xtillos · 1 year
Grotesque Moi! #26: Long Delayed Update
It’s been a while since my last update. There’s been a lot and not really so much happening at the same time….. I’ll explain…. After posting my hopeful and nicely laid out plan for moving forward with my projects my path hit a major speed bump. That was January 2021. In February I had some problems with a fake company that messed me up financially. This caused me to postpone all of my plans.…
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xtillos · 1 year
A Long Overdue Update
It’s been a while since I posted anything on this blog. 😕 There are some major things that have played a part in this. From loosing my job for 15 years. Then loosing my new job to COVID 19 cutbacks. Having to burn through all of my 401K savings to keep my family from going broke through all of the issues around the pandemic. Then getting scammed by a potential art job for a big chunk of those…
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xtillos · 4 years
Grotesque Moi! #25 - Planning for 2021
Grotesque Moi! #25 – Planning for 2021
I hope everyone has had a great holiday and a Happy New Year celebration! I’m really hoping that everyone has a successful year in whatever you do! Plans for Grotesque Moi! are as follows: Illustrations – The goal is to produce 6 to 12 new portraits this year. some may be in the form of scene illustrations combining multiple creatures.Illustration Canvas Print Frames – I plan to continue…
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xtillos · 4 years
Grotesque Moi!: Other Projects 1
Grotesque Moi!: Other Projects 1
I’ve kept this quiet for as long as I can! I’ve begun working on some side projects for Grotesque Moi!. As I get image(s) and info for the new stuff I’m creating. I will post updates as I have something worth posting.
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This is a rough sketch for a possible comic I’ll be creating. It will be part of one f the character’s back story.
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xtillos · 4 years
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I’m glad that I was able to get in on #artvsartist this time❗️🎨🗑🖌👨🏻‍🎨......#artvsartist2020 #xtillos #grotesque #grotesque_moi #xt_illos #creature #creatures #creatureart #creaturedesign #creaturemaker #monster #monsters #monsterdesign #monstermaker #macabre
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xtillos · 4 years
New Things for the New Year: Part 3
Posting here first before it goes up on other social media! This is a new video ad that I made for my work for Grotesque Moi!. Everything (including the music) was created by me! If you like my work and want to own a part of it, there are different levels of prints and commissions available here on my website shop. Patreon is another option where you can support at any tier.
As a…
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xtillos · 5 years
Grotesque Moi!: Update #23 Akrep
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This has been a long time in the making! May I finally Introduce to you Akrep the The Scorpion Warrior! Originally scheduled to be completed in October last year, there have been many trials to bring her forth. True to her nature, every step of the way has been a battle! Every bit of it has been well worth it. She is tough, powerful and deadly! I’m very happy to give you this chance to see…
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xtillos · 5 years
New Things for the New Year: Part 2
New Things for the New Year: Part 2
I mentioned before that I have some new things planned for this year.
The first new thing is a plan to create coloring pages of the original released art!
The original line drawings will be converted to ink line drawings. The scenery and creatures / monsters will be simplified to make them more appropriate for coloring pages. The pages will be made available for digital download by purchase…
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xtillos · 5 years
Contest: Infected By Art #8
Contest: Infected By Art #8
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I submitted the 6 pieces that I finished last year to Infected by Art to compete for inclusion in issue #8. It was my first time submitting to them. A lot of my friends and fellow artists also submitted. There was nearly 2000 entries! The judging is done and all of the entries have been decided for inclusion. I didn’t make it in this time.
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Ying the Bohol Sea Queen
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Puddle Sprite E
I am…
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xtillos · 5 years
Creator’s Lessons #1
I’m starting a new topic blog that I will add to from time to time, more likely as the subjects come up. This will be where I share lessons I’ve learned along the way, techniques I’ve picked up or improvised with or circumstance that affect the creative process. You are welcome to comment and share any relevant posts either here or on social media. My wish is that this becomes interactive and…
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xtillos · 5 years
New Things for the New Year!
New Things for the New Year!
I hope everyone’s New Year is off to a great start! If you’ve made resolutions, I hope you have a great plan and succeed by the end of the year!
XT Illos has some new things coming this year, too! Before we get to that, I wanted to remind everyone that Grotesque Moi! has exclusive content on the creatures being created over on our Patreon account! There’s also a couple of reference videos that…
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xtillos · 5 years
Updates #1
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I thought that I would share some updates with you! I’ve been more quite lately and I can finally tell everyone what I’ve been up to. Most importantly for the last few weeks I’ve been designing and hand crafting anniversary cards for my wife and daughter. (Yes! Our daughter has participated in every anniversary since she was born!) photos and videos of the cards to follow in a different post.
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xtillos · 5 years
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Grotesque Moi! Update #22
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xtillos · 5 years
Grotesque Moi! Update #21
Grotesque Moi! Update #21
I’ve been working on the next creature illustration for Grotesque Moi!. As it usually happens, I’ve come to a point where I have to work out a design change.
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My original sketch had the stinger and claws turned the wrong way.
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First I inverted the stinger then adjusted the shapes.
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Next are the claws. This is where I’m still playing with the design.
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xtillos · 5 years
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Grotesque Moi! Id Canvas Print This Grotesque Moi! purchase will include one 16"x20" canvas print of the illustration, one 8"x10" glossy stock print of the illustration, one glossy stock XT Illos/Grotesque Moi! postcard and one glossy stock XT Illos/Grotesque Moi! business card.
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xtillos · 5 years
Grotesque Moi! Update #20 Id
Grotesque Moi! Update #20 Id
I’m happy to finally present to you the inspiration that started this project. I present to you Id! The physical embodiment of the Freudian model of id, ego and super-ego. There is much to share about him that I will be posting in my Patreon. I can say that he has been around since before I understood who or what he is. It is truly thanks to Id that I’m here to share all of these things with you,…
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xtillos · 5 years
Site Update! #1
Hi everyone!
I wanted to give you an update on things. First of all I have been busy putting things together to show my work in artist’s markets and planning to do some small (and possibly some large) conventions through this year and next! My daughter has joined me with her work this year and we’ve been showing together! I’m really enjoying having her share something that is so much a part of…
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