writtenbyariavargas · 1 month
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Pst! Guess what? Book 2 is coming out this summer.
If you haven't picked up and read Heinous yet you might want to before Breakage comes out. I'm so excited to have my second book published and to share it with everyone.
You can find Heinous on Amazon.
My cover art is done by @bkartz , who is doing my cover for Breakage as well!
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writtenbyariavargas · 4 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 1: Helpless - Fandomless Drabble.
cw drug mention, tw drug mention, cw drugging, tw drugging, cw abduction, tw abduction, cw kidnapping, tw kidnapping, cw yandere, tw yandere
Where am I? I silently asked myself with the blindfold over my eyes. My wrists were tightly bound behind me, holding me to something hard. There was barely any slack I could feel even as I tried to pull at the binds. I could even feel the binds holding my knees and ankles together. I wracked my brain, attempting to figure out what happened. The only thing that I could remember was everything going hazy before I woke up in this position. At least there was nothing covering my mouth, but with how I had been set down and tied every muscle inside me ached. How long have I been like this? Breathe…
I took as deep of a breath as I could. It wasn’t enough, like my chest was tight.
Drip, drip, drip. My awareness was being split between the soreness within my body and the present sound of dripping liquid from somewhere above and far away from me. The building had to be abandoned. It seemed to have been the only way that someone could have abducted me and stored me in it without worrying about having me gagged. My chest was still tight as I took another semi-deep breath. I shivered, a deep chill settling into my bones. How long have I been here? Has it only been a few hours? My stomach groaned in displeasure, and I bit my lower lip. It was long enough that I was starting to feel the discomfort of hunger. I needed something, but there seemed to be no one watching or even here. I struggled against the binds, still not getting anywhere with me breaking free. Whoever had taken me was most definitely good with knots. They were so tight and felt secure enough that I wouldn’t be able to get out of them. It was frustrating.
Footsteps caught my attention, and they echoed in the seemingly empty building along with the drip, drip, drip of what I still could only assume was water. A draft caused me to shake again, and I swallowed hard, unsure if the footsteps were of a friend or foe.
It’s so cold in here… I can feel the gooseflesh on my skin. Who owns those footsteps? It feels damp… smells musty. My bottom lip trembled.
“Aw, look at you,” a feminine voice purred. It sounded like the person wasn’t right by me, but moving closer, “you look beautiful my darling. Just perfect.”
“Please, let me go, don’t hurt me,” I croaked out, and she tutted with a pout in her voice.
“I’m not going to hurt you darling, not unless you misbehave,” she giggled brightly, “I know you must be scared, but as long as you do everything I say, there won’t be even a hair on your head harmed.”
I struggled against the binds again. I recognized her voice, but I couldn’t place it. Who was she? What was she doing? Why was I bound in almost an immobile position? A hand caressed my cheek for a moment, and then the ringing of a smack echoed in my ears and throughout the room. My cheek stung from the contact of her palm to my face.
“Why?” I asked, pleading for an answer.
“Because my dear, you’re mine. No one else can have you,” she stated, “and if you keep asking questions I will have to make sure you can’t speak and I don’t think you want that, now do you?”
I whimpered.
“Good. Now, open wide, I have something to feed you. Then you’ll be transported to your new home, with me.”
I didn’t part my lips. I shivered, not wanting to eat what she was going to give me. I feared that it was drugged. What if that was how I ended up in this situation in the first place? What if that’s what made me helpless and easy to move around?
She grabbed my jaw, digging her nails into my skin painfully. I gasped, and my mouth opened just enough for her to force a spoon full of something fruity, sweet, and creamy into it. I tasted the tang of strawberry yogurt and whimpered again. There was something else in that flavor, something that told me exactly what I’d been fearing.
“Now, now, you can’t feed yourself, sweetie. I need to feed you this to keep your strength up. Open wider, and we’ll get this over with quickly,” I didn’t respond fast enough, and she rested her thumb pad on my lower teeth, roughly forcing my jaw open. She put a larger spoonful of the yogurt in my mouth, then forced it down my throat. Soon, I stopped fighting, understanding that she wouldn’t cease forcefully feeling me until I was finished.
“Good little pet. You’ll get some good sleep,” she murmured and kissed the top of my head, “you’ll learn to obey and rely on me like the helpless little animal you are.”
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writtenbyariavargas · 4 months
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this year's prompts were chosen through a suggestion poll (in which we recevied 2,281 prompts) and a subsequent vote, where over 1,000 people voted for their favourites. the top 29 make up the core prompts, and a mixture of the next most popular - and this blog's personal favourites - have become the alternates
i’m so excited to see what you all create with these prompts, and hope they’re inspiring enough to trigger a whole month’s worth of creativity for you! if you have any questions, please check out the blog's faq before sending an ask, or check out the previously asked questions on the blog!
please note: this year, notifying the blog of completionist status will happen through a google form that will be released closer to the end of febuwhump.
full write-up of prompts and rules under the cut:
DAY 1: helpless
DAY 2: solitary confinement
DAY 3: "bite down on this"
DAY 4: obedience
DAY 5: rope burns
DAY 6: "you lied to me"
DAY 7: suffering in silence
DAY 8: "why won't it stop?"
DAY 9: bees
DAY 10: killing in self defence
DAY 11: time loop
DAY 12: semi-conscious
DAY 13: "you weren't supposed to get hurt"
DAY 14: blood-stained tiles
DAY 15: "who did this to you?"
DAY 16: came back wrong
DAY 17: hostage situation
DAY 18: too weak to move
DAY 19: "please don't"
DAY 20: truth serum
DAY 21: unresponsive
DAY 22: "you weren't meant to be there"
DAY 23: presumed dead
DAY 24: "i'm doing this because i care about you"
DAY 25: waterboarding
DAY 26: "help them"
DAY 27: left for dead
DAY 28: "no... not like this"
DAY 29: not allowed to die
is there a specific day’s prompt you don’t want to fill? here are ten alternatives you can switch them out for!
ALT 1: human shield
ALT 2: "i love you"
ALT 3: found footage
ALT 4: human weapon
ALT 5: cpr
ALT 6: immortality
ALT 7: last words
ALT 8: killing game
ALT 9: lightning strike
ALT 10: last man standing
prompts should be answered in the form of whump
creators can produce whatever kind of media they want
you don’t have to complete all the prompts! you can create however much you want to
you can use the prompts after the event ends and can complete them in tandem with any other event
you can post on any platform you want, however this blog will only be sharing those posted on tumblr
if you want to be featured on the hall of fame then you have until the 3rd of March to inform this blog that you completed all the days
if you have questions consult the faq before asking
HARD RULES: (specifically for being featured on the blog)
when uploading febuwhump content to tumblr, please use the tags:
febuwhump (i’ll also be checking febuwhump2024)
the relevant day’s tag e.g. febuwhumpday1, febuwhumpday2…
nsfw (if relevant)
and any trigger warnings that may be important!
you can also tag the blog, @febuwhump
i cannot guarantee your work will be archived on the blog because I have no idea how many participants there will be. a random selection of works tagged in accordance to the rules above will be reblogged every day of february.
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Day 16
Semi-consciousness - Toshiro Hitsugaya ("Zombiegaya")
mind control cw, mind control tw, death mention cw, death mention tw, violence cw, violence tw, drugs cw, drugs tw, drugged cw, drugged tw, loss of will cw, loss of will tw
There was such a profound feeling of fog in my mind. The only thing that was clear were the commands that Giselle spoke. My body listened even though I didn’t want to. I had been stripped of my captain’s haori and forced to wear a Quincy uniform. I couldn’t fight back, the fog that seeped through each synapse, each electrical pulse making me unable to do anything but obey the Quincy girl. Her voice, her will, anything she wanted from me I obeyed without pause. It was as though my own will was caged behind hers. I didn’t even feel like myself, let alone feel much of anything.
I didn’t know if I were even technically alive but I moved when told to. I attacked when told to. I fought for Giselle.
Even with a part of me trying to claw its way out I was stuck in a state of just being conscious enough to obey. Nothing else mattered. My life did not matter unless the girl decided it did. Moments within the fog my mind screamed at me trying to get me to do something, anything, of my own will. To no avail my will could not push past what kept me under her spell for lack of a better word.
When she summoned me to fight against Madarame and Ayasegawa I came without complaint. My body complied with her orders. I drew my zanpakuto and attacked. The part that was still me begged to be let out, begged to stop fighting my comrades. Unfortunately the control that her blood had over me kept me unable to pry myself from it. My muscles moved of their own accord and I could see myself trying to kill both of the members from the Juuichibantai. I watched myself in silent horror as I froze Madarame’s leg, then stabbed him through the chest. I continued to attack him until Ayasegawa blocked and my violence turned on him. I didn’t give him a chance to even release his zankpakuto. If I could have told them to kill me I would have. During this battle that’s all I could think of what would stop me from killing my comrades. The battle continued and even though I held little respect for Kurotsuchi I didn’t truly want to kill him either.
I did what my mistress wanted, fighting and trying to kill her enemies. I could hear the excitement in his voice in how he wanted to use me as a new test subject in order to create new medicines. My body still moved, attacked, not stopping without an order from Giselle. Attack after attack, I started to feel something pricking my skin. Kurotsuchi had to have been doing something. The fog was still strong, but I was starting to feel something different.
He started to ask me what loop I was on, speaking as though he’d already given me drugs. He had. I realized it too late. I’d been following the orders given to me that even my own distrust of the captain was put to the side. He stabbed each of my limbs with his zanpakuto, consequently immobilizing them. My body tried to move, tried to fight back. There was no use. Even if Giselle ordered me to move, to kill him, I couldn’t.
“It pains me to give this to you when you’re unable to resist,” Kurotsuchi sighed and finally part of me was able to come out.
“No! Stop!” I begged. I hated to be at his mercy but he approved of my begging and injected the drug into my neck.
Pain radiated throughout my body. I screamed, cried out, but couldn’t thrash about. I felt Giselle’s control be taken from me, but replaced with the fog of Kurotsuchi’s control. My heart ached, begging to be free. All I wanted was to be in control of myself again. I didn’t want to be at the behest of someone else.
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Day 15
Soft words - Sean/Owen
I don’t know when exactly it happened, but it was quite obvious to me that Owen was indeed smitten with Sang as well. He would have a far away look about him when he was thinking about her, only at times he thought no one was paying attention. To be honest I could see she herself was taken with him as well. The beautiful girl was taken with all of us. I liked the idea that we all could stay together and have a relationship with her. It wouldn’t feel right if any of us left or if our team splintered. He had been right to reach out to the one local team that also had a polyamorous relationship with their single bird. They had insights that we needed.
Owen was distracted, worrying about Sang’s well-being. It seemed to be more of a normal occurrence lately. She’d been through so much in the little time we knew her and yet she was still her bright and happy self. So far through camp Sang was doing what she could but in the moments I caught a glance of her I could see she wasn’t entirely happy. She’d gotten pulled into a group of girls and I knew from her experiences that she really would not be okay to continue with them after camp.
It was the last night of camp, he was proud of what she and the rest of our team did, but there had been something about him that nagged at him. He looked exhausted and just wanting to know what to do to keep Sang with us. When he came into the tent with me after the fireworks I stopped him so we could talk.
“Owen, she won’t choose another group. Family is a choice and I know in my heart she won’t choose anyone else,” I said, trying to bolster his resolve. His gray eyes showed his hesitancy in believing as wholly as I did.
He looked up at me, face still yet eyes stormy, “you know just as well as I do that Miss Sorensen is too kind to say otherwise. Even if she doesn’t want to say yes to staying with the girls she will, just to not disappoint any of us.”
I sat next to him and put an arm around his shoulder. He didn’t really let anyone else get that close to him for comfort and right now my gut told me he needed it more than he’d ever admit.
“She’ll surprise you Owen. Sang is loyal to our team. She’d never leave us of her own volition. Don’t let her see you doubt in this. She already sees the doubt in Kota and the others but Sang loves every last one of us. Sang would do anything to make each and every one of us happy,” I told him and smiled, “that sweet girl knows how unhappy it would make you, me, and the others.”
I squeezed his shoulder and he didn’t respond.
“Take a breath, tomorrow is the last day. She speaks to the council, Kota speaks to them, and she’ll be coming home with us. I know you’re scared. Trust me I am too, but if I know Sang as well as I think she’ll stick with us.”
Owen shrugged my arm off from around his shoulders and stood. He looked at me, then sighed.
“I need a walk, but thank you Sean,” he answered and left me in the tent to myself.
I ran a hand through my hair, hoping that he would see that we wouldn’t lose her. I believed we wouldn’t.
0 notes
Day 14
Captivity - Mayuri Kurotsuchi
prisoner cw, prisoner tw, solitary confinement cw, solitary confinement tw
I’d been hauled into the Maggot’s Nest without much warning. The Central 46 had deemed me a danger to the Soul Society for my research and experiments. It halted what I’d been working on, halted what I could learn from the subjects I’d been working on. Frustrating as it was that I’d been interrupted and arrested, it was lucky that I hadn’t been placed in the general population of the Nest. I didn’t pay too much heed to that. Most of the prisoners were loud and violent. I preferred my space to at least think. The only thing that I really disliked was that I had been the only one of the prisoners actually chained.
The very first night I’d been brought to the Nest I’d been manhandled and chained to a wall in a small cell. My ankle was thin and they made sure I had nothing that could unlock the chain. I sat there in my cell for weeks, watching the prisoners and the guard doing his rounds. While the other prisoners would fight and yell at each other, I was left alone, left because of why I’d been locked away. It appeared that most of them feared me, feared what I could do. No matter, I didn’t want to associate with the other prisoners.
Years passed and I watched prisoners delve into madness, losing their minds in the bleak space that was our prison. Eventually there was another prisoner brought in, this one had some promise. He was intelligent, seemingly studious, but timid. The child would come and sit outside of my cell, and watch me. For the longest time I didn’t pay too much heed to him but he kept coming back. I grew to understand that he looked up to me, but also knew that he came over to my cell in order to get away from the other prisoners. The child was small, fragile looking, he wouldn’t have survived if he didn’t sit near my cell. No one else seemed to want to come near me.
He was a captive as well. I learned what he did and found a kinship with him. We shared an interest in research and both of us were brought in due to some morally gray actions on our parts. I couldn’t call him a friend, but I didn’t quite hate when the kid came over to sit near me.
Neither of us seemed to have lost our sanity, but how could you lose something you never quite had to begin with? I had been called insane well before I’d been arrested and held, chained to my cell. I didn’t fight the binds. It wouldn’t have done any good. It would have just caused undue harm to my ankle without much good to come out of it. I stayed complicit in my captivity for so long that I lost track of the years. The kid seemed to be complicit in his as well. Others weren’t.
One of the days a newer guard came in and I could see that the other prisoners were going to test him, see if they could start a riot. I saw him, the blonde shinigami subdue the prisoners so quickly. It was amusing. I called over to him when he was finished. While I was still a prisoner, why not speak to the guard? It turned out that the man had a similar drive for research that I held. How had he not been taken in as a prisoner as well? I needed to know. It was something I could do while I waited my life away in such a dull place without the ability to conduct my experiments.
When the man became captain of the Juunibantai he came once more, released my ankle, released me from the cell I’d been in for so long and released the kid who took solace near me. He created the Shinigami Department of Research and Development and thus ended the lengthy captivity.
Some nights though, I still dreamt I was stuck in the Maggot’s nest, stuck as a prisoner for life. I had nightmares of watching others lose what little sanity they had left, watching prisoners tear each other apart and become more animal than man. It wasn’t something I would ever admit to anyone, but the solitude, the stench, everything about that place still haunted my memories.
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Day 13
Caged (alt 2) - Loly/Quilge
torture cw, torture tw, blood cw, blood tw, prisoner cw, prisoner tw
I couldn't call him a man. He was more a monster than even a caricature of one with his cruelty. Even coming from a hollow that just had the resemblance of a human I felt that I could be considered one before someone like the Jailer. There had been so many hollows that were massacred along with his soldiers just because he had an insatiable bloodlust. He was the reason Hueco Mundo fell. He took Hallibel, the last of the Espada that Lord Aizen created, captured her, and started to systematically either kill the hollows that he felt should die or cage the rest of us.
Lucky wouldn’t be the word that I would use in this situation. No. I didn’t feel lucky. I was severely injured, incapacitated, and held in a cage that was just large enough for me to stand. I couldn’t pace even if I wanted to.
Qulige Opie seemed to be amused when a hollow tried to attack him. Some survived but many were killed in horrendous ways. I’d seen hollows tear each other apart but nothing as animalistic as what he did. Even though I survived I was a prisoner. I gnashed my teeth at him, wanting more than anything to be able to tear his throat out for what he’d done to my fellow hollows, what he’d done to me.
Within the cage, the constant buzz of reishi was getting to me. I could hear the screams of the Jailer’s victims but the worst was the sound coming from the reishi walls of the cage he locked me in. The scent of blood and decay was overwhelming and I was feeling my energy weakening. I hadn’t eaten, hadn’t had much rest, and knew that it would continue. Quilge’s aim was to break those within his jail, make them compliant in his actions, and make them soldiers for the Quincies. I hated that thought. His kind obliterated mine. None of us in our right minds would have willingly bowed to him. None of us would lick his boots as he’d ordered.
As the heels of his white boots clicked against the floor my muscles tightened instinctively. I’d been subject to his blood-soaked instruments of torture more than once and the animal brain within me was screaming at me to run away. I couldn’t. I could barely even stand properly. The last time I was let out of this cage I tried to run. He hunted me down and sliced through my Achilles tendon. I was almost helpless here. Anger filled every single cell in my body as I looked up at his imposing figure. I was so small comparatively and yet I still was ready to claw and bite to keep his hands away from me.
I was on the floor of the cage, glaring up at him as Quilge opened the door. He kept his hands from me. He looked down at my bloodied and bruised body, amusement in his eyes.
“Mädchen,” he purred and grabbed me by my throat, lifting me up to eye level, “have you decided to submit? Decided to give in and be a part of my soldat for the Quincy army?”
“Never,” I spat and he tightened his grip on my throat, cutting off my air supply.
I was pulled from the cage only to be locked up and beaten again and again until he had his fill with me. After, unable to fight back, he had his soldiers drag my limp body back to the cage and locked me back in there, fresh blood staining my clothing more than it already had. It was no longer white, more brown and red from the old and new blood that kept seeping into it and staining it.
I was like a bird in a cage. My wings were clipped and I felt as pathetic as I probably appeared.
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Day 12
"Can you hear me?" - Akon/Kira Izuru
death mention cw, death mention tw, experimentation cw, experimentation tw, inhumane act cw, inhumane act tw
After all the work that Mayuri and I did to revive Izuru he was sort of alive. He still had the hole in his torso and his arm was a prosthetic but be was able to continue fighting. We both had worked as hard as we could with the assistance of some healers from the Yonbantai. To be honest what we did was probably on par to what Dr. Frankenstein did to his monster. Izuru probably would have rather just died, would have rather left this world and go wherever shinigami who die go next. None of us were quite sure of that fate, but we were at war and being moral was generally not what we cared about in our division.
Hours of surgery, hours of taking the pieces from the third through fifth seats of the Sanbantai and the lieutenant was still with us. I’m not sure if he’d actually forgive us for this atrocity. To be honest when we did the work I didn’t care, Mayuri didn’t care. We knew he would be necessary to win the war against the Quincies.
I watched, waiting for his eyes to open. It felt like hundreds of years passed even if it wasn’t much longer than a few hours. His skin stayed pale and I stood sentinel over him. I felt like Dr. Frankenstein and there was a part of me that pitied what we did for Izuru. I knew he’d be upset as soon as he realized what happened. I also knew that he’d forever be classified as an experiment to ensure our work didn’t deteriorate. His prosthetics were under my jurisdiction. I’d be there, forever in the background tinkering with them, enhancing them.
Finally his eyes were fluttering. I could see the change even though the pallid look of his skin didn’t change. It seemed at this moment he would always look dead. I checked the pulse. Nothing. He was a dead man walking. He was forced to be alive, what sort of half life it would be. His skin was cold to the touch and I idly wondered if that would be a constant as well.
“Kira-san, do not try to speak yet. Blink twice if you can hear me,” I stated, cold and clinical. I couldn’t let the emotions I felt seep into my tone. He didn’t need to hear my own feelings about the situation at present.
It took a few more long moments before he purposefully blinked once, then twice. I nodded. Good. He was conscious enough to hear and be cognizant of what was being spoken.
“Try to move your fingers and toes,” I stated.
Each digit, even the ones on the prosthetic moved. The fingers on it moved fluidly, just like they were natural. Perfect. Next I had him move each extremity, then had him sit up. I saw in Kira’s eyes that he held no emotion in them. They were dull and seemed to be glazed over. I held my face stoic as I watched and checked the movement of each of the joints on the fake arm. Was I a monster for being glad he was awake? I pushed that thought back and sent a message to the captain. Mayuri would want to know and he would expect me to tell him if anything went wrong. So far nothing really did. It was just that Kira Izuru wasn’t technically alive without his heart beating. The brain waves were fine, if not almost perfect.
I took a pin and poked the bottom of each foot, asking if he felt anything.
“Just pressure,” Kira responded in a dry tone, just as cold and emotionless as mine. I saw the blood trickle from the tiny hole I created and frowned. His tactile sense amongst other things were more death than alive, just like him.
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Day 11
Fever - Carlisle
medical situation cw, medical situation tw, death mention cw, death mention tw, pandemic cw, pandemic tw
I could feel him slipping away, just a boy with no family left. Both of his parents were lost to the Spanish Influenza and he was dying of it as well. His fever was high, wasn’t breaking and even with my experience there wasn’t much else I could do for him. This boy’s life would end if I didn’t act. I remembered his mom’s dying wish. She begged for me to save her son. At first I didn’t know how I’d save him with how quickly the flu had spread and enveloped him. I watched his labored breathing, watched for signs that he would make it on his own and saw none.
There was only one option, something I hadn’t really considered before now. I was alone and having a companion would make this long life more bearable, but what about his soul? What about his life? Would he curse me just as I had cursed the vampire who turned me? Would he hate me for taking his human life away? The moments were slipping away too fast for me to consider this decision too much longer. He wasn’t going to make it through the night. He was at the point of death rattles, something I’d grown accustomed to hearing in all my time as a medical practitioner. I didn’t particularly like the rattles, didn’t like hearing people take their last breaths, but it came with the territory.
I placed my hand, the one that had started my change to this cold life on his cheek. His eyes opened and he looked up at me. I could see that even with how far the illness went, how high the fever was he didn’t want to die. At that moment I made my decision. I knew that how I had been created was something that worked. My creation was so different than other vampires I knew and the fact that I still had humanity I wondered if it was the catalyst as to why I was different. I decided to take him to my home, a secluded place to allow for the boy’s transformation to start without others being able to hear his screams.
When we were safe and hidden I bit him exactly where I had been and I waited. I watched over him for hours, for days until my venom completely took over, for his heart to stop beating. I saw as the illness was burned from his body and that he no longer looked and sounded like the flu would kill him.
0 notes
Day 10
Difficulty Breathing - Nemu/Mayuri
experimentation cw, experimentation tw, medical situation cw, medical situation tw, dehumanization cw, dehumanization tw
Even with Mayuri-sama’s specifications there were times that my body wasn’t quite as perfect as he wanted it to be. He’d done many surgeries and many experiments in order to perfect each cell of mine. Part of my existence was always to protect Mayuri-sama. The other part was to continue to grow and evolve. Any obstacle that I was faced with there was another way to be better, to become more perfect for my captain and creator.
Sometimes enemies would do things that weren’t expected. Sometimes I was injured far worse than I had been previously. Even with Mayuri-sama testing my limits, making my body so resilient that normally fatal wounds wouldn’t kill me. Unfortunately not every scenario could be accounted for. There had been a Vasto Lorde that Mayuri-sama had been running experiments on. He hadn’t quite gotten to the crux of what the hollow’s ability was, not until it got ahold of me.
I wasn’t afraid. I knew that whatever would happen, I’d be stitched back together and healed. The hollow dug its tendrils into me, slithering into my arms and moving their way under my skin. The tendrils were painful, but I breathed through it, calling out for Mayuri-sama. Soon, I could feel something taking hold, a secretion I gathered, as each second passed. My mind became muddled and it started to feel as though even my automatic survival faculties weren’t even in my control. I knew then that the hollow’s ability was some sort of complete control over their victims.
“Let me go!” The hollow screamed, thrashing against the binds that the captain and I put it in, “if not, I’ll kill her.”
The captain huffed but didn’t stop. Instead he took a hypodermic needle and inserted it into my immobilized arm. He hooked it up to a tube to draw blood.
“I’m not finished yet, I’m just seeing what you can do. You hid your abilities for so long,” Mayuri-sama replied, a grin spreading from cheek to cheek, “now, what kind of control do you have?”
He hummed and reached out, slicing off one of the tendrils that was reaching out to me and taking it as a sample. Tightness gripped my chest, my lungs, as the hollow screamed. I felt the air be forced out of me. I was gasping, trying to get any oxygen in my lungs but to no avail. I couldn’t breathe. I could hold my breath for longer than an average person, but even this was harder than I’d been through before. I wanted to claw at what was holding me in place, yet was unable to move.
“Stupid girl!” Mayuri shouted as I continued to gasp for air. I wasn’t able to even ask for help at this point, “you can hold your breath for longer than this.”
Mayuri-sama hissed at me, and I blinked in acknowledgement. He was right, yet my body was automatically begging for air. I hadn’t been prepared for this, hadn’t even had a moment to take a breath before my breathing was taken away from me. I felt my lips becoming numb, knowing that they were turning blue. Moment ticked by and I could feel my mind becoming more and more fuzzy, far away from me. I knew that I’d lose consciousness soon.
What happened next I couldn’t be sure. I just remember waking up to a breathing tube down my throat and hooked up to the machines in my captain’s personal lab. This wasn’t the first time I’d been here like this and I knew it wouldn’t be the last.
0 notes
Day 9
Voice Loss - Ukitake Jūshiro
Illness cw, illness tw, chronic illness cw, chronic illness tw,
Hundreds of years of having the same cough, the same symptoms were enervating. My fellow shinigami, fellow captains, all knew my health struggles. They had prevented me from being at my best for longer than I could remember. Sometimes I wished that I didn’t struggle as much. My fellow captains were patient with me though. Even Yama-jii was patient when my symptoms flared up.
The bad days were hard. They put me out of commission and all I could do was rest. Many times the ones who would inevitably wake me were my co-third seats Kiyone and Sentaro. Both had good hearts. I appreciated what they did for me, especially on those particularly rough ones.
It was a week of day after day of no energy and coughing. I hadn’t been too present in the office, hadn’t been able to make it to a captain’s meeting, and just couldn’t get the rest I needed. Those two kind souls would bring me tea, anything I needed. It seemed to me that they were overly worried though. It wasn’t the first time I’d been out for a week, but it had been the first in a while that the coughing took a toll on my voice. It started off that my voice was hoarse, my throat was sore, and it continued. By the end of that week I could just barely speak, barely get a few words out through the soreness and the coughing.
Instead of continuing to lay I’d chosen to sit and try to do some paperwork. Double checking and filling the papers out wasn’t too rough on my body, just more mentally exhausting when my body was already tired. While I worked I had some quiet. Normally both my co-third seats would come together. It was odd just seeing Kiyone come to me alone. I welcomed her in with a wave of my hand and she came in, kneeling before me.
“What can I do for you Kiyone-chan?” I asked softly, trying my best to not strain my voice more than it already had been.
“Taicho… I got you some throat lozenges to try to help you out. I heard that they used them in the World of the Living whenever someone was coughing or had a sore throat,” she answered and handed me a small bag.
I gave her a warm smile. Always so thoughtful of her. I took the bag and gave her a soft pat on the head. Her cheeks flushed pink and I couldn’t help but be warmed by it. She was still so young, but she had a heart of gold. She cared quiet a lot for those around her and I appreciated the way she did. Without asking, Kiyone stood and started to brew me some tea. I took a lozenge out of the bag, then popped it into my mouth. It tasted of honey and lemon. She came back with the tea on a tray and set it next to my futon.
“Taicho, could I sit with you?” She asked timidly.
I nodded.
We sat there in silence as we drank tea. I knew she was still worried for me. It wasn’t hard to see in her tense muscles, but for now I wasn’t struggling for breath or coughing.
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Day 8
Panic - Alice
suicidal ideation cw, suicidal ideation tw, thoughts of unaliving, death mention cw, death mention tw, suicide cw, suicide tw
The vision overtook my senses. I saw Bella making the choice to jump off a cliff. I didn’t know the context, but after seeing visions of her grieving for so long my immediate reaction was that she was jumping to take her own life. Unfortunately Edward had been in the room, been close enough to be taken by the vision as he read my mind. Without being able to see the context of why she’d done it I knew he was making the same conclusion I had. We both were worried, but Edward had been tormenting himself since we left Forks.
There were blindspots in my vision though. It was like I could see Bella, then some things were blurred or not even available to me. That was the frustrating part. I understood Edward’s panic, but he didn’t pick up on the fact that there were things missing from the vision. He was so consumed by his guilt that he wasn’t thinking straight. He even kept himself away from Jazz so he couldn’t use his ability.
I saw him call Bella’s house, saw his reaction to something, to being told bad news. Within a flash he was running, making decisions on how to kill himself. I saw him going to Italy and making the choice to cause the Volturi to end his life. Ice filled me, a coldness I hadn’t really known of. It gripped me hard. If I needed to breathe to survive I wouldn’t have been able to. My vision blurred and I felt my muscles start to shake. In my life I’d only felt like this twice before. It was consuming.
First, familiar arms wrapped around my shaking frame, second I felt a wash of calm come over me. I needed it. Jazz knew I needed it. Without it I wouldn’t have been able to make out what I needed to do next. He calmed my racing mind, enough for me to plot out my route, plot out how to keep Edward alive. I was going to check for sure if Bella had committed suicide and as soon as I made that decision another vision came. She was alive. She hadn’t done it.
“I have to go,” I told him. Jasper nodded and let me.
I took the fastest option to get to Forks, get to Bella and tell her what was going on. There wasn’t any time to lose. I needed to move fast and efficiently.
As soon as I explained what happened to her she did what I knew she would. Bella was with me and we were moving to save Edward from himself.
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Day 7
Made to watch - North/Sang
If North had been the one to be in the closet with her.
captive cw, captive tw, abuse cw, abuse tw
The moment I’d heard from Nathan that Sang hadn’t answered his texts I knew something was wrong. We all did. What we didn’t know was what was happening. I checked the cameras and didn’t see her. The panic that rose in my chest gripped at my lungs, freezing them and making it hard to breathe steadily. I kept looking for a sign of her, flipping through each room’s camera. Nothing. Nothing until I heard Luke’s slightly relieved voice say “hidden hearts.” I looked over and saw that green heart. It was a message that she was there. Smart girl. She knew we’d know to look for her. Now was the plan to get her out and out safe.
We discussed what to do but it was Kota to come up with the answer, write a note about some important test and have a message in her secret code telling her we got her message, telling her to go back to the bathroom. We were going to pull her out. It was the quickest way to get her back in our care, back to safety and away from her mother.
Blackbourne was the one to ring the doorbell and speak with that woman. I could hear the sneer in her voice and the disdain for Sang. I didn’t understand it, but it infuriated me. Sang was sweet, kind, gentle, and beautiful. How could anyone feel anything negative towards her I didn’t understand. My heart ached knowing that she was somewhere in the house and was being held captive.
We waited at bated breath for her to enter the bathroom again. I clenched my fists over and over again, needing to see that she was okay. Kota had the camera feed for it up. As soon as he saw her I rushed forward, I needed to be the one to pull Sang out. I needed to see her in person, make sure she was okay. She had wrapped herself in a towel. Still so modest in an emergency. Sang looked scared, but I pointed at the window for her to open it. She did.
“Let’s go,” I told her. She shook her head, “Sang baby, we need to.”
“I can’t, she’ll call the cops,” she put her finger to her mouth.
I heard that woman call for her and made the split second decision to climb on it. I barely fit through the window but I wasn’t leaving her in there. There wasn’t any way that I would. I didn’t want to and I knew that every single one of my brothers would have done the same thing. She left the bathroom and I slipped into the closet, making sure her mother wouldn’t see me. Anger flared in me as I heard her take the towel away. She was humiliating Sang. Physically she wasn’t being harmed, but the psychological damage was probably going to be the worst of this experience.
“Get in there,” the woman snarled and shut Sang back in the closet.
“We need to go,” I whispered, frowning down at her. She was shaking, scared and probably cold.
“No, we can’t. If she sees you she’ll call the police. She’ll have you arrested.”
“Sang baby, she can’t keep you in here. We’ll call the police and have her arrested. This isn’t okay,” I murmured.
“She’s trying to get my dad to come back, wanting him to take me with him. Please let me stay until he gets here,” she pleaded with me.
I messaged back and forth with Kota, but we settled on giving him until eight in the evening. If he wasn’t back by then, then I’d be taking her out without care for recourse.
“Turn around,” I murmured and she looked a little confused, but did so.
Quickly I took off my boxer briefs and put my pants back on, then gave her that and my button down. She’d be ready to run when we needed to. While we waited, I held her in my arms, knowing how scared she must be. I wanted to let Sang know with my touch that she’d be safe. I wanted her to know that we wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Her mom continued to make calls, trying to get ahold of her dad.
The moment she started her last voicemail to him I felt her muscles go slack and saw in her face that she was lost. She’d just heard the woman that she thought was her mother say otherwise. Sang heard that she was a bastard child, a child of an affair, that her real mother killed herself. I swallowed hard. No wonder that woman could be so cruel to her. No wonder that she’d left Sang to die tied up in the shower. I ground my teeth, angry for Sang. She was slipping, tears were starting to fall down her face. I wrapped her in my arms, mouth close to her ear.
“Sang. It’s okay,” I tried and she was still shaking. I swallowed and tried again, “Sang, I need you.”
She gasped, like she had when I woke her from the first nightmare I witnessed her have. She was back, distraught but back. I hated that woman for what she did to Sang.
The time passed. It was hard just waiting for any answer. I had a quiet alarm set for eight and as soon as it went off I picked her up off the ground and held her in my arms.
“Wait, please, he could be here any moment.”
I shook my head. I was getting her out.
The sound front door opening caught me and I froze. They did find him. Good. I was going to give him a verbal lashing for this, for what he allowed to happen to his daughter. The closet door opened and he yelled at his wife for locking her up in the closet. They argued but I wasn’t paying attention to their words. I was waiting for an opening to run. The woman screamed in pain and he called for an ambulance. Thankfully Dr. Green and Blackbourne had it ready just in case. I readjusted Sang in my arms and as the doc and Blackbourne entered and put that woman on a stretcher I started out. Her dad called for me to wait but I kept going.
“Please, at least stay for Marie!” He pleaded and I turned around, eyes blazing.
“She’s not staying. That woman is a monster. She tried to kill her. She’s coming with us.”
“Wait, no, wait. Please.”
I huffed but Sang in her too kind nature tugged at my shirt and I relented.
He begged for Sang to stay for Marie. Asked who I was, asked who the others were that were joining me in a semi-circle around us and I glared at him.
“They’re my family,” Sang said with a finality in her voice. I wanted to smile but the situation was still too tense.
“I’ll be back tomorrow, I just have to go to the hospital with your, well her.”
Sang flinched but I didn’t let go.
After he left, we stayed the night in Sang’s room. We needed to make sure she felt safe. I needed her to know I cared. We weren’t going to leave her after this. She was one of us and I couldn’t bear the thought of her not knowing how much we all cared for her.
0 notes
Day 6
Secrets Revealed - Jasper
Abuse mention cw, abuse mention tw, bruising cw, bruising tw
So many years I’d been posing as a human in high school. Different small town, same story. There were times it was monotonous, other times there were some things that piqued my interest. On a normal basis I didn’t get close to humans and their emotions, especially the teens were overwhelming. The constant influx of information, hormones, moodswings, etc bombarded me every second of every day. I’d gotten better at it as time went on. It reminded me of handling the newborns within Maria’s army. I filtered things out, just to keep myself sane. Having Alice there helped. Even during the most strenuous moments, her love for me, the purity behind it kept me balanced enough to get through the days.
Even if we weren’t always in the same classes, I could always feel her. She was the beacon of light in the darkness of teenage emotions.
I hadn’t expected to feel the shift in the pool of emotions that I did when I walked into first hour. The first thing I noted was someone whom I’d not seen, nor felt their emotions before. They looked fragile, almost as doll-like as Alice did. What I felt was a wave of too many emotions coming from the child. For the briefest moment it had almost pulled me under with the physical manifestations of the myriad of emotions that they felt. So much guilt, fear, anger, disgust came from them and I felt a pull I hadn’t in such a long time to try to assist in a way that wasn’t just pushing their emotions down. If I had a heartbeat I would have felt it pounding, would have heard it in my ears. I could hear how hard it was working, smell the secretion of cortisol in their bloodstream. Something was very wrong, intrinsically wrong and I knew that no one else seemed to see or notice the overwhelming despair that was coming from her.
I approached cautiously, kneeling on a single knee to look at her. I could see how haunted those dark eyes were and I couldn’t help but be drawn in, worried for her. Blonde waves were messy and it looked as though she’d been crying recently. I saw the scars on her and idly wondered if they had been self inflicted or if someone had done something to her.
“Come take a walk with me, you look like you need it,” I murmured softly, trying to push a gentle wave of concern over to ease her into following me.
“But-,” she answered and I waved a hand to stop her.
“Mrs. Johnson will be okay with you taking a walk,” I answered and the girl nodded.
She got up and left her backpack next to her seat. We left the classroom and I led her outside so she could get some fresh air. It looked like the small girl needed it. I felt for her, concern for this unknown human blotting out reason for the first time in over a century.
Once we were in a quiet place I motioned for her to sit, then sat next to her.
“I’m not going to ask if you’re okay. Your eyes tell me enough to know that the answer would be a lie,” I started and gave her a gentle smile, “my question is, if you’re okay with telling a complete stranger, did someone hurt you?”
Her green eyes widened, the fear coming to the forefront of my senses and it gave me my answer. Someone had.
“Is this someone you live with?”
The child started to chew the inside of her bottom lip, thinking, before she nodded.
“Would you be willing to talk about it?"
She didn't answer. Instead of pushing I held space for her, projecting that she was safe until she was ready to go back to class.
By lunch the concern I felt was stifling. I couldn’t get the look of her haunted eyes out of my head. I knew Alice was concerned and I could feel Edward's curiosity reaching for me. Quietly I asked Alice if she saw anything regarding the girl from my first hour. She closed her eyes and concentrated. I knew Edward was paying close attention to the conversation and I was glad that Rosalie and Emmett were out hunting.
"She isn't okay," Alice mumbled so quietly no human would be able to hear, "not in the slightest. I keep seeing her walk in with more marks on her and you being drawn to know what is happening to her."
I glanced at Edward and he frowned, "I can hear her. She's scared to go home."
"Can you hear why?"
"Something about her cousins."
Days passed and as Alice predicted I kept being drawn to try to help. After a few weeks of showing her kindness and somehow making her feel safe Alice told me the day she'd say something. Alice didn’t tell me what. It wasn't her place to reveal that. It was frustrating, yet I understood.
The day the child told me, I saw the handprint bruise on her neck. Even with the makeup she used I saw the darkness. She struggled to speak and I could hear the hoarseness in it. It was worse than I'd imagined.
"My cousins assault me… Kristjan… he," her voice cracked and without a thought I wrapped my arms around her. I couldn’t tell you why I did so. There was an instinct in me I thought no longer existed that made me want to show her someone cared. Even with her muscles tightening out of anxiety there was something there that made her relax into the hold. I’d not been this close to a human in a long time. I didn’t fear hurting her. Instead I wanted to protect her. I knew what she was going to say. I didn't need to hear it. He'd done something unforgivable, something Edward had murdered people over. I was sickened by a family member doing that to anyone, let alone someone so fragile. The girl cried against me and I held her until she was too tired to continue her tears. I knew what I needed to do. I needed to tell Carlisle and have him intervene. She wouldn't be in that place any longer. She wouldn't be going back.
"After school, come with me. I'll make sure you're safe."
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Day 5
"That's gonna scar" - Rory & Kaisa
Medical situation cw, medical situation tw, injury cw, injury tw, assault mention cw, assault mention tw, stitches cw, stitches tw
“Ah, little lass,” I sighed and while I appraised my little spitfire of a friend’s latest injury. I clicked my tongue in disapproval as my fingers prodded the deep slice she’d come to me with, “what did you do this time Kai?”
Her cheeks flushed a nice shade of peony pink, making her pale skin look a little more alive than just a few moments before. I liked when she blushed, it made her dark eyes not look so serious and it seemed like she was trying to be coy. It looked like the laceration was from something dull, the edges rough and jagged. Kaisa didn’t meet my gaze and I chuckled softly.
“It’s either something dumb or serious, by the way you are blushing you did something without thought. Am I right?” I asked and grabbed some rubbing alcohol to clean the wound.
“Shut up Rory and just stitch me up,” she answered and glared at me with her eyes that reminded me of the lush Scottish fields after a good rain.
“Lassie, I need to know what you did.”
She yanked her arm from my grasp and I saw the pain flash across her features. I assumed it was something dumb. She was reckless and headstrong, always rushing into things without thought and I was sure that this was the same kind of situation. Kaisa huffed and poked at the bloody wound, wincing again.
“Promise not to lecture me?” she murmured and I put a hand over my chest.
“Cross my heart lassie, now tell me and I’ll get you taken care of,” I answered and tucked a wild lock from her blonde waves behind her ear.
Kaisa seemed to ruminate over it for a few moments, chewing on the inside of her lip. I hated that she did that. It caused undue trauma to her but no matter how many years we’d known each other I still couldn’t break her of that destructive habit.
“I got into it with my cousin again…” she murmured.
I sighed and gave her a frown. This wasn’t the first time she’d come back to Greystone from a break that one of her cousins harmed her. She’d fought with them for as long as I could remember. This was the first time one of them got her with something that would tear her skin like that.
“Which one?”
Shaking my head I cleaned the slightly infected looking wound and gritted my teeth.
“What happened?”
“He jumped me after I called him out on being a creep. I wasn’t expecting it.”
“What did he cut you with?”
“A chisel.”
“Fucking hell Kaisa! You should have gone to the emergency room! I’m surprised it’s not gangrenous at this point,” I seethed and continued to clean the cut skin. It was deep enough that I would have to stitch her up.
“I asked you not to lecture me,” she hissed.
“Why did you wait for me to see this? You could’ve been stitched up sooner. With how long you waited that’s going to scar. It’ll never heal well enough to not be noticeable,” I answered and finished the cleaning. I reached behind me to my needle kit and grabbed what I needed.
“I didn’t want to explain it to a stranger. Also, you’re the only person with a needle I trust anywhere near me.”
She frustrated me on a constant basis. I loved my little spitfire, but damn did she struggle with taking care of herself. Instead of trying to numb the area I just started to stitch up her arm. Kaisa winced as the needle pricked her skin and pulled the thread through. Over and over again, thirteen stitches later her arm was together and I was ready to chide her for not getting herself stitched up before coming back to school. I knew she didn’t really trust other doctors or anything, but the fact that the infection could have been worse really got to me. I pulled out a bottle of medicine.
“Take two a day for a week. I don’t like the infection you already have starting. This will nip it in the bud,” I told her and shook my head.
“Lassie, you’re going to give me a heart attack one of these days. I beg of you, please try to take care of yourself,” I pleaded softly, “I don’t want to see my little spitfire get sick or hurt.”
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Independent Writing Blog, written by Aria Vargas, 28yo
*This is a sideblog*
Featuring fandoms such as Bleach, Twilight, Ghost Bird, and Scarab Beetle.
This is a writing blog with a mixture of original content with original characters and stories and fanfiction.
My focus is on drabbles and short stories to help promote my writing and manuscripts that are in the process of being published. I will be accepting some requests as well as put out content based off of prompts.
Content may be triggering and will be tagged. Please ask to tag anything specific that I may have missed or if you need something more. Content warnings will be tagged in the following format.
subject cw
subject tw
At the top of each of the pieces of work I will also include content warnings.
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Day 4 Rope Burns (Alt 1) - Fionn torture cw, torture tw, abuse mention cw, abuse mention tw, rope burns cw, rope burns tw, captive cw, captive tw
The use of strappado wasn’t as popular as it once had been. There were many different ways to restrain a person in this day and age. Honestly it was more than a little disturbing to see what the torture and restraint method did to someone’s shoulders and wrists. Those were obvious damage. Strappado did much worse when it came to internal injuries. I’d both seen it, and been restrained in such a way. I still had scars from the rope burns that came from being tied up and hung by my wrists. They were mostly healed but I still saw them clear as day. There were times that they still hurt, especially when I was back within those hours I’d been held. 
Undercover work wasn’t easy. It was risky and the types of people and organizations that my institution worked to dismantle were dangerous. If I’d been alone for this assignment I wouldn’t have survived. I know that and yet I struggled with allowing the Institution to give me someone to team up with. The girl was new. She’d been taken from a school we’d dismantled a few years ago. I was part of that extraction team and even with what she’d been through I knew she had promise. I’d advised that the Institution take her in and train her for the same type of work I was in. If it weren’t for her the damage to my joints would have been irreversible. 
This particular group I’d infiltrated was another school for troubled teens. It seemed like no matter how many we took down and got the students the help they needed, more cropped up. So many teens that just needed help were tossed into these jails that moonlighted as schools and because their parents didn’t care the teens were at the mercy of the administration. 
I’d gone in under the guise of being a teacher, more plausible as I was starting to look more like I was in my mid-twenties. My sandy blonde hair was cut to a shorter length than I preferred. The waves brushed the nape of my neck and instead of letting the top of my hair curl like it did, I kept it slicked back. Corrin was under the guise of a student. She was to befriend other students and gather information about the punishments they’d endured and I was to get in with the teachers and see who was moral enough to talk about the atrocities. Unfortunately I’d been found out. Luckily my teammate and sort of charge hadn’t been. 
The head mistress hadn’t taken kindly to me asking questions. I knew I locked the door to my quarters, but she either had a key or had someone pick the lock. I was drugged in my sleep and awoke to my arms tied together from my elbows to my wrists. They’d been tied behind my back with my wrists facing upwards. My toes were just barely brushing the ground and I was suspended by my wrists. It pulled at my shoulders painfully. My head lolled to the side as I slowly took in my predicament. Any movement and my shoulders would pop out of socket but my feet were free. I closed my eyes to take in what my tactile sense could process. The rope was rough, it felt like jute but I couldn’t be one hundred percent correct in my semi-drugged state. I could feel how tightly I was bound, enough so that I knew that friction of the rope would cause a burn. 
While I was taking stock of the situation the rope suspending me was pulled so fast that it pulled my shoulders hard enough to dislocate them. I cried out without chance to stifle it and felt the rope bite into my wrists. Instinctively my legs kicked out and I struggled. It was like the reptile part of my brain was trying to take over and get me free, even if it hurt me in the end. Laughter caught my attention and I stopped moving.
“Mister Cassidy. Lovely of you to wake and join me for this discussion. It looks like you should have gone to school here and maybe you wouldn’t have been in this predicament,” the headmistress stated with a chuckle, “my head teacher brought it to my attention that you were a little too curious about how we punish our students. He thought you would like to experience it yourself.”
My eyes glanced at the man next to her. He was about my height but built more like a tank. He stood around six feet in height and I assumed that was who brought me here and bound me.
“Now then, tell me who sent you and why you’re here,” she stated and her “head teacher” crossed his arms over his muscular chest, “if not we’ll make this much harder on those poor joints of yours.”
I smirked her way through a wince as my bodyweight settled and tugged at my dislocated shoulders. There was no way I would actually speak out against the Institution.
“No. You abuse children and now I have proof,” I replied, grinning at them, knowing that it would infuriate both of them.
The rope was loosened and my toes were brushing the floor once more before I was being lifted by my wrists again. The pain seared through my shoulders, to my fingertips and all the way down my body, causing it to convulse in pain. This went on over and over again for longer than I could keep track of, but they didn’t get anything out of me. I held steady, knowing that if I gave in Corrin would be in danger and I couldn’t let her get sucked back into a jail like this. 
She had figured out I was compromised and called backup. What I remember was recovering in the infirmary and being told that I underwent multiple surgeries to fix what was done to my shoulders and rotator cuffs. It was months of physical therapy after I’d healed from the surgeries. Even now I can’t help but be grateful that she was there. She proved herself to be a promising partner and after more training she would be assigned to me full time.
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