xechaste · 10 years
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—;There was something odd about the way he spoke. He didn't have a strange accent; at least not one that she couldn't recognise. It just sounded a little out of place. Yes, that was it. It sounded nothing like the way people around here communicated. She decided to keep her opinion to herself. Unless she could find out more about him, then silence was her only option.
       "I'm fine," she repeated. She didn't want to take more of his time any more than he would want to waste it standing here with her. But curiosity was a weird thing, you see. Despite her desire to make him leave, there was some sort of invisible force compelling her to ask more--to know more.
       And before she could even stop herself, she found herself asking him a question in return. "Are you from around here?"
Cain never liked the dirt of humanity, people who have taken their power to use it on innocent people but who was he truly to speak. His past was covered in dead bodies, walking along the corpses was what brought him to this stage in his life. Just as those who he now made shake and run in fear, was the type of person he used to be - attacking and hurting innocent people. 
The voice of the female ripped him out of his thoughts about the past and he bowed his head. “Do not worry about such. I haven’t done anything special, as a gentleman it is my duty to assist woman in need.” Cain ran his fingers through his hair, looking to the side suddenly short on words he could speak in such a situation. 
The silence between them was dragging on for several minutes before he decided to speak again. “In case you are feeling and no injuries were caused by those rascals I would take my leave and return to my place on the bench over there. Of course if you need my assistance with anything else, do you?” He tilted his head to the side waiting for her reply.
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; When she didn't receive a response from him, she furrowed her brows as she scrutinised his expression. Did she somehow offend him? She had been trained to not give in to emotions but she couldn't help it when she felt a smidgen of guilt creeping into the corners of her heart. Sighing, she closed the book and cast her eyes aside.
       "I'm sorry. I didn't really mean that."
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  Shot through the chest. Her words, be jokingly or not, pierced through him and immediately caused his eyes to lower, shoulders slumping in defeat. Though he’d only been trying to get her attention, it seemed he’d gotten a lot more than just that. Regrettably so.
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; As she stared at the stranger, she could tell that he meant business. For a brief moment, she could almost feel the ripple created in the atmosphere, the tension between each soul increasing as time went by. She would have told him that she could handle it on her own but she decided against it and kept her silence. All of a sudden, one of the pesky males raised his hand and aimed for the stranger's face. As expected, he managed to block it and Corinne found it sort of amusing. Despite the calm expression she kept on her face, deep down, she could picture herself snickering at the way they blench and quail.
       The change in expression of the others only displayed their evident shock and perhaps, a smidgen of fear. Needless to say, the message of the stranger went through their dense skulls loud and clear. They left her alone with him, nostrils flaring in anger at the prospect of realising there was nothing they could do. As she watched them leave, the male suddenly spoke and she averted her gaze towards him. His voice was gentle and she was glad for the complete shift in situation. She owed him a favour for this.
       "I'm fine," she replied, staring at her feet. For some reason, she couldn't bring herself to face him. She blamed it on the embarrassment. "Thank you." Her voice was barely above a whisper but she assumed that at least her sentiment went across clearly.
Cain could only roll his eyes at the reply of the dumb human being which he would only call scum. Even the most barbaric demons in hell could behave more cultivated than this group. Of course his hand was pushed away and hand was raised ready to punch him in the face. Unfortunately he was picking a fight with the wrong person, regardless of their height and body structure difference Cain easily stopped his hand with wrapping his own around the wrist. The pain created by the pressure he put onto it made the male kneel down and begging to be released, the pain being too much for him to handle.
"I do not care what your business with this woman should have been in the first place but you should learn how to handle them, since they are the one who give birth to your children. Do you behave like this in front of your own mother? Shoving them and ready to hit?" He leaned down to whisper in the males ear so only he can hear the words he spoke. "Show up here again and I can promise you a life long suffering in Hell before your time would even come." Straightening up he let go of the hand and glared at the others. "Leave till I am actually nice."
His attention turned to the female and Cain scanner her for any injuries. “I hope they have not caused you any harm.”
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; This time, she trained her eyes on the male and wondered if he had really asked her such a question. A hint of a smile ghosted over her lips. "Because unlike you, it actually has depth in its words."
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   When she didn’t respond in the way that he hoped, he slumped his shoulders. Raising a long finger, he pointed at the book that had her attention. “Why’s that more entertaining than me?”
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xechaste · 10 years
consider the following aus
"we wore matching halloween costumes to this party" au
"we’re the only ones who didn’t get the email about class being canceled" au
"tried to get the candy bar that didn’t drop out of the vending machine and now my hand is stuck can u help me out" au
"we’re the only ones on campus who didn’t go home for christmas" au
"we both got in separate bar fights downtown and now we’re waiting in the ER comparing stories" au
"accidentally fell in your lap while standing on this crowded bus" au
"can u help me sneak my cat into my dorm" au
"accidentally got assigned the same library study room so I guess we’ll have to share for the semester" au
"It’s raining and u forgot your umbrella so come over and stand under mine while we wait for the bus" au
"I rented the apartment above your flower shop and in the last two months you’ve gotten a new flower I’m allergic to so I keep buying bouquets until I can figure out which kind it is" au
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; She had been sitting on the bench for quite a while now, observing the perimeter and noting down the number of guards during every rotation. The building was the next mark on the Freedom Fighter's list out of many more to come, that she was certain of. Just two months ago, they had launched a strike--a raid party was more like it--on one of the government's control center. It must have cause quite a stir amongst them for the security on every other infrastructure had quadrupled over the last couple of weeks. She could sense that this task would not be as easy as the previous ones.
       Perhaps she had been a little too inattentive to her own surroundings that she didn't notice the group of men lingering nearby. Eventually they approached her and made some lewd remarks which she turned a cold shoulder to. Her behaviour apparently didn't appeal to them that they began to attack her verbally until one of them took the matter in his own hands, literally. He shoved her and the others followed suit like a bunch of dumb apes. Shouting ensued, some from her part since she wasn't going to snap every darn finger on their filthy hands like she had been taught in the training camp.
       And that was exactly what she was about to do when a stranger suddenly stepped into their little circle and stopped the ruckus momentarily as all eyes were now on him.
Seating in the park relaxing his mind from the work in the morning hours, his mind and attention were traveled far away from his body. Being ripped back by sound of a quarrel close to him. Turning his head towards the source of shouts he saw a female being molested by a group of young males, making more than crude and close to offensive comments. Shaking his head Cain stood up from the bench steps taking him towards them. Placing a firm hand on the shoulder of the biggest and loudest of them all he spoke in a calm matter.
"I believe you should go on your way and leave the lady alone."
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; She blinked once, twice; uncertain as to whether he had really asked her that question. Although there was a tiny part of her that jumped in excitement upon being invited, the other huge part played a major role in clamping her mouth shut and keeping her feet rooted to the floor.
       "I-- I don't dance." Now that wasn't exactly the truth. She just didn't know how to.
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He raises his hand to shake off her assumptions — he was pretty much finished anyway. He only wanted to work on a few steps but he was confident with them now. Glancing back at the mirror, he purses his lips slightly in thought before turning back to face her. 
                                      ” — do you want to try?”
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; Looking up from the book she was reading, she gave him a long and hard stare, as if contemplating on his words. She was actually about to come up with a smart retort of her own but thought better of it and returned her attention to where it was previously centered on.
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            “I am you from the future. Trust me.” Sometimes he didn’t think before he spoke. 
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xechaste · 10 years
▋▍Stranded || Corinne & Aria
♖—; Good thing she had her seatbelt on—or she would have launched herself out of the back seat and onto the asphalt at 100 kilometers per hour. They weren’t kidding when they said the traffic in New York was among the worst in the world. Straightening up to catch her breath, she caught sight of the driver’s eyes in the rear-view mirror. Corinne was beyond furious, bordering crazed and her LEVO was buzzing dangerously on her wrist, warning her of her dropping levels. Popping a chocolate into her mouth, she stared back at the driver’s reflection.
       “You okay there, miss?” he asked in what seemed to be an attempt to appear concerned. Huh. He’d probably gotten into this situation plenty of times. Fixing her fringe into place, she replied curtly, “Fine and dandy.” The rest of the journey continued on in silence and in an agonisingly slow pace. She didn’t dare to let her eyes close once again for fear that that would be the last time she’d see daylight even if they were travelling slower than a trapped turtle—yes, they barely moved a feet.
       Corinne was indeed in a hurry—she had woken up late that particular day and she had a flight to catch in half an hour. But now, she doubted that she could get there in time thanks to another cab that ran the red light earlier, crashed into the vehicle ahead of hers and caused a standstill, as if the usual one wasn’t bad enough. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally made it to the drop zone. Hastily, she just handed the driver a twenty and slammed the door shut as she dashed to her designated boarding gate with her luggage in tow.
       As she made a sharp turn around a corner, she accidentally ran into a man who happened to be enjoying his ice-cream—or what was left of it. The boarding pass that was in her hand just a second ago flew across the floor and slid under a row of seats. There was no time to waste begging to be pardoned—especially for that mess she made on his expensive-looking suit—so she just shot him an apologetic look and scurried off to get her boarding pass. She could already see the gate—it was just two gates away. Grabbing the ticket, she then made a final sprint towards her destination.
       And she would have gotten there if not for the sudden foot jutting out in right in front of her. She didn’t see it until it was too late. “Noooooo!” she screeched as she fell forward and landed face first on the tiled floor. A loud crunch followed upon impact. The pain only appeared seconds later. She whirled around to glare at the owner of the foot who was sitting with one leg crossed over the other at the edge of her seat. But she soon froze when she felt something warm flow down her upper lip. Panicked, she touched the spot and found her fingers coated in crimson. Her head instantly started spinning.
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; She merely watched him as he folded her sketch and stored it--although she did wince a little at the sight of his actions. She never really liked it when her drawings got all those lines and creases if she placed them between her books in her bag. Anyway, it was his now and so, it wasn't one of her worries.
       "You're welcome," she muttered. "I guess I should stop bothering you and let you practise, huh?"
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    At her words, he blinks, a bit taken back that she was willing to give her work to a stranger. If he was this good, he would want to keep the talent all to himself. Perhaps that’s just where the two were different. He nods slightly, taking the sketch from her. He folds it up gently and then slips it into one of his backpack’s pouches for safe keeping.
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xechaste · 10 years
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♖—; "N-no. You got the                     wrong person!                         Please.. S-stop!"
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; "I see." She had to admit that he was definitely one of the talented ones--or a really hard-working one, though she dared not ask. Her mind was always filled with questions that couldn't be voiced out because too many questions could be bad--or so she had been taught. So instead, she gestured towards the sketch.
       "You can keep that one."
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        Corinne. A name to her face. Though he was terrible at remembering such details. She had a unique feeling about her; due to that, the likeliness of him remembering her was rather high. His occupation — could he call it that? He wanted to, but he was yet to be accepted into any companies. Dancing wasn’t his job, not yet. “Sort of. It’s a hobby that I do.”
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; For a brief lapse of second, a flash of relief crossed her features and her posture relaxed just the slightest. She knew his name now so he wouldn't count as a stranger, would he?
       "Corinne." It sounded so foreign the moment it rolled off the tip of her tongue that the corner of her eye twitched involuntarily. Well that was the name she was given back in the hospital and that was the name she would identify with for the rest of her life. Probably. "Are you a dancer?"
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    The question seemed to snap him out of the world he had trapped himself in, bringing him back to reality. The grip on the sketchpad loosened up, eyes moving from the page to her face and then he steps forward to hold out the pad for her to take back. “— Jung Woo Jin.” He didn’t mind telling her his name for he didn’t see any harm in doing so. Just another name in the crowd, nothing outstanding or any reason to remember it. “And — you? What’s yours?”
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; Should she take his silence as a compliment or was it implying something bad? He didn't look all that amused by the sketch either. Had she gotten her proportions wrong? All of these questions lingered in her mind with no definite answers. Call it the eye of an artist, Corinne did notice the added pressure in his grip of the pad but she made no remark regarding the matter.
       "Hey what's your name?" she inquired, hoping she could somehow distract him from the drawing, even if only for a couple of seconds.
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         When his hands gripped the sketch pad, his eyes paid attention to the lines of the drawing. It was clear she had a knack for the arts. Though he drew from time to time, it was mainly cartoon-like characters or that of which you’d see in manga. Never anything worth hanging up anywhere other than the fridge. He takes in the emotion that he’s received from the sketch, eyes staying trained intently on the paper as his hands gripped either sides tightly. Is that what he really looked like just then?
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; The instant he reached for her, she instinctively took a step back and straightened herself, eyes trained on him for any other sudden movement. This was new--not her recoiling back from someone; but her sense of suspicion.
       Realising that she must have made that moment a tad more awkward than it already was, her previously firmly pressed lips broke into a smile.
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       "Yes, I do," she answered him. Her eyes flitted away from his and towards her drawing in her hand. She had always been told that she had the ability to depict a sort of realism and incorporate emotions into her art but she never really saw it.
       "Would you like to see my sketch of you?" she then asked, hand extended to offer him her sketch pad.
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          He wasn’t expecting such a formal apology           from her so when she bowed, he took a small           step forward, one hand reaching out toward her.           Though he didn’t go close enough to come into           physical contact with the female. 
                                     ”— no, it’s okay. Do you draw a lot?”
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xechaste · 10 years
♖—; "Well, I--"
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       She didn't continue. There was truth in those spoken words. Hadn't she been taught manners back in the hospital? Perhaps the continuous exposure to the outside world had made her forget--made her reckless.
       Bending forward to offer him a bow of apology, she muttered, "I've done wrong. Please forgive me."
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            It was odd for her to ask him that.              Why seek his approval when she             planned to do it anyway? Her actions             came across as childlike — but still,             it was a bit weird. 
"It’s not wrong.                                        Just not.. right, either.”
        Confusing, most likely.
                     ”Ask first next time, that’s all.”
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