"y/n, you are not going to poison me, are you? this food looks ridiculous.” Draco said. “Of course not, it's called a happy meal! You saw me buy it!” You answered. Draco took a bite of his big mac. After he swallowed the food, a big smile appeared on his face. “I officially love McDonalds.. Why didn't you took me here earlier?” Said Draco surprised. You rolled your eyes. It already took 2 years to get him to try muggle food...
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“You know i lived as a muggle for 11 years... right?” You laughed at Harry. “You haven't tried this yet my dear.” You opened the big box. “Pizza right?” Harry asked. You nodded. “The best pizza you will ever taste and the first one of course.” you handed Harry the pizza. He took a bite of the PINEAPPLE PIZZA. “I like the pizza.. But why is there pineapple of this pizza?”
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MORE TO COME..........
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any writers who want to check and criticize each others work and help each other grow as writers with tips? message me!
will be much appreciated!
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DRACO X READER (the light at the end of the tunnel) SUNSHINE PART 1.
Headcanons or a one shot about Draco dating a Slytherin whose is called “Sunshine” by everyone including people from other houses and professors
You sighed and rolled your eyes. “That joke was terrible.” Draco laughed. “I saved it for you.” Draco smirked and looked at you with a develish smirk. “Look at me.” He said. You arched your brow and looked into his eyes. His eyes were blueish grey with a twinkle. You knew that he felt happy, just by looking into his eyes. They were an open book once you got to know Draco.
A ray of sunshine peeked through the curtains in the library. Draco slowly grabbed your hips and pushed you against the bookshelf. He gently kissed you on your forehead. The sun reflected on your face. “I love you, sunshine.” You smirked at him, you couldn’t get enough of him saying that. Even though the nickname was new…
Books started falling from the shelf. Draco around him, angrily. “Blaise, Jesus Christ.” Blaise laughed softly. “The one and only, Jesus Christ.” You smirked at Draco.
“Hey, I’m (y/n).” You shook hands with Blaise and smiled at him. “Oh I know who you are, ‘sunshine’.” Draco rolled his eyes at Blaise. “You are in slytherin too right, sunshine? It’s a bit weird that Draco didn’t mention you.” Blaise kept eyeing Draco, giving him questionable looks.
You looked surprised. “I didn’t want you guys to ruin her.” Draco signed. “How long have you guys been dating?!” Blaise asked suprised. “About 3 months.” You said, still giving Draco questionable looks. “Jesus Draco! We are brothers man!” Blaise said. “C'mon man, I know you are not that open but this… this is just..” Draco interrupted Blaise. “I’m sorry man, I just didn’t want you guys to mess it up.. like before.” Draco said. “Like before?!” Said Blaise. Draco arched his brow. “You dated sluts before Draco! This girl is really.. a ray of sunshine. I only mess up things I don’t like.” Blaise said. “Things?” Draco asked. “Well, those girls weren’t really people with a mind of their own.” You looked questionable at Draco. “This is what i mean, Blaise! Please go! I talk to you later in the slytherin commonroom, damnit!” Draco said irritated. Blaise threw his hands in the air. “Okay, okay!” Blaise quickly walked away, without looking back.
You arched your brow at Draco. “I know that we wanted to keep this a secret for the slytherin department, but why didn’t you tell your best friend about us?” You said. “I just.. didn’t want to mess things up. Don’t worry about it.” Draco said. You looked at him questionably. “Please open up Draco. You can’t do this yourself.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. “I’m here for you.” You said. “Let’s go to the commonroom, our relationship certainly isn’t secret anymore.” Draco smiled softly. “Reason 2 I didn’t tell Blaise, once Blaise knows something crabbe and Goyle know too. After they know, everyone knows.” Draco said.
You held dracos hand while entering the commonroom. “This is a bit extra.” You said. “If we are doing a 'coming out party’, relationship style, we have to do it good. I want to show you off now.” Draco said. You rolled your eyes at Draco. “You are so dominant.” Draco laughed. “I hope in a fifty shades of Grey kind of way.” Draco said smirking. “What is fifty shades of grey?” You asked innocently. “Hehe, i will show you sometime. Sunny.” You looked at him questionably. “Okay…, let’s go.”
Draco opened the commonroom door while still holding your hand. You peeked in and saw everyone sitting on the couch. “Sunshine!!” Blaise yelled. He grabbed your hand and pulled you in front of the group of people. You knew everyone by name but never spoke to them personally. “Everyone, this is sunshine-” you interrupted Blaise. “My name is-” Blaise interrupted you again. “This is dracos girlfriend.” He said squeamishly. Draco layed his hand on your lower back. “Draco!!” Pansy screamed. “Why didn’t you tell us, you silly boy!” Draco arched his brow at pansy. “Jesus woman. Act normal.” Draco said annoyed. “She is different, her name kind of suits her.” Pansy said. “I don’t need your approval pansy.” Draco said. “Jeez man.” Pansy said. “Shhh, woman. You have to be glad. At least he introduces her to us!” Said Theodore. You shook theodores’ hand. “Nice to meet you sunshine, lets go to dinner. We don’t want to miss it.”
Everyone who sat on the couch stood up. “How did you think it went?” You whispered in dracos ear while walking to the dinning hall. “They loved you.” Draco Said, looking in front of him. “Who are those girls Blaise and pansy mentioned?” You said looking anxiously at Draco. Draco grabbed your hand. “I didn’t know you dated so much girls?” Draco looked at you with his brow arched. “Are you jealous?” He asked suprised. “I have never seen you act like this.” You smirked at him, seeing the twinkle in his eyes. “Once in a year.” You said to Draco. “I like it.” Draco said smirking. “I’m just curious, you know I’m not the jealous type. I just never heard you talk about other girls or exes…?” You said. “I told you how many exes I have.” Draco said. “Correct, and.” You said, hoping he would start talking. “They were really obsessed, jealous and they wanted me for my money.” Draco said. “And good looks of course.” He said laughing. “You are the first girl I had to fight for, you are way out of my league.” Draco said slightly blushing. “Stop it Draco Malfoy.” You said blushing heavily. “What is happening here?” Blaise asked smirking. “Relationship goals? Who are you? Draco Longbottom?” Blaise yelled. The draco you knew vanished before your eyes. His eyes lost the spark as soon as Blaise started talking. “Shut the fuck up, Zabini.” Draco sneered at Blaise. Draco let go of your hand and stormed through the great hall doors.
Draco stood still. “Sunshine!” Some random kids started coming up to you. Just greeting you like they knew you. “Hey sunny!” Neville longbottom said to her. Draco walked over to you and putted his arm around you. “You will always be my sunshine.”
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Headcanons or a one shot about Draco dating a Slytherin whose is called “Sunshine” by everyone including people from other houses and professors
Yaaaaas will do! It's online now! Hope you like it ;) there will be a part 2
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Dracoxreader (muggleborn slytherin.)
Can you probably make an imagine whereas the reader is a muggle-born, and she was sorted into Slytherin. Draco was obviously furious as he thought muggle-borns weren’t good enough to be put in Slytherin. He started making fun of her and all that sort- but she gave no shit towards him and Draco realised that and found himself wanting her attention (is that’s even possible). You can end it like the way you want :-)
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DRACO X READER (newborn baby)
Middle of the night with a new born baby.
You woke up for the third time that night. The sound of crying echoed trough your ears. You could cry of exhaustion. It was all to much. You slowly stood up and held a hand trough your wild hair. “Honey, let me go.” You heard Draco say. You could hear the exhaustion in his voice, it wasn’t as sparkly as normal. “No, you have to work tomorrow.” Draco already stood next to you, before you could say something he already walked trough the door. You quickly walked after him. “Draco.. you need to work tomorrow. Go back to bed now!” You whispered demanding. “No.” Draco picked up the baby and shushed the baby slowly. “You are so damn stubborn.” You said rolling your eyes. Draco smirked at you, with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. It reminded you of hogwarts Draco. “You shushed the baby last time, we are in this together babe.” Draco said. “I’m already tired, I still have a week left of my pregnancy leave. You have that big interview tomorrow!” The baby kept crying and Draco kept trying to get him to stop crying. you walked closer to Draco and kissed the baby on his forehead. The baby stoped crying and looked at you both with big eyes. “He is so beautiful.” You whispered silently.The baby fell asleep again. Draco laid it back in his cradle and walked over to you. He placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer to him. “Don’t worry about it. I can’t let you do this alone, this is 2018, women and men are equal. You are already so tired, I can’t do this to you.” Said Draco. You giggled. “Did you just say I look tired?” You said smirking. Draco laughed softly. “You are so beautiful (y/n), tired or not.” Draco said smirking. “You handled this quite smooth. I’m proud.” You said laughing softly while placing your hand on his chest. “I love you, I’m glad I have you.” You said. You gave him a quick peck and looked him deep in his eyes. “I love you too. I’m lucky to have you as the mother of my son.”
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Hi! I’m looking for someone who wants to review my imagines and give some serious and honest reviews on them to me. Send me a message if you are interested :)
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Hi! I'm looking for someone who wants to review my imagines and give some serious and honest reviews on them to me. Send me a message if you are interested :)
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DRACO X READER (newborn baby)
Middle of the night with a new born baby.
You woke up for the third time that night. The sound of crying echoed trough your ears. You could cry of exhaustion. It was all to much. You slowly stood up and held a hand trough your wild hair. “Honey, let me go.” You heard Draco say. You could hear the exhaustion in his voice, it wasn’t as sparkly as normal. “No, you have to work tomorrow.” Draco already stood next to you, before you could say something he already walked trough the door. You quickly walked after him. “Draco.. you need to work tomorrow. Go back to bed now!” You whispered demanding. “No.” Draco picked up the baby and shushed the baby slowly. “You are so damn stubborn.” You said rolling your eyes. Draco smirked at you, with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. It reminded you of hogwarts Draco. “You shushed the baby last time, we are in this together babe.” Draco said. “I’m already tired, I still have a week left of my pregnancy leave. You have that big interview tomorrow!” The baby kept crying and Draco kept trying to get him to stop crying. you walked closer to Draco and kissed the baby on his forehead. The baby stoped crying and looked at you both with big eyes. “He is so beautiful.” You whispered silently.The baby fell asleep again. Draco laid it back in his cradle and walked over to you. He placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer to him. “Don’t worry about it. I can’t let you do this alone, this is 2018, women and men are equal. You are already so tired, I can’t do this to you.” Said Draco. You giggled. “Did you just say I look tired?” You said smirking. Draco laughed softly. “You are so beautiful (y/n), tired or not.” Draco said smirking. “You handled this quite smooth. I’m proud.” You said laughing softly while placing your hand on his chest. “I love you, I’m glad I have you.” You said. You gave him a quick peck and looked him deep in his eyes. “I love you too. I’m lucky to have you as the mother of my son.”
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Happy New Year
I hope you are all having a great year too, may your dreams come true, may you grow as a person, I wish you all the best!
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DRACO X READER (Coming home again.) PART 1
Draco left you, he left you hanging. After months of waiting and hoping, you hear a noise in the middle of the night. It’s Draco, wounded and broken.
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You caught herself staring outside of your bedroom window in the middle of the night once more. You turned around only to see the empty spot next to you. Which had been empty for months now. It made you even sadder, and it made you long for him even more. It has been weeks since you’ve heard any information about Draco. You didn’t want to admit it, but you were worried sick about him, even though you knew where he was and what he was doing. You missed his touch, you missed the way he looked at you. You stood up and shut down the blinds. It wasn’t worth it anymore. You startled awake. You heard someone walking in your hallway downstairs, and making a hell lot of noise. You grabbed your wand from your nightstand as quickly as you could. You sneaked down the stairs, hoping the person downstairs wouldn’t get a hold of you. You almost reached the last step of the stairs. Before you made your last step, you grabbed your wand. You pointed your wand at the door. 1..2..3.. You jumped of the last stair and yelled a spell. “Expelliarmus!” You caught the wand of your intruder. Luckily it was a wizard, wizard don’t usually have guns on them. You flipped on the light, obviously wanting to know who your intruder was. You blinked twice making sure you weren’t hallucinating.
Both wands fell out of your hands. Tears welled up in your eyes. The blonde boy was covered in blood, his body was full of scars. You walked closer to him and picked the wands up from the ground. Before you could ask why he was here or what the hell happened, he collapsed down on his knees. You ran over to him and prevented him from falling on his face. You helped him on his feet again and you put your arm around him for support. Draco was breathing heavily. You walked with him to your kitchen, which was once titled ‘our’ kitchen. You helped him sit on the closest dining chair. You grabbed your wand as fast as you could and started casting healing spells. This all happened in less than five minutes. You were shaking from angst, for his life mostly. You glanced at the clock hoping that it would go slower. It was four o’clock in the morning. You kept casting healing spells to Draco. His face was turning paler. You kneeled in front of him. You grabbed his cheeks and made him look at you. He had to stay awake.
“I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. I was crying in the girls bathroom in sixth year. Everybody knew I didn’t cry very often so when the news spread, well I think that was the reason when you came looking for me at first. I yelled at you when you entered the bathroom and accused you for only being here to see me in misery. I heard nothing for a while, I thought I was right and that i chased you away. Just at that moment the door of my toilet flew open. I stared angrily at you for a while.”
Draco was slowly coming around.
“The differences we had in the past seemed to fade away in that moment. You comforted me, helped me. It was the day that I fell in love with you.” Draco smiled slightly. You telling about that memory made all the feelings come back, all the ever so happy memories you had together. You thought about all the things you’ve been through together. It brought up too many emotions. A tear rolled over your cheek. “I’m sorry, I have to go to the bathroom really quick. There is something in my eye.” You stood up. Draco grabbed your wrist and pulled you back on your seat. He stared at you with glace eyes, and grabbed your hand.
He was fighting to keep his eyes open, not because of medical reasons but because he was exhausted.
You helped him to get up and put an arm around him to support him. You carefully walked up the stairs, still supporting Draco. You walked him over to the bathroom first. You turned on the shower, and made sure that the temperature was right. You helped Draco undress. Neither of you were uncomfortable by Draco being nude. You’ve seen each other nude before, but the situation was different. You two had a good relationship back then, a connection. Now you two didn’t know which relation you had with each other at all. You helped Draco inside of the shower. The water wasn’t clear anymore, it turned red from all the excess blood on Draco’s body. The water was running down his face, he looked more vulnerable than he ever looked. He looked broken. You grabbed a small plastic stool from under the sink. “Sit on this if you get tired from standing. I’ll be right back, I’m going to get you something clean to wear.” Draco protested. “You don’t..-“ You shook your head. You had a feeling why he didn’t want you to get him clean clothes. He was afraid that you threw away all the clothes you still had from him laying around in this house, which made it all way to final. “Don’t worry. It’s not a big deal.” You said before fleeing out of the room.
You made your way to your walk-in closet. You moved away some hangers, behind all the clothes laid a small pile of boy clothes. You grabbed some underwear, a sweater, and a comfortable set of pants. The clothes didn’t bring up any emotions anymore, even though you kept them. You had to admit that you kept some of the clothes in the hope that Draco would return which was incredibly desperate. You held the pile of clothes in your hand and walked back to the bathroom.
Draco was still standing underneath the shower, making no use of the plastic stool. “If got you some clean clothes, are you ready?” Draco was surprised by the look of his own clothes, which he didn’t think you still had even though it had almost been four months. “I can’t reach my back, can you help me?” He said slowly. You putted the clothes on the sink and opened the shower cabinet. Draco turned around and handed you the soap. You noticed that his body was full of scars, bruises and wounds. His back had the biggest wounds. “Are the wounds hurting?” You asked while soaping his back. “Not anymore.” He said shortly. The both of you remained silent for a while. Draco turned around to rinse. The water turned a bit red once again, but after a couple of seconds It turned clear again. Draco turned off the shower. You handed him a towel when he carefully walked out of the shower. He almost lost his balance walking out of the shower. You grabbed the stool and made Draco sit on it. “Are you able to dress yourself?” You asked looking Draco in his eyes. “At this moment I wished that I couldn’t.” You arched a brow at him, while he grinned at you. “Yes, I can dress myself.” You shook your head. “You’re quite a guy, Draco.” You said smiling mischievously at him. “Let me know when you’re finished dressing yourself.” You said while closing the door of the bathroom behind you. You grabbed your wand from your back pocket and walked downstairs. “Tergeo.” You Whispered pointing at the blood trail. The blood trail disappeared seconds after you casted the spell. At least the blood on the ground floor was gone now. Hail cleaning spells. “I’m done.” Draco screamed from upstairs. You walked upstairs and saw Draco standing outside of the bathroom leaning against the door. “I already cleaned the bathroom, and the hallway.” He said waving with his wand. “Excellent.” You said. You walked over to him and supported him. You walked him through the hallway, opening the bedroom door. You pointed at the empty spot. The spot that was neat and looked unslept.
Draco felt uncomfortable walking to the other side of the bed. He carefully laid down, laying his head on the pillow. You used the Tergeo spell on yourself before removing your clothes. You felt that a certain someone was watching you. “Are you enjoying the view? Pervert.” Draco laughed softly. “I missed the view.” He said whispering. You blushed and ignored his comment. You looked at the digital alarm clock and saw that it was 5:17. You quickly changed into your sleep wear and set the alarm clock for 8:00. You laid down on the bed, feeling strange laying next to Draco again. You felt his warmth, something you hadn’t felt for a while. At least not from Draco. “Goodnight.” Draco said. “Goodnight.”
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DRACO X READER (A pleasant surprise.) PART 2 OF: coming home.
Full of Draco Malfoy fluff and angst. Who doesn’t like that? Let me know what you thought about the imagine ;)
You sat in the kitchen, sipping on your coffee. The caffeine had always been good to you in hard times. This house brought up too many memories, the good and the bad. The bell rang. You walked to the door, and saw Blaise standing behind the door waving like a lunatic. You opened the door with a confused look on your face. “Blaise, darling. You have the key of my house, i didn’t give it to you for nothing.” You said arching one brow. “Hello Blaise, nice to see you.” Said Blaise smirking. “i’m glad you’re visiting me.” He added. “i’m sorry, I didn’t have a lot of sleep last night.” Blaise smirked even wider. “Did you have a guest?” Blaise winked at you. “No!” You said blushing. “I thought the doctor said you couldn’t have bed guests for a while?” You rolled your eyes at him. “I am not. I’m wise enough to think about my health.” Blaise pushed you aside softly and ran to the kitchen. “Aha!” He screamed. You quickly ran after him to the kitchen. “God damnit.” You whispered.
Draco sat on the chair by the dining table sipping on your coffee. “So, you didn’t obey the doctors’ orders?” Blaise said walking to Draco. You sighed. How where you going to explain this? “Long time no see, you git.” Blaise said angrily towards Draco. “Doctors orders?” Draco asked worried. Blaise arched his brow at you. “Didn’t you tell him?” Blaise asked. “Tell him what?” Draco said louder this time trying to get noticed. “No, I didn’t tell him. Blaise.” You hissed at him. Blaise shook his head. “Damnit (y/n)!” Blaise said worried. “He already left Blaise! How could I tell him!” Draco slammed his fist on the table. “Care to tell me what this Is about!?” You quickly looked at Blaise who slowly nodded at you.
Tears rolled over your cheeks. “Blaise goddamnit! I can’t.. This isn’t some..” You stumbled upon your words. Blaise grabbed your shoulder. “You can’t hold It back any longer, you have to tell him. It’s the right thing to do. Even though I think he is an complete asshole.” You sighed and put your hands for your eyes. Your head started spinning because of all the emotions. You put it away, but It came crashing down in seconds. 
“I lost our baby..”
Your body was shaking, your chest felt heavy from all the pain and regret. Draco didn’t know what to say. He stared blankly ahead the first seconds, trying to process the sentence he just heard. Draco hid his face in his hands. “I never should have left. I never should have gone on that mission.” Blaise sighed. “Why did you think she wanted you to stay that bad?” Blaise said annoyed. “You could have told me..” Draco said with his eyes full of guilt.
“Blaise, could you come back later?” Blaise shook his head. “i’m not leaving you with him.” You looked him in the eyes. “Please.” Blaise sighed and nodded. “i’ll be back later.” He said staring intensely at Draco before apparating out of the house.  
Draco grabbed your hand. You shook your head slowly and pulled your hand back. Your hart was racing. “You promised me that you wouldn’t take that dangerous mission from the ministry.” You said with your voice shaking. “I had to get out of the house, our relationship wasn’t going well anymore for a long time. We had a huge fight (y/n)!” A tear rolled over your cheek. “We had a fight about our future Draco and you ran away like you always do! We could’ve fixed it!” You said angrily. “Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant? I would have stayed..”
It remained silent for a while.
“I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you so bad but every time I brought up I wanted children you shoved it away.” Draco held a hand through his hair. “I’m not a complete douchebag. I would have stayed. For you and for the baby!” You walked over to the thermos and poured yourself a cup of coffee. “That’s why I didn’t tell you! I didn’t want you to stay because I was pregnant..” You took a sip of your coffee. “I wanted you to stay because of us. I didn’t want to raise a child in the environment we were in. I didn’t want you to throw away everything for parenthood when you clearly didn’t want it.” Draco slammed his fist on the table. “That is so selfish of you!” He screamed. “Did you wanted the baby then!” you screamed at him.
It remained silent for a while again. Both thinking about what was going to happen next.
“I know what I’ve done, and I regret it till this day. The baby might even still be here if I just told you that night…” You said balling your eyes out once more. Draco moved closer to you and held his arm around you. You laid your head on his shoulder. “I’m not blaming you for losing the baby (y/n), I will never do that to you.” You were relieved by his sayings. “Why did you leave?” Draco sighed. “Because I was afraid of committing. I don’t know what I would’ve done when you did tell me that night. I felt like you deserved more than I could give you.” You shrugged. “You were everything I wanted and needed.” You said.
“Didn’t you love me?” You asked. “That’s why I left (y/n).”
“You could’ve just asked me. You could’ve talked to me.” Draco nodded and grabbed your hand again. “(y/n), lets fix this..” Your hart started racing. You took a deep breath and started speaking. “I’m not throwing myself at your feet anymore. I’m not waiting for you forever. You left me remember? And I was stupid enough to wait for you.” Draco stood up. “Let’s take a vow.” Draco said. “Are you out of your damn mind?” You said flustered. “No, I’m serious. For real. I know we still got work to do. But..” Draco paused for a minute. “I love you so much, my time away made me realize that. I was miserable without you. I couldn’t sleep without you. The only thing I could think about was you. We are like fire and ice but at the same time as Slytherin and pride.” You giggled. “(y/n), you are braver than I could ever be. I admire your fire and your people skills, your passion for the small and the big thing.” Tears welled up in your eyes. “From now on I will never leave your side, I will take a truth serum on that.” Draco kneeled down on one knee. He grabbed a little box from his pocket and opened the box. In the box was a big diamond ring. The kind that made gold-diggers squeal.
“I love you so much (y/n), will you marry me?”
@emelythompson @liamssmiler @imabasicbean
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DRACO X READER (A pleasant surprise.) PART 2 OF: coming home.
Full of Draco Malfoy fluff and angst. Who doesn’t like that? Let me know what you thought about the imagine ;)
You sat in the kitchen, sipping on your coffee. The caffeine had always been good to you in hard times. This house brought up too many memories, the good and the bad. The bell rang. You walked to the door, and saw Blaise standing behind the door waving like a lunatic. You opened the door with a confused look on your face. “Blaise, darling. You have the key of my house, i didn’t give it to you for nothing.” You said arching one brow. “Hello Blaise, nice to see you.” Said Blaise smirking. “i’m glad you’re visiting me.” He added. “i’m sorry, I didn’t have a lot of sleep last night.” Blaise smirked even wider. “Did you have a guest?” Blaise winked at you. “No!” You said blushing. “I thought the doctor said you couldn’t have bed guests for a while?” You rolled your eyes at him. “I am not. I’m wise enough to think about my health.” Blaise pushed you aside softly and ran to the kitchen. “Aha!” He screamed. You quickly ran after him to the kitchen. “God damnit.” You whispered.
 Draco sat on the chair by the dining table sipping on your coffee. “So, you didn’t obey the doctors’ orders?” Blaise said walking to Draco. You sighed. How where you going to explain this? “Long time no see, you git.” Blaise said angrily towards Draco. “Doctors orders?” Draco asked worried. Blaise arched his brow at you. “Didn’t you tell him?” Blaise asked. “Tell him what?” Draco said louder this time trying to get noticed. “No, I didn’t tell him. Blaise.” You hissed at him. Blaise shook his head. “Damnit (y/n)!” Blaise said worried. “He already left Blaise! How could I tell him!” Draco slammed his fist on the table. “Care to tell me what this Is about!?” You quickly looked at Blaise who slowly nodded at you.
Tears rolled over your cheeks. “Blaise goddamnit! I can’t.. This isn’t some..” You stumbled upon your words. Blaise grabbed your shoulder. “You can’t hold It back any longer, you have to tell him. It’s the right thing to do. Even though I think he is an complete asshole.” You sighed and put your hands for your eyes. Your head started spinning because of all the emotions. You put it away, but It came crashing down in seconds. 
 “I lost our baby..”
 Your body was shaking, your chest felt heavy from all the pain and regret. Draco didn’t know what to say. He stared blankly ahead the first seconds, trying to process the sentence he just heard. Draco hid his face in his hands. “I never should have left. I never should have gone on that mission.” Blaise sighed. “Why did you think she wanted you to stay that bad?” Blaise said annoyed. “You could have told me..” Draco said with his eyes full of guilt.
“Blaise, could you come back later?” Blaise shook his head. “i’m not leaving you with him.” You looked him in the eyes. “Please.” Blaise sighed and nodded. “i’ll be back later.” He said staring intensely at Draco before apparating out of the house.  
 Draco grabbed your hand. You shook your head slowly and pulled your hand back. Your hart was racing. “You promised me that you wouldn’t take that dangerous mission from the ministry.” You said with your voice shaking. “I had to get out of the house, our relationship wasn’t going well anymore for a long time. We had a huge fight (y/n)!” A tear rolled over your cheek. “We had a fight about our future Draco and you ran away like you always do! We could’ve fixed it!” You said angrily. “Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant? I would have stayed..”
 It remained silent for a while.
 “I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you so bad but every time I brought up I wanted children you shoved it away.” Draco held a hand through his hair. “I’m not a complete douchebag. I would have stayed. For you and for the baby!” You walked over to the thermos and poured yourself a cup of coffee. “That’s why I didn’t tell you! I didn’t want you to stay because I was pregnant..” You took a sip of your coffee. “I wanted you to stay because of us. I didn’t want to raise a child in the environment we were in. I didn’t want you to throw away everything for parenthood when you clearly didn’t want it.” Draco slammed his fist on the table. “That is so selfish of you!” He screamed. “Did you wanted the baby then!” you screamed at him.
 It remained silent for a while again. Both thinking about what was going to happen next.
 “I know what I’ve done, and I regret it till this day. The baby might even still be here if I just told you that night...” You said balling your eyes out once more. Draco moved closer to you and held his arm around you. You laid your head on his shoulder. “I’m not blaming you for losing the baby (y/n), I will never do that to you.” You were relieved by his sayings. “Why did you leave?” Draco sighed. “Because I was afraid of committing. I don’t know what I would’ve done when you did tell me that night. I felt like you deserved more than I could give you.” You shrugged. “You were everything I wanted and needed.” You said.
 “Didn’t you love me?” You asked. “That’s why I left (y/n).”
“You could’ve just asked me. You could’ve talked to me.” Draco nodded and grabbed your hand again. “(y/n), lets fix this..” Your hart started racing. You took a deep breath and started speaking. “I’m not throwing myself at your feet anymore. I’m not waiting for you forever. You left me remember? And I was stupid enough to wait for you.” Draco stood up. “Let’s take a vow.” Draco said. “Are you out of your damn mind?” You said flustered. “No, I’m serious. For real. I know we still got work to do. But..” Draco paused for a minute. “I love you so much, my time away made me realize that. I was miserable without you. I couldn’t sleep without you. The only thing I could think about was you. We are like fire and ice but at the same time as Slytherin and pride.” You giggled. “(y/n), you are braver than I could ever be. I admire your fire and your people skills, your passion for the small and the big thing.” Tears welled up in your eyes. “From now on I will never leave your side, I will take a truth serum on that.” Draco kneeled down on one knee. He grabbed a little box from his pocket and opened the box. In the box was a big diamond ring. The kind that made gold-diggers squeal.
“I love you so much (y/n), will you marry me?”
@emelythompson @liamssmiler @imabasicbean
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There Will be a part two on my draco coming home imagine!
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It’s my best one yet!!!!!
"DRACO X READER (coming home) GO READ IT :)
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