xxsteveharringtonxx · 3 months
Driving For Dummies
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Steve wasn’t sure how you managed to rope him into this.
He didn’t let anyone drive his car.
Yet here you were in the driving seat for a change and he was sat next to you, slightly scared for his life and definitely scared for his car.
“Steve you’re meant to be teaching me!” You hissed, eyes unmoving and both hands clasped to the steering wheel. “How do you make this look so easy!” You yelped out as you narrowly dodged someone cycling.
“Jesus Christ sweetheart can you just, just concentrate.” He responded looking nervously over the dash and at the road ahead.
“Well tell me how I’m doing, what am I doing wrong?” You asked frustrated, it was around 8pm the sun only just setting across Hawkins and the breeze through the car was helping you relax.
A little.
“You’re doing great just, ease up a little. You get any closer to the steering wheel you could make out with it.” He told you in a sarcastic tone.
You did relax, your knuckles no longer white from clutching the wheel, knees not so locked up.
Rolling your shoulders back you took a deep breath.
“Think I’m ready for my test?” You asked jokingly and Steve’s scoff made you glare at the empty road ahead of you.
“You are a useless teacher.” You grumbled making him laugh out loud.
“And you are a lousy driver.” His tone was teasing but made you want to hit him nonetheless. “How have you made it to twenty four without a license anyway?” He quizzed as he fiddled with the radio station.
“I’ve always had you to drive me.” Your tone was sickly sweet, and it warmed him to hear you speak of him like that whether it was a joke or not.
He loved that it was true, you did have him, in any way you wanted him truth be told.
He did take you to school, and drop you off, he then took you to work and dropped you back home. He even drove all the way to Chicago a few times to take you back to college or to pick you up when you were home sick.
“Great, I enabled this.” Was his reply instead with a playful eye roll.
Less pathetic.
“You did, and that’s why you have to teach me how to drive. I want my own car without nagging you every five minutes for a ride.” You whined as he finally settled on a station, Foreigner playing one of their soppy love songs he refused to admit he loved.
“What if I love you calling every five minutes for a ride?” Steve asked looking over to you.
“I know you don’t.” You mumbled pulling over to the side of the road. “Can you drive us back please?” You’d asked making him grin.
“If I do am I enabling this habit further?” He asked making you giggle.
“What if I love you enabling my habit?” You joked right back, using his own words against him.
“You look prettier sitting passenger anyway.” He stated and reached over to run his thumb over the crease lines between your eyebrows to soothe them. “You frown when you concentrate.” He added in a softer more gentle tone.
Nothing else was said but you both got out and crossed each other walking round the car to swap sides, his fingers brushed your arm as you did and you drove back through Hawkins in silence.
“How many more lessons do you think I need?” You asked rolling your head onto your shoulder and taking him in.
Sun kissed skin and a slightly red tint on his cheeks suggesting he definitely didn’t put on SPF like he told you he did this morning.
He sent you back an easy smile and wink.
“One hundred, and I’m going to start charging.” Smiling fondly at his words you reached over to poke his cheek.
“It sounds like you want to drive me around forever Harrington.” Your teasing words once again warmed him.
“Let’s test that theory sweetheart.” He finalised pulling up outside the small place he’d bought a year back, the other side of Hawkins to his parents but it suited Steve.
It was small and cozy but it was his and he loved it. He loved it more when you were there, which in all honesty was most of the time, he’d told you a hundred times just to move in but you never officially did.
“Same time again tomorrow?” You asked pushing the door open as his arms wrapped around your waist from his place behind you.
“Hmm maybe.” He offered dropping a soft kiss on the side of your neck.
“Maybe?!” You screeched outraged turning in his arms and wrapping your own around his neck.
“I said I was going to start charging.” He reminded before pouting for another kiss that you reached up to plant on his lips.
“What’s the cost Harrington?” Playing along as he walked you backwards to the sofa.
He pretended to think before kissing you again.
“I can think of a few things.” He purred once more before you were both laying on the couch, Steve hovering over you. “Besides, I think I’m pretty happy driving you around forever.” He informed making you smile up at him.
“Well if that’s the case you don’t need all the kisses in lieu of payment.” You mocked making him shake his head.
“Oh no, no you definitely have to keep kissing me. I might die if you ever stop.” You both laughed at the dramatic turn of his words.
“Well I can’t let that happen can I.”
“Absolutely not.” He scolded kissing you one final time.
Okay, you thought happily.
He can drive you everywhere forever.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 3 months
Steve Harrington x Reader
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You had known Steve all through high school, you were even part of his little click when he was King Steve. You got ditched along with Tommy and Carol but you weren’t like them, Steve knew that and he felt a little bad leaving you behind. But that’s high school you guess and now looking back it seemed so long ago.
He had heard (quite reassuringly) that you’d stopped hanging out with them after some party in senior year where Tommy thought it would be funny to throw you into the pool.
Everyone knows you can’t swim, right?
Surely Steve wasn’t the only one that paid that much attention to you.
A specific memory he had of you was in junior year when he was on the swim team, you’d always wait around for him to finish practise for a ride home but you wouldn’t go anywhere near the water edge.
You had bumped into each other again at Star Court too a few years ago, a stripey top and funny hat adorning his head. It had been the first time you really saw him since graduation.
“Nice uniform.” You had quipped with a scoff and fond smile. Leaning against your car door as he walked from his own.
He had look you up and down, slowly from head to toe, taking in your white paper hat, yellow and white checked dress and white tennis shoes. You were clearly waitressing in the diner up on the food court.
“Ditto.” He had retaliated with a smirk before walking off, hair perfectly placed and his shoulders shaking as he laughed at himself walking in.
Over the years you had then obviously seen each other across town, Family Video mostly, sometimes at the pool if it was warm enough and you both had time off work.
But now most recently as you’re both nearly 24 it was in The Hideout.
He was friends with Eddie Munson now, truly reformed King Steve.
Tonight The Hideout was particularly busy and you waved over to Robin as you were stuck chatting with some random guy a few years above you in school.
His name totally lost on you as your focus was stolen by Steve.
As usual.
She grinned and waved back before grabbing hold of a reluctant Steve and dragged them both over to where you were.
“Hey!” She greeted hugging you tight, you greeted them both, extending a hug to Steve too.
His fingers lingered a little on your waist and you looked up at him hopeful, a glimmer of something as your eyes met. The two beers you’d had giving you the false bravado to give him a grin, suggestive and flirty.
“Hi Steve.” You chirped happily and hadn’t even noticed the guy you were talking to sulk off with a pout.
“Hi honey.” He replied, a name he had given you in high school, said because you were always sickly sweet to him and back then the casual flirting was nothing.
Now it gave you butterflies and a smitten smile you’d tuck under your teeth to try and hide.
“Eddie playing tonight?” You asked looking between them for an answer.
“Yeah and Robin has dragged me out on a double date.” Steve grumbled with an eye roll.
You were slapped cold all of a sudden and it was a sweat box in this place.
“You’re here on a date?” You asked as if making him realise what he had even just said., your head titled to the side and taking a step back from him in disappointment.
He definitely didn’t want you to think he was on a date, or interested in dating.
Well, dating anyone but you that is.
“Oh uh, yeah but not really it’s just-“ he was cut off by Robin grabbing his arm again with excitement.
“They’re here! Come on let’s get a drink!” She dragged him off again in a flash and you were left red cheeked and pouting.
Blinking out of the hurt you looked around for your friends, you had met them at college, staying close to Hawkins you would commute to campus and they became your best friends.
Rejoining them you couldn’t help but be distracted, the girl Steve was on a date with was blonde, on the younger side and definitely interested in him. Giving him the same smitten grin you probably were when he first got here.
She was laughing at all his jokes, which you knew were lame but you knew why she was laughing.
You do the exact same.
Looking away back to your friends distracted you while Eddie was on stage, one of them crushing on him bad. He was good you have to give him that and when he threw you a wink your friends squealed latching onto your arm.
“I’ll introduce you come on!” You had said a few hours later, Eddie and Steve currently sitting in the booth they claimed.
Robin, her date and Steve’s date were dancing to the next band.
“Hey pretty!” Eddie greeted jumping up and hugging you.
He’d become one of the coolest guys you knew, and he definitely wasn’t The Freak anymore.
“Hey! You were amazing up there! My friend Sasha is a huge fan, Sasha this is Eddie we went to high school together and you know Steve you met him before.” You introduced nicely and Eddie took an immediate interest in Sasha.
“You’re like so cool, I wish I could play an instrument.” She gushed instantly.
“Well it’s not that hard princess, want me to teach you? It’s all about the fingers.” He purred making her giggle and drag him to the bar.
“Hey you want some air?” Steve asked you standing up and putting a hand on your lower back. You were once again completely taken by him, he was looking down at you for an answer, his cologne wrapping you in his familiar warm presence.
“Sure!” You followed him outside to the small seating area, nowhere near enough heaters but Steve sat down close enough to keep you pretty much on fire with his presence, but he sat down with a huff clearly enjoying the fresh air and being away from the groups.
“What’s up Stevie? Not having fun?” You asked a little teasingly and with a small nudge of your shoulders.
“Not really.” He confessed making you look down at your lap, fingers picking at nails. “You look pretty tonight.” He followed up quickly and you could feel him watching you, waiting for a reaction.
“Steve.” You groaned trying to hide your smile and it made him laugh out loud, you felt his laugh rumble through him you were sitting that close.
“You know you’re pretty, but you look especially pretty right now.” He reaffirmed and you looked up at him.
“You’re on a date right now.” You reminded and he rolled his eyes.
“I don’t care honey.” He reassured. “I was hoping you weren’t here tonight, you are literally the last person on earth, I want knowing I was doing Robin this favour.” He told you honestly and the excitement burst in your chest.
The years of flirting and tip toeing around the attraction seemingly becoming real.
“You finally admitting you like me Harrington?” You joked knowing everyone teased you both throughout high school, your late teens and early twenties being taken up by much the same but it was a little less jokey.
“Depends.” He teased making you glare at him mockingly, a glint in your eyes that he swore in that moment to himself he’d never get bored of.
“Depends on what?” You played along.
“On whether you’re admitting to liking me too.” He laughed and you smiled right up at him.
“Oh right. Well, if you’re playing that game I’ve liked you since we were freshmen, actually I think specifically it was when you told Tommy to fuck off because he pulled my hair all the way back in middle school.” Steve laughed at the memory before looking at you and nodding slowly.
“Ditto.” He whispered leaning down slightly and lowering his gaze to your lips.
“You gonna kiss me now?” You asked hopeful making him smile at your impatience.
“Oh yeah, I’m going to kiss you now honey.” And with that his lips met yours, gently and softly making you warm all over.
When he finally pulled away you rolled your lips into your mouth before smiling.
“Finally.” You told him happily.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 3 months
Call It Love
Steve Harrington x Reader
All credit of images to original owners
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“It’s Steve.” Robin’s voice was shaky and it made your knees feel uneasy, swallowing the lump in your throat you drove straight to his house.
When you did get there you saw his car park haphazardly in the drive and the sob that was suffocating you only got worse.
He would never park his car like that unless a) he wasn’t driving it or b) he was in a rush. Or worst of all c) he was in such a bad way he actually let someone else drive and was in a rush to get inside.
Deciding you probably didn’t have time to think too much about that you parked your own car just as terribly behind his and not even closing the door as you ran into your boyfriend’s house.
Having hardly heard from him since he dropped you home two nights ago you were already worried.
When you got inside you gasped at the sight of him, covering your mouth as the sob finally escaped Steve, Nancy, Eddie and Robin all looked over to you.
Steve’s face turned thunderous at the sight of you, turning he barely hesitated as he grabbed Eddie by the shirt and threw him against the wall.
“I told you not to call her!” He seethed and even in the moment you tried to think if you had ever seen him that angry.
“Steve it was me, she deserves to know what’s going on.” Robin intervened quickly making him release a nervous Eddie.
They all looked at you, Steve stepping forward cautiously not to upset you even more.
He was dirty, shirtless bar from a denim vest that definitely wasn’t his, bleeding, covered in bruises.
A vast contrast to how you are used to seeing your usually clean cut boyfriend, the last time you had seen him he was wearing a crisp white polo and his stupid family video vest. But his skin was tanned from the spring sun Hawkins had got, his hair perfectly placed.
“What.. what the hell happened to you.” You choked out not taking your eyes off him, pupils moving to try and take in every injury on his body, he took another tentative step towards you and holding out his hands as if approaching a wild animal.
Yours were shaking.
“Baby, baby look at me, I’m fine!” He protested trying to get you to hear him but he knew the noose type bruise around his neck was louder, the chunk of skin missing in his side and bleeding was blaring.
“Steve.” Your chin wobbled and he didn’t know what you needed in that moment.
Hell he didn’t know what he needed and it was choking him.
“I’m fine, you need to look at me okay?” He coaxed just one more time and took the final step to get to you, when his fingers brushed yours to get you to look him in the eye you flinched.
“Baby I’m okay.” He begged as you finally looked him in the eyes, they were the same warm honey that looked at you with so much love it gives you butterflies.
Except this time they made you cry.
You flung your arms around his neck sobbing into the crook between his jaw and collarbone. His arms pulled you as close as possible and he rubbed your back.
You barely had the will in you to let him go, and he wasn’t sure his heart had ever pounded that hard in his life.
Robin bit on her bottom lip knowing now why Steve was so adamant on not calling you. He knew you would hate to see him in this state and he knew you would worry yourself half to death.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked softly and gently pulling away to kiss him on the lips.
One of his hands moved to hold the back of your neck, the other on your back still trying to hold you close to him.
“Yes baby, god I’m so fine.” He breathed out kissing you once more, finally a small sense of relief coming over him that you were here.
Maybe a little grateful now that Robin had called you.
But he won’t admit that.
“What happened to you?” You asked again looking over all his bruises and realised when you unwrapped your hands his blood was smeared all over them. “Oh my god.” You whispered scared and he took them in his own, the shaking not going unmissed.
“I’m getting cleaned up and I’ll be back to normal in no time.” He reassured kissing your knuckles and while you nodded at his words you spoke again.
“Tell me what happened.” You demanded and he sighed heavily.
“I don’t want to.” His voice was honest and firm, he threw a glare at Robin and then sighed heavily.
“Well tough Harrington because if I ever get a call like this again, and I find you in this state if you aren’t already dead I will kill you myself.” You snapped putting a hand on your hip just to prove the sentiment, and all it did was make him grin.
It was real and warm and it took over his whole face.
“There she is. My beautiful girl.” He kissed your lips, your neck, your nose, your forehead and even though you let out a relieved giggle at the normal reaction from your boyfriend you still didn’t have an explanation.
“Can someone please fill me in?” You all but begged as they all avoided your gaze.
“Can you help me get cleaned up baby? And I’ll tell you everything.” He promised before leading you down his hallway into the small mostly unused bathroom the Harringtons fitted two years ago.
He showered and you watched from your spot on the toilet seat as all the blood, dirt and grime ran off his body. His arm leaning on the tiles ahead of him as the water washed down his back, his muscles clenched and he hissed in pain at the impact but you wiped away your worried tears before he could see. And when he was ready and the tap squeaked off you were waiting with a plush white towel wrapping it around him.
After what felt like hours of silence he had taken your spot on the toilet seat, the first aid kit open beside him on the counter and you began fixing him up.
Stopping when he winced but starting again when he looked up at you his eyes all sorry and sad.
“Is this a bite mark?” You whispered as you made it down the scariest looking wound below his ribs.
“Yeah. Demon bats, big ones.” You scoffed out a laugh at his joke and rolled your eyes.
“Harrington, come on. I know you don’t want me to be worried but demon bats, I’m not that stupid.” You huffed out with a soft laugh before looking back up at him.
His silence kind of worrying and the sincere look on his face wiped the smile straight off yours.
“You remember when Will Byers went missing…”
It wasn’t until nearly 2am when you crawled into his bed with him.
You rejoined the rest of them after Steve told you as much as he could as quickly as he could. He cursed himself for involving you when you cried and you made him promise to tell you any and every time he could potentially be in danger.
When you got downstairs you hugged all of your friends tightly and ordered them pizza. Once they were all asleep in different parts of the house you and Steve also went to bed.
“Why are you all the way over there?” He whispered as you lay on your back firmly on your side of his bed.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” You whispered back rolling onto your side to look at him.
“Baby, it’s hurting me more that you’re so far away.” He whined in his usual needy tone, with a giggle and a squeal he yanked you into his side.
Curling into him you took a deep breath of his scent and pressed your lips onto his chest with a soft kiss.
“I’m sorry you’ve been going through this alone.” You heard yourself whispering.
“I haven’t been alone, I’ve always known you’d be right here, waiting for me whenever the hell was over. I don’t know what I’d of done if I didn’t have you to fight my way back to.” He told you before pressing a kiss onto your hair line.
“I love you Steve Harrington.” You told him into the darkness, his chest rose and fell quickly and your words seemed to hit him.
“Yeah, I love you too baby. More than you know.” His arms tightened around you and while you were careful of his wounds you decided you weren’t ever going to let your Steve Harrington get hurt like this again.
Even if you had to get to Vecna himself, Steve is too good to suffer this.
And while you were thinking of that Steve was thinking about how he could keep you so far away from this mess so you never had to worry about it again.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 5 years
The Rain
Steve Harrington x Sister! Henderson
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(Before the Storm - Nick Jonas & Miles Cyrus)
You were sat in the passenger seat of Steve’s car, you weren’t going anywhere the two of you were just sat there in silence. The rain was pouring outside hounding down on the car but that wasn’t what was keeping you from getting out. It was the peace that the two of you felt when you were together which up until a few years ago you’d never of even thought you’d be this close to Steve.
Two years your brothers pet lizard had attacked you, turns out it wasn’t a lizard. And that’s when you found everything out, Dustin and Steve must of spent hours explaining everything that night and well it still doesn’t seem real.
“Are you okay?” Steve asked in a quiet voice once the rain had died down a little and you could hear yourself think.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You almost whispered back making him sigh.
“No you’re not.” He pushed.
“Well then no Steve I’m not okay! Are you okay?” You asked him back already knowing the answer.
“Everything’s going to be okay Y/N.” He reminded teaching for your leg and placing his gentle, warm hand on your thigh in a comforting way.
“You didn’t answer my question.” You said seriously looking over at him.
“I’m okay.” He promised making you laugh as you took in his bruises.
“You just got beat up by some Russian soldiers, Billy just died, Hopper is gone!” You expressed making him shake his head and look down at his lap withdrawing his hand making you gulp and want to reach for it for him to put back.
“They were going to hurt Robin, Billy saved us believe it or not and Hopper- we’ll be alright. Trust me.” His words somehow made you feel worse, just the mention of her name, and knowing Billy died to save us all still blew your mind and it’s going to take a long time to get rid of the grief of losing Hopper.
“I’m scared, this is never going to leave us. We can’t escape this the only thing that gets me through is-“ stopping yourself you sighed and looked back out at the rain.
“Is what?” Steve asked begging you with his eyes to finish the sentence.
“You.” You whispered as he reached for you again.
“Saving you every day is the only thing in my whole life that matters to me. So don’t for a second think we can’t get through this because you’re the only fucking thing that matters.” He said squeezing your hands so hard it hurt, a tear fell from your eye and you nodded finally believing him as he pulled you in for a hug.
“You know I’d try my best to save you too but I’m useless with that bat.” You said trying to lighten the mood.
“You do save me. In different ways, I only fight so hard to make sure you’re okay.” Touched by his words you wanted to kiss him but Steve has never implied that he likes you more than a friend, or at least he’s never tried to be that way with you.
“Steve?” You asked softly catching his attention.
“Yeah?” He asked with a curious tone, hoping you were going to ask the same thing he yearned for in these moments you both share.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked brave enough to finally get what you want.
“Are you kidding? You don’t even have to ask.” He promised as he slamming his lips on yours and kissed you with every bit of saved up passion he had for you.
Pulling away you both looked into each other’s eyes with a knowing glint that maybe out of this shit situation you both have a tiny chance to be happy.
“I should of done that sooner.” He said still only inches away from each other.
“You should have.” You replied breathless making him grin.
“I won’t wait so long till next time.” He said also smiling and kissing you once more as the rain became heavy again, giving you just one more reason to stay in the car.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 5 years
Lost Without You
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Steve Harrington x Reader
(Lost without You - Freya Ridings)
Your friendship with Steve lasted a while, longer than you thought really. Three years ago you ran in on him and Dustin hunting for monsters, you were on a run down the tracks when you found them and curious to know what they were up to despite heir efforts to get rid of you, you stuck around. And then all that shit went down with the Russians last year and now you’ve taken a back seat to Robin.
She is a nice girl but she’s more suited to Steve’s personality than what you were. One night a few months ago you were more than a little drunk and admitted to Steve that you had feelings for him. You had done for the entirety of your friendship and just never had the balls to go for it but one Friday evening randomly and after probably a whole bottle of wine to yourself you blurted out everything. Initially you thought he felt the same you two had a good thing going but he left you sat by the side to Tammy’s pool and hasn’t spoken to you since.
Locking your car you walked round to the front and sat on your bonnet, you found a good spot that looked over pretty much the whole of Hawkins. You’d been with Steve a few times to clear your heads and you hadn’t been here for a while so to get rid of all thoughts spinning around you sat out in the summer heat and just watched Hawkins exist. You felt like a small part of you was lost when Steve just disappeared from your life, really you lost a part of you when you first fought off a demo-dog and fear replaced an innocence to the world you once had.
It was hard to remember who you were before everything happened, you were 16 and happy and carefree. Now you’re 19, too scared to leave everyone behind in Hawkins and always looking over your shoulder. Hearing another car behind you pull up you focused more on the trees moving to the soft breeze.
“Thought I’d find you here.” The voice made your heart beat faster in your chest and all thoughts in your head stop. Turning you looked at him confused and he sighed walking towards you.
“I’ve been looking all over for you.” He said joining you on your car.
“Why?” You asked even more confused as your frown deepens and then your heart leaped out of your chest.
“Has something happened is it back?!” You frantically asked making him shake his head and reach out, he hated how scared you always were. He always knew you as the girl a year younger who loved to have fun and would always have a smile firmly on her face.
“No. No nothings happened I just- I need to talk to you.” With a heavy sigh he looked away from you over to the town in front of him.
“Talk to me about what? It’s been four months Steve, there’s nothing to talk about.” You told him as you also looked away from his side profile to look at Hawkins.
“You’re wrong there’s a lot to talk about. I shouldn’t have left you like that, I’m an asshole but I need to tell you why and I think I only realised why when I saw you last night. I saw you walking past the school and I felt a rush I felt when we were younger. I haven’t felt like that in years and so when you told me you felt it too I pushed you away. You deserve so much better than me, I’m not going to college and I work in that stupid video store. I can’t give you the world, I can give you half of what you deserve and I know that so I’d rather you just hate me now that later.” You laughed at his words making him look at you sharply.
“Steve, you’ve saved my life. We killed monsters together and I’ve seen you become who you are and I wouldn’t love you if I hadn’t of seen that. I don’t care that you work in the video store, I care that when I was having panic attacks about those things you were there in a second. I care that when Dustin couldn’t sleep you stayed up all night with him talking about anything but the inter dimensional monsters that scared the freaking life out of him. I care you that you are the most thoughtful, caring and generous guy I’ve ever met. But you’re also fucking selfish and you’re scared of whatever we had so you ran, out of everything we’ve seen you were scared of me.” Your words stung because you were right.
“You’re right, I am selfish and I selfish enough to sit here and beg you for a second chance. I am so lost without you, I wake up everyday and I just wish I could tell you what I did the day before or I could come here with you and talk about anything we wanted. I am selfish I know I am but I need to be to get you to be with me.” His words shocked you and you looked at him to see if he was serious.
“Steve..” you said with a heavy sigh.
“Please, please Y/N I need you in my life and these last four months have been hell. We were better together and we always will be. Y/N I love you.” He grabbed your hands as tears filled your eyes.
“Why couldn’t you have said this months ago?! Why would you let me feel like I was nothing?!” You expressed before he just slammed his lips onto yours in blazing passion.
Pulling away you looked at each other deeply.
“I love you too, but don’t break my heart. If you’re scared or freaked out tell me. We can work it out.” You begged making him nod and kiss you all over your face making you giggle.
“I promise, I won’t ever leave you again.” Kissing you once more you smiled into the kiss.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 5 years
Fixing You
Billy Hargrove x Reader
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(Too Much Love Will Kill You - Queen)
According to Billy Hargrove you saved his life twice, the first was when he first met you and he was new to Hawkins. He was an ass but you saw straight through it, and he watched you from afar to start with but when he started changing little things to get your attention like not hitting your friend Steve as much, not driving so recklessly and actually making an effort to not be a dick, he knew he had it bad for you.
He had a good heart, he had a really good heart that was tarnished by a horrible man and a childhood based merely on memories of his mom. He’d told you the deepest memories he had of her and you knew he would always love her but you also knew there was a lot of darkness holding him back but you were determined to be the light in his life if you could be. And to him you were his light and you were his lifeline, he didn’t live for much but that all changed when he came to Hawkins.
Neither of you did too much about the obvious attraction that was there but small things like quiet drives in the rain, helping him stitch up the cuts from his dads outbursts, late nights at the pool talking for hours and just being with each other through intimate moments that meant the most to both of you. He had changed and for the better and he put it to you for saving him, he would be a lot worse if it wasn’t for you. And for Billy that was the first time you saved his life.
That’s why when everything happened that night and started to change and he could feel the mind flayer taking over, he pushed you away. It hurt beyond belief and it hurt him more than the mind flayer ever could but he would not let it get you, not even close.
You couldn’t understand why Billy completely pushed you out, he wouldn’t even look at you and in fact when you saw him the other day he acted like he didn’t even know you and it was convincing. Sighing you left your house ready to meet your friends at the town fun fair but Dustin stopped you in your tracks, he was rushed and practically dragged you to the mall in an alarming flurry of emotions.
“It got Billy!” He finally screamed as he tried his best to explain but all you got was Billy was in danger and needed your help.
Getting to the mall you saw him leaning over El and they were both crying you could tell by the way Billy’s shoulders were shaking, slowly walking towards them you tried your best to ignore the huge mind flayer, the fireworks and all the yells.
All you could hear was El.
“7 feet.” She said softly through her tears making Billy falter.
“You told her 7 feet, she was pretty.” Gasping tears filled your own eyes recognising the description of his mom and watching as his tears fell. She was helping him, she was taking over his mind so this thing couldn’t and you couldn’t love her more for being so selfless.
“Billy!” You yelled as you watched him stand, looking back he shook his head through his tears knowing what he needed to do. His heart shattered at the look on your face and you screamed out once more.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered before putting his hands up to stop the arms of the mind flayer getting to El. He pushed back with all his might and you could see almost in slow motion what was going to happen.
“No!” You screamed running to help him as your feet ran before your brain processed what you were doing, you pushed him away sad El ran to safety. You don’t remember much you heard Max scream for Billy and a sharp pain to your side.
“Y/N! Y/N no what have you done.” Billy cried as he and Steve ran to get you out as they yelled over each other about the gate being closed.
— — —
Blinking open your eyes you winced in pain finally being able to see through unblurry vision.
“Ouch” you mumbled pushing yourself up.
“Hey don’t move, don’t move.” The voice was stern but strained and worried, looking to your right you saw Billy. He was showered and looked a hell of a lot better than the last time you’d seen him.
“Billy.” You choked out throwing yourself into him as he leaned into you breathing in your neck.
“You almost died, you almost fucking died Y/N.” He whispered and you felt his tears on your neck.
“So did you.” You said through your own tears blinking them away to just see the white ceiling of the hospital room.
Pulling away he looked at you and grabbed your face.
“I am never, ever leaving your side again.” He promised before pushing his lips passionately onto yours.
The door opening and a doctor walking in distracted you both and as he grabbed your chart Billy held your hand with a firm grip.
“Miss Y/L/N, what do you remember of the car accident?” Raising your eyebrow Billy cleared his throat.
“She doesn’t remember much doc.” You went along with it shaking your head with a genuinely confused look.
“Well when the car flipped your leg caught between two scraps of metal, you’ll need to have a a few physio sessions to get back to normal walking as your side was also injured but I’m sorry there wasn’t anything we could do about the scaring.” Billy’s grip tightened at his words in fear you’d blame him for all of this.
— — —
“Come on you’re doing well you don’t even wobble anymore!” Billy teased as he stood a few feet away from you in your kitchen.
“If you want the water you’ll have to come and get it.” With a determined look you pushed yourself up got your balance and walked relatively normally to him and snatched the bottle from his hand.
“See I can do it.” You snipped making him grab your face grin and kiss you.
“I know, I always knew you could.” I mean his words made your heart melt but you knew he blamed himself so he was with you every step of the way, literally. He helped you get back to walking more, finding your confidence and finally you were back to doing more. Thank god it was summer and you didn’t need to worry about school or anything at all just you and Billy.
Looking down at your leg the sun had caught your skin making the scars much more prominent and a sad smile fell on your face.
“Hey, don’t look at it, look at me.” Billy flirted lifting your face with a gentle finger.
“It’s not me looking at it that bothers me, it’s you looking at it! I don’t know how you can possibly find me attractive with those all over my legs, and I highly doubt you want to walk around with me hanging off your arm-“
“Stop it. Stop. I don’t give a shit about the scars, I don’t care about a little limp and I don’t care about what other people think. You saved my life, like an idiot, if anyone should have scars it’s me! I don’t want you for a second thinking I don’t find you attractive because you blow my mind every single day.” His words ended with a soft kiss on your hairline and he sighed.
“You promise?” You asked falling onto the kitchen chair.
“I promise and I’ll promise you the same thing every day for the rest of our lives. You save me every day Y/N.” He finalised settling between your legs.
“I love you.” You told him making him gulp and nod.
“I love you.”
Later that evening when Billy left he sat in his car and turned on the engine, but didn’t go anywhere. The clenching in his chest was enough to make him want to scream and every time he left he hated himself a little more. Seeing you slowly start to hate yourself killed him, he knew it was his fault and he knew eventually you would start to realise it too. Hitting his steering wheel he swore and drove home, getting there he went inside to find Max his new habit was to check she was okay too because believe or not he started to show he cared more. Another thing he thanks Y/N for.
“You okay?” Max asked this time as he stood in her doorway.
“Sure, you?” He asked stiffly making her nod.
“Yeah, is Y/N okay?” She asked making him sigh and just walk off, Max followed and settled on the end of his bed.
“You can’t keep blaming yourself, she doesn’t so you can’t.” Max told him as he ran his hand through his hair.
“Fuck Max it’s not that easy. She doesn’t blame me now but she will! How can she not?! She hates her scars she hates how they look eventually she’ll hate me for that!” Max sighed and shook her head.
“She chose to save you Billy, she loves you too much to blame you for what happened.” Those being her final words she went back to her room.
— — —
“He thinks what?” You snapped as Max stood on your doorstep.
“I know and I thought I’d tell you because I’m worried, he blames himself for a lot and I just you know I don’t want him to be how he used to be.” Max’s words hit you hard and you felt bad for not realising the impact this had on him too.
Grabbing your jacket you walked to the pool where you know he was working today, and when you got there you were a little achy but proud. When he saw you he jumped down from his seat and rushed to you.
“Are you okay? Did you walk here?” He asked worried.
“Yeah all by myself, and I’m okay!” You promised and grabbed his hand. “But we need to talk.” His heart pounded in his chest as you locked the door.
“Is uh is everything okay?” He asked nervously, too nervous to sit.
“No, well yes but no. Look Billy, I was so selfish, I was so caught up in myself and working on healing this that I didn’t realise how hard this has been for you too. You went through a lot of shit and dropped it to fix me and I didnt stop to think you need me too. I saved you that night and it’s the best thing that I ever did because you’re still here with me. Please, please stop hurting yourself more, I will never hate you or regret what I did. And if you ever need me so you can talk, yell, cry anything I’m here for you just like you have been for me.” You said gripping his hand so tight you were scared it might break.
Billy couldn’t find the words he needed to say, he couldn’t believe he’d found someone who truly knew what he needed and when. He was so happy in this moment and the tight uncomfortable clenching in his chest changed to one of love and so much of it he couldn’t do anything but grab you and kiss you.
Written for @sea-pancake-forever
Hope you enjoy.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 5 years
Lost On You
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Steve Harrington x Henderson! Reader
(Lost on You - Lewis Capaldi)
“Hey Henderson you in there?” Steve asked as you were stood waiting by your car at the arcade, blinking you looked up and saw Steve waiting in front of you with a drink and corn dog.
“You’re the best thanks.” You said as he handed them to you and joined you leaning on the hood of your car.
“You know, the kids are all safe now, you don’t have to sit out here whenever they’re alone.” He mumbled trying to reassure you.
“They were with you, I was just you know. Supervising.” He chuckled as you dipped your Coke looking up at him, he smiled down at you admiring the way your features were enhanced by the neon lights from the arcade.
“Well who’s looking after you?” Steve asked worried about his friend, and he knew deep down it was so much more than that. He had a fierce protectiveness over you that came around about 3 years ago when all this shit started and he just couldn’t shake it.
“We all look after each other, and we’re good at it.” You promised making him bury his nerves and put an arm around your shoulders pulling you in more.
“Damn right Henderson.” You both sat in a silence for a while, just the music and yells of teens filling the void.
“You ever get dreams Steve?” You asked in a soft voice almost alarming him, he hated hearing you so vulnerable and scared but with that voice and those eyes the need he felt to stop that came back to him.
“Only about you.” He flirted hoping it would make you smile and for a second it did but it didn’t reach your eyes. “Y/N we all get those dreams, but like you said were all here for each other and when you can’t sleep, or you’re scared you come to me and we’ll work through it okay?” Giving him a watery smile he inches forward wanting to kiss you but he stopped himself in fear that you’d simply turn your head or pull away.
“Were you going to kiss me?” You asked in a voice he yearned to hear, it was quietly confident and almost hopeful.
“I was thinking about it.” He replied as you both looked at each other and without thinking you put your head up and leaned in placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Looking up he moved his hand from your shoulder to the back of your neck holding you in place as he kissed you properly like he’d been wanting for years.
“You know, we can be there for each other properly now if you give me a chance I won’t ever leave your side.” He said in a determined tone making you bite down on your bottom lip.
“Good.” You finalised as he kissed you again.
“Harrington! Get off my sister!” Looking over Dustin was stood mortified with all his friends stood watching on.
“Not going anywhere Henderson!” Steve teased back as you smiled into his side.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 5 years
Oh, Steve
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Steve Harrington x Reader
Walking into the mall with your best friends Jane and Tammy you rolled your eyes as they headed straight for Scoops.
“Ahoy Ladies... and Y/N.” Steve deadpanned making you send him a bitter smile, you and Steve had never been friends, sure you weirdly had to fight monsters last year but that kind of just stopped and even then you weren’t friends.
He saved your life a couple times and his sorry ass would definitely be dead if it weren’t for you but that does not mean you’re friends. This feud goes way back to middle school when he dumped chocolate milkshake all over you to prove he was cool... well it kind of worked but you are not over it.
“You getting an ice cream Y/N?” He asked you snapping you out of your state to see Jane and Tammy had already sat down.
“No thanks.” You mumbled but he called after you as you headed over to your friends.
“Hey... you look tired are you okay?” He asked in a soft tone you’ve not heard since last year.
“I’m good Harrington.” With that you left him. The next time you saw him was later that night and it was through blurry vision as he arrived at a party, he’d found you by the pool cradling a bottle of wine. Wincing he headed over to you anyway.
“Y/N?” He asked gently making you look up.
“Oh, Steve.” You whispered and he recognised the look of fear, worry and concern in your eyes.
“You lied, you’re not okay.” He stayed sitting down next to you putting his own feet into the water.
“I’m not okay, I haven’t slept in a few days. Dustin told me about some weird Russians and Hopper isn’t returning my calls-“ Steve stopped you by slowly taking the bottle from your arms to swig some himself.
“We don’t have to worry anymore babe.” He promised making you sigh.
“How do you stop the dreams? How do you stop the anxiety? Because I’m fucking stuck in a cycle of every time I close my eyes I see them! And every time I’m alone I can feel them!” You snapped as a tear fell from your eye.
“Y/N you said you’d come to me-“
“Bullshit Steve! We’re not friends! You’re friends with Jane and Tammy because they’re hot! Not me.” You quipped making him chuckle.
“Don’t laugh at me Harrington!” You said with a glare.
“You think I give a shit about them? Y/N I only ever care to check you’re alright, fuck Jane, fuck Tammy I came here knowing you would be and I knew you weren’t okay! Don’t bullshit me. We saved each other’s lives, we’re friends.” Looking at him his words shocked you and he sent you a small smile.
“You know I had the biggest crush on you in high school, I was scared half to death when I saw you jogging down the rail track.” Chuckling at the memory you sighed.
“I had a crush on you too until you dumped milkshake on me.” You stated making him reach for your hand.
“You don’t have to be alone.” He reassuraed before pulling you to your feet and walking you to his car. “You don’t have to be alone tonight?” He offered as you turned to face him leaning your back on his car as he towered over you.
“I don’t want to be alone.” You whispered before he crashed his lips onto yours pulling you close to him by wrapping his arms around your waist.
“We’ve got this.” He mumbled against your lips and the tightness of anxiety in your chest was replaced by excitement as the warmth of Steve changed you completely.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 5 years
Posted this on a different blog page but enjoy! My first bit of writing in a while x
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You never meant to fall in love with Steve Harrington, you never meant to notice the way his jaw clenched when he’s tired, or how his eyes are literally the perfect colour brown but here you are head over heels in love with Steve fucking Harrington.
He wasn’t your friend in school but outside of school with Dustin and all the shit going on with El and a whole other dimension you got on real well. You protect each other with the kind of fierceness you didn’t know you had and together you were a pretty good team.
This is why when you met Robin, this girl he couldn’t stop talking about and kept hanging out with, you were jealous. It wasn’t you and you weren’t a horrible person but you couldn’t help but feel hurt that Steve was all of sudden hanging out and fighting monster with another girl. Steve has brought Robin into your work one day when they were hanging out and it shook you to the core to see the way his hands rested on her hips to push her into the fashion store and towards, it hurt how they lingered a second longer than usual.
“Henderson hey!” Looking up from the payment book you acted as if you’d just seen them.
“Steve? What are you doing here?” You asked and with a teasing smiled added on. “Here to try on some new dresses.” You joked kind of forgetting about the pretty girl stood next to him.
“Well as long as you help me try them on you know with all the undresssing and stuff I might just be.” Laughing out loud at his words you rolled your eyes.
“You’re an ass.” You joked before Robin cleared her throat.
“Oh Y/N you remember Robin right?” Nodding at his words you sent a fake yet polite smile in her direction and she sent a toothy one back.
“Sure what are you guys here for?” You asked changing the subject and Steve sighed dramatically.
“Basically Robin is coming to Gabe’s party with me tonight and we’re shopping for something to wear. You’re going right?” Your eyes widened and you looked down at the counter top.
“Probably not, it’s not my thing.” You mumbled and he barked a laugh.
“You used to come to parties with me all the time!” He argued and Robin noticed the glaze in your eyes change to one of hurt and she immediately felt bad and wished you knew.
“Yeah, used to Steve. Not anymore, just come to me when you’re done shopping you can have my discount.” And with that you walked off to help other people, you noticed the small bickering between to the two of them as they spent around an hour looking at things and trying them on. And finally they came to you when they were paying, Steve cracked some jokes you couldn’t bring yourself to laugh at as you realised there truly wasn’t a you and Steve anymore and there probably won’t be. As he waved you goodbye he headed out the store but Robin lingered.
“Hey Y/N, I really think you should come. Steve wants you there.” Rolling your eyes you couldn’t help but sound as bitter as you did.
“I’m sure he’ll be just fine without me, he has been since he met you.” You said before she sighed and walked out after Steve. At the end of your shift you couldn’t wait to get home, you were filled with guilt at the way you spoke to Robin, you wanted to see Steve despite everything but all you had the energy to do was have a shower and sleep.
Around 10pm you heard the house phone ring and you yelled for Dustin to get it, and then he burst into your room.
“It’s for you.” He stayed passing me the phone.
“Hello?” You asked praying it was Steve and you closed your eyes with relief when it was.
“Hey Y/N, you still not coming tonight?” He asked in slow voice making you gulp.
“I don’t think so, I haven’t even got anything to wear.” You said adding another excuse and he sighed.
“You’d look good in a bin bag Y/N and you know it, come on please come I miss you.” Those words made your stomach flip and you sighed.
“Fine I’ll come but I’ll be late.” And with that you ran around your room trying to get ready, you knew other people going so you knew you’d be okay if Steve was caught up with Robin. Walking in you wished Steve would be with you, and only you but that was selfish and frankly unrealistic. Seeing him he was chatting to Robin laughing at something she said, deciding that a drink would be a good start you help yourself to a beer. Sighing you looked around for more people you knew and grinned seeing Fran and Cathy.
“Hey thought you weren’t coming?” Your good friends asked as you approached and you shrugged.
“Well Steve asked-“ they both cut me off laughing.
“Of course Steve has something to do with this.” They looked over at him and Robin before Cathy turned back to you.
“He keeps hanging out with that lesbian girl, hopefully she isn’t using that as a ruse.” You spit out your drink at her words.
“Excuse me?!” You managed to cough out.
“Robin? Yeah she’s a lesbian, did you not know?” Looking over at Steve you felt your stomach tighten in nerves like they used to.
“They’re not dating?” You asked quietly and Fran rolled her eyes.
“Steve only has eyes for you babe and you know it.” Feeling as though all of your energy hit you at once you put your drink down and headed straight over to Steve. Robin smiled at you and as Steve turned to see you, you grabbed his face and pulled him down your level. You hesitated for a millisecond before Steve grinned at you and wrapped his arm tightly around your waist kissing you passionately.
Pulling away you looked up at Steve shocked who was looking at you in awe.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for that.” He whispered as you were still close.
“Me too.” You promised kissing him again.
“Finally.” You heard Robin mumbled before slipping off.
“What made you do that?” Steve asked once you were alone making you blush.
“Well, I thought you and Robin were a thing. Thought you wasn’t interested in me but when I found out she’s..”
“Extremely gay?” He added making you chuckle.
“Yes, that. I realised I gotta stop sitting on my ass, not letting some other girl take you away. Gay or not.” He shook his head with a said smile.
“I’m not going anywhere, how could you not know it was you.” Looking up at him embracing his words you kissed him again. And whether you were supposed to fall in love with Steve Harrington or not, you did and he loves you back so maybe not everything is as accidental as it seems.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 7 years
Absent Pt1(Billy Hargrove x OC)
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Going to be a mini series using an original character Valarie Taylor, basically the run down is that her little brother Georgie went missing two years ago and then when she finds out about the Upside Down through the party she believes her brother is there. Demanding to know the truth about where her brother is she tries to hunt him down herself however she’s caught the attention of of none other than Billy Hargrove and he finds himself mixed up in everything when he runs down a demodog with his car as it chases Valerie. It’ll make more sense when you read it I’m rubbish at descriptions. 
Walking through the hall of the middle school Valerie clutched the small A5 poster she made of her brother’s picture and name before stopping at the pin board and pinning it up. 
“Who’s that?” She heard a voice ask and turned to see a small red head looking at her poster curiously. 
“That’s my little brother Georgie, he’s been missing for a while but you know. Someone might recognise him.” She told her softly before passing her another out of her bag hoping that the awareness will spread and her heart swelled a little when the little girl folded it neatly placing it in her own bag. 
“I’m Max.” She blurted to the older girl making her nod. 
“I’m Valerie Taylor, nice to meet you Max.” She informed shaking her hand before a group of boys surrounded both girls, Valerie sent a smile to Will who was her friend Jonathan’s brother. 
“Hi boys.” She stated making them all start yelling and asking a million and one questions about anything and everything, mainly the arcade and when her next shift was so they could terrorise her then too. Georgie had been their age, not really their friend but they knew him and were nice so she liked their company sometimes, filled the void she figured.  
“Is that Georgie?” Val finally heard Will ask who looked very conflicted in his own mind. 
“Yeah it is, just don’t want people to forget I guess, it was two years ago today so might as well put up new posters.” Valerie told them before heading across the parking lot to the High School where she just headed straight for her first class. She’s pin up more posters at lunch and after school seeing as she couldn’t afford another detention for being late her mom would go mad and she’s had enough on her plate. 
After school Valerie was stood at the notice board outside the office staring at the vandalised poster she posted last year and finally ripped it off with so much force a few other posters fell down with it. Throwing her head back with a disgruntled groan she calmed herself down and pinned up the new one. 
“Just give it up Taylor the kid is long gone.” Valerie heard Tommy H call out from his locker making Carol giggle. The new guy Billy Hargrove just stared at her with a weird look on his face. He’d seen her around but never spoken to her much, it was the fairly short tight denim skirt she normally wore that caught his eye. But then he started noticing other little things about her, she always had her dark curls tied up loosely around her face and she was lingered by the posters and office announcements but he had no idea why. 
“Fuck you Tommy.” She spat aggressively and she probably would have gone over and slapped him for being such a shit unless Steve Harrington hadn’t of pulled her towards the exit with him. 
“He’s a dick Val don’t worry about it.” He mumbled as you walked with him to his car a fierce look on her face that tormented Steve, she had a right to know.
“How can no one care? Hopper hasn’t even chased any of the leads I found, you know, someone thought they saw a kid a Benny’s a year ago. And, nothing no call in or anything.” She fumed as Steve put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“We care Val-” She pushed his shoulder off and stormed to her own car. 
“Well people need to start showing it a little more!” She yelled slamming her door shut and speeding out of the parking lot. Billy watched the dust cloud that followed her and he strolled towards Steve Harrington with a curious glance after the girl. Since their fight the two boys seemed to stay away from each other but as their paths constantly kept crossing they almost became civil. 
“What’s with her Harrington?” Billy asked nodding in her direction as he lit up a cigarette making the other boy sigh. 
“That’s Valerie Taylor. Her little brother went missing two years ago today and it’s just hard for her you know?” Steve mumbled wishing he could tell the girl what really goes on in Hawkins hoping it might help her, or it could just send her into a frenzy making her in danger of the lab and everything else. 
“Two years and she’s still looking?” Billy couldn’t help but ask as he saw Max skating towards them, and he couldn’t deny she was growing on him. The pair grew close as they both tried to be out of the house as much as possible; seeing the pair of them driving around Hawkins wasn’t uncommon. 
“She won’t ever give up.” Steve promised as he sighed with guilt and headed off to his own car as Billy waited for Max to catch up before they both left the school together. The girl played on Billy’s mind for a while, he wondered why everyone seemed to know something he didn’t, or how even Max seemed to know there was something weird happening here. So when Billy can’t concentrate he goes for a drive, it was raining a little bit and Max was still up so he asked if she wanted to go too and that’s how they both got talking about the girl he now knew was Valerie Taylor as they drove through the country lanes of Hawkins. 
“She was talking to me earlier, she gave me this.” Max informed as he took the paper off of her, there was a picture of a little boy with similar dark curls and he was laughing at something. 
Missing: Georgie Taylor
Age: 12
Gender: Boy
Description: 4′10, dark hair and eyes. Quiet, and shy. 
Last Seen: Hawkins High School
He sighed as he stopped reading feeling bad that she lost him, Billy wouldn’t ever admit it but if he lost Max now he’d probably go out of his mind looking for her. Steve seemed to know all about it but Billy wouldn’t go to him for more information and as he focused on the road he almost cursed at the irony. 
“Son of a bitch.” He muttered as Max looked out the window with wide eyes. 
“Is that her?” She asked as they looked at her, she was stood next to her car in a daze, her windscreen was smashed into a million pieces. Nothing around her car suggested she had an accident or someone hit her, and I guess she seemed uninjured but as she spotted Billy’s car and heard the music she cursed. 
“No! No, no, no you guys have to go!” She yelled scared as she spotted Max jumping out of the car. 
“What do you mean? Are you okay?” Max demanded as Billy took in the curl, her hair was now down and sticking to her face from the rain before he was distracted by a loud growl coming from the woods. 
“Max... get in the car.” Billy demanded as Max seemingly was phased by the noise as if she’d heard it before but she followed Billy’s instructions. 
“Both of you get out of here now!” Valerie yelled at Billy making him charge towards her. 
“Are you crazy? You have to go too! What the hell is that thing?!” Billy snapped thinking this girl wasn’t in any frame of mind and possibly hurt judging by her car. 
“Billy Hargrove get the hell out of here right now!” She told him over the rain in a menacing tone. 
“Look out!” They both heard Max scream from the car before they turned to the woods seeing a huge dog creature running towards them making Valerie scream and follow Billy to his car where they sped off back into town after Billy bumped it with his car wounding it. 
“We need to go to Steve’s.” Max stated, once they were driving on a clear road, making both teens turn from the front and give her a look. 
“Why Steve?”
“Fuck Harrington.” They both said at the same time making Max sigh.
“Trust me. I think he can explain some stuff.” Frowning Billy looked at the older girl who shrugged and she just watched Hawkins pass her by as they drove out to the Harrington residence. Upon getting there it was dark, but all the lights were on and his car was in the drive, Max was the first to get out and knock on the door revealing a stunned Steve. This was definitely the weirdest group of people on his doorstep. One of his best friends, one of the kids he babysits, and the guy who pretty much almost killed him a few months ago. 
“Val, what the hell?” Steve strung out before looking at Max.
“We really need to talk.” Max and Steve left Billy and Val in Steve’s living room as they spoke in the kitchen, quietly. Which frustrated Valerie as they clearly weren’t telling her something important, so instead she fell onto Steve’s couch where they had both spent plenty of nights falling asleep as she cried in Steve’s arms about losing her brother. 
“So what happened to you car?” Billy asked as he watched her effortlessly sit up from her spot on the couch to look at him. 
“I hit that thing with my car.” She informed so flippantly he thought he made it up but she was watching him for his reaction so he cleared his throat and nodded. 
“Good call.” Was all he mumbled before Steve burst back into the room to Val where he checked her over for any sign of injury. 
“You saw it?” He asked carefully making her frown. 
“You’ve seen it before?!” She snapped standing up in disbelief, this is the sort of shit friends tell each other. 
“Well, we all have. The party, Nancy, Jonathan....” He drawled nervously waiting for her to react. “When Will went missing, he wasn’t just lost in the woods, something, that thing took him.” Val fell back down in shock as she analysed what he had just told her and Billy looked confused and before they even knew what was happening the party and Hopper walked through the door explaining everything.
Let me know if you want me to carry this on.
Thank You!
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 7 years
Maybe it’s Wrong (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x You
Warning: Swearing, violence, abuse, and a little sad.  
I do not in any way condone Billy’s actions in the show, he’s an absolute arse but for this I guess I had to try and understand his situation. 
Maybe It’s Wrong
Maybe it’s wrong because you know he’s bad. 
He’s not just a bad boy, he’s a bad guy. 
But you loved him. 
You couldn’t help it, at first it purely was just physical. Just making out in his car, and then sex but then, it was a whole lot more than that. It was him driving to come and get you at 3am when things were bad, or him coming to you when he needed you, which happened a lot. And it was milkshakes at the diner, babysitting Max together, long drives, dates God you could go on all day about how the two of you waste time together but you knew it was wrong.
Would he eve stop with the fighting? 
He never got physical with you, ever. But you could feel the anger radiating off him, it wasn’t like he ever tried to hide it. 
You loved him because he makes you laugh, and you knew you loved him for sure when you made him laugh. He showed up to your house one Sunday afternoon with a bruised cheek bone and another small crack in his heart and somehow even in the state he was you made him laugh. 
He thinks that’s when he feel in love with you too. He was on the verge of breaking down, and he wasn’t going to come to you with his bullshit, he was going to just drive but he ended up at yours. And you made some shitty lame joke about his hair and his heart fluttered in delight and he laughed, really laughed for the first time in a while. Something about the small spark in your eyes when he did is what made him realise he was too far gone to turn around now, he was in love with you. 
But today was a bad day, he woke up in a good mood, he wanted to have a normal day. It was Saturday so he’d pick you up around 10am, you’d head to the diner for breakfast, see a movie, probably go for a drive and then once you’d had your day go pick Max up from the arcade and he’d drop you home. 
When he didn’t show you were worried, beyond worried you were kind of a little scared that something bad happened, knowing Hawkins, and well Billy’s dad. 
Maybe it was wrong that you headed over to his house but you loved him and you were worried. You noticed Neil’s car in the drive and you noticed Billy’s too so he was home. He’d hate you for this but you need to know, he told you unless you were with him not to go to the house because his dad is a real asshole but you couldn’t help it. Knocking on the door not a second later it was ripped open but a fuming Neil, he was heaving and his shirt was scuffed. 
It broke your heart to know he was probably just done with Billy but you acted as if you knew nothing because you were smarter than letting him think you know. 
“What?” He snapped at you making you refrain from scoffing but before you could even say a word Billy emerged from his room pulling on his signature brown leather jacket and shoving harshly passed Neil clutching you hand firmly in his and practically shoving you into his car. Finally getting a good look at him his nose was bleeding as well as his lip, his cheek bone was a nasty shade of blue and he was on the verge of tears. You bit down on your own lip to stop your tears from falling because he doesn’t deserve this. 
He might be mean, or a little too aggressive but that’s because it’s all he has ever known, any ounce of love he feels he doesn’t deserve because he’s never had that in his life. Until you. You loved him and he deserved to know. When you got to the quarry he broke down, his head rest on his steering wheel and he cried, you’d seen him cry once, when Max told him he was just like his dad. 
But this was different, he was finally broken, Neil finally wore him down to nothing and you couldn’t let him think it was true. 
You reached over wrapping your small hand around the bicep covering his face from you and you pulled it away hoping he’d look up at you but he had no energy, he was nothing, there wasn’t anything left inside to give him the power to look at you. 
“Billy?” You begged in a heavy voice but his shoulders were still shaking and his heart was beyond repair now. Stepping out of the car you walked round to his side opening the door and removing his arms from the steering wheel to around your small frame holding him close. You played with his hair at the back of his neck and kissed his exposed skin softly whispering over and over that he was okay, he was fine and he will be okay from now on. He stopped when you kissed him once more and he kissed your neck back making you smile softly knowing he was appreciating what you were doing. 
“I love you.” You whispered pulling away to look at him, you wiped the tear that fell and you ran your hand down the side of his face. “I love your eyes, I love your stupid hair, I love your sick sense of humour and believe it or not I love your heart. You’re not your dad Billy, you’re nothing like him. You are you, and that’s why I love you.” You promised him as he looked at you a little stunned by your proclamation, it was no secret you loved each other it was just that neither of you had said it. 
“I don’t know if you should love me, maybe it’s wrong Y/N. You don’t deserve me, you should be given the world, not some fuck up who’s going to turn out like their shit dad.” He ranted trying to get out of your grasp but you held him in his place. 
“Billy Hargrove no. Nothing about us is wrong, nothing. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and you will not turn out like that monster! You’re too good, a little rough around the edges but you have a good heart and it’s why I love you.” You told him making his eyes glaze over once again.
“I love you too.” He whispered against your lips making you sigh knowing you brought him back round.
“You want to stay at mine, you know my mom loves you.” You suggested making him pull back a tiny bit, he probably didn’t even mean to. 
“Are you sure?” He asked still unsure of where to go from here. 
“I won’t let you step another foot in that house even if it means my uncle gets involved.” You stated making him chuckle. 
“Hopper has more important things to worry about.” He said making you sigh. 
“Don’t you get it dip shit, you’re important too. No more bloody noses or black eyes. I like you better when you’re pretty.” You joked making both of you laugh before he kissed you again making you squeal as he pulled you onto his lap in the car. 
“Thank you.” He muttered into your hair as you hugged comfortably. 
“You know I’d do just about anything for you right?” You asked not looking at him as you felt his heart beat a little bit faster. 
“Yeah I know.”
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 7 years
Boys Like You (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
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*gif not mine*
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warnings: Swearing and Mentions of Sex
Boys Like You 
“You know my mom warned me about boys like you.” You teased as you pushed him away from you with your pointer finger shoving his chest, you were leaning against his car and he smiled at your words. 
“Oh yeah what did she tell you?” He purred as you watched him trying to figure him out, and whilst he liked you, he hated that look you’d given him so many times. What you had with Billy had started off completely innocent, it was just some fun, no strings, no nothing. He found you in a state of not caring and that worked for him, at the time. But now you felt something, you started to care and as much as he refuses to admit it, so is he. The small pretty brunette has his heart, truly and completely but he won’t admit it, not even to himself most of the time but right now as you were drowning in his leather jacket leaning against his parked car and in the low light of the quarry he was happy to admit it. 
“She told me to stay away.” You said with an eye roll as you watched him walk around to the front of his car. 
“Maybe you should.” Was what he stated and you hadn’t meant to make him feel bad, you never did but always found yourself doubting him when he hasn’t even proved to you that he ever would. 
“Maybe I don’t want to.” You retaliated walking around to lean yourself on him between his legs, as if on instinct his arms wrapped around your waist. 
“I don’t want you to stay away.” He whispered looking down at you as if the stars were shinning in your eyes. 
“Good. Because I never will.” You promised reaching up to place a gentle kiss on his lips that he smiled into. He was a good guy, deep down, he was troubled and devastatingly unloved, but not anymore. 
“I think I love you Billy Hargrove.” You confessed looking at him, not thinking he could ever break your heart. 
“Well that’s good princess because I’m pretty sure I love you too.” Grinning you pulled him even closer kissing him again and deeper this time, some how you ended up breathless in the back of his car trying to get impossibly close. But he pulled away leaving you confused by his abrupt actions. 
“Do you mean it?” He asked as you frowned at his question.
“Do I mean what pretty boy?” You asked relaxing onto his lap the moment having now passed. 
“That you love me?” His voice was soft and a little broken, taking his face in your soft hands he leaned into them.
“Have I ever lied to you before?” You urged making him sigh. 
“I’m sorry, it’s just.. my mom she said she loved me. But she left me with him, and you know everyone who ever told me that left, and I don’t think I could cope if you left.” He ended with a glazed look in his eye and you gulped saddened by the broken voice he spoke in. 
“Billy, look at me. I love you, with everything in me, I don’t think it’s possible for me to even think about leaving you. I need you to believe me.” You said as you moved your hands down to his neck as he smiled again.
“I do, I do.” He mumbled into a kiss as you smiled and felt safe again as his arms tightened around your waist. 
He might be a little rough around the edges, and he might have issues he needs to work through but he was yours, and you loved him. You will help him work through it, leave the old Billy in the past, he didn’t need to toxic people in his life now he had you, there was nothing holding him back anymore. 
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 7 years
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Joe Keery ♡ I like to write stories. I like history. If this hadn’t worked out the way it had, odds are I would be still working at a bar trying just as hard to make something happen. The chase is an equally dull and incredibly exciting time.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 7 years
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Requested by anonymous: Steve + floofy hair
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 7 years
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 7 years
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These are the two strongest images I have
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 7 years
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Matching hairstyles.
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