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Straight Hair Maxis Match Edition Part 1
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Huge thank you to the CC creators ! @simancholy @gloomygeek @enriques4 @isjao
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bathroom clutter collection ♡ by marilynjeansims
i am so excited to share my first cc collection! this collection includes some super cute items to clutter up your sim's bathroom space. i had so much fun working on this project, and i worked so hard on perfecting all of the items to the best of my ability! i would love to know your thoughts & i hope you enjoy ♡
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this set includes 16 décor items.
the items in this collection are recolours of original items in the game.
colour palette by @bbygyal123
all items require the bathroom clutter kit (except the robe which is base game compatible)
download for free on my patreon here!
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This set is huge - there’s 49 different items in here! Everything shown is a set of earrings. The junimos have a matching choker (shown), there’s a mermaid’s pendant necklace (shown), and all the npcs have a matching pendant necklace. All the necklaces have a feminine and masculine frame version. Again, this set is huge and has been a long time in the making, so if I’ve missed anything along the way please let me know!
🐔  ─────[  DETAILS  ]───── 🍎 »    Base Game Compatible »    Teen - Elder »    Masculine and Feminine Frames
🍄 ─────[ >>  TOU  << ]───── 🐭
🐈 ─────[   DOWNLOAD   ]───── 🐕 via Patreon SFS
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My Ballerina Dayana and her boyfriend Blaine ❤️
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Starting a fantasy save and here’s a sneak peak of some of my sims!! Yes I have men too they just take more time to make look good :)
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Starting a Legacy challenge and here’s my starter sim Sofia!!
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📜🍀 Medieval CAS Backgrounds 🍀📜
well, that's it! i like ts3 backgrounds with the mirror and a piece of a room so i've made something similar - but in medieval style.
✨ open the picture in new tab for closer look; 🌒 please note that the in-game quality of the pictures will be way lower due to compessing; ❕ only use one cas background replacement in your game at once.
.*☘・゚* 🌿 DOWNLOAD 🌿 {SFS} *・゚☘*.
🔍 cc finds: @sssvitlanz @ts4medieval @ribbonsmedieval @simshistoricalfinds @sims4historicalccfinds @fairysimsmedievalcreations @historychallengecc @lady-moriel
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The Sims 4 Colour Legacy Challenge
The Sims 4 Colour Legacy Challenge Rules
This challenge is very similar to the Not So Berry Challenge but focuses on different colours and what characteristics are associated with that particular colour. I recommend for fun gameplay to incorporate the colour of your generation into your sims and their homes.
There are 2 extremely important rules to this challenge: No Cheats which help achieve your goals and Normal Lifespan.
Occasional Money Cheats are allowed as this is not a money based challenge.
This challenge has not been game tested so if any problems are found please let me know. I will be starting this challenge extremely soon and can’t wait.
I hope you have fun with this challenge and if you do, feel free to share your progress using the tag #sims4colourlegacy
When you think of the colour red, you automatically think of someone who is hot headed and aggressive yet passionate and important. You are the perfect representation of those qualities. You own your own restaurant (or are head chef) and are quite a strict boss who can easily snap if people don’t do what you ask them to. However, you are really passionate about your restaurant succeeding and achieving a 5 Star Rating. You are extremely busy with working so don’t have many friends but you get your social fix by interacting with your staff and customers.
You can cheat money to build your restaurant (it is extremely difficult to earn enough money to build a restaurant and a house).
Traits: Hot Headed, Foodie and Ambitious
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career: Chef or Owner of Restaurant
- If you choose the Chef path, you must reach level 10 of the Career
- If you choose the Restaurant path, you must live on your restaurant lot until you reach a 4 Star Rating and then reach a 5 Star Rating after you move off of the lot.
- Max the Cooking and Mixology Skills
- Meet your spouse through your work or restaurant (colleague, employer or customer)
- Have 2 children when you are an adult - must adopt one
- Unlock all recipes in San Myshuno (only possible if you have City Living)
- Must Complete Aspiration
- After Restaurant Rating is at 5 Stars, sell the restaurant when you become an elder to focus on family.
The colour orange is associated with a playful, energetic and social personality and this description matches you perfectly. You are a very social person who enjoys going out and meeting new people. You are really good at making people laugh and want to pursue a career in comedy. You have so much energy and enjoy working out at the gym. You have a great relationship with your sibling and are best friends.
Traits: Outgoing, Active and Goofball
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Comedian
- Get to level 10 of Comedian Career
- Max the Charisma, Comedy and Fitness Skills
- Must Complete Aspiration
- Must live with your sibling until you are engaged
- Meet up with sibling once a week when you move out
- Have 3 kids after Marriage
When you see the colour yellow, you think of something or someone that makes you happy and that’s you for a lot of people. However, what they don’t know is that you are quite anxious an anxious person. On the surface you appear to be a cheerful, positive person but on the inside you can become quite panicked. You turn to music and baking to calm you down. You decided to work as a Charity Organiser because you want to help make the world a better place. You are very close to your siblings and don’t have much other friends. You care too much about what other people think of you especially your parents who are really supportive of what you have achieved in your life so far.
Traits: Cheerful, Perfectionist and Erratic
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Charity Organiser
- Reach level 10 of Career
- Max the Charisma, Baking and Piano Skills
- Must Complete Aspiration
- Spouse must be a sibling’s friend
- Keep close relationships with siblings for whole life
- Have Twins (can cheat for this)
- Complete the Postcard Collection
You and your twin love nature and always want to be outside so you both decided to take up careers which meant you could spend a majority of your life outside surrounded by what you both love the most. You both enjoy yoga and want to be as healthy and happy as possible and you both believe you can do that with the support of one another. 
Traits: Sim 1 - Loves Outdoors, Self Assured and Clumsy 
           Sim 2 - Loves Outdoors, Jealous and Good
Aspiration: Sim 1 - Freelance Botanist 
                  Sim 2 - Super Parent
Career: Sim 1 - Botanist (Gardening)
             Sim 2 - Floral Designer (Gardening)
Sim 1 - Max Gardening, Wellness and Fishing Skills
           - Reach Level 10 of Career
           - Must Complete Aspiration
           - Complete the Plant Collection
           - Get Married then have 2 Kids
Sim 2 - Max Floral Arranging, Wellness and Parenting Skills
          - Reach Level 10 of Career
          - Must Complete Aspiration
          - Have 2 children who must complete their Child Aspirations
          - Get Married after Kids
Both Sims - Must go on camping weekend every 2 weeks for whole young adult life
Generation 5 - Blue 
You are a calm and loyal person who often feels sad which is why the colour blue fits your personality so well. You want life to be as stress free as possible but have rough patches where you are sad for almost no reason. You were brought up in a busy home living with your aunts, uncles, cousins, sibling and parents so sometimes feel like you didn’t get very much attention which is why you often get so upset. You really enjoy writing and are pursuing a career as an author.
Traits: Creative, Bookworm and Gloomy
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Career: Author (Freelance if preferred)
- Max Writing, Photography and Cooking Skills
- Reach Level 10 of Career
- Complete Aspiration
- Date 2 people before having a one night stand which results in a child
- Be on bad terms with mother or father and claim custody of the child
- Date 2 more people before calling it quits on love life until elder
- When you are an elder, get married 
Generation 6 - Purple
You hated the way your parent was treated by men and/or women so want what they didn’t have. You are all about the romance and want to find the love of your life. You represent the colour red because of the strong passion for romance that you have. You want to be swept off your feet by someone and you are at quite a young age. You love the luxurious things in life and are not afraid to splash the cash on anything. Your job as a doctor earns you a lot of money so you have an extremely luxurious lifestyle which you deserve because of all your hard work.
Traits: Romantic, Snob and Materialistic
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Doctor
- Reach Level 10 of Career
- Max the Logic, Violin and Dancing Skills
- Complete Aspiration
- Meet your soulmate when you are a teen
- You and your soulmate stay together for a while, have a child and separate when they are a toddler.
- When your child is a teenager get back together with your soulmate and get married
- Your house must be worth 200,000 Simoleans
Generation 7 - Pink
You are a very feminine and innocent person who is sweet and friendly to everyone you meet. You are the colour pink. You grew up in a very luxurious lifestyle but would much rather live in a smaller, family type home. You want a nice happy family where everyone gets along. You really enjoy baking and own a bakery which you run with your spouse. You really want to give people something they can truly enjoy and that is your baking. You and your spouse are extremely close and know you will be together for the rest of your lives.
Traits: Cheerful, Romantic and Childish
Aspiration: Big, Happy Family
Career: Own a Bakery
- Run a Successful Bakery
- Max the Baking, Charisma and Singing Skills
- Get Married as a young adult to your high school sweetheart
- Have 3 kids
- Have a movie night once a week with your family ever week
Generation 8 - Brown
You were raised in a loving home and were treated with nothing but respect but you always knew you were a bit different. You love nature in a way like no other which is why you represent the colour brown. Whilst every other kid was interested in videogames and playground equipment, you were interested in plants, collectibles and space. You wanted to collect everything and store it in your home - kind of like a museum. You love when you find someone with the same interests as you and love to share your collection with people who care. You were often left out by your siblings but your parents always supported you.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Vegetarian and Genius
Aspiration: The Curator
Career: Astronaut
- Reach Level 10 of Career
- Max Logic, Herbalism and Rocket Science Skills
- Complete Aspiration
- Keep everything you collect and store it in your house (don’t keep duplicates)
- Meet your Spouse through Work
- Adopt 2 children and make them complete opposites
Generation 9 - Black
You had a terrible relationship with your family growing up. They were all really nice but you were just not which is why you represent the colour black. You always had a bit of a temper but something changed inside of you as a teen. You began to lash out and become violent towards others. You would lock yourself inside of your room and often sneak out of the house without your parents knowing. You pride yourself in knowing you made their lives miserable. You didn’t ask to be adopted by such nice people but you were and now you can escape. You have turned to crime and love to steal from fancy homes and museums to make some money. All you care about is money and not landing yourself in prison.
Traits: Evil, Kleptomaniac and Mean
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Career: Criminal
- Sneak out every Saturday night as a Teen
- Reach Level 10 of Career
- Max Mischief, Programming and Handiness Skills
- Move to a different town from your family
- Spouse must also be Evil
- Spouse dies in an accident when you are an elder and you try to become good
- Improve your relationships with your sibling and child as an elder
Generation 10 - White
You are the complete opposite of your evil parents and want to do something which will help someone or something. You represent the colour white and achieve to be a successful vet and own your own practice. You love animals and really want to help them so by becoming a vet you are surrounded by what you really love. When your parent changed to be good you repaired the relationship but it won’t ever be perfect which is why you have some jealousy issues with people who had a better upbringing than you. You find it difficult to let people in but when you do you are a bubble of joy.
Traits: Dog Lover, Cat Lover and Jealous
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Career: Vet
- Run a successful Vet Practice
- Complete Aspiration
- Max Vet, Guitar and Dog Training Skills
- Always have a pet in your household from when you move out
- Meet your spouse in a Coffee Shop
- Have 2 kids
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lore; an occult skintone pack
for players who want soft and dull occult skintones for their sims!
nondefault skintones (does not replace ea skintones)
12 colors with 3 shades each, 36 swatches total
no tanned / burned states (yet, i guess)
enabled for occult & non-occult sims
sorting options: by color / by shade
found in the misc category
extended sliders! — details below
//please read details under the cut! (link + preview included)
@maxismatchccworld @mmfinds​
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So great I love it probably one of my favorites!
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Making this was such a learning experience! I’ve never been super confident with textures but I was getting a bit tired of using like 100 different overlays on every sim, so this is a combo of my favorite details!
Facepaint & Forehead skindetail
Realistic & clean versions
uncensored pics of the bodydetails here
CREDIT: @catplnt @heihucc @tamo-sim @litttlecakes @pyxiidis 
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Aspen Hair
I like to think I’m getting better at meshing hairs, if anything experience helps. For this one I created a new texture and went the extra mile to make sure that it blended well with other EA hairs color-wise.
overlays are categorized as » left nose ring « as you download them, but it can easily be changed to whatever you prefer because the texture doesn’t conflict with anything else
2 base game compatible meshes + 2 texture overlays
female, teen to elder
hat compatible
poly count for highest LOD: basic ~20k  ||  +roses ~22k
color-tagged: hairs 24 EA + 12 extras  ||  ties 16  ||  roses 20 + white on the base mesh
LODs, maps, thumbnails
disallowed for random
more of #my cc
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Download links under the cut - early access (public Feb 17, 2023)
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CAS Background - Playroom
default CAS background.
place only one in your mods folder.
personal gshade preset used
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✿ Please do not recolor, edit, or claim as your own. ✿ Do not reupload on paywall, or any other site.
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Download ⤳ Playroom
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These hairs are now available on my Patreon for Early Access. The third hair will be added on December 8th due to EA policy.
Caitlyn  |  Willow  |  Ayaka
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Children’s shoes collection 02      
[Jius] Leather Ankle Boots 06-Toddler/Child
18 swatches
10k+ Polygons
[Jius] Cartoon Animal Slippers 01-Toddler/Child
3 swatches
2k+ Polygons
[Jius] Rain Boots 01-Toddler/Child
25 swatches
3k+ Polygons
[Jius] Flat Sandals 04-Toddler/Child
30 swatches
11k+ Polygons
[Jius] Crocs Clog 01-Toddler/Child
30 swatches
7k+ Polygons
[Jius] Mary Jane Pumps 03-Toddler/Child
28 swatches
4k+ Polygons
[Jius] Knitted Socks 08-Toddler/Child
30 swatches
HQ✔️ Custom thumbnail✔️ All lods✔️
Patreon ( Early access )
❤️ Public release on 31 December, 2022 ❤️
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Highly recommend these! I’m in love with then and fight the urge all the time to not just use them for every sims and every outfit 🤣
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~ TRAP PANT’S AND GLOTIC TOP ~ ~ Mesh by me ~ All lods   ~ Top 22 Swatches ~ Pants 16 Swatches ~ HQ ~ DOWNLOAD PATREON
Do not re-raise or claim as yours
Do not edit the mesh
Re-colors allowed (free content only)
Conversions to other games without permission are not allowed, ej Sims3, Gta V, Imvu, Sl, etc.
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