wsbonhwa · 2 years
  even though the place buzzing with a hundred different conversations going on at once, as soon as minhwan heard the generic greeting, he was sure that it had to be you. even though he had never met you in person, he was willing to call you his best friend. how many nights had they stayed up way too late together just to play the same game for the millionth time? besides music, talking and spending time with you was the thing that he looked forward to the most. he was used to his aunt scolding him for his gaming hobby, but at the end of the day, it was all worth it.
  quickly getting up from his chair, a wide grin spread across his lips, he raises his arms in the air, as if to celebrate the moment. “park! how did you know it was me? did you heart guide you? you know, if this were a drama, a romantic song would be playing in the background right now.” he chuckles as he lowers his arms back down to his side. “hey, don’t start getting too confident! sure, you were able to find me, but i’ve played enough overwatch matches with you to know that you’re at least kind of an idiot.”
  now that he finally had the chance to look at your face, he squints his eyes in concentration. he was somewhat surprised that you looked so normal. given your odd character preferences and mismatched gaming strategies, he had assumed that there had to be something off about you. maybe that assumption showed just how much minhwan really understood about the people around him. maybe he spent too much time gaming and not enough time in reality.
park laughed softly, reaching out to offer the other a hug. that was what he had expected, after all, when the other boy raised his arms toward him. he quickly put his arms down to his side, trying to play off the action without minhwan noticing. he tilted his head, looking over minhwan as he tried to take in his looks. it wasn’t what he had expected, there was no doubt about it. but at the same time the face seemed to match the personality that he knew all too well from their time spent together online. 
“yes, it must be something like that.” he laughed loudly, head thrown back. “maybe this is a drama. it was like we were meant to be and that fate guided us both together. that’s the only reason that i knew it was you.” he rolled his eyes, making himself comfortable in the empty seat beside him. “hey, i’m not an idiot. show a little respect. i’m older than you, aren’t i?” 
“it’s nice to finally get to meet you, minhwan. really.” he leaned back in the chair, making himself comfortable. “so, what;s our plan? want to play a few rounds? maybe grab some dinner after? or did you have something else in mind?” 
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
Tired, Minho easily let go of his blanket and Luna, letting Park pull the items away so Minho could more easily push himself out of bed. It reminded him of when he was little. His mom used to give a good morning kiss to him and all his favorite stuffed animals before pulling his blanket away and carrying him out of bed in her arms. Yawning, he stretched up in bed, sitting upright as he watched Park fold his blanket and gently put Luna on top. Park had already given off a similar comfortable, easy energy Minho loved in Han before, but watching him be so nice and neat with Luna made Minho like him all the more.
“Oh, but we had ramen in the kitchen last night?” Minho knew that technically they were supposed to make it on their own in the countryside, but he would have thought they at least let them keep the ramen. Although, a voice in the back of his head sounding suspiciously like Han was telling him ramen wasn’t nutritious enough to be breakfast. 
He pushed himself out of bed, wiggling his toes against the cool floor. He had forgotten to pack his slippers, so he would have to do with chilly feet until he located his socks. Stretching his arms over his head, he let out a soft groan. “Oh? I like surprises. We can also visit the cabbages.”
humming under his breath, park smoothed out the wrinkles at the surface of minho’s freshly folded blanket. he could almost heart his mother’s voice resonating in his head. “it’s easier to be happy with a clean space, bonhwa. clear space, clear mind.” he had carried the proverb well into his adult years. he found that in most situations, the advice rang true. 
"mhm. and now it seems as if all of the ramen is gone." it made sense though. wasn't the whole point of the show for the newly created family to work together in order to fend for themselves? it would be naive to think that the production crew had any plans of making this an easy experience for the group."besides, don't you think that we'd get sick of ramen if that was all that we were given to eat? we should try to put together something nice for our first family breakfast together."
park had gone into filming fully ready to embrace the idea of welcoming the strangers as his family, and he liked to think that he was doing a fairly good job so far, taking it upon himself to become the father figure of the group. he laughed softly, watching minho wake himself up. he reached over to flatted the boy's hair, grin on his face. "that sounds like a great idea, kid. why don't you go get dressed and brush your teeth and then we can head outside and see what we can do about food."
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
♡closed starter for @wsaera♡ - shoot me mv filming, 2021 
park knew that he wasn’t expected to stick around for the filming of the story portion of the shoot me music video, but there was a strange feeling that came along with not staying to witness one of their songs be put together. perhaps there were people who wished he would leave, his prescence nothing more than an extra body on the slightly crowded set as filming rolled out in front of him. 
making himself comfortable in a back corner, park leaned against a wall as he tried to stay out of the way. the storyline for shoot me definitely wasn’t something that he had helped bring to life. his creativity came to an end with the song itself, as if the music already told whatever story he thought needed to be told. but, he was content with the direction that the video had gone in. 
vicious words hurt like a bullet. it was all too true, perfectly brought to life at the scene playing out in front of him between the couple. he didn’t need to hear a conversation to understand exactly what was going on with the emotions that were being acted out. love can hurt. 
he waited until the director called cut before wandering over to congradulate the actors for a job well done. giving a quick bow, he extended his hand to the girl in front of him. “you did amazing! i can’t wait to see how they bring it all to life.”
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
♡closed starter for @wssoohyun♡
park liked to think that social skills were one thing that he had plently of. after all, there was a reason why he had ended up becoming the leader of meta. he surely had some sort of charm, most likely carried over from his younger days where he spent hours on end greeting people at his father's church. if anything, it taught him how to smile pretty and carry on a conversation about the most trivial of things, not matter how much he hated it. usually, park held himself together well enough. but there was something about the boy who was standing across the room that had every ounce of common sense in parks head flying out the window faster than he could blink. the pair had crossed paths before, never officially meeting. but park had seen his face more than enough times to be fully convinced that soohyun had to have been one of god's favourites to end up with a face that beautiful.
usually their passings were quick. paths crossed back stage at music shows and nothing more than that. but this time was different. there were no obligations that were going to carry either of them away and they were meant to be enjoying themselves. perhaps it was the best time to strike up a conversation. finally offering an introduction to the boy that so often caught his eye.
wandering across the room, park approached soohyun trying to look as cool as collected as he possibly could. he smiled, offering one of the glasses of punch that he held tightly in his hand. "hey. care for a drink?" he bit the inside of his cheek, watching soohyun in anticipation.
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
“that’s good,” the girl nods, happy that he had come prepared. “oh, i didn’t even think about doing an acoustic version,” her eyebrows raise in thought. it had been a while since she played the piano, like actually played a song the whole way through. eliana felt bad, knowing that all her lessons were slowly going to waste, but she simply didn’t have the time to pick up the hobby again.  “the song has a bit of a different vibe from what i normally sing,” she pauses before letting out a chuckle. “i mean, it’s different for you too. we should make it our own!” there was no reason for the duo to perform a cookie cutter cover, and not put any flair into the performance.  she sits down beside him, “actually, do you want to try an acoustic version?” the girl was intrigued. “even if we don’t like it as much or they tell us no, it can’t hurt to try, right?” eliana tilts her head. 
park had done his fair share of toying around with the song prior to the meeting that the pair had arranged. after all, what was the point of branching out and doing a cover with someone new if they weren’t able to turn it into their own? he had spent a fair bit of time playing around with different ways that they may be able to arrange it into something new (as well as his bandmates time since he managed to drag them into the process as well).
he chuckled, nodding. “yeah. it’s pretty different for me, too. i’ve never covered something with anyone who isn’t in my group.” he nudged her with his shoulder playfully, smiling to himself. “but it’s going to be fun. i think that we’ll make something pretty great out of it. i trust you.” 
park hummed under his breath as he pulled a notebook out of his bag, riffling through the pages to find the notes he had made on potential duet ideas the night before. “acoustic could be pretty cool. i haven’t played piano in a while but we could for sure do something with guitar? who knows, maybe they’ll like it even more than the original that they planned for us to do.” 
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
she hadn’t expected the man to be so enthusiastic. even though the two were under the same company, eliana still hadn’t exactly gotten a feel for the man. she could blame this on their schedules never aligning, but that wouldn’t be the exact truth behind why the meta member and her didn’t know each other well.  although she would classify herself as an extrovert, the girl really hated trying to get to know people. she was constantly plagued by thoughts of whether or not someone liked her, and felt like she had to tip toe around them in order to make a good impression. park was no different, even though the two had spent some time getting to know the other over their week long stint on my little country.  physical touch in general made her uncomfortable, but she knew there were no ill intentions behind the man’s hug. if they were going to collaborate together, she had to make an effort to look personable. so eliana sucked it up and wrapped her arms around the taller man, reciprocating the gesture for only a few seconds before pulling away.  “so have i,” she said. it was a lie, but she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. eliana thought she was better off performing solo, but she understood the need for collaboration and the company’s continuous effort to portray its artists as family.  “i’ve gotten my lines down for the most part, what about you?” she asked, hoping he came prepared. “honestly i’m not worried about either of us being able to sing the song, i feel like we’re both capable of that. we just need to practice to make sure we’ve got the timing down and everything sounds cohesive.” 
quite content with himself for making what park thought was a good first impression, he gave ellie a tight squeeze before letting go and taking a small steo back from her. despite their limited interactions, park could imagine the pair of them becoming friends. but perhaps that was just the optimist in him speaking. park could proabably make friends with anyone if he convinced himself that he wanted to.
“i think i’m all good to go!” he grinned toothily. “i’ve run through everything a couple times. i think i could even talk them into letting us do it acoustic if we think it would sound good. i’ve tried a few times, didn’t sound too bad.” he gave a small shrug before going to grab his discarded bag so he could make himself at home in their practice room.
“i watched a couple of your stages last night, just to try to figure out the kind of vibe that you usually go for. did you want to stick to the usual or try to shake things up a bit? i’m good with anything, really.” he went to set up his notes, clearing a space for ellie beside him. “do you have any suggestions as to where we should start?” 
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
My Little Country was like a sleepover except none of his fellow housemates ( or rather, family, although Minho hasn’t figured out who he’s married to. Maybe it’s Park, who is very handsome and nice and has strong arms that can carry many cabbages ) are from his class and they all have their own room. Their house was super duper cute too. It was unlike any of the houses in Seoul, so Minho did truly feel like he was in the countryside. 
The first night had been lots of fun. He got to meet his brand new family and the producers gave them so much yummy ramen to eat. Minho liked to think he was a good ramen chef. Han always said he made great ramen, just the perfect amount of doneness. He slept very well too, even though he was in a new house. The presence of Luna, his trustworthy and enormous stuffed fox, comforted him. He wrapped himself around the toy as he fell asleep, mouth pursed into a pout as the hours passed.
Instead of being woken up by Han’s sweet and calm father voice, he was woken up by light shaking and a voice Minho previously only knew from the television. He groggily and slowly woke up, rubbing his eyes with closed fists. He blinked until Park’s figure came into view, leaning into the hand ruffling his hair for more head pats.
“Hyungie? We don’t have breakfast?”
there was something about minho that made park’s heart scream with joy. it was like watching a baby trying to navigate the world, innocence in his eyes enough to melt the hearts of anyone who was watching. park could understand exactly how minho had made it in the industrty. any smart person would want someone as adorable as minho to draw in as many fans as they possibly could. however, as much as park wanted to tuck minho back in like a child, there was work that needed to be done.
he chuckled, giving the young boys hair one more pat before he tugged blanket away along with the giant stuffed animal that minho had chosen as one of his items from home (furthur solidifying park’s image of minho as an overgrown baby). “sorry, kiddo. no breakfast yet. i think we’re going to have to come up with something. there doesn’t seem to be too much in the kitchen.”
he stepped aside, folding minho’s blanket in a neat little square to set down beside him with the stuffed fox perched atop of it. “you best get up and ready, i think that we could get something together ourselves before we need to wake the others up. maybe they can enjoy a little more sleep and we can surprise them with something delicious.”
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
  as much as he liked to pick on and seemingly belittle you on a regular basis, subin actually hadn’t found anything that he really hated about you. sure, you were pretty old and maybe that made the two of them hanging out together weird, but he didn’t mind the dynamic. to be fair, it was just nice to have someone choose to spend time with him with any ulterior motives. maybe you really just liked him for him. wouldn’t that be nice? so, while he enjoyed constantly teasing you about your old age or making fun of your haircuts, it didn’t come from a place of malice. for some weird reason, it was subin’s way of being your friend.
   “hey, i’ll have you know that my phone is almost always charged.” it wasn’t really a lie. how else would he be able to distract himself from his daily responsibilities if he didn’t have a phone to focus all of his attention on? but, using it as a barrier between himself and the real world didn’t always work in his favor. incoming text messages were usually swept away the second that they appeared on the screen since they blocked the view of whatever stupid video he had been watching. “i read every single message that pops up, you know.” he murmurs, stuffing his hands in his pockets before shrugging. “maybe your old eyes just didn’t see my response.”
  he couldn’t exactly think of a comeback that seemed witty enough. it was true, he didn’t care where you brought him, as long as he was getting a free meal out of it. realizing that you had managed to read him so well, he simply offers you a blank look before smiling slightly. 
 “c’mon, park— sweetheart. you know that you’re just the best when it comes to planning these little outings.” he switches up his tone, trying to sound as sweet as possible while reaching out to drape an arm across your shoulders. “there’s nothing to complain about as long as i’m with you.”
subin seemed like the type of person to fib, so park found it hard to tell when the younger boy was telling the truth. perhaps he would never know if he wasn’t able to trust his gut feeling about. “if you say your phone is charged then why does it always seem so impossible to get ahold of you?” 
his eyes widened at the insult. park was by no means old (as much as the age of most of the idols in his industry made him feel like he was). “old? i am not old, na subin. if i were then maybe i would get a little more respect.” he laughed playfully, nudging him in the side. “i’m pretty sure if i checked you’d see that you just ignored me. pretty typical stuff.”
park snorted, shaking subin’s arm off of his shoulder as he set off in the direction of their most typically frequented restaurant. typical of park to not enjoy change. he embraced tradition far too much for that. “you don’t get to call me sweetheart unless you plan on paying for lunch. there’s no sweet talking me, kiddo.”
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
  one thing that minhwan didn’t have a lot of was patience. he was usually pretty good at hiding it when it came to the things that mattered, but whenever he found himself waiting an extra minute for his video game match to load or for the bus to arrive, he would easily start to become fidgety and irritated. this was almost one of those moments, but there was also an air of nervousness surrounding him. as close as he was with you, meeting in person somehow felt risky. while he was used to logging in online and chatting with you for hours, the thought of finally seeing your face made his palms sweat.
  what if your face was funny looking? would he be able to stop laughing long enough to properly introduce himself? even worse, what if you ended up thinking that he was funny looking? minhwan probably wouldn’t be able to recover from that. suddenly realizing how shallow his thoughts were, he gives his head a big shake. why should it matter what they look like? they enjoyed the same things and had the same aspirations— you were already a beautiful person to him.
  the buzzing from his phone made him jump in his seat and rapidly look around. he didn’t see anyone new around him. “okay, you can do this. sure, you’ve always been told not to meet people off the internet, but park seems cool. besides, if you get murdered, then at least your name makes it into the news. that would be enough to make dad proud.”
  after his quick pep talk, he types out a quick reply before pressing send. [hey! who knew that you’d actually show up on time? you struck me as the kind of guy to show up whenever he felt like it. or are you just trying to trick me bc i don’t actually see you anywhere. unless you’re the guy in the corner who keeps making bowls of instant ramen but he’s been here for a while]
the pc bang was by no means busy, but that didn’t stop park’s imagination from wandering with each person in the room. he honestly wasn’t sure exactly what he expected his friend to look like. could they even call themselves friends if they didn’t even know who they were looking for? for all park knew, minhwan could be the strange man in the corner devouring a bowl of ramen. or maybe the girl who looked completely engulfed in whatever game she was playing. but soon enough he would know. 
he carefully scoured the room, looking around for any trace of someone who may be receving his texts at that very moment when his eyes fell onto the other boy. in that moment he knew that he didn’t even need confirmation. everything just seemed to fall into place and it was as if he could envision the face in every single conversation that the pair of them have had. 
he tucked his phone away, confident enough in his intuition to ignore the buzzing that sounded from within his pocket as he made his way over. “hey!” he exclaimed, laughing quietly under his breath. “you’re minhwan, right? or i at least hope you are so that i’m not standing here like the world’s biggest idiot.”
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
♡closed starter for @wshaewon♡
even though meta was one of the newer groups under wishbone, park still felt as if he could be a mentor towards the others that he shared a company with. maybe it was because of his age or his caring nature but, either way, park liked to ensure that it was well known that he was willing to help no matter what his fellow wishbone artists were in need of. 
he liked to put this to work by caring for the young trainees. something about the hopeful younger faces reminded him of where he had been merely a few years ago. there was also the reminder of his sister every time he crossed paths with someone who was younger enough to be his sibling. if he couldn’t be there for her, then he was going to be there for as many other people as he could. 
haewon was one of the trainees who park had newly taken upon himself to take under his wing. he saw a lot of himself in the younger boy and immediately knew that he needed to be able to baby him.
he hoped that he had figured out the younger boys schedule well enough to not be interupting anyhting important as he slid into the practice room after finishing up with his own band for the day, a cafeteria coffee cup in each of his hands. everyone like coffee, right? especially when they spent most of their time busy. 
“hey, haewon!” he grinned as he spotted the face he had set out to find. “are you busy?”
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
❪ @wsbonhwa ❫ 
the prospect of working with someone, even if she knew that particular someone didn’t necessarily excite her. eliana was confident in her talent to perform alone (she was used to doing so, anyways), and didn’t know why she was forced to work together with park for the event that yuseong and wishbone records were putting on for their respective artists, trainees, and staff.  the meta member in question was tolerable, however. she got to know him a bit during their stint together on my little country, and eliana decided to be courteous, reaching out to him to set up a convenient time for the both of them to practice their assigned song.  the girl quite liked the ballad, but she wasn’t sure how the other felt about it. it was quite different from meta’s signature style, and eliana wondered if the bassist could match the vibe the song called for.  she arrived at the practice room exactly three minutes early, enough time for her set her stuff down and get comfortable. soon after, she heard the door open and the girl rose from her seat, giving the older man a bow.  “it’s nice to see you again, how have you been?” small talk wasn’t her forte, but eliana made it a point to come off as friendly as possible. “are you excited for our performance?” 
park loved his bandmates, there was no doubt about that. but, sometimes it was nice to have a small change of pace from his usual meta performances. when the opportunity arose for him to collab alongside ellie, park was ecstatic. he admired her music and they seemed to get along well enough in the times that they had crossed paths. he was sure it was going to be fun for both of them. 
he had meant to reach out, but busy a constant business found himself working a time into their schedules to meet. he had listened through the ballad a handful of times, really allowing himself to absord the aura of it. one thing was for certain and it was that park didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of ellie. he had put in his practice to ensure that he knew what he was doing, while also not wanting their first run through of the duet to seem too rehersed on his behalf. 
he wandered into the practice room perfectly on time, letting the bag on his shoulder fall to the ground as he quickly made himself at home. “ellie! it’s great to see you again.” he exclaimed, instantly opening his arms to reach out for a hug. “i’ve been looking forward to this since i first heard about it.”
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
♡closed starter for @wsminho♡
it seemed that no matter where he ended up, park took it upon himself to take charge. it was a mixture of that and his internal clock that had him groggily dragging himself out of bed in that early hours of the morning to ready himself for what the day had in store (he still wasn’t sure exactly what that was).
he had planned to take advantage of being the first to rise, enjoying the quiet of the morning to take a realxing shower. he plans were quickly cut short by the icy water that hit his body, leading to a shower that was rushed just long enough to scrub himself clean before quickly tossing on clean clothes to ease his shivering. he was in for a long week, if this was any sign as to how things were going to go. 
he hummed softly to himself as he made his way to the main area of the home, being careful not to wake the strangers he would be calling his family during his time in the country. park’s singsong mood ended abruptly as he rummaged around, searching for supplies to make a breakfast for his family to wake up to. he instantly deemed the lack of breakfast problematic, a quiet huff escaping from his lips. 
wandering to the nearest room, park shook the figure of the large boy who managed to seem so small curled up in his sleep. “yah.” he whispered, ruffling the younger boy’s hair. “jang minho. come help me find breakfast.” 
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
there was a vague memory in parks mind of suji as a newly debuted member of g.ni. he remembers watching their debut video, huddled in the back corner of the pc bang with his friends as if watching the girl group video on replay for an hour nonstop was something that they should be ashamed of. if you had asked him back then he definitely would’ve picked suji as his bias. it was almost as if the two of them were destined to be friends.
he grinned wide, sujis approval immediately easing all of his doubts. he was glad she was happy, that was all that he had wanted when he planned their excursion. “it’s my pleasure, suji. i just wanted you to have fun while you still have a little bit of freedom.”
he pushed the plate towards her, offering the last of their appetizer. “i have an idea. what if we just skip the dinner part completely? we could just eat dessert. maybe order a little bit of everything to try.” he laughed to himself at the thought of it. it was everything that park would’ve wanted to do as a child. “nobody needs to know. it could be our little secret.”
the tilt of park’s head was much like that of an intrigued puppy as he watched the ice swirl around in suji’s glass. there must have been something magically mesmerizing about it considering the hold that it seemed to have on both of their attention for a short moment. it wasn’t an awkward silence, or at least park hoped that it wasn’t. maybe he had been too bold to ask suji out for dinner. in a spilt second, park found himself almost regretting the celebration get together that he had put so much effort into planning for the two of them.
it likely would’ve been much easier to find a few minutes for them to sit together on a park bench, quickly scarfing back a few convenience store treats before going their separate ways to their seemingly never ending schedules. but there seemed to be something less sincere in that option and park wanted to make sure that suji knew just how proud he was of her for everything that she had been working towards.
“sorry if it’s too much i just… i’m really proud of you, suji. i wanted you to know that. i guess it seemed easier to tell you by treating you.” he shrugged a little, reaching across the table for a bit of their shared appetizer.
“even with different names, you’re still the same suji. even if you’ve grown. it’s just the next chapter and there’s so many people excited to see you redoubt, me included.”
he grinned happily, eyes crinkling. “and i promise that i’m going to be your number one fan.” he nodded quickly. “good. because this place has the best dessert and i didn’t want to miss out on it. and you totally need to experience it.”
She almost felt bad, with the way he apologized for the possibility that this dinner could be too much. Maybe it if were someone else, someone she liked less or didn’t know as well, it would have been. Still, it wasn’t Park’s fault she was still getting used to no longer being a former G.NI member or a trainee with history and a semi-failed career, she was now debuting again, presumably with a group that would last longer than a year. Even her stage name remained unchanged, something she wanted to have, a remnant of her origins. 
“Don’t feel bad about it, it’s not too much.” She picked up her drink to take a slow sip, before setting it back down and grabbing a piece of their appetizer. To give Park the credit he deserved, the food was good. Even for a serial food penny pincher like Suji who always chose to cook and eat at home over eating out. “Thank you for inviting me out. I appreciate it.”
If it had been someone else, Suji might have found the words insincere. It was almost the cliche, expected response in the idol industry, congratulating and promises of being a fan forever. But Park was always startlingly sincere, something Suji always found she appreciated in the older man. 
“I’ll hold you to that. If you don’t win a fancall at some point, I might even call into question your membership of our fan club.” She teased easily, taking another bite of the appetizer. “I’ll trust you on that. Now I’m more excited for the dessert than our entrees.”
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
  you were the last person that subin had expected to get along with. it wasn’t like he really knew anything about you in order to make that assumption, but your face was kind of weird, and he doubted that he’d be able to look at it for too long without getting angry. but that hadn’t happened yet, so it must have been a sign that, despite your mismatched features, you weren’t all that bad. besides, it was hard to get angry at somebody who always bought you food for seemingly no reason. is this what it was like to make a new friend? it had been so long, that he couldn’t really remember what it felt like.
  even though he enjoyed your company, it wasn’t enough to help subin get out of bad at a reasonable hour. what time had they agreed on again? he couldn’t be bothered enough to ask through a quick text message, so he decided to show up when it felt right. apparently he hadn’t been too off since you hadn’t sent him a million messages yet. walking at a slow pace, dragging his feet along the sidewalk, subin lets out an obnoxiously loud yawn, as if being awake in itself was a major inconvenience. 
  “oh, come on. if you really thought that then you would’ve blown up my phone. you knew that i’d show up eventually.” he reaches out to give your shoulder a lazy pat, as if it were supposed to reassure you. “how come you always want to eat here? shouldn’t you try something new?” he was able to speak from experience. before he started testing out all of han’s leftovers, there had been so many dishes that he hadn’t really had before. “wait, don’t you have other friends that you could be hanging out with? are you some kind of loner?”
quite honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that nabi was his one line of communication to jaehwa, park would probably avoid the strange young boy like he was the plague. something about him screamed bad news. maybe that was something that park would be able to fix. so he found reasons for the pair of them to meet up, mostly over food since that seemed to be the easiest way to entice subin into meeting up.
he had found over their meetings that one thing about subin was his inability to show up at their agreed upon times. so, in park’s mind, the best solution was simply to lie. if he wanted to meet at noon, he told subin to show up at 11. it usually ended working out so that he didn’t have to spent too long waiting around.
“your phone is probably dead, subin. there’s really no point in sending you a message if it’s just going to get thrown off into cyber space. or left on read. either way, i’m sure that you couldn’t care less.” he shrugged, looking up at the restaurant sign. it was familiar and in a central location so park hadn’t really thought about switching up their meeting spot. he liked to stick to the usual, it tended to be safer that way.
“if you want to try something new then you could make our plans next time? besides, you seem to enjoy their food enough. i haven’t heard you complain about it yet.”
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
Suji put down her glass of iced tea, watching as the condensation formed a ring of water on the table. She stirred the straw ( metal, brought from home because she hated the paper straws that easily disintegrated into nothingness after ten minutes and because she was environmentally conscious enough to think of the turtles Moonsik researched one sleepless night after his crush mentioned them on a post-it note ) around the ice, watching them clink against the sides of the tumbler. Maybe it was because she wasn’t used to people treating her out, or the long instilled voice of her aunt saying never to order expensive things on the menu if it was coming out of someone else’s wallet. 
Still, she knew people liked to make things their treat. Park definitely did, with his easy earnestness and boyish sincerity. He did make an effort to arrange this meal despite conflicting schedules, bending over backwards to find time where they could both sit down and actually eat and talk instead of crowd in front of a convenience store with cup ramen balanced on their knees. 
“I guess you’re right. I shouldn’t take the opportunity away from you, huh?” She smiled easily, letting go of the straw to cross her arms in front of her chest. “I guess if anyone could relate to the whole thing, it’d be you right? I’m not sure the realization has hit most of us. It’s been years since we were G.NI but it still feels like it was yesterday we were told that was it, it’s our debut. Now we’re all redebuting with different names.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll just have to congratulate you with a meal next time you get a win on a music show.”
the tilt of park’s head was much like that of an intrigued puppy as he watched the ice swirl around in suji’s glass. there must have been something magically mesmerizing about it considering the hold that it seemed to have on both of their attention for a short moment. it wasn’t an awkward silence, or at least park hoped that it wasn’t. maybe he had been too bold to ask suji out for dinner. in a spilt second, park found himself almost regretting the celebration get together that he had put so much effort into planning for the two of them.
it likely would’ve been much easier to find a few minutes for them to sit together on a park bench, quickly scarfing back a few convenience store treats before going their separate ways to their seemingly never ending schedules. but there seemed to be something less sincere in that option and park wanted to make sure that suji knew just how proud he was of her for everything that she had been working towards.
“sorry if it’s too much i just… i’m really proud of you, suji. i wanted you to know that. i guess it seemed easier to tell you by treating you.” he shrugged a little, reaching across the table for a bit of their shared appetizer.
“even with different names, you’re still the same suji. even if you’ve grown. it’s just the next chapter and there’s so many people excited to see you redoubt, me included.”
he grinned happily, eyes crinkling. “and i promise that i’m going to be your number one fan.” he nodded quickly. “good. because this place has the best dessert and i didn’t want to miss out on it. and you totally need to experience it.”
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
angel had never been an early riser, especially since he’d moved to south korea. it was a miracle if he woke up before noon, sluggishly making his way to wherever he needed to be. he’d gotten a little better after joining angelfish, waking around nine or ten and acting like a zombie until the early afternoon. now that he was in the select! dorm, he forced himself to be at ungodly hours of the morning to avoid as many as the other trainee as possible. 
this morning, he’d been halfway through his makeup when he’d heard shuffling coming from one of the other rooms. in that moment, he’d decided to forgo the rest of his makeup routine, pushing his bangs in front of his eyes and slapping on a mask before practically throwing himself out of the dorms ( but not before getting his phone back from the staff ). 
he had no real idea of where he was going until he reached wishbone, searching for a familiar face. luckily for angel, park wasn’t hard to spot.
“hyung!” he called out, pink hair bouncing as he jogged over to the other. “hyung, i’m hungry. your dongsaeng is starving and you’re just gonna stand there?”
unlike some others, park had always been an early riser. it had been an important piece of his upbringing that stayed with him well into his adult years. he could still hear his mothers voice in the back of his head, scolding him about how there were so many hours in the day that were simply wasted if one didn’t wake up at a decent hour. even back when he was stuck in bed for days on end, park still made sure that he was up early so he could do something productive, even if the productive thing was simply being awake.
it wasn’t uncommon for park to leave his bandmates behind for them to catch a few extra hours of sleep while he slipped out in the early hours of the morning to go through his daily routine. usually a jog to the wishbone buildings before he settled in for a few hours of solo practice or simply some alone time to work on whatever meta’s next project might be.
several hours later park found himself wandering out of meta’s practice room in search of a much needed snack. it took him twice as long as usual to reach his destination, slowed down by a series of conversations that he felt the need to have with nearly every person that he crossed paths with in the hallway, whether he knew them or not.
angel, however, was not a face that he had anticipated running into while on his wander.  he didn’t even have time to think about how the younger boy had made his way into the wishbone building before his mind was interrupted. he couldn’t help but to roll his eyes as he let out a laugh. angel was just as demanding as he had been the day that they had met that was for certain.
“good morning, hyung. it’s nice to see you. that’s usually a better way to start a conversation. or maybe even hello, could you please buy me a snack?” he chuckled, reaching out to ruffle angel’s hair.
“lucky for you, i was just on my way to grab some lunch. you’re welcome to join me if you can find your manners.”
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wsbonhwa · 2 years
there wasn’t much that was different from the usual schedule of parks day. he spent most of his free time huddled up in his favourite corner of the pc bang, trying not to yell too loudly to disturb the other occupants while he wasted his day away nerfing enemies. his cousin would often scold him, say that there were much better ways to spend his time (and also that he could maybe work more to contribute to their combined bills) but, the small amount of cash he had coming in was just enough to cover his small portion of bills. and that was good enough for him.
when he had first reached out to his team about the possibility of meeting he genuinely hadn’t expected anyone to agree. and yet, here he was, finding himself checking the directions to a different pc bang than usual. minhwan. he repeated the name several times, making sure it didn’t slip his mind and he would accidentally blank out, referring to the other boy by his screen name or something.
he stopped outside the door, double checking the address before he shots off a quick text.
[hey! i’m here now.]
he watched his phone for a few seconds, seeing if a reply came through before he slipped his phone into his pocket, opening the door and looking around to see if he could pick his friend out of the crowd of strangers.
 a pre-meta meetup circa 2016. — minhwan and bonhwa.
  for the longest time, there had been nothing that minhwan had wanted more than his own gaming setup. it would be a dream come true to come home from school, toss his backpack to the side, and startup a gaming session in the comfort of his own room. there was only one obstacle that stood in his way: his loving and somewhat overbearing aunt. whenever he had brought up the idea in passing, she had laughed in his face. a bedroom was for studying and, probably less importantly, sleeping. not only that, but he was expected to help out in her downstairs hair salon every evening. there was just no way that she’d let any sort of gaming equipment in her house.
  and what was minhwan supposed to say to that? he respected his aunt and would never outwardly speak up against her. so, every day after classes, when he told her that he was part of a large study group, he would actually sneak away to a small pc bang. what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, right? besides, it wasn’t like he was isolating himself from the real world like she was so afraid of. his group of online friends were real after all. when he wasn’t gaming with them, he’d be messaging them back and forth. 
  bonhwa was the one that he’d always play overwatch matches with whenever they were both online. minhwan loved to make fun of your playing skills. it wasn’t that you were terrible, but there was a kind of chaos to your gameplay that just made him laugh. why did you play so much of a game if it just stressed you out so much? since he had never actually seen any pictures of your face, he imagined that you had a row of premature wrinkles and maybe even some grey hairs from all of the yelling that the game made you do.
  today was going to be different though. while he still made a point of sitting in his regular computer and quickly logging on, he expected to stand up at any moment, having a stranger tap on his shoulder. his aunt had always scolded him and told him not to meet people off the internet, but you didn’t feel like a stranger anymore. the meeting that he had planned with you felt kind of spontaneous, but he wasn’t willing to flake out at the last minute. looking down at his phone every few minutes, he also makes a point of checking out the front entrance for anyone who could be you. 
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