writings-in-ebony · 3 months
Touch The Darkness
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Please also check out @bluepinkangel​’s amazing hot moodboard for this universe 🖤
dark!mafia Steve Rogers x female reader
summary: When you unexpectedly are appointed to run a health center, you foresee many struggles along the way, but not one in the form of a merciless mob boss. Steve Rogers’ core aim is to own and he won’t take no for an answer. To any of his demands. 
warnings: dark!Steve Rogers (really, he’s not a softie here, he dark); manipulation; blackmail; threats; power imbalance; 
specific warnings will be added for each chapter separately
*yeah I know the title is long, but I like it 😜 besides, each part will have it’s own little title
Chapter 1. Storm on the horizon  
Chapter 2. Lava in the snow
Chapter 3. In the eye of the storm
Chapter 4. Heated hail 
Chapter 5. Breaking ice
Chapter 6. Downpour
Chapter 7. Burning needles
Chapter 8. TBT
Chapter 9. TBT
Chapter 10. TBT
his fave position
pic inspired
if Princess was pregnant
birthday celebration
show of power
Steve vs your period
possessive Steve
Their first meeting from Steve’s pov
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writings-in-ebony · 6 months
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who can relate
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writings-in-ebony · 8 months
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writings-in-ebony · 11 months
~ marvel masterlist📚 ~
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Hello lovely, I hope you’re having a great day. Welcome to my marvel masterlist! I love to write in my spare time and the fiction that I create is for 18+ readers ONLY please. Also, everything is character x fem!reader and please, read the tags carefully before continuing.
Masterlists ♥ A03 ♥ Tags  ♥ Question? (requests closed)  ♥ latest works ♥
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writings-in-ebony · 1 year
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hello 2ha brainrot my old friend
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writings-in-ebony · 1 year
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jason poses with guns like men do with fish
based on this
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writings-in-ebony · 2 years
Love Rainy Weather....
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writings-in-ebony · 2 years
Heart-Broken (Part 2)
Monster Pairing: Male!Orc x Female!Reader x Male!DragonBorn Notes: No real warnings here, just a little continuation on the angsty breakup story. Enjoy!
Part 1
This story was first published as a Commission but was continued on Patreon! Support me there and get early access to your favorite stories before they're posted to the public.
Coffee in each hand, you used your hip to push open the door to your boss’ office. You squinted into the dark room, stalling for a moment to let your eyes adjust to the sudden disappearance of light. The blinds were shut tight and you could barely make out the desk and few chairs in front of it. A lump lay sprawled over the desk's surface. Curled spikes prodded from the dark shape with little chains hanging from the silhouette. It said nothing as you entered the dark room. “Rough night?” You asked. Placing down one of your coffees beside the lump. The same lump that grumbled and shifted so a clawed hand lazily slapped around the desk until it found the hot mug.
“I’m a homewrecker.” Lu mumbled. An almost sorrowful tone filling his tone.
You threw open the blinds. Bathing the room in sunlight as you answered.
“How are you a homewrecker?” You asked. Ignoring the pained complaints from the DragonBorn as he hid his eyes under a pair of heavily tinted sunglasses.
“Remember that girl I told you about,” Lu asked, leaning back in his overly plush office chair to sip his coffee. “Well, apparently…she has a fiance…”
You plopped down in one of the chairs across from Lu and arched an eyebrow. Waiting for him to continue. “I was so in love, (y/n). She was everything I wanted in a girl.”
“Her and the last four girls.” You said under your breath, behind your mug as you sipped your coffee.
Lu either didn’t hear it, or was too lost in his rant to comment. “We met again last night but she popped out that little nugget of information. Saying that her fiance was getting suspicious and she has to call it off.” Lu wiped a heavy hand down his long snout. The trinkets on his horns were disheveled and poorly placed. And the usual charming suit was wrinkled with a matching tie that hung loosely around his neck. You were used to coming in here and seeing Lu in some sort of state because of a girl. Your last few months of friendship hardened you just enough to feel not much pity for him. True, it was sad to see such a good man constantly ripped apart by horrible women, but Lu wasn’t exactly learning from his past experiences. Any girl that showed him an inch of kindness and attention, and he was gone. A puppy at the heels of its new owner. You were just there to pat him on the back and make sure he drank water and nibbled on something until he got over it.
“Did you eat this morning?” You asked. And Lu nodded.
“A bagel with cream cheese…alot of cream cheese.” You let him have that. At least something was in his stomach. 
“At least this time it wasn’t you being too cuddly or something stupid.” You commented. Remembering the last break up had you in a spiral of anger. Lu was the sweetest guy you knew. Even though the two of you weren’t in any sort of relationship, he brought you flowers on occasions and sometimes little trinkets were left on your desk after you came back from lunch.
He was thoughtful and kind. Just an all round loving man. But the last girl hated it. Said he had been too overbearing, and embarrassing her with how much PDA he showed. When Lu told you this, you almost stalked her on Facebook just to find out if you could…visit her and give her a piece of your mind. But that was illegal. And Lu had his confidence shattered so harshly that you had no time to make visits. Building Lu up from that low blow took weeks. Until the new flame fanned through and he was back to his normal self.
Lu smiled that lopsided grin that told you he wasn’t in any mood to laugh, but found your words somewhat humorous. “Yeah, I guess it is better that it's not my fault this time.” His talons tapped the side of his mug for a moment before he sighed. “I’m really stupid aren’t I?”
You laughed and shook your head, reaching across the desk to pat his hand affectionately. “I think you’re just really unlucky. How many women live in this city? And every one you choose is a bitch? I guess you have to dig through the dirt to find gold, right?”
Another heavy sigh came from Lu as he smoothed down the front of his shirt. It was a nice black button up with a green tie that matched his scales. You spotted a small stain on the left side of the shirt, but the black material hid it well. He glanced at his watch and sniffled. Clearing his throat as he realized how late in the morning it was. “I guess I should make an appearance.” Lu finally said after a moment of comfortable silence. He stood and started to correct his disheveled attire. You waited, sipping your beverage as he straightened his tie and tucked in his shirt. He went to the mirror on the wall and took some care to realign his trinkets and chains that adorned his horns.
You always said that Lu was a handsome DragonBorn. And if you weren’t still healing from your last break up, you would be all over him. Like you said before, his gifts were adorable and he always made you laugh. Very rarely did you have a bad day that ended with you stewing in your frustration or anger. Lu made you feel comfortable and relaxed just by talking to you. He was a sweetheart. But your heart was still too bitter to let someone else in right now.
“You’re staring.” Lu teased. Winking at you from his reflection. You huffed. Used to the sudden flush of embarrassment every time Lu flirted with you. It took you a long time to accept Lu’s little jibes. But he did so, only with your consent and for your entertainment. He knew where he stood with you. He was a friend. A work colleague that took you out for drinks and nothing came at the end of the night other than a “I’m home safe” text from both of you. You sometimes fantasied the idea of the two of you dating. Seeing him treated the way he was, hurt you more than he knew. And not to brag or boast, but you would treat him well. Like you did with Dax… In sappy words, you treated Dax like a King and he treated you like a Queen. Equals. Partners. You loved each other so sweetly that when you looked back on it, your lives together still brought on a wave of sadness. You never were left unwanting and never left feeling lonely-
Claws clicked in front of your face and you startled out of your thoughts to look up at Lu. Who smiled down at you with a soft expression. A hand laying on your shoulder as an air of understanding passed between you.
“You’re thinking about him again.” Lu said. It wasn’t a question. Lu knew when you got lost in your thoughts. The breakup, even seven months old, still hurts like a jagged knife to your chest. You weren’t sure how long breakup pain was meant to go for. But you thought you’d be over it more than you were by now. You sighed and nodded. Letting your hand rest on Lu’s.
“We’re both suckers.” You teased. And Lu laughed. Nodding in agreement.
“I’m a hopeless romantic. And you’re a heart broken damsel.”
You jokingly glared up at the DragonBorn. “I’m not a damsel.”
“Well, I’m a Dragon and it's only fitting you’re the princess in the tower.” Lu said. Moving his hand and leading the way out of the office. You followed with your coffee in hand.
“What if I want to be the knight?” You asked. And Lu scoffed.
“I would love to see you in armor. You would be hot as fuck.” Lu said, passing between the desks and cubicles where the rest of his employees were. They smiled and greeted the two of you as they always did. Without enthusiasm but a genuine friendly tone. No one liked working. Everyone wanted to go home. At least Lu was one of those bosses that also wanted to go home, but knew bills had to be paid and didn’t expect everyone to be all smiles and cheerful. Another thing you liked about him. He treated his employees like people. Not numbers or robots.
Just as you were about to leave Lu and go to your desk, a young man came jogging up to the two of you. He was red faced and puffing. You knew this man. He was Lu’s secretary. Even though Lu hated the idea, he was still around. Mostly because Lu didn’t want to fire a family man who just got this job. And also because his mother insisted. “I can’t deny this place pays well. I’m not going to sack him because I hate being followed.” Lu would say whenever he complained about Matt.
Lu greeted Matt just as warmly as everyone else. But there was an undertone of impatience to it.
“Matt, what news does my mother want me to hear?” He asked. And you chuckled as you went to your desk. Just two desks away from where Matt trapped Lu.
“Actually, it's from the front desk. They couldn’t reach your phone.” Matt huffed. Taking a deep breath to stop himself from wheezing before continuing. “There’s a man downstairs that is looking to talk with you. He doesn’t have an appointment, but he won’t leave without seeing you. The girls downstairs are worried.”
Now very interested, you slid your chair over to sit behind Lu so you could listen in. Your boss’ tail slid along the ground and pushed you back against your desk. You pouted at him as you were slowly shoved away from the very juicy moment.
“I’ll be down in a minute. Make sure security is at the ready in case it's a weirdo.” Lu said, his usual nonchalant, lazily tone now a hardened growl. Lu tried to avoid conflict as much as possible. He hated how stupid most arguements were and most could be fixed with a very simple solution of people having common sense. But when it came to his building and his staff, you got to see the Dragon side of him. He didn’t mess around when it came to the safety and comfort of his employees.
Matt nodded and scurried away. Pushing his phone to his ear as he went to the elevator. Lu sighed heavily and removed his tail from the back of your chair.
“Duty calls.” He said with a heavy expression.
“Tell me all about it when you get back?” You asked.
“Of course! We don’t get this much excitement all the time.” Lu expressed. Flashing you a smile as he followed after Matt. Giving the secretary enough time to give the heads up and be down there before Lu.
Dax knew this building. Many mornings and afternoons he had dropped you off for work and picked you up from it. He knew the address and the floor you were on. Having sent many flowers and ordered food just for you. It stung a little to be in a place that was so familiar to him. And he almost didn’t come. The chance of seeing you again made his chest tighten and his palms sweat. But he had a job to do. Tucker was worried about Pepper, his fiance. For the past couple of weeks she had been acting weird. So weird that even Dax had noticed the distance she started to bring to her relationship with Tucker. And a week ago, Tucker finally folded and asked Dax about it. Confiding in his best friend about his worries about Pepper.
“What if she’s cheating?” Tucker had whimpered. “I don’t know how to take that.”
“She’s not.” Dax had reassured the satyr. “You know her family is strict. Maybe she’s trying to fix something with them and keep you out of it. She’s like that, remember? When the two of you started dating, there was a month where she refused to go out anywhere with you. And you thought it was because she was ashamed? But really it was because she was scared her family would see her with someone. Let me talk to her. Maybe she’ll tell me.”
Dax didn’t have to ask Pepper what was going on. He followed her one night. Spotting her out in the city when he was about to go home from work. She was dressed up in her nicest dress. The one he remembered Tucker really liked. And she went into a club. Alone. Which was strange because Pepper very rarely went anywhere without her group of friends. Dax wasn’t usually the one to follow and spy on people. He liked to keep his business to himself and let whatever the fuck was going on, be alone. But Tucker was worried. And Pepper was acting weird. His two best friends were starting to split apart and he really wanted to make sure Pepper was alright.
At least, that's what he told himself when he followed her into the club and spied her kissing the cheek of a green DragonBorn. He looked rich. In that pompous, playboy way in a stylish suit and covered in shiny things. His hands were all over Pepper. Holding her hand. Laying on her hip when they got their drinks and found a booth. Playing with her hair and watching her laugh with a distant, awe filled gaze. Pepper was all smiles and sitting so close she was basically on the man’s lap.
He had seen enough. And for a few days he wrestled with the idea of telling Tucker. He deserved it know. Dax would never hide something like this from him. But how do you tell someone, your best friend, that their child-hood sweetheart was out with other men without him knowing? He didn’t know how. And he had no idea how to confront Pepper either. Or how she would react to his knowledge of her outings. But he did know he wanted to do one thing. Confront the guy Pepper was seeing. Make sure he didn’t harass Pepper again and ensure he knew she was an engaged woman. It was how you and he met after all. It was one thing he was good at. Making men back down from harassing women. On the beach, you were in a swimsuit that made you look so sexy. And him playing beach volleyball with Tucker and some other friends. He never lied to you, he had checked you out many times during that day. Who could resist such a sight? But then a group of guys went to you and your friends, not taking no for an answer when you tried to get them to leave you all alone. And so Dax, the intimidating, hulky gray orc had to step in and ask if everything was alright. Pretending to be someone you knew until the group of idiots left.
One conversation later and he asked for your number. Which you gave and the rest was history.
The DragonBorn Pepper had seen might not know what was going on. But if he did, Dax had to put a stop to it immediately before he confronted Tucker. ….He didn’t have a reason why this was the better plan. Probably to postpone the heartbreaking news to his friend. But as the DragonBorn exited the elevators, wings neatly folded against his back, suit crisp and clean, Dax felt a surge of anger rise in him. Why this man of all people? Did Pepper seriously try her luck with a womanizer like this?
“Leave Pepper alone.” He growled. And the DragonBorn stopped in his tracks. The stoic expression changed to surprise and a long stretch of silence followed. The emerald gaze floated from Dax’s old sneakers, up along the torn black jeans, to the shaggy mane of hair atop his head. The fucker laughed. Actually, laughed.
His clawed hands lifted from his pants pockets in an act of peace. Palms out towards Dax as if to stop the wall of fury coming any closer. The smile was easy going. But it made Dax even more irritated.
“Easy, tiger. Pepper already called it off.” The reptilian replied. “Are you the fiance then?”
The look this DragonBorn had already told Dax he knew Pepper was not his girlfriend.
“I’m a friend of his.” Dax replied. Allowing his anger to flow through his words. “Did you know about her relationship?”
“It wasn’t like she wore the ring.” The DragonBorn said. “The moment she told me, I left. I didn’t know.” He added on. Like he was making sure that was certain. “She told me her fiance was catching on and that we shouldn’t see each other anymore. I, for one, almost fainted when she dropped that bombshell. Could you pass on my apologies to the guy for me?” Dax hated the genuine tone to this guy’s words. Like he was actually sorry for what had happened. But there was no way he didn’t know. Someone like him didn’t care about such things. He was a rich kid after all.
Dax looked around. People were staring. A handful of personnel were standing by the doors. They were big people. Minotaurs, other orcs, even an ogre stood among them. The women behind the desk were busying themselves with computers and patrons to the building. But Dax could see their concerned glances.
He couldn’t do this here.
Dax bunched up his fists and stuffed them in his hoodie pockets. The DragonBorn was around the same height as him. But he was thinner. And Dax leaned forward just a little to glare into the DragonBorn’s eyes.
“Make sure I don’t see you with her again.” Dax growled. Before turning on his heels and storming out the building. He saw the security guards about to step towards him, but in the reflection of the window, he glimpsed the DragonBorn raise his hand to stop them. Dax left the building with that raging fire still in him.
When Lu returned from his adventure downstairs his expression was distant. Thoughtful. And you quickly finished off what you were doing to catch him as he entered his office.
“That bad?” You asked. Unsure how to handle this situation. Lu kept it professional when it came to the company’s business. You were left in the dark about a lot of it, which you understood. You were in no position to know anything about the company’s finances or hirings or anything to do with the higher ups. And you didn’t like pushing it to know either. Because it could come out that you were trying to worm your way into the business through Lu. Which you definitely were not. But sometimes, the business hung on Lu’s shoulders like weights. And you just wanted to know if he was ok.
Lu seemed to be startled by your presence. He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, pretty bad. You won’t believe who-” He stopped mid-sentence. And you waited patiently for him to name who had visited him without a call or appointment. Lu was an important man. But everyone knew they needed some sort of time slot to see him. Otherwise he shrugs them off and tells them to make an appointment if it isn’t an emergency. He had no time for random visits from strange people. But he looked at you and you could almost see his expression change from confused to worried then to a laughing smile.
“It was a mistress…of my mother’s.” He finally said. Like he had been holding his breath for a long time. “Apparently she isn’t answering her phone. So, the lady tried to go through me to her.”
You scoffed and leaned against the door frame. “Really? What are you? A messaging dove?”
“That's what I said!” Lu exclaimed with a shake of his head. “But I am going to gloat to Mother that her little succubus friend came by. She’s gonna be so pissed!’ He waved you away as he picked up his phone. And you closed the door behind you as you left to continue your work.
That afternoon, you worked a little later than usual. Both you and a few other co-workers got caught up in an avalanche of paperwork. And with the weekend coming up, you really didn’t want to get caught working late again. So, you busted it out alongside your team and got it done just as Lu finished up his last meeting. He gave you all a hard, but playful, look when he came out of his office and spotted your cluster of workers.
“You guys are going to make me look bad if you keep working so hard.” Lu sighed as he waited by your desk. “I want to be out of here by 4pm every day. If you all keep working this hard, I’m going to have to work harder so I’m not replaced.” It was 6:30pm when you grabbed your bag and joined him by the elevators. Your team chatted between themselves as you all piled into the lift. Lu conversed with Abby as he answered a few emails. Totally oblivious to her hints at getting a drink with him tonight. You kicked his shin and he looked at you in surprise. Before following your sideward glance at Abby as she giggled.
“Oh, um, actually, (y/n) and I were going to go get dinner. I owe her for picking up some of my slack.” Lu said. You were totally dumbfounded by his response. But Abby seemed ok with it. She told him that she’ll ask again another time and say her goodbyes as the elevator door opened. Everyone piled out and left the building. You dragged Lu to stray behind the crowd. Pinching his sides.
“What are you doing? She’s so sweet!” You scolded Lu. Who sighed heavily and shrugged.
“I want to take a moment away from dating, that's all.” He told you. “And yeah, she is really sweet. But I don’t think she’s my type.”
You gasped theatrically at him. “You have a type?” Lu pushed you playfully away. Making you laugh as you clung to his arm so you weren’t pushed too far away. “But seriously. Are you all good? Ever since that visitor today you’ve been acting weird.”
Lu made a show of hooking your arm under his and patted your hand affectionately. His love language was touch. Even to his friends he would hold their hands or link arms. It was just his way of showing affection. “She shook me a little.” Lu said with a reassuring smile. “Promise I’m ok. Just had a lot of my plate today. Nothing some good food and a drink won’t fix.” You let it drop. Lu would eventually either tell you what was actually wrong, or you would pry bits and pieces from him until you could figure it out. Either way, distracting him with food was the best idea.
Dax felt like a creep. Straying near the building for the rest of the day until the last of the workers left, felt wrong. What was he even doing here? The DragonBorn said he didn’t know Pepper was engaged and said he had laid it off. Dax still had to go home and break the news to Tucker about all this mess. Maybe that’s why he didn’t leave yet. Pretending like he cared what this DragonBorn did after he finished work. Because he was still postponing the heart shattering news to his best friend.
He sighed and leaned heavily against the car seat. He had been here for hours. Waiting and watching. Unsure what he was really doing here other than scoping out for the DragonBorn. Sitting in his car across the street from the company you worked at. Watching the front doors as people started to leave. And strange thing was, he hadn’t seen you leave yet. Did you get a new job elsewhere? You were usually out of the office by 4pm. And you tried to worm your way out of working late all the time. You hated coming home and not have a lot of time in the afternoon for yourself. Going home. Dax corrected himself. He sighed again and rubbed his eyes to relieve some of the tiredness from them. It wasn’t until the sun had gone down did he finally spot the DragonBorn amongst the small crowd of workers. He was much taller than the rest of them and his laugh seemed to echo through the street like a melody.
But then, Dax saw you. And his chest nearly burst open with the sudden rush of emotion that came over him. You looked well. Dressed in one of your professional outfits that Dax had once helped you put together. Your smile was wide and your eyes gleamed with laughter. He swallowed the thick ball that choked his throat and forced his gaze away from you. His nails dug into the palm of his hand as his fists clenched. Watching the DragonBorn curl his arm over yours and his scaly fingers stroke your hand lovingly.
The emotion in him boiled into that all too familiar anger. He gritted his teeth. Feeling his jaw ache as his teeth were clenched together. You looked up at the DragonBorn with that same smile that used to turn Dax to puddy. Holding the creature close as he led you to a nearby car. Where the driver got out and opened the door for the two of you.
She moved on quick. The bitter words bounced around in his head like a swarm of locusts. And that cheating scumbag has her under his thumb as well.
Your car smoothly pulled out onto the road once you were seated inside. And Dax turned his car on and followed. At first, he thought maybe you were being dropped home. But instead the car drove past your place and pulled up by one of the restaurants nearby. It was one of your favorites. Dax didn’t enjoy many of the dishes there but he loved taking you. A night out and then a good movie cuddle session. Another sharp pain in his chest made his knuckles tighten on the steering wheel. He kept driving. Moving quickly so you didn’t spot his beat up old car as you exited the vehicle. But he pulled up in a parking spot down the street. Getting out just in time to see you and the DragonBorn go inside.
How was he going to tell you? What was his plan right now? You haven’t spoken in 7 months and suddenly Dax is going to kick down this door and say that the Dragon is cheating on you with Pepper? He stalled. Keeping away from the front of the restaurant where large, crystal clean windows displayed its patrons inside.
It would sound ridiculous… What proof did he have right now? He hasn’t even told Tucker yet. What if the DragonBorn lied right to your face and you believed him over Dax?
He breathed heavily. Rubbing his face with the palm of his hand. He could feel the heavy scruff on his cheeks and chin and there was a sweaty scent to his hand.
In the sliver of glass that he stood next too, his reflection stared back at him with a sullen look. His hair was a mess and the hoodie he wore had stains on it. It was his workout clothes. Meant to get dirty and smelly before he went for a shower and change. He could see you in the back. Seated at a corner table with a candle and decorative flowers as the centerpiece. The DragonBorn spoke to the waiter and ordered for both of you while you picked through your phone. Dax knew you hated eating dinner without your phone being on vibrate. You had once said it ruined the mood if a notification suddenly pinged during the romantic moments.
In the candlelight, you looked beautiful. You haven’t changed a bit. And it was eating at Dax that it wasn’t him beside you.
He couldn’t even remember why the two of you broke up. The argument was a blur to him. The day before it was even less of a memory. He just remembered being angry. He was always angry.
“Excuse me, sir.” A voice called to him. And he was greeted with a kind eyed man in the restaurant's uniform. “A table for one? Or are you expecting company?”
Dax glanced back at you one more time before shaking his head. “No, thank you. I was just looking at the place. Driven past so many times, I thought I’d finally see it in person.” He lied. Hoping his smile didn’t show any of the pain he was feeling right now.
The man smiled in return and bid him goodnight before returning to the door. Dax didn’t wait around after that. He needed to fix things with Tucker before he could confront you with this news. Perhaps he could get Tucker to do it. Save the embarrassing meeting all together by getting the true victim of all this to break the news.
Another heavy sigh and Dax got back into his car and sped away.
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writings-in-ebony · 2 years
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writings-in-ebony · 2 years
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*vacuums with malicious intent*
based on:
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writings-in-ebony · 2 years
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HELL YEH, OBNOXIOUSLY LONG POSTS AGAIN!!! Say hello to the solar family! 
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writings-in-ebony · 2 years
Melancholic Euphoria’s Exophilia Masterlist
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(Updated: 25th September 2022) 
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Male Incubus (Adrian)
Female Wendigo (Amara)
She-wolf Werewolf (Antonia) x female human reader - {Modern AU} (set in-universe of Rhys Pearson)
Male Lupin/Canid Rakshasa (Casen) - {OkCryptid Collab} 
Male Shadow Monster (Hank) x Human! Reader (Commissioned Piece)
Male Nurse Vampire (Leonardo)  /  Part 2   /  Part 3 [NSFW]- {Modern AU} 
Male College Teacher Minotaur x f! reader (Matthias Benoit) [NSFW]
Male Orc (Mykel) - {Modern AU}
Male Werewolf (Rhys) x Human! Reader  /  Part 2  /  Part 3  - {Modern AU}
Infected/Undead Male (Ryan) Part 1  /  Part 2  /  Part 3 (FINALE)
Male Tiefling Burlesque Dancer (Sol) x Asexual Reader  /  Part 2
Wolfman x f! reader [NSFW]
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Whale Shark Boyfriend (Arlo) 
Merman (Caspian) x Female! Reader Part 1  /  Part 2 [NSFW]
Male Selkie (Jaemos) x GN Reader 
Stingray Merman (Kairius)
Koi Merman (Lochlan) [NSFW]
Male merman (Nereus) - {MERMAY 2020}
Octopus Merman (Tullius) - Short fic  /  Part 2 [NSFW]
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Cruel Fae Prince (Albericus) x male reader [NSFW] 
Lord of the Night (Calen) x human! female reader
Male Fae (Erolith)
Magpie Fae x GN reader (Tehlmar) Part 1  /  Part 2
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Male Drow (Aadesh)
Male Drow Sorcerer (Ardul) x Male Reader
Male Pixie (Cirrus) Part 1  /  Part 2
Female healer elf (Daelora) x hunter! reader
Yandere Drider (Kalannar) x Male human
Albino Drider (Levi)
Male Drider (Nyraen) x Reader - Part 1  /  Part 2  /  Part 3 [NSFW]
Female Drider (Sarris) x F! Reader [NSFW]
High elf boyfriend (Seeker) x GN reader Part 1  /  Part 2
Male! Drow (Vevmis) x Human! Female reader Part 1  / Part 2  /  Part 3  /  Part 4 [slight NSFW]  /  Part 5 (FINALE)
Keep reading
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writings-in-ebony · 2 years
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👑Long May He Reign👑
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writings-in-ebony · 2 years
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Summer 2022 KFP gijinka studies ~
Once again thank you to NOT use and repost my art, really, I’ll see it.
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writings-in-ebony · 2 years
Office Orcs (Part One)
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For @orc-lady-unabi based on some of the suggestions she got. (The suggestions are: here, here, here, here, and here.) Not all of them are in part one, some will be worked into future parts. 
Characters: Male Orc, Female Reader Kinks/Warnings:  NSFW, teasing, voice kinks, size kinks, light d/s, (& prob more.) Wordcount: ~4000 Other Parts: Part Two | Part Three | Part Four Office Orcs is Posted on: AO3 
There’s also ART by @literalnobody (mild spoilers for this part) HERE! 
Part One
The new transfer from the New York office is a well-dressed, fast-talking orc. He’s tall, broad-shouldered, and wears a well tailored suit better than any man you’ve seen before. Your eyes follow him across the office as he introduces himself to everyone. His haircut probably cost what you make in a week. He moves with the assurance of a man who has found his place in the world. He fills his suit well, and you desperately want to know what’s under it.
He stops at your desk, and you can’t help letting your gaze drag along his form as you look up and up until you can meet his eyes. He’s smiling, and there’s something dark and knowing in his gaze.
“I’m Alexander,” he says, offering his hand to shake. His palm dwarfs yours, and you feel a shiver travel down your spine. A jolt of pure want assaults you.
You know you manage to say the right things, tell him your name, exchange a few well wishes for your ability to work together in the future, because the VP traveling with him as they cross the floor toward the roomy corner office smiles. As soon as he’s gone, you can’t remember a word of what you’ve said, and for the rest of the day you don’t manage to get a single thing done.
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writings-in-ebony · 2 years
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The woods are lovely, dark and deep 🍃🍂
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writings-in-ebony · 2 years
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