wsjeonghwa · 3 years
now, jeonghwa was usually someone considered pretty quick on her feet. in terms of conversation, being quick didn’t always mean good, if the amount of stream of consciousness thoughts that slipped from her lips had anything to say about it. however, right then, non-verbal and catching her off guard, jeonghwa barely had the time to register she’d been bumped into at all when the assailant was handing her phone back to her.
she blinked, a couple of times, got her bearings, and when she looked up to yoojin, reaching her hand out to take the offered phone, she smiled, then laughed. “don’t even worry about it.” she’d like to think even if her phone had fallen to the floor, smashed to bits, she could easily get a replacement. if not her own funds, her parents, an executives, or if she wanted to be particularly something, tells fans she broke her phone and she’d have ten within the next day.
things, objects, they didn’t really matter at the end of the day. she’d rather have this experience than a phone anyway. “actually, i was taking a little video. thought some fans might like seeing the backstage sort of stuff, you know?” she paused, but only enough for her breath to catch and her brows to turn in. “do you wanna be in the video with me? bet they’d really love that. and me too.”
Surprisingly, the pre-recording for the Lovesick event ends up going smoothly for her. Yoojin had several reservations when the chosen song was given to her group. It had taken several practices for her to be satisfied with her rap for the L.I.E performance. The song wasn’t her favorite, but she had refused to air her hesitancy. Instead, she fed off her member’s confidence and energy on stage during their first run through. She appreciated how every member could shine with the distributed parts and there was a freshness from the original that translated in their performance. 
Once their performance ended, Yoojin lingered on stage to play with the fans that had been invited for the pre-recording by faking that she was finally leaving the stage, only to return and shoot ‘hearts’ at the fans. A few of the fans reciprocated her playfulness by pretending to die. Winds are heart stealers, she yells out with a faint pout after her manager signals her to get off stage. 
On her way back to their waiting room, she accidentally photobombs several of the other idols’ pictures in the corridor. She spots her members not too far ahead and hurriedly attempts to catch up to them, accidentally bumping into another girl with an unsecured phone on a selfie stick. 
“I’m so sorry!” Yoojin exclaims, reaching around the girl to catch the phone in her hands before it hits the floor. “I shouldn’t have been running in the hallway. Here!” She offers the phone back to the owner with a sheepish grin tugging on the corner of her lips. “Would you like for me to help you take your pictures?” 
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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what’s POPPIN i’m demi (pst, she/they) and this is kim jeonghwa, problem child, wildcard, and the human embodiment of the cherry emoji. she’s the visual and sub-vocal of etoile, apparently the leader too, but jeonghwa never got the message. you can read more about her in her bio, profile, and career pages, or for the visual learners, pinterest. if you’d like to plot, feel free to hit up my ims or leave a like here! i’ll leave a tldr under the cut about her
her mbti being enfp says so much about her tbh
she loves meeting new people, hanging out with friends, having a large circle of friends. she’ll be just as happy to hold a stranger’s hair back late at a party and never speak to them again as she is to go on a road trip with a decade old friend
empathetic, can be a good shoulder to cry on. she’s the type to listen to you cry, then say let’s get some ice cream, some shots, and go throw ass at a club to feel better
and she loves anything new. routine bores her, so she’s always trying to think up ways to make the things that feel tedious more interesting
libra who says she doesn’t like confrontation, but can be quite fiery
she can be set off over a tiny thing like a flip of a switch with no discernible reason, but usually feels quite bad when that Does happen, because her anger can be ruthless. she’ll drag up ur trauma n flick it in ur face
BUT save for those unpredictable moments, she puts up with a lot of bullshit from people, probably more than she should. tends to only have issues with people when they have one with her first
very passionate, adventurous, impulsive, hedonistic, wants to live her life to the fullest every day
usually quite easy to get along with if you don’t mind her seemingly boundless energy
she’s the middle child who was treated like the spoiled youngest
has a shite immune system, so her parents have worried over her a lot since birth n coddled her as well as tried to shelter her
until she was 15 she played the perfect daughter role, worked rly hard to succeed in school bc it’s Not natural to her, kept her thoughts to herself, all that
then decided suddenly she didn’t wanna live to the decisions of others
started figuring out what made her happy. tried out loads of different hobbies, focused on friends more than school
when she was scouted at 17 it was an easy decision bc she’d also developed an interest in music and performance in the last two years
almost as soon as she joined they tossed her into crescent’s “this is war” mv
when she graduated hs her parents wanted her to stop training, they got into a fight, they cut her off financially
jeonghwa got a job as a barista for a hot minute but when yuseong offered her a cf job she was like wait i’m around a bunch of ppl w money all the time why am i not using this to my own gain
so she quit n just bat her eyelashes for staff to pay for her meals until her parents gave up and let her use their money again
debuted 99% because of her charisma, which works great for her. she’s got the puthy parts of the songs xx
since then, her solo schedules have focused a lot on modelling and variety to capitalize off of her charm that’s snagged her a couple of viral moments as well
jeonghwa loves knowing a variety of people, but gets on best with those similar to her
anyone who loves a good thrill, willing to jet off to an amusement park with an hour’s notice, try out a new class with her, go clubbing, anything like that
alternatively, people that could use a bit of a push to get out of their shell, jeonghwa is Great for that
connections based on hobbies could be great too. almost anything you can think of, jeonghwa participates in sometimes. painting, knitting, crocheting, sewing, quilting, pottery, photography, hiking, rock climbing, thrill seeking, geocaching, glassblowing, anything active and productive. maybe they meet during a class, or because jeonghwa saw a creation of theirs and liked it/disliked it, or vice versa
still loves being spoiled, so anyone who will pay for things for her would get a little star in her eyes (the laff is she likes spending her money on others too)
someone who is well trained in music production,, jeonghwa wants to write, but yuseong is yuseong and she knows next to nothing, so she could use a helping hand
alternatively someone to tell her she’s a shit songwriter lol
she’s free love type, so hook ups. casual, hate hook ups, between friends, between exes, whatever
Or, people she’s dated where she kinda,, kept them on the hook? she’s terrible in some relationships in that she’ll treat them like they’re dating, be super romantic with them, but when it comes to defining the relationship, she skirts around it, and ends up ghosting/cheating
someone she’s hurt with one of her out of place verbal smackdowns
and for one career focused one, someone (or a few people) she gets shipped with a lot
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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A to Z with Jennie Kim
B - Baddie (fancam cr. Paint It Black & RÉCORD 레코드)
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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QUEEN & SLIM (2019) dir. Melina Matsoukas
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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source: unknown
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
Rule number 1..... Is that u gotta hav funn
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
i want my baking to be so good that when someone eats it they either wonder why im not married or have a split-second panic abt proposing to me right then and there
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
This guy in my art class forgot his paint brush so he just cut off a chunk of his hair and taped it to a pencil.
I feel like he has more commitment to fine art than I do.
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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cherry pie gemstone & freshwater pearl necklace
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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hottie 🔥
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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jennie! (✿◕‿◕)
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wsjeonghwa · 3 years
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JENNIE + pink! ― ♡ for @jaennie
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