worldsworstcoder · 6 months
Writer saying hello and an idea......
Hi just introducing myself.... I'm an ex-software developer.
I recently wrote a memoir mashed with a novel. Its not easy to say what is memoir and what is novel, at least that is what people tell me..
I get comments like "Presumably you made up a lot of those incidents like being kidnapped in Edinburgh?" - this comment was from a very close friend and even they are never quite sure... 😀
I'm thinking as I'm an Indy writer (KDP) with a tiny audience, living in the UK/EU, I wouldn't mind, for my second venture, doing a collaboration with someone from the USA. If you think about it, a collaboration might be HALF the work for DOUBLE the sales..... I'm interested in Murder, Dystopia, a book or a film script, Sci-Fi, Crime, Thriller etc.... If you're interested let me know.
USA+UKEU might be double compared to just USA alone.
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