yanderes-for-everyone · 3 months
I read “An Observation Log of My Fiancée Who Calls Herself a Villainess” because of your post and it was the highlight of my weekend. Thank you so much for the recommendation 🥹 Also, do you know other finished works with characters like Cecil? 🥺
  Awwww…thank you so much for saying that. 🥹 I have two manga; both have a very similar premise to “Fiance's Observation Log of the Self-proclaimed Villainess.” Unfortunately, neither of them has been fully translated…
Even Though I’m a Super Timid Girl, I Accepted the Bet From My Cunning Fiancee!
This one only has 15 translated chapters. I would say the ml of this manga is the closest to Cecil. He’s cunning (even as a child) and has no intention of letting go of the fl. The fl ends up telling the ml about the fact they are in a video game.
I Won’t be Breaking off this Engagement. You Know That Right?
This one only has 3 chapters. 😓We see the story from the ml’s perspective. He learns that they are in a game from the fl early on.
I also have some manhwa that I think have mls similar to Cecil in that they are yandere/yandere-ish, but mask that part of themself so they can stay with the fl. They also, before they met the fl, felt like life was dull/boring. Then the fl added some color to their world.
The Newlywed Diary of a Witch and a Dragon
I would say he’s pretty cunning and manipulative + he manages to hide it from the fl until it’s too late for her to leave lol.
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom (Anime/Manga)
This is a reverse harem anime. The character that I think is similar to Cecil is Geordo.
I Swear We're Just Friends
The ml is kinda a goofball; he'd pretty much do anything for the fl. He's academically smart, possessive and cold to other people. He tries to hide this side of him from the fl
 Behind His Kind Mask
This one's kind of an exception in that he has a mask/hidden side, but only shows it to the fl.
I really hope this helps :)
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yanderes-for-everyone · 3 months
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Title: In the Dog House (19+)
Status: Ongoing
Because of their incompetence, the Devon Family is on the brink of poverty. The only rational one in the family is Courtney Devon; she is constantly trying to stop her family from spending their money frivolously. Even though Courtney only nags them to protect their family name she’s viewed as the bad guy. Then, one day Courtney and the Devon Family receive a letter from the Imperial Palace; it seems like the Crown Prince wants to make Courtney the Crown Princess. When she first meets him, everything seems too good to be true. He seems like a perfect man. However, she later finds out that the Prince has a bit of a dark side. He’s a masochist. Will Courtney discover a new side of herself and live happily ever after as a Dom?
My Feelings About It (No Spoilers):
 Oh my God guys, I love this one. To start…the smut is amazing. As the summary explains, the ml is a masochist. Watching the mc’s sub/dom dynamic might have awakened something in me lol. I like how they deal with BDSM in this comic. It’s a lot of fun to watch the fl learn about BDSM and that she’s into it. Both the fl and the ml are into the stuff that they do during smut scenes (I know this is the bare minimum but…I thought I should mention it because there are some works that depict BDSM as something you force on another person cough cough “50 Shades of Gray” lol) and because of that you feel like you’re just reading about two people who are exploring their relationship with BDSM and what works for their relationship. But I’m still recommending this as a yandere manhwa, so it’s definitely not a normal, healthy BDSM relationship (just to be clear.) Also, I’m not part of the BDSM community, so maybe take my assessment of that aspect of the manhwa with a grain of salt.  It’s completely uncensored; this might be a pro or con depending on what you're comfortable with, but I personally loved it.
I love the fl. She’s written well. She’s a person who knows her own worth and always stands up for herself; at the same time, she’s not needlessly mean. She also has a good head on her shoulders; she’s a realist who doesn’t tolerate any bullshit. Overall, she felt like she could be a real person. Plus…I enjoy it when she gets angry and switches to sadist mode lol. 
The male lead is my ideal kind of yandere. He appears perfect at first, but of course, he has a dark side. He’s the sub, so he pretty much does whatever the fl wants him to. But he’s also super clingy and obsessive and would 100% kill someone if they tried to separate him and the fl/if they hurt the fl. There are only 22 episodes currently out, so as of right now there are only a couple of explicit yandere moments, but there is definitely more to come.
Overall, I loved reading this. I think the characters are well written and the smut scenes are hot. This might not be for everyone, but if you’re interested… I definitely recommend that you check it out.
Yandere Rating: 7/10*
Overall Rating: 8/10
*Meaning the ml’s yandere intenseness
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yanderes-for-everyone · 3 months
Hi! I love GL and I LOVE yanderes! I’ve read happy sugar life and I love Amy, are there any more recs that you would give for yandere yuri?
Hello! That’s a great question. Unfortunately, yandere’s are much harder to find in yuri than in hetero works or BL. Because yandere yuri is (comparatively) rare, it might be hard for me to give you recs that fit your exact taste, but here I go…
Games: (All of these are free on Ichio)
It Gets So Lonely Here by Ebi-hime
This game does such a good job of creating an atmosphere. The characters and background have such an old fairytale/folklore vibe. I love it.
Model Employee by nth circle
I LOVE THIS GAME. The yandere is so hot; she’s like a spider weaving her web around the MC. I will say that this game isn't explicitly a Yuri game (but you can choose a feminine or masculine appearance for the mc). If that doesn’t bother you, HIGHLY recommend it.
Crimson Devotion by Ghost Leif
This game has a similar concept to Pocket Lover if you’ve played that, EXCEPT the virtual yandere is a vampire. Adds an extra level of hotness if you ask me. It’s pretty short though (only 4k words) because it was made for a game jam
To My Darling by ixkyu
I had a lot of fun playing this. In this game, we play as the main yandere. 
Heartburn by Kathinka
You're on a date with your favorite streamer…what could possibly go wrong? Art style is adorable + both characters are hot.
Comics: Light Spoilers
I’ve found that most Yuri Yandere characters are similar to female Yanderes in hetero comics; They’re all super intense and aren’t really romanticized. 
Barefoot Nina:
I liked it. The main yandere wants to be with the mc all the time. She at one point wants the mc to drop out of school so that they can be together 24-7.
I’m More Dangerous Than You:
Whooo…this one’s pretty crazy. The Yandere is pretty much willing to do anything to be with the MC…including kidnapping her.
This is the gay version of Stalker X Stalker if you’ve read that. Both characters are Yanderes. If you wanted something more lighthearted/comedic, I’d go with this one. Though, it only has 7 chapters ( it’s completed.) 
White Angel has no Wings:
TW: Sexual assault and Incest. The Yandere is a really horrible person. However, the mc and her have an interesting dynamic. I have a hate-love relationship with this one.
Your Fretters:
I’ve heard people compare it to White Angel Has No Wings. It’s shorter (with 24 episodes) and in my opinion, is less disturbing. Yandere is super obsessive and isolating.
Getting to Know Grace:
Has a maid/mistress dynamic. We gotta love historical Yuri!
Manipulate My heart
This is similar to I'm More Dangerous Than You. In fact, I think that it's by the same creator.
Toxic Yuri:
Here are some comics where I wouldn’t label the love interest as a “yandere”, but are super toxic/clingy and still might satisfy your yandere cravings:
Maho Ineko to Ibarahime
This one is just a one-shot. Has a love interest who is obsessed with the mc, but there’s no real isolation or killing.
Let’s Kill Your Husband:
This one’s really good. The mc, as the title suggests, helps kill the love interest's husband (who’s abusing her.)
Talk Dirty to Me:
The mc is a dom and the possessive character is the submissive. There are some pretty good smutty scenes, in my opinion. The only thing is that the art style is…mehhh. The two mc’s have Dorito chins. It doesn’t really bother me, but I thought I should let you know.
Living Will:
The mc kills people for a living. Then she meets the love interest.
The Yandere Sister Just Wants me to Bully Her:
I had really high hopes for this one. There are just not enough isekai yuri in the world. Unfortunately, the plot is kinda all over the place. But the art is so pretty and both characters are so hot. As of right now, the love interest has acted somewhat possessive, but nothing I would label as “yandere behavior.” However, that might change considering the title.
That’s all I have for right now. I’ll continue to update this blog with other Yuri comics/games/fan-fics/novels that have a Yandere love interest. Hope this helped.
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yanderes-for-everyone · 3 months
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Title: An Observation Log of My Fiancée Who Calls Herself a Villainess
Status: Completed
Because Prince Cecil is so intelligent, he finds everything in his life to be boring. Then one day... his parents arrange an engagement with Bertia who makes the outrageous claims that they are both in an Otome game and that she is going to be the perfect villainess, so that Cecil can be with the OG heroine. Eventually, Cecil gets used to the chaos his fiancé brings and grows to want to stay by her side.
My Feelings About It:
Ahhhhhhh....I love this one. It's for sure one of my favorites. We get the WHOLE story from the ml's perspective (which, in my opinion, we definitely need more of in stories.) We get to see him fall for the fl and slowly grow more and more possessive of her. Plus...the fl is pretty simpleminded. I don't mind airheaded/dense charcters; they just live off of vibes and I respect that lol. Though, the story might have been a little more boring if we got the story from her perspective because she's so in her own world. The ml is the one reacting to the fl's craziness and moving the plot forward, so I personally think he's the more interesting character.
I love ml's that have princely masks, but are actually yanderes. For whatever reason they just scratch some itch in my brain. And Cecil is a text book definition of this trope. He isn't sure of his feelings, he just finds her "intresting" lol. Then as the plot progresses he begins to need her in his life. He's super protective of her and doesn't object to a little manipulation.
Plot wise this manga isn't that unique, but the way it's executed makes it feel really original. I definitely recommend.
Manga Rating: 8/10
Yandere Rating: 7/10*
*This means the ml's yandere intenseness
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yanderes-for-everyone · 4 months
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Title: Dekiai Yakuza Ni Wa Amayakasarenai
Status: Completed
Riko, who is the granddaughter of a Yakuza, has a crush on her incredibly possessive caretaker, Lori. (he was 15 when he first started caring for her.) She believes he has a girlfriend and tries to become more independent so that she can attempt to rid herself of her feelings for him. But, Lori isn't happy about this development.
My Feelings About It: (SPOILER FREE)
Okay, let's get it out of the way...I'm not a huge fan of the age gap. Especially at first; it made me feel a little weird. He was 15 and she was 7 when they first met. So about a 8 year difference. When the story starts he's 25ish and she's 17. It's obviously not something that would be acceptable irl, but it actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. Their age difference, I think, is pretty similar to those manhwa where the fl is transported into a child who is taken into a household and in order to survive she has to melt her adopted brother's heart, lol (if what I'm saying makes any sense.) Overall, I was able to get over it, but just felt like it didn't need to exist. He could've been closer to her in age and I don't think it would have changed anything plot-wise.
Now on to the good things. I think this manga is perfect for a light-hearted read (though I say this as someone who's read a lot of dark shit, lol.) It has a decent amount of comedy, but the ml is INCREDIBLY possessive. He wants to be with her all the time and he's the type of yandere who desperately wants to be needed, so he'll give her anything she wants so that she won't be able to do anything herself.
I also enjoyed the pacing of the series. In total, there are only about 19 episodes. Because the ml already knows her before the story starts, build-up isn't required to make the story believable or satisfying; the build-up happens off-screen. He's a yandere towards her from the very first chapter, which is nice.
Overall, it's a good time, despite the age difference thing.
Manga Rating: 7/10
Yandere Rating: 8/10*
*This means the ml's yandere intenseness
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yanderes-for-everyone · 4 months
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Title: Trapped/Olgami
Status: Completed
Chae-a Han and Yunsu Park may be perfect angels at church, but Chae-a is really a foul-mouthed ex-convict, and Yunsu is… a vampire? When Yunsu blackmails Chae-a with a murder she didn’t commit, she begins searching for ways to escape the situation until the perfect opportunity presents itself. With Yunsu’s life now at her mercy, the two begin a life-or-death game of cat and mouse, only to find themselves falling deeper and deeper into each other’s traps... (webtoon)
My Feelings About It: (SPOILER FREE)
You can never go wrong with vampires. When I first found Trapped, I couldn't put it down. The life of a vampire is a lonely one. The ml has very few people/beings in his life. He approaches the fl because he enjoys toying with humans to ease his boredom, but the more he's around her the more his curiosity increases. Yunsu begins to care for the fl and wants her to stay by his side, regardless of her feelings.
It seems like the fl has equal levels of hatred and love towards Yunsu. She has very few connections with other people. She's disgusted by Yunsu, but he's also the person she's closest to.
The fl is such a badass. She doesn't take the ml's shit lying down. She's very intelligent and practical + she's able to keep the ml in check. Her awareness of the ml's nature and her personality makes for a really interesting dynamic between the two main leads. Their relationship starts with the fl and ml trying to outwit each other and that tension never fully goes away. I love seeing how the fl's two conflicted emotions influence how she acts toward the ml. The ml doesn't really have hatred for the fl; he just has no idea what a healthy relationship looks like, lol.
This is one of my favorites. I highly recommend.
Manhwa Rating: 8
Yandere Rating: 7*
*this means the ml's yandere intensity
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yanderes-for-everyone · 4 months
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Title: Model Employee (Game)
Status: Completed
Model Employee is a corporate horror visual novel where players take control of  the latest individual amongst millions to start working in one of Tethys' online shopping labyrinthine warehouses. Just discharged from the hospital and massively in debt for their life-saving cybernetics, the player-character must adapt to the "extreme" work-life balance of a Tethys Team Member- but they have help. 
Penny, the artificial personality that controls all security, waste disposal, and employee surveillance in the facility, specializes in reinforcing an especially cutthroat variety  of workplace culture- and she's taken an interest in you. (the game page)
My Feelings About it: (SPOILER FREE)
Model Employee was created by Nth Circle and is available to play on ichio for Mac, Linux, and Windows. You have the option to donate to the creator, but it's free. So, if your broke (like I am lol) you still play it. Also, you have the ability to choose between a feminine or masculine appearance for the mc.
This game is incredible...the atmosphere, the character design, the artwork...all of it is spectacular. After finishing this game I was dumbfounded; it left me with this sense of emptiness and longing that's difficult to describe. I think the game is best if you jump into it with as little information as possible, but Penny (the yandere) is definitely a manipulative type. She wants you completely to herself.
I will say, however, that this is very much a thriller/psychological game and the actions that Penny does aren't romanticized. That being said if you love seeing a mc being slowly consumed by a yandere...I recommend lol.
Game Rating: 9.5
Yandere Rating: 8*
*this means the characters yandere intensity
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yanderes-for-everyone · 4 months
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Title: Falling into the Arms of a Mad Villain
Status: Ongoing
Instead of being caught by Prince Charming, I've fallen into a complete nightmare! Not only did I transmigrate into a trashy romance fantasy novel, but I fell from the sky and ended up in the arms of the mad villain, Edwin Crawford. Before I knew it, he called me his wife from the heavens and was raving about some prophecy. I don't even know who I am, so how can I be his wife?! Until I figure out what is happening, will it be safe to stay in the embrace of the Mad Dragon of the West? (Tapas)
My Feelings about it: (SPOILER FREE)
This series was just released on Tapas on May 20th, so there are only about 21 episodes. This series is the definition of a no build up obsession. The ml has an interest in her from the moment he sees her (though to be fair she falls from the sky, lol + he has a reason he needs her) He already feels like he can't live without her, and the fl takes to the ml surprisingly quick; she (so far) has the occasional thought of running away, but for the most part she seems to be fine staying around him.
I also think that the fl has no real discernible personality. We don't really get anything about her past; she pretty much just exists to be doted on by the ml and doesn't express any real passion or emotion. That being said, I don't think she's objectionable or anything. Plus... she's pretty.
If you can get past those things, I think that the interactions between the fl and the ml are pretty cute; the ml is super affectionate and expressive (for example, he always carries around the house.) I like mls that are cute to the fl and aggressive to everyone else. The ml doesn't seem like a manipulative type, he pretty much just reiterates to fl that she can't escape him.
In terms of plot, the lore of the world is surprisingly intriguing. The fl has no idea who the character she possessed is and how she relates to other characters in the novel. I won't say much, but the person she transmigrated into isn't a normal person. So learning about that and the world is kinda fun.
Despite some of my comments, I personally found it entertaining. If it seems like your type of thing, you should check it out.
Manhwa Rating: 6
Yandere Rating: 6.5 (Definitely could increase)*
*this means the ml's yandere intensity
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yanderes-for-everyone · 4 months
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Title: How to Survive as a Maid in a Horror Game
Status: Ongoing
The Murder of Pflatzgraff Manor is a brand-new horror game from the developer A-coms. Even though it has beautiful graphics, its player base dubbed it as one of the worst games due to how difficult it is. You play the game as Adrian-a fine young man who's also the devil's reincarnation. Your goal as Adrian is to kill as many people as possible because of Lilith's Curse. One night, you played the game until you couldn't anymore and found yourself waking up as Hilda, one of Adrian's maids... (Tapas)
How I feel About it: (SPOILER FREE)
The devil in a hot guy's body is bound to lead to amazing yandere shenanigans. In this manhwa, the ml treats the fl with caution, perceiving her as a potential threat. Then, as the story continues he becomes more curious about her. Because the ml is the devil he hasn't been able to form deep relationships before meeting the fl. I personally love stories like this. Neither the fl or the ml expect to even like each other and then one day they both wake up and realize that they depend on each other and would literally do anything for each other. "How did you get past the ml's walls." "Doors were unlocked."
Adrian is able to put on a mask around other people, to avoid attracting suspicion, but he's actually a refreshingly open yandere. He doesn't really need to hide anything from the fl; in fact their relationship is based on the fact that the fl knows the mls secret. He's kinda like a deadly golden retriever. Once he latches onto the fl, he does whatever she wants basically and doesn't really keep too many secrets from her. (though it takes 30ish episodes for the main leads to really start connecting)
I personally like the fl, though she's no saint (but honestly what fl in a yandere manhwa that actually ends up with ml is, lol.) She has some real badass moments where she does some fucked up shit for the ml to help him. I like that the relationship ends up feeling mutual. They're both kinda crazy for each other lol.
This manhwa hits all of my buttons; isekai into a video game ✅, hot ml (obviously) ✅, ml is guaranteed/expected to be absolutely crazy ✅, and fantasy setting ✅. I wouldn't go in expecting an intricate plot or deep thriller or anything, but if you're looking for a slightly different flavor of isekai manhwa with a hot yandere, then I think you'll have a fun ride.
Manhwa Rating: 7
Yandere Rating: 7*
*this means the ml's yandere intensity
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yanderes-for-everyone · 4 months
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Title: I love Amy
Status: Completed
Bibi, as usually is stalking her future boyfriend Peter, and sees Amy talking to him. Furious, she invites Amy over to her house to warn her but she ends up taking a liking to her. They decide to become friends under the condition that Amy help Bibi confess to Peter.
My Feelings About It: (SPOILER FREE)
I Love Amy is dripping with originality. The art, the characters, and concept are *chefs kiss.* The majority of the comic is pretty light hearted and it relies a lot on comedy, but Bibi is still an yandere through and through. Kidnapping and thoughts of murder is completely normal to her. I will say that though if your looking for a manipulative mastermind, Bibi certainly isn't one; she pretty much just vibes for the whole comic and isn't even really aware of her feelings until the end. This is (kinda) like the sapphic version of "He's Harmless I swear" in that Amy is aware of Bibi's instability and is chill with it. It's not identical by any means, but if you liked that, I could 100% see you enjoying this.
The best part of this comic for me is the characters. I love to see them bounce off of each other. They're all pretty funny and memorable, and I love seeing Amy and Bibi slowly fall in love with each other. It kinda gives me a 90s American high school vibes because of the art and character design.
If you want a GL with a Yandere, it's one of the best
Comic Rating: 8/10
Yandere Rating: 5/10*
*this means the love intrest's yandere intensity
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yanderes-for-everyone · 4 months
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Title: Dreaming Freedom
Jeongmin is a loner in high school being bullied by the Queen Bee, Juhyeon. The two were friends in elementary school before their friendship ended because of Juhyeon's demand that Jeongmin should only be friends with her. Juhyeon uses this "betrayal" to fuel the classmates' insults and isolate Jeongmin in misery. Jeongmin has only one way to escape, through lucid dreams. One day, a mysterious man enters her dreams and offers to help her get revenge on Juhyeon... (webtoon)
Status: Ongoing
My Feelings About It: (SPOILER FREE)
This is another classic...Siyun is a near perfect yandere. He doesn't really start showing signs until chapter 34 (there are currently 121 episodes), but once he does he's amazing. I found this series on webtoon and literally I would always be there right at 9 with coins in hand to buy the latest episode.
I think my favorite part of this manhwa is the development of Siyun's obsession. It feels like he has a good reason to be infatuated with the fl. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I'm totally okay with just seeing obsession without any real build up, but I've found that I'm usually more satisfied when there is. Both the fl and ml are completely isolated and grow to greatly depend on one another; and we get to see that development.
The first 34 episodes of the manhwa establish who the fl is and what she's been through, who the antagonists/allies are, how lucid dreaming works, and give us glimpses of our ml to create an air of mystery. Then, having all of that information, we can truly appreciate why the fl and ml start to connect. From that point on, we see Siyun's attachment to the fl increase; the more he's around her the more he needs her. And as his affection grows, so does his fear of losing her, which causes yandere shenanigans to ensue.
I think this is another manhwa where I think the fl is well written. She is multi-dimensional and isn't just a self insert (though those have their place too.) And lastly, I want to mention that Juhyeon (the "Queen Bee") is also yandere-ish. She's definitely no where as unhinged as the ml, but you still get two yanderes in one.
Overall, it's one of my favorite yandere manhwa and I would definitely recommend checking it out.
Manhwa Rating: 9/10
Yandere Rating: 8/10*
*this means the ml's yandere intensity
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yanderes-for-everyone · 4 months
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Title: Killing Mr. Park
Status: Completed
Min has been best friends with Sujin for years. One day, Sujin says that she wants to kill her husband; this comes to no surprise to Min who has witnessed their relationship deteriorate and she is all too happy about this development. She has secretly been in love with Sujin, since they first met. Min wants to help her, but does Sujin actually plan to kill her husband?
My Feelings About It: (SPOILER FREE)
If I'm being completely honest, this is more like a GL with psychological themes. There isn't really much obsession or manipulation but, the fls are both kinda unhinged so you still might be interested. Plus, it's only 6 chapters, so it's very little commitment. Personally, I really enjoyed it. The art style is really cool and it's well done.
Manhwa Rating: 8/10
Yandere Rating: 3/10*
*this means the fls yandere intensity
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yanderes-for-everyone · 4 months
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Title: I failed to Oust the Villain
Status: Ongoing
Reborn as the daughter of a count she read about in a novel. Lady Valeta knows the story ends in tragedy at the hands of her lowly house pet, Reinhart. Having never wanted him in the first place, Valeta tries but fails to oust him from her house. But when Reinhart's powerful magic is awakened one day, he kills all those around her, and it is now Valeta who is at his mercy. Though the tables have turned, Reinheart can't shake his attachment for Valeta. He lets her live, but only within his grasp. (Tapas)
Feelings About It (SPOILER FREE):
I failed to Oust the Villain, is probably one of the most well known Yandere manhwa. So why include it? Well, in my opinion, no rec list is complete without it. This was my first time encountering a yandere. Up until then I had read romantic fantasy manhwa that had mls with possessive tendencies, but never had I encountered a full blown yandere who was also the ml. This manhwa is what sparked my interest in the sub-genre. To me, I Failed to Oust the Villain is the gold standard for yandere manhwa.
The ml's design is so beautiful; his white hair and red eyes instantly make him stand out. And...I think he is the perfect kind of yandere. He doesn't completely understand his feelings, but he knows that he wants to be around the fl. He wants her to completely rely on him. Despite the fls outward distain toward Reinheart and the distance she tries to keep because of her fear of him, they understand each other better than anyone. They grow up together in the house with the fl's horrific father. They suffer together and eventually learn to lean on one another.
But honestly, even without the ml the manhwa would still hold up. The fl is amazing! She is incredibly intelligent and kind (despite the fact that she has been hardened by her abusive father.) Though, she has her issues connecting to other people. I think the plot is also pretty interesting. The manhwa mostly focuses on Reinheart and Valeta's relationship, though there are some antagonists that spice things up. The story feels well paced and logical. Lastly, the art is gorgeous. It makes the fl and ml stand out so much more.
If you haven't read this yet, I would highly recommend.
Manhwa Rating: 9/10
Yandere Rating: 7/10*
*meaning the ml's yandere intensity
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yanderes-for-everyone · 4 months
Red flags with rose tinted glasses just look like flags
Who needs wholesome romance when you can find a hot, obsessive, manipulative, and possessive fictional character. I don't know about everyone else, but sometimes I just get fed up of normal romance manhwa/manga where the root problem is miscommunication. Sometimes I just want to watch the fucked-up train wreck that is yandere manhwa. I'll scour the internet to find these manipulative mls/fls and binge read them because I have no life. hahahhaha... and now I think I've run out, so instead I'm just going to start giving recs in hope of helping other people find something they think is worth reading.
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