xx-tyftvenom · 5 months
Hey, can you tell me what happened with MSI? I'm guessing that means 'Mindless Self Indulgence' right? I don't listen to them and I was like "well that's disappointing" when Gerard married Lindsay or whatever her name is but I have no idea what happened with them and I'm kinda afraid to look tbh. o_o
oops, sorry if it's been a bit since you sent this, i've been sick all week!
yeah, msi as in mindless self indulgence, as in gerard's wife's band.... to make a very very long story short jimmy (their lead singer) has a vast number of sexual assualt/grooming allegations from underage fans as well as a history of using racial/ableist slurs, among other things ... i was never involved in the fandom side of things, so take this with a grain of salt, but that's the gist of what i've heard/seen online. he's just a shitty person pretty much. it's really disappointing since admittedly their music still bangs. i just can't listen to it without feeling gross though.
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xx-tyftvenom · 5 months
also i DO NOT support msi anymore yikes
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xx-tyftvenom · 5 months
my old site host closed down last month i believe, but i never migrated anywhere else. i'll be going through and updating old links, apologies if anyone's been searching for things!
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xx-tyftvenom · 2 years
good morning i’m regressing back to 2020 hyperfixations and this blog comes with that
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xx-tyftvenom · 2 years
aCrazyThing Skinny Jeans - Fixed!
so, i play with a lot of ACT’s cc in my game (which is actually why i started making my own in the first place LOL) and something i’ve noticed is that there’s a weird clipping issue with their jeans. it causes parts of certain clothing towards the waist to disappear, and it’s bothered me ever since i noticed it. i can’t get any good images of it at the moment because it doesn’t show up on the free camera in body shop, so ur just gonna have to take my word for it. ANYWAY, what i’m getting at here is that i found a mesh that doesn’t cause this problem, and i’ve been able to finally fix it! so, here they are:
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Two Fixed Pairs of aCrazyThing’s Skinny Jeans for Teen Female!!
i’ve also darkened the distressed pair and brought them both up a bit higher so they cover your sim’s butt more, which you can see here:
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other than that, i haven’t changed anything about the original’s textures. same converse and studded belt and all.
all i ask is that you DO NOT reupload them and credit me + ACT (xx_tyftvenom and aCrazyThing) if you use them on sims. pretty much anything else goes idc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
download them here! ^-^
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xx-tyftvenom · 2 years
can anyone join your mutuals server or is it for mutuals only?
say that again but slower
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xx-tyftvenom · 2 years
Newsea Holic Rainbow Recolours
hiiiiiiii i have a minipack of new hairs!!!1! mesh from Newsea as stated above, and textures from pooklet. now, as for the hairs themselves.....
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THEY’RE RAINBOW ☆-☆ so pretty......
they come in three swatches; pink, purple, and black, all with black streakies throughout!
as always, all i ask is that you DO NOT reupload them and credit me (xx_tyftvenom) if you use them on sims. pretty much anything else goes idc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
download them here :)
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xx-tyftvenom · 2 years
sims 2 striped scene hair recolours
hey! i made more hairs :) suuuuuuuper neon this time, seven swatches for teen female, ya know the drill!! meshes by ulker, textures by pooklet :)
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all i ask is that you DO NOT reupload them and credit me (xx_tyftvenom) if you use them on sims. pretty much anything else goes idc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
you can download them here!! :D
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xx-tyftvenom · 2 years
ok im kinda getting back into this o_O
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xx-tyftvenom · 2 years
sims 2 scenecore cc dump!
hey! i was going through my files and found some old stuff i was working on, and i figured i might as well post it all. this set includes 6 shirts (5 gym class heroes and 1 millionares) and 4 hair recolours. each folder contains their respective swatches, and the meshes are from ea and nouk, i'm pretty sure. pooklet’s hair textures.
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all i ask is that you DO NOT reupload them and credit me (xx_tyftvenom) if you use them on sims. pretty much anything else goes idc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you can download everything here!
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xx-tyftvenom · 2 years
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xx-tyftvenom · 4 years
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“venom, the floor is making a 3rd pack of cobra starship shirts.” *camera pans to me laying sprawled out on the floor*
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xx-tyftvenom · 4 years
does anyone know any alternatives to friendproject? i’m like.. not comfy w/ using it but i want an old myspace type website. i’m literally on the verge of making my own social media. please help.
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xx-tyftvenom · 4 years
If you tag posts as s2cc people use that tag for cc more than ts2 cc
oh, really?? :0 ty for letting me know, anon!! i’ll definitely use that one in the future!! :D
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xx-tyftvenom · 4 years
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hi this is officially my new favourite single okay thank u for coming to my ted talk.
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xx-tyftvenom · 4 years
hit the kandi jackpot at michael’s on sunday, including getting a HUGE bag of star beads!! they were a pain in the ass to sort, but i’m so glad i did ☆_☆
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xx-tyftvenom · 4 years
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new shirts up on my website!! :P
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