xxfruitcakexx · 8 years
Kikyo of Inuyasha Photoshoot
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Photo by UtopiaHound
     Hey everyone! 
It’s been a while since I have updated tumblr in a while but recently I did a shoot for my Kikyo cosplay and I wanted to tell you guys how it went. :)
First of all, I would like to thank one of my viewers on twitch for actually buying me this cosplay. It was an awesome surprise since I had planned on cosplaying from Inuyasha for the longest time. So thank you for providing me the cosplay. <3
     The shoot happened on Dec 10. I had planned this shoot for about a month now and I was super excited for it. I wasn’t able to make the bow or her jewel though. I was suppose to come back from my Vegas trip a week earlier but I had gotten sick with a terrible flu and had to stay in Vegas for another week. By the time I came back I only had two days. I ended up finishing the wig which took me only an hour. I do want to restyle it since the wind that day really messed with it.
     The shoot took place at a park here in Colorado called Ketring park. Its a beautiful area. The park has its own lake with was frozen over and filled with a bunch of ducks and geese. It was a huge open space and super pretty with everything in Fall colors. The weather surprisingly was good that day which is odd during this time of the year. It was still pretty cold though especially when the sun started going down. It got pretty windy too. 
     I had the pleasure of working with four different photographers. I felt very spoiled that day but so appreciative for them coming to work with me. There was Rika of UtopiaHound, Matthew of Helix Photography, Jesse of Cocoreccho, and Rick Rmuze. They were all great to work with and the awesome thing was they all have their own style so when we started taking pictures, there was a huge variety of mood and emotion in each set. I really enjoy seeing how each person interprets the character as well as the picture itself. It was fun collaborating poses and using the park’s many scenes to capture the picture we wanted. It also helped that many of the photographers did their research or knew of the anime. It is so much easier to work with a photographer when they know the character as well.
     Now here is the awesome part. I get to show you guys some pictures! I was so happy to receive these which  got most of the the day of or day after. Everyone was so quick at working on the pictures but they all looked amazing. I am so happy to show these photos. I hope you guys enjoy!
*I am still waiting for more pictures so please follow my cosplay facebook page to see the whole album as well as new future projects. HERE
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Photo by Helix Photography
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Photo by UtopiaHound
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Photo by Cocoreccho
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Photo by Cocoreccho
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Photo by Cocoreccho
Kikyo has always been one of my favorite characters in InuYasha. I loved her story and always felt for her more than any of the other characters. Her story of pain, love, and how it conflicted with what was right and wrong was something i felt made her a strong character and very relate-able.  I secretly rooted for her and InuYasha. lol I am so happy to ave finally cosplayed her and I hope you guys enjoy the cosplay as well. Thank you for reading. ~
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xxfruitcakexx · 8 years
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xxfruitcakexx · 8 years
May Favorites (Top 5)
May has come and gone which means another monthly favorites! May for me went by so fast but I did get the chance to try out some products that I think would definitely help those in need for something new to try. Remember my skin is fair with a combination of oily and dry so even if these products has worked on me, that doesn’t mean it will for everyone. NOW LETS GET STARTED!! :)
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1.Lather’s Honey Moisture Mask
Being out outside and exposed to different elements. your skin soaks up a lot of things and can damage/stress your skin out. Lately, as a pick me up for my skin, I’ve been using Lather’s Honey Moisture Mask twice a week. I LOVE IT. First off, it smells like honey. It really does. It’s very tempting to eat it but don’t. You put a decent amount on your face and let it sit there for a little bit. What’s great is that you don’t was it off. After 5 to 10 min, you absorb the access in to your skin.I like using this product at night and when I wake up, my skin is super soft. I definitely say give this one a try if you’re looking for a little skin treatment at night.
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2. Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo and Conditioner
If you guys don’t know, I am obsessed with using products to keep my hair soft and clean. I have been trying to find some good shampoos and conditioners that did not strip my hairs nutrients or leave it dry. My best friend, Chantal, showed me this shampoo and conditioner and I had to get my own after trying it for about a week. The neat thing is that it has a cooling/tingling feature to it. It leaves your hair and head feeling very cool and you instantly wake up when you use it. It definitely helps me to get up in the morning. It also leaves my hair feeling soft and it smells great. I know they have a body wash as well, which i got to try, but I haven’t gotten the chance to repurchase that one. I did get the shampoo and conditioner though. Give it a try.
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3. Hanalei Lip Treatment
If you guys have read my past monthly favorites, you know I absolutely love Lush’s Honey Trap lip balm, but this past month, I received this beauty in my Ipsy bag and let me tell ya, it’s good. I still use my Lush Lip Balm, but I love using this product at night. It doesn’t good so I don’t recommend licking your lips, but this stuff is pretty potent when it comes to treating your lips. I usually put it on at night and I wake up with moisturized soft lips. I’ve been using this product for about two weeks and I am really considering purchasing this product.This and the combination of Lush’s lip balm have really been a great pair for me and it really took care of my chapped lips.
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4. Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara 
When it comes to make up I am pretty picky. I’ve been using makeup a lot for cosplay and so I know a lot of things I like and don’t like when it comes to products and mascara is one of those products that I can be pretty picky about. I bought a set of Too Faced products and this was one of the products inside. Let me tell ya, this is probably my favorite mascara of all at the moment. I’ve used a ton of mascaras but this one is definitely a number 1 contender. The brush is amazing! I don’t need to worry about clumping or distribution. Also the formula is definitely a plus. It just works great when it comes to defining your lashes without making look like spider legs. We all know that’s not flattering. Also, the packaging is awesome. Have you ever gotten mascara that seems to clump at the top and crust? Well, you don’t have to worry about that with this product. I definitely recommend this if you’re looking for a new mascara.
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5. Maybelline’s Color Tattoo 
A ton of my friends ask me what white/silver color I use to add white to the inner corner of my eye and it is this. I actually own quite a few of this line because I use the different colors for my cosplay. It’s a cream like eyeshadow that you can definitely use as eyeliner by applying with a this brush. The color is pretty vibrant but can also be packed on for a significant color payoff. You can also apply this product with your hands as well. I do recommend using eye shadow primer with this however. Some colors are more vibrant than others and you can get a little but of patchy-ness with the color if you decide to use it as an all over eyelid color. I only use mine as eyeliner/accent colors. 
I hope you guys enjoyed this month favorite’s article. Let me know what products you want me to review/products that I recommend for certain things. I would love to hear from you guys as well as help you all out with my input on products. Remember, the best way to take care of your skin is to eat healthy and drink LOTS of water. What you put inside your body is just as important as what you put on your body. :) Take care everyone!~
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xxfruitcakexx · 8 years
Cosplay Tips and Tricks #1 (Studs everywhere!)
Hey Fam!
As you know, my blog is a place where I talk about a variety of things, but it has been a while since I’ve written anything about cosplay. So I decided to start typing up an article, that I hope becomes a series of articles, about tips and tricks when it comes to cosplay. I hope to write one or two of these month. I’ve learned so many tricks and hacks throughout my extensive cosplay “career” and I hope that it helps new or veteran cosplayers in the future.
For my first cosplay trick/tip, I’m going to teach you how to make a studded belt. Now my technique and the materials I use can also be used to put studs on pretty much anything, though for armor I prefer to use googly eyes. :)
I have been working on my Velvet Crowe cosplay which is the main character in the new game Tales of Berseria, and since she is a pirate she is adorned with so many studs and emblems. So let’s get started!
Sorry for the blurry pictures btw. XD
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Step 1: Materials!
Paper Taks/Fasteners (gold or silver)
The fabric or material you want to add studs to.
Seam ripper (or box cutter)
Pliers w/ wire cutter
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Step 2: Preparing
Make sure you have a desk to work on. Also, make the necessary preparations. I had gold fasteners with me but my character’s studs were silver so I just sanded it down a bit until the silver metal showed underneath. In the picture, you can see the difference between the gold and silver. This part is pretty much the messiest part. THERE WILL BE DUST... EVERYWHERE. To prevent dust from flying, try sanding things down with a wet paper towel underneath to wipe your hands and catch falling dust.
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Step 3: Marking
Mark where you want to put each stud on the belt. I used a ruler and spaced them out 2 inches apart. If you don’t want to use a sharpie, you may use fabric pencils are markers as well.
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Step 4: Poking Holes!
You may use a seam ripper or a box cutter. (Depending on how thick the material is.) If using a seam ripper, be very careful. You want to only make small holes big enough for the prongs to go through. Don’t make them too big or the stud will come out.
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Step 5: Securing 
Put the fastener through the material and cut the excess metal. Press down with the pliers to secure the studs in place. If you want to make sure they stay secure, you can also add hot glue to the stud before you press it into the material. Also, if the metal prongs are shard, you can also add hot glue to the bottom to act as a cushion to protect yourself from getting poked.
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Step 6: DONE!
This pretty much one of 20 million belts I have to make for my character but this is the end result. :) I also used this technique to add studs to my Yuna Braska Gunner Pouch. It’s a quick, cheap, and easy way to add studs to anything. :)
I hope this was helpful! Talk to you guys soon with another helpful cosplay trick!~ 
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xxfruitcakexx · 8 years
April Favorites! (Top 5)
April has ended and it is now MAY!!! They say April showers bring May flowers and let me tell you, it’s still snowing here where I am. It has also been raining hard pretty much everywhere on the west coast. 
Since April has ended I decided to write up my monthly favorites for April. I am so excited to show you the most recent products that I have been CRAZY about for the past month and I hope you guys are just as excited! Let’s get started!
1. Smashbox Photo Finish Primer Oil
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I have always been a fan of primers and I have used and been through so many different formulas and brands to find the right one. Then, a magical primer showed up in my Ipsy bag! I received a sample size in my bag and decided to try it out. I was a little skeptical at first since it was a oil; I have combination skin and I was afraid this was going to make it even more shiny. It is now my all time favorite primer! I cannot put on makeup without putting this on first. It gives your skin a nice glow without making it look like you dunked your face into some oil. Makeup also sits so well on top. I love my B.B. cream but now that I’ve added this to my routine, it just enhances all my makeup. It is a bit on the pricey side; around $48, but the sample lasted me a whole month. A little definitely goes a long way.
2. Urban Decay Setting Spray
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I have always been skeptical about setting spray and have always set my makeup with powder which, depending on what you set your makeup with, may make it look cakey or very dry. Especially since I have combination skin, when I set my makeup with powder, it just emphasizes the dry flakes and no one wants that. A friend of mine let me try her Urban Decay Setting Spray (All Nighter) and it definitely changed my mind about setting sprays. I purchased my own and I now dont ever have to set my makeup with powder. Not only does it set your makeup but it also prevents it from moving or creasing. I usually get crease marks near my mouth from smiling but when I use this, I definitely get very minimal creasing if any at all. It also sets with a semi matte/gloss finish so if you use highlighters and or want that young glowing skin look, this is a must have addition to your collection. This and my first product are pretty much the only things I ever get when I step into Sephora.
3. Face It Powder Perfection B.B. Cream
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When it comes to B.B. Creams and C.C. Creams, I’ve pretty much tried them all. They either break me out, leave me with a dry or oily face, or they have very minimal coverage. I finally found one that fits my skin. I got it at my local Face Shop and first I got a sample of it and tried it out. (Tip: Definitely take advantage of getting samples from your local makeup/faceshop. Most places do it and it’s a great way to try new products.) I love the coverage! It also does not break me out and it’s very light weight. It also has SPF which is a super must before going out. It also comes in a pump bottle which prevent any product from getting contaminated. i am really picky about have things in jars without spoons are having to scoop product with your fingers so I was happy with the packaging. I have been using it for about four month and I don’t think I am even half way through the bottle. 
4. Too Faced Melted Lipstick
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I’ve been experimenting with different lip products and I have recently been using the Too Faced Melted Lipsticks. They are so AWESOME! I decided to get a whole Too Faced mini sample kit and the Chiuaua color was in it. First off, the lipsticks smell amazing. The one I got smells like raspberries and chocolate. Secondly, the colors are beautiful! It glides on like a lip gloss but it’s super pigmented and dries to a matte. I would have to say, on the bottle it says “long wearing” but I do notice that is rubs off on things for example when I am drinking. It isn’t as bad as some lipsticks and I would recommend using a lip primer if you want it to stay on. Other than that, I would recommend trying it out for yourself.
5. Marc Anthony Smoothing Cream
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My hair has been through so much in the past few years. I’ve dyed it so many colors and have been using heating tools which have definitely left my hair feeling like straw. For the past year and a half, I’ve been trying to take care of my hair by using many argan oil based hair creams and conditioners as well as using the blow dryer and straightener a lot less. I have seen a huge improvement in my hair’s health as well as texture but my hair does get naturally frizzy when I don’t straighten it. I got this in my Ipsy bag for April and I’ve been using it pretty much every time after I take a shower. When I use it, I never need to blowdry/straighten my hair and have to worry about it getting frizzy. It leaves my hair feeling soft and silky much like it was before I started dying and frying my hair. If I do ever straighten it when I want to get that very straight sleek look, it protects my hair from heat damage. If you are looking for a good hair product and have naturally frizzy hair, give this a try. :)
AND THAT’S ALL SHE WROTE! I hope this was helpful for you guys. Remember, some of these products, though they worked for me, may or may not work for you. Everyone is different and skin care/makeup is all about finding the right products for your own unique skin. 
The next article I type up will be helpful beauty/skin care tips. Please be on the look out for that and let me know some of your own beauty tips that you do. I may include and it as well as your credit.
I hope you all have a great month of May. Take care~
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xxfruitcakexx · 8 years
Spring In Her Step. (Sincerely Sweet Boutique Feature!)
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Photo by Weneals Photography/ Designer: Sincerely Sweet Boutique/ Hair, ,Makeup, Model: xxfruitcakexx cosplay (Vanessa)
Hey everyone!! 
Yesterday, March 20th, officially marked the first day of spring and let me tell you, I cannot be more excited for the warm weather. Even though to some, that may mean less clothes, you can still be very fashionable by rocking some iconic pieces in your wardrobe to give it that flare. Best way to do that is with prints and color!
First off, I would love to thank the people at Sincerely Sweet Boutique for letting me collaborate with them. Their clothes are just amazing fro the fabric, to the style, to the prints. Please check them out here.
Also, all links to the clothes will be provided under each description of every outfit.<3
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Photo by Weneals Photography/ Designer: Sincerely Sweet Boutique/ Hair, Makeup, Model: xxfruitcakexx cosplay (Vanessa)
Flirty, Fun, and Young at Heart
Broadening my wardrobe, which started around Fall of last year, I fell in love with high waisted clothing. Pants, shorts, skirts; they are definitely a must have for me especially since they bring a certain level of flare to any simple wardrobe. They also fit a lot of body types and is a great way to accentuate legs, booty, and waist. 
While looking for a great pair of bottoms from Sincerely Sweet Boutique, I fell in LOVE with these awesome Floral Paperbag Waist Shorts. <3 The pastel print is perfect and since I wanted to use them as my highlight piece, I decided to pair them with crisp white on top. I got a cheap cropped cami from Hollister with this great simple crisscross detail and wore a Tie Bell Sleeve cover on top from Forever 21. Paired with some nude heels and this outfit is set. It’s a super fun outfit with so many subtle details that you have to double take just to find all of them. It’s a very fresh outfit and great for welcoming spring this year.
Utopian Garden Paperbag Waist Floral print Shorts                                 Slim Cami Cropped Top                                                                              Tie Front Cropped Top Bell Sleeves                                                    Abound Lustre Strappy Heels
Every Girl Needs A Good Romper!
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Photo by Weneals Photography/ Designer: Sincerely Sweet Boutique/ Hair, Makeup, Model: xxfruitcakexx cosplay (Vanessa)
When I was little I used to wear rompers and let me tell you, I forgot how comfortable they were. If you want to be stylish without putting a lot of effort into mix matching tops and bottoms, a romper is definitely the way to go. I love rompers with an elastic waist and loose, silky fabric. That extra comfort feeling which is definitely a plus especially when it come to fashion. 
The biggest plus with this romper, which is now my favorite piece of clothing atm, is the print. Very vibrant and and beautifully printed on the fabric. Also, the crochet detailing on the back is gorgeous and a great hidden detail on the piece. I just love everything about this outfit and if you are looking for a nice addition to your style this spring/summer, I would recommend picking this lovely piece and many more at sincerelysweetboutique.com. <3 
Summer Blooms Crochet Lace Floral Romper                                                UO Heartbreaker Glasses
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Photo by Weneals Photography/ Designer: Sincerely Sweet Boutique/ Hair, Makeup, Model: xxfruitcakexx cosplay (Vanessa)
My advice for you this coming Spring? Have fun with your style. It’s a fresh new season which means it’s time to try new things. Don’t be afraid of color because it will be everywhere this season!
Try new prints, new styles, and don’t forget to bring your smile. :)
Special thanks to sincerelysweetboutique.com for the amazing pieces. I absolutely love their entire collection so please check them out. They have styles for every season and for every unique taste.
Thank you to Torre Neals of Weneals Photography for the amazing pictures! His photography skills and creative eye gorgeously captured these already beautifully designed clothes. He is always a pleasure to work with.~ 
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xxfruitcakexx · 8 years
Top 5 Favorite Products! (March)
     I’m slowly trying to transition my Tumblr blog to a be a little more about fashion though I will still be blogging about my cosplay adventures. I just want to branch out into more of the fashion and makeup aspect and so to start off, here are my favorite top 5 products that I have been currently using and thinking about repurchasing in the future. :)
1. Lush’s Honey Trap Lip Balm
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Ever since I moved to Colorado, my lips have been so dry and looking like the dry floor of the Sahara desert. ;A; I don’t know if it’s the high altitude or the cold weather but it is no fun at all especially when you’re trying to wear lipstick. Luckily, we have a lush store here and I decided to try out their lip balms. The first and last one I tried was the honey trap one and it’s been the only lip balm that I will continue to keep using. The ingredients are just amazing for the lips. It’s really weird but when you use this product, it makes your lips feel like they retain moisture throughout the day. When used over night, I wake up with soft moisturized lips and it’s a great feeling. The smell and taste is a combination of honey and peppermint which also happen to be be two of the ingredients in the balm. I highly recommend this product! I’m on my 6th pot. :)
2. Lush’s Celestial Face Moisturizer
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Another Lush product? REALLY? Well, let me explain myself. XD Lush products have saved me from chapped dry lips and dry skin. The Celestial Face moisturizer is awesome for my combination skin.  When I bought it at first, I was afraid it was going to be too oily to wear under makeup even though the lady at Lush and on the pot says it can be worn under makeup. LET ME TELL YOU THOUGH. THIS STUFF IS AMAZING! I can wear it under makeup and not feel like I’m wearing something heavy underneath. My skin has also been feeling a lot more soft and healthy since I’ve bought this. Only down side? I wish they would include a spoon or spatula. I don’t like having to scoop products with my fingers. Other than that, it smells and feels great. It smells like vanilla and milk <3 I bought it three months ago and I still have about a month of product left in the pot. :D
3. Face Shop’s Aloe Fresh Soothing Toner
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*I’ve only used the toner, not the lotion or the mist.*
I love using toners after I cleanse my face. I don’t feel clean until I apply toner and the toner I’ve been using for a while now is the Face Shops Aloe Toner. I love aloe ingredients in face products so I was super excited to finally try this. First off, the packaging is awesome. It’s made of this heavy glass and you get a lot of product. It smells pretty nice and absorbs into the skin well. The dispenser is the kind that you can dab onto cotton balls or on your hands. I use this twice a day after washing my face. It helps to absorb access oil without drying your face and you get that extra clean feeling. :) I’m looking forwards to trying the lotion and mist.
4. Naive Face Cleanser
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I LOVE THIS STUFF! After high school I decided to make an effort to taking better care of my skin. I should have done this earlier but better late than never. lol I always enjoyed mint ingredients as well in skin care so I decided to branch out into Asian skin care products and I came across this at my local korean store/market. Since then, I have never used any other foaming cleanser than this. Great product! 5/5 stars!!! I use it twice a day and I can’t explain how awesome it is. You only need a pea size and it takes off all your makeup. The mint ingredient leaves your skin feeling super clean without feeling dry or stripped. I usually like to lather it and foam it in my hands before applying to my face and it definitely makes a difference. I’ve been repurchasing this product for about three years now and not only does it work but it’s so inexpensive. I usually pay about $5 for a bottle that lasts me about a month or two. :) It comes in many other fragrances and formulas but the best one in my opinion is the mint formula. 
5. Two Faced Chocolate Bon Bon Palette
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Now before we get into this palette, let me explain what kind of makeup person I am. I used to only use drugstore products for my makeup for the longest time and never really invested into brand named makeup products. I tried my sister’s Naked 2 palette and enjoyed the quality and thought; “So this is what good makeup feels like.” Let me tell you though, the Two faced Chocolate Bon Bon palette is a whole other story and in it’s own league. Vibrant pigmented colors, easy to blend, smells amazing, feels great , and overall an amazing product. Definitely beats out the Naked Palettes for me. First off, no fall out. The biggest pet peeve for me about the Naked palettes and eye shadows in general is the fall out. This eye shadow palette does not have fall out because you do not need a ton of product to get the color you want. The colors are very pigmented and easily bendable. This palette has made me enjoy the eye part of my makeup routine. It’s so much fun to experiment with the colors and a little definitely goes a long way. It also smells like chocolate. It’s a very nice calming chocolate smell and every time I open my palette I am greeted with it. If you have’t invested in a good palette yet or are looking for a new one, I definitely recommend this one. Let me warn you though, you might try to eat it once you smell it. lol
     That is all! I get asked a lot about my skin care routine or products that I enjoy using so I decided to just type about it here. I stand 100% on these products because I know they work for me and I continue to use them daily. Now everyone is different and even though it may work for me, it may not for you but having a great skincare routine means having to experiment and finding the best balance for your skin.  
     I hope this was helpful and I hope to continue making top 5 articles every month. There are a ton of awesome products out there but not enough time and space to talk about all of them. If you have any questions please let me know by messaging me or asking questions here. I hope you all have a great day! Take care. <3
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xxfruitcakexx · 9 years
Yuna Braska (Gunner) Craft Article
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Hey everyone!
So I recently finished my Gunner Yuna cosplay for a shoot a couple days ago and since posting pics, I’ve been getting a ton of questions about how things were made and what techniques were used. I decided to write up a craft blog so that way all the questions can be answered in one place. I hope this helps someone and if you have any additional questions please feel free to message me. :)
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I love starting on accessories because I love being able to work on things while I sit down and watch anime or listen to music. The first thing I worked on was her armlets, black bracelet, and pouch/belt. The yellow armlets and black bracelet were pretty easy. I hand stitched the black string on the yellow armlets and then moved on to the next thing which was the pouch and belt. 
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The pouch was pretty easy for me to make since it was the third time I've made a pouch before, but I still drew out a pattern on paper to see how big I wanted it and then I cut the pattern out of the leather material. Once the pouch was made and sewed together, I added the magnets to hold the pouch closed, the fringe, and the googly eyes which I painted silver to look like bolts. With the same leather material i made the belt. I just copied what ordinary belts look like. The emblems on her belt are from buttons that I painted silver and sewed onto the belt. The blue gems on it are made from beads that I sanded down to get the shape. :)
Wig is from Arda Wigs! I love the thickness and quality of their wigs and I always get my wigs from them.
MOVING ON TO THE FABRIC WORKS!!! (My least favorite part)
I actually do not like sewing at all. I am self taught so I definitely don’t do things the “right” way when it comes to sewing but I’ve gotten pretty good at making my own patterns. :3 For the top, luckily there was already a pattern online that I was able to find by googling it.
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It’s very simple and I did have to modify it to fit my body and measurements but overall, it somewhat represents the pattern you will be using. :) I added the zipper in the back and I also noticed that her top kind of gathers on the top of the shirt so I hand stitched and gathered the fabric to give it that fringe look at the top of the shirt. You can do this if you like but it isn’t necessary since different ref pics either have or don’t have this detail in it. After the top was made I added the string and lace details and I was done. 
For the hood there was also a pattern I used by googling online.
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Again quite easy. I did end up making it a bit bigger but That was easily fixed by taking it in a couple inches. I then added a white button so I could put it on and take it off.
To finish off the entire top I started working on the crest that hangs on her shirt.
Luckily my husband is a great drawer so he was able to sketch the symbol on paper and then transferred it to EVA foam.
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After cutting it from EVA Foam, it was sanded down to make the details more prominent and to smooth out the edges. I suggest using a dremel to save you some time because hand sanding takes forever and you need consistent pressure to keep everything looking even. Afterwards, it was coded with two layers of wood glue, plasti-dip, and then painted with acrylics. I then sealed in with high gloss concealer. (Concealing is an important step because acrylic paint tends to peel off or get sticky in the heat. I then added clamps (the ones that are used in bracelet and necklaces to close them) that way if I ever need to clean the top I can take off the symbol easily. AND THAT IS THE TOP!
The skirt was a bit tricky and I used several reference from different cosplayer because there were things that I liked and didn't like but overall this is the pattern I used.
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I made three panels (which i tried to rit dye but later found out that dying fabric that lacks a certain percent of cotton doesn't dye. The color ended up washing out of the material but its okay.) When sewing the top panel I made sure to bunch it up to create the look. :) For the strings that tie on the side, I cut the fabric into strips, folded them, and then Ironed them. I added the lace which I found at Joann’s in the perfect shape and style. :D I also added some details to the skirt while sewing the lace because on some ref pics, she has details on her skirt but I decided to use my own design. 
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You can use your own design as well. Cosplay is all about putting your own personal touch to a costume. :) I then used some shorts that I had already owned that were pretty short. :)
Now for the most ridiculous part of her cosplay. Her crazy hair tail. HOW DID SHE GROW HER HAIR THAT LONG AFTER TWO YEARS?!?!?! lolol
Anyways, I found a great tutorial online as well as a pic that helped me immensely. I do suggest having a friend help you with this because something or someone has to hold the tail down while you braid in the pattern.
Special thanks to MissEnacragus for the vid!
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I then attached old brown hair wefts to the bottom. :) There is also a rubber band at the end so I can tie it to my real hair under the wig. (I suggest pinning it because it is pretty heavy.)
For shoes I order some boots online. They ended up being thigh-high boots, even though they were listed as below the knee, and so I just modified them. Then I replaced the laces with white laces and THAT WAS IT! :D
I used the same method for the crest on her shirt but instead layered some EVA foam which I pasted using contact cement. They were then dremeled (sanded down) and details her added.The only difference between the crest and the guns is that I used two different glazes to conceal the gun. To add some depth to the gun, I used frosted glaze and high gloss glaze on different parts of the guns. I wanted certain things to catch the light while other things to stay matte. :)
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Also the etched symbols on the gun were achieved by using one of those heated pen looking things. (forgot the name) but its used to smolder things together like jewelry. 
Her earring was something I made a long time ago when I cosplayed Summoner Yuna. It’s made of clay and beads and her necklace is actually the official Yuna necklace made of real silver that was given to me by a friend many years ago. I tried to look up where to find it but its being sold for $300+ right now online. ;A;
Anyways, THAT IS ALL! 
Sorry if it isn’t too detailed. I wasn’t able to take to much pictures and right down everything while working on it because I was on a time crunch. BUT, if there are nay other question you may have, feel free to message me. :) I hope this helped anyone who is looking to cosplay Yuna. She was a lot of fun to make and I love wearing the outfit. (Especially since she has pockets haha)
I will have official photoshoot pics up once I get them and I will be posting them onto my facebook page so please look for them here: https://www.facebook.com/Xxfruitcakexxcosplay/
Thank you guys and I hope to talk to you all soon!!! Bai bai! <3
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xxfruitcakexx · 9 years
Autumn Rush Photoshoot
November 14, 2015, I got to participate in an awesome fashion shoot located at Bear Creek Park in Colorado. :D Autumn Rush is an annual photoshoot that the local Photographers hold during the fall season. They pick 3-4 models for the shoots and we all wear clothing that we think would be perfect for the fall or for the shoot. It’s a great way for both the models and the photographers to be creative to create some awesome pictures. 
I had quite a hard time trying to think of something to wear for the shoot. Being from Las Vegas (desert weather), I didn’t quite know how to style myself for the weather. It’s already snowing here in Colorado but it’s true what they say that the weather can change in just a few minutes. The day of the photoshoot was quite warm during the afternoon so it the style I came up with was perfect. Not too cold and not to warm. (I’ll be stating where I got each of my pieces from.)
So here is a break down of events during that day :)
Photoshoot started at 2:30pm. The location is actually 40 mins away from where I live so we had to start getting ready and driving pretty early. XD
Everyone arrived around 3pm and we all met up at the picnic area of the park. There were about 3 Photographers, each with about 3-4 models. We all went are separate ways on the trails and started shooting. :) 
I had an amazing time with my group. (I’ll be listing everyone involved in the shoot at the bottom of this post.)
The girls I got to hangout with were all cosplayers as well so there was a lot of nerding out and weeb talk among everyone. Such a chill and awesome group of people. We also had a ton of fun derping in between shoots and locations.
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This was us doing the Fusion Ha dance. :D We all became super Saiyans afterwards. ;)
We ended the shoot around 6pm and by this time it was freezing. Unfortunately we did have a casualty during the shoot. We were all wearing shoes with some kind of heels and while shooting in the “wilderness,” one of the girls did sprain her ankle. Even though, she was a trooper and continued the shoot until the end.
The place was absolutely gorgeous and like Sonic the Hedgehog, the photographer that I got to work with, (my super talented friend Torre) processed and sent out some shots from the shoot the next day. I absolutely LOVE the first two pics that I got back. <3
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Photo by Weneals Photography and Retouching / Model: xxfruitcakexx cosplay
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Photo by Weneals Photography and Retouching / Model: xxfruitcakexx cosplay
Here are some pics of the other lovely ladies that I got to spend some time with. 
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Photo by Weneals Photography and Retouching / Model: Kyuu Vixen Cosplay
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Photo by Weneals Photography and Retouching / Model: Kino Alyse
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Photo by Weneals Photography and Retouching / Model: Miss Kavi Pech Cosplay  
I just love the colors, the atmosphere of the picture, and just the theme of Autumn. :)
Anyways, I really enjoy working with Torre from WeNeal’s Photography and Retouching. He has done some of my favorite cosplay shots and he is so great and comfortable to work with. I highly recommend him if you’re ever in need of pictures.
I can’t wait for more pictures to come out! I am super excited and I am here waiting like a child waiting to open gifts at midnight in Christmas. lol
Overall is was a great experience. I had not done a fashion shoot in so long and I felt a little awkward posing without being in cosplay. I feel like posing in cosplay is so much easier since you can get in touch with the character’s personality, but working and being around some awesome company totally made it fun.
Let me know what you guys think? 
For more pics of this shoot as well as more of Torre’s work, please check out his page: https://www.facebook.com/weneals and http://www.weneals.com/
For more pics of my past modeling as well as all my cosplays, check out my cospage here : https://www.facebook.com/Xxfruitcakexxcosplay/
Thank you and you all have a nice November! :)
Clothing/Accessory Pieces:
Sweater: Ross ~ Poncho: Ross ~ Headband: Forever 21 ~ Shoes: Charlotte Russ ~ Star Necklace: My best friend Steven ~ Earrings: Hot Topic
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xxfruitcakexx · 9 years
Far Apart but Feeling Close.
October marks a year that I’ve been living on my own with my husband. 
It’s a bit lonely sometimes...
Going from living in Las Vegas surrounded by friends and family, to moving to Colorado where I know no one. I knew it would be hard, but it’s one of those things that you can’t quite fully understand until you are put in the situation. My husband works 12 hour days four times a week, and I am the stay at home wife. I don’t dislike my situation; I’m actually quite happy to be with the love of my life. We could live in a shoe box for all I care... (though, if it can be helped, I would most definitely move out of that shoebox.) 
What do I miss? I miss the company. I miss the laughs and the hangouts. I miss being able to come into contact with a loved one with just a 10 min drive or a knock on the door. The physical company is a whole lot better than through skype or the phone.
But what I miss the most...
Is not being there for my friends when they really need a shoulder to cry on. When something bad/horrible happens and I’m not there to give them a hug. I call them and tell them everything is going to be alright, but I can’t look them in the eye and tell them. I can’t hug them and have my words come from my mouth straight to their ear; to hear the sincerity in my voice.
Especially when it comes to my family and close friends, not being there for the hard times makes me feel the most left out.
But though I may be frustrated, the calls, texts, and messages I receive from my loved ones on occasion, reminds me that I am blessed to have such amazing people in my life. On top of that, I have a loving husband that never fails to make me feel like the most important thing in his life. I’ve had people tell me I’m so lucky to have this and that. It’s not luck. I believe you are put with the people you decide to surround yourself with.
For the few people I call near and dear, I hope they know that no matter where they are, they have a “place” to come home to. When I feel lonely on some days, I remember just that and I’m reminded that the same goes for me as well. I know that no matter where I am, I have friends and family whose thoughts are always with me. My feelings of loneliness and frustration is then replaced with love and support. It’s a combination of feelings that can’t be matched. I feel so close to everyone even if I can’t touch them. That is when I truly know how blessed I am and that maybe, just maybe, some people in my life that I truly care for, were put in my life because someone knew I needed angels along my journey. ♡
“To find comfort in knowing that a loved one’s thought’s are occasionally filled with the thought’s of you and your well being.” 
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xxfruitcakexx · 9 years
Watch Out, The Creepers Are About!
*Being aware of creepers, shady, and sketchy people at conventions and online.
     In light of recent events, and events that have been happening for a while behind the scenes, now is a good time to remind everyone to stay safe and wary of people you don’t know; even if they may be “famous” or well known people.
     I was recently informed about a photographer, whom I considered a friend, has been contacting underage girls and asking for nudes. Not only that, he has been circulating some nude pics that he has taken in the past of other cosplayers and girls without their knowledge or permission.
     Having known this person, I feel betrayed, angry, and just a little blind sided. Thankfully, I’ve never taken part in anything risque or scandalous with this person nor has he ever approached me with such offers. However, these kinds of people are picky with who they consider victims and creates a facade for everyone else. Fortunately, these kinds of things usually come to surface and the truth reveals itself and the guilty end up facing the consequences of their actions.
     I decided to write about this topic in hopes to give advice and guidance to those who have been in the con scene as well as for the newcomers just starting up. I don’t want to scare you away from such a great hobby but it goes without saying that there are some bad eggs in the community and it takes extra attention and vigilance to search them out and stay away.
*Please be aware that sexual predators and “creepers” can be both male and female. I was just to lazy to write he/she in every sentence XD 
      1: A well known photographer has asked you to send nudes. You have loved and admired his work for a while and want to have that opportunity. He tells you that all the big name cosplayers have done it for him and that afterwards, he will delete them forever. DON’T DO IT! If you don’t feel comfortable about taking nude shoots, just say no. If he is a good human being, he will respect your answer and not press the matter further. If he starts pressuring you, just end the conversation. If you’re underage, and he knows this, seek help from an adult or authorities, Also, if he is showing nudes of other woman without their consent, please report him as well as inform the victims. Save all messages and online altercations just in case for evidence.
     2. Private shoots: It is always a good idea to bring a buddy with you to a shoot. A friend, a boyfriend, sister, brother; it’s always a good idea to have someone looking out for you. They can be there to make sure you are safe and that inappropriate shot are not being taken. If you feel uncomfortable during a shoot, don’t be afraid to speak up and/or leave. The safety of your well being is more important than the opinion of a photographer.
     3. Don’t ever think that you don’t have a voice because you do. Not only do you have a voice but you can also be the voice of others who have been victims. Most likely this person has attacked many people and not just you so don’t feel like you did something wrong or that you deserved what happened. 
     4. COSPLAY IS NOT CONSENT! This gives no on the right to sexually, verbally, or mentally abuse you if you are in cosplay or not. If you have experienced any of the harassment, please notify security and/or acknowledge to the person that what they did was not cool.. This goes for glomping, hugs, butt/boob grabbing, inappropriate pictures (panty shots for example), cat-calling, inappropriate touching, and etc. If you felt/feel uncomfortable, then let the person know. 
     5. Don’t go alone. Bring a friend with you. Conventions are big places that fill up with many different kinds of people. Make sure to be aware of your surroundings and situations. You don’t want to get caught blindsided which is why it’s always good to have another pair of eyes looking out for you.
     It’s hard to stay safe anywhere we go but it’s always good to go in prepared and knowledgeable. Know that it’s never okay for someone, cosplayer or photographer, to harass, abuse, or take advantage of anyone. Don’t ever feel like you have to do something to get famous. Don’t ever feel like you HAVE to do anything you don’t want to because you don’t. 
If you want to learn more about the situation that’s been going on, here is an article that explains it as well as offers the evidence that has been put forward towards the accused.
Take care everyone! <3
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xxfruitcakexx · 9 years
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"You're so funny, lying there all lifeless like that. Teehee." 📷 @weneals Skull provided by @biancalauren_ _______________ I am in LOVE with Torre's photography skills and creative eye!! Here is the first Lilith picture from my photoshoot at Nan Desu Kan! Special thanks to Torre for working with me! You are always fun and great to work with. Also special thanks to my hubby @rogueduo for helping with the big wings! 😊💕 _______________ I'm still out of town but when I come back, I'll be uploading all the pictures from my photoshoot a and trip on my Facebook page! I will also be streaming again as well! Thank you so much for the support everyone!! ❤️ https://www.facebook.com/Xxfruitcakexxcosplay Twitch.tv/xofruitcakeox (at Nan Desu Kan)
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xxfruitcakexx · 9 years
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Magical girl Lana 🌱✨ Photo by Sojians Props made by @ganda_kris Costume by me ___________ I've been wanting to play Hyrule Warriors again but I do not own a WiiU XD *sad days* __________ Anyways, I hope everyone is having a good week! Time is going by fast and I'll will be returning to Colorado soon. It will be sad saying bye to my friends and family but I do miss the hubby and the puppy back home. Take care everyone!
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xxfruitcakexx · 9 years
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⭐️ Watch the stars with me kupo! 🌠 I LOVE THIS PIC! I added stars again... (Cause I'm obsessed with stars XD) Special thanks to 📷 @dihydrogeno for the amazing picture! 💕 -I've been having a rough past two days but just gotta keep smiling and being hopeful. 😌 I hope everyone is having. A great week! 😊
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xxfruitcakexx · 9 years
Finding Yourself in Cosplay
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“I can never do that.” “No one will like my cosplays cause I have no boobs.” “I have a square body, so I cant cosplay that character.” “_____ cosplayer did this character so well, I should scrap mine since mine sucks.” “ My friends say I don’t look like this character and besides, _____ is cosplaying her so I can’t steal her character.” “I can’t choose a character with an open back costume, my back is ugly.”
     You’re probably wondering, “Wow! Who is this person? They are very insecure.” Believe it or not, this was me. I said these to myself when I first started cosplaying and for a year and a half afterwards. Looking at it now, typed, I ask myself why is told myself these lies and put downs. I remember why...
     When I was in middle school, i struggled to make friends. There was only one person I could really call a friend, but after elementary, we were separated and never went to the same schools after that. I was quiet, insecure, and scared to make friends. I used to get so scared when someone would say hi to me or try to spark up a conversation because I wouldn't know what to say back. My mind would be so preoccupied with coming up with the right thing to say that the conversation would end up going cold. Talk about awkward silence. 
     Skip a year or two, I ended up making friends with a group of girls who were into anime. We stayed friends for many years, lots of drama and lots of regrets but that’s for another story.
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     In 2005, I ended up getting two back surgeries for my Scoliosis. It was a horrible experience but none the less necessary and I do not regret doing it. At that time I had just started getting into cosplay and had been cosplaying for quite sometime, even a little after my recovery. However, the constant ridicule was too much and many of the toxic people in my life were not helping the situation, even making it worse.
     After taking a hiatus from cosplay, i decided in 2009 to filter my life. I started filtering my friends.
     Every group of friends has their dramas and inner struggles, my group of friends... well, lets just say that now when I look back, I can’t help but blame myself for for allowing myself to be used and pushed around by such toxic people. I had allowed myself to be influenced negatively by these people both emotionally and physically, all in the attempts to be liked and part of the group. A group I thought was the only thing that mattered.
     STEP 1: It’s all about who you hangout with.
     I did not start having confidence in myself until I was able to distinguish who my true friends were. People don’t understand how much of an impact people around you have on yourself emotionally and physically. It took me a while to understand what fell into the category of bullying and I did not understand until a few years of experiencing it. I can truly say that positive change really did start once I was able to let go of people that I felt I did not need or want in my life. I began filling my circle with encouraging people. People who truly cared about me and made me feel like I could achieve anything. These people played a huge part in how I thought about myself as well.
     STEP 2: Finding my self worth.
     After I had left people that I had thought were “friends,” The fights and rumors that started afterwards really tested what I thought about myself. I had already thought of myself as ugly because of my scar and the way I looked. I had lost many friends because of the situation that was put on them to choose sides. This ended up fixing itself because I realized that if I stay true to myself and others, people will realize how I really am and start to form their own opinions about me, regardless of others bias. With the help and encouragement of my friends and family, I also realized that the only opinions that mattered were my own and my loved ones.
     STEP 3: Finding the positive in a hobby full of negatives.
     Cosplay can be a scary hobby to get into. Making costumes as accurate as possible, taking pictures an showing them to the masses, seeing and hearing the criticisms, drama, and even the dangers of cosplay. It can be quite intimidating. On top of that, we don’t help ourselves by adding to that negativity. We sometimes tell ourselves were not good enough, I'm not pretty enough, and then we base our cosplays and looks to others and try to copy or achieve the same look, all the while telling ourselves we can’t do it. In order to overcome this, i stopped telling myself these lies and put downs. I stopped listening to the opinions of others and started listening to myself. I stopped looking at being popular as the goal and started making fun and experiences the main reason for cosplaying. Also remember that the hateful comments and criticism is all white noise. The only voice that matters is yours.
     STEP 4: Find out what you want out of cosplay and how you want it to make you feel.
     Whether your reason is to be famous or to have fun don’t forget that how you go about with cosplay and what you take from it will effect how you feel about yourself. Cosplay has taught me so much about myself as well as others. I’ve become a strong person from dealing with many of the negatives but I’ve never forgotten that I influence my overall feeling in a situation. At the end of the day, I can decide whether to smile or to be sad about something. Yes, many things have an impact such as the friends and the comments, but being able to distinguish what matters and how you interpret the negative is the real factor. Cosplay is a learning experience just like everything else in life. Just remember that being happy and having fun us the most important of all to achieve what you want from this hobby.
     STEP 5: Have fun and remember, you are your worst enemy. Learn to become you own best friend.
     Once you know what you want from this hobby and what you want to take from it, just remember that only you can put yourself down. I sometimes struggle with this even now but I always end up telling myself that I can do it. Encourage yourself, challenge yourself, and if you that negative nancy type person, prove yourself wrong. You set your own goals and standards and only you can reach them for yourself. Be your own best friend that encourages you, picks you up when you’re feeling down, and pushes you forward through the storm. Your friends and family will always have your back but your most important cheerleader is yourself. Don’t forget to laugh, smile, and have fun.
I’ve learned so much about myself. Some of my best experience are from cosplay and I’ve met many amazing people through this hobby. It can be as fulfilling as you want it to be and can be as enjoyable. 
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xxfruitcakexx · 10 years
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My secret Cosplay!! If u follow me in Instagram you probably know :3
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xxfruitcakexx · 10 years
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Practical wings created as a starting point for the CGI ones on Maleficent! 
I want to try and create a pair of wings of this size (personal project ;) ) These photos are a great inspiration!  Source: http://disney.wikia.com/
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