6th May
Working with text - We explored many ways of working with text just as did when we worked with Krystal doing Whimsy, this time we looked into the ways things are said. Inflections is as change in the way a word is said typically the ending of a word. Normally to express grammar, mood, case and gender. An exercise we explored was creating a chart showing the inflections in somebodies voice by using a line system going up and down as you go across. This was helpeful to see in a physical form how you say certain lines. 
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29th April
Creating a new work with Thania Acaron this first two weeks of term based on physical theatre. 
Physical theatre is theatre which emphasizes the use of movement for example dance and mime. It normally worked alongside text as well. This is something we have done before and will be interesting to do again with another choreographer. We are looking into the play Attempts on her life by Martin Crimp. This play only has one character Annie, no other name is mentioned in this play and each scene is looking at a different state of being.
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25th February
The duet assignment has officially gone into full swing this week, not only have been and Sam been trying to figure out what the “topic” means to us but also finding interesting enough yet simple enough to fit into ten minutes is proving to be more difficult than I think we both expected. Looking at notions of self and other has been an eye opener as well, both me and Sam hold a lot of similar traits but all some very opposite ones. It got me thinking how weird it is that you can be such good friends with people and get along so well even though you are completely opposite. Many relationships/friendships were explained to me as a child as people who have the same interest as you and who do the same things as you but then as you grow you learn that some great friendships can be made even when you’re complete opposites.
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18th February
Being on stage with each other is more than just bodies moving in one space. It’s about really being with someone in the space, the eye contact and the playful smile you see from performers on stage (when appropriate) is something that gives the work meaning for me. Something like the 34th was a technical piece that still had it’s playful, fun, happy side to it. Getting to performer together as a group and being able to channel into each other on stage to work at your best ability as an individual and a group is one of the highlights of university for me. 
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11th February
Re structuring material was something we spent a lot of time on this week. Looking at ways of patterning the material, someone dropping a bar behind or repeating a bar before carrying on, people entering and joining in half way through a phrase. At the beginning of the week we were running Vigilance as a basic structure of A,A,B,A,C by the end we had done this structure with people dropping a bar behind and repeating as well changing the structure. This adds depth to work, people moving in sync with maybe only one other person on stage with three other people either in another pair, group, or some solo’s makes the stage look busy in a creative way giving you plenty to watch.
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4th Febuary
Starting a new piece with a choreographer you’ve never worked with is an exciting thing the chance to work with someone new gives you insight into how other people work. Getting the chance to work with Emma Lewis after watching our third years piece with her is even more appealing as we all love the work she creates.
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21st January
Doing a re sit as a university student is a struggle, not only are you trying to stay on top of the things you have to do now you are revisiting something that you have failed in the past. It’s not only a physical struggle but an emotional struggle as well, having to come to terms with the failure in it’s self is complicated as no one ever wants to fail. Being lucky enough to get the chance to d it again is a slight relief as you know there’s a chance to do better. Hoping one re sit will teach me that the way I hold myself through assessment's clearly is not going to work and I will learn from my mistakes to not have to re sit again. 
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15th January
Not coming out of character - Working on a children’s piece means even more so that characters need to be exaggerated and not lost throughout the piece. For the believability and the interest of the children characters play a big part, coming out of character is not an option. this is something I struggled with through rehearsal as we were speaking to our peers like they were children, this is something that feels very strange. 
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10th January
Create and perform as a module is somewhere where matt can look at our engagement with the process of working on pieces. Not only looking at the technical side of our dancing but also how we devise material. 
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7th January
Introducing text into dance, we have just started working Krystal Low in her funded piece called Whimsy. This is a children’s performance, where a young girl called Whimsy is always seeing beauty in the things around her and through this story she learns that she is beautiful too. This piece included a script as it was a story before it was a dance work. We started introducing text into our movement by creating material using the script and the words as a stimulus for our movement, this was a way of leading us into the world of text. 
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3rd December
Running works and running the show in the penultimate week to the Christmas showing is an important part of the end of term .Not only are works run they are cleaned, re structured, re worked and changed in general. This for me is one of the most important parts of course, learning how it is in the real world, in the sector. Things change at the last minute and learning how to deal and carry on from things like this is an important lesson for a dancer.
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26th November
creating a presentation on a project you would like funding for from arts council wales. Was the basic idea of our 3k project presentation. Looking into two ways of creating a project for performance or for research and development purposes. Working alongside another organisation. Talking about your intentions, why your work will be important, how your work will run, what involvement you have in the project and the budget side of it. 
The budgeting side of the project was interesting for me, looking into how funding and paying for projects was going to work.
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19th November
Essay writing has always been a daunting experience for me, I’ve never been very academic and on top of remembering material and doing placement it’s a workload that takes more time than I ever really give it. This is a big problem of mine because I don’t believe I’m any good at it I always leave it till the last minute until I looked into different ways to complete or even start and essay and found the basic spider diagram useful. 
Starting with you topic in the middle of the age and looking into the main ideas behind the essay and then taking it even further to look at the smaller ideas. This definitely makes the essay less daunting for me and I feel like I have ideas laid out ready for me.  
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12th November
 Matt asked us to answer a few questions about improvisation these consisted of what I find most difficult about improvising. These were then answered by ourselves and handed to the person next to us to give feedback or words of advise as such. This made me realise most of us in that room have the same worries about improvisation as me.
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5th November
The act of doing something or making that's not planned before hand, using a range of things to enlighten your movement. Using different sensations around you to create and devise. Struggling to improv and devise myself the Wednesdays classes with Matt, going back to the basics of improvisation has shown me that it is something I could do.
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29th October
Laban techniques is something we were introduced to by Thania.
Direction is either direct or indirect.
Weight is either heavy or light.
Speed is either quick or sustained.
Flow is either bound or free.
Laban then created The eight efforts which are;
We then used these to create an exercise looking at movements that linked to the words. I feel like at the time it was helpful but it is problem not something I will look back too. 
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22nd October
Devising - Is something that you create, plan and invent with thought and purpose. This is something as a course we do regularly, it’s a chance for us to challenge our creative skills and lets us express ourselves. It gives Matt a chance to see what or how much we understand about his piece, to see if we can create material that stands alone and with his piece. 
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