wtfwesteros · 10 years
Does anyone run this place?
Yup, sure do. Haven't received a submission in ages and ages, though. I'm not the original mod and creator, and I mostly took it over for safekeeping. My personal desire to root through the fanpit lately has been low, but I'm happy to accept submissions.
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wtfwesteros · 11 years
Still accepting submissions!
Just as a reminder, we still welcome submissions at wtfwesteros! There's more sob-laugh-sob worthy content than any human, even a valiant one like myself, could ever hope to capture in Paint-edited form!
Submissions may be made (or requested to be) anonymous as well!
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wtfwesteros · 11 years
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If you can bear to read the actual text of the post after that title, click to enlarge.
Because human beings who are dwarves should breed a race of hobbits because that makes total sense and isn't ableist and disgusting at all.
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wtfwesteros · 11 years
new mod, let's keep wtfing strong.
Hey all, new Mod here. I'd have hated to see this place go away so I had to step in and volunteer. I'm a bit new to tumbr generally and it may take me a little bit to get into the swing of things, but please don't hesitate to keep submitting your finds. Suggestions and feedback are also, of course, very welcome.
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wtfwesteros · 11 years
Does anyone want to take over this blog?
I'm deleting my main account, so I won't be able to run this blog anymore. I don't, however, want it to disappear. So if anyone is interested in taking over, please message me so I can make you the new moderator. 
I'll be deleting in the next 24 hours. If anyone is interested, message me before then. 
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wtfwesteros · 11 years
cosetteofhousefauchelevant replied to your photoset: Cersei Lannister: Actual Mass-Murderer (picture...
whuwhuwait, when did lady stokeworth die and how?
Falyse Stokeworth was one of the women Cersei sent to Qyburn in AFFC, so I'm guessing she's the one being referred to. The only other Lady Stokeworth would be Lady Tanda, but she died of a fever brought on by a broken hip in AFFC. 
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wtfwesteros · 11 years
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Cersei Lannister: Actual Mass-Murderer
(picture submitted by beximilian)
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wtfwesteros · 11 years
Oh yes, everyone decided that the war was a good idea because of that time Catelyn took Tyrion, and Robb was only murdered because she released Jaime Lannister. That's just how deep GRRM writes his shit.
Well, of course! Not to mention Ned’s execution, Theon’s torture, the attack of the White Walkers, and the Doom of Valyria. All Cat’s fault. 
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wtfwesteros · 11 years
blueandbluer replied to your post: I saw someone saying that the Dothraki were more...
Agree with you, but to be fair its not like the Westerosi dont rape too.
That's certainly true. But at least rape is generally frowned upon in Westeros, whereas the Dothraki see it as a necessity.  
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wtfwesteros · 11 years
I saw someone saying that the Dothraki were more advanced or something than the people of Westeros. The rape thing on here made me think of that. It seemed like an excuse to play the 'aren't-non-whites-wonderful' game.
The people of Westeros certainly have their issues, but I wouldn’t call them less advanced than a society that glorifies rape. It’s depressing that there are actually people who would say that. I don’t think it’s a “non-whites-are-wonderful” thing, though for some people that may be it. I just think that there are a lot of people who like to go against the majority. You know the type - the people who see a character being hated and think, Well, I’ll like that character to be different and unique, no matter how evil they may be! 
Either way, it’s annoying. The only Dothraki who should be admired are the ones who don’t rape, like Doreah or Irri or Jhiqui.
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wtfwesteros · 11 years
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There are so many things wrong with this, but the bit about her not coming into the marriage "clean" certainly stands out as particularly odious. 
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wtfwesteros · 12 years
Umm... Robb went to Westerlands with the explicit purpose of sacking them - causing as much destruction as he can and taking everything of value to Lannisters? He may not have raped any women there, but his army was the same as any army out there.
But he didn’t encourage or condone it. The Dothraki’s lifestyle (and so, Khal Drogo’s) literally revolves around rape. It’s considered both acceptable and natural. Robb’s army was certainly guilty of some war crimes, but I think we can safely say that they are nothing like the Dothraki. 
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wtfwesteros · 12 years
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6. If the Lhazareen can't fight back in this type of world, perhaps they aren't fit to make it. They know there's "savage" civilizations all around them on Essos, but choose to be peaceful stupid.
Translation: If you get brutally slaughtered and raped, it's your own fault for being so stupid! 
8. Drogo was never evil. Nor was Tywin. Nor was Robert. Nor was Aegon the Dragon. Nor was Robb. Nor were any other great commanders. They were simply just fierce at what they did. 
Ah, yes. I remember when Robb attacked a peaceful settlement for the sole purpose of burning down its temples, enslaving and raping its people, and stealing its inhabitants' valuables. Boy, was that fierce. 
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wtfwesteros · 12 years
When the series started, I read the first one, and then read the second. But then I realized that they weren’t sticking to the novels, that there were aspects that they used and not others. But I used the books as references as it’s an insight into the mind of the character. Though, that said, sometimes David and Dan don’t want that particular insight… so the scripts are the bible, and the books aren’t so important anymore.
- Season 3 Interview with Michelle Fairley on Westeros.org 
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wtfwesteros · 12 years
This blog reminds me why I stopped going to that website. Thank you.
You’re very welcome. I’m glad I can spare you the pain. 
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wtfwesteros · 12 years
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Do we need to have a conversation about why you shouldn't compare the Catelyn / Tyrion situation to real life instances of rape?
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wtfwesteros · 12 years
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