wydalenylod · 2 days
There may be something wrong with me because i was watching as an old man that looked like he was in his mid-seventies was repairing a clock wearing steam-punk-like glasses(I forgot it's name) and my only thought was how hot he was and I doubt that this thought would accure under any other circumstances that weren't repairment of a clock
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wydalenylod · 13 days
Circe - Maybe one act of kindness would lead to kinder souls down the road?
*Spongebobian [A few hours later]*
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wydalenylod · 15 days
Oooh, I remember, three types of text. I'm not sure how they're called in english but the rough translation from my native language would be "tale, description and reflexion". A text that describes succesion of events, your usual stories in need of conflicrs; a text that describes the emvironment, drawing a picture with words; a text that describes a succesion of thoughts on a topic and it's result
I saw somebody be wrong on the internet and I didn’t respond (don’t want to get involved) and I’m being SO brave about it
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wydalenylod · 15 days
I... I am at a loss for words...
I saw somebody be wrong on the internet and I didn’t respond (don’t want to get involved) and I’m being SO brave about it
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wydalenylod · 16 days
I feel like i'm catching feelings for a friend and I want so much to just be a little confused with positive feelings of friendship
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wydalenylod · 19 days
Some people in fandoms are allergic to fun(talking about this "manuel"), thanks gods we ignore them
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i found this old "bad oc diagnostic manuel" on twitter and thought... you know what? fuck it we ship it. so i shipped them together, enjoy.
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wydalenylod · 19 days
Ngl I expected a homestuck joke and not the serious discussion. I'm not complaining though
Plaintext from the video: Please do not type out your DNIs like this. This kind of censorship is inaccessible to those with screen readers. Thank you.
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wydalenylod · 20 days
Every single person I closely talk to on the Internet for a while assumed that I'm a woman, until I sent them my photos(even though the language we speak has grammatical gender and I've always used masculine verbs). I didn't understand why and they could never answer(one tried to explain through "You're in fandom space and like men" and it didn't make sence to me). In real life some strangers assume me to be a woman because of long hair and narrow shoulders despite me having a visible beard. And today I found out that tiktok's algorithms, too, assumed me to be a woman for their personalised ads. I am a cis male, why the hell am I misgendered so often??? And by robots too??? I'm not mad, just confused???
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wydalenylod · 1 month
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Quick comic about this headcanon I have that Pim can’t get REALLY angry without crying and it’s really frustrating for him oops
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wydalenylod · 1 month
"Destroy homosexuality and fascism will disappear" I AM SORRY??? WHAT THE FUCK??? I KNEW RUSSIAN AUTHORS WERE WILD BUT WHAT THE HELL??? Although homosexuality was considered anticommunist movement in USSR so I shouldn't be surprised but??? Still??? Holy shit
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wydalenylod · 1 month
so funny to me when white american christians are like “ooh i incorporate my religious trauma into my art and thats why i draw these stained glass gothic church gold multi eyed reneissance sculpture angels agnus dei” like i know your protestant southern california ass didnt have any of that. go make some art about this
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wydalenylod · 1 month
My mom was so cool when she was young, why am I the useless mess and not like her? Gods, these stupid genes don't work as they should. Maybe it's because of my father? Idk, maybe.
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wydalenylod · 1 month
I want to make pizza with chicken and tangerines. Any ideas on additional toppings and what sause should I use?
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wydalenylod · 1 month
Honestly as a blind person I’m so tired of seeing fictional blind characters who don’t use white canes or other guides. “They have special powers so they know what’s around them” or “they’re confident enough to not need a guide” are common tropes, and I’m tired.
Are people scared that using a white cane will make their blind character seem weak? They can’t use a cane because they’re so special that they already know what’s around them, and other blind people who use guides are inferior because they’re not special?
I’m tired. Give your blind characters white canes and other guides. Let them hold onto their friends, let them have guide dogs. Don’t make white cane users feel ostracized for not being “strong enough” to go without.
Another thing that pisses me off is when a sighted character comes up with the fantasy equivalent of braille and teaches it to the blind character. Braille was invented by Louis Braille, a blind man, in 1824. The blind character should be the one coming up with it.
Tldr I’m blind and tired of sighted people lol
🔪 Sighted People MUST Reblog This 🔪
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wydalenylod · 1 month
Did jot vote! Hope neither did you.
It's "See how well you can follow instructions" time ya lil fuckers!!
Here's a poll, you can't press any of the options, that's the only rule, no voting. Reblogs, likes, and comments are totally allowed, you just can't vote
You all have one week, let's see how this goes
@maryland-no-rabies Tagging cause I need people to see this
Have fun !!
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wydalenylod · 1 month
I don't go here that often but this is specifically about epic the musical. I keep seeing posts getting mad that eurylochus is willing to leave behind the men on Circe's island but then gets angry when Odysseus sacrifices 6 men to Scylla and like. That's fine?
It's not Eurylochus' fault the men get captured, and it's not a wholly selfish reason why he wants to leave.
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He specifically tells Odysseus to think about the men they still have, and that's reasonable. All he knows is it's a powerful witch, and all of his men, who were also soldiers and probably good ones, didn't even stand a chance. He wouldn't have known about Hermes, or the moly. He's the second in command, he's meant to be a voice of reason, and in his eyes, going back would have been a lost cause and could've potentially lost them a captain as well
VS Scylla. Odysseus isn't passive in this one, he specifically decides to have six torches be handed out so that Scylla's heads will go for them. It's still a practical choice. It's better to control the options than have the heads go at random. But he makes that choice, that these six men who hold the torches are going to die. That's what Eurylochus is upset over. I think he would have been less upset if Odysseus let the heads go at random
It's honestly the trolley problem haha. Eurylochus does not pull the lever. Odysseus does
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wydalenylod · 1 month
Ok, but who revealed his name sending a ducking sea god against them, Ody? Who fucking revealed his name and then pretended to be wiser than Goddess of Wisdom, Ody? Who didn't even try to apologize just saying excuses instead, Ody? W h o? Who's pride made everything go south?
Eta. "Ducking" was a typo but I like it and therefore it shall stay
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Eurylochus really hit him with the “But we’ll die 🥺” after everything he did. Love him for that.
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