xlightsided-blog · 7 years
     “You tryin’ to flatter me by callin’ me tough, or just remind me how damn old I am?” Nydo didn’t look at her as he spoke. He was wearing a young face today, a young body, but his cells were old, and the decades were taking their toll. He finished his drink, then finally looked over at the girl, studying her. She wasn’t like the Padawans from the old days–thank the Force for that. She was something fresh and new. Maybe she wouldn’t go down the same road that led the arrogant old Jedi Order to ruin. 
     “You that Rey kid the First Order’s looking for? Seems like you really got ‘em spooked.” He ordered another drink and sipped it slowly. “S’pose General Organa sent you. I reckon she’s about the only one in your outfit who’d know where to look for me. You got a job that needs doing?”
      “I certainly wouldn’t be here if there weren’t a job that needed doing,” she said, quirking an eyebrow as she looked around the room -- her expression said it all. “Yes, she sent me. And I am might be that Rey kid. If you come with me, you’ll find out.”        The whole...subtle recon thing? Not Rey’s thing, but she was trying. She leaned against the bar,  genuinely curious -- would he come with her? Was General Organa’s name that powerful, or influential, on this man? 
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
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                    ‘ some of us CHOOSE to not pick sides. i                         see NOTHING wrong with such a philosophy. ‘
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      “EVERYONE is entitled to their choice, or not-choice. But I couldn’t choose to not choose a side and watch as the First Order continues to annihilate entire systems and kill innocent people. Sometimes, I have to choose a side.”
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
✩  xmasterless ✩
starter for @xlightsided
     Nydo was a swordsman, not some mystic like his teachers had been, but he was still connected to the Force, and he could feel its power radiating from the girl the moment she walked in the room. Hell, he could almost see it. He hadn’t felt power like that since… well, since before the fall of the Republic, if ever. 
     He sipped his drink slowly, sure to keep an eye on the girl, watching her reflection in his glass without ever moving his eyes. He’d heard about new Force users popping up, and about one in particular: some young scavenger from Jakku, a girl who’d gotten the First Order worked up into a tizzy. Could this be that girl?
     And if she was, then what was she doing in a place like this?
     REY certainly hadn’t ever visited a place like this before. So much was happening all at once, so much conversation and energy, and Rey was still learning how to calm her mind and quiet that Force connection. Momentarily, it overwhelmed her.      She had come here looking for him, and after a few false starts, she was sure she’d found him -- besides the fact that she could see him, there was that unmistakable feeling she got from the Force. Surely, that meant he had to know she was here.        Rey sidled up beside him at the bar, ordering some drink that she’d had once when she was out with Finn and Poe, something she knew she could drink without looking suspicious or out of place (because she absolutely felt that way).        “You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find someone, would you? He’s supposed to be tough, old...” And here she lowers her voice, all hush-hush like. “Carries a lightsaber...”
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
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     “CAN I help you with something?”
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
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brows crease in concern as he sees the shift in her bright eyes. she’s afraid and while that is the opposite of what they needed, what they demanded from her, it reminds him she’s only human. she’s been dragged into this, taken from a life she had known and thrust into a war. the last jedi…. a sigh passes through his lips, knowing how he personally looked to her for guidance. to be their beacon of light and hope in the darkness of the galaxy.  “you’re not alone. this ship is full of people who not only believe in you but in the resistance. that’s more powerful then anything the first order has.” he had been afraid, saw the resistance nearly be snuffed out. they had lost so many, roamed the galaxy now in search of a new base, a new home. 
his smile returns at her mention that he wasn’t alone. eyes shifting to the porgs who stare at them with curiousity. fingers reach out and run through the feathers of the porg in front of him, earning a soft squawk of joy. “i’ve learned never to knock old vessels. except those ski speeders. those were rust buckets.” 
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    HIS words bring her comfort, and then a smile blooms on her face as he reaches out to pet the porg. “I’ve never been on a ski speeder,” she says. She’s still got so much to learn, but at least she seems to have found the right group of people to do those new things with.      She notices she’s feeling tired, now; Poe’s conversation has calmed her, and the tea has warmed her body. “Thank you, Poe,” she says, reaching forward to squeeze his hand. “I think...I think I may actually be able to catch some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”        As she leaves, she offers him a smile over her shoulder, and then heads to bed.                                                                   ✩ ✩ ✩         It’s nearly a week before she sees Poe again. Everyone has gotten to settle in on the base, Rey included. No one is sure how long they’ll be able to call this home, but at least they can take this time to regroup.          “Chewie -- I’m taking the Falcon for a bit. Take the day.”          She runs, a smile plastered on her face, radiating joy like a small child. Eventually she finds him -- beside an X-Wing, of course, with BB-8 near.          “Poe!” She smiles brightly, waving at him. “Poe. How’d you like to pilot the Falcon today?”
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
mood: obi-wan always telling anakin he’s reckless and then promptly launching himself out of a window
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
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starter call for when i am not dead tired 
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
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face masks + glasses = oh.....oh this was harder than anticipated
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
     Kylo Ren had never expected any of this to happen, and Ben Solo had only ever thought that people fell in love–truly, deeply in love, like this–in old stories. He had been so wrong. Here he was, risking everything, possibly sacrificing all he had worked for, just to be with Rey. And every fiber of his being told him that it was worth it, that she was worth it. He knew now that he could never let go of her again. 
     So he kissed her deep and held her close, and in the shadows, her light overwhelmed him. 
     When he woke the next morning, it was still raining, and there was a damp chill in the air, but he was warmed by Rey’s body next to him, her hot skin bare against his. He rolled over under the few blankets they had gathered and he wrapped his arms tighter around her, burying his face against her neck. He realized that it was the first time in a long time that he had slept with no nightmares, and woken with no pain.
     In the middle of a war, in the middle of a conquest he was meant to lead, he finally felt peace. He kissed her neck and closed his eyes, and he held her there in the stillness.
   BEN’S gentle kiss began the process of Rey’s stirring awake. Slowly, she became aware of smaller details: the sound of the rain, the rhythm of Ben’s breathing, the comforting warmth of his bare body pressed against hers.     With each moment of awakening, Rey began to remember details about the night prior. Reality settled in as her eyelids fluttered open. Oh. A wave of glee washed over her as she realized it was all real -- all of it. Ben was here, still, with her, warm and safe with her in his arms. A sleepy smile settled on her lips.      “Hey,” she murmured, hoping he was awake too. “Ben. Darling. Good morning.”
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
retail sux, y’all
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
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son of a pilot and a lieutenant who both served the alliance, it was a clear choice for him to do the same. he could have remained on yavin iv, helped his father around the farm yet he’s certain that the older dameron knew he wanted to take to the sky. to follow in the path of the family and fight against the rising darkness.  poe leans forward in interest as rey explains how she’s come to be a pilot. what she describes is a natural skill. for one to scavenge and know the inner workings of a starship and then to be able to take that knowledge and actually fly? that was impressive. the smile on his lips beaming as he becomes fascinated with the jedi and in awe of her. 
he’s curious of the story behind the falcon being on jakku, thankful that it was amongst the ruins of the desert planet. had it not been bb-8 might not have been returned nor would rey or finn have joined the resistance. “garbage?” a laugh heaves from him, causing dark hues to lighten at such a thought. his head tilts back as remembers that they aren’t alone, the ship filled with exhausted resistance members. and yet it feels like it’s just them.
he agrees with her. these offerings of the past that became hope to them now in the present were truly legendary. people like leia, luke, han, his parents… they all sparked that hope. the promise of rebellion then and once more. “new legends will be born. stories told across those who have the same glimmer of hope that we do. our spark will inspire them, help to push them in the direction of the light and show the first order that they will not be submissive.” 
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     “OUR spark has to catch fire. It has to.”       It’s like she’s trying to will the fact into existence by saying it. There simply is no other option. It has to work. The story of the Resistance escaping on the Milennium Falcon would have to spread through the galaxy and being to inspire if they were going to win this war.      “I’ve never faced anything like this before, Poe. Never. This war is literally galactic. It’s...monumental.” Her eyes fix on Poe for a second, and he’ll surely see the glimmer of worry in them. “I’m scared. But it...I feel better when I remember that I’m not alone. For the first time in my whole entire life, I’m not alone.”       She smiles, thinking of how even tonight, as the ship sleeps, she isn’t alone. Maybe some people would be bothered by it; she isn’t. Poe’s company is more than welcome. Rey refills her cup of tea, and that glimmer of worry turns into a shimmer of glee.        “Look at us tonight, even. Not alone. You, and me, and a bunch of porgs. Hey -- when we get to somewhere safe, I should show you the rest of the Falcon. For an old girl, she’s incredible.”
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
“Are you now?” That in itself was admirable: willing to step up and help in a never ending fight against the dark side, sacrificing oneself for a better cause. She was young and bright and noble, that in itself made her a perfect fit for an organization like the Resistance. Yet how many people turned a blind eye to the fighting, trying to live out their own lives peacefully on their respective planets, hoping that they’d be safe from the fighting there? People who could help possibly end the crisis always abroad in the dark depths of space.
Despite all this, Loki sensed much more in the young woman before him. Something that went deeper than her words simply surmised. Perhaps it was merely a bold and courageous personality beneath her softened exterior, or perhaps it was much more. Somebody attuned to a deeper force at work here. Indeed, maybe even the Force itself. He didn’t question her on this, however. If she had wanted to share such information, she would have, and it felt purposeful that she had lightly avoided it altogether and answered as simply as she had. 
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“That’s admirable. I’m glad to know you’re fighting the good fight. What do they have you doin’? Unless that’s confidential–totally get it.”
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         “IT’S not really confidential. I mean, the specifics are, but the gist of it is that I am lending my skill to the Resistance in order to help end the war. It’s not just me, though. The Resistance is full of incredible people with so much more knowledge than me. I lived my whole life on a desert planet, mostly unaware of the sheer...intensity of the war. They’ve been fighting it the whole time. Some of them even fought in the previous rebellion.”            She couldn’t lie and say that they couldn’t do it without her -- yes, that sounded entirely selfish and self-inflating, but the reality was that they needed someone with her Force sensitivity to match that of Kylo Ren’s. Yet, the longer Rey thought about it, the more she realized: The Resistance needed all people involved. It needed General Leia, it needed Poe, it needed Finn. They all had roles, skills that were integral to the success of the Resistance.              “We took a fairly large hit recently,” she sighed, thinking of the latest battle. “Lost a lot of good people. I won’t let it happen again.”
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
song lyric starter | awake my soul, mumford & sons
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       “I’M scared of what’s behind, and what’s before.”
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
the RAIN N. man it was actually blue and pretty when I left for work & then I got here and turned around to look outside and BAM. gray skies
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
so it’s v rainy here in socal which always makes me want to write. i’ve got replies lined up for later but if you’d like a starter or smth, pls go ahead and like this / shoot me an ask c:
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
dudes i saw a meme that was a starter call w/ song lyrics and i love that so like this for one of those!!
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
* hurt prompts
‘ are you bleeding? ’
‘ take it easy. you hit your head. ’
‘ where does it hurt? ’ 
‘ sit still and let me take a look! ’
‘ how did you get that black eye? ’ 
‘ you should see the other guy. ’ 
‘ did i say you could get out of bed? ’
‘ that’s going to leave a bruise. ’
‘ i’ll get some ice. ’ 
‘ that’s what you get for picking fights. ’
‘ are you trying to give me a heart attack? ’
‘ what’s wrong with you? ’
‘ you can barely stand. ’
‘ did you throw the first punch? ’
‘ that’s a nasty bump. ’
‘ get in the car. you’re going to the hospital. ’
‘ at least bandage it. ’ 
‘ no, you’ll get an infection. ’ 
‘ wet floor signs are there for a reason, you know. ’
‘ you’re lucky. that icicle could’ve killed you. ’
‘ where’s your gratitude? i rescued you! ’
‘ i’m calling the nurse. ’
‘ was that stupid dare worth it? ’
‘ what happened to you? ’
‘ sit down. i’ll make some hot chocolate and fix you right up. ’
‘ are those bandages? ’
‘ you need stitches. ’
‘ look out for that tree branch. ’
‘ i’ve got you. just stay awake. can you do that for me? ’
‘ lean on me. ’
‘ you got two choices: let me carry you, or die out here. take your pick. ’
‘ shit, you’re burning up. ’  
‘ you’re not dying. it’s only a sprained ankle. ’
‘ lie down. ’
‘ i’m sorry. i know it hurts. here, hold my hand. ’
‘ you’re in no condition to be walking around. ’
‘ wake up! wake up! ’
‘ i don’t feel sorry for you. ’
‘ look at your face! ’
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