Hello,,,this is really hard for me but i feel like im going to stop posting here and move to the other blog,,,,Thank u so much for everything!! Thank u for sharing nd being here for me!!!
If u want to still be with me nd my journey with my age regression heres my new blog!!
Im sorry again for this,,,,
Maybe some day i will comeback to this blog!!!
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What is that anon talking about!? Dont worry about the validation of neurotypicals, it's not yours or anyone's fault that autism and agere aren't "taken seriously"; I'm sure whatever it was is perfectly valid. (Not meaning to butt my head into things but I hate when the ND community tell others in the ND community that what they do or say is the reason why we arent taken seriously- or anything similar to that)
Tank u sm fo those words<:3
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Hello ! please don't make up things in the mental health community. Autism and age regression already aren't taken seriously, and things like this do not help our case. You can talk about a ghostly aesthetic for fun, but age regression and age dreaming are recognized as true coping mechanisms by true doctors. Things like this are misinforming an already marginalized community, (which is made up of mostly ND people anyway...) Idk if you're autistic anyway, but people are sharing this seriously.
Im autistic. I wrote in the post that its based on MY experience w ME being nonverbal autistic but i never said that all mentally ill and autistic people are like this. Being autistic is a spectrum and there are a lot of different experiences w autism and it was based on MY experience
And ofc i know that agere and agedre are recognised as a cping mechanism but it doesn't mean that ghostre cant be a coping mechanism too
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💓Mama bear🍼: Oh puppy u look tired.. i think its time to sleep
*u said that u dont want tu sleep n u want tu watch cartoons w mama!!*
Mama b: well i dont mind but if u feel like u need to sleep let ne know okay???
*u said ofc!!*
Mama b: if u wan tu u can nap on my lap!!
*U said tankie !! N fall asleep on ur mama lap Zzzzz,,,*
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Urgent!!! Please help!
March 16
My roomate and I are trans, disabled, and homeless and we are waiting on a check to get an apartment. The check is from a familial will, but we are not sure when it will be here, because it really should have been here already, covid delays just keep happening. (This section is copied from my last post bc I am sick and barely functioning)
Rn, we are going to be behind on the bill tomorrow. The hotel is getting more impatient, and I've been warned by an employee im friendly with that if we get behind we may be kicked out. We also need food, ensure and pedialyte again because we've only been able to buy very very small amounts. In particular, being able to place a big order would help us a lot. It would be cheaper in the long run as well, especially because we have free delivery due to a massive Instacart fuck up.
Basically we need a lot of help still, and rn with both of us being sick and our health so fragile, things going wrong is dangerous. I've not wanted to make a big deal over our health, but we think my roomate has a considerable and of neurological damage from the sustained fever, and my lungs are shitting out and I've been getting chest pains. Frankly our health just isn't good enough. Its getting bad.
My lovely friend @hostile-flower is still doing gorgeous tattoo for anyone who donates $50+!!! Please reblog is you can't donate!!
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Venm0: @tab-99
C@shapp: $creepiecrippl
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- Mama mama!!!
- aw whats wrong bun bun??
- m tummi hurts...bc of period...
- aw baby...Do u want some warm tea??
- yes tat would be nice...tank u mama..
- your always welcome little one
[ terfs/transmeds/truscum dni!!]
65 notes · View notes
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- Mama mama!!!
- aw whats wrong bun bun??
- m tummi hurts...bc of period...
- aw baby...Do u want some warm tea??
- yes tat would be nice...tank u mama..
- your always welcome little one
[ terfs/transmeds/truscum dni!!]
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- Mama lets pway ponies tugether!!!
- *sweetly smiles* of course little one
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- Mama!!!
- Whats wrong little one??<:0
- Nothing , i just wanted tu pway w chu mama!!! Can we pway pwease pwease???
- hm...Idk im a bit busy honey...
- oh..ok..
- but if u want to we can play after im done with baking cupcakes ~
- yeah!!!
- are they done???????
- almost little one( ◜‿◝ )♡
- YAY!!!!!
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3 notes · View notes
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- Mama!!!
- Whats wrong little one??<:0
- Nothing , i just wanted tu pway w chu mama!!! Can we pway pwease pwease???
- hm...Idk im a bit busy honey...
- oh..ok..
- but if u want to we can play after im done with baking cupcakes ~
- yeah!!!
- are they done???????
- almost little one( ◜‿◝ )♡
- YAY!!!!!
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- Mama lets pway ponies tugether!!!
- *sweetly smiles* of course little one
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Hai guys...m sowwi fo not pwosting...bc of stuffs gwoin on in da world n bc of mi anxiety....
M goin tu try tu pwost more stuff and make it more liek mi also
Su ye...Nways tats all bai bai!!
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👻✨ Ghost Regressor flag for the sweet and spooky specters (please reblog if you save)! ✨👻
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hiya honeybun, could I please inquire what colors you associate with ghost regression? is it okay if I designed a flag based on it?
Hewo!!! Hmm...i think blues and white??
But u can choose any!!!
And yes ofc!!!!
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Hii! Thank u so much for your posts! Your blog is so cute and it’s making me feel better! Would you feel uncomfortable if I reblog a lot of your posts? (I forgot the word to describe that..) (ฅ́˘ฅ̀*). I hope u hav a wonderful day and peaceful night today!
AAAA SOWWI FO NOT ANWSERING!!!Its all okie u can rb mi posts!!!! I hope u hav a wonderful day tu!!!
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💞Mama bear🍼: aww babi wants a hug??
*mama hugs u and gives u forehead kith o((*^▽^*))o*
*u ask mama if are too clingy and that u are scared that u annoy her..*
Mama b: oh puppy...Ofc ur not annoying!!!!! There's nothing wrong w being clingy on my opinion!!! I also think its kinda cute ...<:³
*U said thank for those words and that u pive her so much..*
Mama b: aww baby...I love u too...
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🎒Mama bear🍼: Hello honey!! Do u need any help??
*u said to mama that u feel like ur boots doesnt feat u anymore and u feel bad abt it..*
Mama: oh baby....well its okay...we are gonna buy new ones<:0
*u said that its jut reminds u that u grow up and u don't want that...*
Mama: aww baby...*mama hugs you* U know...For me u always gonna be a little baby..I love u so much!!!
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