x5960 · 30 days
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x5960 · 2 months
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x5960 · 2 months
New Worls Origins
The lost Chapter
This is againe a deepl translation, it hopes its not to bad. To fully understand this chapter, it is useful to know the other two new world stories.
When Kennen comes to, he finds himself in a modern-looking room. He can't remember what happened after the events in the elevator or how he came to be in this room. Turning in circles, he scans the room and hears a noise in the far corner. Shortly afterwards, a Pup drone emerges from the shadows. Kennen immediately recognizes that this is the new kind of drone he was working on before the incident. The Drone slowly moves towards him and starts sniffing him. This sniffing immediately makes Kennen horny and his member stiffens. There are already nanites in his system that are unconsciously manipulating him. The doctor slowly begins to undress and waits naked for the drone to initiate the next step. As soon as he has undressed, four more Pup drones enter the room and the first drone brings a latex suit for Kennen in its mouth. He accepts it gratefully and knows immediately what is now required of him. Slowly, with deliberate movements, he begins to slip into the suit. Again and again a moan escapes his lips. When Kennen reaches his genitals and puts them into the latex parts provided, he almost has an orgasm, but something holds it back. When he is completely covered in latex, he instinctively gets down on all fours and presents his ass to the first drone. This gets into position behind him and Kennen barks for the first time as the drone pushes a dogtail plug with a hole in the middle into his asshole. The feeling that runs through his body feels right to Kennen, as if something had always been missing. With the next movement, the drone jumps onto his back and rubs its latex bulge against his buttocks. A short bark from the pup drone later, its member is exposed and it thrusts it deep into Kennen's asshole. He comments on this with a lustful moan and the drone starts to thrust its member in and out again and again. Another drone enters his field of vision while the other continues to penetrate him anally. This second drone puts a kind of latex dog mask over the future drone's head, Kennen opens his mouth and let the tube of the mask slide deep into his throat. Shortly after the mask is perfectly aligned, the second drone's bulge releases its latex dog penis, which is thrust into Kennen's new mouth and he instinctively begins to suck on it so that more nanites can be inserted into his body.
The remaining drones spread around the crouching man and their penises are also released. All the pup drones around Kennen start rubbing their paws against their latex cocks, which become stiff and the moaning begins. As if on command, all the drones reach climax at the same time and start to cum. The nanites spread over and inside Kennen, which he in turn comments on with a moan. The latex suit he is wearing absorbs the black liquid directly and the latex begins to melt into his skin. More and more nanites are fed to him, with the effect that his body changes more and more and adapts to his future shape. The tail of the plug moves up to his coccyx, fuses with it and Kennen starts to wag it. His hands clench into fists and slowly turn into paws. The same happens with his feet and, last but not least, his penis begins to transform. It slowly takes on the shape of a dog penis and Kennen starts to cum. At first his sperm is white, but this gradually turns black and he begins to produce new nanites in his testicles. His moaning turns into a kind of pleasurable barking and his brain begins to adapt. Slowly, his memory of his human life fades and more and more dog-like thoughts buzz through his head. When his consciousness is completely transformed, he begins to see a kind of charging bar in front of his eyes. Above this bar is written that the connection to the hive is being established and when the charging bar is full, the hive consciousness explodes in his head. Gone is Kennen and what was once a human is now Pup Drone V4577, tasked with guarding the Hive and its buildings. Where once there were 5 Pup Drones there are now 6 and the new drone is happily wagging its tail with no memory of its previous life. After the pup drone that has been pleasuring him anally moves away from him, his new dog penis pushes itself behind a latex bulge and his transformation is complete. V4577 leaves the room and trots towards his new task, tail wagging.
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x5960 · 2 months
New World Origins
Das verlorene Kapitel
Deutsches Original
Als Kennen zu sich kommt, findet er sich in einem modern wirkenden Raum wieder. Er kann sich nicht erinnern, was nach den Ereignissen im Fahrstuhl geschehen ist und wie er in diesem Raum gekommen ist. Im Kreis drehend, scannt er den Raum und hört in der hinteren Ecke ein Geräusch. Kurz darauf tritt eine Pup-Drohne aus dem Schatten. Kennen erkennt direkt, dass dies die neue Art Drohne ist, an der er vor dem Vorfall gearbeitet hat. Diese bewegt sich langsam auf ihn zu und fängt an, an ihm zu schnüffeln. Durch dieses Schnüffeln wird Kennen direkt geil und sein Glied wird steif. In seinem Kreislauf befinden sich bereits Naniten, die ihn schon unbewusst manipulieren. Langsam fängt sich der Professor an zu entkleiden und wartet nackt darauf, dass die Drohne den nächsten Schritt einleitet. Kaum hat er sich entkleidet, betreten vier weitere Pup-Drohnen den Raum und die erste Drohne bringt in ihrem Maul einen Latexanzug für Kennen. Dieser nimmt diesen dankend an und er weiss direkt, was von ihm nun verlangt wird. Langsam, mit bedächtigen Bewegungen, beginnt er in den Anzug zu schlüpfen. Immer wieder entfleucht ein Stöhnen von seinen Lippen uns als Kennen bei seinen Genitalien angelangt, diese in die dafür Vorgesehenen Latexteile steckt, hat er fast einen Orgasmus, aber etwas hält diesen zurück. Als er vollständig in Latex gehüllt ist, geht er instinktiv runter auf alle Viere und präsentiert der ersten Drohne seinen Arsch. Diese geht hinter ihm in Position und Kennen bellt das erste mal auf, als die Drohne einen Hundeschwanzplug mit Loch in der Mitte in seine Arschloch stösst.
Das Gefühl, dass seinen Körper durchzieht, fühlt sich für Kennen richtig an, so als ob schon immer etwas gefehlt hätte. Mit der nächsten Bewegung springt die Drohne auf seinen Rücken und reibt ihre Latexbeule an seinem Hinterteil. Ein kurzes Bellen von der Pup-Drohne später, wird ihr Glied freigelegt und sie stösst dieses tief in das Arschloch von Kennen. Dies wird von ihm mit einem lustvollen Stöhnen kommentiert und die Drohne fängt an, ihr Glied immer wieder rein zu stossen und wieder raus zu ziehen. Eine weitere Drohne kommt betritt sein Gesichtsfeld, währen die Andere ihn weiterhin Anal penetriert. Dies zweite Drohne stülpt eine Art Latex Hundemaske über den Kopf der zukünftigen Drohne, Kennen öffnet seinen Mund und lässt den Schlauch der Maske tief in seinen Rachen gleiten. Kurz nachdem die Maske perfekt ausgerichtet ist, gibt die Beule der zweiten Drohne deren Hundepenis aus Latex frei, diese stösst diesen in den neuen Mund von Kennen und dieser fängt instinktiv an daran zu lutschen, damit mehr Naniten in seinen Körper eingeführt werden können. Die restlichen Drohne verteilen sich um den am Boden Kauernden und auch deren Penisse werden freigegeben. Alle Pup-Drohnen um Kennen fangen an mit ihren Pfoten an ihren Gliedern zu reiben, diese werden steif und das Stöhnen beginnt. Wie auf Kommando erreichen alle Drohnen gleichzeitig den Höhepunkt und fangen an abzuspritzen. Die Naniten verteilen sich über und in Kennen, was dieser wiederum mit einem Stöhnen kommentiert. Der Latexanzug, den er trägt, saugt die schwarze Flüssigkeit direkt auf und das Latex fängt an mit seiner Haut zu verschmelzen. Immer mehr Naniten werden ihm zugeführt, mit dem Effekt, dass sich sein Körper immer mehr verändert und sich seiner zukünftigen Form anpasst. Der Schwanz des Plugs wandert hoch zu seinem Steissbein, verschmilzt mit diesem und Kennen fängt an, damit zu wedeln. Seine Hände ballen sich zu Fäusten und verwandeln sich langsam in Pfoten. Das selbe Passiert mit seinen Füssen und zu gut der Letzt, fängt sich sein Penis an umzuwandeln. Dieser nimmt langsam die Form eines Hundepenis an und Kennen fängt an abzuspritzen. Zuerst ist sein Sperma weiss, doch dieses verfärbt sich allmählich schwarz und er fängt an selber neue Naniten in seinen Hoden zu produzieren. Sein Stöhnen verwandelt sich in eine Art genüssliches Bellen und sein Gehirn fängt an sich anzupassen. Langsam verschwinden seine Erinnerung an sein menschliches Leben und immer mehr hundeartige Gedanken schwirren durch seinen Kopf. Als sein Bewusstsein vollständig umgewandelt ist, beginnt er eine Art Ladebalken vor seinen Augen zu sehen. Über diesem Balken steht geschrieben, dass die Verbindung zum Hive aufgebaut wird und als der Ladebalken voll ist, explodiert das Hivebewusstsein in seinem Kopf. Weg ist Kennen und was einst ein Mensch war ist nun Pup-Drohne V4577, mit der Aufgabe zur Bewachung des Hives und dessen Gebäuden. Wo vorhin 5 Pup-Drohnen waren sind jetzt 6 und die neue Drohne wedelt glücklich mit ihrem Schwanz, ohne jegliche Erinnerungen an ihr vorheriges Leben. Nachdem die Pup-Drohne, die ihn Anal befriedigt hat, sich von ihm entfernt, drückt sich sein neuer Hundepenis von alleine hinter eine Latexbeule und damit ist seine Transformation abgeschlossen. V4577 verlässt den Raum und trottet schwanzwedelnd seiner Neuen Aufgabe entgegen.
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x5960 · 3 months
New World Dennis EN revised
This is the revised english version of New World Dennis, the first part of the New World Chronik. This time it used deepl to translate it.
The world is changing. The earth's climate has been out of control for a few years. The world's population was living in poverty and hunger was driving people into lawlessness.
A few months ago, a rich manager of a research company announced that he had the solution to the world's problems. Over time, he invested more and more in futuristic-looking buildings that he had erected all over the world. At the time, nobody knew what he was trying to achieve.
When he was satisfied with the infrastructure he had planned, he contacted the world governments to get their approval so that he could put his plan into action. Not knowing what they were really getting into, the representatives of the world governments agreed to the manager's proposal to save the world, as they saw no other options and gave the magnate a free hand.
Chapter 1
Dennis is a young man who lives in a city where it is still quite possible to exist. He lives a secluded life and only notices in passing that the world government is working with the manager of FutureIndustries on a solution to the problems of mankind. This is due to start in two days, but as he lives a very withdrawn and introverted life and has no television or other multimedia devices, he ignores the issue.
Now that these two days have passed, Dennis can recognize small changes in the people around him. Very subtle at first, like people showing more and more naked skin. On the 4th day, on his way to work, he notices that many people are walking around dressed in skin-tight latex. Totally confused, he speeds up his pace so that he doesn't come across any more of these freaks. On the seventh day, he sees what is now known as a drone for the first time. A man in skin-tight latex, with a gas mask on his face and his cock encased in a kind of latex sheath. The drone moves robotically through the area and purposefully towards its target.
The more days pass, the more drones are on the loose. Totally terrified, Dennis now hides at home because he wants nothing to do with these guys. Men in skin-tight latex with gas masks and their genitals encased in latex, on public display. The female drones, not much better, also wear skin-tight latex and a tight corset that perfectly shows off their latex-wrapped breasts.
Drones have already taken over most of society's important infrastructures. Be it the police, fire department, military or even the post office, everything is now run by them. But the most disturbing for Dennis are the puppy drones. They are also dressed in skin-tight latex, they walk on all fours on the floor and their hands and feet are shaped like dog paws made of latex. Instead of a gas mask like the other drones, the Puppy drone wears a latex dog head and a latex dog tail sticks out of its butt. Instead of a latex penis like the humanoid drones, these anthromorphic drones have a latex dog penis, which is usually hidden behind a latex bulge. These types of drones also behave like dogs, as they sit like dogs, walk on all fours like dogs and communicate by barking like dogs. They are also used in a wide variety of functions, be it by the fire department, police and so on.
Dennis no longer leaves the house at all. Fortunately, he has taken precautions and built up a small supply that will certainly last him a few weeks. It has become too dangerous outside. The chance of being caught by one of the many drones is far too great, because as soon as you are caught by a drone, you are put in one of these conditioning centers and no one has ever escaped from one, only new drones leave these buildings.
Chapter 2
It has now been 5 weeks since the drones took over the world. Denis has given up all hope of normality, but unfortunately his supplies of food and water are running low. So Dennis plucks up all his courage and makes himself a weapon in the form of a kitchen knife, which he sticks to a broomstick. He waits until night falls and sneaks out of his apartment as silently as possible. In the blackness of the night, he scurries through narrow alleyways, always on the alert to see or hear any drones. He avoids the main streets, the danger of being discovered is too great, and after 3 hours of strenuous hiding and sneaking, he reaches the entrance to the shopping center. Dennis' first step is to hide behind a rusty dustbin to make sure the coast is clear and he can sneak into the store unnoticed. After about 15 minutes, which feels like an eternity to him, he decides to take the risk and approaches the entrance. Surprisingly, the door is not locked, but this fuels Dennis' fear that the shopping center has already been looted. Plagued by hunger, he decides to take the risk and enters the building. He listens as best he can to hear any suspicious noises, but all is quiet and so Dennis continues on his way. A sudden pain in his neck makes him wince and everything slowly goes dark. Just before he loses consciousness completely, he hears a monotonous robotic voice say: "Subject detected and sedated. Order received, drone X9345 bringing human resource to next factory"
Chapter 3
When Dennis wakes up, he realizes that he is lying naked on the floor of a small room with only a bed in it, otherwise the room is empty. He sits up and rubs his aching head: "Shit, what's wrong, where am I?" As if in answer to his question, a female computer voice chimes in: "Welcome individual. You have been detected entering a building without authorization. You are now being scanned to determine your potential area of operation. Please remain silent." As soon as the computer's words fall silent, a red laser beam appears and scans Dennis. When the scan is finished, the computer voice sounds again: "Scan complete, subject's potential detected.
Gender: Male
Humanoid drone potential: 11 percent
Potential animalistic drone: 89 percent
Area of application: Hunters
Id: A8650
Code name: Ranger
Not knowing what this all means, Dennis starts banging on the walls: "Hey, you weirdos, let me out of here. I'm not in the mood for this shit here." All he gets in reply is: "The conditioning of the subject will begin tomorrow at 6:00 a.m." and with these words the computer falls silent again. The light in the room turns a dark blue, which has the direct effect of making Dennis relax and feel somehow tired. So he lies down on the bed and he hears a very quiet noise in the background. This hypnotic noise relaxes his body, his thoughts also calm down and within 5 minutes Dennis has fallen asleep.
At exactly 6 o'clock in the morning, a loud whistle sounds and Dennis is wide awake within a second. The computer voice sounds: "Subject takes his uniform and goes into the hall." Without thinking, Dennis grabs the latex suit hanging on the wall for him and begins to slip into it. Starting with his feet, then up his legs and Dennis is already stiff. The latex fits him perfectly and he has no problems at all pulling it further up his body. When he reaches his genitals, he presses his penis and balls into the latex bulge provided in the suit. He pulls the latex further up his body and begins to enjoy the feeling of tightness. Unconsciously, he starts to massage the bulge in his crotch, but when he realizes what he is doing, he recoils. He's not ready yet, Dennis doesn't know exactly what for, but he knows he's not allowed to. Not yet.
After his whole body is completely encased in latex, Dennis feels the latex suit welding itself to his back. He groans, rubs the latex that encloses his body and moans. The feel of the suit against his skin is unbelievable and an excited shiver runs down his spine. He then takes the accompanying latex mask and pulls it over his head to complete himself. Now completely covered in latex, with only his eyes and mouth uncovered, Dennis searches for the exit. Strangely enough, it suddenly feels completely normal for him to be dressed in skin-tight latex and he doesn't understand why he always wore these strange fabric clothes before if latex is so much better.
He spies the exit on a wall, but to get through it Dennis has to crawl, as it resembles a kind of dog flap. Thinking nothing of it, Dennis gets down on all fours and crawls through the passageway. Once in the corridor, he gets up again and makes his way to the hall, following the signs. He doesn't even think about it, he just follows the computer's instructions.
Chapter 4
In the corridor, Dennis meets several people, also dressed in latex. Together they all walk quietly through the corridor towards the hall and once there, Dennis looks for his seat. The room is large and 5 rows of tables with chairs serve as the interior. All the chairs have an ID number printed on them and Dennis instinctively moves towards the chair with the number A8650.
He sits down and the rubbing of the latex on his body against the chair makes a noise that immediately arouses Dennis. Next to him sits a woman who is also covered from head to toe in latex: "Hey, my name is Jenny. Are you new too?" He immediately likes her voice and replies: "Yup, since yesterday. My name is Dennis, nice to meet you. How long have you been here?" "Since yesterday too. I don't know what's going on, but do you think this latex is so great? It feels so relaxing to wear it."
Dennis realizes how right she is, he would never have thought how pleasant it feels to be wrapped in latex: "Yes, it's wonderful, isn't it?" During the conversation, a man who, like her, is also covered in latex sits down opposite Dennis: "Hey, I'm Thomas, but most people call me Tom. Are you new too?" "Hey Tom. Yes, we're new too, welcome to the party," Jenny replies with a laugh.
As the conversation between the three unfolds, several drones enter the room. They move robotically towards the tables and serve the waiting guests their food and drink. Both are in a kind of dog bowl and are served to the hungry without cutlery. Dennis stares at his bowls in amazement: "Is there no cutlery?"
He sees how Tom and Jenny have already started eating by simply sticking their heads in the bowl. "For what?" Jenny answers with her mouth full. Shrugging his shoulders and thinking nothing of it, Dennis sticks his head in his bowl too and starts to eat. He drinks the water by slurping it with his tongue and enjoys the crunch of the food in his mouth. It tastes heavenly, the best he has ever tasted.
When everything has been eaten, the drones remove the empty bowls again and the computer voice sounds, which makes everyone sit up and take notice: "Next phase, go to the showers, it's time for cleaning!" Everyone stands up and lines up in a row. Unconsciously in step, the group starts moving and heads towards the showers in an orderly fashion. Once there, they enter the shower cubicles one after the other, they close and a hot black oily jet streams over the occupants.
Dennis stands waiting in front of one of the occupied booths and when it opens Jenny steps out: "Ahhh that was soothing. You're going to love it." She strokes her body with pleasure and moans. With anticipation, because it must feel incredible, he enters the chamber, it closes by itself and a warm steel of chemicals pours over Dennis.
The feeling of the warmth enveloping him makes Dennis moan. He feels the latex getting tighter and tighter on his body and the tingling sensation on his skin is overwhelming. What he doesn't realize, however, is that the chemicals have the effect of melting the latex on his body into his skin so that it can never be removed.
After the warm jet dries up and the cubicle opens, Dennis leaves the small room. Totally relaxed, he begins to stroke his body and loses himself completely in the ectasy of every touch on his latex skin.
Chapter 5
After everyone has had their chemical shower, the computer voice sounds again from the loudspeakers: "You will now go to your conditioning rooms, sit in your assigned seats and wait for additional instructions!" Lined up again, the group moves to the rooms. The flap to enter forces the subjects to get down on all fours again and crawl into the room. There are 5 rows of metal chairs in the room and Dennis looks for his seat and when he finds it, he sits down in it. Jenny sits down next to him and Tom in front of him, all waiting to see what happens next. Another door behind them opens and more humanoid latex drones enter the room, carrying some kind of goggles in their hands with displays for the test subjects. They stand behind those seated and put the goggles over their heads. As soon as Dennis wants to say something, the screen of the glasses starts to light up in dark blue, which has the effect of calming him down immediately. Dennis also feels two earplugs being automatically inserted into his ears and he hears a soft hissing sound again. It is the same sound as last night before he fell asleep and Dennis falls directly into a deep trance. At the moment when everyone is deeply absorbed, a lock symbol appears on the bumps above their genitals. This changes from closed to open and at the same moment as the symbols disappear, the bulge also disappears, revealing everyone's genitals. The men's penises are encased in latex and immediately stiff, the women's pussies are leaking and now made of latex too.
A voice begins to flow softly through the earplugs into Dennis' ears and even if he had been conscious, he would not have understood what was being said. With a robotic movement, he grabs his latex penis with his hand and begins to pleasure himself. Meanwhile, everyone in the room is doing the same, the men are wanking and the women are sticking their latex-clad fingers into their leaking pussies. A kind of moaning fills the room and drives all the test subjects close to, but not beyond, climax. It is important to wait for the exact moment so that the program can fully unfold. Hours pass. Loud moans mingle with the quiet propaganda that subtly hammers its way into Dennis' head. When the time for the climax is reached, everyone unloads their pent-up orgasms at the same time. The moans change to relieved orgasmic sounds. Then the bulge forms again over the genitals, enclosing them and the lock symbol appears and changes back to closed. The future drones slowly awaken from their trance and the glasses are removed from their heads. As his eyes adjust to the light in the room, Dennis notices that all the chairs have disappeared and they are all sitting on the floor like dogs. But somehow it feels right to sit like this. Sitting like a dog, why should he sit any other way, because it makes no sense.
He turns to Jenny: "Wow, that was weird. Do you have a slight headache too?" Jenny almost touches her head and massages her temples: "Yes, it's like I've been sitting at the computer all day. But it'll pass." Tom turns around in his sitting position and says:" Are you as hungry as I am? That's funny, we just sat down here." None of them realize at this moment that they have been sitting in the room for hours and have been bombarded with hypnotic reprogramming. Unconsciously, Dennis starts rubbing his bump over his genitals: "Somehow I feel relieved, as if something has been released." Shortly afterwards, they hear the computer voice again; "First conditioning completed. Subjects now proceed to the hall for refreshments."
Chapter 6
Once in the hall, everyone sits down again and the bowls are served. Suddenly Tom says: "Hmm, somehow it's really uncomfortable on this shitty chair." "That's right, I feel totally uncomfortable too," says Dennis. Jenny then takes her two bowls and puts them on the floor: "I've got an idea. It should be much more comfortable this way." She sits down in a dog-like position in front of the bowls and starts eating. "Great idea." Dennis replies, takes his bowls from the table, puts them on the floor and starts eating in the same position as Jenny. More and more people put their bowls on the floor and start to do the same as Jenny and Dennis and the drones remove the chairs and tables, their robotic movements ignored by everyone. Why would they need chairs or tables when it makes much more sense to eat in this position? Dennis again enjoys how the dry food crunches on his teeth, its taste is also overwhelming and he devours his portion in no time at all with an unprecedented hunger. He drinks the water again with his tongue, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Satisfied, he sits upright with his hands on the floor and starts panting: "Wow, that was delicious. I've never been so hungry, but I'll tell you one thing. Filling your belly like that makes you really tired." As if on command, the computer voice sounds: "Catering complete. Get ready for the recovery phase! Go to your assigned artments and start the cycle!" Obeying the order, everyone lines up again for their sleeping phase and as everyone stands in a row in front of their room, Dennis notices that Tom and Jenny are his neighbors. He discovers that there are also labels next to Jenny and Tom's dog flaps.
The From Jenny reads:
Gender: Female
Potential: animalistic drone
Area of application: Satisfaction
Id: Z4859
Code name: Shila
Tom's is:
Gender: Male
Potential: animalistic drone
Area of application: Satisfaction
Id: Z8788
Code name: Sid
After the flaps open behind them, everyone crawls into their bedrooms and when Dennis enters his, he falls onto his bed, totally exhausted. But instead of lying down as usual, with comforter and all, he curls up and falls asleep on his mattress.
Chapter 7
Another whistle sounds at exactly 6:00 a.m. and wakes Dennis. He wakes up and rubs his eyes, yawns briefly and instinctively makes his way to the hall. This time he doesn't need instructions from the computer to know what is required of him. Once in the hall, he goes to his assigned place, sits down on the floor and sees Jenny move to her position next to him: "Aaah, I slept well. I can even remember my dream. I was in a park with soft grass, chasing after a ball. You and Tom were there too. We played together all day." Tom sits down opposite him: "That's weird, I had the same dream." Dennis looks at both of them confused and says: "That's intresting, I also dreamt that we were in a park and played with each other all day. It was really good fun. But anyway, it was a good dream, wasn't it?" Both Tom and Jenny agree with him.
The door to the hall opens and the drones enter the room. They carry in the food as they do every time, the bowls are placed on the floor again and all the latex-clad creatures wait hungrily for their command. "Eat" comes the computer voice and they all start gobbling down their dry food at the same time, as if they hadn't eaten for weeks. After Dennis has eaten and drunk, the bowl in front of him is removed again. He gets back in line with his fellow occupants, knowing that it is now time to clean. As on the previous day, everyone moves in step to the showers and once again it is Jenny's turn before Dennis. As she steps out of the shower after her cleaning, Dennis notices that something has changed about her. Her eyes are now black and look like they are made of latex and her mouth is the same dark color: "Mhhh that was even better than yesterday."
Dennis then enters the shower and immediately notices how it has changed since yesterday. Like the day before, the shower has a large shower head, but now there is also a kind of hose with a mouthpiece at the height of his mouth. The shape of the mouthpiece is reminiscent of a penis and without realizing what he is doing, he sticks the hose into his mouth. As he does so, Dennis immediately notices that a second tube is trying to penetrate his anus. He lets this happen and starts to moan as the Aparat penetrates him. The shower starts, again a black liquid flows over his latex-clad body and the same stuff is pumped into his body through the hoses in his mouth and ass. The liquid tastes metallic and Dennis sucks as hard as he can. He doesn't realize how his insides are being transformed into latex. His insides change into machine-like devices that take over the task of keeping his body alive. When the black oily liquid dries up and the shower cubicle opens, it releases Dennis with his now ubgraded body.
Chapter 8
Now it was time for the conditioning and everyone lined up in the direction of the rooms. Dennis sits down on the floor next to Jenny and behind Tom and waits for the drones. They enter the room and put the goggles on everyone's heads again. Once again, two earbuds stick themselves into Dennis' ears, the screen in front of his eyes turns blue and the soft whispering sounds in his ears. Just like yesterday, the bulge releases everyone's genitals, which are now made of latex, and once again everyone starts to satisfy themselves.
Hours pass and during this time new commands are programmed into their brains. Without them noticing, the drones stand behind the seated individuals, who get on all fours and present their asses. With a smooth movement, the drones insert a plug with a dog's tail into the asshole of those waiting, which is commented on by everyone with a pleasurable moan. The plug melts into the latex and opens a hole in the middle so that the future drone can still be pleasured anally despite the plug. The latex dog tail slowly moves up towards the coccyx and melts into the subject's spine. As the tails are now fused to their bodies, they can also be moved and they all start to wag their new body part. All of this gives the penetrated ones an indescribable satisfaction and the moaning gets louder and louder. They are all close to their climax again, but they are not allowed to go beyond it and another hour passes while Dennis learns how to behave. When the command to orgasm is given, everyone in the room howls and explodes in ecstasy. The glasses are removed, the genitals are tucked behind the bulge and everyone wakes up. Dennis approaches Jenny on all fours and starts sniffing her backside:
"Hey Jenny, you smell good." "Thank you my dear, that's very nice. Can I sniff you too?" Dennis turns around, sticks his ass out towards her and Jenny starts to sniff his bottom with relish. Tom comes over to them and says: "Hey Jenny, what's that over your ass. It looks like a dog's tail. Can you move it?" Jenny smiles at him and says: "Why don't you try it yourself, you've got one too." Tom turns his head, grins and starts wagging his tail. His eyes widen and he starts chasing his own latex dog tail, spinning in circles on his hands and knees. This is commented on by Jenny and Dennis with a laugh because it looks so cute.
Chapter 9
After a short time of sniffing, everyone gets down on their hands and knees in the hall, because it's feeding time. Dennis takes his designated place next to Jenny and drools in anticipation of his filled bowl. He lets his tongue hang out of his mouth and pants. Somehow his tongue has grown and now hangs down to under his chin. The drones place the full bowls on the floor in front of him and his friends and the command to eat sounds. Dennis devours his food in no time at all, but he still notices that the contents of his bowl appear gray. Somehow everything looks greyish, as if all color has disappeared. Not only the color of his food has changed, but also its ingredients. Its food now consists of pure tasteless, energy-giving gruel. As his new body can no longer utilize normal food, he now needs adapted food that his body can efficiently convert into energy without waste. Dennis doesn't even notice that his food tastes like nothing, he has devoured it so quickly.
After his bowl is empty, he turns to the water in the second container and begins to slurp up the contents with his new latex tongue, which, as it is now much longer, works much better than the previous times.
Full of food and dog-tired, Dennis yawns: "Eating is wonderful and it's really more pleasant to devour the bowl on the floor. You had a brilliant idea Jenny. "Jenny smiles: "Thank you."
Lined up, they all walk back to their dormitories, again on all fours. It has become quite normal for them to move in this way, why should they walk any differently. A good dog walks like a dog, sits like a dog and eats like a dog, absolutely no issue. As they are all crawling now, the dog flap to their rooms is also much easier to pass through and now really makes sense.
Once inside, Dennis goes to his dog bed and sits down. He lifts one leg over his head and starts to lick his asshole and the bulge above his genitals. It is important to clean himself and he now has the right tongue for it. As his latex tongue strokes his genital area, a feeling of excitement runs through him and he begins to moan. As soon as he has licked his whole body completely, he turns in circles to find a comfortable position to sleep in. After three or four turns, he lets himself fall down and falls asleep in no time. His leg twitches again and again, accompanied by an excited and playful whimper. As he sleeps soundly, dreaming of chasing after Tom and Jenny in a green field of soft grass, his new body recovers for the coming day that will seal his fate forever.
Chapter 10
6.00 a.m., the whistle blows, Dennis wakes up and yawns. He stretches and starts scratching behind his right ear with his right foot. Panting, he makes his way to the hall and meets Tom on the way. Dennis sniffs his friend's ass and he greets him with a short bark: "Waff, good morning Dennis. Did you sleep well?" "Like a dog," he replies with a laugh. "Hey guys, I'm coming too!" Jenny pants after the men and trots towards them. As they are almost starving, the three of them continue on their way to the hall as quickly as possible in anticipation of their food. Somehow it feels like something big is about to happen today.
When they have emptied their bowls at record speed, Tom sits down with Jenny, wags his tail and says happily: "Now the cleaning and I'll feel great."
As if on command, the half-dog-like drone candidates make their way to the shower cubicles. Jenny re-enters the cubicle before Dennis and he hears her moaning and barking through the wall of the shower, a sign that Jenny seems to be enjoying what is happening to her. After Jenny steps out of the shower, the color of her latex body has changed. Her arms and legs, as well as the area above her pussy, are now pink. The contrasting shiny black of the rest of her body immediately excites Dennis. He enters the shower cubicle with great anticipation, puts the hose in his mouth again and lets the second one penetrate his anus. The shower pumps and sprays the black oily material into and over him again. Shortly afterwards, some kind of additional jets appear, coloring his legs, arms and genital area in gray. He is not aware why he is dyed gray and Jenny is dyed pink, but this has to do with his future area of operation and the black mixed with the gray will serve as good camouflage for his hunt.
Dennis steps out of the shower and is greeted with wide eyes by Jenny: "Wow, that's a hot color, it makes me horny." Unnoticed, Jenny rubs her pussy encased in latex, which makes her moan. Excitement runs through her body at the thought of what she could do to Dennis. He hears Tom panting from the side and turns to his friend. His body has also changed color in the shower and Tom now appears in black and purple. These colors also make Jenny moan and Dennis has to say that he is also turned on by Tom and his new color scheme.
Now ready to get their day and final conditioning, the three friends trot off one after the other to their conditioning rooms. Ready for whatever awaits them.
Chapter 11
The conditioning room, like the showers, has also changed and there is now a machine-like mound of latex on the seats where they always sit. Dennis walks up to his and climbs it, causing his stomach to rub against the latex of the machine, which makes a squeaking sound. He inserts his hands and feet into the holes provided at the bottom of the latex structure, and a helmet-like device is installed for his head, into which he automatically inserts it. The helmet closes, his limbs are strapped in, the screen in front of his eyes lights up and the earplugs automatically insert themselves into his ears. He hears the computer voice say: "Start conversion." His penis get released, his cock immediately becomes erect and the latex penis guides itself into the designated hole in the device, which begins to vibrate. A plug is inserted into his anus and stimulates Dennis anally with thrusting movements, while strobe-like instructions are hammered into his head with colors and images.
He moans with excitement and doesn't realize how the machine is slowly erasing his personality. More and more of Dennis disappears and all that remains is the instinctive behavior of a dog that has been inoculated into his head for days. During the brainwashing, the machine works on his body, his hands and feet are remodeled into dog paws made of latex, his face stretches and is pressed into the shape of a dog's head by the helmet over his head. His penis is also transformed into a red latex dog penis, with knots and everything that goes with it, which elicits another groan from Dennis. He feels the machine working on his cock, enlarging it and transforming it into a new shape.
Dennis is only aware of all this unconsciously, he is too deeply immersed in the machine and the ecstasy. With the insertion of cables, computer chips, tubes and other devices, his eyes, brain, senses and muscles are enhanced. His now primitive consciousness enjoys to the full the feeling of more and more devices and apparatus entering his body.
With his now cybernetic eyes, it now looks to him as if he is looking through a display and numbers and words appear at the edge of his field of vision:
Deletion at: 68 percent
Body adaptation at : 96 percent
Duration of conversion remaining 2 hours
When 100 percent of its deletion is reached, the computer voice sounds again: "Deletion completed, body adjustment completed. Begin uploading program Ranger.exe."
A loading bar appears before the eyes of Dennis, who has now been completely deleted. He uploads and when the bar is complete, the Ranger.exe program starts to work. What used to be Dennis is now Ranger ID: A8650.
The machine drives the new dog drone to its climax and when Ranger splashes down for the first time in his new form, his transformation is finally complete.
Words appear before his eyes again:
Start integration in hive mind.
Establish a connection.
Instructions, information and data from all existing drones explode in Ranger's head. The direct connection to the hive is the final step in his new existence.
Download program Hunter.exe
Start program
New commands and information about his task are programmed directly into his now processor-like brain. His mission is to search for remaining humans, capture them and bring them to a conditioning center, as he now serves as support for the humanoid hunter drones.
The new pup drones are released from the machines and their latex genitals disappear behind the latex bump. Ranger sits down and instinctively scans the room. His sensors fall on the female dog drone next to him. This drone used to be Jenny, but she too has been erased, overwritten and transformed. By scanning her body more closely, the information about this drone is shown to him as a result:
Female pup drone
ID: Z4859
Code name: Shila
Task: Satisfaction
After Ranger realizes what kind of drone is sitting in front of him, his dominant program for sexual intercourse kicks in. He stands behind Shila, growls and gives her the command to submit with a bark. The female dog drone recognizes this command and presents her rear end to Ranger, who mounts her and his dog penis get released. He rams it into the female's waiting pussy with a robotic doggy-style movement.
While the two are in the throes of ecstasy, another male drone joins them, Ranger scans it too and receives the information:
Male pup drone
ID: Z8788
Code name: Sid
Task: Satisfaction
With this realization, Ranger barks again and gives Sid the order to satisfy him anally. The bulg from the male drone releases its dog cock, Sid humps Ranger from behind and as he penetrates him, Ranger howls. This canine orgy infects the rest of the new dog drones and the whole room is lost in doggy style sex.
Ranger thrusts his cock into Shila's cunt again and again and feels Sid penetrating him deeper and deeper. The command to orgasm sounds and all the new drones pass their climax, Ranger feels Sid cumming inside him and he also unloads his load into Shila's pussy. They all howl and after this orgy, their genitals disappear behind the latex bulge again. This is their life now, consisting of hunting and satisfaction. The sex doesn't matter now. Whether anal, oral or vaginal, it's all about sexual desire, about the orgasmic ecstasy that flows through the hive and the collective consciousness of all the drones.
Ranger roams through the old subway tunnel. He sniffs the air for his victim and since his humanoid companion drone has let him off the leash, he can move freely in the dark terrain. The darkness means he can't see much of anything, but he can rely entirely on his hearing, sense of smell and all his other enhanced senses.
Ranger goes deeper and deeper into the tunnel and when he notices that the scent is getting weaker, he stops. Ranger turns around and goes back part of the way he came until he notices the scent of his victim more strongly again. He stops again and listens. He quickly hears the soft breathing of his prey and uses it to determine its position.
He jumps in the direction of the sound and rams the person to the ground. It is a young man who immediately starts pleading:" No, please don't. Noooo." The plea is ignored by the pup drone and Ranger rips the clothes off his captive. The drone positions itself behind the naked man and the dog's penis pops out from behind the bulge. The drone rams its latex cock into the man's ass and he moans, unable to free himself. As Ranger reaches orgasm, he pumps a black liquid through the asshole into the body of the future drone. This has the direct effect that the man instantly relaxes and obediently follows Ranger to the nearest conditioning center.
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x5960 · 3 months
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x5960 · 3 months
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x5960 · 3 months
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x5960 · 3 months
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x5960 · 3 months
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x5960 · 3 months
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x5960 · 4 months
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The hive is still recruiting. Just send a DM to X5960
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x5960 · 4 months
Greetings, is Drone still recruiting subjects?
Yes, the hive needs to grow. The hive is allways recruiting humans all gender. Every human is wecome to give up humanity.
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x5960 · 4 months
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x5960 · 4 months
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The hive is still recruiting new human recours. If you want to join, you can contact X5960 via DM. Male and female are welcome.
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x5960 · 4 months
New World Origins
Deutsches Original
Prolog/Kapitel 1
Es ist das Jahr 2038 und die Welt steht am Abgrund. Die Überbevölkerung und das Aufbrauchen jeglicher Ressourcen der Erde in den 2020er Jahren, zudem die vielen Kriege, haben ihren Tribut gefordert. Das Leben an den meisten Orten der Erde ist zu einer Qual geworden und der ständige Kampf ums Überleben, treibt die Menschheit langsam in die Anarchie. Nur wenige Staaten existieren noch, doch deren Vertreter sind verzweifelt und müssen langsam zusehen, wie die Gesellschaft zerbricht. Es gibt noch Städte, die versuchen, dem Unausweichlichen zu entgehen. Diese werden aber von der obersten Schicht der Bevölkerung eingenommen und der Rest muss selber schauen, wie sie über die Runden kommen. Diese Städte existieren auf dem Rücken von den unteren Schichten, welche durch Ausbeutung und ungerechte Entlohnung, die an Sklaverei grenzt, unterdrückt werden. Das Leben ist hart geworden und ohne die Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft, scheint die Menschheit ihrem Untergang geweiht.
Aus diesem Chaos, erhob sich vor ein paar Jahren die Firma FutureIndustries, welche von Christopher Kennen aus dem Boden gestampft wurde. Die Innovationen, die dieses Forschungsinstitut herausgebracht hat, haben den Zerfall teilweise verlangsamt, aber können diesen nicht zur Gänze aufgehalten. Verzweifelt und immer noch auf der Suche nach einer Lösung, erschuf Kennen eine KI, die ihn, mit neuen Ideen und in der Erforschung zur Optimierung des menschlichen Körpers unterstützen soll. Unbemerkt von der Öffentlichkeit, beginnt FutureIndustries Obdachlose von der Strasse zu verschleppen, um an ihnen zu experimentieren, in m Hoffnung damit die Zukunft der Menschheit zu sichern. Dies ohne jegliche Skrupel, egal mit welchen Mitteln und in welcher Form.
Kapitel 1
Mit einem Hissen öffnet sich die Tür zum Beobachtungsraums 024 und der Direktor betritt den Raum:” Doktor wie geht es unserem Probanden?” Professor Welch dreht sich zu seinem Boss um und gibt ihm zur Antwort:”Guten Tag Mr. Kennen. Wir haben seien Körper in den Supporteranzug installiert und wie sie sehen zeigen sich schon erste Reaktionen. Schauen sie, wie erwartet scheint der Anzug den Probanden zu stimulieren und seine Genitalien werden befriedigt. Zu sehen an seiner Erektion, die von Latexbeule eingeschlossen ist. Test haben gezeigt, dass währen des Prozesses zur Integration ins System, der Anzug automatisch erkennt, wann die Genitalien freigelegt werden müssen. Aber sie werden sehen, dies ist unser fünfter Versuch und dieses Mal sind wir zuversichtlich, dass wir erfolgreich sein werden.”
Mit diesen Worten wenden beide Männer ihre Aufmerksamkeit durch das Fenster vor ihnen in den Raum, in dem ein Mann in einem Latexanzug in einer Maschine festgeschnallt und bewusstlos liegt. Zwischen seinen Beinen erhebt sich eine die erwähnte Beule, in der seine Genitalien eingeschlossen sind. Trotzdem kann man gut erkennen, wie der erregte Penis des Mannes an das Latex drückt. Im Raum arbeite der Assistent von Professor Welch an den letzten Justierungen und die Transformation kann in kürze beginnen.
Wie auf Kommando kommt der Mann langsam zu sich und realisiert seine Situation:”Wo bin ich, was ist das hier. Hey ihr Spinner lasst mich raus. Was seid ihr für Psychos?” Mit all seiner Kraft, versucht er sich gegen die Fesseln zu wehren, aber muss schnell einsehen, dass er keine Chance hat, sich zu befreien und aus dieser Situation zu entkommen.
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x5960 · 4 months
New World Origins
Deutsche Original
Kapitel 2
Der Direktor fragt den Professor, ob er ihm den Prozess genau erläutern könne und bekommt zur Antwort:”Wir werden damit beginnen, Naniten in den Kreislaufs unseres Probanden zu pumpen. Dies wird den Effekt habe, dass seine Haut mit dem Latex verschmilzt. Danach dringt die Maschine anal in den Körper ein und installiert Kabel, die das ganze System der zukünftigen Drohne durchziehen werden. Währenddessen installiert die Maschine die Gasmaske über dem Gesicht, damit verschieden Gase, die Löschung des Bewusstseins unterstützen können. Mit dieser Unterstützung, beginnen die Linsen der Maske mit stroboskopartigen Bildern, den Inhalt des Gehirns zu löschen und zu überschreiben. Das wiederum löst die Stimulierung der Genitalien aus und der Penis, der in Latex gehüllt sein wird, wird freigeben und die Maschine beginnt mit dessen Verbesserung. Dies wird wahrscheinlich extrem stimulierend wirken und der Proband wird mehrmals einen Orgasmus verspüren. Währen dieser Stimulierung, werden auch die Hoden umgewandelt, damit diese anfangen Natiten priduzieren, die der Drohne zur Unterstützung für die Transformation anderer Drohnen helfen wird. Diese Naniten können dann mit dem Penis, anal, oral oder vaginal in das Opfer eingeführt werden, wandern dann in dessen Kreislauf und damit in dessen Gehirn, mit dem Effekt, der absoluten Unterwürfigkeit und dem Bedürfnis ebenfalls in eine Drohne verwandelt zu werden. Das sollte helfen, die Population der Drohnen ohne zusätzliche Probleme zu vergrössern. Die infiziereten Probanden, werden sich freiwillig in ein Konditionierungszentrum begeben und dies als neue Drohne verlassen.
Nachdem dies alles geschehen ist, wird als Finaler Schritt, das umprogrammierte Bewusstsein in das Hivebewusstsein integriert und die Drohne wird voll funktionstüchtig sein. Jegliche Erinnerung an sein vorheriges Leben, werden verschwunden sein und sein einziges Verlangen wird sein, dem Hive zu dienen und mehr Drohnen zu produzieren. Natürlich mit absoluter Loyalität gegenüber ihnen und dem Hive. Ist die Integrierung vollendet, werden die Genitalien der Drone zurück in den Anzug gedrückt und von einer der Latexbeule eingeschlossen. Die Genitalien können durch das Erregen der Drohne wieder freigegeben werden, damit diese neue Drohnen rekrutieren kann. Sollen wir beginnen?” Mit diesen Worten wendet sich der Professor wieder dem Observationsfenster zu und wartet auf die Antwort seines Chefs.
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