missterwild · 6 days
Thanks to the thirteen voters!
First/introduction post will arrive in a few days
So, I’m currently kinda working on a Ranger’s apprentice actor au (as in the actors playing the characters and the story)
Now the main dilemma I’m facing is whether to refer to them with their characters’ names or to give them new names
As additional information, I already created names for seven of the main canon characters
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missterwild · 7 days
nico di Angelo u are actually hilarious ily
(also spoiler warning)
"Why didn't Annabeth know better than to fall off a cliff?" is HILARIOUS actually idc
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missterwild · 14 days
So, I’m currently kinda working on a Ranger’s apprentice actor au (as in the actors playing the characters and the story)
Now the main dilemma I’m facing is whether to refer to them with their characters’ names or to give them new names
As additional information, I already created names for seven of the main canon characters
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missterwild · 20 days
Revisiting the OCs I first made when I was younger can be a fascinating experience
Like, I have more knowledge on things like psychology and general ✨life✨, so I can now better understand and explain the actions mini-me made them do
For example, take my Ranger's Apprentice OCs Sylélys and Ama. For one, the first was basically a non-character, so you can really only go up from that. If you asked me back when I first created them why Sylélys left Ama to an orphanage, I'd probably just be like "idk, plot reasons?" but now, I could probably write an explanatory essay about it (if people want to read it, I will write it)
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missterwild · 22 days
~30~ Wedding
[w/c: ~730. OC focused. AU inspired by The Ward Ghost by solarishashernoseinabook. Angst (gods I need to let this woman be happy)]
Sylélys stood as still as a statue as the handmaidens added the finishing touches to her attire. They didn’t speak to her, barely even looked her in the face, and overall looked quite tense. Today was quite an important day after all. 
The most important of her life, some might even say.
The handmaidens soon retreated from her bridal suite, leaving her alone with none but the growing dread and her own reflection. When she met her own gaze in the looking glass, she found herself almost unable to breathe.
Her gown of a deep sapphire colour seemed to flow off her, the rich fabric shimmering in the torchlight and weighing her down. Gems and flowers were woven into the hazelnut locks of her hair, supplementing her elegance. Most of all jewellery of gold entrapped her wrists and neck, the graceful engraving digging into her skin.
Don’t cry, she told herself as her breath caught, tears climbing into her eyes. Please, for the love of the gods, don’t you cry now.
She took a few deep breaths, letting herself fall on the small wooden stool and burying her head in her hands. The walls felt like they were closing up on her, the lack of windows and natural light only worsening her situation. She tried her best to stay composed, determined not to crumble. Not now.
Ama and Rhiannon got away, that’s what is most important right now, she thought, focusing on it to keep herself together. They got away, and he doesn’t know about her. They’re safe for now, that’s all that matters.
Sylélys was still in that position when her appointed lady-in-waiting –what was her name again? Melisande?– entered the room to get her. She stood at the doorway, waiting for her to get up and come with her. She took a deep breath and tried to blink away the glassiness in her eyes before standing up and smoothing away the faint wrinkles in the fabric of her skirt.
She forced on a small smile and walked over to the other woman, who still didn’t address her a word. Was it sad that she was growing accustomed to this? At this point, she couldn’t find the energy in herself to care.
She followed her through the bright and elegant hallways, her eyes straying to the stained glass windows. The woman found a stark contrast between the vibrant, glimmering colours and her own inner gloom. 
She snapped back to consciousness just soon enough to stop herself from craning her neck towards the windows, like a sunflower starved for sunlight. Her grip tightened around the bouquet of delicate flowers in her hands. Get a handle on yourself.
The soft music reached her ears before she could see the end of the tunnel. Melisande preceding her, she took her first step down the aisle, her gaze downturned.
She didn’t want to see them, see him. How many had come under pressure? Worst, how many had come of their own will?
Just breathe. It’s fine. They’re safe for the moment.
When she finally steeled her nerves enough to raise her eyes, he was the first thing her eyes landed on, and oh how the sight brought pain to her heart. His features so sharp she swore she could cut herself on them, he was dressed in the finest silk of black embroidered with silver and gold. A sword rested at his hip, why would it not? Of course he’d carry a weapon on his wedding day. Worst of all, the sight made a part of her have butterflies in her stomach.
The music stopped the moment she reached the altar, stopping at the groom’s level. They barely even shared a glance, she couldn’t bring herself to do that, with his presence practically towering over her. What she did catch of his face did nothing to reassure her, as naught showed but a light in his eyes as cold and dangerous as the blade at his belt.
After what felt like both an eternity and no time at all, the officiant had almost finished his speech.
She wished him dead in the same breath she used to say “I do.”
She looked at the ring slipped on her finger like it was a chain wrapped around her throat.
And when Morgarath leaned down to kiss her, his lips tasted of bittersweet poison.
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missterwild · 23 days
~29~ Kingdom
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Heeey guess who got into heraldry recently (blazon/image ID in alt)
OC stuff below the cut
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missterwild · 24 days
~28~ Confident
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Confidence is a great tool. Without it, the chances of success are greatly diminished.
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missterwild · 26 days
~26~ Sunset
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As the Sun falls, so does a threat to the kingdom
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missterwild · 27 days
~25~ Companion
[w/c: 540. OC featured]
The clearing was calm, the charming singing of birds accompanied with the scraping sound of a blade getting sharpened. Horace was focused on his present activity, briefly gazing at his reflection in the silvery metal of his blade.
The surrounding noises drowned out the faint sounds of footsteps coming up behind him. One moment, he was admiring the greenery before him, the next his eyes were being obstructed by a pair of slender hands. His ears picked up on an airy chuckle that resonated from behind him.
“Ama, you made it!” he exclaimed as he turned around, a radiant smile plastered on his face. He got up from his seat and affectionately squeezed her hands.
“Of course I did, who do you take me for?” she smiled back, squeezing his hands back. “How have you been doing?”
The knight started telling his friend about the past few weeks, going on about his classes, the gossip that went around Araluen and even the different kinds of interesting plants he saw around his appointed fief. 
The young woman listened to him attentively, a small smile drawn on her face. She spotted something, or rather someone, from the corner of her eyes. She glanced to the side and saw the stealthy ranger approaching them silently with his steed. She tried to stop the smile on her lips from widening, though not quite succeeding.
“Hello Will,” she said in an almost sing-song voice, not turning to face him for a few more moments. 
The addressed got down from his horse and walked the rest of the way, embracing his friends with quick hugs before greeting them. “It’s so nice to see you Horace, I see Kicker is doing well. Same for you Ama and…” His gaze wandered over to the pale horse that had accompanied the sorceress. “That isn’t Brooke…”
Ama glanced over her shoulder before simply nodding, a small smile drawn on her face. “Oh yeah, this is Warlock. He likes parsnips.”
After focusing on the horse for a few moments, a faint crease formed between Horace’s brows. He opened his mouth for a second before speaking. “He looks familiar… have I seen him before?”
“Yes. Yeah, I’m pretty sure you have,” she confirmed as she turned back towards him. “He was Morgarath’s warhorse before he died.”
The two men stayed silent, staring at her for what felt like an eternity. A rather awkward eternity. “I’m sorry, what?!”
“Yeah, Ma and Auntie Rhiannon took him in since you didn’t claim him as your own,” she explained like it was the most normal thing in the world. She shrugged one shoulder before continuing, her smile brightening. “He looks much healthier now, doesn’t he?”
“I guess he does…” Horace said after a moment of hesitation. He took a step closer to Warlock, carefully reaching over to caress his white muzzle. The animal stayed almost completely still, hesitant as he saw the knight approach him. However, when he felt the warm hand rest on his muzzle, he let himself lean into the touch.
Ama produced a parsnip from one of her pockets and handed it to Horace. He took it after a moment of hesitance and fed it to the horse, who happily accepted it.
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missterwild · 28 days
~24~ Destroy
A single person can ruin the ability to trust of another
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missterwild · 28 days
~19~ Oak
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Will’s graduation
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missterwild · 1 month
~18~ Loss
[w/c: 300. OC focused. Angst]
Sylélys hiked through the hidden path between the tangled branches that kept the sanctuary hidden and safe, carefully pulling her horse behind her. The golden midday light filtered through the foliage, pleasantly warming up the air while still leaving room for misleading darkness.
A dry branch snapped somewhere before her, scaring her for a moment before she felt a familiar tug deep within her stomach. 
“Rhiannon!” she called with a bright grin drawn on her face, pushing away the leafy branches between them to meet her blood sister. A cold feeling started to creep within her but she ignored it. Right up until she saw her sister’s face, the grief-stricken, panicked look painted on her visage piercing through her heart. 
She tried to formulate words, but a lump was quickly forming in her throat, preventing any noise from escaping her lips. Rhiannon took a moment to catch her breath before speaking up, her voice all but frantic.
“It- it’s Ailsa,” they started to explain. “She’s… dead…”
A cold feeling trickled down her spine as her head started to spin. “What… what happened?” Though she tried to speak clearly, her voice barely came out as a croaky whimper.
“We’re still not sure… we only found her body yesterday-”
“-looked like a wild animal attack-”
Her ears were starting to ring, her vision getting blurry from tears.
“The Council wants to see you as soon as possible…”
It took a few moments before Sylélys noticed she was shaking, distracted by her deafening heartbeats. Tears fell from her eyes, running down her cheeks as she hugged herself, nails digging in the flesh of her arms.
Rhiannon walked up to her and loosely wrapped her arms around her, holding their sister until she was ready to go on.
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missterwild · 1 month
~17~ Paranormal
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Some objects have a higher connection to the dead’s spirit
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missterwild · 1 month
~16~ Game
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Don’t deny yourself a good game - even if your opponent happens to be dead.
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missterwild · 1 month
~15~ Ignite
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Kalkaras are known to have only one weakness…
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missterwild · 1 month
~12~ Trap
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Enclosed spaces can be quite trapping
AKA claustrophobia’s a bitch
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missterwild · 1 month
~11~ Siege
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A dark knight looms over MacIndaw
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