#i didnt want to drop tempo
wormbloggign · 4 months
So, that Behemoth fight, huh?
rest in uh... Rest.
big points i want to address
its very funny one of weavers first actions as a superhero is to forget to turn her body cam off
pretender is a silly little guy who has big high heeled boots to fill
they keep on trying to make armsfondler sympathetic and i ... no
we finally got confirmation that taylors passenger/shadow/consort/guide/worm(noones called them worms yet but i have my suspicions) is significantly more powerful than anyone elses
its lovely to know golem is thriving outside of his families influence
cody from zach and cody really needs to uh, stop.
rest in peace, Alec. may 10,000 snarky angels carry you to whatever afterlife is most applicable (i hope its a kind one)
it sucks that lisa has to work around so many pseudo-cognito-hazards (if people know that you know, youre doomed), i hope she finds someone willing to spill the beans one day.
most powerful guy in the worlds words really did come through, bit worried about the retaliation where the simurgh and leviathan double team the most populated area at once
glenn s tier (no i do not have an actual tier list nor do i have any intention of constructing a tier list. i will only mention the tier list if the character enters the S tier)
(the S stands for SOUP because i would like to talk to them over some SOUP)
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Jabber Wappin!
I realized I forgot to write updates ont he last 2 albums! Jeez, Way to be on top of it, dude.
So this new album... is good. Hold on let me hit play while i write whatever comes to mind.
so where was i.... oh, so I wasn't completely sick of it when checking the final mixes/mastering in the car 3 days ago. I've listened to it 3 times since then. Yeah there stuff I still want to fix but I need to move on. I have nearly 5 years of songs to finish!
I checked the file dates on the songs and they were all started in summer of 2018! See, I get new song ideas nearly daily. It's so easy for me to write the chords and tempo for a song and basic vocal melodys. often lyrics too. Starting a new song is so much easier than finishing one. Which is why I am 4 and half years behind on my song backlog. I spend most of my music making time trying to make this stuff sound good. My process is usually this when opening and old session:
Listen back and wait for the first thing to trigger a negative feeling. Then fix it. It's often a bad mix issue like you can't hear the kick drum or the snare sound was awful or I played something really badly or the lyrics are too simple, obvious. Sometimes I'll open up a song and it's all there. Here is where I would segue into talking about "Lawyer, guns and crypto" but let's just go in order.
Its so sad: I think this one might be older than 2018. I recall playing this over and over again on guitar when putting my daughter to bed each night and trying different ideas. At one point I realized my vocal line was a complete ripoff of another song. It was nigh impossible to find something else that worked. When I finally popped this open in november of 2022.. (I think that's when I said, "NO NEW SONGS! FINISH THE NEXT ALBUM!" ?) I was able to approach with fresh ears. Well, that was after listening to the 6 different versions I made of it. The really slow sad one was pretty cool but the least finished and I honestly didn't feel like I have the experience to make that one sound like a "song" rather than some boring collection of sounds. So anyway where was I. I dunno. I have ADHD (officially diagnosed thank you very much). I just checked my winter 2022/2023 folder and It looks like I have 6 songs I started when I declared I wasn't going to make anymore until I finished this album. I nodded to that original vocal melody that I accidentally stole with one line of lyrics on this song. I also added a capo at some point because playing this in C felt too obivous (is F with a high E, C, G they key f C?)
I stay Ho ho: I think this started with me chopping up my nephew saying somthing into the mic. There was a track of him singing chopped up n stuff. I also had my lady do it too. they're all layered and edited on top of each other. There's a quote from a movie in the lyrics. Probably easy to spot for many of you.
Hold me im home: I found 2 versions of this. And just the other day i was playing these chords and started a new song before it hit me that i might have used them before. The other version was similar it just didnt have the dream crystals on it and the lyrics were weak.
Still cant chake that feleing: i think my daughter helped me write the melody for this one because I found a track with her freestyling notes and words. I asked her to come sing on it for real but she refused because "i'm not a music person" Oh really? We litterally play "alexa" where she asks for a made up song title and then freestyles a whole new song on the spot nearly everytime we're in the car. I love the dembow sorta beat in this one.
let me alone: man i love that dreamy sound on top. That's an ebow and a slide and some pedals and a guitar of course. I liked the old timey way of say "leave me a lone" I think fred norris of the howard stern had a drop from an old marlon brando movie where he would say it like this.
Lawyers guns and money: this was my favorite song but Keith told me I shouldnt start with it. I just love the narrative about trust fund crypto bros going to columbia and ripping off prostitutes not realzing they're now in the targets of the cartel. Daddy is a senator and needs to send the aformentioned lawyers guns and crypto to save these little shitheals. And yes I am referencing the warren zevon song here. Felt like its a modern update to the idea i think his song is about. I dunno. ive deliberately avoided the song to not be influenced. i guess now that its done I can se how they compare
I pooped on your drums: I have no memory of making this but when I opened the session there was a recording of me telling different kids to say this into a mic. I doubt it was my idea at first. Whenever kids come over they always want to make music. This was originally a trap beat until I heard some bmore/jersey club and thought "oh this would be way better for that song". It took maybe an hour or 2 to whip this into shape.
Ok, so: a crime song. i can write lyrics about crime and corruption so easily sometimes. I just start seeing the movie in my head and write what comes out. Making the words rhyme however is so much harder. the lyrics were hard to tell even soloing the vocal tracks. They're my best guess for my mumbly mouth and what it says. Looks like I just freestyled this one right off the dome as there were no edits at all and nothing was written in the lyrics.txt file in the folder. Other than doubling the solo and giving it a better mix this one was pretty much done. oh and i added the end lyrics during this latest round of finishing
keith, no 1: kieth is my unoficial producer. i send him the songs (not soon enough) to get feedback. i really should do it earlier in the process as he has good ears and great ideas. when he told me he was going to be a dad i thought "dude, you're not gonna be ready for this" and tried to put it in a song that used chords from a song he wrote. which i think was called "gay racists" or something? I dont even remember just that that title is somehow linked to a song idea he sent me. Maybe that his title? Im just guessing. As I am listening back to the song as I type I hear how this is kind of U2 joshua tree era thing. a lot of my references just come out and I dont cacth them until much later. And yeah keith said I could use his 4 chords on the first section.
Look whos trying: my friend meets sent me a song he was working on and I whipped up the front part of this for him to sing on. We never finished it. When i went back this winter to finish thse songs I found it i tried to see if I could write something new to it and it worked! so its his chords for the first half. i recorded and played everything. He gave me permission to use it. His melody and lyrics are different and likely better. IIRC his first line was "drinking, stinking and never thinking" or somehing like that. The end is all me. Thanks for the permish, meets!
I shoulda kept more notes because I think i had help on one of these from someone else. Probably my lady since I love her voice and ideas. She's always giving me better lyric ideas and melody tweaks.
oh now i remember. Will helped me using AI to generate the characters on the cover. Everything else was me except the dudes will helped with. He and Jaime provided feedback on the design. Thanks dudes!
The title is a quoe aunt em says in the wizard of oz. we were watching it the other night (spolier: its kind of creepy) when she yells "quit yer jabber wapping and get back to work!". I immediately grabbed my note book and wrote it down hoping to gather more good words and quotes but we didnt finish it because it got way to scary for the kid.
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volumehypeplay · 1 year
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Favorite Speechless songs of 2022
I know it's been a while and I apologise. After getting lost addicted to The Witcher 3 (I kinda hate that it finally happened), I also discovered a game called Len's Island that have been taking up any free time in my life. But I didn't forget my promise, so today, I will be dropping not one but a double-bill of my favorite songs of last year. We'll be starting with my speechless addiction (meaning OST's, classical etc) and then ending with traditional songs. Let the countdown begin. ↓
I still remember finding this song in between layers and layers of songs in the seemingly limitless archives of Spotify. Ganbatte by Pogo is one of those tracks that effortlessly get better with every listen. Pogo manages to keep me listening, even as he weaves multiple instruments and genres throughout the 5 ½ min runtime, without ever losing the songs thread. Ganbatte is a wonderful example of sonic storytelling; Pogo using instrumentation and key switches to forward the story and keep you guessing.
Will have this one in constant rotation for years to come.
Aramid has already cropped up on VHP so I won't waste my breath re-iterating why you MUST listen to this one. If your ever needing to outrun a pack of lions, just put this on and you'll be gucci.
Try telling me I'm wrong.
One of my favorite movies of the last decade is Leigh Whannel's Upgrade. An amazingly clever and violent movie that has a just as impressive soundtrack (check A Better Place). FOUNDATION, to me is the perfect accompanying track to the movie. It continues the themes of Upgrade brilliantly with it's dank, neon singed soundscapes, fitting perfectly in any one of the city scenes. BRONSON (& Odesza) hopefully get a chance to work on a movie at some point, because if the coherence of this album taught me anything, is they have the knack to create something special together.
Me and my wife have a running joke in the house about this song. The first time we heard this, we immediately saw it being the backdrop of some modern monster feature. Discovering where Precipice was from, made us double-take 3 or 4 times — and it still didnt register correctly. What kind of scene, deserves the dark, ominous undertones of Precipice in something like Around the World in 80 Days??? Eventually, we'll have an answer to that mystery, but for now, turn the lights low, get under the covers and try not to get creeped out.
Ballade in C# Minor: Coronation
Perfection. This is it. Of all the new songs I discovered last year I think the most suprising one was Ballade in C# Minor: Coronation. Composed by Nicholas Britell, this song does such a good job in conveying the emotions of a scene without me having ever even watched the movie.
From the downtrodden opening; followed by strings (adding anxiety) only for the volume to be raised, the strings to be layered and the tempo increased. Immersing you in a feeling of dread - while being bathed in a very beautiful ambience of the song itself.
Katana Zero
This one snuck in really late; right at the eleventh hour. It's probably the most gym appropriate song on this list, if your simply looking to go in: rep, after rep, after rep.
The monotone nature of the production makes it extremely easily to zone out, focus and follow the bass line as it grows. If your looking for a song to vibe out too, or simply have playing in the background as you get on with your day-to-day this is perfect.
Impressions Lastly we have another track by Portico Quartet called Impressions. It's possibly the best introductary song to this London based group.
Impressions delivers on everything you'd want out of a Quartet song; it's diverse, groovy and melodic. Immediately your hit with a ridiculous drum-line that just doesn't stop. The amazing thing is how the drums are layered by both live instruments and electronic echoes - while also being abruptly stripped away when the track needs a breather.
If your loving Impressions, definetly check out Monument by Portico Quartet and the Nest remix.
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actualbird · 3 years
ok idk if im imagining this bc i can’t open tot rn but in marius’ sr overtone didn’t mc say she learned the guitar bc a guitarist in college was really hot or something?? i remember being so surprised that marius didn’t react at all (not even a “even hotter than me missy?” :( ) bc yknow… he’s a brat and this is an otome game but he was just “yeah that’s a perfectly valid reason for learning an instrument” sfskdj
omg im too lazy to go check that marius guitarius sr and also i dont want to because this made me think of something SO MUCH FUNNIER
wc: 603
like the ONLY explanation as to why marius wouldnt complain about something is if he completely understands what mc experienced. so i put forward my brand new hc
marius von hagen, in university, got crushes on SO MANY HOT MUSICIANS
and he did SO MUCH STUPID SHIT to try and get them to notice him
art schools are filled with musicians. idk the exact vibes of the florence college music scene, but surely, theres hot bands with hot people. if there arent, there are now. leather jacket, piercings, powerful drives that bang out an arresting beat on the drums. marius knows about stage presence, he knows how to make himself the star of the room, but when he sees bands play with all their energy and skill, hes the one whos in awe at how much they can have the entire bar eating out of the palm of their hands. marius is SO INTO IT. hes 17-18 years old maybe and hes just like O/////O and he doesnt know what to DO with himself
actually heres some visual and musical peg for one of the musicians (because u cant convince me he DIDNT basically get a crush on everybody in florence who knew how to do music) marius gets a crush on
a drummer, she was
he tries to hit on drummer girl like, immediately, and she'll give him credit, he's adorable, so she gives marius the time of day sometimes. but marius being marius Always Wants Attention so hes like "teach me how to play the druuuuumssss 🥺🥺🥺" and hes so endearingly annoying about it that drummer girl gives it a shot
marius is a fast learner, but drumming is a different language. on the physical aspect, it's WAY MORE FEROCIOUS than painting. when marius holds a paintbrush and drags it across the canvas, his movements are gentle and careful. drummer girl hands him the drumstick and shes like "okay give me a few beats" and marius taps the drum like a feather dropping onto a pillow. drummer girl has never laughed this hard in her LIFEEEEEE.
additionally, drummer girl learns that marius has NO SENSE OF BEAT, TEMPO, OR RHYTHM WHATSOEVER. if she had talked to the other musicians marius pined for, she would learn that marius has no skill concerning all things musical altogether. PAINTINGS DONT MAKE SOUND, OKAY!!!! so drummer girl is tapping a beat and marius fumbles with the drumsticks, losing whatever beat there was (there wasnt any to begin with). he tries to make up for his lack of skill by doing a flashy trick he saw drummer girl do---twirling the drumsticks---and he ends up sending the drumstick careening into his face
honest to god, he is not doing this on purpose. marius von hagen would rather eat soil than not be seen as the coolest person in the world
he just wholly, honestly sucks. he sucks soooo bad. drummer girl (and every other musician marius ran after) found his ineptitude VERY CUTE
plus, him being so shit at playing the drums did give her the opportunity really teach marius about rhythm
by fucking it into him
several times
drummer girl: so do you get it now?
marius: nope, not a bit. maybe one more time, teacher ;3
so when mc in the marius guitarius sr is like "oh yeah i learned the guitar because a guy in college was a guitarist" marius' inner monolog was like
"oh hey, i did that a bunch too!
i was not successful
in actually being good at the instrument"
you win some, you lose some
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faangirl101 · 4 years
Burning Heart: Pt 4
Burning heart masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x reader, Zuko x y/n
Tags: Enemies to lovers, slow burn
Summary: Raised mostly by yourself, you made a living for your youth years as a maid in one of the richest families in Ba sing se, Beifongs. There Toph, a blind young rich girl, taught you earth bending and also became your new family. Not that you would admit that to her. Together you escape Ba sing se on the back of a flying bison with the Avatar, in a mission to take back the world from the fire nation. But on the journey you didn’t plan to team up with the Fire prince himself, and you definitely did not plan to get butterflies around him. But you couldn’t possibly catch feelings for a fire bender right? They ruined your life and took everything of value from you. But you couldn’t lie to your burning heart.
Warnings: swearing, Sexual tension
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The next morning Zuko and Aang were up early, excited to fire bend. I took a lie in. I was exhausted after a full night of brooding. But now I had forgotten all about last night and wanted to have a lesson together with Toph. While the others were fire bending on the other side of the temple me and Toph was placed on a protective platform.  After months of complaining, toph finally agreed to teach me how to see without my eyes. 
With spread legs and deep breathing I tried the best I could. But I came to the conclusion that it was impossible. I was so used to the privilege of using my own eyes that the idea that I could create a vision from the sense around me was laughable. I kept myself busy the entire afternoon, sweat dripping down my forehead. Toph was laughing at me “wow! you suck”. I growled, annoyed at the lack of improvement “isn't it your job to teach me? Is there not a way to make my feet open their eyes or whatever”. Toph threw a pebble at me “No. that's the problem.  You've got to stop thinking like a moron with working vision.There's no different angle, no clever solution, no trickery-trick that's going to make you see. it's not actually eyes you dumbstruck bison, its feet and it's always going to be feet ''. I was growing a temper “well it's kind of hard to see with my feet when i have perfectly working eyes unlike your blind ass”. Toph jumped down from the pillar so she stood in front of me. Still lifted with a rock beneath her she was a head shorter than me. “I'm glad you said something Jerk! We don't need them”, before I could protest she blindfolded me “This way, you'll actually have to sense the vibration of the earth around you”. I rolled my eyes forgetting she can't see them because of the blindfold. And yeah right,also  because she's blind. “I still don't actually have to sense my surroundings'', I muttered mostly to myself but somehow Toph caught it. “ You have to if you want to live”, I could hear the smirk in her voice. Finally catching up on words I struck my hands forward in a protective manner “No. No, Toph! We are not doing the bolder thing again”. She blatantly ignored me and laughed as an answer. I sighed, as I spread my feeting again. I tried to focus on how the ground felt under me. How hard the stone was, how my balance on the left foot was worse because a crack slit the ground open. I focused on the vibrations from Toph's steps. Then with a deep sigh I let myself completely into my earth's bending control. I imagined my surroundings, I could feel the wind move pebbles over my feet. And I could also feel the rumpling of something the doubled size of me. The boulder. And just then I understood what Toph meant. It wasn't like looking with eyes at all. I couldn't see colors or the direction of the sunlight. I couldn't see details like leaves on the vines. But I still knew, I knew what was around me. I knew that the temple was on my left, Toph was on my right. And that the quick moving boulder was rushing in my direction from behind. So I threw myself to the side just when the vibration was next to me. I quickly eartbended a sharp piece of the cliff at the boulder so it broke into pieces. “Surprised that it took you that long!”Toph yelled at me in which I earth bended a pebble towards her in response.
“Okay..”, Toph began and I inhaled hopefully. “I'm getting a break?”, I interrupted her before she could continue her sentence. She snorted “as if you deserve a break, freak. What I was going to say was that I'm sending in someone you can spar with. Blindfold on of course”. Help? Since when did Toph need help. Before I could ask I felt the sudden vibration of a larger figure rushing towards me. I quickly moved out of the way. From the weight of the vibrations I was guessing Sokka since I knew Zuko was busy teaching Aang. “Missed me!”, I teased, as I felt the person rushing over to me again. With a smile I ducked what I guessed was the boomerang being thrown at me. But when I felt the familiar heat of fire above me my demeanor changed. “Toph I don't even know how to feel fire with my feet!”I yelled, suddenly scared of what could happen if I hadn't ducked. Toph shouted back happily without a care in the world “you just did!”. Angry that she was right, like usual, I quickly stood back in a defensive position. Zuko seemed to have changed his fighting technique since he wasn't spurting at me anymore. He was waiting for me to attack. And I did. I moved gracefully as I raised my hands, feeling the good vibrations of my earth bending creating a rock to shoot at him. I could feel him jump to the side and I cursed myself for missing. And like that it continued, we spared in a circle like a prey and predator. Which one was which i didn't know. I could feel his burning eyes on me the entire time. I tried not to think about how crazy I must look, hunting after him with a blind fold. My legs were exhausted from hours of training non stop. But instead of requesting a break like any sane person would, I used it in my advantage. I put on a fake show, dragging my feet a little extra or not attacking him as much. And when I felt him prepare a flame towards me I formed my plan. As it combusted towards me I made sure to jump just a tiny bit out of the way. I could feel the heat slicking up my arm, not close enough to burn my skin but close enough for me to react. I doubled over with a hiss, covering the skin with my hand so Zuko couldn't see that it was completely unharmed. I immediately sensed his demeanor drop as he rushed over to me. His steps were no longer careful but rushed. ‘“I'm so sorry”, his voice was deep of guilt but i didn't have time to feel bad.  The second his fingers touched my hand I went for attack. He didn't even have time to react when I tackled him to the ground. I threw my legs across the side of his body and nailed him to the ground with my entire weight shuffled to my hands. It was not until i could feel him grunt out a pust of air towards me when i realized the position i put him in. My backside was arched toward his lap. My exposed cleavage was hanging right in front of his face. But i knew if i moved i would most definitely lose. So instead I waited. I waited for him to react, to make a move. But he did neither. He was still as a rock. Annoyed that I could sense him but not see his reaction I shook my head so my blindfold slipped off my face. Little did I know that lack of sight was the only thing keeping me winning. The second Zuko is exposed to my eyes beneath me I drop the defensive act. His eyes are soft, sweet as honey. His lips parted and i didnt miss his tongue swiping across them. His chest raised with short breaths brushes against my cleavage and I feel his pounding heart and I know he can feel mine. The two front pieces of my hair fall down, shielding our faces from the rest of the world. And there, right there, I forget about the war. I forget about the fire nation. Right there, there is only Zukos and our breaths tempo starts to match. There was only the smell of his manly musk and new poured rain. For the first time in what felt like forever, I was calm at heart. I didn't worry about the outcome of the war, hell I didn't even care. His eyes roam over me, as if it's the first time he sees me. Uncomfortable from his intense gaze I shifted my position only to feel…
Both faces are immediately lit up in matching blushes as I feel something hard pressing against the inside of my thigh. My pounding heart didn't know what to do. What was best, to move or to avoid it. Too caught up in the heat of the moment I didn't notice how his fingers slipped up my hand. It's not until he had fully grasped my wrists and rolled me over that I was brought back to reality. He had done a “Y/n” and attacked in a weak moment. Nice. But this position made his hard problem much more noticable. The entire length was pressed against my crotch and it made a yearn start to pound. One I desperately needed to hide. His hair hung down in my face next to my wrist he had nailed to the ground. I needed to immediately distract myself from the contact between us “Deja vu huh?”. I was referring to how he had me pinned to a tree the first day we met. He smirks as he leans down to my ear and whispers in my hair “i have exactly where i want you”. I knew he meant that he was winning but it didn't fail to send a shiver down my spine. “Ummm, okay guys i think zuko won!”, We both push each other off at once  as we both remember Toph is there. Not only Toph but Sokka. They both look horrified.  “He cheated!”I burst out, anything to break the silence. Zuko tips his head towards me angry “You cheated first”. I rolled my eyes even though he was right “you should be happy I don't know fire bending because I would beat you in Agni Kai”. Zuko snorted as he stood up and brushed off his pants “you have no near the amount of self control Agni Kai demands”. I smile with a raised eyebrow, god he makes it so easy. “And what?”, I look down to his crouch before meeting his eyes “you do?”. His face becomes more red than a tomato as I brush past Toph and leave the scene. The second I'm out of sight, I finally let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. I lost control today. I almost let the attraction I clearly have for Zuko show. The same one I need to hide, to dig down, do destroy. But more interesting, Zuko did the same thing. I cringed at the entire thing, praying to god that everybody would forget this by dinner.  
Neither Zuko or I spoke at dinner. We’re deeply concentrated on our food and both ignore the conversations playing out around us. That's until Toph shoves an elbow into my side. I make a groan from the sharp pain “what was that for?”. I didn't need to look at Top to know she was smirking “I was right”. I had no idea what she was referring to “yes you were,  now what exactly are you talking about”. Toph was very often right, it was like the blindness had given her a third eye so she just knew things. Toph nods to the other side of the circle and I follow her eyes to.. Zuko. Whatever was going to come out of her mouth was probably not good. “I've felt your pulse raise every time you've looked at Zuko so i knew i had to put it to the test”. I should've known Toph didn't need help from Zuko. I shook my head “Whatever you think you're right about, you're wrong. End of conversation”. Toph fell quiet against her will but i knew that she was going to go off and mock me for having the hots for a fire bender. Zuko at that. Sokka, who had been eavesdropping the entire time, sneaked next to me “so what's up between you and Sifu Hotman”. I wanted to punch that grin off his face. “I dont know”, I glanced threateningly at him “what was up between you and Azula when you fought at the eclipse?”. I was referring to how he pushed her up the wall and how she just let him. He was clearly done talking about me and Sifu hotman, because like the pull of a lever he shut up. That's what I thought.
The next morning Zuko and Sokka were gone. They had apparently gone fishing, as if any of us was going to believe that. So there were multiple reasons I was grumpy that morning. First, I didn't like how they kept me out of things like that. Second, once again I caught myself worrying for both of them. Worrying for Zuko. This was not going to end well.  
Taglist: @eridanuswave , @Whalerus, @keiko0, @emogril , @theblueslytherin , @bbecc-a , @riespage ,  @mochminnie , @mangoberry43, @riespage
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innocentenough719 · 4 years
We were with our friends on a weekend getaway. Friday night sky was clear. We 4 sat in the backyard of our rented villa. It started getting cold so I bought out 2 big blankets out. Our couple friends took one and we took one for ourselves. She shifted from her chair to my lap and I covered us both with the blanket.
Under our blanket she hugged and comforted herself with the warmth of my body. She nuzzled her head between my shoulder and neck. After a few minutes of just laying there, I started to get hard as we were so close to each other. She got back up and looked at me. I just whispered back to her "that's what you do to me". She went back to her position but this time started sucking on my neck. Her hands started to move around and one hand finally rested on my dick. I was wearing a short shorts so she had easy access to my dick. She grabbed my dick and started stroking it. I shifted one of hand on to her ass and started groping it. Her ass has always made me hard in an instant. As soon as I grabbed her ass my dick swelled up. She started adjusting her strokes as my dick grew biggerin her hands. I quickly checked on my friends but they were still busy staring at the night sky. I whispered to her "let's take this inside". She agreed and we both excused ourselves and went inside. The blanket helped in hiding my awkward boner.
As soon as we entered inside she started flashing me her boobs. On the way to our room she started to strip naked. I picked up her clothes behind her and followed her to our room. By the team we reachedshe only had her panties on. And I could see how wet they already were. I quickly paced and caught her. I held her by her arm and then closed the door behind us, making sure to lock it. I pushed her on the door facing towards it. Took both her hands and held them above her head and then I pressed my body against hers. Making her feel my throbbing cock on her ass. The image of my dick fucking her just made my dick hard. I shifted her hair away from her neck and started sucking and biting on it. She loves it when I do that to her. She couldnt stop moaning.
I let go of her hands and cupped her boobs. Her boobs fit so perfectly in my hands. I squeezed them hard, pinched her nipples and let out aloud moan. She loved everything I did to her. I shifted one hand towards her wetness. I wanted to feel what I did to her. I slid my hand under her panties. She was so wet I couldn't help but start fingering her. She moved her waist to the rhythm of my fingerig to make sure I went deep inside her. She went ahead and grabbed my dick. But all she could do was just grab it. I was rubbing her gspot with my fingers and her clit with my palm. I could feel she was about to cum. I spun her around. We were now facing each other. While I fingered her with one hand I wrapped the other around her waist to support her. As soon as I felt she was close and took her tit in my mouh, sucked on it hard. Thats was enough to push her of the edge. She cummed hard on my fingers. I held her close until her orgasm passed. Then I removed my fingers and showed her how hard she came. She instantly grabbed my hand and sucked my fingerd dry, tasting the mess she just made.
She wrapped her arm around my neck and leaned to kiss me. I grabbed her ass with both my handsand lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I could feel her wet panties on my stomach. I held her and took her towards the bed. I sat down with her on my laps and slowly laid on the bed. She kept kissing me hard. Using her tongue to explore around. I hled her close to me. I didnt want to leave any space between us. But what I wanted more was to taste her wetness. I wanted to taste her mess. Without warning her I grabbed her legs and lifted her up to my face. She was so surprised she screamed. She adjusted herself to make better. Her panties eere literally dripping of her juices. I took a pillow under my head and licked her wetness. She tasted so good. I just wanted to suck each and every drop of her. I just couldn't wait any longer. I moved her panties aside and my eyes lit up. She had a gorgeous pussy. Its all I have ever wanted, to lay my tongue on that piece of work. I licked from the bottom to the top, taking in all her juices flowing out of her. She let out a moan letting me know that she likes what I did. But she wasnt ready for what's going to come next. I lowered her a bit more and started to lick her. Licking every exposed nerve, making her feel food. I just wanted to drown in her pussy juices. I kept flicking herclit with my tongue, sending tingles of pleasure in her body. I teased around her opening, circled it with my tongue. I sucked her clit and then started flicking on it aggressively with my tongue. She started shivering. I held her in place using both my hands, making sure I dont lose contact. She kept on moaning and clutching on the bed sheets. She was close again I could feel it. I increased my pace of my tongue, bringing her close to the edge. As soon as I felt she was closed I grabbed her tits with both my hands and squeezed hard. She came furiously, drencing my face with her pussy juices. I licked each and every drop that came out of her. She crawled down and rested for a min on my body. She sat back up, gave me a kiss and started crawling down my body. Leaving kisses along the way. She held my briefs and dragged them down, freeing my erection. Her eyes lit up the same way mine lit when I see her pussy. She grabbed my dick with her hands and stroked it from top to bottom, squeezing out my precum. She licked every drop that came out of it. Slowly she started to lick from the bottom, nearning the head of my penis. She licked it a couple of times and then took my dick in her mouth. The whole length of it. She stayed for a few seconds and came back up to get some air. Then she started sucking on my dick and stroking it with her hand. Time to time taking the whole length of dick in her mouth. Slobbering my dick with her saliva, making it nice and wet, making it ready to slide inside her pussy. She sucked on my balls while stroking my dick. Did every nasty thing she knew. She was worshipping my dick, sucking it like its all that she wanted to do.
After a few minutes I couldn't wait any longer, I wanted to fill her up. I sat up and grabber her head and brought her to me. Gave her a deep kiss and threw her on the bed on her back. She knew what was going to happen next. Her face lit up. I positioned myself in front of her and took of her panties off. I grabbed her legs and spread them wide apart. I grabbed my dick and rubbed it on her pussy, making it wet with the juices flowing out of her. Rubbing her clit with my dick, teasing her. She moved her waist, trying to get my dick to line up with her opening. I layed myself on top of her and whispered to her "put it where you want it". She grabbedmy dick with her hand and guided it. As soon as I felt her open for me I slid insude her slowly. She arched her back and moaned hard. She was so tight and wet. It felt so good being inside of her. With slow rhythm I kept on sliding in and out of her. After she got used to me, I increased my tempo, making my strokes faster. I supported my self with my arms and kept on thrusting her balls deep on every stroke. Her moans kept on getting lowder as I increased the intensity with which I fucked her tight pussy. After sometime I slowed back down and shifted her on her stomach, giving me the awsome view of her ass. I spread those ass cheeks and dived back in her again. Slapping her ass, making it red. I grabbed hard on to her ass and fucked her hard. She bit on the pillows to quiet down her screams. She was about to cum on my dick again. She was squeezing my dick so hard withher pussy, I knew she was close. I licked my thumb and started to lube her asshole. As she edged I inserted one finger inside her ass and she cummed all over my dick. She came hard, shivering with pleasure.
As soon as she recovered from her orgams, she got up and layed me on my back. Got on top of me and guided my dick inside of her. She rode my dick so good, fucking me hard. She rode like her life depended on it. But it was clear she was doing it for my pleasure. Squeezing my dick with her pussy and taking me all the way inside her. All she wanted was me to cum hard, inside of her. I sat up and hold her close to me while she kept on riding me. I matched her rhythym and made each and stroke hit her deep insides. I grabbed her hair and pulled on them, making her arch back revealing her neck to me. I sucked on her neck and got ready to empty myself inside her. I was getting close with each and every stroke but all it took for me to cum was her saying "cum for me baby, cum inside me. Fill me up with your cum". I held on to her and came hard. Emptying myself inside her. Each and every drop I had. Making her mine, only mine.
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1eos · 4 years
kendra did you see that sm is currently having beef with one of their song writers and now half of taemin's, exo's and basically every group is at risk of being copyright claimed 😶 a few of the songs at risk: 1 of 1, our page, drip drop, tempo, love shot, RBB, the7thsense, cherry bomb.... fuck!!!!
omg that beef is still going on? i heard that a writer wanted to be paid more but i didnt know what to think abt it bc they do deserve a good check for their work on some of the best sm bangers but the way other ppl in the industry were talking apparently once u sign the contract that’s it so i didn’t really know how to feel 💀💀💀 bc if u signed it...CAN you do anything abt it? idk........i hope sm runs that writer their check bc i just got vixx’s music back on spotify i think my head would explode if i lost sm’s shit too
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Bubble Bath: Joseph x Caesar
Cw: shenanigans, tomfoolery, bubbles, toy battleships, just boys being boys, bro’s being dudes
“No no no JoJo! Are you even paying attention at all!” Caesar grimaced, trying not to laugh at JoJo’s ridiculous antics.
“Mmm I was trying to but then you just started droning on and on with all these names and places and events. Like huh?” Joseph whined, using his Harmon to play with the tagliatelle before him.
“Names and places and events are literally all history is. And how could Venetian history possibly be boring?! It is the epicenter of art and culture-“
“Mmmm the city seems a little spread out to be an epicenter,” at that Caesar groaned and started to massage his temples.
“But actually I do have a question,” Joseph stopped playing with his noodles for a moment to show his sincerity.
Caesar was hesitant to show too much excitement, a question from JoJo could range from ‘could I have a bite of that’ to ‘under what circumstances would you cook my body and eat it’. To be frank Caesar did not like either of those questions, but he had hope that this one could pertain to the lesson at hand. Albeit a small amount of hope.
“Alright... what is your question about?”
“Hamon” JoJo said mater of factly. He smoothly slid out of his chair and started to pace around the table, waving his fork around to the tempo of his thoughts.
“So. Hamon is conducted easily through water right?”
“Yes that’s fairly basic, but yes it’s-“
“No that’s all I needed from that. Next, you have soap over all your clothing so you can make bubbles with your Hamon correct?”
“Yes?” Caesar was beginning to feel like he was being interrogated and feared the result.
“And if I’m not wrong, soap and water create bubbles-“
“Yes Joseph what the hell are you on about!”
JoJo finally broke and slammed his hands down on the table in front of Caesar, “THEN ALL THE FACTS WOULD CONCLUDE THAT YOU OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD MAKE THE PERFECT BUBBLE BATH!”
Caesar scoffed, arrogance oozing off of him, “JoJo, every bath I take is a bubble bath.”
JoJo’s jaw dropped so fast it nearly hit the table. “R-really?”
“Mmmhm. I’m quite surprised you haven’t tried it yourself. Or is it that you can’t do it on your own?” There it was, Caesar’s snide grin, so easily turning this into a competition.
“Uhhh don’t you think I’ve tried? What do you think all that water on the terrace was from?”
“My god! I thought it was just a freak storm!” Caesar was genuinely shocked that JoJo still had such little control of his Hamon. Maybe he could take this chance and be the bigger person. JoJo had conceded that he didn’t know how to do it... maybe this was his odd little way of asking for help.
“Do you want me to show you how to do it?” Caesar asked hesitantly. This was either going to be a teachable moment, which was what this whole afternoon was supposed to be, or it would end in disaster. As most moments with JoJo did.
“Yes!” JoJo nearly pounced on Caesar, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the bathroom.
“So try this” and Caesar leaning over JoJo, gently spreading his fingers gently across the surface of the water.
“Ha,” JoJo was a little flushed, “so, is this how you get all the girls?” he managed to stutter out.
Caesar totally missing his point scoffed, which was one of his most usual reactions to JoJo, “No they wouldn’t know how to use Hamon.”
JoJo tolled his eyes, “I meant with bubble baths helloooooo” gesturing to the tub below them.
“Oh, then no. These are just for myself.” He back up and dried his hands on the towel on the table.
“Show me how to make one.” JoJo insisted.
“We just made bubbles-“
“Noooo I want the whole bubble bath! You said you make the best ones. Or were you bluffing?” He taunted.
“Hrmph. I’m offended now. I’ll only show you if you ask nicely.”
“Pleeeeaaaaaase” JoJo nearly begged.
Caesar’s mouth quirked up in a grin, “Well, I guess I can show you how to.”
“Bubbles, and a shit ton of them! Some rose petals? Classy! AND candles, my god this is even more extravagant than Lisa Lisa’s!” JoJo’s excitement was palpable.
Joseph was elated looking at the beautiful warm tub awaiting him. He kicked off his boots and started unraveling his scarf. He was just about to slip off his shirt when Caesar interjected.
“JoJo what the hell are you doing?” He shielded his eyes away from the still stripping figure before him.
“What do you mean. It’s a bath, I’m not just gonna let it go to waste.”
“But you’re nearly naked! And you didn’t even give me a warning!”
“Oh... didn’t know you needed one. You’ve never needed one before...” Joseph teases easing himself into the bubbles.
“What the HELL is that supposed to mean?!.”
“Oh come on it’s not like you haven’t seen me in more compromising positions.”
“No JoJo I haven’t!”
“Oh. Well I’ve seen you at least and there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“You really think Lisa Lisa is the only one I spy on? Nah I’ve seen everyone in this house. I don’t discriminate, though Loggins is terrifyingly hairy so I try to avoid-“
“JOJO! You pervert!! You can’t just go around watching people take baths it’s-“
“Well that’s exactly what you’re doing right now.”
“I made the bath... I shouldn’t have to be the one to leave...” Caesar pouted, glaring at him
“Well then come on in, the tubs plenty big.” JoJo offered nonchalantly.
Caesar looked at him incredulously, “JoJo that’s indecent.”
“Mmm no I have something to solve that. Check third pocket on the right in my little backpack.”
Caesar skeptically opened that particular zipper compartment and pulled out two toy battle ships.
“Now second to the left” instructed JoJo peering out over the tub.
Caesar, a little scared to continue, slowly pulled out two miniature water guns.
“Jojo, do you just carry these around all the time?”
“Of course, never know when the perfect moment will arise. The second lesser known Joestar technique is to always be prepared.”
“I-is one of these for me?” Caesar carefully asked, still trying to avoid the naked sight of Joseph.
“Uh duh. But toss me one while you’re at it. Your bubbles may be nice, but no bath is complete without these bad boys.” As JoJo snagged the small water pistol out of the air.
While Caesar was mentally preparing himself to slide into the tub, JoJo covertly filled up the small fun under the bubbles.
When Caesar finally turned around to undress, JoJo used this moment to place a well aimed squirt right down the back of his pants.
“JOJO YOU ASSHOLE” Caesar screamed as he threw himself at JoJo in the tub, but that damn boy was too slippery! He slipped right out of Caesar’s hands, buck naked, and sprinted down the hall with Caesar on his heels.
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hyunjinssmile · 5 years
dance partner!hyunjin being so stressed out and frustrated because the dance you’re sharing is so hot that he can’t help himself and you’re too innocent so it drives him literal crazy and he pushes you to a wall and have his way djeksldb
Size kink, dirty talk, corruption kink ect-
Hyunjin is a cheeky boi
You stared up at him in shock as he breathed heavily, his eyes dark as they stared into your own, your arms pinned beside your head by his big hands as he kept you against the dance studio wall, you couldnt move, completely trapped by his body.
“H-hyunjin?” You suddenly found your voice, calling out to him, making him groan softly and click his tongue, softening his grip on you a bit as he fell for your wide, innocent eyes just that little bit more.
“You dont realise what you do to me y/n” he ran a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face as he looked down at you, making you freeze in your spot.
“What?” You said, unsure of what he meant, making him chuckle.
“Y/n, you dont realise how sexual this dance is, do you? I bet youre too innocent to even understand it” he says with a cocky smirk, making your face burn, “im not that innocent!” You retorted, pouting as your eyebrows furrowed, making him laugh again.
“Stop laughing at me. Im serious, hyunjin. Im not that innocent-“
He steps toward you again, encasing you against the wall, lips so close to your neck that you could almost feel them, the soft puffs of his breath from his nose is all you can feel, the warm air sending tingles down your body. Your face was bright red by now, the heat radiating off of your cheeks, the taller boy smirked down at you as he pulled back, enjoying how flustered you became by him taking a step. “Oh really? So me taking a step closer made you flustered?” He teases, a glint in his eye, adoration pushing through.
“What could you have done, thats not so innocent if that makes you nervous?” He licked his bottom lip, smirk still evident.
“Ive had dreams..” you whispered, looking down at the floor.
“Hm? Hyunjins eyes widen as he catches what you said, he just wants you to speak louder.
“Speak up,baby” the nickname makes your eyes widen, fiddling with your hands as he watched you squirm beneath his gaze.
“Ive had dreams.” You say clearer, making him coo softly at how you obeyed him.
“About who?”
Your face turned bright red at this, eyes widening as you immediately looked down.
“Is it someone I know?” He smirks, watching as you grow more rigid,
“Or is it me?” He says coyly, making your breath leave your lungs.
“Bingo” he whispered, before stepping closer to you again, lifting your chin again so you could see his face.
“Well, youre going to have to tell me what happened in those dreams little one.” You were still speechless as he spoke, his attention turning to your dance clothes as he pushes his knee between your legs, causing you to gasp softly.
“Hm? Speak up?” He definitely heard you the first time but your words sent him into a flurry, mouth running dry as his mind ran at a million miles an hour.
“Your fingers- your- you used your fingers-“ you stuttered, bright blush evident on your cheeks.
His hands were on your hips as he lifted you immediately off the ground, your legs wrapping around his waist as he pressed your back into the wall, his lips pressing onto yours hungrily as you melted into his touch. His forehead pressed to yours as he broke away, both of your chests heaving as you stared into eachothers eyes.
“I want to ask you out first, take you on dates- i would have taken you out somewhere real fancy, or cuddled in the dorm, we could have taken in slowly and i could have taken you on my bed back home, but here we are, youve driven me crazy-“ he rasps, sending your mind haywire.
“You know what? Im still going to take you on my bed” at this point he was mumbling to himself, the blush not leaving your cheeks as you watched him.
“Jinnie?” You whispered, catching his attention again.
“Go out with me? I know we are moving fast but-“
What he didnt expect was for your lips to press onto his immediately, making him smile into said kiss, your legs dropping from his hips as he let you stand up, one of his hands moving to pull the fabric of your shorts downward, the material falling down your thighs to your ankles before he snaps the material of your panties against your hip, causing you to gasp, his chuckling audible as he pulled away.
“Im gonna make you cum on my fingers, hm? Would you like that baby? Make your dreams come true?” His lips ghosted over your neck as he spoke, your face turning red as your brain seemed to malfunction and shut down at the dirty words spilling from his beautiful lips.
His fingers pulled the material of your panties down your legs, leaving them at your thighs as he observed the wetness , eyebrow raising as he smiled wholeheartedly.
“You really did dream about this hm?” He laughed, making you hit his chest as he smiled his eyesmile down at you.
“I-i -ah-“ you couldnt finish your sentence as his fingers touched your delicate folds, spreading the wetness around softly as he onserved your face, his body became the thing most aware to you, your face heating up at the way he covered you completely with himself, his arms flexing as he trapped you between the wall.
“Be a good girl and moan for me, baby”
You looked up at him in confusion before you felt him slowly insert a finger into you, observing the way your walls would tighten around the single digit, making him groan at the idea of how youd feel around his cock.
The whimpers spilling from your lips was enough to rile him up further, spreading you with a second finger and raising the tempo, watching as your chest rose and fell faster, the way you scrunched your eyes closed, or the way his name sounded falling from your lips as you gasped in pleasure.
He watched you with adoration, the feeling of having you as his finally, but also corrupting you so quickly, watching his fingers enter and leave you slowly, he leant down and pressed his lips to you lovingly, his fingers stilling within you as he poured his emotions into this moment of softness- even in such a situation.
You were overwhelmed, his long fingers deep within you yet still, as he kissed you lovingly, before pulling away, eyes blown wide as he whispered, “i love you”.
Your heart raced as you tightened up around his still fingers, your orgasm that was so close finally washing over you as you whimpered in your place, hyunjins eyes becoming even darker as he watched the erotic scene, his lip finding purchase between his teeth as he thrusted his fingers softly to ride out your high.
As you caught your breath, he slipping his fingers out, covered in your essense, before slipping them into his mouth, making eye contact with you as he licked them clean, watching the blush return to your face as you visibly gulped. “Hyu-“ you began to call out to him, but he immediately pressed his lips to yours, letting you taste yourself as he bit your lip softly, pressing his nose to yours after to look into your eyes again.
“That was fucking hot. Youre so beautiful, you know that? Inside and out. And youre all mine” he giggled, making your heart swell with adoration, even if you were still half naked.
He helped you pull your clothing back on properly, you noticed how he got extra clingy now, always touching you in some way, not that you were complaining. he then grabbed your wrist, kissing your neck softly as he pulled you to the door quickly, making you wonder where you were going.
“Where are we going?” You asked with your head tilted to the side, completely oblivious to what he said before, making him laugh softly at your innocence again, his heart swolen with love for you. Without saying anything, he pulled your hand to the front of his pants, causing you to feel the hardness there, a blush creeping up your neck as your eyes widened, putting two and two together before realising.
“Like i said.” He giggled, bringing your hand that was in his up to his lips, pressing his lips against it softly.
“M’gonna make you mine”
Yo guess whos back, its me, lix
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strayficks · 5 years
Can I request a Mark Lee smut? It can be anything so long as there’s lots of cum play. Spit play too if that’s possible. Thank you in advance
SHAWTY GIMME WHIP- WHIPLASH, please tell me what you think cus it took me 4 days to finish :0, also! I didnt include spit play, i tried writing it but it didnt come out the way i wanted it to.. sorry 🥴
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"Mark.. come on, pay attention to me!" You huffed in frustration as you rested your chin on top of his knee. His gaze was focused on the tv screen, fingers vigourously tapping on his controller as he bit his lip, looking down at you for a split second before bringing his eyes back to where it was.
"One more round. One more round and i'm all yours, baby." He said, getting more and more engrossed in his game. A pout ghosted your lips as you whined. An idea came to mind as you danced your fingers on his thigh, crawling up to his groin as you palmed him. A satisfied smile came upon your lips as he squirmed on his seat, his cock only separated by a thin layer of sweatpants. You kneaded his cock with slow strokes, Mark still hasnt budged aside from the occasional stirring in his seat.
"Feels good doesn't it, mark?" You asked him, a hint of taunt as you looked up to him from behind your lashes. He quickly gets rid of your hand and rested it on the armchair. You huffed. Time for a plan B.
You lifted up your- well, Mark's shirt over your head. Revealing your flimsy champagne colored lace bra. You felt a breeze as the air hits your skin, creeping onto your bare legs only clad in your comfy shorts. Who can blame you? This was supposed to be a day off where you both can spend time with eachother, instead, mark chose his precious game console over you. You quickly took off your shorts, leaving you in only your matching lace set. Mark quickly noticed and gave you a stern look.
"Be patient baby. Dont tempt me." You had nothing better to do that twiddle your thumbs, so why not twiddle something else instead? You would technically still be using your fingers if you thought about it. You looked up at mark, still focused more than ever. His loss right? Not even a second later, you were practically whimpering in frustration. It wasn't working again. You pumped your fingers in and out of yourself,
"Mark.. please." You tried to lean back on the floor, propping one hand behind you for stability as you imagine... imagine that it wasn't your own fingers, but somebody else's. A certain some else's.
Mark looked down at you, his eyes widened a little as he saw you, legs spread and touching yourself while calling his name. He moved so quickly, you didn't even get a chance to register what he actually did. He had you pinned against the floor in a flash, one leg pushed between yours, chest pressed against your breasts. Your breath shot out as his hand locked around your throat, but not in a hard way, more in a dominant way that told you not to even fucking dare defy him right now.
"Youre so fucking desperate, aren't you?"
He hissed into your face, his eyes like thunderbolts "You are sopping wet, but you're too damn proud to admit it."
"I am proud," you barked back, but you couldn't focus, not with his thundering eyes and his body pressed up against yours like that. His thumb was stroking my jawline, jerking my head up to meet his
"The hell you are," He said, stepping closer. "You are so wet, your pussy is soaking my pants, not even hiding the fact that you want me to fuck you docile."
Mark mashed his lips roughly against yours in the manner of which you had fantasied about. The pure act of that fantasy coming true had you letting out a docile moan as he molded himself against you. Gripping onto his strong shoulders, you begun tugging back at his shirt, yanking at it as you felt him lift you up, clinging onto him as you both reached the bedroom. In the meantime your lower half was shamelessly rubbing itself against his lower stomach, craving that friction you had needed since he last fucked you. But to your displeasure, Mark harshly pulled back and grasped your hands so you couldn't touch him.
Letting out a sound of frustration, you met his chilly eyes. "What?!" His jaw squared and you saw a note of ice flash through his eyes.
"I want you to beg me for it, Unless you beg me, I'm not fucking you." You let out an exasperated sigh as you sat in the foot of the bed. Mark just casually standing over you, waiting with his arms crossed.
"Please, i want you. Fuck me right this goddamm second or i'll kick your ass back to Canada."
His lips twitched into a smirk, the cheeky, cocky one you remembered.
"There's the good girl I know."
"Oh, go to-Jesus!" You nearly screamed when he pounded you up against the bed, setting You on the edge. His hands found your sopping wet pussy.
"Oh God, Mark!" He pushed two long fingers inside you and had almost crossing your eyes from the instant pain and the pleasure all at once. You moaned at the tightening sensation, that sweet, blissful feeling of pleasure ripping through your body.
You gripped on to his shoulders as he pumped his fingers in and out of your weeping pussy, all the while his lips found your throat and started leaving hot trails up and down your jugular. Your fingernails dug into his shirt, and he pumped faster; teased your pussy and stretched it until You were shaking and barely breathing.
You were on the edge of exploding when he then pulled his fingers out and left you on the edge again. Precisely like you had predicted. But not seconds later, he had removed his shirt and unbuckled his pants and gripped his rigid cock, aligning it with your throbbing entrance. You didn't get a chance to prepare yourself before he slammed into you in one thrust and drew a scream from your lips. He filled you up completely and hit you so deep as he had reminded you that he bruised your cervix.
"Oh, fuck!" Your legs were numb but they couldn't stop shaking.
"Hang on to me," Mark told you as he grabbed the back of your knees and then pushed them up to your chest, throwing your calves over his shoulders. Next moment, he was gripping your ass again, just as you curled your hands behind his neck in collision with his second thrust
"Ah, Mark!" You cried as he plowed inside you again, your pussy taking him to the hilt. You clenched around him with your inner walls as mindblowing pleasure roared through you. "Oooh, Mark, God..."
He was rough. It was your style. He took you with brutal force and you liked it. No, you loved it.
"Ah!" You cried and threw your head back when Mark rammed inside you, releasing a groan. His fingers were digging into your ass which he pushed to meet his violent thrusts, each time so that he empaled you and made you see double from the pleasure. "Oh, fuck me, Mark...!"
"Look at this," He suddenly said and dropped the tempo until it came to a complete halt. You had been on the border of another orgasm, so with swimming eyes, you followed where he was looking.
That place turned out to be where the shining head of his dick was pressed just against your dripping wet pussylips. A low moan ripped from you as he then slowly pushed his head inside you, both of you watching as your pussy expanded to accommodate his girth and then swallowed him inch by inch as he pushed deeper
"See that?" He said and squeezed your ass even more. "Do you like it?"
"Yes.." you moaned, shaking out again, nudged your clit with his crown. He pushed back inside.
"It's good... fuck, it's so good..."
"Say it louder," He growled in your ear. "Say it so I can hear it. Say it so our neighbor can hear it."
"Fuck, it's good!" You cried as he shoved himself brutally into you again, now bringing back the force and the heat. "Fuck, it's good, it's good!
"Aaah, Mark!" He repeatedly slammed inside you, going balls deep so he entered your womb. Clamping down around him with your inner muscles, you felt myself begin to convulse with the orgasm that was combusting deep within you.
"Scream, baby" He huskily whispered in your ear, and that did it for you.
You screamed and threw your head back,squeezing your eyelids shut as your orgasm roared through you like a starved lioness going for the slay. Your nails clawed down his back and nearly ripping through his skin as he pounded into you, fucking you through your ogasm until you had no more left to give. Your juices coated his thick length, and he leisurely sank into you, drew back, then rammed into You again. You were completely liquified in his arms, almost slipping off the bed if it hadn't been for his arms holding you up.
"On your knees, look at me." Came his order. You did as he told, legs still weak from your orgasm, but you managed to settle yourself in front of him, looking at him trough your lashes as you put both your hands on top of your thighs, sitting like an obedient school girl.
"Open your pretty mouth for me." You opened your mouth as you watched him pump his cock, his tip right in front of your mouth as it splurts hot cum, landing on your tounge as Mark's rythym slowed. He took you by your chin, admiring his masterpiece as his cum decorated your face.
Your mouth was still open, giving him the full view of his seeds dripping down your chin and landing on your chest, you spread it around as you brought your fingers to your mouth, licking it clean as you swallowed the warm liquid. Mark watched the way your throat moves as you swallowed, a smile etched on his face as he swiped a finger across your chin.
"So pretty."
Author's note: dont hate me for that Canada joke, i was in the moment. Also, confess or request whenever u like! 💥✌✊
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zhydoesart · 5 years
Summary: Roman wants to get Virgil's attention and figures dancing with him might do the trick.
warnings: none
ships: Prinxiety
A/N: i stand by my decision that this was a good use of my second period French class today and i will take no arguments  EDIT: oh my god im an idiot so when i was reuploading bc it didnt work the first time i forgot the frickin title,, its not a great title but there is a title now
Roman did a cartwheel. "Virgil, look at me!"
Virgil didn't look up.
"Virgil~!" He did an aerial flip.
Virgil didn't look, just hummed noncommittally.
"Hey Virg—" Roman attempted to jump off the staircase and land on his feet like a cat, but instead landed sprawled on the ground, limbs everywhere.
"Oh god." Virgil finally looked up. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, not getting up but pausing his music. "That looked like it hurt."
Roman didn't respond for a moment, but then he popped back up, grinning. "My ego's slightly bruised, but other than that, I'm fine." He stood slowly, wincing a little, and Virgil eyed him for a moment before he was assured that Roman was, indeed, fine. Then he went back to his phone.
Roman stuck out his lip, thinking, one hip out to the side. "Aha!" he exclaimed quietly, snapping his fingers.
Music began to play. Medium tempo, something to dance to. It wasn't something Virgil recognized, but the vocals were nice, he supposed. His head began to bounce slightly.
And then Roman was standing in front of him, one hand outstretched. Virgil's eyebrows furrowed.
"Lighten up, emo!" When Virgil didn't take his hand, Roman gestured more frantically at him. "Do you want to dance or not?"
Virgil stared at him for a second, swallowing hard before, hesitantly, placing his hand in Roman's own.
He looked at their hands for a brief instant, observing how small and pale his hand was in comparison to Roman's larger brown ones.
Virgil yelped as Roman pulled him closer with a laugh. "You're too tense," Roman teased. "Dancing is supposed to be fun, not…" He gestured to Virgil's entire body. "That."
"Hey," Virgil said, mildly offended, but he knew Roman was only joking. After all, that was the foundation of their relationship: poking fun at how different the other was. Nonetheless, he took a deep breath to release the tension in his shoulders, probably accumulated from the long hours of reading hunched over his phone.
Roman's smile widened, and he yanked on Virgil's hand again. Virgil stumbled into Roman's chest, and the prince caught him in his strong (extremely muscular—no, bad Virgil) arms with a chuckle that Virgil felt as a rumble in his chest that made his head buzz.
Virgil's face felt warm, and he hoped that, by some miracle, Roman couldn't see his blush.
"Hey, V, twirl," tried Roman. Virgil just stared at him.
"Why would I…?"
Roman pouted. "Patton twirled for me."
Virgil sighed, and, somewhat reluctantly, performed a single twirl, but he'd never admit that it was well worth it to see Roman's face light up. "There. Are you satisfied now?"
"Very." And even though it was only one word, those two syllables purred in Roman's smooth, deep, chocolatey voice made Virgil's heart skip a beat. Or maybe that was the half-lidded look Roman was giving him from under his dark, thick lashes.
Virgil mock-scowled at Roman, who winked.
Without warning, Roman did an elaborate maneuver Virgil couldn't quite process that ended up with Virgil being held in a dip by the creative side.
Virgil frantically grabbed at Roman's arms, trying to find a grip. "You better not drop me!" he hissed.
"Don't worry, I don't plan to," replied Roman, a glint in his green eyes as he pulled Virgil back onto his feet.
Virgil glared at Roman, a little tired and a touch lightheaded, but started when he saw the tender way Roman was gazing at him, and the glare dropped off his face for a small, modest smile as he avoided Roman's eyes.
As the song slowed and drew to a close, Roman pulled Virgil in again. Virgil was suddenly very aware of the warmth radiating off of Roman through his clothes and the sensation of their hands touching, fingers intertwined.
Virgil looked up at Roman, shivering at the feeling of Roman's breath on his face.
And then Roman's fingers, gently caressing Virgil's cheek, lifted his head slightly. Their lips were so close now that if he were to lean forward just an inch…
Virgil wasn't sure who had closed the gap, but Roman's lips were warm and soft, and he closed his eyes, getting lost in the movement of their lips.
Virgil remembered suddenly that oxygen was something he required, and reluctantly, he pulled away. He observed with extreme satisfaction how Roman chased his lips as he pulled back.
"So," he muttered.
"Wow," Roman whispered, breathless. His face was flushed, but he didn’t have a hair out of place, and Virgil had the strong urge to change that. He grinned mischievously, and Roman's eyes widened as Virgil swooped up to capture his lips, fingers tangling in Roman's perfect brown hair.
They were both panting when they pulled back. Roman raised an eyebrow at Virgil, unable to get enough oxygen to breathe yet clearly impressed.
Roman was the first to catch his breath. "I should've done that much sooner." Virgil playfully punched his arm; they'd just kissed, twice, and it was amazing, yet the first thing Roman said was a witty quip? "Hey, hey, stop that." He caught Virgil's hand as Virgil went in for the second swing, bringing Virgil's hand up to his lips.
Virgil rolled his eyes. "You always want the last word, don't you?"
"Don't tempt me with that smirk," Roman said, eyes glued to Virgil's lips, and Virgil let out a low, quiet chuckle. "Seriously, I'm not kidding. Stop."
"Make me."
Roman met Virgil halfway with a quick, but in no way chaste, kiss, tongue darting out to taste Virgil's lips, and Virgil quietly squeaked. “I warned you." His voice was low and gravelly, rumbling in Virgil's chest, and goosebumps covered his arms.
Virgil laughed. Roman pressed soft, feather-light kisses to Virgil's neck, and Virgil shuddered with pleasure.
"I love you," Virgil blurted, and promptly froze.
Roman straightened up, hands cradling Virgil as though he were something precious.
"I love you too," he pressed his lips to Virgil's forehead, and Virgil smiled softly, eyes closed. He could get used to this.
@moxiety-my-love @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear @treasureofpriam @acompletemusicalnerd @bitteryjittery-and-very-glittery @ace-n-anxious
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nctrenjunie · 5 years
Taking control~ Renjun (M)
Author: Sera
Pairing: Renjun x Reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: If you have any problems with mature content written about the nct 00liners, just don´t read it.
You immediately felt the warmth hit against your cold skin, when you entered the dorm.
Taking off your shoes and winter jacket you see the other members are ready to get out.
“Hey Y/N, it's been a while. We are going out to eat. There is this new restaurant two blocks away.”
Nodding and greeting everyone, they leave and you are left in the living room looking for your boyfriend. He's probably in his bedroom.
Entering Renjuns bedroom his face lights up making you smile. Throwing yourself on his bed next to him you give him a little peck on his lips, embracing him in a hug.
“ I missed you baby.”
“ I missed you too Renjunie.”
Cuddling yourself on him you sneak your body under the covers, while Renjun puts on the movie.
 You were half through the movie when you suddenly felt the urge to peck his cheek. “ What was that baby?” Making him blush, a satisfied smile plastered on your face. Attacking his lips, Renjun returns the kiss while you hop in his lap, leading your hands up to caress his cheeks. Taking control, the kiss gets rougher and you start to grind your core against his bulge. Pulling away from the kiss to breath, Renjun lets out a small whimper from the friction you leave against his pants. Satisfied by his reaction you pull his shirt off him, your hands dropping down to his pants, opening his belt putting it on the nightstand. You hop down from his lap positioning yourself between his legs pulling down his pants and underwear. 
Licking up and down Renjuns hard on, he starts to whimper again trying to suppress his moans. Teasing him you put your mouth on the tip of his cock and start to go a little down. Bobbing your head up and down his dick, Renjun starts to groan loud. Your tempo starts to get faster until he is on his edge, slowing down making him moan louder. You continued your torture on him until Renjuns hand came down, patting your hair.
“Please baby, can I please cum?”
Satisfied with his words you put your hands around his dick, bobbing them up and down the part your mouth doesn't reach to.
“ Cum for me babyboy.”
Renjun comes on your lips with your permission, his breathing slowing down. You take off your jeans and underwear sitting back on his lap. Already wet, you start to whimper from the feeling of his cock against your entrance. Renjun comes down from his high and you push him fully down on the bed. The feeling of euphoria that made your body burn came down on you as Renjuns dick entered you.
Taking of your shirt, Renjuns hands touched up your back opening your bra. Riding him, moans and and groans filled the bedroom. Your hands went up from his chest to his neck, your head getting down intertwining your lips again. The feeling driving you crazy you started to take control over the tempo. Your wet lips leave his, listening to his moans harmonizing with yours. Pulling down your hands, you position your palms against his chest to pull yourself up again. Before you could act out your action Renjuns hand comes up to the back of your neck, pulling you back down again. Perplexed by his sudden moves you look him deep in the eyes, feeling his hot breath against your lips.
“ I want to take control Y/N.”
Unintentionally  you start to laugh a little bit by his words. You were always the one who took control in the bedroom, so you couldn't really imagine your sweet boyfriend to take control. Renjun looked deep into your eyes, a little bit pissed by your reaction. He wanted to prove himself.
The sudden change on his face made you stop laughing. Suddenly flipping you down on the bed landing above of you, Renjun starts to ram inside off you. Surprised by Renjuns sudden change and the new position bringing you to moan out his name. Hardly opening your eyes you see a proud smirk plastered over Renjuns face. Renjun keeps the tempo ramming himself into you, making both of you to let out lewd noises. You feel your high approaching.
“ Renjun, baby I think… Im cumming.”
“ Not yet baby.”
Surprised by Renjuns answer he takes your thighs in his hands, pulling you closer. The feeling of getting filled up by Renjuns dick made you scream out his name. Ramming deeper into you Renjun feels his high approaching closer.
“ Cum for me Y/N.”
You cum on his cock, a wave of ecstasy falling down on you. Renjun still moving in you, he pulls out cumming on your belly.
You feel the warmth of Renjuns body as he lays down next to you. “ I didn't know my babyboy could be so dominant.”  
“ And i didnt know my babygirl could be so obedient.”
  Both of you relaxing in the silent, listening to each others breath you heard the front door open.
“ We are back guys.”
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distractedhistotech · 5 years
Ghost +1
Sydney was in the back of the van.  She preferred it back there since she could move around more.  Plus it felt weird staring out the window since losing her eye. She guessed it was the loss of depth perception.  She was still learning how to gauge distance.
“So, that was kind of lame.  Why did they think that guy was a ghost anyway?” asked Sydney as she tried to contact juggle some balls they had and dropped them all over the place.  “He didn’t even put a lot of effort into his costume.”
“They were really superstitious,” said Arthur.  “Only a few steps from being a cult when you think about it.  They decide that anything strange has to have a supernatural or spiritual cause.  Don’t even think there’s a scientific explanation because why couldn’t it be something that proves they’re right.”
“Arthur, you’re starting to ramble,” interrupted Vivi.
Arthur blushed. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. They were a bit…extreme,” admitted Vivi. “I can see why it would upset you.”
Mystery decided this was a good reason to lay his head on Arthur’s lap.  Sydney then flung her arms around him.  “Yeah!  I thought they were creepy too!”
“Sydney!  I’m driving!”
“Pretty sure they thought I was an idiot,” continued Sydney.  “I mean that tone they used with me was just insulting!  Just because I’m missing an eye doesn’t mean I’m an idiot! Lots of people are missing parts and are smart!  I’m not a pirate!”  Sydney paused.  “Actually, there were some pretty intelligent pirates.  I don’t know where I was going with that.  I seem to come back to pirates a lot lately.  I know why I do, but it’s getting kind of old.  I need to find something else to obsess with when I get riled up.”
“You could go back to talking about comics,” suggested Vivi.
Sydney sighed. “Yeah, I miss that…Why do I have so much trouble bringing comics up nowadays?  It used to be second nature, but now I have to focus to talk about them. Even though I still love comics. It doesn’t make sense.  Is this part of growing up?  Part of recovering from a traumatic event?  Both?  It feels like something’s wrong.  But isn’t that normal now?”  Sydney rested her forehead on the back of Arthur’s head, not noticing how hard he was gripping the steering wheel.  “Do you ever feel like that?”
“Yes,” said Arthur. He’d felt like it since he woke up in a hospital missing an arm, missing a friend, missing memories, missing so much… “I don’t think it’s gonna go away.” Mystery let out a whine and licked one of Sydney’s hands.
Vivi looked between the two as the mood quickly started to darken.  God, she just wanted her two friends to be happy like they used to be. She needed to find a way to change the subject and make them smile.  “Why don’t we pick up a couple of pizzas or something and then watch a couple of hours of Star Trek or Star Wars or Captain America?”
Arthur caught on to what she was trying to do and smiled.  “That would be nice.  It’s been a while since we hung out.”  He frowned. “That’s my fault.”  He’d been busy looking for Lewis.  He was trying not to ignore his remaining friends, but it was hard when he wanted to find the other one and mentioning him did…something to them.
“What the heck are you working on anyway?” asked Sydney.  “You’re not usually this secretive.  You’re not trying to make a mechanical eye again, are you?”
“No!...Not usually anyway,” admitted Arthur.
“I can see where he’s coming from,” said Vivi.  “I don’t think we can buy another eye if something else goes wrong.  We need an alternative method.”
Sydney shuddered. “Okay, point taken.  Being blind sucked.  I don’t know how someone can live with that for a lifetime. Especially if you’re born like that! Can you imagine never knowing colors? And I bet light doesn’t make a lot of sense either.  And you can’t play videogames!”
“Can’t work on cars or fabricate parts,” continued Arthur.
“Probably can’t paint either,” mused Vivi.  “Unless the various colors smelled different from one another.”
Sydney wrinkled her nose.  “Is-Is that a thing?  And I don’t mean synesthesia!  Can blind people have synesthesia?  Or deaf people?  Or anyone missing one sense?”
“What if sounds are linked to smell instead?” suggested Arthur.
“Can that happen?”
“Dunno.  Maybe.”
“Pigments are just a type of chemical compound, so it would make sense for them to have a scent,” said Vivi, keeping the conversation from veering off in a completely different direction for once.
“Depends on the chemical.  Some don’t have a scent, or at least the scent is too faint for humans to pick up on,” explained Arthur.
“I dunno, I swear I was smelling more right before you fixed my eye,” argued Sydney.
“It’s not quite the same thing.  When you lose a sense you pay more attention to the ones that are left, like reassigning roles.  We get the most information from sight, so when someone loses their sense of sight they pay a lot more attention to little things that they didn’t even realize they were ignoring.  Also, I think there’s some neuroplasticity involved.  Your brain isn’t using the part that used to be for putting together what your eyes saw, so it starts using it for other things over time.” Arthur was silent for a moment. “Um.  But you, uh, would know better than me, given, you know.  Sorry, I got a little too into the science papers I’ve been reading.”
Sydney smiled and shrugged.  “It’s fine. I think it’s pretty interesting, even if I don’t understand all of it.”  She tapped her eyepatch.  “Does losing an eye affect how much of my brain it uses?”
“Just one?  I’m not sure.  You are seeing less…”
“Can you still smell and hear more than you’re used to?” asked Vivi.
Sydney shrugged. “Dunno.  I don’t think so.  Was kind of distracted at the time.  Plus, everything looked different when I could see again.”
Vivi huffed. “It is just so unfair.  How is it that my abilities still haven’t manifested but my half of the eye lets you see spirits?”
“It is really strange,” agreed Sydney.
“Maybe it’s because your abilities are already active,” suggested Arthur.  “And you do have some control over ‘em.”
Vivi hummed in thought.  “That might be it.  There are still so many unknowns…”
“Hey, I don’t care how as long as no one else has to go blind,” said Sydney.  “Besides, I’m sure something will wake you up eventually.”
“Yeah, but what if I’m like 40 when it finally happens?” complained Vivi.  “Heck, if I have kids by then, they might have gotten their power before me…”
Arthur winced. “Do you want kids?”
Vivi nodded. “Of course!  One, maybe two.  I just have to find the right guy,” she said, giving Arthur a significant glance.
Arthur missed said glance entirely as he was distracted by thoughts of what could have been. Sydney was blind on that side. The only one to notice was Mystery, who huffed.  Why did life have to be so difficult for these kids?  The last time he’d had charges this prone to trouble…
It hadn’t ended well. Mystery would rather not dwell on the depressing memories.
Vivi realized her hint had gone over their heads yet again and decided to just move on.  “Do you guys want kids?”
“I want one!  So there can be a Sydney Scoville III!” proclaimed Sydney.  “But just one.  Don’t think I could handle more than that.”
Arthur was silent. Lewis wanted kids.  He’d be an amazing father with how well he handled his sisters.  “I dunno if I want children.  I don’t want to pass on any of my issues.”
Vivi and Sydney both frowned at Arthur’s reasoning.  “Most of your issues are due to your early upbringing,” pointed out Vivi. “You wouldn’t make those same choices and mistakes.  That would prevent most of those issues from happening.”
“They could still pick up the behavior from me,” argued Arthur.  “There’s only so much that I can change.”
“I don’t think you need to change,” said Sydney.  “I mean, yeah, you’ve got anxiety issues, but lots of people do.  You’re also smart and nice and help people and have cool hair and stro-”
“What if I attract something dangerous?” interrupted Arthur.
“Then I’ll just keep living nearby,” reasoned Sydney.  She’d live with him if he asked.  “I mean, I don’t see why I would leave Tempo.”
“Me either. Tempo is our home,” agreed Vivi. She placed a hand on Arthur’s flesh and blood hand.  “We’re stuck with each other.  For life.”
Arthur felt himself cheer up a bit at that.  He gave Vivi a smile and tried to give Sydney one as best he could.  Maybe he was being selfish, but he wanted to stay close to his friends.
And then the dashboard started to spark.  Arthur’s eyes widened.  “What?! No, no, no…”  He stomped on the gas several times but failed to pick up speed.
Vivi frowned. “Is something wrong with the van?”
“There shouldn’t be! I just performed maintenance on it!”
Sydney raised an eyebrow.  “Am I the only one who thinks the purple sparks were weird?”
Arthur blinked. “Purple?”
Sydney nodded. “Yeah, I was staring right at the dashboard.”  The high beam light looked like a jellyfish.  “Definitely purple.”
“That is not a thing that should happen!” shouted Arthur.
Vivi nodded. “Electricity’s supposed to just be white, which suggests this isn’t normal.”  The van came to a stop right in front of…Vivi blinked several times.  “A dancing mansion?”
Okay, it wasn’t actually dancing.  However, it was sort of pulsing/bopping to a beat that one could fell in their bones. It was noticeably run down and purple and had eerie lights in the windows.
“There’s no way that’s not haunted,” deadpanned Sydney.
“Erm…”  Arthur tried turning over the car again.  “We don’t, have to investigate, do we?”
Vivi thought of what happened last time they’d jumped into an investigation without any preparation.
Blood. Hospitals.  Loss.  Guilt.
“If you can get the van started, we’re leaving,” said Vivi.  “Sydney, you’re not wearing your suppressor?”
Sydney shook her head. “Still practicing controlling it on my own.”
“Good.  Don’t reign it in.”
Mystery just stared at the mansion.  He recognized its aura.  He could barely believe it.
When did Lewis come back and what did he have planned? 
Lewis was planning to exact his revenge.  The plan had been simple:  Create a mansion on a road that they often traveled along near Tempo (He couldn’t get into Tempo, but that could be because of some of the wards Vivi had tried setting up.), lure the Mystery Skulls (especially Arthur) into the mansion, separate them, bring Arthur to his location, kill Arthur, and reunite with the girls and Mystery, with possible minor changes as were needed.  He was also open to making Arthur confess what happened to the girls (They must not have seen what happened to just go along with him.) before killing him.
The plan started to unravel as soon as the van came to a stop in front of his mansion.  Part of that was because instead of rushing into the mansion on the heels of Vivi like he was expecting, they stayed in the van. And stayed.  A lot longer than he recalled them ever doing so when he was alive.
Part of it was indirectly Sydney’s fault.  He’d known that her aura was potent against malevolent spirits and the like, but he hadn’t really appreciated it until he felt it pressing down on him.  From all the way outside.  He found himself rubbing his temples.  Ow.  No wonder the nastier spirits went out of their way to avoid her.  He was actually leaking some energy.  He could last for some time as long as he was careful, but theoretically, they could just stay in the van until he was too drained to keep them here.  If they tried that, he’d have to go out and confront them.  Not something he wanted to do, but if it became necessary…
Lewis wondered why he was being affected in the first place.  He wasn’t evil…Well, okay, he did want to kill Arthur.  That was justified, but maybe it was gray enough for Sydney’s ability to categorize him as malevolent.  If that was the case, then it would probably stop after he killed Arthur and no longer had any desire to hurt someone.
Lewis was dragged from his musings as several figures started exiting the van.  Finally!  Lewis quickly started setting up the finishing touches of his plan.
It was time to end this. 
Arthur had to admit defeat.  “I’ll need to look under the hood, and I don’t want to do that in front of a haunted mansion.”  He sighed. “I don’t wanna go inside either.”
Sydney had been staring at the mansion the whole time.  She could see the music.  And anger. This eye was so weird.  “I think you’d be okay.  Pretty sure my aura will reach that far.”
Mystery could confirm that her aura did extend that far and would retain enough potency to be effective. Not that he could tell them, but it was certainly a weight off his shoulders.
Vivi started handing out various items for protection and fighting.  “It’s a tough choice.  Stay out here alone but relatively safe or go inside with us to stay close to Sydney and me.”
Arthur groaned. If he was less worried about the girls’ safety he would stay outside, but he couldn’t help but worry that if he let them go inside that he would never see them again.  It had happened before.  Even if he couldn’t do anything to protect them, he could draw fire away from them.
“I think I’ll go with you guys,” Arthur decided.
Sydney and Vivi studied him for a moment before Sydney suddenly bit her thumb and smeared some blood in the center of his forehead.  “Just in case.”
Arthur instinctively looked up with crossed eyes for a moment.  “Uh.  Okay. I guess that’ll work.”
“It should. There is power in blood,” said Vivi as she gave him some holy water and slipped a beaded necklace over his head and under his shirt.  “We can try practicing making protective symbols with it too.”
Sydney chuckled. “Like an anime.”  She nodded.  “Anything that you think will help.”
Arthur fought down the urge to wipe at the blood on his forehead.  “Can I just say that I don’t like having other people’s blood on me?” It brought back bad memories.
Sydney winced. “Oh.  Sorry.  Should’ve asked first, shouldn’t I?”
Arthur took a deep breath.  “I’m fine. I’ll be fine.  You said it might help so it’s something to try.”  The blood itched on his forehead.  “But I am totally scrubbing it off when we get out of here.”
Vivi nodded. “Sounds like a decent enough compromise.”  She handed an ofuda to Sydney.  Sydney smeared some more blood on the back of it.  “I don’t want either of you getting hurt again.  You’re just starting to get back to where you were before.”
That made both of them wince.  The last few months of learning to live with new handicaps had been difficult and frustrating in several ways.  They didn’t want a repeat with themselves or Vivi or Mystery.
All four of them silently vowed to protect the others.
The walk up to the mansion’s front door took just a few seconds.  Vivi knocked on the doors (She was concerned that the inhabitants would be excited by Arthur knocking and see Sydney knocking as a declaration of war.), which creaked open ominously.  The inched in, the doors slamming shut behind them.
The darkness didn’t last long enough for them to pull out flashlights.  Several purple wisps of fire floated by and lit candles lined along the walls and set on a chandelier.
Vivi absently noted that the layout kind of reminded her of the Spencer mansion, except a lot more purple.
“Sydney, stop humming.”
“Oops.  Didn’t notice-”
Several purple ghosts suddenly popped up.  “Who-o-o-o-oa!”
Most of the group immediately tensed up.  Vivi didn’t immediately though.  “Cute!”
They really were adorable…until more popped up behind them.  “This time I might just disa-Who-o-o-o-who-o-o-oa!”  They suddenly got pointy toothed with claws. “Oh yeah!”
Nope.  They took off running down the hallway through break in the ghosts.
“This time I might just disappear!”
A suit of armor suddenly lunged towards them and swung an ax.  Sydney and Vivi dove under the ax.  Arthur vaulted over it.  Mystery barely dodged it, having to use his kitsune magic to retract his head into his body.
Mystery popped his head back out before any uncomfortable questions could be asked.
They abruptly realized that the paintings lining the hall were moving.  They suddenly leapt out.  “Oh yeah!”
The Mystery Skulls leapt into each other’s arms.  Thankfully, the portrait spirits pulled back into the paintings.  “Who-o-o-o-oa…”  And then the lady painting reached out and pulled a rope next to her painting.
A trapdoor opened under them.  They fell down screaming, and things became bizarre, even by their standards.  They weren’t falling as quickly as they should be. It was more like they were floating.  Not to mention there were several random items in the space with them.  A few hours later, they would comment on how it was oddly reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland.
They floated past several mirrors.  Vivi was a bit confused by the fact that her reflection had completely purple eyes. From what Mystery could see in his cracked mirror they could see past glamours.  Arthur was facing away from the mirrors so he didn’t see that they failed to reflect his prosthetic.  Sydney did faintly notice this but was a bit distracted by how her reflection showed her right after her injury with her remaining eye leaking various colors from it.
Then Arthur’s fall suddenly sped up.  Vivi and Sydney made to grab him, but just missed him.  Then they noticed Sydney was falling even slower and tried to grab each other, but it was too late again.
Sydney let out an ‘oof’ and shot to her feet as she landed.  “I’m armed!” she shouted, brandishing the ofuda.  She turned around.  There were a bunch of boxes, a dusty bed with no covers, and… a mannequin in a wedding dress and holding an ax?  Sydney thought she was in the basement until she noticed some windows that she ran over to.  She felt her brain short circuit.  “How the *&^*) do you fall down into the attic?!”
Vivi and Mystery had landed in a kitchen where a pair of dagwood sandwiches were laid out on the center counter.  The two stared at them for several moments but managed to pull themselves away. “Right.  Separated…We should look for Arthur first.  Sydney can take care of herself in this sort of situation.” Her stomach growled.  Mystery’s growled even louder.  “…I wonder if it would be safe to grab a few pieces.”
Arthur landed on his ass in what was probably the basement.  He absentmindedly glanced upward in confusion (How did that work? Ghost logic was so weird.) before zeroing in on a large coffin with a skull and thorny vine design on the top of the lid.  It was beating like the rest of the house.
Not good.
The coffin slowly opened, revealing a jawless skull floating above a large body in a nice suit.
Lewis narrowed his eye sockets as he floated out and slammed his feet in front of Arthur.  He glared at his murderer, full of hate and anger.
Arthur stared in fear, unable to recognize his dead friend.  All he saw was a scary, probably powerful, likely dangerous ghost that had separated him from his friends.
Lewis broke the silence by pointing a finger at Arthur.  “Fuck, it’s you I hate the most.”
Arthur gulped and pointed at himself.  “Buh-buh-Why?”
It was a reasonable question from Arthur’s point of view.  Lewis…it did occur to him that he wasn’t as recognizable without his face.  He lit the braziers and let his hair form. “Does this answer your question?!”
No, it didn’t, but Arthur decided he wasn’t going to explain that this was a case of mistaken identity to a ghost that probably wasn’t going to listen.  He threw the vial of holy water, turned on his heel, and ran.
Lewis did recoil a bit at the holy water.  He was a fire ghost.  Water stung even if it wasn’t holy.  Then he threw it off, decided this was proof of Arthur’s guilt, and gave chase.
Arthur was in good shape (He didn’t understand how he was still so healthy when he’d been hospitalized and locked in his workroom so much for the last few months.) and used to running from scary things.  He glanced behind him and saw the ghost practically flying towards him.  No more glancing back.  He put on a burst of speed.
Oh, hey, Vivi and Mystery.  “Angry ghost! Run!”
Vivi and Mystery looked away from the sandwiches they were still debating eating.  They looked in the direction Arthur came from, threw the sandwiches at the angry ghost, and ran after Arthur.  Lewis didn’t bother trying to avoid the sandwich contents and flew right through them.
“We need to find Sydney!” shouted Vivi.
“Where is she?!” shouted Arthur.
“I don’t know!”
Mystery could feel that Sydney had ended up in the attic and was managing to work her way down. He pulled ahead and ran up some stairs, Arthur and Vivi close behind him.  They ran through a bunch of doors and rooms.
Sydney heard the racket and threw open the door of the room she’d wandered into.  “Angry Elvis ghost!”
That threw Lewis for a loop.  “Elvis? Are you kid-”  He saw the eyepatch.  “What happened to your-”
Sydney threw an ofuda at him.  Lewis yelped and pulled it off.  That hurt!
“You stay away from Arthur!” demanded Sydney.
That hurt almost as much as the ofuda.  “You don’t get it.  He-”
Vivi darted back and grabbed Sydney.  “What’re you waiting for?!”  She then dragged Sydney off.
Okay, Vivi and Sydney didn’t know about his murder.  Somehow. Maybe it was post traumatic amnesia or something.  Clearly, this needed to be remedied.  Also, why was Sydney wearing an eyepatch?  She wasn’t wearing an eyepatch for the heck of it.  There’d been scars peeking out.  He gave chase, now equally intent on telling Vivi and Sydney what happened along with killing Arthur.
He threw fire to keep Arthur from moving down a hallway.  Arthur turned and stared at him fearfully.  Lewis felt his desire for vengeance clawing up his heart.
And then Vivi and Sydney put themselves between them, Vivi with her arms outstretched as if to shield Arthur as much as possible, Sydney with her hands up as if she was prepared to fight him.
This was wrong. Vivi and Sydney were supposed to be on his side.  He wasn’t the enemy!  He just needed…Maybe…Yes.  That would work.  He willed his anchor towards them.
They just needed to see the proof of who he was, that they knew him.
The flames died down. Arthur was certain he knew the way to the front door from this spot.  He grabbed Vivi and Sydney and booked it.
Vivi and Sydney glanced back once.
Mystery made sure to take up the rear.
Lewis stared in disbelief and heartbreak as his murderer and the love(s?) of his life and (more than) best friend.
And his anchor fell and broke.
And Lewis switched to frustration and anger and despair and why did this happen to him?! Why why why?!
He screamed, pouring his everything into it as his fire erupted around him.
The living Mystery Skulls barely made it through the doors in time to avoid being burned alive. Mystery might have had something to do with it.  They rushed to the van.  “Go go go!”
Arthur revved the van. It started.  “I’m going!”
They peeled out of there.
None of them saw the figure watching them from one of the high windows.  Lewis watched as the van drove away.  He pressed down on his cracked anchor and looked at the picture inside.
It was from shortly after he and Vivi started dating.  He had an arm around Vivi, who was hugging him.  Sydney had an arm thrown over his shoulder while he used his free arm to support her.  No Arthur. The three of them were smiling and happy and whole and alive.
They could never go back to that.
Lewis barely noticed the tear running down his face as he finally passed out and returned to his anchor, the house fading around him.
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noobfics-btsblog · 6 years
Pairing- min yoongi & reader
genre-fluff (in my opinion)
a/n- this is an excerpt of a fanfic im currently working on. i posted this to showcase my writing in hopes people would be interested in seeing the whole story in the future.
also, still working on the title
...I didnt know why i was so nervous, we were just friends after all. at least thats what i try to convince myself of, but in the back of my mind i knew the truth. im not sure how it happened-well, thats not true either-, i knew exactly when my feelings shifted from a place of pure lust...to something...a bit more. 
it was some time last year. i was on my way out of the office and i noticed through the glass doors that it was raining outside. i knew it was on the forecast and i did have an umbrella, but i forgot it back in my studio. as i turned to retrieve my forgotten umbrella, i noticed something else- some one else- HER. She was leaning against the wall looking up at the sky, occasionally taking sips from the coffee she was holding, and...she was completely drenched. I walked over to the door not believing what i was seeing. why was she just standing there? i called out to her twice (barely poking my head out through the door) before she stirred from whatever deep thought she was in.
 “what are you doing?”
“oh sorry sir! Did you need something?”. at that time she had only been working with us for a few months and i was the only one she still called “sir” or “Mr.” mostly because i never gave her the ok to refer to me otherwise..call it a kink i guess. At that time she had been assigned to be a sort of personal assistant to me, and her being the professional she was, was concerned i might have been roaming around the building looking for her.
“No you idiot! What are you doing out here?”. she was younger than me by a year and i had gotten used to talking to her the way i talk to the rest of my dongsaengs and, also like the rest of my dongsaengs, she got on my nerves sometimes.
“um..just..enjoying the rain...” her eyes darted around her for a second before looking back at me.  As if it was so obvious and i was the stupid one for asking. i rolled my eyes and with a frustrated sigh i jogged over to her. she was a bit a ways from the entrance of the building so as i approached she she had a chance to return to her previous activity: leaning against the wall and contemplate the sky. i leaned on my shoulder against the wall next to her. i had my hands stuffed in my pockets and i coward and winced with each drop of water that hit me. 
“what i meant was: WHY are you out here? Normal people usually “enjoy” the rain without actually being in it”. she smiled and answered without looking at me,
“you dont like the rain?”
“i dont like getting wet” i answered very matter of fact, “i dont mind the rain itself..its just water after all. but no, i dont enjoy being cold and wet like you seem to”. she didnt answer right away, so i followed her gaze. it was raining pretty intensely, it was like someone had turned on the shower head over the city of Seoul. but the sky she was so interested in was typical of a rainy day: thick grey clouds and nothing else. when she spoke again i jumped a little.
“The rain gets a bad rap sometimes doesnt it?” it wasnt really a question for me so i stayed silent and let her continue. “it floods, seeps into buildings, and when the right things come together perfectly...you get a storm...leaving destruction and chaos...destruction.” I remember she spoke low and slow, that was the longest she had ever spoken to me, and she had my full attention as i stared down at her. “and during those times, we forget that it also brings life. its because the destruction is in your face..you can see evidence of it immediately. but todays rain might be growing next months grass, trees, or flowers. maybe a puddle today helps relive the thirst of a few stray animals. maybe it fills drought threatened lakes and rivers. we need the rain.” Then and now, what she said reminded me of that one saying that goes something like: people only notice your mistakes. i reflect on that from time to time..
“ that still doesnt answer why youre willingly getting caught in the rain.” she smiled and ticked her eyes at me.
“i like it” she shrugged “people sun bathe all the time...just to feel the rays of the sun..i want to FEEL the rain.” 
“its wet.. what else is there?” i was in fact interested. i had spent the last few months trying to figure her out and it was my first opportunity to find out what goes on in her mind..
“its not just the physical feeling..” she was annoyed then her usual tone with me..
“youve heard the saying ‘the calm before the storm’ its a real thing. the clouds start rolling in..they start thick and plush..and i dont really know how to describe it...its like world goes quiet. even when youre driving in it things seem more relaxed and quiet. and the smell..much better than the pollution and dust and whatever else we breath in all day long. but my favorite part is when it actually starts raining..” her words trailed off for moment “whats that thing called in music that helps keep the tempo?” i wasnt sure if she was really asking me or just talking to herself at that point. at that moment i wasnt sure if she even knew i was still there, but i answered anyway.
“metronome” she smiled at me
“metronome...thats what the rain sounds like. Did you know its sometimes used to hypnotize people- the metronome i mean- its supposed to help you concentrate on a particular rhythm and put you in like a sort of trance i guess. rain is like that.each drop of rain that falls against the concrete, or your window, or peoples umbrellas is like natures metronome putting you in a trance and clearing your mind of all the constant inner chatter.” her eyes had started to fade, growing distant, the way people do when they were thinking. in her case she was reliving a memory..
“there’s a powerful thing about sound and smells too that can bring up things in your mind you thought were left forgotten. like every time it rains and im in that “trance stage” i cant help but relive stuff from when i was young and-”
“you’re still young” i cut her off; she was only 23. she gave me a look
“when i was youngER” she corrected, “i guess what i mean is that feeling of being free. like when you're a child and you run around jumping in the puddles. getting muddy and dirty even though you knew your mom would get mad. you didn’t care because you were young and having fun.” she began to chuckle “and really anything can happen in the rain..and again sure, tragedy, like a car crash or whatever. but also a lot of wonderful moments...i mean thats why they put romantic rain scenes in movies right?” her eyes flashed me a glance..i swallowed. “and those scenes with teenagers sneaking out and getting into trouble and making bad decisions- actually there was this one time a few of us snuck into this apartment complex to hang out by the pool. it was a summer night and we were off school and we had a bunch of beer- one of my friends had a fake ID- and we just needed a place to drink where we wouldnt get caught and a friend suggested these old apartment complex he used to live in since he knew security was..well not good. anyway as the night went on, that ‘about to rain’ smell started to grown and all of a sudden it was pouring.” she smiled as her eyes started to grow distant, lost in the memory. “we all laughed and then one by one we started to jump into the pool fully clothed” she started to laugh again as was coming out of that memory. ”i think that was one of the best times i had with that group of friends. its like the rain had washed away all the..front..you know what i mean? like they each had their persona. what they want you to think they are like. always trying to pretend like they were something else. but when that rain came it washed away all the bullshit..sorry..” she flashed a worried glance at me and i waved it off. “anyway its like they were finally able to be themselves and just have fun instead of trying to act cool all the time. and the rest of the night we just had a ton of laughs and good conversation.”  she paused for a moment and i waited patiently as i myself was taking in everything she had said. “i guess all i mean is, to me, rain is more than just water from the sky. its not just weather. its life. its beauty and growth and smiles and laughter. some bad times, some good times..and some good con..versations..” she had turned to look at me as she pronounced that last word, letting her voice fall to nearly a whisper. She looked..surprised...and she had stiffened. She looked guarded as she held her coffee tight with both hands. At first i couldnt figure out what had caused her sudden change in attitude. Then her eyes flicked between my eyes and...i wasnt sure what..something lower on my face? my lips? why was she looking at my lips?
That’s when she let out a staggered breath and the smell of her coffee hit me. i was suddenly aware of how close to her face i was. I’m not sure when, but at some point, i had begun to lean into her as she had me mesmerized. i swallowed hard, blinked a few times, and straightened myself out turning away from her awkwardly- but not before i caught a glimpse of her blushing, looking down at her coffee smiling.  I couldn’t bring myself to do much else other than stand there fidgeting with my earring. After what seemed like the longest 2 seconds of my life passed, it was her who broke the silence.
“um..anyway, what are you doing out here sir?”. I turned to look at her, then down at myself, and i sighed as i let my head and shoulders drop. i hadn’t noticed until now, but i was as soaked as she was. i had a thin, black, long sleeve shirt that was clinging on to my skin and my jeans felt heavy with all the water they had soaked up. i went to rub my hair, my fringe was stuck to my forehead, it felt like i just got out the shower. i laughed a bit bitterly at myself. “what, what is it?” she asked. i looked at her and grinned.
“i was actually on my way out and saw it was raining...i was going to go back and get my umbrella but...” i let my sentence end there and just shrugged. 
“oh...oohh..”As she started to realize it was her fault i didn’t need the umbrella anymore, we both started to laugh. “I’m sorry sir i didn’t mean to keep you..ugh now look at you” i waived off her worry and just shrugged again.
“it’s only a little rain. come on, I’ll walk you home.” she smiled and nodded.
I dont remember what all was said on that short walk to her place, what i do remember though was how i felt. before that moment, all i wanted to know about her was how she would feel when i touched her, what her lips would feel like against mine, i wanted to explore all her body had to offer. But suddenly things were different now. As we walked along-and in between catching the other starring- i started to think differently. i wanted to know more about her. i wanted to explore her MIND. This person who i always called dumb or an idiot actually had me wanting to know more. What did she think about music? would we like the same songs? Does she like MY music? And the fact that her opinion of me mattered was different in itself. I wanted to know her opinion of a lot of stuff. i wanted to know what made her mind tick. what makes her mad? what makes her sad? whats her favorite food? can i take her to eat it? what makes her happy? i hoped it could be me..
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kachulein · 5 years
Mind giving me K-pop recommendations? Like, what got you into K-pop, who's your favorite, things like that? I want to try listening to it and I wanted to ask you, Kachu! Congrats on 800!! 💖💙
Aww thank you so much dear!!
First of all, Kpop is not just simply pop music, as the name suggests. Within the genre kpop are actually many different genres of music mingled and there’s something nice for (almost) everyone to find. I’ll give you some information about my favourite groups that might help you find what you could like. I will also link mostly title songs as they are the more popular songs and usually have a music video (kpop music videos are always very aesthetic btw).
Starting off with my ultimate favourite group Stray Kids. They are still rookies as they debuted in March 2018 but I’ve fallen in love with them and their music so much that I highly recommend you checking them out. They are a 9 member boy group with three of those members, Bang Chan, Changbin and Han (knowns as 3RACHA) writing and composing all of their songs. 3RACHA has been releasing pre-debut mixtapes on Souncloud throughout 2017 and if you like hip hop/rap music, you should definitely give them a listen. Some recs are:
District 9
Grow Up (try to listen & read lyrics without crying; you can put on eng sub on the mv)
My Pace
Awkward Silence
I am YOU
Get Cool
Mixtape#3 ‘For You’
Mixtape#1 ‘Placebo’ (my favourite songs of theirs)
Mixtape#2 ‘Even a shadow needs light to exist’
note: The songs with a ‘mixtape’ in front of them mean that they were originally  track 3RACHA released in one of their mixtapes but they’ve been alternated and remastered into a ot9 Stray Kids version
Some 3RACHA songs:
Start Line
Broken Compass
Tik Tok
Placebo (I love the original version as well)
For You (^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
Runners High
MONSTA X is another one of my favourites and it was actually thanks to their song Hero that I got into kpop. It’s a great song with a beautiful music video and I highly recommend it. Their songs are usually very powerful bangers to get hyped to. Some song I recommend are:
All in
Shine Forever
Shoot Out
Another favourite of mine is BTS. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of them already. They’ve been around for a while and gained worldwide a lot of popularity in 2017. They’ve changed their music style over the years but it shows that their music has grown with them. Some recs are:
Save Me
Blood, Sweat & Tears
Spring Day
Not Today
DNA (their most famous song I believe but not their best imo)
MIC Drop
I’m Fine
Don’t Leave Me
Another group I definitely cannot miss is Seventeen. Their name is misleading since they are actually only 13 members not 17 (it’s still a lot though). The group is split into 3 sub-units, Hip Hop Team, Vocal Team, and Performance Team with each of those teams having a leader. The three leaders also created a SVT Leaders unit for their song Change Up. They mainly release ot13 songs with one of their members, called Woozi, being the main composer but they also released songs in their respective units. Some recs are:
Boom Boom
Check-In (Hip Hop Team)
Highlight (Performance Team)
Don’t Wanna Cry
Change Up (SVT Leaders)
Pinwheel (Vocal Team)
Oh My!
Call Call Call
Getting Closer
bonus: Just Do It (by BSS a new sub-unit consisting of three members, however they only released this song so far)
Got7 is a groups under JYP entertainment just like Stray Kids and they are their seniors since Got7 has been around since 2014. They also have great music I highly recommend checking out:
Hard Carry
Never Ever
You Are
Day6 is under JYP entertainment as well but they are a bit different from the usual Kpop group since they are actually a band and play their own instruments. If you like rock music, I highly recommend them!!
Shoot Me
Beautiful Feeling
I Wait
How Can I Say
and since we’re already talking about about rock music, here’s some more groups whose music goes into the direction of rock to check out:
The Rose - BABY, Sorry
FT ISLAND - Take Me Now, Pray, Out Of Love, Lose, Hello Hello, Wind
Dreamcatcher - Chase Me, Good Night, Fly High, YOU AND I, What
EXO is a group that has been around since 2012 and even though they haven’t been very active lately, they still got a lot of bops that you could check out. They are under SM entertainment just like the next three groups I’m about to mention:
Call Me Baby
Love Me Right
Ko Ko Bop
The Eve
Love Shot
NCT are another group under SM. Their concept is a bit difficult because they are said to have an unlimited member count and they will be debuting more and more sub-units. NCT (as a whole) consist of 21 members as of now with 3 already existing units called NCT U, NCT 127, and NCT Dream and a fourth unit called WayV that is said to debut this month. Some recs are:
The 7th Sense
Baby Don’t Stop
NCT 127:
Cherry Bomb
Simon Says
NCT Dream:
We Young
We Go Up
Red Velvet and Oh!GG are two girl groups under SM Entertainment. They are both really nice and worth checking out. OH!GG is actually a sub-unit from the girl group Girl’s Generation, one of the most popular girl groups of the 2nd Generation. I hope I’m not messing up rn with the info lol. And Red Velvet is currently one of the big three girl groups.
Red Velvet:
Dumb Dumb
Ice Cream Cake
Russian Roulette
Red Flavor
Bad Boy (love this so much)
Really Bad Boy (what a bop)
Lil’ Touch
Twice and Blackpink are the last two girl groups I’ll be introducing to you. They are the other two of the big three girl groups alongside Red Velvet and are very successful and definitely worth checking out:
Twice, an example of a cute girl group:
What Is Love?
Dance The Night Away
BlackPink, an example of a badass girl group:
Playing With Fire
As If It’s Your Last
The last group I’ll be mentioning is Big Bang, they are the Kings of the 2nd Generation of Kpop (if I didn’t misunderstand the whole generation stuff) and they released A LOT of great songs since they’ve been around since 2006. here are some recs I really like:
Bang Bang Bang
Last Dance
Fantastic Baby
Let’s Not Fall In Love
GOOD BOY (GD x Taeyang)
Last but not least, I’ll list you some more songs from girl/boy groups and solo artists that I really like and find worth checking out. However, I try to keep it on the down-low since I could recommend and huge amount of songs.^^
Boy Groups:
iKON - Love Scenario, Killing Me, Bling Bling, B-Day
VAV - Senorita
TRCNG - UTOPIA (one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard)
VIXX - Fantasy
Pentagon - Shine, Runaway
SF9 - Fanfare, ROAR, Now Or Never
Girl Groups:
Pristin V - Get it
CLC - Hobgoblin, Black Dress
Weki Meki - Crush, La La La, I don’t like your Girlfriend
Gugudan - Not That Type
IZ*ONE - La Vie En Rose
(G)I-DLE - LATATA, Hann (alone)
Mamamoo - Egotistic, Starry Night
9MUSES - Remember, Love City
Solo Artists:
Sunmi - Gashina, Heroine, Siren
Chungha - Roller Coaster
Taeyeon (member of Girls Generation/Oh!GG) - I, Why
Hyuna - Roll Deep, BABE, Lip & Hip
IU - Twenty-three
Jay Park - Me Like You
G-Dragon (leader of Big Bang) - Untitled, 2014, COUP D’ETAT, Crooked
Jennie (member of BlackPink) - SOLO
Taemin (member of SHINee) - MOVE, Thirsty, Sayonara Hitori
This probably sounds confusing and like a whole lot, but don’t worry!! The main thing right now is that you find some songs to check out and the rest is some additional info to help you decide what to check out since it’s a lot.^^
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x-ratedkpop · 6 years
Can I Be? {Byun Baekhyun}
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“baby, can i be your boyfriend, can i?”
The night club was filled to the ceiling with college kids looking for some fun, underage teenagers with fake IDs, lovers, and people like her; someone just trying to get over an ex-lover. She’d downed the fourth Blood Orange Vodka of the night and the beat of the music was finally vibrating through her chest, drawing her to the dance floor. Sweaty bodies mushed against her, usually it’d be disgusting but the alcohol was giving her a bit more patience and soon she’d forgotten about the disgust of the people rubbing off on her.
Soon she was in what she thought was the middle of the dance floor, swaying her hips to the upbeat song that played through the loud speakers, “So Baby, can I be your boyfriend, can I?” The smooth tempo had her hips swaying side to side sensually, the room around her clearing slightly, males gathered around trying to get their hands on the young sexy girl who kept them all on their toes. Through the midst of their arguing and pushing a pair of hands landed on her waist, soon they all caught on, someone didn’t bother to bicker with the rest, he seized the opportunity.
His soft plush lips grazed her ear lobe, his voice mellow and with a backing tone of sex, “Can I be your boyfriend, can I?” He whispered in her ear, fingertips pressing into her hips, as he ground his crotch against her back side, her enjoying the thrill and grinding against him. If you were to just glance at the two of them, they’d be fucking on the dance floor. Turning to face him, her eyes caught loop to his beautiful features, his jaw tight, eyes low from the alcohol and plump lips inches away from hers.
“Y/N,” She spoke, her voice slightly raspy and the fruity smell of the liquor coming off the lips, “Baekhyun,” he hummed licking his lips before his eyes traced every feature of her face before he looked between the pink plump lips decorated with a oiled gloss and the dark brown orbs of her eyes. “Can I take you home?” He raised his brow, “I thought I was supposed to ask you that?” Chuckling softly, he rubbed his hands along side the curves of the smaller woman’s waist, “Well closed mouths don’t get fed, now do they Baekhyun?” He smiled, the grip on her waist becoming tighter as her led her to the exit of the nightclub, there was a parked taxi and Baekhyun took his opportunity, pulling her along with him.
He kept his composure in the taxi as the soft words of the address spilled from her glistening lips. “You stare any harder I’ll be your property.” She mumbled turning to look at him, before he leaned forward and spoke in a small whisper, “I don’t want to own you, I want to be your boyfriend.” He leaned forward to press his lips against hers but the taxi came to a stop and with a small giggle she stepped out of the car and dashed off into the building. Baekhyun paid for the taxi before running out behind her, following the faint smell of the cherry blossom perfume she wore.
He looked around slightly, before seeing the open door and entering in closing it behind himself, “Y/N Baby, are we playing hiding and seek?” He hummed, licking his lips, looking for you in the dark room, “No, just waiting on you to be my boyfriend.” She spoke wrapping her arms around his waist, the high heels she wore long gone, his voice sang softly, “Can I be your boyfriend, can I?” Her eyes closed as he turned around lifting her up and carrying her to the bed in the efficiency appartment. Her dark hair cascading around her as Baekhyun’s lips left no inch of her neck unkissed.
His hands pulled her dress down as she raised her hips to help him remove it. “No bra, so risqué.” He hummed, kissing over the pert nipple, “Stop teasing, Baek- ah.” His tongue wrapped around her nipple, as he ground his growing bulge against her thin panties. “Patience baby.” Y/N whined as she gripped his hair, “Boyfriends don’t tease their ever so horny girlfriend.” With a deep chuckle, he flicked his tongue over the perky nub and unbuttoned his shirt, dropping it to the floor. “It’s worth it.” He hummed again, lips locking with hers.
She clenched around nothing when she heard the buckle of his pants hit the floor, his briefs became tight with his growing length as she let out a soft moan against his lips. “Baekhyun, I’m ready please, no foreplay, just- shh, I know what you want.” He didnt want her to beg, he wanted her to just wait and enjoy what he had to give her, pushing down his briefs low enough for his hard cock to spring free from the imprisonment and he watched as she licked her lips before dropping her head back with a low whine.
He didn’t have time to pull the panties off her, he opted to slide the to the side and run two fingers through her wet lips, a breathy moan came from her lips as he rubbed circles over her entrance. Finally, the needy moan of pleasure left her lips as he pressed the red tip of his cock to her entrance. She hissed with pain as he entered her slowly but those soon turned into moans as he spread her legs open to roll his hips. She bucked her hips in pleasure, breathy words of ‘please’ and ‘oh Baekhyun,’ left her pearly swollen lips.
His thrust were slow but rough, the power within the slam of his hips into her’s cause loud sounds of her screams and skin on skin contact, “Oh there, right there.” She choked out as he found the deep bundle of pressure in the warm, tight cavern of her pussy, “Baekhyun, keep going , please make me cum.” She begged softly, the slow tempo changing to a quicker and rougher pace, “You’re so tight.” He growled lowly, lips finding her neck to bite down and roll the tip of his tongue in the small dip of her neck. Her fingernails scraped along his scalp softly, tugging fist fills of his blonde locks.
Her hips rocked up into his, her head tossed back with her eyes shut tightly as large beads of tears slipped down her flushed cheeks, “I’m cumming, yes.” Her eyes caught Baekhyun’s as her mouth fell open a silent cry of pleasure evident on her face, as she tightly clenched around him and her legs shook. Her stomach tightened as she cummed, Baekhyun’s eyes didn’t know where to look, he didn’t know if he should look at his cock disappear within her or if her should stare at the beautiful face she was making but he loved either option.
Within a few more moments of sloppy thrusting her was close to his release, pulling out of her she whined quickly pushing her hands against his chest as she gasped out his name, “No, no please fill me, please Baek-,” he didn’t have to be told twice as he pushed into her, the rush of his thrust were noticed as she screamed out his name, overstimulation covered her as he filled her with his cum.
Neither of them remembered much after that, due to them both falling into a drunken frenzy of kisses and sleep.
The next morning, Baekhyun woke to see her wrapped in his shirt and watching some drama on the television, her milky legs crossed over one another as she laid across the couch. “Good morning,” he hummed as she looked at him with a smile, “Morning,” She hummed as he looked over her with a faint smile, “Should we talk about last night or was it just a mistake that should have never been made considering our circumstances?” He hummed with a sad smile, she huffed crawling onto the bed, sitting on his lap as she shook her head.
“Our breakup was an idiotic mistake, I went to the club to forget about you only to come back home drunk to get in bed with you. I don’t want to separate again.” He smiled leaning up to kiss her plump lips softly, “I don’t want to separate either, baby.”
Well look at that damn plot twist there bitch. Hope y’all enjoy this.
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