writerscauldron · 5 years
Runes baby!
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writerscauldron · 5 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could answer when I’ll be in a new relationship, do I already know the person? _SlyB
Hello and thank you for sending in an ask! For your reading, I did a one card pull, and the result was: Knight of Arrows--Hawk.
The hawk, generally speaking, is often viewed as a messenger, but it also doubles as a protector. Its ability to hunt even the most elusive of prey gives it another layer, one that allows it to see through even the sharpest of lies. 
Knight of Arrows also seems to suggest a person in your life who is a “champion.” Think of someone who has clear views and upholds them well, in addition to helping others uphold them. This person is also generally spontaneous and energetic, a joy to be around. 
The Hawk also suggests a meeting, specifically, a meeting of “like-minded” people. So in terms of your question, it’s unlikely you know the person of your next relationship... yet. But the hawk is a messenger of fate and carries new people into your life on a daily basis. 
Thanks for the ask! Hope this helped. 
Consider Leaving a Tip?
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writerscauldron · 5 years
hey ♡ my initials are SB. would I be able to get a general relationship reading? thank you!
Hello, and thank you for sending in an ask!
For your reading, I did a one card pull. The result was the Seven of Bows: Clearance.
This card typically tends to mean there’s a decision that needs to be made. It also can be interpreted as a time to rest and regroup, rebuild your tools. In terms of the decision, it doesn’t necessarily mean a good or bad one, just a pathway that you must travel. There’s no right or wrong answer, but, building off of the second meaning of the card, the stronger your tools, the better equipped you’ll be for either path. 
Now, in terms of a relationship, this could mean a number of things. It could suggest that something new is going to surface, something unforeseen. Seven of Bows seems to be saying use the time you have now to prepare for a decision in the future. 
Consider Leaving a Tip?
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writerscauldron · 5 years
Receive Good News This Week Spell
Positive Affirmation: “I will receive the good news is have been waiting for or I will get some type of good news this week”
Like to Charge, Reblog To Cast Spell…
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writerscauldron · 5 years
An emoji spell based on a prosperity and employment luck altar I made. It’s focused on aiding in the acquisition of a specific desired job (or alternatively drawing something better within reach.)
You know what to do!
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writerscauldron · 5 years
“dream job” emoji spell for good luck in job interviews, job searches, and manifesting a job opportunity that satisfies your soul
likes charge, reblogs cast
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writerscauldron · 5 years
😁✔🔜📳📩🎉👔✨🍀 💁👍😁
Emoji spell to get the job you want very soon
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writerscauldron · 5 years
Hi!💛 may I have a reading for me and B in the future? -A 💛💛
Hello, A, and thank you for your ask. I apologize for not getting to it the day you sent it. 
For your reading, I did a two card pull. Card One represents the near future, and Card Two represents the distant future, in relation to your situation with B.
Your Cards...
Six of Arrows “Transition”Nine of Arrows “Dedication”
The Interpretation...
The Six of Arrows (card one), representing the near future, suggests that there will be some kind of new process (transition, to state the name of the card). It’s a card of infinite possibilities, typically regarding adaptation. In relation to your situation with B, the card seems to be suggesting that new challenges and/or events will surface, requiring new solutions. Now, these challenges/events aren’t necessarily positive or negative (though they certainly can lean one way or the other). Think of them more as a necessary step toward growth. 
The Nine of Arrows (card two), representing the distant future in relation to you and B, suggests that there’s need for steadfast learning and discipline. Now, this could be hinting toward a stronger relationship (be it platonic or romantic), but it’s one that needs constant work. Now, this work probably shouldn’t be exhausting. If it’s exhausting, that’s a sign that one side isn’t putting in the right amount of effort, or that the relationship isn’t quite the right fit. Think of it as a garden: it needs constant tending, but the rewards should be well worth the effort. 
It’s also worth noting that for your reading, both of your cards are directly aligned with the element of Air. Air is commonly associated with communication, a vital part of any relationship, platonic or romantic. 
Thank you for your ask. I hope the reading helped!
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writerscauldron · 6 years
Hello may I have a reading on my personality please? Thank you! -M
Hey there, M, and thank you for your ask! 
For your reading, I did a three card pull. Card One represents how you perceive your personality. Card Two represents what your personality actually is at the moment (keep in mind: personalities can and will change). Lastly, Card Three represents how others perceive your personality. 
Your cards…
Five of Stones “Endurance”
Eight of Bows “Hearthfire”
Queen of Vessels “Salmon”
The Interpretation…
The Five of Stones (card one), representing how you perceive your personality, suggests you view yourself as resilient. With great inner strength, you can overcome challenges, traumatizing as they may be. Perhaps you’re already consciously aware of your resilience, or maybe this reading is highlighting it for the first time. Regardless, the Five of Stones implies you see yourself as courageous, be it emotionally, spiritually, and/or physically. 
The Eight of Bows (card two), representing what your personality is at the moment (again: personalities can and will change over time), seems to go hand in hand with card one. It suggests you’re well aware of your dreams and desires, and that through strong relationships (friends, family, romantic partners, possibly all three), these dreams are within your reach. Generally speaking, you’ve likely weathered a storm, however big or small. The warmth in your personality, which the “hearthfire” represents, is thriving. 
The Queen of Vessels (card three), representing how others perceive your personality, suggests that they view you as caring. In others’ eyes, you’re quite empathetic and tender, someone who can understand just as well as they can sympathize. Possibly, you have an ability to see deep into others’ situations, which could offer them comfort, unnerve them, or both. The Queen of Vessels might be acting as a bit of a shrouded warning in addition to everything else. Often, people will take advantage of a caring individual. Now, this isn’t set in stone, but the card seems to be saying you might want to watch out for those who don’t have good intentions. 
Thank you for requesting a reading, M. I hope this helped. 
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writerscauldron · 6 years
Hey, you're so generous for offering readings! Thank you so much! I'd like to ask for a love life reading for the next month. My boyfriend is very busy preparing for big upcoming things, and I'd like to see how our relationship will function because of that. Thank you so much again! Love and light :) 🌸🌙🌸
Hello there, foontchi, and thank you for your ask! I really appreciate the kind words 💕
For your reading, I did a pull based on the Nordic rune, Ehwaz, which is commonly associated with harmonious relationships. Card One represents where your relationship is right now. Card Two represents an “instigating event” (i.e. what type of event will trigger a change in the status quo). Card Three represents challenges you will face. Card Four represents how to overcome those challenges. Card Five represents the rewards for working through the obstacles. Lastly, Card Six represents the ultimate outcome. 
Your Cards...
Knight of Vessels “Eel”
King of Arrows “Kingfisher”
The Ancestor
The Moon on the Water
Six of Arrows “Transition”
King of Stones “Wolf”
The Interpretation...
The Knight of Vessels (card one), representing where your relationship is now, generally deals with harmony. It suggests that as of right now, each person in the relationship is putting in the right amount of effort to make things work in a positive way. It also raises a few questions that need to be considered for the future. First, what are the emotions that are getting out of control? And second, how can you better express these emotions?
The King of Arrows (card two), representing the “instigating event” (see above definition), seems to suggest an upcoming harsh situation. Often, this can be legal/court trouble, but not all the time. Regardless, keep an eye out for advice, especially in the most unlikely of places.
The Ancestor (card three) represents challenges you will face. It suggests that a leap into the unknown will be required, and you will have to learn/relearn to trust your instincts. A fear of the future and/or new experiences can lead to a major blockage in any relationship. The Ancestor seems to appear when a trip back to our intuition is in order.
The Moon on the Water (card four) represents how to overcome the challenge(s) described above. The card itself tends to represent transformation, and seems to suggest that something you’ve known for a while will make itself apparent. In terms of overcoming the above challenges, The Moon on the Water recommends strengthening a bond with a partner, be it spiritually, romantically, etc. The card suggests it’ll take some time, but it’s entirely doable.
The Six of Arrows (card five) represents the reward for working through the obstacles. The card suggests that newfound solutions to old problems will surface, so as long as a progress-driven momentum is maintained. 
Lastly, the King of Stones represents the overall outcome. The card suggests stability, both financially, health-wise, and relationship-wise (platonic or romantic). Generally speaking, this is a positive card that tends to lean more toward positive outcomes. However, a few questions are raised. First, what aspects of your relationship could use more support? And second, what values should you maintain to keep your relationship healthy? 
Thank you again for your ask! I hope this reading helped. 
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writerscauldron · 6 years
Wow! Thank u a lott🌹🌹🌹
You’re welcome! I hope the reading was helpful 💕
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writerscauldron · 6 years
Hey, I just wanted a reading to see if C is being faithful to me? Or has cheated As he seems like he’s being abit strange with me.. thankyou, P x
Hello, P, and thank you for your ask. First off, I want to say that this reading isn’t a hard/definite answer. Rather, it offers insight into what could be happening.
That being said, I decided to do a standard One Card pull, where the interpretation of the card is your insight, not necessarily the “face-value” (I.E. is it right side up or upside down). 
Your Card: Balance
General Meaning: Patience and contemplation are the key words here, as well as maintaining your sense of calm. Now is not the time to jump to any conclusions without concrete evidence. 
In terms of your question, Balance, which is associated with the Element of Air, would seem to suggest communication is needed. As of right now, you do not have all the necessary information to make a well-informed conclusion. 
Thank you for your ask. I’m sorry that it wasn’t exactly a Yes/No answer, but the deck seems to feel as though it’s not a Yes/No issue. 
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writerscauldron · 6 years
Thank you!!!!!!
You’re welcome! I’m assuming this is for A, i.e. the Love Life reading. My pleasure 
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writerscauldron · 6 years
Sure 🌹 I would like to know how is my career path going? Will I succeed?😊🌹 I am AM
Hello, AM, and thank you for your ask! 
For your reading, I did a pull based on the Nordic rune, Sowilo, which is commonly associated with careers. Card One represents the underlying factors of your career in general. Card Two represents how you feel about your current career. Card Three represents what is moving you along in your field. Card Four represents what is holding you back in your field. Card Five represents actions to take for improvement. Card Six represents actions to avoid. Lastly, Card Seven represents the ultimate outcome.
Your Cards…
Queen of Bows “Hare”The Hooded ManThe JourneyThe ShamanSeven of Stones “Healing”Seven of Bows “Clearance”Four of Vessels “Boredom”
The Interpretation…
The Queen of Bows (card one) suggests that your career choice was primarily made by using creative ambition. It also seems to be saying that there’s a bit of unpredictability in your field, generally speaking. There could be chances for rivalry, be it benign or malicious, internal or external. 
The Hooded Man (card two) appears to say that at this moment, you’re feeling slightly overwhelmed, whether you’re consciously aware of it or not. The card itself usually comes up when it’s time for rest and contemplation. In terms of how you feel about your current career, again, it could suggest that you’re overwhelmed, or that you’re ready to take a bit of a break. Regardless, introspection is recommended. 
The Journey (card three), representing what’s moving you along in your field, suggests that you’re quite good at letting go of the old and making way for new experiences. Where many people shy away from change, you embrace it in relation to your career. However, the card also serves a bit of a reminder to celebrate your roots and/or the past, but while also allowing yourself to let them go as necessary.
The Shaman (card four), representing what’s holding you back in your field, suggests an inability to focus on one thing at a time. Typically, the card encourages this type of behavior, but the location in the reading would say otherwise. While learning and experiencing new things is beneficial, it would be best for this career path if you focused on one major lesson and/or interest at a time. Now, that’s not to say you can’t multitask, but there are certain things that require more of your attention than others.
The Seven of Stones (card five), representing actions to take for improvement, suggests not only that there has been a bit of emotional distress, but that forgiveness is in order. In relation to your career, this distress could have been a disagreement with a coworker / supervisor, not getting a desired outcome, etc. Regardless of what it was, forgiveness (to yourself and/or to others) is the best route to take.
The Seven of Bows (card six), representing actions to avoid, warns against maintaining the status quo. It also suggests that whatever tools (physical, emotional, mental, etc) you use in your field need to be maintained. Tools, like many things, break after continued use if not properly cared for.
Lastly, the Four of Vessels (card seven), representing the ultimate outcome, seems to suggest what could happen should you ignore the advice of card six. Generally speaking, most of us aren’t fond of stagnation–and maintaining the status quo (i.e. not advancing) won’t help us to avoid it. The Four of Vessels acts as a bit of a veiled warning. It’s not there to say “no, you won’t succeed.” Rather, it’s there to say “don’t let yourself be unsuccessful.” 
Thank you again for your ask, AM. I hope this reading helped. 
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writerscauldron · 6 years
Can I please have a love reading for the future?🤗A
Hello, A, and thank you for your ask!
For your reading, I did a standard 3 card pull. Card 1 represents the topic and underlying factors surrounding it (in your case, it’s your future love life). Card 2 represents actions to avoid while working toward this future. Card 3 represents actions to take while working toward this future. 
Your Cards…
Card One: Ace of Arrows “The Breath of Life”
Card Two: Queen of Stones “Bear”
Card Three: Eight of Vessels “Rebirth”
The Interpretation…
The Ace of Arrows (card one) suggests that you’re ready to begin searching for a type of love, be it romantic or platonic. Keep in mind that this “readiness” is in its infancy and needs to be nurtured before it can truly give you the drive you need in your search. The Ace of Arrows is associated with the element of Air, and it often highlights hidden issues within your mind. In your case, the issue(s) brought to the surface could be your desire for companionship, platonic or romantic. Regardless, the Ace of Arrows implies you’re ready to actively seek out love, but you should keep an eye on why you want this love in the first place. 
The Queen of Stones (card two) occupies the “Actions to Avoid” spot in the reading. The card itself acts as a bit of warning. Often times, the Queen of Stones can represent a demanding person, be it emotionally, financially, or romantically. It seems to suggest you should be on the lookout for those of this nature–and avoid them if you can.
Lastly, the Eight of Vessels occupies the final spot, “Actions to Take.” This is a highly introspective card, in the sense that it advises you to look to your past and learn from it. That being said, it also advises you to let go of previous grievances that are holding you back. The Eight of Vessels is a card of renewal, and seems to suggest a positive outcome if you choose to follow the given advice. In terms of a love life, it also suggests new opportunity, be it in the form of a new partner, or in a new set of experiences with a current partner. In all, the Eight of Vessels suggests great potential for new beginnings and overall fulfillment. 
Thank you again for your ask, A. I hope this reading helps in any way it can. 
-Mod Olivia 
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writerscauldron · 6 years
I cant PM you :( 🌹
I’ve gone through my settings, and I think I have everything enabled. It might be because I share this blog with Mod Sam? If this is for a reading, would you be comfortable sending it as an ask?
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writerscauldron · 6 years
Free Tarot Readings!
Hello everyone, Mod Olivia here. I sincerely hope you’re having a wonderful day!
I’ve decided to open up some free Tarot readings. The witchblr community has helped me in so many ways; I want to give back in whatever way I can 💕
If you’re interested, feel free to send me an ask or a PM. If you choose to send in an anonymous ask, please leave whatever name you’re comfortable with sharing. The deck I use is the Wild Wood Tarot, just so you know. 
Also, I will not publicly post your questions/answers if you don’t want me to do so. Please let me know in your ask/PM. 
Have a beautiful Sunday!
-Mod Olivia
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