writer-chan-0w0 · 4 years
I also have mild anxiety, depression, insomnia, and I bottle up my emotions, so I’d prefer a non-aggressive/verbally abusive bitty. I’m non-binary (she/they) and I’m only 4’10”. Some things I like doing are reading (fanfics), painting/drawing, watching anime, cooking/baking, playing video games, embroidery, and gardening. (2/2)
I match you with a Chain(Lamia!Swapfell Papyrus)
Chain’s are a very loving bitty type who would love to help you gardening and would often be seen chasing off pests (it depends if you get a full size or not) from harmful bugs to destructive rabbit and crows!
They are quick to act if you have a anxiety attack. Or if you getting anxious around people by warning them off with a hiss or a glare as they are very protective.(Chain often get anxiety from being alone for long periods of time and can relate when it comes to anxiety.)
They would enjoy napping in your lap or around your neck as you do embroidery or read so your never alone!
To them,the fact your non-binary make you even more special to them and would do there best to use the pronouns you prefer. Bonis special points that you get obsessive about something as they find it adorable if it's not something dangerous.
insomnia are also seen in a few Chain, more than not your might get a night owl buddy who wouldn't mind playing a few rounds of video games or got out to watch the stars!
The naturally like helping their owners in anyway possible, so the fact your forgetful meaning they can help you even more!
Chains are natorious for loving hair and will ask to play with it,they are also attracted to bright colors even if they aren't a fan of them so you might catch them looking at the pink as they brush or braid!
They often draw as a hobby (not as often as a coffee tho) and will ask for your input and visa versa. They might even fall asleep watching your draw/paint!
When it comes to fish they will often sit by the tank and watch the fish swim around,just make sure you tell them their not food as they are active hunters.
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writer-chan-0w0 · 4 years
I would like a matchup, Personality: shy, kind, protective, slightly motherly, very untrusting, polite most of the time, respectful, hates hurting those close to me Hair length/color: bottom of the shoulder blade with a strip of purple. Pet: 1 cat Problems: slight insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, slight PTSD, has been hurt emotionally Gender: Female Height: 5 ‘4 Hobbies: reading, singing, dancing, knitting, sewing, cooking, playing video games. Sorry if this is long.
Thanks for asking! No it wasn't long, in fact it was perfect. The more info the better!
I think you would match up with a lil bro!
These types of bittys normally take time to warm up completely to a new owner so you both will have time to adjust and gain trust with each other. Lil bros are known for having insomnia and night owls and would no mind staying up with you to play game or watching the night sky. They would enjoy napping on your shoulder as you knit (bonus points if it's for them).   
The fact you also have slight PTSD Anxiety and Depression would mean you have a high chance of getting recommended to a specific lil bro that's professionally trained as a emotional “helper” but thats if you take the recommendation or ask.                                                                                                            
Don’t be surprised if you wake up from a nap with your hair tied with ribbons or with the lil bro tangled in it . They probably got tired messing with your hair and decided your long locks were a perfect place to sleep.                                                                                 
Anothering is often said about lil bros is how protective they can be to those they consider family, so if the person who had hurt you in the past confronts you and you make it even slightly obvious you don't want them there,they will be confronted by a very upset bitty. If it happens when there not there they will know sooner or later weather you keep it from them or not so if they go missing and suddenly appear smug or a bit more tired than normal it means you won't be bothered again.                                             
Cats normally don't bother lil bros unless they have a bad encounter with them so your safe you might even get a cute photo or two of them cuddling.
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writer-chan-0w0 · 4 years
Bittys available for matchups (for now)
Sansy-(undertale sans)
Papyrus (Undertale papyrus)
Grillz (Undertale grillby)
Babyblue (Underswap sans)
LIl bro ( Underswap papyrus)
River (Underswap grillby)
Traps ( Horrortale papyrus)
Hunter ( Horrortale sans)
 Smokes ( Horrortale grillby
Supernova (Outertale papyrus)
Nebula (Outertale sans)
Galaxy (Outertale grillby)
Edgy (Underfell sans)
Cherry- (Runt underfell sans)
Boss (Underfell papyrus)
Pyro (Underfell grillby)
Cleaver (Horrorswap papyrus)
Skitters (Horrorswap sans)
Loch (Horrorswap grillby)
Beartrap (Horrorfell sans)
Tracker (Horrorfell papyrus)
Smog (Horrorfell grillby)
Dusty- (dusttale sans)
Vapor-(Dusttale papyrus)
Softy (Softbones sans)
Brittle (Softbones papyrus)
Dream ( Dream sans)
Nightshade ( Nightmare sans)
Ink ( Inktale sans)
Error (Error sans)
Romeo (Echotale sans)
Green (Echotale papyrus)
I will add more later, I just wanted to get the basics done later. You can ask questions about etch bitty type though or request for a match up! 
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writer-chan-0w0 · 4 years
This is my version of the AU and was originally created by Fucken-Crybaby 
All other AUs and bittys belong to there creators  
Welcome to my humble shop,if you have a question about your bitty or wish to request for a match up ask away!
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writer-chan-0w0 · 4 years
When bittys where first made there where little to no laws to protect bittys. They had as much rights as a Tamagotchi and was often subjected to abuse and negligence. After years of battling the government had laws passed thanks to the kind people in the bitty community. Unfortunately there's not many to protects bittys and people still dismiss these laws.
Non-consensual Breeding act: The Non-Consensual Breeding act is a bipartisan initiative that bans the ability to force two or more bittys to breed or to use "Underage" bittys in breeding rings this is also extended to bitty mills. The penalty for violating the law can include a 2000$ fine, a prison term of up to seven years or both.
Bitty Cruelty and Torture Act: The Preventing Bitty Cruelty and Torture Act  is a law that bans the intentional crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating,Magic Restraints, impalement or other fatal and severe harm to "living non-human Bittys." The penalty for violating the law is a twelve year sentence with no chance of parole. In other state, the chance of a  death sentence.
Ban of bitty rings: This law bans the use of forcing any breed of bitty to fight to the death for entertainment or money gain. Or allowing a person to possess, keep, train, promote, purchase, breeds or sell a Bitty for the purpose of fighting or baiting that Bitty.For the purposes of this section "bait" means to attack with violence, to provoke, or to harass any Bitty with one or more animals for the purpose of training the Bitty for, or to cause a Bitty to engage in, a fight with or among other Bittys. This is enforced with nine year sentence and the prohibition from having future possession or custody of any bitty.
Permitted access for service bittys: A Owner with a disability, including autism, shall be permitted access for a service Bitty in school buildings, including the classroom, on school buses, and on school grounds. A school official may inquire as to whether the service Bitty is required due to a disability and what task or work the service Bitty has been trained to perform, unless the student's disability and the work or task that the service animal will perform are readily apparent. A school official may require: A certification from a veterinarian that the service Bitty is properly Checked that it may not harm others; and documentation that any license required by the municipality in which the Owner resides has been obtained for the service bitty.
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writer-chan-0w0 · 4 years
Legal Papers
In my version of the bitty world it's the law for all bitty shops to have four different types of bitty papers. Adoption,Stray adoption,Vet paper and service training/ownership. (  I did get lazy and just wanted to get the point across sooooo)
Adoption: This is the most common papers in the bitty community! It is a paper you are given to sign so you can adopt the bitty and give proof of "Ownership." every shop has a unique paper design and has its logo in the bottom information and is free.
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       Stray: This is strictly for Rescue centers as so people cant just pick up and sell strays. They are expensive because the shop had to filled papers and get background checked to be able to receive and out to adopters. They are similar the the Adoption Certificate and cost  100 dollars.
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       Vet: These papers are also very important when you get your bitty treated or checked on. By law all bitty pounds will request for evidence of vet papers. There are two types, Check ups and rehabilitation and treatment. Treatment is 550 dollars and a check up is free.
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               Service Bitty: This is what your bitty earns after completing Service bitty training. After being properly registered the bitty is Protected under federal law meaning abusing or neglecting a service bitty is considered a felony. The training is 1200$ (training takes upto a year for whatever discipline) the certificate is free.
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       I don't mind of you use this, but please give me credit for the project I work hours on!
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writer-chan-0w0 · 4 years
Human staff
Writer-Chan: Me/the owner/Rescue handler
Jake- The manager
Hanna-Shop Bitty handler
David- Handles food and messes
Minnie-Cash register
Bitty staff
Sweet Tooth (Horrorswap paps)- Nursery caretaker
Blackletter (Full sized king)- Rescue caretaker
Glitch (Error sans)- Nursery caretaker
Packet ( Sansy) Shop caretaker
Canvas (Full size albino king) - guard
Spool (Button)- Vet/helper
Doc (Green)- Vet/helper
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writer-chan-0w0 · 4 years
The Shop
Blue- Entrance door
My office is where you would normally find me to fill out adoption papers to drop off a found/unwanted bitty
In the Bitty holding/meeting room is were you are to find bittys that are not rescues. The room is separated to house more exotic bittys(laima and skiders). This room is filled with enrichment for all of the bittys and hiding spots to play
In the Rescue meeting/holding room you are going to find bittys that are rescues. The room is separated to house more Ägressive and abandoned bittys, along with exotic bittys(laima and skiders). This room is filled with enrichment for all of the bittys and hiding spots to be more comfortable.
The nursery room is were we keep all the young bittys. It is a slim chance we are going to have eggs, since they are hard to care for and is required to have a bitty breeder permit. Baby bittys are strictly handed by the bitty staff to reduce the chance of injury. They are almost defenceless so we don't have to seperate them from each other but exotic bittys have to be in there own "tanks" as shown in blue prints
The bathroom was unmarked but is between the nursery wall and bitty needs wall.
-The storage room is where we house any extra items
All that you need for you bitty is in the room beside my office. There, you will find food,treats,cloths,medicine and toys
The vet's office is restricted and allows only the staff inside, but is available to everyone to get there bittys checked weather they're from the shop or not
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writer-chan-0w0 · 4 years
Welcome to my humble shop,if you have a question about your bitty or wish to request for a match up ask away!
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