xenonarrow · 7 days
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A lovely what if scenario between the 8th Doctor and Rose Tyler, for GalaxyKitten! 
(process notes under the crack)
Given the soft motif of the scene as instructed by the commissioner I added a bit of symbolism with the lighting on the characters, taking advantage of the colour contrasts on the background between blue and warm colours.
The scene has a prevalence of blue colours on the side of the Doctor, symbolising his- well, blue mood and a general hopelessness and despair that haunted him during the specific era of the character taken as reference (Dark Eyes storyline at Big Finish). On Rose's side there is a prevalence of warm colours and yellow lights, which echoes the light of the manifestation of the Bad Wolf entity associated with her and also symbolises warmth, comfort, hope and reassurance. The colours thus become one of the ways to represent the emotional dimension of the characters in the visual medium.
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On the point of contact between Rose's hand and the Doctor's face you can see the warm colours sort of spilling over the Doctor's cheek, as if the gesture is bringing light and warmth to him, and thus also a sliver of hope towards the future that'll come, as further reinforced by the provided text.
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Easter eggs: The clock on the right signs 8 o'clock (I think this is self-explanatory)
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xenonarrow · 9 days
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Custom 9 of Swords tarot card commission for @thealterscrolls featuring their Oblivion character Ambrosius!
I loved working on the symbolism in this card and its parallels with the character's personal story, it's been a delight getting back at this type of illustration format after so many years!
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xenonarrow · 1 month
Artists who use an iPad to draw, I need a piece of advice
I mainly draw on PC but I was recently gifted an iPad + pen and the free options are fine but a bit limited
In case I want to upgrade, do you suggest buying Sketchbook pro (which I already used on Android) or waiting a little longer to save for Procreate?
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xenonarrow · 2 months
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A mischievous little Set plushie commission for "The Beheaded" on Telegram!
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xenonarrow · 2 months
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A small doodle commission for Chrysmoonie on Telegram: a group of funny chonker cats!
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xenonarrow · 2 months
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At last, my piece for the Moon Knight fanzine Lunar Labyrinth (@moon-knight-zine) from last year! This is the first time I work with a zine project and it was definitely a delight.
I had fun with the symbolism on this piece, more info under the crack:
Prompt/Subject: My place in this zine was part of the artists for the 4th chapters, Waxing Gibbous: Order. The prompt was changed and revised through the process, ultimately revolving around the concept of being reborn, rebuilding, discovering each other's strengths and ultimately the chapter's namesake order. I played with the concept of rebuilding a literal set of mirrors as a visual metaphor.
General setting: I chose to feature the MCU version of the character(s) with some elements from the comics since the time of the planning was very close to its release on D+. The scene is set inside one's house as I often use them with the symbolic value of one's personality and emotional state. I chose Steven's apartment from the MCU for two main reasons: 1) It's shown at the end after the events of the series, implying they still use it as home 2) The layout of the set is well documented and also nice and cosy. I used a combination of pictures from the behind the scenes and artbook + a rough scene I put up in Blender as reference for the subjects' placement, perspective and palette
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Character(s) There is only one (physical) character in scene that I called "the body" since it's placed in a way so the face is not visible. This is deliberate so to not give away any clue about which alter is fronting - he can be any of them, all or none at the same time - it's just the body. The physical appearance. The medium with which the psyche interacts with the rest of the physical world. The body's clothes were a tough choice but I ended up with Steven's pyjamas since it was what they wearing at the end of the series. Steven, Marc and Jake are represented in the mirror with their Duat sequence clothes (except for Jake's attire for his only on-screen appearance + comics version fake moustache because honestly he feels naked without them) and in a pose reflecting as much as their individual vibe and role as I could in a single image: Steven and Jake are helping the body putting the mirror pieces back together in two different ways, one in a more concerned / affectionate manner and the other is slightly more blunt and direct. Marc is covering his face, as hiding away is kinda fitting for his character on different occasions (hiding memories in an attempt to protect Steven, Hiding parts of himself and his life to his loved ones, running away from his problems etc). Being dramatic as usual.
Mirrors I love using mirrors as visual metaphors. And I love how they used them in the series. I am very normal about it. In this piece the mirrors function as a reflection of the inner self (or selves, in this case): the same body is reflected in three different mirrors (the alters) which are more or less fractured based on the status of their relationship with a specific alter and themselves: Jake has the most pieces missing, since in the series he's the most elusive one to the point of the others not being aware of his existence up until the end despite still being active in protecting them in times of need. The background of the mirrors reflects the pattern of the (head)space as seen in some parts of the Moon Knight (2016) comics while the colours are chosen and assigned based on the box colours used in Moon Knight (2021). The pattern is not following the perspective of the shards on the floor because it's not a physical space the mirror is reflecting but it's more of a "door" to another dimension, the psychological one. The back of the mirrors has a hieroglyphic inscription vaguely inspired by those seen during the first costume sequence at the end of ep 1 (will be back at this later)
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The moon dart (that shiny thing stuck in the rightmost mirror): The moon dart symbolises their connection and service under Khonshu. It was thrown diagonally hitting all three mirrors (and causing the fractures in them) and it got stuck in Jake's, symbolising his status as the one in the system still under the god's leash. The dart has also a side, positive connotation: despite the havoc that being Khonshu's avatar has brought, it also started to bring them together and work as a team.
Hieroglyphs: There is a thematic back-and-forth in this segment of the mirror, as the empty sections symbolises a loss of self in favour of being an Egyptian deity's puppet (hence the hieroglyphic inscriptions, vaguely resembling the pyramid texts where a certain hymn features an earlier and more violent version of the god Khonsu being a slayer for the king), but in the same inscriptions (see the second picture) carry a hopeful message: "There is no son who is strong against his father, but you are strong and mighty while Ma'at (personification of order, balance, harmony) dwells on your arms and your Ba (plural) will last forever, repeating rejuvenation like the Moon". I used "father" referencing the comics where Khonshu leans heavier into posing as a fatherly figure as a manipulation tactic, so the sentence can be interpreted as escaping from Khonshu's leash and finding strength and balance among themselves. It also echoes the usage of the moon dart.
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Easter eggs: There are two easter eggs in here. Three Ba birds with the alters' faces can be seen over Steven's mirror, it's a little signature detail since a previous drawing with them apparently became iconic in my corner of MK fandom? They are also mentioned in the hieroglyphic text. There's a tiny Dracula hiding under the carpet layer. We can't see you in the finished piece, but we know you're here you big fucking nerd
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WHEW that was a lot. Thank you for reading this far!
Here are some other progress pics if you fancy:
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xenonarrow · 4 months
Hey, can y’all rb this if it’s okay to send you messages asking about your ocs, cause on god I wanna interact with y’all but I am terrified of being annoying lol
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xenonarrow · 4 months
look. the nature of the artist (any kind) is to become inexplicably obsessed with certain themes and motifs for a few years and just milk that subject matter to death. when respected artists do this, art critics refer to it as a “period.” the only thing separating you from them is fame and accolades. to your haters you will be “that freak who’s fixated on drawing weird trains,” while to your admirers, you are simply in your “tiny trains made out of household appliances” period
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xenonarrow · 5 months
writers and artists will go "this isn't good enough." my brother in christ, you're creating something new out of nothing and expressing yourself creatively. your productivity and unrealistic standards of perfection do not define you or the worth of your art. you're doing great.
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xenonarrow · 6 months
I'm off to bed but I've got to say it's been an honour to boop you all in here during this day of mischief
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xenonarrow · 10 months
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This was originally a vent piece I drafted back in October just to get my mind off some of the things going on but I liked it enough to give it a bit of colouring.
The story here is that vampire Todd (right) at some point of his (un)life becomes capable of jumping between universes, but the device he's using needs a couple of months of charging so he does a bit of tourism in the meantime.
He once happens to be back in LA and to accidentally stumble upon a version of himself while sheltering for the day - one who was never turned into a vampire (left).
But it's January 2020.
Yeah they end up being forced to survive spend the lockdown together. Ups.
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xenonarrow · 10 months
Little post on to the nice deal they've put out for the release of Rebelle 7 while I work through my wips! I like this software a normal amount
Very much recommended if you miss the charm of traditional media in your art pieces!
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xenonarrow · 1 year
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Reminder that pre-orders are open for the Lunar Labyrinth fanzine!
Check out @moon-knight-zine for more info!
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xenonarrow · 1 year
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A little preview of the piece I was working on earlier this year for the Moon Knight-themed fanzine Lunar Labyrinth! This is probably one of the most complex pieces I've managed to finish in the last few years, and I'm very proud of how it turned out. I can't wait for people to see it in all its glory!
Preorders will open on the 1st of September, check out @moon-knight-zine for more info!
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xenonarrow · 1 year
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Fell the Marvellous ✨
In an attempt to cope with Good Omens S2 finale I wanted to sketch/paint something from the series
I loved how happy Aziraphale looked in the backstage of the theatre after performing the bullet catch trick (1941 minisode is probably my fave)
The scarf was unexpectedly fun to paint and I might have learnt some new tricks on how to render fur in a painterly style. Neat!
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xenonarrow · 1 year
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(original date: 31 May 2023)
I honestly love seeing all those couple fanarts with the Barbie mugshot meme so I decided to join the party with a quick sketch of Mykola (the name is spelt wrong on purpose, it's a running joke) and James
It's been a while since I drew them, I think the last one was back when I still used Clip Studio Pain(t) as a main art software
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xenonarrow · 1 year
Heya! Friendly reminder that my commissions are open!
I was in a bit of a hiatus during the last months due to my university work becoming waaay more intense than I've planned, but now that I only have my thesis to work on I can go back at dedicating some time to drawing!
Click on the links to go to my price sheet and remember to read my TOS!
Keeping it nice and simple!
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Choose among different types and colouring options!
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I’ll draw a picture inspired by a song you send me!
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Hieroglyphs - NEW!
Custom writings in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs! (this is new so I don't have many examples yet, more formats will be added as I keep learning!)
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These are the main formats, but there are some special ones waiting for you on my website!
Check my carrd portfolio or my gallery for more samples!
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