I HAVE A THEORY. this theory is a work in progress and is purely based on the general description of soup, smoothies, and broth via different groups i’ve questioned. with that said, if you have a different idea of what constitutes a soup or the like let me know! ✨✨good soup✨✨
so we‘ve all heard the “is cereal a soup” question. this leads to many, many other questions that can only be answered by defining soup, broth, and smoothies. i will make a chart.
soup: a thickened liquid with a milk base. or, a broth with added solid ingredients. broth has to have some kind of flavoring, be it spices or another liquid. it can be thickened through reduction or some kind of flour, starch, etc.
smoothie*: a flavored liquid with some sort of binder (peanut butter, banana, protein powder) has to have been filtered, juiced or blended in some way.
broth: water that’s been simmered with spice or a non-substantial ingredient. once you add any considerable ingredient (vegetables, meat) it becomes a soup.
the differences:
soup vs smoothie is simply a difference in temperature, consistency, and what you used to get the texture. potato soup with xanthan gum* can become a smoothie if refrigerated. just as a peanut butter smoothie can become a soup if left at room temperature
soup vs broth is ingredients and bases. a broth can be a base for a soup but a soup cannot be a base for a broth. this is because the additions made to become a soup directly goes against the definition of a broth. if you were to add potatoes to a beef broth you’d have a stew*, but you can’t make a stew into a broth without completely undoing the stew aspect.
With these defined, we can now asses what qualifies for each category
Iced Coffee + syrups
Hot Cocoa
Black Coffee
Gatorade (bullion principle)
Here is my final question. What is blood? Based purely on ingredients and process, it’s a smoothie. The proteins are a binder and the salt + vitamins are technically a flavor. It’s all processed in some way from nutrients. But consistency points to broth as it’s still a water based liquid without the substantial solids or thickness you’d see in soups. This would change from person to person based on their medications, hydration level, and temperature. But the fact remains, people are stew either way*
*or another similar component
* can also be a shake
*a type of soup
*Don’t Eat People. I am not encouraging this
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this is my skeleton! his name is cal and he is a professor in psychology. i rescued him a few months ago and he’s doing great! he took up knitting recently, he would like to make small hats and gloves due to his permanently cold bones. #adoptdontshop people
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i felt, inspired
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Cats cannot commit crimes because one of the core tenets of our society’s theory of criminal justice is that a crime consists of both criminal action and criminal intent, and there can be no crime if either element is absent. Criminal intent in turn requires understanding what you’re doing, and cats don’t understand anything.
Crows, on the other hand, fully understand when they’re breaking the rules, and consequently are capable of a variety of crimes, up to and including tax fraud.
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Sometimes i can’t comprehend neurotypicals being devoted and passionate about something like how do you do that without hyperfixation? Dude!!?;!;!,!!,!,
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i think i hated parties/gatherings when i was little bc it was always so loud and the sound was so thick? how am i just now realizing this?? i’m a social person i’m just not a loud noises person!!!! i don’t suck
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i’m at a concert (fully vaxxed ofc) and i have NEVER appreciated my noise softening headphones more. like. u walk in the room and it’s so loud and sharp it hurts :))))))))) but NOT ANYMORE BAYBEEEEEE HECK YEAH
i’m going to all the parties and events and i cannot be stopped
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So glad weve gotten past "sunfish are useless" era and have moved onto "sunfish do important things for their ecosystem!!"
important step in human evolution: appreciation for sunfish
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imagine being the guy who discovered microorganisms trying to explain to people that you promise there are millions of little secret guys on everything
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this is now a “mayor” lewis hate account
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20 years uncontested
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ooohohoho i’m back on my sunfish bullcrap :)
I remember reading a very scathing Facebook Rant about the Ocean Sunfish that called it a "waste of space", "a slap in the face of nature", and "proof that God has abandoned us". It's been called funny, but fairly inaccurate by marine biologists. Your thoughts?
I know what post you are talking about and it is, indeed, bullshit.
They eat jellyfish. Do you want more jellyfish where you swim? Especially when jellyfish populations are rapidly spiking due to warmer waters from climate change? Well? Do you? No? No, I didn’t think so.
They can jump 10 ft/3 m out of the water. Despite their tiny fins. Badass.
They are the world’s heaviest existing bony fish. Do you know how impressive that is in this day and age? Because it’s very impressive. 
Aquariums feed them using salad tongs and it is adorable.
They’re slower than many pelagic species because they do not have a swim bladder. Instead, they focus on efficiency of movement, which makes sense due to their large size, and still manage to go 2 mph/3.2 kmh when they try, which is roughly the speed of some faster open-ocean fish when they cruise.
The Mola did nothing to deserve this hate.
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I love (really hate) rsd cause one minute you can be vibing and then someone Slightly changes the way they respond to you and suddenly your brain decides everyone hates you and you're the worst person to exist.
Like, pick a side Barbara.
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hello, my neurodivergent friends, this is me informing you that infodumping in my asks is encouraged, and greatly appreciated
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I want to organize local hikes where people from different specialties (geologists, botanists, entomologists, etc.) point out all the cool things they see and teach the others about it.
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