wynterwolf01 · 5 months
This is my mom's 14 year old cat "Sleepy" (and my daughter's best friend) My mom passed away on her birthday in 2021 from stage 5 cancer. I could tell you a million stories about how much this furbaby means to us and how much of a blessing she has been to our lives... but that's not as important as getting her help right now.
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Just before Christmas my daughter was cuddling her and noticed a discharge was leaking from her nipples. I reached out to a friend who is knowledgeable about everything feline. She recommended we give her a warm shower and clean the area with soapy water and take a picture to send her. The picture made our hearts sink. Sleepy has always had a soft underbelly that droops a little when on all fours. We certainly never noticed anything before. The day after we took the picture she ulcerated (seen in the other pictures) I had sterile wound care supplies from when I took care of my mom, and my friend recommended a product sold at petsmart called silverhoney. I have been applying that and changing out her dressing every day. But it's not healing. I even tried to put a very small amount of triple antibiotic cream around (not on) the ulcerations but I'm not comfortable doing that again as there is too much negative information online about using it on cats. (despite what vets have recommended in the past) because of the infection its spread into her lungs. She's struggling to breathe and with antibiotics she only has days left.
I work a fulltime and a part time job just to keep a roof over our heads. I'm poorer now than when I was on SSI. If I could have afforded to take her to the vet when the first picture was taken, I would have! I feel absolutely horrible about not having any kind of savings for emergencies. I don't even make enough to save... I don't want her to get sepsis or gangrene or develop abcesses or watch her slowly die over an infection that needs antibiotics. I have a suspicion not a diagnosis, and I don't even have enough money to put her down if what's going on isn't treatable. I absolutely hate asking for help when I work this hard at 2 jobs with nothing to show for it but covering the basics. But I'm not asking for me, I'm asking for her. She needs to be seen. Any financial help is so so needed and greatly appreciated.
I have a PayPal. The estimate reflects the only vet in our tricity area that will take donations over the phone but they require the money upfront. I applied for care credit and was denied.
I don't know what else to do. My heart is breaking. She's all I have left of my mom. She's my daughters best friend. God Bless anyone that can help.
I didn't set up a gofundme as they take too much money out, and the payments take too long to come through. She needs to be seen asap.
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wynterwolf01 · 8 months
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wynterwolf01 · 8 months
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wynterwolf01 · 11 months
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Working on something... It's a book that I've been writing since... 2018-17?? I was 15 or 16 when I started it. The rest of the picture is still a sketch, I thought only to show the two girls here. When I'm done... Do you want to read it like a normal book or a comic book?
I was originally planning on having it just a book but... I feel like a comic book would show what I really want it to be presented.
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wynterwolf01 · 11 months
-WARNING: Somewhat Long Post, Dramatic, needs help-
Alright... I know I haven't been posting anything for a while now. Because One: I tried posting but wouldn't let me post due to having too much, and Two: I didn't know what else to post because life happened and got too distracted from what I like to do. That's what made me remember I had a story in progress since I was a teenager. Like 15, 16 yrs old. Forever ago, I only had one chapter done and I only wrote it out. I decided to continue from what I wrote last in the second chapter... If I posted art of my WIP story, would you want to read it like a normal book or would you like to read it like a Comic/Manga? It'll take a while yeah, but... I need opinions. Other than my sister. She might be better at English than me but she's busy doing other stuff. Example: College, work, relationships.
IDC who reads this, I just want to see if people like you would want to... That's all. Just give a like and/or comment if you want to see what I got. Idk where else to post it...
(If you want to see just the pictures and video I was trying to post before 'cause I was adding too many words, like this, and was giving credit to the original owner that I was inspired by. Let me know 'cause I'm very proud of it, including the story I mentioned. Those two are obviously separate things. The Story and the tried past post but failed to upload.)
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wynterwolf01 · 1 year
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wynterwolf01 · 1 year
That's the only thing that pops in my head when I see my skele OCs... Is it a sign that it's what they should be called?? Maybe...
They're supposed to be part dragon, dragone?? But they're wings show up when they need them the most...idk I might be going a bit crazy...
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wynterwolf01 · 1 year
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(here's a close up)
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If you're from DeviantArt or just saw this and want to know wtf this is, well...
Go check out my DeviantArt account: WynterWolf01 . Just take a look at them. It's called "Undertale: The Maze of Love/LV??"
I'm going to use Tumblr as a back of the scenes,lol 😂. These two are my OCs for Undertale. Hope you enjoyed a quick little back of the scenes of a reference sheet for them.
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wynterwolf01 · 1 year
Ok, I'll give a quick little thing of what social media I have, and all of them have the same account name: WynterWolf01
Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Deviant Art, and......I'll let you know if I have more, but this all I have for now (that I remember).
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wynterwolf01 · 1 year
What the crap is going on??!
Why are people following me??
I mean... Thanks for the follows, but Idk how to see how many there are in total!
Wait... ...is it because you like to see what I like or something?
Ok, whatever. Random people are following me and Idk what to do!😓
Maybe I should post my art here as well?? Bah, that be to much work. If you want to see my art go to my Deviant Art (DA) account: WynterWolf01 - if you have a request or something like that, expect it to be late like-- by a week or so (maybe 2 weeks). I never have done commissions yet but if I find the time to I'll post about on DA first then here... Maybe on Twitter as well... Idk, I'll think on it (all my available accounts will be WynterWolf01).
If you made it this far, well... Thx for reading it!
Just message me or comment of what you want to see. Yes, I do/am doing UnderTale fan art. I've done other art in the past like Transformers, TMNT, Soul Eater, some Disney characters and random made up characters (mostly for the following art I've done).
I'm not usually this open with people, if you find this post by a week or so...sorry, I was only open to talk during that time.
Anyway, have a good day/evening/night!💘💛���💛💘
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wynterwolf01 · 1 year
I never heard this was a thing 'till today. Will it work? LET'S FIND OUT!!!
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