xm-jiyeon · 10 years
jiyeon sighed in frustration as she rushed around the house, picking up all of minsoo’s things. it had only been a few days since she’d found the baby on her porch but she’d accommodated to him quickly. even jihyun had chipped in to get little minsoo the necessities (and ‘for-fun’ things). their parents had been very understanding and, due to the lack of orphanages in musa, had advised jiyeon to keep minsoo for the time being. so she had, and the boy was turning out to be a handful.
thankfully, her mother had decided to come over to help take care of the little boy. she was upstairs in jiyeon’s room, making sure that minsoo wasn’t going to fall off the bed in his sleep. as she grabbed another toy from near the couch, her phone went off. jiyeon stood up straight, toy in one hand, and grabbed her phone from the kitchen counter. her phone screen alerted her of a new message from yoonjo.
opening said message, jiyeon read through it and frowned at her phone. what would yoonjo need her help for? maybe she was in some sort of trouble. still frowning, jiyeon texted back a quick reply and put her phone in her sweater pocket. she continued cleaning up minsoo’s toys, awaiting the younger girl’s arrival.
( text → yoonjo ) of course you can come over. i’ll be home all day so come by whenever you want to.
・Special lessons
Although it’s now the middile of summer, which means no school, Yoonjo couldn’t go working at the tea room today. She just got a new task, a very tough one: looking after a baby who came to her house from nowhere.
It has been more than a day since the moment she first saw this little boy on the sideway and brought him home. The ginger spent the whole day going to every table, asking every customer visited the tea room if they might have any relation to the baby, and yet the result wasn’t good at all. They answered her with either head shaking, shrugging or a simple “I don’t know.”
Usually, she’ll take the baby to her parents. Dad and mom must have experience taking care of babies. They gave Yoonjo her birth and raised her. They surely know what to do. Things would be so easy to deal with if… they were at home. Her parents are going on vacation at present, unlucky for Yoonjo.
It can’t be continued like this. Yoonjo has her own reason to be worried. She’s only 17. At this age, she even doesn’t take care of herself very well. She needs help.
The ginger thinks of Jiyeon. The nicest neighbor she knows in Musa and also the lovely unnie. Perhaps she can help her with this thing. She sends to Jiyeon a short message.
[text] unnie, can I come to your place? I need your help  
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
[tex] unnie I got bad news
[text] maybe it’s just bad for me
[text] remember the Myungsoo guy I told you earlier?
[text] he’s not in Musa he’s from Heukyang T.T I just happened to know it
[text] I don’t think we can easily meet again by chance or not how sad it is T.T
( text → yoonjo ) ?
( text → yoonjo ) yeah i remember him
( text → yoonjo ) heukyang? ooo
( text → yoonjo ) well there's always fate! that or he could come back looking for you
( text → yoonjo ) hehehe
( text → yoonjo ) or maybe you'll meet another good looking guy
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
to her side, she heard someone speak as if they were acknowledging their presence being called. it took her a moment before she pulled her attention away from the painting and reluctantly to the boy beside her. he seemed to be looking at her, his eyes appearing like something taken out of animated art. she turned her head to subtly scan around her but found no one else close enough to have been the target of his acknowledgment. 
so he was speaking to her.
jiyeon blinked, caught on what to say, and let her mouth run without truly processing her thoughts, “um?” she shook her head a bit as if to clear her mind then tried again, “sorry, what did you need?” perhaps she would’ve thought that he was some kind of helper at the gallery but his features were rather young. and he wasn’t giving off that “let me help you ma’am” vibe. which, she didn’t really like because she wasn’t a ma’am, she had only recently turned twenty. that was in no way ma’am status. 
going back to her current situation, jiyeon continued to ask herself who this guy was. she’d never seen him before, maybe he was just a student at the school who was trying to play some kind of prank. or, maybe he was one of the artists featured in the gallery. still, he seemed more like a first year, and there was only one first year featured. 
jung ilhoon. oh.
the dark haired girl looked back at the art work she’d been observing beforehand and then back at the boy, “are you the artist? jung ilhoon?” she really hoped he was, because if he wasn’t she was making a big fool of herself. 
calling all artists ✖ jiyeon + ilhoon
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
( ` exits from one of the back rooms and sighs at her friend. she steps in front of him in an attempt to somewhat obscure the ink and tattoo guns from his view ) unless you’re tattooing yourself, no. ( looks behind her to see if there are any clients waiting but finds none. turning back around, she shrugs ) i mean, sort of. then again, if you mess up a drawing, you can erase it, but what will you do if you mess up a tattoo? ( shakes her head ) you wouldn’t believe the number of disaster level tattoos out there. they all need a moment of silence. ( mocks sadness before leaning against a nearby desk ) so, what can i do for you today, mister? do you wanna finally try out that tea shop i’ve been mentioning or am i gonna have to chase you away from the equipment all day?
Tea Kettles and Tattoo Guns
{/bursts through the door of the tattoo shop looking around as the buzz of tattoo guns fill his ears} Oohhh jiyyeoonnnn! {/makes his way in not bothering waiting around for the other as he starts to walk around, his eyes scanning everything as he tries to vaguely look for Jiyeon in the process} Sorry I’m late! {/Looms over people getting tattoos done as he keeps trying to locate Jiyeon, talking to her indirectly wherever she might be, while smiling at the weirded out customers} The canals make it a pain in the ass to get here! {/Walks past the tattoo chairs as he starts stride over to one of his particular seats} Would it be okay if I tattoo someone? I mean its just like drawing right? {/Takes a seat having walked around the tattoo shop already growing a bit tired of walking around not wanting to get into trouble quite yet for touching the tattoo guns or ink}
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
Wrapped in an old looking sheet, a baby lays sleeping on your doorstep. It has nothing on its person aside from the sheet and a small blue teddy bear. You look around to find that no one else is around. The baby lets out a tiny cry, re-alerting you to it’s presence. What will you do now?
clutching her keys in one hand, jiyeon stared down at the child before her. it, he, squirmed in his swaddle, beginning to fuss and cough in a warning sign of oncoming wailing. she snapped out of her what’s-going-on trance and crouched down to take the little boy in her arms. he calmed down a bit in her arms and she guessed that he was simply happy to be off the ground.
eyes closed, he shifted in her hold so he was facing her more than he was the cold air. the dark haired girl examined the features on his little face. chubby cheeks tinted a ruddy pink, a tiny nose, and lips that were set into what could be considered a pout. his hair was dark and there was a good amount of it on his small head.
she suddenly remembered that she was still standing outside her house, now with a mystery baby in her arms. the hand that held her keys was currently occupied holding said baby. sighing, jiyeon managed to ring the doorbell through pure talent (otherwise known as using her shoulder) and stepped back before kicking lightly at the door.
"ji-!" abruptly stopping, jiyeon looked down at the boy and pursed her lips. was it worth the risk to yell out her sister’s name? after a memory of her screeching cousin, she decided that no, it wasn’t worth it. instead, she continued to kick lightly at the door, mentally pushing her sister to open the door, until jihyun finally swung the door open, "hey, who the-! oh, jiyeon, you … is that a baby?" 
jihyun’s only answer was a look that expressed just how dumb the question asked was. jiyeon moved past her and into the living room where the sofas were because she was five seconds away from passing out. jihyun followed behind and, once jiyeon was settled on the sofa, joined in to look down at the sleeping boy still in jiyeon’s hold. 
"i don’t know why he’s here," jiyeon started, "he’s not mine, but … i think we have to take care of him." she turned to look at her sister to find her giving her a look, eyebrow raised and everything, "by we, you mean you, right?" letting her shoulders fall from their tense position, jiyeon groaned. it seemed like some mystical force out there had it in for her and, right now, it was winning.
jiyeon's mystery baby
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
truth: your favourite type of music
hm, probably … indie pop? i like indie, and i like pop, so a mix of the time is just what i like ( ` nods ) that, or instrumentals, possibly.
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
There is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
( text → yoonjo ) no i do eat, i just run around so much i end up losing weight
( text → yoonjo ) myungsoo? a myungsoo in musa, hah
( text → yoonjo ) but if he does live around here what are you going to do?
( text → yoonjo ) are you gonna try to talk to him?
[text] because you eat too little? (/is concerned a bit)
[text] yeahhh I know right :>
[text] err I can’t say anything sure as for now buuut I really hope we can meet again. It’d be so sad if he isn’t living in Musa (/inserts a sorrowful emoticon) well who knows
[text] of course, I even got his name. Myungsoo. A nice name right 
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
how many tattoos do you have on your body?
honestly, it depends. ( ` shrugs subtly ) i put a lot of tattoos on myself and then take them off when i want to. most of the time, they’re on my arms, sides, and, occasionally, hip/upper leg. there’s only one tattoo that i’ve kept for a long time and it’s on my upper back to the left. it’s dedicated to my mother.
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
{truth}: so my lovely Jiyeon tell me what were your first thoughts when you met me?
( ` gives him a look before tapping her chin in thought ) what did i first think of you, mister nichkhun. i thought .. “wow” ( nods her head in mock seriousness before laughing ) yeah, i just thought you were good looking, and that i was only going to see you once. i was really wrong about that, though ( shakes her head ) it’s obvious i’m not a psychic.
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
my older sister or my younger sister in next life, which would you rather be hehehe
you, my older sister? ( ` shakes her head ) never, i’ll always be your older sister, even in my tenth life! ( laughs, petting yoonjo’s hair to tease her )
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
do you have any stalker?
( ` looks around her ) i .. ( wonders about all the times she was walking around musa without noticing who was around her ) i don’t know, honestly. from what i know, i don’t, and i hope that i’m right.
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
are you aware of how pretty your are?
( ` laughing a bit, she thinks for a moment ) i think i’m an okay type of pretty. i could be someone’s type, but there are others who would prefer a look that i don’t have. what are your thoughts, am i your style? ( covers her face with her hand, trying to fight back her embarrassment )
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
( text → yoonjo ) i'm not heavy, i'm like air
( text → yoonjo ) omg, that song
( text → yoonjo ) wow that's really attractive, do you like him or do you like his /looks/
( text → yoonjo ) wait do you even know who he is
[text] only if I have supplies for that hahaaha >:)
[text] like how? I’ll probably carry you on my back? I hope you aren’t too heavy
[text] but wait (/attaches ‘Carry You’ of Union J)
[text] lol it reminds me of this song
[text] only up to 10? how about 10 and a half?
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
Please preface questions with “Truth.”
TRUTH SERUM - My muse has to answer any and all questions regardless of what it is.
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xm-jiyeon · 10 years
( text → yoonjo ) if i'm an ahjumma you have to take care of me
( text → yoonjo ) carry me to work i'm too old
( text → yoonjo ) wow really. a boy. a good looking boy. 
( text → yoonjo ) how good looking 1-10
(/giggles seeing the poker face emoticon, knowing that her joke really works) (/admits that nothing can annoy or upset a girl better than mentioning something age-related)
[text] alright alright I won’t say it again (゜´Д`゜) ahjumma lol
(/changes topic in case Jiyeon can really be really irriated)
[text] btw unnie you know what I just met a guy a few days ago and whoa he’s soooo good-looking
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