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fresh, clean no-terf version for reblogs!
Your mom and aunts aren’t on tumblr.  Please warn them about this as well. 
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oh shit, Tales from the Stinky Dragon (former Rooster Teeth actual play podcast) has been picked up by Beacon (the Critical Role streaming service)
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When I was little my mom’s meatloaf was my favorite food. But ONLY her meatloaf. I didn’t like anyone else’s, and she told me that she would teach me how to make it when I was older. And when I was like 19? She finally taught me, but she told me never to tell anyone else and I was like weird but okay
Anyway, she was super fucking homophobic and abusive to me when I told her I was gay, so here’s the recipe
4-6 lbs of Hamburger/turkey burger
1 pk onion soup mix OR ranch mix
1 TBs ketchup
1 Tbs spicy brown mustard,
1 Tbs bbq sauce
1 Tbs steak sauce
1 egg
mix, shape into a loaf in a big pan, and bake at 350 for 2 hrs (maybe 2 and a half if you’re feeling dangerous)
You can get almost all of these ingredients at the dollar store, and have leftovers if it’s just you. The leftovers make great tacos if (taco seasoning is also like a dollar). Enjoy your revenge loaf
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I still think it’s funny how so many people insist that Yang is a “bimbo” despite Yang being the only one in her team to never show interest in or have any kind of interaction with any guy in the series that could be interpreted as her being interested in him.
I'll start by saying I hate that word because it's just so degradingly sexist.
Anyway, Yang has never been portrayed as being stupid. Even as far back as the Yellow trailer she's used people's misperceptions about her against them.
If I could describe Yang simply it's that she's light-hearted but serious-minded. She knows exactly what she's doing with her occasional jokes and sass and that's to put her friends at ease during tense situations but she never treats those situations lightly.
And yeah, Blake has literally been the only person she's ever shown any interest in. Hardly a 'party girl'.
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if you would rather elect a fascist than a liberal you're not a leftist you're just edgy
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The funniest thing about this situation is that Elon Musk is so pissed off at not getting to do something illegal and get away with it by being a billionaire for once in his life that he has been -and I’m 100% serious here- making photo edits of our Supreme Court minister dressed as fucking Voldemort. Literal little kid taping a picture of someone they don’t like to a dartboard kind of behavior.
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Liking Winter Schnee when volume 8 was airing was truly like being in the trenches with all the discourse like holy shit
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Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $599.99
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I really enjoy Whiterose as a ship, but I do wish more of the FNDM surrounding it weren't so invested in their V1 characterizations.
Ruby and Weiss have both grown so much and honestly its as they are now that I love the idea of a romance between them.
Weiss has become a lot kinder and wiser, while still being able to get a bit prissy and bent out of shape.
Ruby has had more burdens to be sure, but has also grown smoother and more confident in how she carried herself.
Both still have a lot of their original energy, when Ruby is in a good space she can be very bouncy and Weiss can be quite regal, but there's more to them than "Puppy X Tsudere" and I wish we saw more of that.
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If you like frogs. Or possums. Or cool builds. Or happiness. This is the video for you.
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you’re doomed, there’s nothing I can do 
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“Are you the witch who turned eleven princes into swans?”
The old woman stared at the figure on the front step of her cottage and considered her options. It was the kind of question usually backed up by a mob with meaningful torches, and it was the kind of question she tried to avoid.
Coming from a single dusty, tired housewife, it should’ve held no terrors.
“You a cop?”
The housewife twisted the hem of her apron. “No,” she muttered. “I’m a swan.”
A raven croaked somewhere in the woods. Wind whispered in the autumn leaves.
Then: “I think I can guess,” the old woman said slowly. “Husband stole your swan skin and forced you to marry him?”
A nod.
“And you can’t turn back into a swan until you find your skin again.”
A nod.
“But I reckon he’s hidden it, or burned it, or keeps it locked up so you can’t touch it.”
A tiny, miserable nod.
“And then you hear that old Granny Rothbart who lives out in the woods is really a batty old witch whose father taught her how to turn princes into swans,” the old woman sighed. “And you think, ‘Hey, stuff the old skin, I can just turn into a swan again this way.’
“But even if that was true – which I haven’t said if it is or if it isn’t – I’d say that I can only do it to make people miserable. I’m an awful person. I can’t do it out of the goodness of my heart. I have no goodness. I can’t use magic to make you feel better. I only wish I could.”
Another pause. “If I was a witch,” she added.
The housewife chewed the inside of her cheek. Then she drew herself up and, for the first time, looked the old woman in the eyes.
“Can you do it to make my husband miserable?”
The old woman considered her options. Then she pulled the wand out from the umbrella stand by the door. It was long, and silver, and a tiny glass swan with open wings stood perched on the tip.
“I can work with that,” said the witch.
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I LOVE how they managed to portray Rex resisting Order 66 as long as he did as, rightfully, a heroic act of willpower and love–without ever implying that willpower and love alone would be enough to resist. That other clones just didn’t care enough or try hard enough.
Rex didn’t resist better than the others because he wanted to more, or because his Jedi meant more to him than the others. Rex was able to resist because alone of the GAR, he understood exactly what was happening.
He’s stammering Fives’ name for a reason. He used SIDIOUS’ name, not “my lord” or “Chancellor Palpatine”, for a reason. He knew Fives discovered something awful about the chips, he was never convinced they were just ‘emotional inhibitors’ and he trusted Fives’ judgement in thinking there was something more going on. Furthermore, thanks to Ahsoka’s conversation with Maul, he knows that there’s a Darth Sidious around who’s been controlling this war and has something to do with Anakin.
(That Rex knows everything Ahsoka knows is confirmed with that Council call; by having him comment that she didn’t comment on it, the writers let us know that they’d discussed it between them.)
Because he knows exactly what’s going on, knows that it’s programming and the chip and a Sith Lord with evil plans to destroy the Republic, he’s able to maintain a few seconds of lucidity because he knows the thoughts and decisions in his head aren’t his own. 
If he hadn’t had that advance knowledge, he might have been able to recognize that it was weird the way he didn’t question this–we’ve seen other clones in comics and such express that idea–but he wouldn’t have had the context to recognize those decisions as originating from something outside himself. He would have thought he was making that choice, the same way the others did.
Similarly, the way they allow Ahsoka to believably fight her way free–without implying that she’s smarter, more skilled, or quicker on the uptake than the countless Jedi who were slaughtered during Order 66.
Ahsoka survives because Rex has a few seconds to realize what’s going on. Because he’s lucid enough, while succumbing to the chip, to interrupt the two troopers raising blasters silently behind Ahsoka’s head.
If Rex hadn’t been able to snap “No! I’ll do it,” in that moment–that’s Felucia. That’s the exact silent encircling move we’ve seen once before. If Rex hadn’t been able to give Ahsoka those precious few seconds of processing time to realize what’s happening, she would have died exactly like Aayla.
And if she’d been standing in the open like so many others, those few seconds of warning wouldn’t have mattered. She wouldn’t have had the vents to escape to, and eventually one of those blaster bolts would have gotten through. It was luck and Rex’s coincidental insider knowledge that saved her, in the end, far more than skill.
That’s how it should be. It was done very, very well.
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