xmonstrous · 2 years
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still here // derek hale & laura hale playlist
1. Who We Are by Halacg ft. Johnald / 2. Dust And Gold by Arrows To Athens / 3. Hymn For The Missing by Red / 4. Stay by 12 Stones / 5. Like You by Evanescence / 6. Memories by EarlyRise / 7. Anthem Of The Angels by Breaking Benjamin / 8. Far From Heaven by Evanescence / 9. Words by Skylar Grey / 10. Address In The Stars by Caitlin And Will / 11. Still Here by Digital Daggers / 12. Never Alone by Barlow Girl
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xmonstrous · 2 years
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&.     SAFE AND SOUND.   @ofwolfism
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xmonstrous · 2 years
cora hale ​:
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Growth was a quick chapter. A challenge in the middle of panic and trauma, yet it was no battle she couldn’t hold victory over. It’s the bloodline of her family. The determination to look death in the eyes and keep one’s form of humanity. Cora had been born with a knife, or some sort of dagger. There was always an urge to protect herself, either from the world or from her own transformation. Premonition as a side-effect, she can see the graves before they’re dug. Once in a while, she can even smell the dirt. Suppose she should stand back and allow the natural ecosystem to take root. Let the insects devour and let the bones return to the earth. This is what their parents would want, isn’t it? Resurrection only once the body is ready. Only once the heart is whole. However, she has developed an attachment to those she holds dear. A connection that evolves beyond flesh and tooth. Derek being one of them. The main one. The primary source of companionship, loyalty, and love. She finds him quickly in the crowd, her recent run-in with a select few causing a tear in the wound that had long ago been boarded up and forcefully forgotten about. The heartbeat of that dreadful tumour is in her throat now and she chokes out a plea that holds the tone of urgency. ‘People are either really good at playing stupid here, or they’re actually stupid. Either way, they don’t know anything about Laura. I[…]I want to go back to the motel. Can we leave? Please?’
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With his uncle already gone, Derek turned his attention away from the auction and focused instead on the Fellowship, eavesdropping on their conversations while pretending to talk to the bartenders. The night hadn't been as productive as the wolf had been hoping, no one at the event providing any new information about Laura. All he really did was meet the new residents of Bon Temps, which wasn't entirely a waste of time, but it was definitely not what he'd been after. Now he was left listening to the bible idiots whine about vampires, and he sure as hell wasn't interested in that. Derek sighed, finishing his drink.
His focus shifted as his younger sister approached, the scent that clung to her making his eyebrows knit together. Part of him was determined to not leave any stone unturned, afraid of risking missing vital information if he gave up early. But the urgency in Cora's voice convinced him otherwise, concern quickly settling in the pit of his stomach. Derek nodded, standing up from his seat and following his sister out of Merlotte's. He inspected her carefully, stopping the brunette before she reached the passenger side of the Camaro. "What happened?" It was obvious something or someone made Cora upset, Derek wanting to know right away in case he needed to go back into the restaurant and fix the problem himself. His brow furrowed, his voice lowering so only she could hear his question. "Is it Ja--"
The pain was sudden, heightened senses receiving no warning before they were quickly overwhelmed, forcing Derek to the ground in a matter of seconds. Instinct kicked in immediately, the shift clawing at his skin as the werewolf anticipated some sort of attack. He reached out for his sister, pulling her towards him, attempting to shield her from whatever was after them.
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xmonstrous · 2 years
RP starters: Concern.
yourmusings :
“It’s midnight, where the hell were you?!”
“Stop keeping your phone in silent, you got me worried!”
“Blood? Are you bleeding?”
“I don’t like the idea of you walking down the streets all alone.”
“I thought I would never see you again…”
“We should get you to hospital.”
“Where did all those bruises came from?”
“I have the right to be worried!”
“Have you been drinking? You look terrible.”
“Sleep at my place tonight.”
“I don’t feel safe letting you be alone when you’re in that shape.”
“Please talk to me about it.”
“Let me take care of you.”
“You need to rest now. Don’t move.”
“How many times have I told you to not go there?”
“You could’ve died, you know…”
“I don’t care if you don’t want my help, I’ll do it anyways.”
“You really need to stop drinking. I’m serious.”
“This time you got yourself into a hospital. I think that’s a sign.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“You need to stop doing stupid shit like that or you will get yourself killed.”
“I’m your friend, of course I care!”
“You know I’m always here for you, right?”
“You’re not okay.”
“I’m just trying to help you.”
“Let me clean your wounds…”
“Why did you do it? Tell me.”
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xmonstrous · 2 years
cypress nelson :
“Maybe it might not be exciting to a native but I’m new here. Its interesting to see how a small town spends their time, see what traditions they have.” She shrugged some. “Maybe that’s just my way of thinking.” At his question she then nodded and gave him a soft smile. “Yea. Moved here a few months ago. Name’s Cypress.” 
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Derek studied her for a moment, his expression softening slightly. "Are you always this positive or just easily impressed?" He kept his tone light, not wanting the question to be taken as an insult. Her interest in the town wasn't necessarily suspicious, but it did make him wonder why she had moved to Bon Temps. The wolf offered the other his hand. "Derek." He ordered himself a drink when the bartender passed by them, then turned to Cypress again. "Where are you originally from?"
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xmonstrous · 2 years
pandora dawson ​:
status: open to all :-) location: anywhere applicable !  feel free to place her
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big doe eyes flutter ,   wide and bright as a mocha moon ,   clear as that of a child’s .   everything feels new ,      tastes different  ,     sounds strange ;  the world has only just now started to unravel .    “  oh   wow ,   "     she blinks in bewilderment  ,   fingertips eager to touch .    “    that’s …    i’ve never seen anything like it .    can i touch it?    ”
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Derek's attempt at taking a breather was interrupted when the brunette remained in front of him instead of continuing into the restaurant, his brow furrowing as he tried to figure out why she was staring. His first guess was that she recognized him from the news, but the look on her face made him doubt that was the reason. She seemed bewildered, curious, almost amazed? Before he could ask what the hell was her problem, the brunette spoke, the wolf realizing then her attention was not really on him. Green eyes settled on the triskelion medallion in his hands, considering her question for a moment. It was a family heirloom, one Laura had held onto for years, so part of him didn't want a complete stranger touching it. But, in the grand scheme of it all, the disk was really nothing more than a trinket, a whole box of them collecting dust in the Hale vault. Derek's gaze settled on her again, extending his hand to offer her the medallion. "It's...pretty heavy," he warned.
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xmonstrous · 2 years
katherine pierce :
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      he’s  attractive  and  tortured.   (   how  she  likes  them   ).   all  tense  muscles  and  strong  biceps  she  would  happily  climb  like  a  tree  even  if  he  wasn’t  essential  to  more  than  one  of  her  plans.  katherine  watches  as  he  and  another  get  wrapped  up  in  an  exchange  ,  keen  ears  eavesdropping  in  on  their  conversation.  it  seems  the  other  man  has  a  peaked  interest  of  sneaking  in  as  many  sly  digs  as  he  can  about  his  recent  ,  popular  arrest.  the  perfect  opportunity  to  swoop  over  and  be  his  heroine  in  a  shiny  dress.  or  in  her  case  ,  dull  tasteless  attire  elena  gilbert  would  wear.  one  wrong  step  ,  her  balance  slips  and  the  red  content  in  her  glass  splashes  down  the  front  of  an  overly  intrusive  guy’s  white  shirt.   ❝   oops.  clumsy  me.   ❞   doe  eyes  plea  false  apology  until  they  scatter  with  the  wind  ,  away  from  them  ,  frantically.  just  like  that  ,  she  welcomes  herself  into  their  vacant  positon.  albeit  ,  a  bit  closer.   ❝   i  hope  i  wasn’t  wrong  to  assume  you  needed  prettier  ,  less  chatty  company.   ❞   poses  as  sincere  concern  through  sweet  deceitfully  painted  lips.
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𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍   𝚏𝚘𝚛   derek.    (   @ofwolfism​​​    )
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Tommy Cooper. Local asshole, graduated high school the same year Derek did, and apparently was still bitter he didn't make captain of the basketball team. He approached with the claim of wanting to catch up, but it was obvious all he wanted to do was boast about how much better his life had turned out. Trivial matters, the wolf could care less. His attention instead was focused on the pair conversing across the room, how familiar with each other they seemed to be making his brow furrow. Why the fuck was Jak so friendly with Cora? He was trying to listen in on their conversation, but the human in front of him refused to end theirs. Tommy poked Derek's chest, a poor decision on the blond, the wolf seconds away from snapping his arm in two when a young woman spilled her drink on his former classmate. Derek watched the brunette take Tommy's seat once the other left (noting she inched closer), inspecting her as she spoke. She was pretty, the sweet tone of her voice quite inviting. But the scent of vampire was unmistakable, the fact alone only serving to make his muscles tense further. "Appreciate the save," he answered, gaze returning to his sister. "But I actually don't need any company right now."
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xmonstrous · 2 years
jak keyder :
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      he  can  relate  ,  in  his  own  way  ,  to  being  beaten  down  and  shoved  head  first  into  piles  of  messes  he  didn’t  create  for  himself.  under  the  power  hungry  heels  of   calculating  enemy.  jak  roughy  followed  word  of  mouth  when  the  derek  hale  arrest  swept  across  town.  it  was  one  thing  to  be  accused  for  murder  ,  but  another  thing  completely  to  be  accused  for  murdering  your  sister  ,  then  released  on  falsehood.  though  it  rang  fishy  to  him  from  the  beginning.  why  authorities  would  handcuff  someone  so  evidently  not  one  when  their  loudest  claim  lay  with  the  vampires.  the  most  of  which  he  could  offer  another  is  a  kindred  spirit  and  genuine  words  to  carry  him  through  carol  lockwood’s  thunderous  stage  interrogation  ,  now  that  they  stood  almost  face  to  face.   ❝   might  not  be  worth  nothin’  from  a  stranger   ─────   it’s  messed  up  they  didn’t  include  your  family  in  the  loss.  ‘specially  after  what  they’d  done  to  you  in  the  news.   ❞
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𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍   𝚏𝚘𝚛   derek.    (    @ofwolfism​​    )
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While the attention of most was captivated by the auction, Derek's was focused on observing the crowd. He kept an eye on those he knew, specifically his younger sister; as well as searching for people he'd never met, making mental notes of finding ways to approach them later on. It was possible those responsible for the deaths weren't actually in attendance, but to Derek it was better to rule out suspects than simply assume. One person in particular caught his attention, a werewolf he hadn't seen before. It seemed Derek wouldn't need excuses for him though, the stranger making the first move instead. Derek remained at the bar, glancing at the other when he spoke.
The wolf was right. They didn't know anything about each other, he didn't know anything about Laura; his sympathy meant absolutely nothing. But, for the sake of gathering information, Derek decided not to share that thought. "Can't worth less than if it came from a local," he replied, a hint of honesty in his voice. "Though I guess it'd be worse if they pretended to care now." Heightened senses inspected the man, Derek grabbing the beer pitcher on the bar and serving two cups, offering one to the other. "Guessing you haven’t been in town for long?”
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xmonstrous · 2 years
noah stilinski ​:
                                                                                  ╱         @ofwolfism
there’s   a   lingering   feeling   of   guilt   that   sits   heavy   in   the   pit   of   his   stomach.   (   born   out   of   a   moment   of   possibility   ;   an   almost   queasy   line   of   thought   that   had   him   questioning   whether   derek   hale   was   the   killer   ⸻   the   murderer   who   offed   his   own   sister.   )   but   there’s   an   overwhelming   sense   of   relief   to   be   backed   by   the   facts   ,   to   let   an   innocent   man   walk   free   from   the   cell.   the   kid’s   been   dealt   a   shit   hand   for   the   majority   of   his   life   ,   and   so   the   least   he   can   do   is   apologize   properly   for   his   own   unintentional   additions   to   it.         ❛         hey   ,   derek   ,   wait   up.   you   got   a   minute   ?         ❜
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A part of him understood he shouldn't hold onto so much resentment. Mistakes were made, failures that could have easily jeopardize the whole investigation. But it didn't mean they were done with malicious intent, it didn't mean that they weren't actually trying to uncover the truth. After all, they didn’t know every aspect of the supernatural world; there was a lot they would inevitably miss. However, the fact Bon Temps’ finest were fucking incompetent even when supernatural forces weren't involved couldn't be ignored. The fact they were blinded by the agenda of their superiors couldn't be ignored. And so Derek couldn't really say he was in a very forgiving mood, interacting with Sheriff Stilinski about the last thing he wanted to do that evening. Derek held back the urge to roll his eyes. "Pretty sure you and your department have wasted enough of my time, Sheriff."
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xmonstrous · 2 years
malia tate ​:
closed starter: @ofwolfism​
location: outside of merlotte’s bar and grill
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malia firmly believed that this whole town was stupid and especially when they keep hosting events as if they had nothing better to do than show off. she still wanted to see if they had found a new suspect to blame but instead, the mayor decided to throw an auction date raffle. she didn’t even understand why anyone would participate but it seemed really popular considering how many people were on stage to be auctioned off. it was embarrassing for those people. she couldn’t imagine being on stage and answering stupid questions about her dating life to entertain people. after grabbing something to eat, she headed outside to breathe in the fresh air and to get away from the incessant noises that were already beginning to give her a headache. as she scanned the tables outside of merlotte’s, she saw former suspect and cora’s brother, derek hale. “ so is this your first public appearance since you were accused for murder?” malia asked bluntly, as she got closer to him.
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Though Peter seemed insulted by the fact the event wasn't honoring Laura alongside the other two victims, Derek couldn't bother to care. None of it was genuine anyway, not even for Oliver and Sophia. The main concern of the Lockwoods and their sponsors was how the fundraiser could benefit their image, how it could further their political agendas. It was all an act, one the wolf already knew too well. He didn't want their fabricated sympathy, he didn't want their useless help, and he sure as hell didn't want their money. The town didn't hesitate to turn their back on his family, to use him as an scapegoat, going as far as to even make attempts at tarnishing his sister's memory. Bon Temps could go to hell for all he cared, Derek planning to leave it behind for good once everyone involved in Laura's murder was dealt with. But, he did have admit; seeing the look in Carol Lockwood's face when Peter made the comment was pretty satisfying.
After the round of questions was over, Derek decided to check out the crowd gathered outside, letting Cora know before exiting the restaurant. He had just settled in one of the tables when an unfamiliar scent caught his attention, his eyes narrowing slightly at the were-coyote. "Wrongly accused--" The distinction was pretty important in his opinion. "--And sort of." The trip to the grocery store probably didn’t count, since it hadn't required the same amount of socialization. Green eyes inspected the brunette. "You are Malia, right?"
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xmonstrous · 2 years
cypress nelson :
Cypress looked at the man and took note of who she was talking to, Derek Hale. His face was all over the news just a few days ago as the suspect of the murders. But since he was out she figured that it wasn’t him. And since it wasn’t him she had no problem with the man. “Annual traditions. Like parades and things like that. I suppose traditions aren’t a bad thing to have.” 
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Though Derek's gaze remained on the crowd, his senses inspected the stranger carefully. There was nothing distinctive about her scent, meaning she wasn't a vampire or a werewolf (though a highly trained alpha could alter their scent). There was also no sign of fear or anxiety, the woman either not recognizing him from the news or not caring about it. Derek looked at her for a moment, leaning against the bar and shaking his head. "Smaller scale," he said. "Nothing really exciting." They didn't exactly have the space or budget for a parade. "Suppose so." Derek decided to switch the topic, wanting to gather more information about the woman. "Guessing you're new to Bon Temps?"
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xmonstrous · 2 years
cypress nelson ​:
Cypress didnt mind spending money on this auction. Even though she didn’t know the deceased she still felt bad. The families had enough to worry about without worrying about any financial issues that might have come up. It was also a way for her to get to know the people of the town. Walking into the building she glanced around before deciding to start the night with a drink. Seeing that someone else was over there she took a sip before asking. “Are auctions a normal thing in this town?” 
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Derek sat at the bar, the couple to his right glancing at him before getting up and leaving. If the stares and whispers weren't enough, locals keeping their distance sure made things clear. They didn't want him there. Either because they felt guilty for accusing him, or because they still didn't trust him. So much for having all charges dropped. It didn't matter though, Derek not caring about what the citizens of Bon Temps thought of him. All he cared about was finding who had murdered Laura, and who had desecrated her body afterwards.
Heightened senses inspected their surroundings, green eyes glancing at the brunette who approached the bar. She didn't seem like a local, her question confirming that. "Annual," Derek answered. "Bon Temps has a thing for traditions." And the Lockwoods liked showing off.
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xmonstrous · 2 years
peter hale ​:
Good Morning [Peter||Derek]
The kind and beautiful nurse that had been his naughty right hand now informed the werewolf that his nephew was being released from jail. He had asked that she called him and brought him over, planning to give him some corny speech about how his nephew’s plight had pulled him from his shock and he’d finally finished healing. 
Wolfing down the tiny portions of his hospital meal, Peter sensed as his nephew approached the room. Finishing his plate to drown out the smile that had formed, the older werewolf’s gaze went to the door as it opened. “How long was I gone? You’ve gotten a foot taller,” Peter jested, drinking the very small apple juice. “Please… tell me you brought me food,” he pleaded casually, opening a bag of chips the nurse had brought for him.
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To say the call from the hospital was unexpected would be a big understatement. Derek thought this day would never come, six years without improvement convincing him rehabilitation was impossible. The injuries were too severe, the lunar eclipse not allowing his accelerated healing to return in time. Not to mention the horrors he must have gone through that night, surely sending his body and mind into shock. Maybe it was unfair, to be so pessimistic and lose hope. Maybe it was selfish, too scared to stare at the consequences of his actions. But both Laura and him had seen the state the house was left in, they had felt the overwhelming emptiness of losing them...
How could anyone go through that, somehow make it out alive, and truly survive?
Derek opened the door of the hospital room and stopped, eyes widening slightly. The sight of his uncle, healed and conscious, was shocking. Guilt quickly settled in the pit of his stomach, the younger wolf forcing himself to walk in further when the older spoke. "Longer than your usual naps," he quipped, placing the bag he'd brought with him on the table. "Yeah. Your nurse mentioned you were...persistent about your order." Stubborn and demanding. Yup, Peter was definitely back. Heightened senses inspected the other, trying to confirm his uncle was really all healed. "--How are you feeling?"
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xmonstrous · 2 years
kira yukimura ​:
LOCATION: exterior, Glen Capri, 7pm. @ofwolfism​​.
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It hasn’t been completely lonely here. Bon Temps college still had a lacrosse team, although football seemed to be the priority regarding practice times and the amount of fans showing up. When she wasn’t practicing on her own time, she had been deep in the studies of her family history. Nothing entirely surprising, if not for a few small details she had memorized and still remained too anxious to bring up during family dinner. The secrets are buried and she only chews on the remnants of them now, eyes taking in the sight of the looming motel. She had heard about the arrest and had felt a fairly agonizing guilt for Derek. Something that was too deeply rooted in duty and affection to be anything ignored. Her hand curling into a small fist as she raps at the door of his room, hesitant and anxious to see him. Except he apparently wasn’t home, and instead she feels an inkling of some otherworldly sensation coming from a few doors down. She takes a step towards the area where they keep the ice machine, the motor whirring and offering a background noise to drown out her irregular pulse. She is still unused to these sense. Still unwilling to peer into the crevices of her mind and translate what power she’s feeling. A pause, fear becoming too constricting in her throat. ‘Derek? Derek, is that you? I[…]heard about everything. I’m so sorry.’
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Derek pressed his forehead against the cold metal of the ice machine, closing his eyes and exhaling deeply. What a fucking mess. He felt tired, both physically and mentally, the past few days only worsening his lack of sleep. Exhaustion was constant, it had been for more than six years, no amount of rest capable of helping him get rid of it. There was no time to worry about that, there never was; stopping not an option he was willing to even consider. He had to push forward, for both of his sisters, for the family he'd been too scared to avenge years before. He couldn't run, not again, not anymore. But no matter how determined he was to continue, to find justice for Laura, the weariness was still there, tightly holding onto him. Reminding him of all the things he couldn’t do, of all the things he had failed to do.
A familiar scent caught his attention, Derek quickly turning and finding Kira standing in the doorway. That was unexpected, the wolf not even aware the brunette had traveled to Bon Temps. His brow furrowed, his heightened senses inspecting their surroundings. She seemed to have come alone. "What are you doing here?"
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xmonstrous · 2 years
ivan seong ​:
Wandering around when there was supposed to be a part might not have been the best idea in the world. Ivan didn’t know what, but something was calling him to the forest and to go deeper. If he told that to anyone he was going to sound insane and immediately committed into Eichen, so he had to come up with something else. “I, I’m sorry.” He rose his hands up in the air, as if he was being caught doing something illegal. Well he was if this was private property, but still. “The party just got too much and my news station said I was going to have to get used to the woods, so I went for a walk and ended up going into the wrong direction.” This was how he was going to die, he knew it. “I’ll uh, leave you alone. Sorry again.”
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At the mention of a news station, Derek's already high wariness only increased, the wolf scowling at the human. The wolf had encountered the type before, right after the house fire. Vultures, always wanting to claw at fresh wounds to get their names on the spotlight. "Did they also tell you to get used to trespassing?" Reporters harassed him right after he'd been released from police custody, and now they were following him? He wasn't buying the 'I got lost' bullshit, and neither was he tolerating it. "Whatever you are after," he said bluntly, irritation clear in his voice. "Take it somewhere else." As the other said he'd leave, Derek turned, intending to end the interaction there.
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xmonstrous · 2 years
russell edgington ​:
Kind King [Russell||Derek]
Waiting for the werewolf outside with a smile, the vampire held his chin high. “I commend you for following my instructions—chin up. I like the angry look, keep it up, there’s a few vultures nearby,” his last statements were made lowly, but he knew the werewolf could hear him well. Russell was well-aware that the moment the journalists saw him, they’d be accosting him. 
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“My car is here, come along. There’s a few things we need to talk about and the Sun is coming out,” the vampire pointed out. “We won’t take long, Mr. Hale. You can have your reunion with your younger sister as soon as we’re done.” The statement wasn’t aggressive or hostile, but it was an order.
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Derek's expression remained emotionless through the whole release process, giving no response to the snide remarks the officers threw at him. They were angry about having to let their prime suspect go, about having to admit they'd made a mistake and going back to zero. Maybe at some point Derek could have sympathized, but at that moment he could care less, not even bothering to reply to the Sheriff's apology as they walked him outside of the station. The whole ordeal was simply a reminder why he couldn't trust the local authorities, now more than ever determined to find Laura's killer on his own terms.
The man that waited for him at the main entrance did not bring any comfort to the werewolf either. Maybe he should have been more thankful about Russell offering to help, but Derek couldn't shake off the feeling he'd signed a contract with the devil. He knew very little about the vampire king of Mississippi, a part of him certain it would have been better if he never did. But it was too late for that; now he had a debt to pay, and he was certain Russell would not hesitate to collect.
Derek followed Russell to the car, ignoring the reports who tried to approach them. Once they were both inside and the doors were closed, green eyes settled on the older male. He inspected him for a moment. "Now what?"
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xmonstrous · 2 years
lydia martin ​:
             she’s not exactly expecting a warm welcome. but even for the derek she remembers, this is cold. clearly, six years had changed them both. he looks rougher around the edges, more…world weary. guess your entire family going up in flames would do that to a person. the thought is a bitter one, tinged with a little regret. the hales had been good to her. what had happened to them….she prefers not to think about. scoff rolls from her lips instead, arms folding across her chest. “not for lack of trying, believe me.” she’d get out once her degree was done. once she had something to her name. a smile curves across her lips, though it fails to meet her eyes. “not yet-” gaze fixes on him. she wants answers. “cora. did you know ??”
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Deep down, Derek knew Lydia didn't deserve such harsh words. She had never wronged him or his family, as far as he knew being a good friend to Cora. The redhead could be bratty and a know-it-all, but she'd never been cruel. Annoying? Definitely. She was a freaking kid after all. But his mother had liked her, so had his sisters; they were better judges of character than he was. Still, whatever attempt at rationalizing his anger was ignored at that moment, Derek choosing to push Lydia away. Just like he did everyone else. The wolf sighed as the human refused to leave, a moment later his demeanor changing at the mention of his sister's name. "Know what?" He wasn't dumb enough to believe she'd buy he wasn't aware, the question instead a hint. Keep your mouth shut. "Go back to town, Lydia. It's late."
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