xkiriaxx · 7 months
Not so true... // Ashlynn Ella
Squeal of Briar x fem reader
Prompt: this takes place after the true hearts day party where Hunter and Ashlynn broke up (male reader will be refer as Satoru/yes going to use JJK Satoru Gojo), son of the strongest sorcerer although weaker than Luna (female reader), as Ashlynn was in danger, he jumped in to save the day or that's what they all think but in reality it's Briar girlfriend, Luna (fem reader/y/n)
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True Hearts Day party, where the atmosphere is vibrant and filled with joy. Ashlynn stands near the enchanting decorations, her gaze soft as she watches the students dance and mingle. Amidst the cheerful ambiance, there's an undercurrent of tension due to her recent breakup with Hunter.
Ashlynn adjusted the floral arrangement on the table, trying to distract herself from the lingering ache in her heart. She caught glimpses of Hunter across the room, his eyes occasionally meeting hers before darting away. It was a bittersweet reminder of what once was.
Meanwhile, Satoru, the enigmatic and powerful sorcerer, leaned casually against a nearby wall, his blue eyes scanning the room behind his sunglasses. His sharp senses picked up on the unease in Ashlynn's demeanor, despite her attempt to hide it behind a soft smile.
Satoru observed Ashlynn discreetly, noticing her glances towards Hunter and the slight quiver in her voice when she greeted her friends. Unbeknownst to everyone else, Satoru had a connection with Luna, the mysterious silver-haired heiress, who was hiding in plain sight at the party.
As the festivities continued, a sudden commotion disrupted the celebration. A magical mishap caused the towering ice sculptures to teeter precariously, threatening to collapse and potentially harm the students.
Reacting swiftly, Ashlynn sprang into action, using her innate ability to communicate with animals to summon the forest creatures. However, before she could avert the disaster, Satoru swiftly intercepted, weaving intricate spells that stabilized the sculptures, shielding the students from harm.
Gasps of relief echoed through the room as the crisis was averted, everyone unaware that it wasn't Ashlynn but Luna who orchestrated the rescue behind the scenes.
Ashlynn, her heart racing from the adrenaline, turned to Satoru with a mix of gratitude and surprise. "Thank you! That was amazing!"
Satoru merely offered a casual smirk behind his sunglasses. "Just doing my part."
Throughout the rest of the evening, Satoru and Ashlynn found themselves drawn to each other, sharing lighthearted conversations and laughter. As the night wore on, they found solace in each other's company, a welcome distraction from their respective heartaches.
Luna, observing from the sidelines, couldn't help but smirk at the unfolding events. She exchanged a knowing look with Briar, her girlfriend, who grinned mischievously, realizing that fate might have something unexpected in store for Ashlynn and Satoru.
The party continued with renewed energy, and amidst the dancing and laughter, a subtle shift occurred, weaving the threads of destiny in ways unforeseen by the attendees.
As the night drew to a close, Ashlynn and Satoru found themselves lingering, reluctant to part ways. There was an unspoken connection between them, a spark of something new and unexpected that had blossomed amidst the chaos of True Hearts Day.
Little did they know, this chance encounter was only the beginning of an unforeseen journey that would intertwine their lives in ways they never imagined possible.
The night ends with Ashlynn and Satoru exchanging shy smiles, a hint of newfound hope glimmering in their eyes, while Luna and Briar share a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the brewing romance that fate seemed to have in store for their friends.
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xkiriaxx · 7 months
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About what I write:
I'm a gl writer so most of my fanfics are gl but I can write straight/bl but not often
About requests:
Anything can do except for explict/smut, I am okay with fluff and angst
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xkiriaxx · 7 months
Roses in Rain // Briar Beauty
Briar beauty x fem reader
Prompt: As y/n (going to use the name Luna) was going to go to hocus latte cafe at book end, it started raining which caused her to not go, thankfully her BFFA, Cerise and Ashlynn dragged her to her girlfriend and next sleeping beauty party
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The pitter-patter of raindrops against the window pane provided a rhythmic backdrop to Luna's reluctance. She stared out at the downpour, feeling a pang of disappointment as she watched the streets glisten under the gray clouds. Tonight was supposed to be the True Hearts Day party at Hocus Latte Cafe, an event she had been eagerly awaiting, especially to spend time with her girlfriend, Briar Beauty.
Just as Luna resigned herself to a quiet evening indoors, the doorbell chimed. Cerise Hood and Ashlynn Ella barged in, both drenched from the rain but bubbling with excitement.
"Luna, what are you doing moping around on True Hearts Day?" Cerise exclaimed, shaking off her coat.
"Yeah, come on, it's time to get you out of here!" Ashlynn chimed in, a wide grin on her face.
Luna hesitated, but the persuasive duo wouldn't take no for an answer. Before she could protest further, they whisked her away, promising a surprise.
As they arrived at a lavish venue adorned with hearts and sparkles, Luna's eyes widened in surprise. It was Briar's True Hearts Day party! She hadn't expected this turn of events.
"Luna! You're here!" Briar exclaimed, rushing over in her distinctive flower-designed dress, a radiant smile lighting up her face. Her pink-streak-dyed hair was fashioned elegantly, her crownglasses perched atop her head.
"Surprise, surprise! We couldn't let you miss out on the fun," Ashlynn giggled.
Cerise nodded, adding, "And Briar was so eager for you to be here."
Despite Luna's initial resistance, she found herself swept into the festivities. The party buzzed with laughter and joy as Cupid, Hopper Croakington II, and Briar made sure everyone felt the True Hearts Day spirit.
"Looks like the rain couldn't keep you away," Luna remarked, a playful glint in her eyes as she approached Briar.
Briar chuckled, a hint of mischief in her voice. "Never! Besides, you're my True Hearts Day treasure."
Their banter was peppered with teasing and affectionate glances, a language only they seemed to understand amidst the celebration.
As the night progressed, Luna found herself opening up more, her initial reserve melting away amid the warmth of the atmosphere and Briar's presence. Despite their contrasting personalities, Luna's bluntness paired surprisingly well with Briar's energetic charm.
The evening wore on, filled with dances, shared laughter, and stolen moments between Luna and Briar, reaffirming the bond they shared.
In the quiet embrace of the party, Luna realized that sometimes, unexpected turns could lead to the most beautiful moments, especially when spent with someone as enchanting as Briar.
True Hearts Day had indeed bloomed beautifully, rain and all.
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xkiriaxx · 7 months
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Briar Beauty
Ashlynn Ella
Enna Alouette
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xkiriaxx · 9 months
Frozen Sparks // Clorinde
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In the bustling streets of Fontaine, where the soft glow of lanterns illuminated the night, two worlds were about to collide. Clorinde, a formidable Electro Vision wielder who preferred the sharp elegance of a sword, walked through the heart of the city. She was known as a protector, a guardian of the people, and her presence was a comforting sight for the citizens of Fontaine.
Yet, amidst the lively crowd, there was someone who walked in the shadows. Kamisato Y/N, an enigmatic beauty with a Cryo Vision, concealed her true identity behind the alias "Y/N L/N." She was known as 'The Swordmaster' in hushed whispers and feared by those who knew her true lineage.
As Clorinde strolled along, her gaze caught a glimpse of a peculiar figure in the distance. Y/N L/N, with her ethereal beauty and frosty demeanor, seemed out of place amidst the vibrant atmosphere of Fontaine.
Clorinde couldn't help but be intrigued. She approached Y/N with a warm smile, her Electro Vision pulsating softly. "Hey there," she greeted, her voice laced with curiosity.
Y/N glanced at the stranger, her icy blue eyes meeting Clorinde's electric gaze. "Can I help you?" Her tone was cold, guarded.
Clorinde chuckled, unfazed by Y/N's frosty demeanor. "Just thought you looked a little lost, that's all. Fontaine can be quite overwhelming for newcomers."
Y/N's lips twitched in a hint of a smile, her gaze softening ever so slightly. "I can handle myself just fine."
Clorinde's interest was piqued even further. "You know, you remind me of someone I once knew. Strong, independent, and a bit of a mystery."
Y/N's frosty exterior cracked just a bit more as she replied, "Is that so? Well, I guess everyone has their secrets."
As the two continued to exchange words, a connection formed, one that transcended the boundaries of their elemental differences. Clorinde's lively and adventurous spirit contrasted Y/N's cool and composed demeanor, creating a spark that neither could deny.
In the days that followed, Clorinde and Y/N found themselves drawn to each other, spending more time together in the vibrant city of Fontaine. They discovered shared interests, a love for combat, and a mutual respect for each other's strengths.
One evening, as they watched the city's night sky illuminated by fireworks, Clorinde finally mustered the courage to ask, "So, Y/N, what's the story behind 'Y/N L/N'? Why hide your true identity?"
Y/N hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixed on the sparkling night sky. "There are some things from my past that I'd rather keep hidden. It's a matter of protection."
Clorinde nodded understandingly, sensing that there was much more to Y/N's story than met the eye. Little did she know that their destinies were intertwined, and their journey together would uncover secrets, test their strengths, and ignite a love that would defy the elements.
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xkiriaxx · 9 months
Hate that I like you // Enna Alouette
Translations and the hangul words might be wrong since I'm not korean
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The vibrant streets of Seoul, South Korea buzzed with life as Y/N made her way to her favorite cafe, her thoughts consumed by the ever-growing world of streaming. It had been years since she'd stepped away from her role as a dance choreographer for K-idols, trading the intense dance studio for the freedom of the virtual world. Now, she was known as Y/N L/N, a successful virtual streamer who entertained fans from all corners of the internet.
As she entered the cozy cafe, she couldn't help but notice the curious glances coming her way. Y/N was used to the attention by now, but today was different. Unbeknownst to her, the members of Ethyria, the popular VTuber group, sat at a nearby table. The group consisted of Millie, Reimu, Enna, and their graduated member, Nina, who had left the group for personal reasons.
The quartet was engaged in lively conversation when their eyes collectively fell upon a scene that piqued their interest. Y/N was engaged in a friendly chat with someone who looked remarkably like a K-pop idol. It didn't take them long to recognize the celebrity in question—Blackpink's Jisoo, one of the most famous idols in the industry.
As they observed the interaction between Y/N and Jisoo, Enna couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat. There was something about Y/N that drew her in, something she couldn't quite put into words. She had heard about love at first sight, but she had always dismissed it as a fairy tale until now.
While Enna's heart soared, Y/N's emotions were more complex. She had sworn off relationships, prioritizing her streaming career over matters of the heart. But seeing Enna changed everything. Y/N couldn't help but fall for her, and that scared her more than anything. Love had a way of complicating life, and she wasn't sure if she was ready for that.
Jisoo, ever perceptive, noticed the conflict in Y/N's eyes. She leaned in and spoke in Korean, her voice filled with concern. "넌 괜찮아? (Are you okay?)"
Y/N managed a small smile and replied in kind, "괜찮아, 걱정하지 마. (I'm alright, don't worry.)"
Their exchange was brief, but it left an impression on both of them. Y/N couldn't deny her growing feelings for Enna, and Jisoo couldn't help but wonder about the story behind those mesmerizing eyes.
Little did they know that this serendipitous encounter would set the stage for a dance of hearts, where love, commitment, and the virtual world would all collide, creating a beautiful yet challenging rhythm that neither of them could resist.
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xkiriaxx · 9 months
Could I request an Aia x fem reader where reader says something like “i love you” in Vietnamese not knowing Aia is Viet?
Translation won't fully be correct as I am not fluent in Vietnamese but had help with the translation from my mother
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Aia had always been a mystery to Y/N. Her enigmatic aura and captivating smile left Y/N in awe every time they met. Little did she know that beneath that charming exterior, Aia held a secret, one that would change everything.
It was a quiet evening in their favorite café, a quaint little place tucked away in a corner of the city. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Y/N and Aia sat across from each other, their fingers tracing the rim of their coffee cups as they engaged in light conversation.
Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest every time she looked into Aia's deep, dark eyes. She had been harboring a secret for a while now, one that she was finally ready to share. With a nervous smile, Y/N cleared her throat.
"Um, Aia, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," Y/N said, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush.
Aia tilted her head curiously. "Oh? What is it, Y/N?"
Y/N took a deep breath and mustered the courage to speak her heart. "Tôi yêu bạn. (I love you)"
Aia's eyes widened, and her lips formed a surprised "O." Y/N, unaware that she had just confessed her love to Aia in Vietnamese, continued, "I mean, I love you. I've loved you for a while now."
Aia blinked, her expression a mix of astonishment and disbelief. "Y/N, you... you love me?"
Y/N nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "Yes, I do. I can't help it. You're amazing, Aia."
Aia's face broke into a radiant smile, and she chuckled softly. "Y/N, you have no idea how much that means to me."
Confused but relieved by Aia's reaction, Y/N asked, "You're not mad or anything?"
Aia shook her head. "No, not at all. In fact, I should have told you this sooner, but I didn't know how."
Y/N furrowed her brows. "Told me what?"
Aia's smile grew even brighter. "Tôi cũng yêu bạn, (I love you too)" she confessed, her voice soft and filled with sincerity.
Y/N's eyes widened in realization. "Wait, you understood what I said?"
Aia nodded, her gaze fixed on Y/N's. "Yes, I'm Vietnamese, Y/N. I understood you perfectly."
Y/N couldn't believe her ears. Aia, the woman she had been secretly admiring for so long, was not only aware of her feelings but also felt the same way. They both laughed, their hearts lighter than ever before.
Their hands met in the middle of the table, fingers intertwining, sealing their unspoken love with a promise of a beautiful future together.
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xkiriaxx · 9 months
Hi, can I request for Nilou x fem reader?
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In the heart of Liyue, the bustling city of contracts and secrets, Y/N was known as a high-ranking member of the Fatui, holding the prestigious rank of No. 5. Her anemo vision gave her an edge in combat, but she seldom revealed the true extent of her power. A secret weighed heavily upon her, a forbidden knowledge she carried within her heart.
Contrary to her seemingly unassuming existence, Y/N was aware that she possessed a hidden strength far surpassing even the No. 1 Harbinger. This knowledge stemmed from an ancient pact she had made with none other than Zhongli, formerly known as Rex Lapis. Y/N's true purpose was to safeguard this secret, protecting the divine contract she had forged with Liyue's guardian deity and the heavenly principles.
Nilou, a Hydro vision holder from Sumeru, had arrived in Liyue with a purpose of her own, unaware of the tangled web of intrigue she was about to step into. She was a mysterious figure, her origins shrouded in mystery, and she had no inkling that she had crossed paths with a member of the enigmatic Fatui.
The other Harbingers were oblivious to Y/N's hidden strength until one fateful day. During a clandestine meeting at the Fatui headquarters, a palpable tension hung in the air as they gathered around the polished mahogany table. Tartaglia, Sandrone, Columbina, Arlecchino, Pierro, Pantalone, Il Dottore, Il Capitano, Sandrone, and Pulcinelle were all present. Their expressions were a mixture of intrigue and suspicion as they glanced at Y/N.
Her eyes, once vibrant and full of life, had transformed into pools of darkness, as if the very light within her had been extinguished. The Harbingers exchanged uneasy glances, feeling an unsettling presence in the room. Chains, invisible to the naked eye, bound Y/N as if she were trapped in a contract of her own making.
Tartaglia, the cunning and observant Harbinger, was the first to speak. "Something feels amiss here. Y/N, care to explain why you seem so… bound?"
Y/N's gaze remained distant, her lips forming a subtle, enigmatic smile. "Oh, Tartaglia, it's all a matter of perspective, isn't it? We all have our secrets, our contracts, and our bonds. Some are simply more visible than others."
The atmosphere grew heavier as the Harbingers exchanged knowing glances, realizing that they had just scratched the surface of Y/N's hidden truths. Unbeknownst to them, the threads of fate were weaving a complex tapestry, one that would challenge their allegiances, test their loyalties, and ultimately, bind their destinies together in a way none of them could have ever imagined.
As days turned into weeks, the tension within the Fatui ranks continued to mount. Y/N's presence had become a source of intrigue and unease among the Harbingers. Her interactions with Nilou, the unsuspecting Hydro vision holder from Sumeru, only deepened the mystery surrounding her.
Nilou had no inkling that Y/N was a member of the Fatui, nor did she suspect the enigmatic woman's connection to forbidden knowledge and the ancient pact with Zhongli. Their paths crossed in the most unexpected of places—a quaint teahouse tucked away in the winding streets of Liyue Harbor.
As Nilou sipped her tea, her gaze wandered, finally settling on Y/N, who sat across from her, her eyes veiled by an inscrutable mask. "You're not like anyone I've ever met in Liyue," Nilou remarked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
Y/N chuckled softly, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "And you, Nilou, are a puzzle waiting to be unraveled."
Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Columbina, one of the Harbingers, who had been shadowing Y/N discreetly. "You two seem rather chummy, don't you?" Columbina's tone was laced with suspicion.
Y/N's smile remained unchanged, but her gaze turned sharp as she regarded the intruding Harbinger. "Columbina, always the vigilant one, aren't you? But some bonds transcend the boundaries of factions and allegiances."
The tension in the teahouse was palpable, and Nilou could sense the undercurrents of power and secrets that surrounded Y/N. She may not have known the full extent of Y/N's hidden strength or her ties to the Fatui, but she was drawn to her in a way she couldn't explain.
Little did Nilou know that their encounter marked the beginning of a journey that would lead them both down a treacherous path, one filled with deception, intrigue, and the unearthing of long-buried secrets. The web of fate was tightening, and as Y/N and Nilou navigated its intricacies, they would come to realize that their destinies were inexorably intertwined, bound by a bond that defied the conventions of their world.
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xkiriaxx · 9 months
Given-Taken // Shiraishi An
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The Kamiyama high school gymnasium was buzzing with excitement as students from Kamiyama and Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy gathered for the "Show Your Passion" event. It was a unique collaboration between the two schools, where various music and dance groups showcased their talents.
In the midst of it all, Shiraishi An from Vivid Bad Squad stood backstage with her group members, Kohane, Toya, and Akito. They were determined to steal the spotlight and surpass RAD Weekend, the reigning champions of the event. Little did An know that her life was about to take an unexpected turn.
Meanwhile, you, Y/N, a member of Enhypen, were hidden in plain sight. You were from Japan but had managed to keep your identity a secret at Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy. Your friends, Shizuku, Airi, and Mafuyu, were the only ones who knew your true identity.
As the event began, the participants took the stage one by one. Leo/Need, Nightcord at 25, Wonder x Showtime, and More More Jump gave stunning performances, but the audience was in for a surprise.
It was finally your turn to shine. You walked onto the stage, your heart pounding with excitement and nerves. You held a handheld mic and wore an in-ear that made you look like a professional. The audience had no idea what to expect from a seemingly ordinary student.
You began your performance with a dance and vocal cover of "0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You)" by Tomorrow X Together. Your pronunciation of the Korean words was flawless, and the crowd was captivated by your talent.
The surprise didn't end there. Midway through the performance, you seamlessly transitioned into Enhypen's "Given-Taken." The intricate choreography left the audience in awe, and whispers of amazement filled the gymnasium.
Backstage, An and her group members watched in astonishment as you commanded the stage. An couldn't help but be drawn to your performance. There was something about you that intrigued her, and she couldn't put her finger on it.
As you finished your performance to thunderous applause, you couldn't contain your smile. Your secret identity was no longer hidden, and the audience was left in awe of your talent.
After the event, An approached you backstage, a curious glint in her eyes. "That was incredible," she said, her voice laced with admiration. "I've never seen anyone perform like that."
You blushed slightly at the compliment. "Thank you. I've been keeping my identity a secret for a long time."
An extended her hand. "I'm Shiraishi An from Vivid Bad Squad. Would you like to join us for a practice session sometime?"
As you shook her hand, you felt a connection that went beyond the stage. Little did you know that this encounter would mark the beginning of a unique journey, where two worlds collided and a deep bond would form between you and An.
And so, the story of Shiraishi An and Y/N's unexpected friendship began, their worlds intertwining in ways they could have never imagined.
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