yam-nice · 1 year
Sleepover at H/n’s house
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Sleepover at H/n’s house. Part one
Epitome: A sleepover has become a regular routine. Now that you come by more often. You feel at home and that is how you are treated. The people around you are grateful for your existence. What you don't notice, someone else does. You walk around with a schedule. You solve everyone's problem. School is going well, but as always the stress is running high. You still have to learn for the next exam, make homework and something extra that came into it. Stress!
…Maybe she can relief you from that?
Caution: Soft and Angst?
Words: 1234
Title: Sleepover at H/n’s house.
It’s a Friday and you’ve planned a sleepover at your gf house. This isn’t an ordinary thing. You’ve been doing this ever since you two got into a relationship. So it’s normal for you to just straight up head to her house from school. You have almost half of your own property there.
You could say you’d basically live at h/n’s house. H/n aswel oftenly sleeps over at your place.
You two are close, close enough.
The bell rings making a end to my last lesson of today. “Make sure to practice this paragraph and make the homework. You can check the answers online. It would really help u pass the exam.” The teacher says reassuring.
I pack my stuff and leave the classroom, but before I did so the teacher puts his hand up. “Y/n.” He says. I look at him confused. What does he want? I want to leave already! “I know you’re good with your grades. That’s why, If you have time. I want you to make this schedule for the upcoming school project. I think with your work this school might actually end up somewhere high in the competitions.” He says in a caring and cheerful way. I look at him with a smile. I nod as he continues to explain.
He’s been explaining for 5 minutes. I have to go so I interrupt him. “Sir, I would love to help.” He nods and says. “I’m sorry I’ve been trying to convince you on your precious free time. I still have to be in this jail.” He jokes. I laugh as I take the paper and other sample sheets. “I know you have a tight schedule, but this needs to be done before next Friday.” He says with a caring tone, but a facial expression of fear.
“Okay. I’ll make sure to finish it anytime before next Friday. No pressure.”
“Thank you dear. Now go on have freedom.” He says still being in ‘jail’. I nod and give him a smile as I take my leave.
Putting in my earplugs and listening to music as make my way over to H/n’s house. I look at the folder in my hand going through the stuff the teacher gave me.
Great another stress. I facepalm myself. I have to learn and make my homework. Make a move on this subject. When will I have the time to do this. Next week is also tight, maybe I should finish this at H/n’s house.
I text H/n as I approach her house. She replies all to excitingly. She has a huge house. It’s contrasts are very pretty. It’s a black n white house. H/n is mostly home alone. Her parents are divorced and her sister is old enough so she lives somewhere near. H/n and her mom live together, but her mom is always at work. Well she can’t complain, cause there must come an income from somewhere. And I think there doing well. H/n also works so they’re a great duo.
I walk up to her gate and buzz it. Her mom answers. “Hello ma’am.” I say. She notices my voice immediately. “Ah, y/n I knew you were coming enter. Enter!” She says excited by my visit. The gate slides open and I walk up to the door who opened the very second I look up from the ground. “Come inside and make yourself at home sweetheart.” She says motherly. She nods to the sofa and heads to the kitchen.
“Did you just come from school?” She asks and looks at me. I nod at her. She gives me a sad face and starts a conversation about school which ended up into complaining about school.
So I enter the house and follow her directions. I sit on the crème soft big sofa. The house is very different from what we see outside. The look it has on the outside is luxurious and chic. Whilst the insides interior looks calm and has a vintage style.
It gives a home feeling. A secure feeling.
H/n perhaps noticed your voice. You can see her walking down the stairs in her gray sweater and sweatpants. Her hairs in a high ponytail and she has a bit of makeup on. Probably still from her work shift that ended just an hour or two ago.
H/n’s mother approaches you again. She holds a wooden board with sliced ​​baguette, spreads and a knife in her hands. “Sweetheart eat up. You must feel exhausted.” She says. “What about you two? Did you eat already?” I ask. H/n has already approached us and stand in front of the coffee table with her legs crossed and fingertips in her mouth. Cute.
They look at each other as if no one’s ever asked them. Then they look at me and smile. “Your so caring y/n. No we haven’t.” H/n mother says and her face is full of joy. A feeling of caring seeps through her as the tears well up in her eyes that she tries to hide, but I can still see them.
H/n sits next to me on the sofa. “Well then let’s eat this together.” I look at H/n. “Shall I invest one sliced ​​baguette for the both of you?” I ask. H/n looks at me with soft eyes. “I‘ll do it y/n.” H/n’s mother says, but I interrupt her. “I'll do it, no exceptions. I'll take care for the both of you.” I say with discreet. She looks at me and I give her a reassuring look.
We all enjoy the food. We make each other laugh and tell each other jokes about past events. When we finish H/n’s mother asks me. “Will you sleep over?” H/n then looks at me. “Yes of course. If I can-“ I say, but her mom interrupted me. “You always can, y/n!” She hugs me tightly. “You really brighten H/n and my life, Sweetheart.” She says with a breaking voice. We both notice it and H/n approaches me from behind. “Mom are you crying?” She asks patting her back whilst looking at me confused. “Ma’am are you okay?” I ask. She lifts her head and you can see her smile while a tear runs down her eye. “Aww miss! Don’t cry. I love you both.” I say about to cry from pity. H/n also was about to cry as she hugs her mom from behind.
“I could never imagine what you're going through, but I do know something for a fact… You are a strong woman and you do not give up.”
“It must’ve been so heavy…” H/n sighs out as she starts tearing up. “I’m sorry mom for the pressure.” H/n says.
“No it’s not your fault H/n.” H/n’s mother says to reassure her. Turning over to hug H/n. They both come to and start cheering each other up again
“You’re indeed so strong mom.” H/n says proudly. “This is all Y/n’s fault. She’s the one making us all tear up.” H/n says jokingly while looking at me. “What, how dare you!” I say with my hand on my heart as if she broke it. Putting on a dramatic scene to bring the joy back. H/n mother smiles and starts to clean her tears. I smile at her and with a sentence from the heart I proudly say.
“You are truly a warrior”. And patt her shoulder and give her a reassuring hug.
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yam-nice · 2 years
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Dry Lips
Epitome: Joking about someone. Someone who actually made you feel things. Now that you're still struggling with your felings even the one you tease doesn't know. You hide behing a teasingly joke. What would happen if that someone stepped forward? What will you do or will your feelings express themselves?
Caution: teasing, secrets and rumors?
Words: 1122
Title: Dry lips
The bell rings. Finally done with maths. I grab my stuff, get my phone and check my schedule for the next lesson. 'Computer class'. I read.
I went to the classroom, but before entering I decided to go to the restroom to freshen up. I saw my bestfriend there aswell.
"Hey, y/n what lesson did you have?" She asks. "Maths." I reply as I freshen up. "Let's go?" I ask her. "Ugh, computer class." My bestfriend says as soon as she saw where we headed to. I laugh as we both start complaining.
When we arrived we could see the seats where always sit were taken which annoyed me far enough, because now we have to look for another place to sit. We started to look for another seat next to each other.
The only seat that was left was next to my 'secret crush'... My bestfriend doesn't know it yet, beacuse I don't have the guts to tell. It's probably my own fault though. I mean I tease her so that it doesn't look like I like this person. I do sometimes give out some hints.
You see my 'secret' crush isn't just like any other. I mean she's way out of my league.
She likes to skip classes just to smoke outside. She's very populair and she looks mean, but she's actually nice. That's why I deny. My friend and I always fake fun out of the populair kids. Not straight to their face, but more for the inside jokes.
Sometimes some dirty jokes, because we are weird. (ourselves)
That's why I tease my bestfriend. Since she likes both genders. My crush also gives out some signs which are definitely not straight.
I tease my friend by saying that my crush would get down on her knees just for her.
We were playing a activity outside doors. We had to wait for some other players and it took them some time. There was no chair or bench to sit so everyone standed. My crush got bored an just went on her knees and stayed like that. To which me and my bestfriend joked about and since then I tease her.
My crush I still can't accept the fact that I like her.
She is nice in class, but in the hallways she doesn't even take a glance. H/n and I always make eye contact ever since school started, but nowadays she only takes glances and I can't seem to catch her.
So to make sure my bestfriend doesn't know. I bully her about my 'secret' crush that she's probably a sub and would get on her knees for my bestfriend and other kinky stuff. It does make me feel bad for not telling my bestfriend, but it would be wierd if I jut confess my feelings right now wouldn't it? That's why i'm waiting for the right moment. What if their won't be? Will I have to keep this secret for forever? I don't think I can- Infact I know I can't.
So I asked my bestfriend if she wanted to sit next to H/n, because I just can't deal with that and since I am just myself I want to tease her. But instead of letting me take the other seat she took my place! I tried to even fight her. It didn't effect her she made me sit next to H/n!
When we sat down H/n began to sit in more like a blocking way... She was laying with her back a bit turned to me.
Which kind of upsetted me. Why does she do that? Does she want me to hate her?
We didn't know what we had to do so Bs/n pointed to H/n. Does it look like I want to talk to her? I roll my eyes at her.
I asked H/n what we had to do. She looks at my screen and turns out I was on the wrong website. I felt so dumb... But she did help me get to the right website. She took her position again. Bs/n also got to the same site and we were busy with our tasks.
I couldn't help taking glances at H/n I mean, come on how could I resist!
Her back is so pretty it really makes me want to touch it, but I get a grip of myself I must stay focused!
...Only fantasize when i'm at home.
The teacher suddenly said who still is on the list of detention. What caught me off guard was that I and H/n were on the list, well it doesn't surprise me that H/n was. I after all she always skips. It's a surprise she's even here right now. The teacher then asked when these people would have the time to catch up
It still got me mad, because I never get detention and it isn't my fault. Something went wrong in the school system.
So I started bragging about it. Just complaining. "Stop bragging and jut get your ass to detention." Bs/n says. "No bragging is what I do when this school does the wrong things and blame innocent people. As I Should." I say.
The teacher began screamin' about some new rules in school.
I looked to my right at H/n
She was applying chapstick to her lips with her fingers. It made me feel something in my stomach.
I looked her in her eyes as she looks directly into mine and then she smiled at me.
It caught me off guard so I jokingly asked
"What about me?" While ducking my lips forward. She furrowed her eyebrows and without hesitation she kissed me.
On my lips- I was in shock and I had to act fast so that it doesn't look weird! So I said "Well that's another way." I say as I pop my lips.
I was expecting her to decline or just give the chapstick to me or even to put it on for me, but she did better. She definitely did better!
Her lips were so soft... She smiled at me and walked out of class since the bell already rung. Which I didn't even notice.
When she walks out I looked at my right side to see bs/n.
My bestfriend just laughs at me. "Did not expect that" I said. We both bursted out into laughter and left class.
"Let's go home."
- LC
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