mans is whipped for holiness. Relax, he knows you probably didn't know any better so he isn't mad.
Just a bit dissappointed.
Won't lecture you further but will sigh and look disapprovingly if you ever did it again.
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deardiary1899 · 2 months
I haven't posted in a while but do any of yall think any of the newsies are just, local heartthrobs for many new york men, women, etc? Or, in simpler words, who's popular with the people?
It doesn't HAVE to be romantic, but, I believe that humans are naturally curious beings, and so there's no way no upper class kids have ever thought of trying to hang around the newsies, or any lower classed people
Jack is the first to come to mind (other than Race because, of course I think of him first, but, we'll push him aside for now). He's definitely a charmer-- might have gotten a bit too close with a few people, but never close enough to have something serious. Oh, and he's definitely some kind of role model for a lot of kids-- He probably sees them on the street a few times, and they always try to mimic the way he talks, acts and all-- It's just fun to be Jack Kelly!!
Davey is a respectable and kind of awkward guy, but, man, it's an awkward that's pretty cute, y'know? He's like,,, a someone that people would find hard to start a convo with, but if you know the right things to coax him, you'd be hitting it off w him intellectually and whatever else. He's fairly popular? He knows a nice grandma who owns a sweet shop near the school that Les goes to, and a few other nice people from around Manhattan from buying an apple, a book, or whatnot!
Albert, Albert, Albert! I don't think he'd actively be looking out for people to form a connection with (outside the newsies)? He looks like the kind of newsie that everyone sees walking by, and finds handsome or something-- nice face, and all. Though, Albert wouldn't mind if anyone approached him, really, he just prioritizes the connections he already has!! Probably, he's like, some guy that people have small talk with but drops some mind blowing philosophical realization before he runs off to wherever in Manhattan.
Elmer and Crutchie! I think they'd be popular with a lot of people, namely girls? because they're just soo cute! They're sweethearts, and gentlemen in their one way, Although, I'd say Elmer is a bit more rowdy? A bit loud, but he means well! This may probably be a disadvantage as much as it is an advantage for them? They look like the type of people that would eeaaaasily be shimmered down to a few or one trait (COUGHCOUGHCRUTCHIECOUGHCOUGH) so, they're probably more like "entertainment"? Or "Pleasing to the eye" as of the moment, until the people are just ready to move on.
And, ohhhhh, Race!!! Debate me on this, but, he's definitely THE heartthrob here. I'm probably just down bad (I am), but, have you SEEN HIM? He's got wit, a cute smile, tons of energy and lots of hard work built in that body! I'm suuuper biased because he's my fav, but, hear me out-- he's THE guy everyone would be obsessed with in a modern highschool au setting because he's just RACE! He's got a natural charm and confidence, and people often mistake him as flirting when he's reaaally just trying to be nice, most of the time! He goes the extra mile for people he likes, that's for sure, but, I guess? Race is Manhattan's sweetheart, in short? Am I stretching it if I said even folks in the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, etc. are interested in him?
Anyhow, those are my thoughts and headcanons about it-- might be off the chart, who knows, but hey, if anyone else has their own interpretation, I'd be stoked to hear it too! Thanks to anyone who has read this far!
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tanadrin · 1 year
( My position on Longevity research) I believe animal based research in this field is entirely unjustified, like with communicable diseases , “ no one dies of an infection or childbirth ( especially children) ” is a coherent theoretically achievable goal, with positive downstream effects ( lower fertility rates, fewer future meat-eaters, ) , but people can’t achieve immortality, A human life will always be a minute point of the universe, Immortality is a white whales gigantic maw, How many lives will you sacrifice trying to satiate its endless stomach. How much commodification and torture of your fellow beasts until your satisfied?
"can we engineer solutions to the individual biological effects of natural aging" is an empirical question that has nothing to do with philosophical-aesthetic considerations like "what is the relative measure of a human life in the grand sweep of the universe." i think one reason a lot of transhumanists get really annoyed by these conversations is that they think they're having a conversation about where incremential improvements in medical technology are leading, and how nice it would be to make diseases like cancer and dementia a thing of the past, and to stave off things like age-related cognitive decline or sensory impairment, and then the person they're talking to will suddenly go off on a tangent on, like, the sources of essential meaning for human existence.
and it's disingenuous as hell! or it feels that way--because ultimately what you have to confront is that sooner or later, if you take an out-and-out anti-immortality position (contingent on the answer to the empirical question of "can we indefinitely stave off most of the effects of aging" being "yes") that grandma has to die pissing and shitting herself and not knowing what year it is or who her grandkids are because A Human Life is a Minute Point in the Universe, and nobody actually thinks that's a reasonable proposition.
like, we've made real gains in cancer treatment in the last few decades; cancer is an age-related illness; should we stop researching cancer treatments because A Human Life is a Minute Point in the Universe? dementia is virtually exclusively a disease of age; should we stop researching treatments for dementia because A Human Life is a Minute Point in the Universe? at a certain point you have to own up to your principles and say which lines of medical research you oppose because A Human Life is a Minute Point in the Universe, and it's more important that we all be incredibly aware of that at all times than your kids getting to have meaningful memories and connections with your parents or w/e.
Like jesus, what even is that last bit of nonsense? Barrings some really unexpected turn of events in the biomedical sciences, it seems likely to me that one day--not soon, mind you, but one day--human lifespans might start regularly surpassing the hard ~100 year limit that they have right now, even if we don't aim at "immortality" as such as a goal. Medical science is good, it's getting better, and lots of smart people are highly interested in questions like "how can we improve people's lives and reduce their suffering?" So when do you say "no more"? When do you start going around to old folks' homes and executing people whom you personally deem have lived too long?
It just seems like a really weird ethical stance that nobody who argues for has really thought through. And when all you can do is spin airy-fairy philosophical reasons to justify that stance, when you are inventing reasons that a thing is bad, like imagining some kind of abstract machine into which monkeys are dumped in one end and additional average life expectancy years come out the other, I can't help but think you don't actually have a coherent idea about why the things you oppose are bad.
The ethics of the use of live animals in medical research is a totally valid conversation to have, but it's a different conversation. Its answer does not impinges on the empirical question of whether functional immortality will ever be possible, or desirable. If you want to have that conversation, go ahead, but please let's not have it in my ask box.
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Avatar fandom on TikTok is scaring me so I am going to teach you all media literacy if it kills me. 
I steadfastly believe that the Neytiri/Quaritch/Spider trio is the most interesting and layered character development JC has going for him rn. Ya’ll not having the basic human empathy to understand Spider or Neytiri’s povs is freaking me out. 
First, Neytiri. Neytiri is someone who has lost half her family, half her clan, and the only home she’s ever known to an oppressive colonizing force. Quaritch is the physical representation of all that pain and loss. He had not only killed countless Na’vi, killed Grace, tried to destroy their connection to all of their ancestors, and is the person who destroyed her home and killed her father, he is also the person who almost killed Jake. He also in a way, represents Jake’s betrayal. We forget, but Jake did betray Neytiri. He stayed with the Omaticaya knowing what Quaritch and Parker Selfridge had planned for them, feeding them information about their home and their strengths, and she forgave him, but Na’vi mate for life and he didn’t disclose that vital information beforehand. Jake was working and spying directly for Quaritch. He represents that hurt. For her, Spider is like a ticking time bomb. He is around her kids and she can’t ever feel safe with this child, this human child of her worst enemy who has caused all of the worst things in her life, in her life and with her family. She tolerates him for her kids but that’s it. I think her mindset totally makes sense, and I really hope she’s able to see past his parentage and accept him! 
Spider is a child. He is not responsible for the actions of his parents, obviously. He has spent his entire life being raised by people that really don’t want anything to do with him. He has been basically a burden his entire life. The scientists were forced to keep him because he was too young to send to Earth, and the Sully’s were not equipped (and did not really try) to take on a human child. They are basically his family, but they don’t treat him as such. Everything that happens with Quaritch is Stockholm syndrome times 10000. And the opposite for Quaritch, which is Lima syndrome. This kid has never had an adult show him care or affection, and now he’s getting it from a weird reanimated clone of his father in a kidapping/hostage situation. Quaritch’s first move is to take Spider from torture. He says you can come with me or you can be tortured. He conditions him from the get go, that’s bad stuff here is good stuff. Even more importantly, in Spider’s eyes he saves his life from Neytiri. I would LOVE to know later if she intended to kill him (pls check out my post on my opinion on the significance of the cut on his chest) but regardless, Spider thinks she did and that Quaritch saved him. Regardless of his motives and how bad of a person he is (irredeemably sorry Quaritch girlies), Spider can’t leave him to die. It’s such a hard decision for him, but he’s a kid and a good person. One who values life like all Na’vi are taught to. And he still leaves him to go back to the Sully’s, who have not bothered to even try to be concerned about him outside of the kids. 
I’m not even gonna get too far into Quaritch, because I know there’s a lot of Quaritch stans out there now which does boggle my mind. But, as awful of a person as he is, he is a super super interesting character in this movie. In the first movie, he is a blatant representation of racism and colonialism in the worst sense, in a way that makes him a great villain but not a very layered character. He is a foil for Jake, showing us the worst of Jake in an outside antagonist. It’s easy to forget by AWOW that Jake used to have a similar mindset to Quaritch. Placing Quaritch in the body of those he fears and hates the most I think is a very fun twist. But what I really loved was his fear of Neytiri and how much that is highlighted in the film. The way he looks at her arrows is just spine chilling, and I can’t wait to see her kill him again because I can’t see it culminating any other way. 
The other thing relating to this is Spider’s fear of Neytiri. Her mistrust and fear of him had been a block in his life basically since birth. Her kids love and accept him as a brother easily, and Jake keeps him at arms length for Neytiri (which is a whole Jake issue but we can get into Jake another time). Neytiri stands between Spider and the family he’s always wanted, and him seeing her fight and just backing up in fear before she grabs him is so good, just a great culmination of all events. What I’d love to see from it is Neytiri and Spider having to come to terms with their fear of the other in order to move on and create a family unit. A son for a son, right, Quaritch gets Neteyam killed so Neytiri, Quaritch’s biggest fear, gets what he wants right now, which is Spider. 
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toytle · 4 months
Anon who was trying to get into superman, back again! I took your suggestion and watched the 1978 movie, it was so fun! “Nonhuman character whose best quality is how human they are” is such a good trope 😊 (Foo fighters flashbacks haha) I do wish Clark before he goes to metropolis was a little more like his Clark Kent act, made me a little sad to remember it was just a bit 😔 I think it would be nice if his “real self” was sort of in the middle of his two lives.
I also read Gene Luen Yang’s Superman Smashes the Klan graphic novel and enjoyed it a lot. Do you have any thoughts on My Adventures with Superman? It looks very cute though I haven’t had the chance to see it yet.
Oh also, wanted to share this with you, the only thing I could picture after the 1978 movie. https://imgur.com/a/7P6tjIO
[response to this ask]
i’m so glad you liked it!! non-human characters defined by their humanity is one of my fav tropes, i knew i liked ff for a reason (said the fake jojo fan who never finished part 6 😓)
i agree, it would’ve been nice to see clark’s personal life feel more connected, but they paced it out rly well for a movie, esp an origin story! i think he exaggerates his clark kent persona fs, but i don’t think it was totally a bit either, esp w the 2nd movie—tho the sequel was also much more ridiculous, so i think everything got amped up in general. personally, i loved younger clark! to think of this gentle giant as having a bit of an arrogant personality, well… we all had our awkward teen years, right? i don’t think they’re mutually exclusive, but it is an interesting comparison
as for MAwS, i only got as far as ep6, but i don’t think it’s my thing. someone who’s further ahead can correct me, but it’s pretty much what you’d expect on the tin: superman for a she-ra or voltron audience (cartoonified anime style, interpersonal melodrama, fanfic scenarios, etc). def not a bad thing, but it just didn’t hit any of my personal interests when it comes to superman, and also anime boy-fied slade wilson was so fucking strange that i’m still reeling. i think i only ended up caring abt jimmy last i watched; lois frustrated me and clark felt empty, which are not rly opinions i’ve had for either of them before
that’s not to say that i didn’t have any fun! but i don’t think the fun moments were enough to motivate me to finish. i do hope ppl are enjoying it tho, i hope it’s a fun intro for new fans or a refreshing take for longtime ones (it has a lot of deep-cut references apparently!). maybe i should finish it some time before i rly make up my mind on anyone
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and ty SO much for this image btw. so so real
in exchange, have some live reactions from my most recent donner superman rewatch:
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(proof that fanfic scenarios are not inherently bad)
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the-travelling-witch · 2 months
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Name: Cheron von Blocksberg
Homeland: Hell
Dorm: Diasomnia
Class: 3-C
Age: 18(ish)
Height: 192 cm w/o horns
Club: Had trouble picking but ended in the Science Club
Best Subject: Ancient Curses & Practical Magic
Hobbies: Studying magic, reading, fashion
Pet peeves: His wings getting caught on door frames… just build more arched gateways, mortals
Favourite food: The souls of the damned… just kidding, it’s lasagna
Least favourite food: Anything too sweet and tacky
Talent: Getting under people’s skin (without the teachers noticing)
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Cheron von Blocksberg, the Prince of Hell, cuts an imposing figure befitting his position. Even if his height doesn’t manage to impress, his leathery wings and the pair of thick horns crowning his head, paired with his sharp claws and fangs, are enough to have people backing away from him. The crimson ends of his dark hair, reminiscent of hell fire, and the blazing intensity of his ruby and golden eyes do not help in making him more approachable. One look at him makes it apparent why he was sorted into the dorm based on the Thorn Fairy’s spirit of nobility.
Coming to Night Raven College is more of an excuse to leave the bleak and lifeless planes of his home. Considering his status, his education growing up was already pretty all encompassing, so his life at NRC is more about entertaining himself by toying with the living souls around him and seeing what he can tempt them into. Cheron’s not exactly hostile but some of their reactions are just so funny, he can’t help himself at times. Before coming to NRC, he wasn’t quite sure how much the living would differ from the damned but it turns out you can talk circles around them all the same; all the better for a silver tongued demon like him.
Unlike others, he doesn’t go around flaunting his power, though he will put people in their place if necessary. Besides, it’s not like he has to go around making people more aware of how threatening he can be; his title, high grades and the gossip going around campus do that for him. Despite his charming and easy-going smile, most people like to keep him at arm’s length, just like his housewarden. However, unlike Malleus, Cheron is actually present around campus and his mood can be rather unpredictable behind that amused expression of his, which makes people as wary of him as of Floyd.
Still, it’s not like he’s completely heartless, putting in some effort, especially for those who’ve earned his respect, and joking around most of the time. No, no, he is taking this seriously, trust him. After all, he is here to meet new people and build connections, and humans fascinate him. In his free time, he’s quite fond of researching old magic and even experimenting with altering and creating new ones. Some students have also reported seeing him pour over fashion magazines or with his nose stuck in a book.
“Hm? Oh you’re the Ramshackle Prefect, aren’t you? I’m Cheron, nice to meet you! Say, you must have some interesting stories to tell, I wouldn’t mind lending you my ear over a coffee some time. Just call me when you’re feeling chatty~”
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Relationship with other students:
Riddle - If there’s someone Riddle has to resist collaring as often as Floyd or Ace, it might be Cheron. Sure, in front of the teachers, the prince is a model student; always properly dressed, never late and on top of his coursework. But Riddle knows better. Calling Cheron an angel is like trying to convince him the sky is red. Yet, the Diasomnia student isn’t technically breaking any rules, always operating through some kind of loophole, which frustrates the Heartslabyul housewarden even more. Still, he’ll give credit where credit is due and silently commends his meticulousness and will to study.
Leona - If Leona had horns he could lock, it would probably happen more often than anyone would like. In a way, Cheron ticks him off more than the other lizard by the sole fact he has to see his face more often around campus. While Malleus is annoyingly oblivious at times and many of Leona’s taunts fall on deaf ears, Cheron returns them with interest each time. The lion prince isn’t sure if he prefers that, so he settles for not meeting the Diasomnia student more often than necessary.
Azul - At first Azul thought he might have struck big. Another Diasomnia prince from a distant land? One far off from living society? Perhaps if he was as clueless as Malleus or naïve as Kalim… In his conversation to test the waters, however, the octomer soon learnt he’d get burnt if he tried anything funny and has made a berth around Cheron since. Whenever he sees the demon with one of the tweels, he can feel a headache incoming.
Kalim - Cheron has seen more than enough souls who had to pay the ultimate price for their greed in the end, so when he heard the heir of the Al-Asim family would be joining NRC, he couldn’t help but be sceptical. Yet, he would admit, Kalim surprised him. Despite all of his wealth, greed was one of the least fitting words to describe him and Cheron could respect that. If you could fault Kalim for anything it was his naïveté but that was hardly a sin. So Cheron found himself being much more genuine with the second year than with others, no matter how distrustful Jamil was of him.
Vil - Vil tried not to get ahead of himself when he met Cheron the first time. Sure, he carried himself with grace and elegance befitting his position but he knew from experience with Leona and Malleus, that didn’t have to mean anything. Yet, the blond was positively surprised when Cheron maintained his pristine appearance and showed off his manners. And against all odds, the demon hit it off with Vil surprisingly well after commenting on the magazine the model was studying. Then again, Vil is one of the few people who have earned Cheron’s respect, so maybe it’s not so surprising after all.
Idia - Listen, Cheron gets it. Being from a gloomy environment and expected to take over the family business himself, he can sympathise with Idia, almost to the point of leaving the fellow fiery-haired guy alone. Almost. However, the Ignihyde housewarden is just so much fun to tease. The first time they met, Cheron had to stop himself from grinning too hard as Idia nearly fell over backwards, stammering out an excuse to get away. As one of the first interactions with the living, it had a pretty forming impression on him. Still, he makes sure to cut the poor guy some slack… every now and then.
Malleus - As the heir apparent of Briar Valley and his housewarden, Cheron obviously treats Malleus with respect, though his tone is laced with playful teasing most of the time, which usually results in Sebek popping a vein. Malleus does not pick up on it. People sometimes wonder if Cheron is jealous of the other prince for snatching the housewarden position but those are just rumours. Sure, he doesn’t shy away from metaphorically locking horns with the dragon but being a housewarden sounds like a hassle and Cheron’s not about that. His gargoyle-esque appearance does net him some points with Malleus though, who was terribly disappointed to learn he was, in fact, not a sentient gargoyle.
Jade - Octavinelle’s vice housewarden has always taken to studying the behaviours of those around him, either to learn more about them or to learn from them. In the case of Cheron, it’s both. On one hand, Jade finds great amusement in watching him interact with students around campus, an air of sly aloofness surrounding him. One the other hand, there are so many rumours surrounding him without enough proof to match them, which fascinates Jade the same way a good puzzle would.
Floyd - Putting Cheron and Floyd together can either lead to a catastrophe or… well, a catastrophe. Their moods either clash and they are ready to go at each other’s throats -Cheron hiding it significantly better than Floyd- which spells trouble for those in their vicinity. Or, they get along splendidly, egging each other on and terrorising the poor souls around them. Either way, avoiding them together might be the smartest option.
Trey & Rook - As his clubmates, they regularly interact with Cheron outside of normal classes. And while Trey sometimes still sweats bullets seeing both Rook and Cheron around certain chemicals, he learnt pretty soon after the prince joined the club that he was very well read and much more responsible than the whispers about him would suggest. Rook just holds a general fascination for the demon and enjoys bouncing ideas off each other.
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inkdemonapologist · 9 months
thoughts on sammy being a system w/ either did or osdd?
(I’m not super familiar with the specific delineations of those disorders, so instead of getting distracted by the DSM for an hour, I’m mostly just going to talk about the idea of Sammy being part of a plural system in general!)
…Have you checked out the Cthulhu AU? Haha. I can’t give Cthulhu Sammy a formal diagnosis, especially when so many of his particular circumstances are supernatural (also, he's in the 1930s so he would get misdiagnosed with schizophrenia anyway), but he and Prophet are a plural system slowly trying to be less antagonistic to each other in that one. Here’s a couple asks that talk about that: https://inkdemonapologist.tumblr.com/post/677995806738022400/with-coc-im-confused-about-sammy-and-prophet-is https://inkdemonapologist.tumblr.com/post/717331733724413952/as-someone-with-osdd-i-gotta-ask-do-you
If you mean in canon…. Well, there’s no reason he couldn’t be, if the headcanon appeals, but the question seems really really broad! Adding plurality to an existing character requires like… developing new characters, and thus a LOT depends on what direction you go and what characters you introduce. Like, is the person we know as “Sammy” a specific member of the system who fronts a lot, and there’s others we haven’t met? Or is that version of Sammy the “singletsona” that several people have agreed on, brusque and keeping his thoughts to himself so that nobody notices when wildly different people have to hold front? I personally find it less interesting if Sammy’s huge belief/behaviour shift gets framed as just, those are two different people so there was no shift at all, but there are probably ways to handle it that could make it compelling.
BUT... ALL THAT SAID……. Sammy’s fate and general unhinged tendencies would mean this concept REALLY needs to be approached thoughtfully. Like, there’s a good chance he’s being supernaturally manipulated, but this is still the character who just loses his mind and starts murdering people to sacrifice them to a demon he delusionally believes has chosen him as its prophet, which is the sort of thing that gets harmfully associated with DID and other sorts of plurality in real life media a LOT, so pointing at one of the most murderously unstable and delusional characters in the franchise and casually going “what if THAT one is plural” dOES HAVE SOME, BAGGAGE ATTACHED.
I really like the presentation of this “so you want to write a plural character” essay, which was recommended by a plural friend – the discussions of harmful tropes, what makes them harmful, and how to approach those ideas with more care and humanity, is a really helpful framing to me. Prophet in Cthulhu AU did try to sacrifice people and could easily fall into the Evil Alter trope, but it’s been really exciting to see folks fall in love with him as his own person, someone who’s been manipulated and desperately needs help and connection.
I am just a singlet who has heard about plural experiences from friends, so take with that grain of salt, but for what it’s worth, i feel this would need some extra care. You can’t just write down “maybe DID” for Sammy on your list of “what neurodivergence & mental illnesses do the different BatIM characters have” and call it a day without that feeling VERY iffy, but if it’s something you want to develop and explore, I think it would be possible to do so thoughtfully!
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cactusnymph · 2 months
Srry ur having a bad night 🍨 maybe a warden of your choice w zevran + shielding the other w their body?
Being an Antivan Crow means that Zevran has always been a priceless asset and absolutely disposable at the same time. As long as he does his job and makes himself useful he's somewhat safe—as safe as one can be as a hired assassin.
If he stepped out of line or got killed, he would have quickly been replaced by someone else and no one would have shed a tear about him. Zevran decides not to dwell on this fact for too long because being depressed is counterproductive to his survival.
Being in the Warden's company has meant a lot of tiptoeing, making himself as useful and desirable as possible—to little success.
Nerian Mahariel never seems to need anything and his stoic demeanor betrays the sexual attraction of a brick wall at most. Whenever he says "Thank you" after Zevran hands him something or asks if Zevran is alright after a fight, Zevran jokes about it despite feeling decidedly weird.
He's hardly more than a prisoner. At least that's what he thought. It's the deal Zevran made with Mahariel after his failed assassination attempt. Mahariel though seems not at all interested in treating Zevran like a prisoner or a personal guard dog.
In fact he goes out of his grumpy, stoic way to treat Zevran with respect.
An absolutely insane move on Mahariel's part, but Zevran can't help but be intrigued. So far Nerian has offered to mend Zevran's pants ("If you wanted to see me out of my pants you need only ask, dear Warden."), keeps bringing him food whenever he's done cooking ("I know they say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but I assure you there's no need to charm me with stew") and asks his opinion during group discussions ("You know me, I like being ordered around").
None of Zevran's sexual innuendos are ever perceived with any flicker of either annoyance or interest.
Nerian oftentimes just shrugs, nods and carries on with his life.
Zevran has no idea how to deal with it.
He knows how to secure his survival through means of seduction and that has always worked for him. Up until now.
This respectful behavior on Nerian's part distracts Zevran more than it should, especially when they're in deadly combat with a whole group of abominations.
Zevran is covered in blood, templar intestines and gunk and usually he doesn't mind much, but the smell of this entire tower overrun by demons is horrendous and the impending possibility of getting his mind controlled by one of them doesn't much appeal to Zevran.
Nerian's face is grim and determined as he fires arrow upon arrow into their opponents. Zevran knows that his bow means a lot to him—as one of the few connections to his clan. It's covered in blood now, much like Nerian himself.
Zevran stabs one of the abominations into what used to be a human's face and the shriek it gives off reverberates through the hall like a cacophony of death and misery. It takes more force than Zevran anticipated to get the dagger out of the torn flesh.
He lets go of the dagger immediately to swirl around and raise his second weapon, but there's no need. Nerian has interposed himself between Zevran's back and one of the other abominations, his bow discarded on the ground and armed with nothing but a hunting knife.
Something very weird happens inside of Zevran's ribcage but he has no time for sentimentalities, because the abomination rakes its claws across Nerian's chest and throws him to the side. Zevran doesn't hesitate to swing his short sword, tearing through the abomination's torso and making it fall backwards.
He's at Nerian's side before he can check if there's any more abominations left.
"What would you do that for?", he asks, quickly rummaging through his pack to find one of the healing potions. Nerian huffs as he holds the claw wound on his chest, his warm blood seeping through his fingers.
"You're not disposable, you know", he grumbles and takes the potion.
Zevran doesn't know what to say. He can't even make a joke. The so important bow was discarded without hesitation, as was Nerian's own safety. Just to keep Zevran from taking a hit to the back.
"I suppose thanks are in order", he says and does his best to ignore the slight quiver in his voice. Nerian nods.
"It's not a problem."
Oh, Zevran thinks foggily as his heart stomps in his chest like a mad Bronto, but it absolutely is.
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 year
Why do I love Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse?
Aside from the fact that it's about my favorite superhero of all time? Let me count the ways...
The animation. I already know I'm not blowing any minds here, but good word, the animation is SPECTACULAR! By blending CGI models with hand-drawn elements, this is the only experience in a superhero movie that made me feel like a comic book has been brought to life. You might say that "it's not live-action," but that's beside the point. 90% of most MCU movies are practically animated, aside from the 10% that have actual humans on screen. So you should have no qualms when this beautiful masterpiece of a film manages to make you feel like you're watching a comic in motion, to the point where you could pause any frame of animation and turn it into a comic panel. Sidenote, if they make this movie into a graphic novel, I would absolutely buy it. I don't care if it's pointless when I could just watch the movie. Give me that graphic novel version of this gorgeous film.
The opening logos are unironically jaw-dropping. They flash through the many variations each insignia could have/has gone through, giving you a taste of the insanity of what this movie will bring. It also plays into what happens to the characters, meaning that while the story hasn't started yet, we're still given a heavy dose of foreshadowing.
The CCA stamp doesn't get enough credit. For those who don't know, back in the day, comics had to adhere to the Comics Code Authority's regulations, sticking their CCA stamp onto every cover to ensure parents that what was inside was kid friendly. It got to the point where no one took it seriously anymore, and the stamp became an irrelevant system that almost always failed to point out the age demographic for comics. The fact that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is rated PG makes the callback even funnier.
The opening narration. It introduces us to this universe's version of Peter Parker, who's basically the every-man in the Spider-Man universe (The every-Spider-Man?). He features the highest highs and lowest lows of Spider-Man, showcasing his history and origins in a way that fans will adore while making something entertaining for the 1% of people who somehow never heard of Spider-Man.
Miles' introduction is close to perfection. Making him an artist already earns some relatability points from yours truly but having him jam out to music while doing it turns him into one of my favorite characters that I see myself in. I can't count the number of times I'm drawing something, and I get lost in the music playing in my headphones. I've known this character for less than a minute, and I already see a lot of myself in him. The fact that he procrastinated getting ready and did it all in a rush is just the cherry on top. And given how I look whiter than the snow on a Christmas day and Miles looks...very much not that, I already feel like the writers are doing something right if I see myself in someone like him. Most writers go the route of making a character's race or ethnicity their only character trait. There are some good intentions in that somewhere, but writers forget that without things like personalities, interests, and desires, the character's race does not matter. They're still going to be boring. Give me more Miles Morales, less of the hollowed shells called human beings that you find on the CW.
The one-take of Miles walking through his neighborhood mirroring/contrasting with his walk through school does well to visually explain the disconnect he feels about being in a new school and an unfamiliar environment.
I love Miles' dad. I'll get more to the emotional stuff later, but Jefferson Davis starts out great as someone strict but still trying hard to connect with Miles. It's genuinely heartwarming to see. Plus, that "I love you, Dad" scene…I mean, come on!
The montage of Miles' first day does well in showcasing the pressure the character is feeling. Maybe I'm still relating so much to Miles, but I felt how hard his day was for him.
The video of Olivia Octavius is some solid foreshadowing of the multiversal madness ahead and even better foreshadowing of who Olivia is, considering that Miles JUST blocks her last name. This scene also introduces us to Gwen while subtly hinting at who she is by Miles briefly saying, "I've never seen you around here before.”
Community is playing on Uncle Aaron's TV...That's it. I watched all of Community last year and grew to appreciate seeing a reference or two about it showing up.
Miles' moment with Uncle Aaron is sweet. It shows how things are easy between them, and Miles can rant about anything to the laid-back person his uncle is, in contrast to the eggshells Miles seems to dance around when dealing with his dad. Plus, Aaron showing off the shoulder touch pays off for two great scenes in the future. Not to mention his "hey" sends this bisexual a little...haywire.
Miles spray painting the wall is touching for two reasons. For one, it proves how much sweeter this universe's Aaron is. In other iterations, he manipulates Miles, searching for ulterior motives, primarily for Aaron's selfish gain. Here, it's clear he genuinely cares about his nephew, wanting to share this moment with Miles and have fun in a way the two should. It's also touching to see Miles express himself. We got a taste of his phenomenal talent near the beginning, but to see him make that masterpiece that he made proves how much of an artist he really is. It really is the best way to make this Miles not only unique but also engaging. 
The spray paint getting sprayed on the corner of the screen is also a nice touch. They didn’t have to do it, but they did, and I love it.
The Spider bite. The thing that fundamentally changes Miles' life, and the lives of other Spider-People before him, for now, and forever...and he swats it like it was nothing. That's...incredible.
Miles reacting to his spider bite, however, leads to a collection of great moments that are awkward as they are hilarious. 
By the way, have I mentioned that this movie is funny? And not in your face with it like other Marvel movies. I mean that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is naturally funny, having great jokes that work well within the situation while never stealing away from the moment. I won't go over all the humorous moments, but I'll definitely talk about my favorites.
Like Miles' interaction with Gwen post-spider bite. It's awkward in all the right ways, and his facial expression as he stiffly places his hand on her shoulder cracks me up every time.
The "Who's Morales?" bit is iconic. I told you, this movie is just naturally funny!
Using the Amazing Fantasy comic cover as a reference is great. It's the comic that gave us the best superhero ever made, so it's nice of the animators to throw that in as a callback, honoring the contribution it made to humanity.
By the way, it used to bother me how Peter Parker allowed a comic to detail his backstory, but it just now occurred to me that the Peter Parker in the comic looks vastly different from the one in that universe. That, coupled with the knowledge that he has licensed merch, proves that he allowed this comic as long as the artists made sure his identity remained secret. Just another little detail that makes this movie amazing.
Speaking of small details, I love that Miles has a lot of contacts on his phone. Both his contacts and that one-take in the beginning show that he's a social kid instead of an outcast like Peter, which is nice. It’s for the best that this movie shows that Miles is his own person than a mixed-race Spider-Man 
Another fact is that his comic creators are in there too. That's a cute thing to include.
The visual explanation for Miles' spider sense is remarkable. I always get chills with the words "LOOK OUT," illustrating that it's silently screaming in his brain. Gah, such a good scene! Can you marry a scene? Because I want to marry this scene. It's easily my favorite in anything Spider-Man-related.
Peter's fight with Green Goblin is INSANE! Admittingly, when I first watched this movie, it was a little hard to tell what was going on due to so much happening all at once. But, after seeing it for the fiftieth time, I can certainly say that I appreciate how off-the-wall Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse gets with its action, especially with this first fight scene. It's only a taste of what's to come, and I'm glad the film slowly eases you into the more insane scenes by prepping you with a moment like this.
Peter Parker’s introduction to Miles is perfect. The writers do everything right, starting with Peter breaking the ice with a joke, attempting to cool Miles off from his first near-death experience, only to get serious once Peter realizes what Miles is exactly. And I adore how Peter calmly approaches the situation, reassuring Miles that while things will change whether he likes it or not, Peter will be there to help him. Peter doesn't even hesitate when he volunteers to mentor Miles. You get the sense that Peter's excited about it, and, gosh dang it, these writers really did a great job in making him the Every-Spider-Man.
Miles recording Peter's fight with Prowler...Because of f**king course, he does. Wouldn't you?
Kingpin's the villain! This is cool because, while he's mostly remembered as a Daredevil villain nowadays, it's great that this movie recognizes that he started off as a member of Spider-Man's rouge's gallery. And, sure, he lacks the depth that Vincent D'Onofrio had in Daredevil. But he's still pretty threatening and even terrifying, being the character that allows this movie to earn its PG rating. 
Plus, his motivation is...good enough. It's not the best thing in the world, but it works just enough to be believable for this character, all while explaining why he's working hard to, you know, break the universe. So, yeah, a solid villain for one of the best superhero movies of all time.
The fact that it's Peter Parker that technically caused the other Spider-People to show up is amazing to me. It proves that without meaning to, he still manages to find a way to save the day. Even if that means pulling other Spider-People from their dimensions...which is ultimately killing them. Yeah, isn't that just classic Peter Parker bad luck for ya?
Also, heh, you can see Peter B. Parker and the others fly away from the explosion. That's funny.
Peter's last words to Miles...Wow. It's one of those moments you know that he knows that he's not going to make it out this time. So, in his last moments, Peter offers as much advice as he can to Miles, telling him what needs to be done and how to do it. What I love most is the fact that he still cracks jokes and still gives Miles the false hope that he'll "catch up," showing that, above all else, Peter cares about making people feel safe and secure. Again, he really is the Every-Spider-Man...Or was, at least.
Peter's eye-roll at Prowler. Even at death, he's still making us laugh.
Miles is a coward...It feels weird to say that's something I love about this film, but it's true. Miles starting off as someone who runs and hides instead of trying to help Peter Parker does the job to make it even more satisfying when Miles eventually does find courage and confidence in being a Spider-Man. 
Also, his guilt seems more reasonable here than it does in the comics. Miles' guilt in the comics stems from not being there to help Ultimate Peter Parker, even though there's not really anything Miles could have done to help, and Peter was already as good as dead before Miles knew he could help. Here, while it's a lot more likely Miles could die, I do understand his guilt as he's right there and able to do something rather than nothing. So not only does Miles' cowardice set up a great character arc, but it also does its job in making him feel better guilt than his comic counterpart. So, nice job all around.
This version of The Prowler is amazing. His motif, his outfit, his silent badassery. It’s just so perfect.
Miles runs home to his family and not to the school...because his family is where he feels the safest. That just hit me--GAH, THIS MOVIE'S GREAT!
Miles' mom is so sweet. She's mostly remembered for one line, reassuring Miles that their family doesn't run away from things, but that one line proves to you all what you need to know: She's there to tell Miles what he needs to hear, even though she doesn't entirely know how much he needed to hear it. Such a great mom.
New York's reaction to Spider-Man's death. You feel it in everybody, literally everybody. Just the number of people showing up to his funeral proves how much he earned the title of "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man."
Best. Stan Lee cameo. Ever. This movie came out a month after Stan Lee passed away, and I feel like Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse did the best job of honoring him. Spider-Man really is Stan's greatest co-creation (with help from Steve Ditko, of course), and the best Spider-Man movie being one of the last he made an appearance in really hits hard. RIP, Stan. Thank you and Steve Ditko for the hero that is loved by all.
It's also neat that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has a better reason why Miles is wearing a Halloween costume when dressing up as Spider-Man. It was done in the comics to make him easily hide his identity, but it's also in poor taste, to the point where even the characters in the comics point out how it's poor taste. Here, Miles buys the costume in tribute to Spider-Man when going to Peter Parker's funeral, like a lot of people have done. And, well, he already has it, so he might as well continue to use it. Man, this movie really is trying to make Miles' origin story better than it was in the comics, huh?
This movie manages to do the "Jump/Pussy" scene from Venom, and not only is it funnier, but it's also done better. At first, you're laughing at Miles giving up despite the music epically building up about how he's about to jump. But then, after he gives up the first time, he tries again, using a smaller building because he thinks it'll be easier. This movie took a funny scene, then twisted it to visually tell us how determined Miles is to do the right thing! You see, Venom? This is how you actually make a good movie!
Peter B. Parker's narration does a great job of underlining the contrast between him and Peter Parker (also, for consistency, I'll be calling him Peter B. for the rest of the review. It's simpler). While Peter's narration reveals to us his success and zeal for the life he has, Peter B.'s is all about his failures and how much he's given up on life. Already, it's a quick and easy way of proving how different both Peters are, and I don't mind it. Primarily because each narration works well for the film's main running joke and because Peter B.'s is the funniest because what he says clashing with what is shown. I still laugh at that hard cut of him crying in the shower, as mean as that sounds.
The seahorse bit. I mean, come on. The fact that he gets choked up about seahorses mating for life always gets to me.
While Peter B. is getting sucked into the portal, knowing there's no stopping it, his first priority is to get his mask. That tells me that despite how far life beat him with the bad luck stick, he still knows the number one rule of being Spider-Man: Always bring your mask. 
Also, he tries to save the pizza...which makes me chuckle. I won't lie.
Peter B. and Miles getting pulled/dragged through the city is the best type of chaos. It's great knowing that while the animation is perfect for some epic fight scenes, it also has some impeccable slapstick.
Peter B. is the Spider-Man that rejects the code: With great power comes great responsibility. That part of Peter B. always intrigues me, and it makes sense. He was beaten down because of great responsibility, so even though it was the last words of his Uncle Ben, he'd rather live without them. Yet that doesn't mean he's done with being a good person. He's tired and burnt out, sure. But he still helps Miles once realizing that he can't just walk away from someone that needs him. It presents an interesting dynamic, for while Peter B. has to teach Miles how to be Spider-Man, Miles is there to help Peter B. remember how to be Spider-Man. Not a lot of people bring that up, and it's what I admire about their relationship.
I don't know about you all, but the diner scene always makes me want burgers and fries, without fail. It just makes the food look so good! Too bad it comes from a restaurant with a C-grade health code...Oh, so that's why it closed down six years ago in Peter B.'s universe.
Aside from their narrations, Peter B.'s advice also clashes with Peter's. Peter B. always offers more practical stuff, telling Miles what to do so he won't lose his mind while being Spider-Man. It works with Peter B.'s character and, once again, proves how he couldn't be further different from Peter Parker. With that said, Peter B. still offers great advice from time to time. Granted, it's when things are actually serious and during danger, but, hey, at least he tries.
Peter B. and Miles thinking is perfect and earned being a meme.
Peter B. coming up with the plan. It proves that he's both intuitive for coming up with it so quickly and simple-minded in thinking it would be that easy. Plus, Miles' interjections offer great humor.
Peter B. saying teenagers are the worst always gets a chuckle out of me because of the fact that Spider-Man is the superhero widely remembered for being a teenager.
Olivia Octavius. GOOD! GOLLY! MISS MOLLY, what a twist! Now, there are a few minuscule hints making it more obvious in hindsight, like the octagon decorating surrounding her and what looks like an arm prototype behind Peter B. With that said, however, I WAS SHOCKED IN THEATERS! This kooky lady who, at first, seems ecstatic to see Peter B. turns out to be an alternate version of one of his worst enemies and was actually fascinated by how he got there and how to kill him. Such a good scene that never fails to give me chills!
And the fight that comes after it is equally intense, fun, and epic.
The funniest moment in the movie is the monitor gag. That is all.
BAGEL! By the way, someone actually cosplayed as that scientist who got BAGELED! Not really a fun fact about the movie, but it is a fun fact about life.
Gwen's narration is probably the most beneficial. Nearly everybody knows about Peter Parker, and I think enough people know about Miles, but I'm not sure how well-known Spider-Gwen was before the movie (and, yes, I know she's called Spider-Woman or Ghost Spider. It's just that Spider-Gwen's more fun to say. Leave me alone). People might know of her but not so much about her whole deal and origins. So, it helps that the movie flies by her origins, telling newcomers what they need to know and leaving them to learn the rest from her comics.
Also, Gwen, come on. Miles is the reason you got that dope haircut in the first place. Let him compliment it.
ALSO also, Gwen's a pretty fun character. I have some problems with how she's in the story, but I do love her punk-rock personality and how she's basically the only Spider-Person with a functioning brain cell...Except for that Gwanda bit, but we don't talk about that. Despite some flaws, Gwen's a character with a lot of humor and solid character interactions, especially with Miles.
Gwen and Miles are adorable together. Have I mentioned that? Because it's true. They don't have much time to develop their relationship (that's for future movies to do), but the time they do have is still pretty darn cute.
Kingpin's flashback is beautifully animated while also paying homage to the art style of the comic his design is based on. It's pretty cool that this already brilliantly animated movie still manages to find different ways to look gorgeous.
This movie has the best Aunt May. Don't argue, Raimi nerds! You know it's true! She kicks ass, accepting of Peter's secret, looks old, and has some pretty snappy one-liners. You see this woman and understand how Peter Parker came to be the man he is--Er, was. If you have a problem with this Aunt May, you can take it up with the baseball bat she used to beat Tombstone. Tombstone! How can you hate an old woman who can do that?!
As for May's interaction with Peter B., it's--Say it with me now--perfect. They're both basically meeting ghosts of people they loved, and May and Peter B. interact the same as if it was the version of each other they've always known. There is genuine heartbreak and love in each of their voices, and you feel every bit of it. Even the jokes about Peter B. being fat and wearing sweatpants doesn't spoil the moment but add to it, showing May's distaste over a version of her nephew letting himself go. It's snark, but snark from the love of a woman who's basically his mother. What did you expect?
The Spider-Cave is awesome! Little weird that Peter Parker, a character known for being as poor as dirt in the comics, has this, but then you remember something: The merchandise. This was a Peter who whored himself out with cereal, Christmas albums, and so-so popsicles. Heck, even the Spider-Buggy, also from the comics, was promotional material. This means that Peter Parker made BANK on the stuff he made, so much so that he was able to afford a cave that would make Batman jealous. It might not be one-for-one the exact explanation for how he has it, but the movie offers enough information to make it a reasonable conclusion anyway.
I want a Spider-Noir movie. I don't care if it's animated or not. I want a gosh dang Spider-Noir movie. And it has to be played by Nicholas Cage. It wouldn't be right if it wasn't because he’s the reason that Spider-Noir is the funniest character in the movie.
I love that every single Spider-Person is totally on board with staying behind and leaving their homes forever if it's the only way to get the others back to where they belong. They're definitely Spider-People, alright. Nobel sacrifices like that are all a part of the DNA.
The scene where the others put a lot of pressure on Miles results in complicated feelings. On the one hand, it's not cool for them to do this. On the other, you understand why. This isn't the typical stopping a mugger or fighting a c-lister. This is a fight to save the multiverse with dozens of people who will make the mission all the more dangerous. The pressure they're making Miles feel is close to what they'll be dealing with in the fight with Kingpin, so what they're doing is somewhat validated through the current circumstances. I may not like it, but I do understand it.
And I've got to give Peter B. credit for being both Miles' hype man and telling the other Spider-People to cool it with the pressure. Out of all of them, he understands Miles a little better and wants to keep the poor boy sane. It's pretty sweet.
Jefferson reaching out to Aaron is also pretty dang heartwarming. You can tell there's some definite tension between the two, but they're still brothers. Family loves family, no matter the mistakes (unless your family is reasonably toxic, in which case, you cut them out yesterday). Jefferson reaching out is a testament to that...Even if Aaron might not have deserved it--Yeah, let's get into that.
The reveal of Aaron being the Prowler...Where do I even begin? Fellow comic nerds already knew this was coming, but that doesn't stop this reveal from hurting. The part that gets me is the score. It expertly portrays the amount of fear and betrayal Miles is feeling at this moment, to the point where you don't even need to see what's happening to understand something tragic is going down.
The chase scene that follows is also pretty intense, added with the red sky and the several moments where Miles barely gets away. It's...You know what it is. It's f**king perfect.
Scorpion looks cool. A little weird, sure, but still pretty badass and intimidating.
My favorite fight in the movie might just be the Spider-People battling the...Fearsome Fivesome? Alright, whatever they're called, they're part of a fun and chaotic fight scene, with playing keep away with the Goober being what adds much-needed tension.
Uncle Aaron's death. I love that they let Aaron die a good man, willing to back down so Miles could go free. It's definitive proof that he actually cared for his nephew, to the point where the first thing Aaron felt upon realizing it was Miles was pure fear. Like, "Oh, crap! Not only did I almost kill my brother's son, but this boy is now in some deep s**t! I gotta help him!" And I appreciate that the writers made Aaron a decent human being rather than a diabolical scumbag who wanted to take advantage of Miles or a coward who tried to kill him because he was too scared to fail Kingpin. Even when Aaron's dying, the first thing he does is apologize for letting Miles down, a sentiment that's as sweet as it is tragic. Aaron may not have been a perfect man, but he died wanting to protect Miles, the love for his nephew overshadowing his greed. And I think that redemption is worth everything.
And, MAN, is his death a gut punch! The writers certainly succeeded in giving Miles his Uncle Ben Moment, with Aaron's last words being motivational in telling Miles to "keep going" and how he's the best of them. It's a bittersweet moment, and Miles' dad mistaking Miles to be Aaron's killer doesn't make things any better.
What is sweet, though, is how all the Spider-People are there for Miles, sharing the tragedy they all went through and confirming that the hardest part about being Spider-Man is losing the people you love. And the biggest miracle is that THE CARTOON PIG DOESN'T RUIN THIS MOMENT! Seriously, what does it say about this movie where the character who's practically a Looney Tune manages to keep the emotional weight of the scene going?
Peter B. being tough with Miles...Ouch. It was necessary. Peter B. was doing it as one final test, giving Miles one last chance that he could come through when it matters. The others were even right outside his window, ready and hoping to let Miles join them. But it wasn't meant to be, and it stings to see Miles at this low point. Thankfully, he has someone to pull him out of this funk.
Jefferson's talk with Miles...Told you I'd get to the emotional stuff. But joking aside, this scene...left my eyes a little steamy this time around. Jefferson visually meets Miles halfway and pours his heart out, sharing the feelings Jefferson usually kept guarded except for a moment when it mattered. Sure, Jefferson doesn't know all the facts about the current tragedy he and Miles are going through, but the words he provides give Miles the spark he needs. The spark that Jefferson has always seen in Miles. And the spark that Miles uses to free himself to take that one last step to being Spider-Man. Or, rather, one last leap.
The "What's Up Danger" scene. Do I really need to explain what makes this scene incredible? I know I keep saying the word perfect a lot with this review, but that's really the best way to describe so much of this movie, especially with this moment. The visuals of Miles rising instead of falling and swinging through the city in succession are awe-inspiring. The score mixing in Miles' hero motif with "What's Up Danger," resulting in a moment that's as pleasant on the ears as it is on the eyes. All of it culminates together for a scene that delivers all of the hype, creating a moment where Miles is no longer Miles Morales. He's f**king Spider-Man. And he earned that title.
Also, a small thing, I love that Miles' suit is one of Peter Parker's, but spray-painted black with Miles' interpretation of the Spider-Man logo. It shows Miles stepping into Peter Parker's shoes but doing it in his own style. It's just a great little detail that not a lot of people mention.
Did Kingpin seriously throw a memorial service for the guy he killed? What a filthy, disgusting man...I love him!
The bread scene is hilarious. It involves a pointless character, but I can't help but crack up at how Peter B.'s attempt to find closure with MJ is through him apologizing about not getting her table bread. Peter B. saying, "I want to fill this room up with bread," is just the cherry on top this hilarious sundae.
I really dig Olivia saying, "Goodbye, Peter Parker." You can tell by the way she said it that she wanted to be the one to kill Spider-Man.
Miles coming in to deliver that punch at Doc Ock is a laptop background in the making.
I love how in a situation where the universe is crumbling apart around them, and bad guys are shooting at them all, THAT is the moment when Peter B. realizes that he wants kids. I'm telling you, most of the time, this movie is just naturally funny.
As for the situation they're in, the collider fight is, without a doubt, the most insane final battle in a Spider-Man movie. All the universes merging and tearing the place apart forces the characters to fight as the environment morphs and forms around them, making it a battle where anything could go down. It results in a pretty fun climax, and I love how the colors match the light tone this fight is going for...remember that. It's gonna come back later.
Spider-Ham DESTROYING Scorpion after he dissed cartoons is an exact representation of what the animation community wants to do when someone calls animation kids' stuff or silly. Let it be known that we'd wreck your shop too if we could.
I love how Miles swinging up to the top of the collider incorporates lessons from both Peter Parkers. Obviously, there's the way Miles copied his universe's Peter moves to get up there, but stealing away the Goober by throwing back Peter B.'s "don't watch the mouth, watch the hands" motto adds a little extra that I appreciate.
Miles' goodbye to Peter B. is a culmination of their arcs, where Miles, the student, finally becomes the master, being the one to trip up Peter B. (with the same move he used on Miles, no less) and tells him to get his s**t together and go home. Peter B. taught Miles a lot, letting him see the importance of Spider-Man, the pressure he has to go through, and the faith he must have. And here comes Miles spitting all that back at Peter B., adding more to how they teach each other how to be their better selves. And I relish that!
Remember how I said the colors were bright in the collider, matching the fun of the climax? Well, the second it's just Miles and Kingpin, the colors become darker and more intense, matching the tone of this final battle between good and evil. It makes things way more cinematic and visually pleasing, so kudos...to whoever I give kudos to in this case. There are SO MANY people responsible for animating a single second--Literally, a single second of animation that it's hard to tell who deserves more credit half the time.
As for the fight itself, IT'S AS INTENSE AS THE COLORS IMPLY IT IS! You feel the beating Kingpin gives Miles, but despite how violent it is, there were always these small glimmers of hope that Miles might get the upper hand. That hope gets beaten down by Kingpin's cartoonishly big fist, but there is still hope nonetheless. And it would grow through the most unexpected places.
Is it a little ludicrous that Jefferson is right there to give the most essential words any Spider-Man needs to learn? Oh, absolutely. Without a doubt. But is it still heartwarming that Jefferson still tells Spider-Man to get up despite thinking he killed Aaron, further proofing how Jefferson's always there to tell Miles what he needs to hear when it's important? You'd better gosh dang believe it.
Miles using the shoulder touch on Kingpin is the best. In a way, that lets Miles and Aaron get revenge.
Seeing into the Spider-verse (ha!) is a gorgeous sight to behold, both for the audience and for Miles.
DID THEY HAND DRAW THAT EXPLOSION?! Gosh DANG IT, this movie is insane!
Dang, Jefferson allowing Miles to throw up his art on the wall warms the heart to the fullest it's ever been when watching this movie. He really wants to do better in reaching out to Miles, even if Jefferson still lays down the ground rules for how Miles should express himself.
And Spider-Man hugging Jefferson is equal parts touching and hilarious.
I'm noticing a pattern. My favorite Spider-Man movies are ones where Spidey webs up the big bad for the police to pick up. Instead of, you know...killing them. I loved it in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and I especially adore it here.
The one-take of Miles walking through the streets as Spider-Man mirrors how he did it at the beginning of the movie and contrasts the one-take at his school. It illustrates that he regained his confidence because how could he not after all the s**t he went through. I'd feel pretty big about myself too.
Miles' final narration does well in tying everything together, recapping events, showing how everyone else is doing, and stating the big lesson of the movie. A lesson that Stan Lee himself believed in, as he always thought that what makes Spider-Man amazing is that anyone, anyone at all, could be under that mask. No matter who they are or what they look like, anybody has the potential to represent the ideals of Spider-Man. And while I'm not a fan of movies spelling out their messages to the audience...It's a Spider-Man movie. Narrating to the audience is as essential for the ending as the final swing is, and this one has both! All around, a good ending...with a tease for more.
Though I will admit, it's not every day when I say that a movie's credits are as visually pleasing as the rest of the film.
And while Stan Lee's cameo is a great final tribute to him, ending the movie with one of his quotes is just as spectacular. Again, rest in peace, Stan.
By the way, I adore "Spider-Bells." Not only does it crack me up that Peter has a mental breakdown halfway through singing it, but it also means this movie is a Christmas movie...Because if people can call Die Hard a Christmas movie, then I can call Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse a Christmas movie too. Leave me alone.
As for final teasers, Spider-Man 2099 looks dope and I cannot wait to see him tear Miles apart in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse...That felt weird to say, but let the record show that I said with love!
And they got the pointing meme in. Yup, I adore this movie!
So, a pretty flawless film, right?
Ok, I want to make it clear that while there are problems to be had, they don't spoil the movie. Most of them are just nitpicks that always bothered me personally, so don't take them too seriously. With that said...
Where did the spider come from? It's the thing that fundamentally changes Miles' life, and we never really got an answer for that.
Why did Gwen double back on revealing her name? Gwen's a pretty common name to have. And, odds are, the one in this universe looks vastly different to her. We already know Peter B. Parker is different from Miles' Peter Parker, so it's not too much of a stretch. Plus, even if Gwen looks the same, the Gwen we know within this movie is already risking a lot by being out as herself, so why change the name? I know it's a small thing, but like I said, it always bothered me.
And while we're on the topic of Gwen, I'm not a fan of her backstory. Not her origin story, that's fine. But the fact that she was in Miles' universe for a whole week and her spider-sense told her to go to his school is...confusing? If being in Miles' universe is literally killing her, how is she not dead already? And how does spider-sense tell her to go to a new school? As far as I can tell, spider-sense is an alarm system that gives a Spider-Person total awareness of everything around them. Not to act as an instruction manual of what to do in life. I take it that this is an excuse to get her and Miles to interact more and form more of a romantic bond, which I'm fine with because they're adorable together. It's just that I wish this was done in a way that made more sense because, as is, it's making my brain hurt.
Kingpin's design...is laughable. Apparently, it's paying homage to a Daredevil comic's artist interpretation of the character, which I guess it's cool...but he looks ridiculous. And don't get me wrong, I love it when superhero animation goes for a more stylistic approach with heroes and villains instead of a realistic one. It's why Spectacular Spider-Man is my favorite Spider-Man show as opposed to others, because every character looks unique from one another, especially the villains. And while Kingpin certainly looks unique...it's a little too much, and it's the one thing I never take seriously with this film.
Green Goblin! One of the most important and influential villains in Spider-Man's line-up...is wasted as canon fodder, dying just as fast as he's introduced. Kind of disappointing.
Spider-Noir, Peni Parker, and Spider-Ham are great characters. They're each animated in great styles that perfectly convey they're from another universe, have some great jokes, and are overall a good time. The problem? They're...not necessary. You can cut these three out of the movie, and nothing will change. I wouldn't mind if they were characters who were there to add fluff and nothing else, but they're there to also add emotional weight to the story. Take Peni's sadness about SP/dr getting destroyed or the characters all saying goodbye to Miles. I can tell that they're all meant to be heart wrenching moments, but we hardly spend time with these characters to feel like it's earned. Miles barely got time to spend with them, so that, right there, takes the punch out of their sad farewells. Again, they're great characters, and I do love that they're a part of this movie. The only problem is that they're in too short of a film to really deserve the emotional beats.
The Spider-People hiding from Miles' roommate might be the ONE joke that fits the more "In your face" style like other Marvel movies. It spoiled the serious momentum before it, and I feel like they kept it in for the sake of a trailer clip.
Hey! Mary Jane Watson is the worst part of a Spider-Man movie! Yeah, go figure. She's an essential part of Peter's life, but there's no personality to either version of the character we see in this movie. Calling her an over-glorified plot device would be generous.  Sorry, MJ, but a Spider-Man movie has, once again, done you dirty. But at least you're pretty good in the MCU...Don't give me that look. You know it's true.
I don't mind Kingpin failing to kill Miles. Villains will stupidly allow the heroes to gain the second wind, and you just need to accept that in superhero media...BUT HOW THE ACTUAL HELL DID MILES, HIS DAD AND ALL THE OTHER NORMAL LIVING PEOPLE SURVIVE THAT EXPLOSION! Look at it! It was massive!
But, seriously, that’s all I have.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is the best Spider-Man movie. Nerds and losers debate about which of the live-action films are better but note how rarely anyone denies Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse being on top. Can you blame them? With game-changing animation, amazing characters, and a story showcasing everything that's to love about Spider-Man, you cannot get better than this. I look forward to the rest of this trilogy, but I have already accepted that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse will forever remain at the best that there is, and it'll take actual flawless perfection to change my mind.
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 year
So, after watching some dbh videos i had another idea for my “How I think shit works” list. This time i’ll be talking about how I think interfacing works in DBH, the difference between a proper interface and an interaction and the difference between some models.
⚠️ Just be aware i won't be giving any electronics, computing networks, internet or cyber security lessons here cuz i ain't a teacher, i'm just a dude making some theories. Also, this ain't a detailed stuff it's just guessing. Don't take it seriously it's just me playing with names. (and don't mind my english and lack of proper vocabulary)
▷ Establishing Connection
I gonna separate things in 4 main topics: "Points of interest/connection", "Direct interfacing", "No-Touch Transmission" and "External Interaction".
⚠️ Just to be clear every action kinda got some data exchange by default irl but to make things sound more cool i gonna use different terms.
→ Points of interest (connection)
Points where we can estabilish a connection/interaction
(→ ← for data flow; ←receiving, →sending)
Hands (mostly) (←→)
Most known areas of contact are the palm and fingertips. But it's possible receive connection thru the back of the hand.
Forearms (←)
I got the slight impression there's some read action related to the thirium energy levels in the wrist. I simply don't know if it's true or the game "doing things the human way" again.
Upperarms (←)
Usually closer to where the armband is.
Shoulders (←)
Trapezius (headcanon) (←)
Head/Internal head component-transmissor (←→)
Probably where the LED is. Maybe the LED is some sorta tracker? I don't know. I'll let to your imagination. But for sure there's a transmissor in this same side of the head. I mean probably.
→ Direct interfacing
Happens when using the hand into another another point of connection. The android skin must be made of something that blocks any type of direct connection, so the classic way of knowing we got an interface is by looking if the skin is being retracted. We also got a glowing light.
Clothes, for some reason, won't interrupt or block the connection but the skin probably still retract under it. Does it make the connection speed "slower"? I don't know. Practically doesn't seem to have any difference, unless we got a material that can block or isolate these frequencies.
When we talking about direct interface, we got basically 3 types:
(A, B for actors; → ← for data flow; red for active actor (mostly), blue for passive actor (mostly); green for mutual/both)
Mutual data exchange (A←→B or A→←B)
Both sides are sending and receiving data at the same time. The most clear example is "brain" connection, a shared space where 2 brains basically become one. What happens in A runs in B at the same time.
Average Send and Receive (not forced A→B or A←B)
When a connection is estabilished, one actor will send their own data to another actor, but this second actor won't send any data back to the first actor or let 'em own stuff be read. Another case is one actor doing the action of extract data from another actor without letting 'em own stuff be read. One is a Sender->, the other one is a Receiver←, also works if it's read only (accessing memories, for example). A classic example would be a information transfer or a reader pad of sorts (what's the mf name?).
I know the definition of sender and receiver can become confusing when we got an active actor receiving information but ain't the passive actor that is sending, is the active one that is pulling things, know what i mean? Don't mind me.
System breaching (forced A→B or A←B)
We have an actor always accessing another system without permission, usually trying to inject or extract data. Sometimes is the case it's just a system read action, but if ain't "consensual" i consider a breaching for obvious reasons. By consensual i mean more like bypassing authorization and security protocols, usually androids can't invade each other systems like this. Usually.
→ "No-Touch" Transmission
I theorize we can have a transmission when 2+ devices are in the same network or one actor can access others network (as unknown entity). In this case we can have all the same points from before (Send/receive, Breaching and Exchange) without any “physical” contact.
→ External Interaction
The name already tell ya all. I guess the main difference from a direct interface (visually) would be the way the skin of the actor(→ or ←) won't retract. They ain't exactly interacting with the system internally, there's no data flow.
▷ Examples
U must be asking...
"when did all this happen in DBH? Ain't you just overthinking again?"
If for some reason find and read this i want let u know u are totally correct. Every name here is a headcanon, but the action itself happens in canon. To help illustrating my ideas i gonna drop some screenshots with a summary of what i think it is, if needed ofc.
→ Direct Interface - Mutual data exchange
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→ Direct Interface - System breaching
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Explaining the last 2 ones:
In the first one is a internal system diagnosis and the second one i have my doubts. Idk if he's trying to access her memory, if he's trying to access her energy levels or trying to force a start enough to retain relevant data. And like i said in "System breaching" i'll be considering a breaching if ain't "consensual" even if it's a read only action - she's literally shutdown.
→ Direct Interface - Average Send and Receive
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Chotto matte, Marcus. What Connor unlocking the door got to do with it?
Well, he's sending his info to the pad so it recognizes him and unlock the door OR the pad sensor is pulling his info to make a match with dbs and unlock the door. U choose - actually is both at the same time but we won't talk about that 🤫 remember the ⚠️
→ No-Touch Transmission - System breaching || Average Send and Receive
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You are probably asking yourself WTF? but i'll try to explain what i think:
The first one i interpret as Markus finding and accessing the network this android is connected and finding her "device", then breaching it, having access into, well, her. How? Probably scan and help of some network breaching tools.
The second one already exists nowadays and i know i didn't explained further but in summary: when u make a virtual payment via internet, even if from different "devices" and "nets" they kinda come together in another one to make a succesful transaction. And i believe most of mfs in this universe use the same bank and the same type of connection, after all...androids got a default system and the internet is only one.
→ External Interaction
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Listen, i know what u gonna say. "It's an interface, Marcus". No, ain't a interface. First cuz Connor ain't pushing or pulling any data outta the Traci system. Second cuz what did i say about direct interfaces? Hands without skin. This one seems like a hardware action to me, know what i mean? Does Connor got any kinda tool in his hand to make the Traci's skin retract? Yes. Is it an interface action? No. It's an external interaction? Yes, in my opinion ofc. Would be the same if a technician had a tool to make the skin retract/disperse.
▷ Last babbling
There will be conflicts in all this and some theories may not work sometimes, just saying. I gonna list some few thoughts i had, mostly doubts:
"Deviant" AP700s can breach other AP700s or maybe ain't exactly breaching but they got a compatibility that makes 'em system recognize another AP700 request as non-threatening automatically;
A similar thing happen with the RK800 but more complex. They're so compatible they can even swap bodies without major "resistance" from the receiver side even if it's a breaching;
RKs are the only models that can breach any android, break 'em handler system and even give 'em new orders (also by transmission);
Common models can't exactly "convert" other models but for some reason they can breach other low-security devices if they ain't authorized to use it;
I assume Markus can scan and breach other androids remotely (convert) within 5~10m radius without major conflicts;
Android exchanging information via transmission is the most realistic way of interface in a "wireless" world like DBH but, to illustrate some things so we can understand better, in the game we got the direct interface. Unless the direct one is more efficient cuz it's direct and got a weight feeling;
Markus and Connor interface speed may be faster than an average model (meaning they take less time to breach, extract and transfer data). Maybe an AP700 is faster too?;
I don't have any details about the security measures in case of breachings in common models. Doesn't seem like they can fight an forced interface at all xD;
You probably noticed androids got multiple points of connection but depending on the meaning of the interface X place is more used than Z. Don't ask me why 💀
It's unlikely a direct interface can start using the lower part of the body (lower torso and legs);
When in a direct interface not always the receiver will have 'em skin retracted. I think it probably happens in breachings, where the receiver system ain't acknowledging the action as a proper and authorized interface;
It's likely the only parts of the body where the skin retracts during interface are the arms and maybe the LED area (you know exactly what I'm talking about and why);
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caliburn-the-sword · 10 months
winter thoughts up to chapter 14
frankly. not enough scarlet. but i only had the time to read a handful of chapters
iko is so dramatic and i love her. ik she's meant to be the fairy godmother figure, but honest to god with how much she wants to be human and imitates humans (like pretending to faint cause of kai) she honestly seems like a pinocchio type character here too
now that i'm playing association games of aligning characters with other characters, i realised that cinder is technically the huntsman from little red riding hood since she saved scarlet from getting eaten by wolf. since there is a huntsman in snow white as well, that makes me wonder if she might therefore play a similar role in winter's story. that would be very interesting
"I'm on your side," he said. "No matter what." this smells like foreshadowing that he will in fact NOT be on her side no matter what. through no fault of his own of course. levana brainwashing arc when???
LMAO WOLF KNOCKED HIM OUT COLD. favourite trope ever fr
completely agreed cinder. i love a man that's battered and bruised fr
NOOOO don't tell me that thorne is TRYING to make cress jealous. cringe. gross. i'm throwing up in my mouth in the middle of my studies of religion class
is it just me or is thorne flirting with kai?? that is frankly much more preferable since they're both adults to kaider or cresswell honestly
nevermind it's some weird alpha male bs they're trying to one up each other and make them feel insecure about their girls. so basically the whole percy/jason leader thing but w o r s e
why do i want to write an au where cinder grew up as princess selene and she and kai have an arranged marriage and enemies to lovers relationship. i need to stop coming up with fanfic ideas when i've got important exams coming up in 2 months. it's bad enough i even decided to binge this entire series in the first place LMAO (but also it's so worth it). i bet i could find hundreds of fics with this exact premise on ao3 so maybe i'll save myself the effort
yes kai pardon thorne for theft so that you can correctly try him for being a damn pedo
don't mind me immediately connecting the kai has stockholm syndrome joke to beauty and the beast and realising that between cinder and her glamour (the lunar glamour obviously being the beast part btw) then she and kai could also technically be beauty and the beast. forgive me it's the ouat instinct
thorne was SO real for pointing out that kai is a rich royal bastard. not to spread my republican agenda (reminder that i am aussie and when i say republican i mean fuck the brit monarchy not racist trump nonsense) but the eastern commonwealth should TOTALLY do away with kai and bring back democracy. that's why i disagree with the characters calling for his forced abdication because they're just gonna instate ANOTHER royal eventually instead of getting rid of that shit altogether. while we're at it, instead of retaking the throne cinder should DESTROY it and ALSO institute a democracy
damn didn't realise thorne was having sad boy hours about leaving his crew disbanding. me too because i HATE it when the found family breaks up
"most of them even call me Captain" iko and cress is only two people. i think thorne needs to go back to school and retake maths because that is NOT most
winter is embroidering. i am emotional
help this jacinter scene was nice and super romantic until "There were times when she stood so close that he was amazed at his own ability to keep his hands to himself" WHAT???? rocking myself back and forth in my seat reminding myself figure of speech figure of speech figure of speech. YIKES
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees @shellyseashell
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zukkacore · 2 days
i can't. remember if i sent in numbers for the writer's ask already. if i did, crying ignore this but: 11, 12, and 30?
11. a wip you'd like to finish someday
Oh god i started so many just w/in the past few days. Jace hireling au obviously. jaceporter first time. Actually, the true honest to god earnest answer is i always felt terrible abandoning my multichap danganronpa talentswap. It's so old i really don't think its indicative of my current skill level but it was so much fun and it means so much to be and its so long and i did have a whole ending planned out but im just not that good at writing detectivework. I do think there's some good shit in there still tho.
The other answer that's kinda cheating is i have a fantasy based Taming of the shrew retelling i've been like retooling for like a goddamn year. It's such a fucked play but i have so many mixed feelings abt it. My feelings on taming are very similar to del toro's on pinocchio in that it's very pro domestication of the human spirit that i think is kinda depressing. Like im very centrist abt whether the play is irredeemable or whether its not meant to be taken seriously, but the themes are interesting. In my mind, there's like. all this stuff abt performance and palability and. Individiuality vs community. Acceptance vs ostracization. This tension between vulnerability n connection vs. power and control and how those are competing needs w/in people. Like. Kate n Petrucchio are both outsiders and petruchio could choose vulnerability and connection w/ his wife and instead he chooses social approval in a patriarchal society which he gains through proving how good he is at subjugating his wife. The themes are INTERESTING it's just the fuckin CONCLUSION (aka its morally good and just to gaslight your wife actually) are fuckin DIRE. On the other hand. Kate and Petruchio have mad chemistry and is it so wrong to think they should fuck nasty?
12. a trope you're really into right now
... 4 jaces? I feel like i have a weird stance on the clonefucking joke poll that goes around every few months (in that its not the same as masturbation b/c the minute their consciousness is different from yours thats like. a full person but not a person i would be compelled to be with but maybe im to arospec for that) so its never particularly compelled me before, like i thought that shit in Loki was kinda cringe. but just bc i don't find the idea particularly compelling for myself doesn't mean Jace can't be a little obsessed w/ himself. Tbh the idea of being a xerox of a xerox of a xerox in general is very interesting for me tho.
There's also something I think i keep returning to abt like. Having to renegotiate or reclaim power and love in a relationship that should otherwise be fucked and heartbreaking. By all intents and purposes, there should be one break at the heart of this that ruins everything, a moment at the beginning that should have ruined everthing from jump. but if we're stuck together, I'm determined to reconcile w/ myself that there's love there. It's very Jaceporter. It's very Kate n petruchio. Very hades n persephone I have another very old school ship that actually has something very similar happen. If you can figure it out based on this text i sent my friend then you were probaly on tumblr when a certain webcomic was updating.
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30. share a fic you're especially proud of
I feel like me giving so many answers to these is a total copout. The truthful answer is that I have like a 10k togakure (hiro n togami for those curious) pwp fic thats on my google drive somewhere that i've never posted bc ive been too embarrassed and the ship is NOT that popular so i think like .5 people would read it. But it's like my favorite thing i've ever written. I might post it eventually. If i pluck up the courage. I have sent it to like 2-3 people in my lifetime. I'd cite a scene i like, but I like all of it. And also most if it is smut.
The half-hearted answer is my talentswap bc i am fuckin proud of it im just embarrassed bc i abandoned it. I'm legit so sad. I'm such a Hiro n Mukuro should be proxy siblings truther and im glad their scene was the last thing i posted but now it will never come into fruition.
So i guess. My default answer is my Sky High AU for It chapter 2. It's called Welcome To the Loser Track and it's reddie and in it Richie is the kid who glows and Eddie is the kid who turns into a guinea pig. I actually really like the movie Sky High a lot, I think it's a really good kids movie and it's got a lot of fun setpieces and cool design components and even some of the camerawork is pretty neat and cute stuff in it that's rly underrated. Its like one of the main Things i feel like ppl who are my friends or have been w/ me a long time know about me, and the silly thing abt me is that i really do earnestly like Zack/Magenta as a ship, but mainly bc i just think Zack gives off baby butch dyke vibes (and. I hate to use the phrase. but it's kinda black cat x golden retriever vibes). I actually like it so much that Sky High reddie is probably my favorite version of reddie, and i do think the other Losers in that mode are also very fun (Bill is strong n can fly, Mike controls plants, Stan melts, Bev is pyrokinetic, and Ben is a technopath). The main thing abt it is that it's COMPLETE (i have so many abandoned wips), but i am geuinely proud of it. I don't think the writing is like always the most polished but i think there is a lot of interesting queer subtext in that movie (in that there is basically a coming out scene even if the conclusion of the story is that he was straight the whole time lol) that i kinda picked at and did a good job elaborating on. There's actually a lot of underutilized subtext in that movie that isn't rly interrogated that i think is fun. I just think there's very romantic abt two people with "useless" powers seeing the beauty in each other.
I feel like some old school mutuals from my IT days already know this, but this is probably my favorite scene from the fic:
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neerons · 1 year
Hi ! I wanted to ask. What do you think the MBTI personalities of MK characters are ?
Kazuomi screams ENTP for me.
Yuzu is an INTJ but I feel like he is also an INTP. Maybe an INTX ?
Kei seems to be an unhealthy INFJ.
Boss is an introvert for sure and more of a thinker than a feeler, but I can't tell what his functions are.
MC is INTJ as a spy, but her real personality might be INFJ.
Hi! That’s such an interesting ask, thank you.
First of all, I have to say I don’t know much about the MBTI personalities and only did the test a few times for fun before. I remember doing it while acting as if I were Kazuomi once, and I think I had gotten the ESTP one for him back then.
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Kazuomi - ESTP
“ESTPs are energetic thrillseekers who are at their best when putting out fires, whether literal or metaphorical. They bring a sense of dynamic energy to their interactions with others and the world around them. They assess situations quickly and move adeptly to respond to immediate problems with practical solutions.”
ENTPs, from what I've read, were described as being more focused on the future than the present moment? I think Kazuomi would be different since he's more the type to enjoy living in the present moment without necessarily thinking of what's to come. He’s very carefree. But there are other traits of this personality that matches Kazuomi though, so I understand why you would assign him this personality. I’ve read the other personalities that could fit Kazuomi to compare, and I think that a lot of them have similarities but if I had to choose, I would assign him the ESTP personality more easily since it seemed to fit him more in my opinion. He’s a very carefree person who loves to have fun and even live in dangerous situations to feel alive, which is why he loves games where he doesn’t know who will win or lose because it brings him that thrill. He radiates charisma and is always the center of attention, whether he wants it or not.
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Kei - INFJ
“They tend to be excellent listeners and are good at interacting with people which whom they are emotionally close and connected. While they care deeply about others, INFJs tend to be introverted and only willing to share their "true selves" with a select few.”
I’ve checked out a bit of the other 15 personality types’ main qualities, but I was still at a loss so I asked a friend and they helped me understand more about the INFJs and INTJs. I started reading some reviews about them, and INFJs did seem to fit Kei’s character a lot (highly perceptive about other people, feel things deeply, have a very deep inner world, interest for the human mind/psychology, can get lost in their own thoughts, etc…). Of course you are right to say he’d be more of an "unhealthy" INFJ. His life as an orphan shaped his personality a lot and it had a lot of impact on how he views the world as an adult. INFJs were described as hard to get to know unless they trust they can confide in you, and I think that side of him is very enhanced. It’s obviously a defense mechanism, but he’s more difficult to read. Of course, he’s very good at reading others and often trusts his own intuitions. He’s the only one to have figured out a lot of things about the MC in a short time, including some of her very hidden feelings and some sides of her real personality, in his Season 1.
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Yuzuru - INTJ
“They are innovative and creative, working relentlessly until they have achieved their definition of success. They believe they can achieve the most challenging goals and master any subjects that matter to them. (...) While this is a strength of the INTJ personality, this natural determination and steadfastness can quickly become perfectionism which might take a toll on their personal lives outside of work.“
Strict with themselves, can have trouble being patient with emotional or impulsive people, is very logical and self-assured, strives to create what he imagined in his head at all costs. The INTJ personality does suit Yuzu a lot. I’m not sure what INTX means, but I assume it potentially means he’s versatile between INTJ/INTP? But I do like to think INTJ could at least be assigned to him. It seems pretty spot on. Yuzu has a very organized lifestyle, he tries to be as healthy as possible, but when he creates things, he often forgets to care for himself as he needs to work with the inspiration he has in the moment. He became like Jun when she’s crafting something. Yuzu also has a tendency to neglect his relationships for the sake of his work, and he can be very stubborn when it comes to achieving his creations. Learning that he has someone like MC that he can rely on must have helped him a lot to be more flexible with other people.
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Seiichi (Boss) - ISTJ
"ISTJs are practical and no-nonsense, and rarely call attention to themselves. Their clothes and possessions tend to be chosen based on utility rather than fashion, and they have an affection for the classics."
I had a lot of trouble finding something perfect but I think that personality type suits him the most out of all the Introverted and Thinker types? What I focused on was the Boss' sense of justice, his dislike of crowds, as well as his methodological approach when working. ISTJs seem to enjoy having a regular and sustainable routine. Aside from his work as a spy, the Boss does have his very own routine when he can live as himself. I also don't think it's bold to assume that he likes rules as they help maintain safety and fairness for people. I believe this is also why he doesn't particularly like Kazuomi since he loves to break rules. ISTJs are described as liking simplicity and being practical (in that sense, Yuzu is pretty similar to this too). He can take on any persona, so his style being simple in reality does make a lot of sense. He might find it reassuring to just be himself with no extravagance when playing a different persona. Having a classic style naturally makes you stand out less, which is helpful and needed for his work too. ISTJs are also very loyal and committed to their relationships, and actions speak louder than words for them, which is how Boss acts with MC. He has trouble making time for himself and having hobbies, since his work takes most of his time. He doesn't have the luxury of being this way due to his position, so I think MC being there for him helps him relax and find some flexibilty in his life.
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"ENFJs are typically energetic and driven, and often have a lot on their plates. They are tuned into the needs of others and acutely aware of human suffering; however, they also tend to be optimistic and forward-thinking, intuitively seeing opportunity for improvement. The ENFJ is ambitious, but their ambition is not self-serving: rather, they feel personally responsible for making the world a better place."
She follows her intuitions, and is often right about them. She doesn't like interpersonal conflict. She's magnetic, altruistic, mystical. She has charisma, passion, and often is a leader in social groups. You mentioned INFJ, but if I had to choose, I’d say she’s more of an extrovert. Due to her job, she sometimes needs her alone time to unwind and respond to her emotional needs but for me, she’s more of an extrovert usually. I’d say the times she likes to be alone don’t reflect her actual personality and makes her an introvert, since she was known as pretty much the popular girl in school, and she also can be outgoing pretty much all the time without feeling exhausted for this reason alone. Unlike the Boss, she’s the center of attention (on missions and in her personal life). She has her "me days" every month to relax and be alone, but I think it’s more of a consequence of her lifestyle while working as an agent. She just needs this day to go back to "herself" and enjoy her hobbies. However, I think this aspect of her personality (Extrovert/Introvert) can be arguable. You also mentioned she could be INTJ as a spy, but I personally think she doesn’t change her personality when she’s a "spy", only when she acts as a different persona, and then again, she could be any type of personality if that were the case. I think she’s pretty much like everyone. When she’s at work, she’s professional and is hard to read (especially with the Boss, since that’s kind of their banter), and when she’s at home or with people she’s friends with, she’s just without any filter.
Again, I could be wrong about these! I tried my best since I’m really not knowledgeable when it comes to this, but it was interesting to see how well the personalities could fit to the characters
Thank you for the ask ❤️
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celestie0 · 25 days
🪷 ALSOALSO just as I hit the ask button I just..thought about how utterly tragic gojo's life was when he was alive. Nothing but a vessel to hold power, a vessel used by clan structures to maintain the rotting society, a weapon that was seen as a threat or hope but never as a human with his own emotions or feelings behind. None of that was reserved for him.
I know people think Gege is losing his mind but honestly I'm not surprised they went down this route. It's cruel and absolutely fucking brutal but I feel like that's the whole point. To not be freed from the label of "the strongest" even in your death, to the extent that your corpse has to be used to win a fight or get an edge against the villian is a brilliant and cruel way to show the burden of the duty that fell on his shoulders.
If it's any consolation atleast he's with his most cherished people now. I did kind of tear up at the chapter because holy hell. His arc and entire character is genuinely tragic. Everything that has happened so far somehow showed why gojo was so deeply attached to geto and those three years despite everything that went wrong between the two of them. He had someone who saw him as Satoru first and not the six eyes user, who shared his burden and thanked him for his efforts instead of just treating it as something he's supposed to do anyway. It's not in the least bit surprising that gojo still considered him his one and only best friend, regardless of the differences that ultimately separated them.
At the very least his death was kind. To go back to the time you cherished so dearly, surrounded by people you care for, being able to be vulnerable and to finally be able to let go of that burden on you as the strongest. Enjoy your time now, you did everything and so much more to have deserved this freedom.
Man it just hurts ☹️ sorry for rambling but you know I never quit with my yapping
aaa do you mean you sent another ask too bb? i don't think i received it if you did :(
i know. i am so devastated by latest jjk. you're so right, he never had a chance to just be a human. always bottling up his emotions because he felt they didn't matter, he always upheld the burden of being the strongest for the sake of others. even in death, he cannot rest peacefully. i saw a really sad tiktok edit to phoebe bridgers song lyric "always an angel, never enough", and that RUINED me. he was always a weapon, and never a person.
"To not be freed from the label of "the strongest" even in your death, to the extent that your corpse has to be used to win a fight or get an edge against the villian is a brilliant and cruel way to show the burden of the duty that fell on his shoulders."
i agree. it's so wildly dehumanizing and i despise gege for going in this direction, but there is also a part of me that thinks it's an interesting direction to take gojo's character. the problem is, there is no window of light through the story he is telling, and it's starting to become too much. it's different if there was a balance of angst and relief, but to do such a thing to such a beloved character when we haven't known a single chapter of peace in so long is just too much. i personally cannot handle it, but even through my sadness i can kinda see the vision.
"Everything that has happened so far somehow showed why gojo was so deeply attached to geto and those three years despite everything that went wrong between the two of them. He had someone who saw him as Satoru first and not the six eyes user, who shared his burden and thanked him for his efforts instead of just treating it as something he's supposed to do anyway."
agreed, it's so tragic how things ended up for him and geto but i always loved the detail that he never truly hated him, he just hated the things that he did. it's so hard to let go of a connection w someone like that, after all geto was the only one to truly see him as a person. also this is random but people feeling bad for shoko when gojo said geto was the only person he truly called his friend sfkshdfkjsd after latest chap it's so obvious why he didn't really think of her as a friend AHHAH
it's so tough. even in death he simply cannot be put to rest. UGHHH why can't we just have happy things gege. i will go read my hurt comfort fics n cope
-ellie (insert frog emoji here sorry im on pc rn)
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Ok first id like to share some good news: finished all my tests for the semester, and i think i only failed like 2 or 3!! More good news, more fics that ill get around to writing!! Or ill just post my unfinished drafts. I mean there's a yandere Jake (platonic dad yandere) fic and a "spider w permanant brain damage from the scanner fic" and even more just absolutely collecting dust in my drafts
New idea that I'll def finish this time tho: Humans but there unrealistically better than they are. There's no RDA, no big mining operation, no deforestation or driving natives out or dying earth, just humans being natural born explorers who are mind blown at an entire different planet with life.
And that's wild! They thought they were alone, the universe looking back on itself, explorers of a vast and endless yet lonely expanse. Then boom! Life! Life on a different planet, life so different yet similar. A life that has their own culture and languages, that's so intertwined with nature, they're capable of forming a deep connection at a moments notice! That's amazing! (Forgive me for my amazement, watching Rio and i just love the movie)
Anyway, in this au with no evil corporation only interested in money heading this operation, humans are way nicer! And weirder.
I imagine the Na'vis early experiences w humans are like what some of us think that aliens are doing (crop circles, abducting cows, just standing around naked) (and i say naked because most photos of aliens have em in no clothes. Or they're wearing a full body grey suit). I imagine that at first they don't believe humans are real because they don't show themselves often, only spotted by like a handful. Like "i saw this small pink creature by the river today! It had hair and eyes and hands and feet, and walked on it's legs!" "What the Eywa are you talking abt"
I imagine the first human they meet is a weirdo who's exceptionally brave. They walk up to a Na'vi and just start speaking in the most nonsensical Na'vi ever, that they managed to learn from observing them. They just follow them atound all day, keeps saying Na'vi phrases until whoever they're following just walks to camp and presents them and they're like "hey what is this."
Or, alternatively
Humans try staying away from them cause they're like twice their size and capable of making weapons, except for one person. This one spends their time following around a specific Na'vi and annoying them. They hum little tunes, they're spotted once and disapear behind the trees, they're daring enough to get ahold of their tools and try to study them. Then they start trying to communicate with them, little phrases yadda yadda. All while the Na'vi is going back home like "no mom, i promise i didn't loose my knife, this small pink creature stole it!"
They're like so fed up with the human and everyone around them cause they're like "what are you talking abt" so they're trying to get evidence of their existance. Eventually they do get them and present them to the tribe like "see!! I told you they were real!!!" And they're like "huh. Ok. What is this thing."
Dont have any idea how im gonna further w this but ye! Humans are way nicer and not run by a greedy corporation au
VERY EXCITING! I'm very sure you didn't fail anything. I want bOTH of those collecting dust drafts please and thank you.
No Rio and Avatar have been going hand and fucking hand lately lol. This idea is so fucking funny dude. I'm CACKLING. I absolutely adore the idea of humans being perceived as the aliens in any context and just how weird that would be, and it's not touched upon ENOUGH in Avatar because we come into the world when they have known each other. Hit us with that Grace and Mo'at developing friendship dude. I've always loved that and wanted it explored more.
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