yabooksreviewed · 7 years
Interview with Gwen C. Katz!
Interview with Gwen C. Katz!
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Hey everyone! So a few months ago I was lucky enough to be granted an interview with a debut author whose book is coming out on October 3rd! Meet Gwen C. Katz, a writer, artist, game designer, and retired mad scientist easily identified by her crew cut and ability to cause trouble. Originally from Seattle, she now lives in Altadena, CA with her husband and a revolving door of transient mammals. I…
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yabooksreviewed · 7 years
Interview with Gwen C. Katz!
Interview with Gwen C. Katz!
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Hey everyone! So a few months ago I was lucky enough to be granted an interview with a debut author whose book is coming out on October 3rd! Meet Gwen C. Katz, a writer, artist, game designer, and retired mad scientist easily identified by her crew cut and ability to cause trouble. Originally from Seattle, she now lives in Altadena, CA with her husband and a revolving door of transient mammals. I…
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yabooksreviewed · 7 years
Interview with Gwen C. Katz!
Interview with Gwen C. Katz!
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Hey everyone! So a few months ago I was lucky enough to be granted an interview with a debut author whose book is coming out on October 3rd! Meet Gwen C. Katz, a writer, artist, game designer, and retired mad scientist easily identified by her crew cut and ability to cause trouble. Originally from Seattle, she now lives in Altadena, CA with her husband and a revolving door of transient mammals. I…
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yabooksreviewed · 7 years
BLOG TOUR: The Truth About Happily Ever After – Excerpt + Giveaway
BLOG TOUR: The Truth About Happily Ever After – Excerpt + Giveaway
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Today I’m giving you the chance to read an excerpt of The Truth About Happily Ever After, a book by Karole Cozzo that releases today! There’s also a great giveaway waiting for you at the bottom of the page. This is part of the blog tour organized by Xpresso Book Tours, so you can go over to this page and check out the others’ reviews if you happen to like this! It looks amazing: The Truth About…
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yabooksreviewed · 7 years
The Girl on the Train - Review
The Girl on the Train – Review
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The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins – 4.5 stars 325 pages Published by Riverhead Books on January 13th 2015 Mystery, Fiction There’s something comforting about the sight of strangers safe at home. Synopsis EVERY DAY THE SAME Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning and night. Every day she rattles down the track, flashes past a stretch of cozy suburban homes, and stops at the signal…
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yabooksreviewed · 7 years
BLOG TOUR: Meg & Linus - Excerpt + Giveaway
Hey! Today I'm taking part in the #Meg&Linus by @lang_witch blog tour with an excerpt!:
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Today I’m giving you the chance to read an excerpt of Meg and Linus, a book by Hannah Nowinski that released just two days ago, on April 18th. There’s also a great giveaway waiting for you at the bottom of the page. This is part of the blog tour organized by Xpresso Book Tours, so you can go over to this page and check out the others’ reviews if you happen to like this! It looks amazing: Meg and…
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yabooksreviewed · 7 years
NoNonsense Feminism - Review
NoNonsense Feminism – Review
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Nononsense Feminism by Nikki van der Gaag -5 stars 145 pages Published by New Internationalist in October 2016 Non-Fiction, Feminism Let’s get out there, celebrate our differences, make a little trouble and build a better world for us all. Synopsis Far from being in a “post-feminist” age we’ve seen recently a resurgence of feminist campaigning among women (and some men). There’s a new brand of…
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yabooksreviewed · 7 years
The Versatile Blogger Award!
7 facts about me for the Versatile Blogger Award... This is a fun one!
Hey guys, I’m almost at the end of my list of tags! Of course, it won’t be long until it’s extra long again, because you guys are so nice and keep tagging me in things. I encourage you to do so, it’s always so great to see that little notification and it makes my heart flutter <3. Today I’m doing the Versatile Blogger Award. I was tagged by Ellie @ Ellie’s Bookshelf for this one and honestly,…
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yabooksreviewed · 8 years
Winter (Lunar Chronicles, #4) - Review
Winter (Lunar Chronicles, #4) – Review
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Winter by Marissa Meyer – 5 stars 823 pages Published by Feiwel and Friends on November 10th 2015 Retelling, Young Adult, Science Fiction No spoilers for any of the books in the series. She would be brave. She would be heroic. She would make her own destiny. Synopsis Princess Winter is admired by the Lunar people for her grace and kindness, and despite the scars that mar her face, her beauty is…
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yabooksreviewed · 8 years
The Black Cat Blue Sea Award
The Black Cat Blue Sea Award
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Hello! On February 9th I was nominated for this cute little award by Rendz @ Reading With Rendz! I’m very happy she chose me because she has such a great blog, with funny yet informative reviews and many other types of interesting posts. If you’re following me, you probably have heard about her a million times (I’m always saying how awesome she is haha) but if you still don’t follow her, here’s…
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yabooksreviewed · 8 years
T5W: Books I Felt Betrayed By
Beware the Ides of March! Today's Wednesday, you know what that means... #Top5Wednesday #T5W
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Beware the Ides of March! What books (or characters) did you feel betrayed by, for whatever reason…big or small. Hello everyone! Today for Top 5 Wednesday we’re discussing books we felt betrayed by… Join us at the T5W Goodreads group! It’s a very fun weekly meme. Let’s get on with it… Oh, and if you click on the title of the book, it’ll take you to my review! There’s only a review available for…
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yabooksreviewed · 8 years
Future Leaders of Nowhere - Review
#FutureLeadersofNowhere by @emilyobwrites gets 4 stars on my blog:
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Future Leaders of Nowhere by Emily O’Beirne 270 pages (To be) published by Ylva Publishing on March 15th 2017 4 stars Young Adult, Contemporary, LGBT It’s no good having ideals if you’re not tough enough to fight for them. Synopsis “Finn’s solid. Not in body, but in being. She’s gravity and kindness and all those good things that anchor.” “Willa’s confusing. Sometimes she’s this sweet, sensitive…
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yabooksreviewed · 8 years
I’m back with another amazing award I was nominated for by the lovely Rendz @ Reading With Rendz! She is one of my favorite bloggers and you should definitely check her out!
I’m so behind on tags and awards, I’m so sorry if I haven’t gotten to yours yet! I swear, I’m trying :) Now, let’s go!
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Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write then 11 new questions.
List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
��1. What is your favourite sport?
Well, I’m definitely not a sporty person, but I do love basketball! I’m pretty tall, so I’m cut out for it, and for some reason I have really good aim so yeah! I love playing it from time to time.
2. What was your first YA series you ever read?
I think it might be The Hunger Games! I was ten and had only read middle grade books in my life. I really enjoyed it and it was my first immersion in the world of YA books.
3. Doggy-eared pages. Efficient or Crime against books?
CRIME. And on damaged books it’s even worse. My pages are great the way they are, thank you very much. I just like to keep them perfect, and seeing a folded page makes me super nervous. Sorry if you like to do it haha, but my obsession applies only to my own books.
(Which doesn’t mean I harm other people’s books, by the way).
4. Standalone, duology, trilogy or even more books in a series?
For contemporaries, standalones work best for me. I think that in Fantasy and SciFi, there’s not enough time to properly world-build in just one book, so I definitely prefer trilogies in that case. If it’s a really good series, the more books the merrier!
5. What is your favourite genre?
I think it’s sci-fi! There’s just something about reading stories set in the future that I really love.
6. Do you cry at the end of a series?
To be honest, I don’t, haha. I usually cry during the scenes where character development is shown in the last book, but not really at the end, not really because it’s over.
7. A cover change that you loved/hated.
First book that came to mind is The Thousandth Floor:
I mean, they’re both pretty gorgeous covers, but the first one is just absolutely amazing, and one of the prettiest covers I’ve seen, and the second just kind of pales in comparison, I guess.
(If you want to see what I thought of the actual book, I wrote a review!)
8. An OTP you sank with.
Chaolaena. Celaena kind of doesn’t exist canonically speaking anymore so my ship is not possible, but I really liked Aelin when she was Celaena and her and Chaol just made me super happy.
9. Do you have more than one copy of the same book?
I have a bunch of classics duplicated, but they’re in different languages so it’s not the same. I also have a lot of ebooks that I own in physical form too, for example If I Stay and Where She Went.
10. An author you would love to meet. (Dead or alive)
This is kind of hard! But I think I’d choose Leigh Bardugo. I’ve only read two books by her, but I can talk about them for hours. Yes, meeting Leigh Bardugo would be great!
11. What book to movie adaptation do you want to STAR in? (You don’t have to be a good actor)
Thanks for the clarification, because I kind of SUCK at acting. I have a certain control over my voice but my face is impossible to control.
Okay, but I would absolutely love to be Nina in Six of Crows. That’s my dream. Does anyone else want to be in the movie?
So, I hope you enjoyed this! Thanks again to Rendz for nominating me, and here are my 11 nominees:
Hannah @ The Book Thief Without Words
Kristen @ The Brunette Bookworm Blog
Olga @ Olga’s Oddish Obsession
Lia @ Lost in a Story
Princess @ Royal Reader
Emma @ Emma Reads
Tiana @ The Book Raven (sorry Tiana, I know you’ve been nominated a bunch of times already haha)
Ellie @ Ellie’s Bookshelf
Sophie @ Blame Chocolate
Asiya and/or Marcela @ Inked Epiphanies
Renuka @ Past Bedtime Blog
And these are my questions:
What’s a bookish quote that you really love? From a book, about books, I don’t care, just tell us.
If you can, post a picture of your prettiest bookmark. If you can’t, describe it for us.
What are some diverse books that you’ve read this year?
How many books have you read this year? Do you keep track on Goodreads? If so, leave us a link so we can go friend you!
Favorite classic?
How much time do you spend at bookstores each time you go?
Are you a fast or a slow reader?
Ebook, paperback or hardback? Explain.
What is the longest series you own in physical form?
Do you have a bookstagram? What are some of your favorite bookstagram accounts?
And finally, which was the last book you rated five stars?
Thanks everyone for reading, and to my nominees: I can’t wait to read your answers!
I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by @RWRendz: I'm back with another amazing award I was nominated for by the lovely Rendz @ Reading With Rendz…
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yabooksreviewed · 8 years
T5W: Faves in SciFi and Fantasy
T5W: Faves in SciFi and Fantasy
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Hello everyone! This week for Top 5 Wednesday (join us at the Goodreads group) we’re talking about SciFi and Fantasy books, because apparently there are some booktube awards going on? In collaboration with the BooktubeSFF Awards, talk about your favorite science fiction and fantasy books of all time! Yeah, this is kind of a crossover topic, so I’ll be sure to check out those Booktube Awards to…
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yabooksreviewed · 8 years
My Experience with NA Lit: 33 razones para volver a verte
I gave a Spanish New Adult book a try: #33RazonesParaVolveraVerte
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Sometimes you can’t find the right book to read, even if you have a massive TBR pile and a slightly smaller public library ten minutes away. And then a book in your friend’s shelf catches your eye. It doesn’t look like your kind of book, but why not give it a try? Stepping out of my comfort zone was something I’d been planning to do this year, anyway. This is how I came across 33 razones para…
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yabooksreviewed · 8 years
This Song Will Save Your Life - Review
I loved #ThisSongWillSaveYourLife by @LeilaSalesBooks:
This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales – 5 stars 291 pages Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR) in September 2013 Young Adult, Contemporary Goodreads | Book Depository “Don’t be special.” That’s what I would say to my younger self if I could pinpoint the moment when I went astray. But there was no one moment. I was always astray. Synopsis Making friends has never been Elise…
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yabooksreviewed · 8 years
I was tagged by the awesome Olga @ Olga’s Oddish Obsession to do another tag: the Epic Reads tag! It looks really fun, so thanks to Olga for thinking of me. She has such a fun and unique blog, if you haven’t heard of her yet you should definitely check her out!
Question 1: If you could invite one author and one of their fictional characters to lunch, who would you invite and what would you serve them?
If I have to choose one author, I’ll choose Leigh Bardugo and her Six of Crows character Nina Zenik! I love them both with all my heart. I would enjoy eating with them because we could just bond over waffles and talk about lots of things.
The one on the left is Leigh and the one on the right is one of the best fancasts I’ve seen for Nina and my personal favorite: the gorgeous Barbara Ferreira.
Question 2: What book do you wish the author would write a prequel for?
Question 3: Which two characters (not from the same book) would make a good couple?
Whew, this is a tough one! I’m going to say Laia from An Ember in the Ashes and Aedion Ashryver from Throne of Glass, because I love them both and can totally see them together. Here are two fancast pics found at Sabaa and Sarah’s pinterest boards.
And I have another one, taken from the same Pinterest boards and the same book series: Helene from AEITA and Manon from ToG! I feel like they could be super badass together. They’re two of my favorite female characters. From left to right, Helene and Manon:
Question 4: If you ran into your favorite author on the subway and only could say one sentence to them, who is it and what would it be?
I. WOULD. FREEZE. I’m not sure who my favorite author is, though. I would probably scream something like “Ohmygod I love your books! I love you! Bye!” and then go cry in a corner.
Question 5: What book made you a reader and why?
I can’t remember! I’ve been an avid reader since I was very little and I don’t know which was the book that made me love reading… It was probably a Geronimo Stilton book, because I was crazy about those when I was six. Now my little cousin is reading them and I couldn’t be more proud! Did you read Geronimo Stilton as a kid?
Question 6: Incendio! Your bookshelf just caught fire. Show the book you’d save.
I hate how this question is phrased, because it’s so very clear that I can only save one book *cries*. Right now there are a bunch of books scattered across my house so HA they’re safe, but from the books currently on my bookshelf I’d have to save my copy of Crooked Kingdom, because it’s gorgeous inside and out. I’m still crying over the ending.
Question 7: Which dystopian world would you want to live in if you had to choose one? Why?
Question 8: What is your most epic read of all time?
Epic Reads Tag! – #booktag I was tagged by the awesome Olga @ Olga's Oddish Obsession to do another tag: the Epic Reads tag!
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