#p: untitled
zegalba · 2 years
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Horst P. Horst: Untitled (1953)
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Hi! Just wondering, is the untitled shenhe game still going? or did it get eaten by the untitled goose? ;)
It's still going in theory! The past month or two has not been conducive to writing frequent audience-interactive updates but we're nearly at the end and I'm excited to finish it!
Really the hardest part right now is that I'm torn between keeping it very interactive-reactive until the very end (more fun!, more in spirit!), or just railroading the last few chapters (pre-writeable) xD
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utterentropy · 10 months
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You've heard of freakishly tall Soul now get ready for Cat Soul
This is what happens when a higher being allows me to have creative liberty, inevitably somehow, somewhere, somewhen, I will turn a character into a cat (and it's always the villains too!)
This AU is already like crazy canon-divergent where's the harm in Soul having feline qualities
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dorkydiaz · 10 months
WIP WEDNESDAY tagged by @hippolotamus and @hoodie-buck <3
And he suddenly has an armful of June, Nora hovering just behind. “Is the President all right?” he wonders aloud, he supposes he would have heard if not but he hasn’t seen her.  “Leo is with her in a room, she’s running the country from a hospital room because she wouldn’t be caught being away from Alex right now.” June replies.  “Can I-”  “I think so.” she cuts him off.  The room is oddly quiet. There is the hum of the ventilator. An occasional soft beep. And Alex looks tiny.  “God, Alex.” he breathes. Nora squeezes his shoulder before going back to the waiting room.  He pulls a chair as close to the bed as he can, and tangles their fingers together. Alex’s hands are cold. It haunts Henry, Alex is supposed to be the embodiment of heat, his personal space heater. “Oh, sweetheart.” he wraps both hands around the one, bringing Alex’s knuckles up to his lips. 
since its kinda late so this is my gift to whoever sees it 😅 and if you have some writing to share, consider yourself tagged <3
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koka-mi · 2 months
choking on flowers by fox academy...wowzers.....
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frost-eyed-autumn · 3 months
@starsburned || continued ;;
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"Well Dazai and I have been talking about how to kill that bastard off and on once and for all without his stupid ass just resurrecting again and I remembered how Abilities only inhabit humans, which stands to reason then that animals can't inherit Abilities like Fyodor's either, so obviously we'd need to get an animal to kill Fyodor. An animal with its own murderous intent not controlled by a person's Ability, obviously, otherwise it'd just be like the vampire shit all over again..."
"So I said, what if we got that stupid Guild fuck and his raccoon to do it? But Dazai said we'd need something bigger and meaner like a cassowary to do the job. But I'm not convinced a cassowary is up to snuff either..."
"So I said, if we're going for exotic animals, we've gotta go for a hippopotamus, since they're known to have murderous intent on steroids towards humans and kill more people than basically any other animal. Therefore, our cure to our Fyodor problem with a murderous animal is obviously hippos."
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casualist-tendency · 1 year
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neallo · 3 months
absolutely incredible feature of bury us both is that it is simultaneously something that haunts my every waking moment, something that makes me as insane if not more insane than holdyouhostage did, yet it is also so fucking TRICKY that it's ALSO making me write multiple other "white whale" fics just to avoid working on it
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hannie-dul-set · 3 months
made a list of all my (relevant) wips and am quite frankly alarmed by myself. send a title into my inbox and i'll drop a few snippets in case i never finish it and it gets trapped in prison forever.
do you want me (dead)?
hunting season.
opposites attract, identicals repel? a case study on the social relevance of the theories of attraction and repulsion.
three's a crowd.
figured obscurity.
you had me at hello.
shoot your shot.
karma comes in the form of vehicular accidents and designer leather jackets.
two households, both alike in dignity.
what's wrong with ceo park?
a rain shower on a clear day.
fuck you, aphrodite!
you're driving me crazy (but i like you).
homework of the heart.
do you eat nerds?
propriety be damned.
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dev-fiction · 3 months
Hi! I love your fanfic Echoes and would be more than willing to be a beta reader if you ever need! I recently saw on your feed that Victoria is not your only OC-insert, do you mind sharing who your others are?
I'll definitely keep that in mind if I ever desire a beta reader <3 Thank you so much for the offer!
Of course I don't mind sharing the others - the more I get to talk about my oc's and my complete obsession with them, the happier I'll be ♥ I've actually been slowly putting together little character templates that I might post later, if anyone is interested :)
This is going to get a bit long-winded, so apologies in advance!
Of course, you know Victoria so we'll just skip right on by her starting with characters that currently have public fics, starting with-
Shippo Inuzuka, from Bare my Fangs Fandom: Naruto Current Word-Count: 34k Rewrite Word-Count: 20k Twin sister of Kiba Inuzuka, Shippo is currently an Academy Student in training within Konohagakure. Alongside her ninja pups Aomaru and Momomaru, Shippo dedicates her days to studious training and play as she gets to know her fellow classmates. I have a lot of feelings about this fic. I started it before Naruto came to an end which always made it a little more difficult for me to write. I love the Inuzuka Clan a LOT and was very disappointed at the lack of oc-inserts more focused around them - so, I decided to write my own! It's been a very long time since I've updated this fic or even really thought about it and a large part of that is now that Naruto has come to an end, I'd really like to re-write it.
It's an old story with a lot of themes I no longer like, going in a direction I'm no longer sure about. However, because of this I'm excited to work on the project again! I have a lot more writing experience compared to when I first started it and I'd like to apply that to this story the proper way it deserves ♥
As it is, for any BMF readers here you can consider the current iteration of the story abandoned as I undergo this. Some major themes will stay the same, but a lot won't.
Shippo as a character is someone I've thought about a lot and have really come to love - the Shippo I envision now is someone a little unhinged; feral, in a sense, someone who plays off the wild nature of Kiba Inuzuka and the clan as a whole effortlessly. I don't really want to spoil too much about her and what I currently have written of the rewrite, so I'll leave it at that.
Her pups will absolutely be staying the same - I love Aomaru and Momomaru so so so much. I have very big plans for them.
Monkey D. Lucy, from Abyssal Fandom: One Piece Current Word-Count: 32k Rewrite Word-Count: 0k, Under Plot and Character-Building Twin sister of Monkey D. Luffy, Lucy is a young girl residing with the mountain bandits - and her brothers - on Dawn Island. She spends her days training in preparation for her eventual departure to sea with her twin and her overall terror of the ocean.
Abyssal has always been one of my backburner fics; One Piece was nowhere near its final arc when I first started it and I had been desperately hoping for more information on Luffy's background as a whole before delving in too deep into the story - it's a fic I didn't focus on too much and worked on when the mood struck.
One Piece is still my favorite anime/manga, so of course I plan on continuing with it eventually - most likely after the series has reached its conclusion.
Monkey D. Lucy will retain her terror of the ocean, only she now comes with a brand spanking new personality.
I have a general idea of where I want to go with her - someone who's passionate, reckless, violent, and beautiful. I have a character outline page written and a lot of rough sketches :)
Yuta Amelia Heartfilia, from Soulbound Fandom: Fairy Tail Current Word-Count: 10k Rewrite Word-Count: 45k This fic as it is has been completely abandoned. I've been working on a rewrite from the ground up for a while now - starting with the awful name, which is now Amelia.
I haven't talked about this fic anywhere or approached Soulbound in a long time - but I have been working on a rewrite for a few months now.
I adore Fairy Tail a lot - and now that it's come to a close I feel like I have a lot of freedom with this fic. There really isn't a lot of world-building and the general makeup of magic is very fluid to work with. I think Fairy Tail's strongest asset is its characters, which are honestly so so much fun to write.
As a result of this, I think Amelia is one of my more rounded-out characters.
Amelia is the younger sister of Lucy Heartfilia - and by younger, that is to say at the start of her story she is 11 years old, which makes her 6 years younger than Lucy.
Amelia is a quiet kid with no filter when she does speak - which makes her, rather unintentionally, a bit of an asshole. She's not good at reading people and has no real desire to engage with them - she leaves all of that charisma bullshit to her sister. Growing up on the streets after running away from home at a young age has made her street savvy; she's small, but lithe and very agile when she expends the effort towards it.
She spent most of her young life in cheap rooms in dodgey areas situated above taverns or whore houses while Lucy picked up odd jobs and magic requests to keep them afloat. This has encouraged a crass nature and a proclivity towards swearing that exasperates her sister greatly.
She's incredibly co-dependent on Lucy, who has acted as both parental roles for the majority of her life. She can't imagine life without her and is willing to do anything to keep her safe.
She holds no memories of any previous lives she may or may not have lived.
She was blessed with a rather simple form of Celestial Spacial Magic; the ability to teleport herself and objects a short distance around her. She adores her ability and often uses it for the purpose of being lazy.
I've been having a lot of fun writing this fic. Unlike my other fics this one alternates between the main siblings frequently, to the point that I'd say that they're both the main protagonists.
As a general result of leaving home so much earlier than canon, Lucy has changed a lot as well, but well - I'll leave that for the readers to find out when I do finally start posting chapters.
As for the fics I've kept almost completely on the down-low; these are fics I don't plan on posting for a very long time, but have been working on.
Anna Weasley, from Untitled Project Fandom: Harry Potter Current Word-Count: 60k Anna Weasley is a starry-eyed child - she sees the world through dream-hued glasses tainted at the edges by nightmares brought on by her rather bad habit of dying. Sometimes she sees things that others can't and that's okay - she has her twin, Ron, to help her sort out the muddled mess that is her mind.
She's bright in a simple kind of way, and a bit odd, but eternally optimistic and loyal to those she loves.
As much as I would love love love to talk endlessly about Anna, this is where I'm going to leave it. I have a lot planned for this fic and writing it between Echoes has been fun. I love the Weasley's, if you couldn't tell, and I feel like passing up the chance to jump into a story with a Weasley-centric OC would be a travesty.
Also Anna is like, in my top 3 OC's to doodle when I feel up to it ♥
Umeko Haruno, from Untitled Project Fandom: Naruto Current Word-Count: 70k Umeko Haruno has had her nose stuck to the grindstone studying and training for her future career as a shinobi for as long as she can remember. Growing up with a training companion in the form of her brilliant twin has pushed her into a diligent pursuit to surpass her own limits.
This mentality was largely influenced by the passing of her shinobi mother when she was still very young. A casualty of a mission gone wrong, her loss was felt deeply by the family with ripples that never quite ceased. Umeko's desire to live up to her mothers legacy, become strong enough to protect those she has left, and push herself to the extreme has resulted in her being a workaholic with an obsession to become a more efficient shinobi.
She's very book-smart and clinical, but she doesn't let that overshadow her kindness. She has a low tolerance for incompetence and values training above all else - there is almost no form of training she isn't willing to try, no matter the blow it might deal to her dignity or the respect others have for her.
I'm really really excited for this fic. It's a lot more fast paced than my other ones and writing it has been a lot of fun - Umeko is just a lot of fun. I've kept this fic completely hushed up simply because of Bare my Fangs, but as you can see I've got quite a bit written already.
I have a very strong idea of her story progression and how it will ultimately affect those around her, as well as the plot as a whole. I've got a few twists and turns planned that I can't wait to unveil ♥
What's this? It's A - Bonus Round!
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And then-
Afterward, nothing much mattered, anymore.
There was a peace in that.
More, than peace, it's like she ascended-
And then, she found, she wasn't alone.
Thank you for asking about my OC's and sorry if it was a lot more than you bargained for! I really do love them and have been quietly sitting on them for a while now :)
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smzeszikorova · 1 year
OC Crossover Art Compilation.
Thanks for doing this with me, everyone. This was so much fun, and infinitely better-constructed on my part than the last game. Excited to share these with you.
Here we go!
The First One: In which Winson, Levi, and @thatonecrowguy's OC Scott from Dog Days are stranded in the middle of nowhere together after Scott's van breaks down.
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The Second One: In which Catherine and @aether-wasteland-s's OC Blake from A Time Travel Conundrum have a piney conversation about their loves.
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The Third One: In which Victoria and @royal1asset-if's OC Serena from Royal Asset try to break into a locked safe.
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And the Fourth One: In which @dogmomwrites's OC Jimmy from their currently untitled WIP takes a bug-eating joyride with fellow creepy crawly connoiseurs Eva and Rolyn.
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All participants, thanks again! And thanks for your patience. I was planning on making some effortless scribbles, but your OCs were just too fun to draw. I couldn't resist putting in some time.
Hope it was worth the wait. :D
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Month 9, day 24
I wanted to do some drawing tonight instead of painting, so I worked on Gil and chibi!Cuff's expression sheets. Keeping my rule of I only get to draw Cuff expressions if I do Gil first. They were both supposed to be shocked/surprised, but Gil's turned out more like fear so it got scooted down to that box instead n_n
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rainbow-arrow · 1 year
you can vote even if you don't read. if you're seeing this first, untitled just updated!
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ghost-with-pen · 1 year
When in fiction loved ones die
And return but not quite right;
Possessed, bewitched, undead
I wonder how they pretend its fine
When I can't let go
Of people changed and distanced
And try to talk to their memory
I wonder if it looks the same
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cinnamon-guardian · 2 years
The pornbots have honestly gotten so lazy with their set-up. Like now most of them don’t even title their blogs or anything anymore. You really think I’m gonna see 5 new followers who all have no posts, no likes, and just “Untitled” at the top of their blogs and you think I’m not gonna block you? Seriously?
I’ve started reporting them as spam, but at this rate, I don’t think it matters anymore. It’s just a thing I do ad nauseam because Tumblr sure as hell isn’t doing anything about it.
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kkpwnall · 2 years
"please" for the wip ask
thank you thank you! not too many "please" but they're not very polite boys in this fic lol
“Please tell me you heard that...” His voice comes out a whisper.
fanfic wip ask game
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