wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
His smirk broadened even as he brought a hand to his chest in mock offense, “Are you calling me a pest, darling? Because that's just not on, don't make me call Colonel Sanders over there over to give you a lecture on lady like behaviour.” He nodded towards one of the more aged members of this allegedly esteemed gathering of...yeah. Assholes would probably be letting them off lightly. Fuck them, someone interesting was here and paying attention to him – someone aside from himself for once. Even his narcissism could only entertain so much. Fishing the stolen cigars from his pocket he offered her one with an arched brow, “Knew there was a reason I kept you around, Elwyn. Always so much better when the person keeping me on my toes can, y'know, actually keep up. Sort of. C'mon, you know you want to.” Lighting his own, his eyes widened slightly before crinkling conspiratorially at the edges on the exhale, “Is that a promise, honeybunch?”
Chocolate eyes briefly surveyed the company beyond the balcony doors with mild wariness. How he'd gotten roped into this nonsense he didn't know – well he did know, it was his job, but why he hadn't come up with a convenient excuse to fuck off now that was the mystery. “You know, works at the university, wildly in love with you, sucks all the fun out of my plans with phrases like 'safety protocols' and 'fifteen doctorates before twenty'. Is he at home watching wonderkid 2.0? Still not convinced you two didn't make that one in a lab, babe.” Thinking that over again, “ Both of them actually.”
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francis wyler.
Another city, another opportunity for potential investors to drunkenly grope him in the guise of charming comrade- Yep, yikes, there it was. The aged hand now cupping his posterior, not for the first time that night, flexed slightly causing his back to tense – or was that from the shudder at the lipsticked stained smile from the owner of the hand in question? Sidestepping he gave some excuse about there being enough of him to go around  - probably a little less after I chew off my own arm getting away. Arm? Ass? Eh we’ll figure it out. Christ. He needed a drink. Whiskey dark eyes landed on an unattended open bar, perfect. Crocodile smirk lit his otherwise tired features as he glanced about before sauntering over, for all the world as though he knew what he was doing, refilling his tumbler with ice as surveyed the bottles on display. Macallan….Glenfiddich…Johnny Walker – Bingo, Dalmore. Nimble fingers wrapped around the bottle neck, holding it low and slightly behind him as he edged out to the balcony. Finally, away from the flying monkeys.
He barely had a moment to bask in the twilight lit sky  before a clear, familiar voice cut through the air. Gaze flitting to the graceful figure leaning against the balcony edge, he found himself biting down on a chuckle. Brown eyes dancing with playful mirth he kept out of her periphery as he approached, until he was leaning on his side against the railing beside her,  “No exceptions for me, gorgeous? You wound me to the core. Champagne? I think I might be able to improve upon that.” Setting the bottle of aged single malt between them easily  at that he waited a moment before mock sighing and reaching for it like, “But I know when I’m not wanted…” He couldn’t resist a laugh at that, throwing her a wink as dropped the act for his friend, smirk still quirking teasingly , “Didn’t expect to see you here, honey. Ditch labrat to follow me to Tokyo~? I’m flattered by the way. Truly. Unless it’s business, then a little less flattered, but you wouldn’t do that to me, would you, buttercup?”
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 Hearing the familiar voice, Vera bows her head which allows locks of hair to tumble over her shoulders, hiding her smile and a small chuckle ripples upward from the back of her throat. Next comes the small clink of glass on stone. She peaks through her hair, looking at the bottle of whiskey with high interest. Rolling her shoulders, Vera straightens her spin and turns to press her back against the balcony. “You know when you aren’t wanted Frank, and when you know, you have this habit of never leaving,” She quips with a one-sided smile. “I like to surprise you, sugar,” She replies, giving Frank a sly look. “Keeping you on your toes is a hobby of mine since no one else can.” Vera takes her glass of champagne and stretches her arm over the balcony before tipping it over, spilling the liquid out only to take the bottle that Frank has and refilling.  The tone she uses next is sultry - and vaguly threatening. “You have no idea what I would do to you, Frank.”
She takes a sip of whiskey from the crystal glass, allowing the heavy liquid to mull over her tongue. This is what she needed, and of course, Frank’s energetic company. Vera could easily work a room, but this room in particular, was a bore and there was no saving it. “What labrat are you talking about?” She asks, brows furrowing while looking at her friend - business friend? - No, friend - with puzzled eyes and the soft quirk of her chin to one side.
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wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
Frank paused mid-pour, sighing before bringing the hand holding the cigarette up to rub over the beginning of a headache, The next asshole that comes to my door is going to be selling door to door syphilis. Setting the drink aside momentarily, he brought the cigarette to his lips for a long inhale to steady himself before going to the door to tell whoever it was to kindly fuck off.  Before the words could leave his lips, however, the discordant string of words hit his ears like nails on a chalkboard. Brows arching over whiskey dark eyes he took in the skeleton standing outside his door. I do not get paid enough for this shit.
Well. He hadn't been far off with the syphilis comment. The lanky youth stood in a cocksure slouch, cigarette between his fingers, looking every bit the poster child for 'Crime Rates Skyrocket in White Chapel'.  Maybe the pornographic version of that. Christ if  that's what this was, one of his competitors trying to pretty woman him with ...whatever this little monster got paid for...at least he had to give them points for creativity.   Alright, junior.  “Charming sales pitch, Oliver Twist, that work on all the boys? What's the racket? Warning me about carbon emissions? Dumping red paint on me for pharmaceutical testing? Nope – wait, raising awareness for AIDS. Gotta say, they picked the perfect candidate in you,  Pip. Why don't you take whatever dog and pony show this is, whatever little hustle you've got in mind, and walk it down the street. 9.5 on choice of victim – 0.0 on technique, sparky, but I'm pretty sure the guy two doors down appreciates slick little shits calling him a slut. Good luck with that. ” Cigarette dangling from his lips he turned to shut the door in the little rat's face. Fucking kids.
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He knew he’d probably waited longer than necessary. Not that he cared (or rather, not that he’d tell himself he cared), but as Desmond stood on the front step of the house, he wondered if this was the right place. He looked at the numbers scrawled in dark sharpie on his hand, rubbing them a little, wondering if the last one was a 5 or a 9. Shrugging, he draws the cigarette between his lips away as he breaths out some smoke, bouncing lightly on his toes he fidgets with the cuff of his sleeve, stalling slightly. He’d been in the city for a few weeks, but couldn’t seem to bring himself to seek out this house until this moment, prompted completely on a whim of impulse. Quickly, he brought a finger up to ring the doorbell, taking another quick drag before flicking the butt into the bushes beside him. He waits, posture in its usual slouch, eyes squinting against the sun as it penetrates into the hangover in his head. One hand finds its way into his pockets, where his fingers absently fiddle with the dog-tags that had led him there. He waits a moment, feeling instant boredom settle into his bones. The door clicks, and opens in front of him revealing a man he’d thought about for a good majority of his life. 
“Fuckin’ ‘ell mate, could you get any fuckin’ shorter?” 
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wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
Send a flower to hear…
🌷… a compliment.
🥀…. a complaint.
🌹… a confession.
🌺… a secret.
🌸… a curious fact.
🌻… a suggestion.
🌼… a story about the past.
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wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
Send me a 🚶 and I’ll introduce you to an NPC in my muse’s life.
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wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
One Word Writing Prompts
Send me a number 1 thru 50 for a word that I’ll use to write either a headcanon, drabble, or starter. Send 🌀 for a random number instead.
01. — first 02. — kiss 03. — final 04. — numb 05. — broken 06. — wings 07. — melody 08. — rules 09. — chocolate 10. — nostalgia 11. — heartbeat 12. — stranger 13. — confusion 14. — bitter 15. — afterlife 16. — daybreak 17. — audience 18. — endless 19. — fireworks 20. — wishing 21. — birthday 22. — tomorrow 23. — oppression 24. — agony 25. — return 26. — protection 27. — boxes 28. — hope 29. — preparation 30. — beautiful 31. — lies 32. — underneath 33. — hide 34. — diary 35. — unforeseen 36. — conditional 37. — gone 38. — clear 39. — heartache 40. — wired 41. — insanity 42. — foolish 43. — words 44. — study 45. — love 46. — skies 47. — stars 48. — lucky 49. — shake 50. — punctual
13K notes · View notes
wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
[ teal, true, prussian. ]
Teal: Where was the strangest place you ever had sex?
“First of all: Hey there, kitty cat. Thanks for ditching me at the gala last week. Loved that. Oh hey, can you pull the knife out of my back? I can’t quite reach - Oh wait, that’s not a knife, it’s the acryllic nails from the ‘65 and living for the first time, need me a second husband’ club. Thanks for telling them I’m single, by the way. Fantastic. Appreciate it. Anyways. Weirdest place I’ve had sex? Let’s see ...there’s the rollercoaster...skydiving....church confessional....Wait do we mean most unusual location or the strangest place, because if the later I drunkenly boned in a house of mirrors turned opium den and it was... yeah, it was mildly odd.”
True: Do you remember your first time?
“Of course I remember our first time, darling. How could I forget such a magical night. Oh wait, no, that wasn’t you that was...Sheryl Something-or-other, backseat of her boyfriend’s car.”
Prussian: Confess a kink to me?
“Oh come on. You know these. Alright, alright. Pretty sure this is one you share: When they make those McDonalds fries fresh and crispy? Ooh la la.”
Spanking. For sure. 
0 notes
wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
Prussian, Royal, Sapphire
Prussian: Confess a kink to me?
“Intelligence. Imagine talking to someone and them having common sense? Lights my fire.”
Royal: What’s your favourite position?
“Shower wall.”
Sapphire: When was the last time you had sex?
“Kinda vague - I mean I could say this morning and cleverly omit the fact that it was solo flying or yesterday and drop the bit about it being a prospective secretary doing some under desk dictation. Or y’know. I could, maybe, be honest and say it was two weeks ago with a blonde. Brunette? No. Blonde. Don’t quote me, kitten.”
0 notes
wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
Periwinkle, Prussian
Periwinkle: Do you use sex toys often?
“Define ‘often’, sport. In like, weekly units. Daily units? Daily percentage of recommended sex toy usage? Sure. Get back to me on that one.”
Prussian: Confess a kink to me?
“Ah fuck. What’s a tame one? ...Alright, okay, dirty talk. Not derrogatory. Hey, a guy can enjoy hearing how magic his dick is, can’t he?”
0 notes
wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
Denim, lapis
Denim: Are you naturally submissive or dominant?
“Naturally? That’s maybe a bit of a stretch, nonny, but let’s just assume for a few seconds that there’s much natural about me - no, not in that ‘I’m a barbie girl’ mind fuck zone of plastic surgery, just - we’ll circle back to that debate. I like to think my kinks line up a little less with ‘let me lick your toes, mistress’ and a little more with ‘get me a coffee, great, now turn around and leave’. “
Naturally dommy...or very mouthy sub. Your problem. 
Lapis: What’s your best fantasy?
“So imagine me, naked, sprawled out in the sun in Bora Bora, surrounded by a pile of cash being bothered by no one. That’s it.”
He has one involving being tied down and blindfolded that I’m not allowed to discuss. 
0 notes
wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
Aqua, cobolt
Aqua: Top or bottom?
“Top - way easier to manage suspect rashes on the joystick.”
He switches for the right person. 
Cobalt: Rough or Soft?
“Come off anon, sweetheart, and you might be lucky enough to find out.”
He’ll be soft for the right person. 
0 notes
wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
Azure - Cobalt
Azure: What’s your biggest turn on?
“Competance. Really revs my engine, baby. Being able to do your job? Meow. Getting my burger order right? Come and get it. Not fucking up my taxes? Oh, mama. Or daddy. Whatever. Genderfucked parental figure. You choose. Is that a thing? Is there a preference list for what inappropriate semi-incestuous name I should shout on the ride to pound town?”
Cobalt: Rough or soft?
“Rough. All phenomenal sex leaves evidence to prove it happened, but, y’know not in a ‘Buffalo Bill ‘Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me real hard” wear your skin by the end of the weekend’ way. Saving that for the honeymoon.”
0 notes
wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
Aqua: Top or Bottom?
“I’m going to go with a solid...no, y’know what, no. I refuse to answer that one.  Y’know i’ve never fully understood the whole ‘top or bottom’ thing - maybe I’m the asshole here, sometimes literally, but I feel like that whole phrase is based on a missionary style premise and I don’t appreciate it. Why aren’t we doing more sideways sex? Don’t limit me. There, I said it. I think society’s come far enough that we can stop skirting around the whole ‘before I lift your metaphorical skirt how do we wanna do this shebang’ with pansy phrases like ‘top or bottom’ - again, inaccurate, does no one ask front or back? - and just jump right to ‘ dick or hole’. Thanks.”
0 notes
wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
Shades Of Blue: Send 🎨 and a colour
Aqua: Top or bottom?
Azure: What’s your biggest turn-on?
Baby: Have you ever had sex with someone of the same gender?
Carolina: Have you ever had sex with someone of a different gender?
Cerulean: What’s your biggest turn-off?
Cyan: What’s your sexual orientation?
Cobalt: Rough or soft?
Cornflower: Are you a virgin?
Denim: Are you naturally submissive or dominant?
Electric: Do you prefer lingerie to regular underwear?
Indigo: Do you like phone sex?
Lapis: What’s your best fantasy?
Midnight: Are you into role-play?
Oxford: Have you ever had sex with more than one person in a 24 hour period?
Periwinkle: Do you use sex toys often?
Persian: Would you do public sex at all?
Powder: Vanilla sex or spiced up?
Prussian: Confess a kink to me?
Royal: What’s your favourite position?
Sapphire: When was the last time you had sex?
Sky: Do you read smut/watch porn?
Teal: Where was the strangest place you ever had sex?
Tiffany: Would you/do you do sex work?
Turquoise: Have you ever taken part in group sex?
True: Do you remember your first time?
Ultramarine: Do you do/enjoy oral?
Zaffre: Make up your own question!
5K notes · View notes
wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
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6K notes · View notes
wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
[txt] Frank -> Saddest Scientist: Just sometimes? Need to up my game
[txt] Frank -> Saddest Scientist: Whoops
[txt] Frank -> Saddest Scientist: So I’m on rat delivery service now, doc?
[txt] Frank -> Saddest Scientist: I expect a big tip
[txt] Frank -> Saddest Scientist: not of the Bill Nye variety
[txt] Frank -> Saddest Scientist: or the porno variety either
[txt] Frank -> Saddest Scientist: so, am I bringing it by missy’s?
[txt] Nic -> Francis: Sometimes I wonder why I let you into my lab. Please bring it back, as it’s still property of Ceres University. 
[txt] Nic -> Francis: And I’m pretty sure that Vera would not appreciate a flying rodent joining us for dinner. 
[txt] Frank -> Party Pooper: what was that? ‘gee thanks frank for watching my rat during the invasion and making sure it didn’t die while i was busy being torn limb from limb’
[txt] Frank -> Party Pooper: of course not
[txt] Frank -> Party Pooper: the rat is for the bedroom, stud
[txt] Nic -> Francis: Please just bring it back. 
[txt] Nic -> Francis: And don’t do anything else to mess with it’s mutation. 
[txt] Nic -> Francis: Sometimes I really regret giving you my number. 
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wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
[txt] Frank -> Party Pooper: what was that? ‘gee thanks frank for watching my rat during the invasion and making sure it didn’t die while i was busy being torn limb from limb’
[txt] Frank -> Party Pooper: of course not
[txt] Frank -> Party Pooper: the rat is for the bedroom, stud
[txt] Frank -> Wonderbrain: hey sparky, when did you want to come reclaim custody of your rat?
[txt] Frank -> Wonderbrain: funnily enough not a great way to set the mood
[txt] Frank -> Wonderbrain: unless you and our lady of engineering are into that kinda thing
[txt] Frank -> Wonderbrain: no judgement, buddy
[txt] Frank -> Wonderbrain: … come get your rat and spice up date night, casanova 👍
[txt] Nic -> Francis: Sometimes I wonder why I let you into my lab. Please bring it back, as it’s still property of Ceres University. 
[txt] Nic -> Francis: And I’m pretty sure that Vera would not appreciate a flying rodent joining us for dinner. 
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wylercoyote-blog · 6 years
Another city, another opportunity for potential investors to drunkenly grope him in the guise of charming comrade- Yep, yikes, there it was. The aged hand now cupping his posterior, not for the first time that night, flexed slightly causing his back to tense – or was that from the shudder at the lipsticked stained smile from the owner of the hand in question? Sidestepping he gave some excuse about there being enough of him to go around  - probably a little less after I chew off my own arm getting away. Arm? Ass? Eh we'll figure it out. Christ. He needed a drink. Whiskey dark eyes landed on an unattended open bar, perfect. Crocodile smirk lit his otherwise tired features as he glanced about before sauntering over, for all the world as though he knew what he was doing, refilling his tumbler with ice as surveyed the bottles on display. Macallan....Glenfiddich...Johnny Walker – Bingo, Dalmore. Nimble fingers wrapped around the bottle neck, holding it low and slightly behind him as he edged out to the balcony. Finally, away from the flying monkeys.
He barely had a moment to bask in the twilight lit sky  before a clear, familiar voice cut through the air. Gaze flitting to the graceful figure leaning against the balcony edge, he found himself biting down on a chuckle. Brown eyes dancing with playful mirth he kept out of her periphery as he approached, until he was leaning on his side against the railing beside her,  “No exceptions for me, gorgeous? You wound me to the core. Champagne? I think I might be able to improve upon that.” Setting the bottle of aged single malt between them easily  at that he waited a moment before mock sighing and reaching for it like, “But I know when I'm not wanted...” He couldn't resist a laugh at that, throwing her a wink as dropped the act for his friend, smirk still quirking teasingly , “Didn't expect to see you here, honey. Ditch labrat to follow me to Tokyo~? I’m flattered by the way. Truly. Unless it’s business, then a little less flattered, but you wouldn’t do that to me, would you, buttercup?”
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Date:  Monday, July 23rd, 2018. Time: 8:45 pm. Location: Tokyo, Japan. Availablity: Francis Wyler.
The heat of the day has ebbed to a comforting warmth. The sunshine has lost its brightness and the colours of the new evening are softened. Vera’s eyes drift to the cool glass of champagne in her hand as she has lost complete interest in what this businessman was boasting about. He must have come from a monochromatic world, she thinks to herself; his skin was the colour of dirty snow. Behind black-rimmed glasses were eyes of grey, if they had ever been blue it must somehow leached out along with his humanity. The touch of his hand on her wrist force Vera to bring her attention back to the man. She looks at the man for a moment before roughly taking her hand back and turning on him without letting him finish whatever bullshit he was going on about.
Vera moves away from the crowd, for the time being, placing herself outside on the large apartment balcony. Vera was bored, to say the least. No one had said anything to interest her, no one even tried to talk business with her and if they did, they’d ask who her leading science technician was. Me, she’d respond before walking away.  If they weren’t willing to do simple research, Vera saw no point interacting with them.  She had also been away from Cere’s for two days now and missed Nicholas and despite having Logan keeping up with him and check in on Nic when she could, it was difficult to be away from him.
“Occupied balcony.” She says, monotoned, and without looking back at the person who she heard coming up behind her. “Unless you have more drinks with you, then you can come aboard - or, whatever.”
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