xandelima · 4 months
Xande was drinking a latte at the cafe. He decided he would call up the man working on his computer and ask him how he was doing because he is having a great day, and wants to know about Bradley now.
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Location: Reckless Records
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Bradley had been at his desk working on some stuff on the computer at the label and was not aware of anything besides that was going on his computer as he needed to finish this report for the quartly stuff for his investors
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xandelima · 4 months
Xandé was at the coffee shop, walking to a table with an overfilled cup of joe. Wink. Unfortunately, when the man bumped into him, the hot drink spilled, making the guy drop his coffee to avoid getting scalded. "Don't beat yourself up about it too much, I'll be okay." He chuckled, going to grab some napkins, and letting someone know of the accident. "You can make it up to me by buying me another drink."
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Location: UTP
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Mateo has been doing a lot of thinking. He had been talking to his uncle about his life, his music and his career in general before he decided to leave his uncles place and go for a walk. The male bumped into someone as he said "Shit, I'm so sorry. I should play attention to where I'm walking." Putting hand out to have the other grab it.
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xandelima · 4 months
"Oh, hey, we don't have to talk about that if you don't want. I imagine you probably get a lot of questions when you bring it up." He could see that line of work being something people were curious and invasive about, and he didn't wanna be another. He still listened to Jude explain. "The 'cute' thing works on you, so I can see why." He headed to the cash register. "Haha, shut up. I hadn't even worn a mesh shirt in, like, five years. Unless you count fishnet, but let's not." He shuttered.
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Jude's cheeks burned, and he looked down as he blushed. "Oh. Yeah. No, it's, um..." he trailed off, struggling to come up with the right words. Saying he did cam work was a lot different than explaining exactly what he did in front of the camera. He usually kept specifics out of it entirely. "I guess I kinda play into the type of person my followers wanna see?" He started, looking at Xandé again and shrugging. "Like, I'm not proud of it or whatever, but a lot of times I keep something on the whole time, 'cause they really like it when I lean into the 'cute' thing. It's kinda weird, I guess," he said, his cheeks still bright red. "You really like your mesh shirts, don't you?"
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xandelima · 5 months
Xandé nodded as Jude answered. “Oh, I just thought that because you’d said you usually wear some clothes during your shows." Shaking his head. "I guess I assumed you kept your bits covered, and only showed them for your private stuff.” Xandé had intially assumed it was sexual, but he also didn't know what to expect. His only experiences were with OnlyFans pages that were overtly sexual. He didn’t see any articles of clothing in their content. Save for some sexy underwear. “You know what I’m thinking? You, in only an oversized mesh shirt for one of your shows.” The appeal of the mesh shirt was that it was revealing and covering at the same time. “Yeah, we don't want that." He changed back into his own shirt.
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Jude figured that was fair, though he could have pointed out that he got to make his own hours entirely. Though that did mean he had to think about work at all kinds of times, not just during 'work hours', whatever those might be for the day. So it balanced out, if that was what Xandé was saying. "Yeah, not anymore," he joked about the tits, though his cheeks immediately turned red when he was asked about his show. "Oh, um, no...mine is sexual," he said, shrugging a shoulder. "I don't think people would pay me half of what I'm getting if I was just teasing," he explained. It was good money, even if the work wasn't always his favorite. It was work he knew how to do, and work he'd even found he was pretty good at. It kept him thriving here in Cape May, anyway. "Awesome, you can help me get more followers by giving me just the right edge as far as production value goes," he laughed, looking over at the racks of clothes again and shrugging. "I don't know, I think if I keep looking it'll eventually just start to hurt my pride," he said, making a face.
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xandelima · 5 months
“Yeah, once my shift is over, I get to go home and not have to think about any of it again.” He definitely valued that, as he liked to keep up many social activities. “Good. We need to up charge for those. They say feet are the new tits. Which I guess is good, considering neither of us has much of that.” He laughed. "So, your show isn't generally sexual? Mostly teasing?" Asking for clarification. “I was about to say, I’ll have to be the judge of that.” Xan replied with a smile. “And I’m one hundred percent on board.” He was happy to offer help, better than letting the degree go to waste. “Well, most of the time he's a gentleman.” He grinned. “Are you sure you don’t wanna look for more? Something sexy?” Xandé was on the frugal side as well. He didn’t spend money on just anything, unless it came to food. The shirt was a rare purchase, but he wasn’t above returning it if his love for it died after wearing it once.
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"Is there?" Jude looked uncertain, but he couldn't really judge. He'd never had any other kind of job, unless scamming people out of money was a job. "Ah, well, fun fact, my followers have never seen my feet. They're always off-camera," he said with a short laugh. There wasn't a really good reason for it, it just sort of amused Jude when his followers made comments about never having seen his feet. At first when he'd seen the comments, years ago, he hadn't even realized his feet were never on camera. Now he did it on purpose, as a sort of joke. "I try to keep my production quality up there, I guess. But I did not go to film school...maybe I'll have to have you come and look at my set up, tell me what I can fix," he said, smiling. It would be nice to have someone who actually knew what they were doing with a camera see how Jude could improve his shots. "A good-looking gentleman? Wow, be still my heart," he laughed, definitely not having picked up on who Xandé was talking about. Jude tended to be a little bit oblivious, though. "Just this and the hoodie," he said, going to change back into the hoodie he'd come in wearing.
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xandelima · 5 months
Xandé was at the coffee shop, walking to a table with an overfilled cup of joe. Wink. Unfortunately, when the man bumped into him, the hot drink spilled, making the guy drop his coffee to avoid getting scalded. "Don't beat yourself up about it too much, I'll be okay." He chuckled, going to grab some napkins, and letting someone know of the accident. "You can make it up to me by buying me another drink."
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Location: UTP
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Mateo has been doing a lot of thinking. He had been talking to his uncle about his life, his music and his career in general before he decided to leave his uncles place and go for a walk. The male bumped into someone as he said "Shit, I'm so sorry. I should play attention to where I'm walking." Putting hand out to have the other grab it.
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xandelima · 5 months
“Let’s just say there’s a certain freedom to being a slave to the man.” He half joked, again. “I’ve never tried that kind of self-employment. Please feel free to keep telling me how good I'd be at it.” He chuckled, looking at his torso. “I totally should. I mean, I don’t manscape every other week for no one to gawk at this. And my beach post from last year is still my most liked on IG. Though I fear that’s probably because my feet are in the shot.” He shook the thoughts away, turning to Jude. “Ohp, that’s… well, all the more reason to make them buy your clothes.” He nodded as Jude explained. “I love the TikTok teases.” Having seen many advertise their OF that way. “I like the creative ways people get around the TikTok rules. In my experience, the advertising is more entertaining than their content. Like, once you get to their stuff, the production quality is just lacking, but this is coming from someone who went to film school.” Xan laughed, acknowledging that the average person probably didn't care about the framing and lighting of the shot. “Psh, not at all. He’s a gentleman, but he can have some edge.” It was clear Jude hadn’t picked up that Xandé was talking about himself. He debated telling him, or letting him find out later. “Just flash him your pretty smile, and he’ll be all over you.” A grin. "So, are we getting anything else?"
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Jude snorted, shaking his head. "Nobody is forcing you to follow rules set up by The Man," he pointed out. "With a face like yours, you'd do great online. Hell, you could probably get away with just, like, shirtless teasing videos and maybe a flash of something else here and there. I mean, I'm doing pretty well, and look at me. I'm making my money off of people who see me as a fetish-fulfiller more than an actual human being," it sounded bad, and maybe it was, but he'd accepted his niche the day he'd taken his first photos. "It's not too difficult. I take a few photos after I get out of the shower, usually. Like, with a towel wrapped around my waist? Sometimes even in the mirror when it's foggy, so you literally can't make out anything. Mention what time my live is gonna be, where you can subscribe to get my recorded videos and explicit photos, whatever. Post it on insta, and then something teasing on tiktok, and make sure to include the tags my followers are most into. The advertising is the easiest part of the job, I think. Mostly 'cause it's also the least degrading part," he joked, laughing. "He sounds amazing. Too amazing. Is he, like, an absolute dick personality-wise? Not that it matters, it would still be nice to get hit on by someone attractive with nice hair, but good to know anyway."
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xandelima · 5 months
“That’s true,” he nodded, having come across some pages that weren’t even slightly sexual, but still had thousands of likes. “Must be nice. Meanwhile, the rest of us are over here having to follow rules set up by The Man.” He joked, because he actually liked his job, but he couldn’t say he set his own rules. “I’m confident this shirt...” he reached over and undid a top button on Jude’s shirt. “Will do the trick. How do you typically advertise, anyway?” Further curious. “You’d be surprised, but I usually win them over with my smile.” Giving Jude an exaggerated grin. “My point, however, was that you're still attractive.” he smiled. “Perfect. Yeah, he's handsome, has nice hair, and can really work a tux."
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"I mean, OF is whatever you want it to be, too," he pointed out, shrugging. "That's kinda the greatest part about my job. I get to make the rules, for the most part. Nobody gets more than I'm willing to give. Which is great, 'cause I'm not willing to give most of them very much," he added with a short laugh. "But I do want to build up my followers. So...gotta look good and advertise more, y'know?" Jude put a hand on either of his cheeks to cover his blushing, though having the other point it out only made it worse. When he turned to see Xandé in the olive shirt, he rolled his eyes. "I highly doubt anyone thinks you're fugly," he argued. "I am actually into older guys. Is he cute?"
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xandelima · 5 months
“Really? It’s not like OF?” Genuinely curious. He expected it to be similar, though one was primarily live. “Why don’t you set up a wishlist so they can pay for your clothes? You can even add a baggy hoodie or two.” A chuckle. Leaning against the wall, Xan smiled at the shirt. “I like it. That's definitely your color.” The hue standing out against his torso, and almost matching his blushing cheeks. “Someone’s blushing.” He tapped Jude's chin with a finger, as he walked past him into the empty booth. “Here’s the thing, we’re all fugly to someone, and super attractive to someone else.” He was out in seconds, sporting the shirt. “We should go out with our new shirts. I know a place, if you’re into older guys.” Posing in front of a larger full-length mirror. "I know a guy that will hit on you for sure."
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Jude made sure he was hidden in the changing room before taking off his shirt, pulling the burgundy one on. It fit, though for him that was odd in itself. He usually wore his clothes too big, preferring that the clothes wore him more then he wore them. It was easier for him to just blend in that way, he felt like. "Honestly, for most of my shows I keep some clothes on. The private stuff is different, though. Like, the followers that pay more get more of a say as to what I'm wearing. Or, like, not wearing, I guess," he explained. He stared at himself in the mirror for a moment, frowning. It looked good...and that made him almost nervous, in a way. He wasn't sure why. Hearing Xandé call him cute made him blush, and he opened the curtain to step out, showing the other the burgundy shirt. "I'm average, at best. And maybe my problem is I go out with my significantly more attractive friends, so they get hit on before me," he joked.
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xandelima · 5 months
"Let me know if you need a different size." Xandé let Jude take the open dressing stall, still conversing with him from the other side. "I would think you'd be wearing far less when you're working. It does make a good look for going out, though." That's what Xandé wanted his shirt for. "You're kidding. People aren't constantly hitting on you? But you're like cute--adorable, even-- people usually eat that up."
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Jude held on tight to the hoodie, nodding along. He could get behind that, buying what he really liked. And he really liked feeling comfortable...or maybe he just really liked hiding behind baggy hoodies. Either way, this purchase would make him happy. He followed Xandé to the fitting rooms with a smile. "Yeah. And I guess it'd be cool to have stuff for going out, too. Like, stuff that might actually end up with me getting hit on at least once or twice," he said, laughing.
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xandelima · 5 months
"My rule is if I really really like it, imma get it, and not give it a second thought. It was easy for Xandé to say, because it didn't happen often, but he liked to think of it as getting himself a gift. "Like with this shirt." He chuckled, caressing the fabric. "Well, that's because olive isn't really your color. You're more of a burgundy. Let's go try them on." He headed towards the mesh shirts, grabbing one for Jude in burgundy, and in black. "This is for camming, right?"
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"Because I need to be more frugal than that," Jude said, making a face. He had basically already decided to buy the hoodie though, so 'frugal' was out the window at this point. He was a bit of an impulse-buyer, truth be told. Always had been. He looked at the mesh shirt and he grinned. "See? Now something like that would be perfect," he said, laughing. "I mean, maybe not just like that. I don't think I'd look half as good as you will in it."
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xandelima · 5 months
"They're colorful water beads. Now wait a minute girl, you said anything." Xandé chuckled. He didn't have answer for food specifically. "Yeah, I know Adam Sandler. I never seen this movie, though." He glanced back at the screen, but truth be told he hadn't really been paying attention to it. "Okay, so what's your answer?"
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"Orbeez?" She gave him a questioning look. This country was odd. At the money bit, she scoffed with a laugh. "I meant food, love." They clarified with a friendly grin. "This is Bedtime Stories. You know Adam Sandler, right?"
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xandelima · 5 months
"Of course." Xandé smiled, inviting the woman into his space. "So, what's the deal with the prick?" He asked, wondering if there was more to the story, someone she knew, or even a stranger.
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"hi, sorry..." the ginger starts as she approaches the other, bashful grin evident on her lips, "not to be, well, a damsel in distress but do you mind if i hang with you?" harper tucks red hair behind her ear, unable to hide her current flustered nature, "some drunken prick won't leave me alone and i'd rather not have to deal with him anymore." she was hoping he'd finally piss off if she was with someone else. "i can get your next drink to say thanks?"
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xandelima · 5 months
"Why don't you get the hoodie on top of whatever else you're getting for work." Xandé reached out to take the large hoodie from the other, so he could take a look at it. "Just maybe focus, so you don't end up getting everything and leave what you actually came here for." He chuckled. "I know I'm getting this, even though it's full price." He raised the olive-colored mesh-fabric button up shirt.
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location: love saves the day status: open @capemaystarters
“Ugh, I came here because I needed more things for work,” Jude groaned aloud, picking up a hoodie that was probably at least three sizes too big for him. Which was sort of the exact reason he picked it up; oversized hoodies were the comfiest things in the world. Especially in winter, the few months he could really get away with constantly wearing hoodies. “But the only things calling to me are, like, the exact opposite of what I was supposed to be shopping for,” he said, sighing and shoving the hoodie back. Then after thinking about it for a moment, he pulled it out again. “I actually really want this.”
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xandelima · 5 months
"Orbeez. That'd be pretty cool." Xandé replied instantly. "Although, I was going for random, rather than useful. I think money would be a great choice. What's this movie called again?"
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Location: Stardust Drive-In Status: OPEN ( @capemaystarters )
Noa had their feet crossed at the ankles, kicked up on the dash of the other's car. "And... now it's raining gumballs?" Their face glowing even through the darkness. This was why she loved Adam Sandler movies; they never failed to put Noa in a good mood. Tossing a piece of popcorn up in the air, the individual caught it in their mouth with ease.
"If it could rain anything right now, what would you want it to be?"
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xandelima · 5 months
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ꕀ ᐝ 𖠳   andre lamoglia, cis man, he/him 𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ  ‷ heads up ; if you hear FEATHER by SABRINA CARPENTER blaring, it’s most likely XANDE LIMA making their way down the shore ! they’re 24 years old and celebrate their birthday on 09/07 - i knew they were a VIRGO ! especially since they’re very FRIENDLY and PERFECTIONIST. they are from RIO, staying in DOWNTOWN and are currently working as a VIDEO TECH, here at the cape. they always did remind me of bright smiles, messy hair, and last minute outfits.‷
soccer player
beach lover
tequila drinker
big dancer
movie watcher
Might play suave but he's actually a dork.
Always looking for friends.
Wants to be a film director.
Hasn't listened to Midnights, yet.
Moved to the US when he was a child.
Visits Brazil as often as he can.
Grew up in a happy family.
The middle child of the family.
Friends, housemates, casual dating, work out buddies. anything really
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xandelima · 5 months
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