yazzberry · 1 month
guys hear me out duncney as madz and central cee bc the aesthetics completely match up, she’s put together and stylish and universally acknowledged to be out of his league, he’s an asshole and makes shitty music (which i still enjoy) and does her dirty so many times having several cheating allegations with other girls yet, in this essay i will
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yazzberry · 2 months
any excuse to make moodboards...
I just thought I'd share with you my personal visions for this story and the characters I'm going to be writing (honestly, I'll take any excuse to make a mood board), including their birthdays, interests, visual muses, aesthetics, etc. 
If you agree with any of my visions, please let me know in the comments. I'd love to hear all your opinions and head-canons!
Note: I gave all the characters the same last names as their voice actors (except for Alejandro, since they give us his last name in the show haha).
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Name: Courtney Lucille Barlow Birthday: October 17 (16 years old) (Libra) Interests/Hobbies: speech & debate, volleyball, reading, watching Gilmore Girls and The Vampire Diaries (guilty pleasures), student council, singing (but refuses to join the school choir), playing the piano, watching college vlogs and other youtube videos about college (her dream school is Yale) Visual Muse: (Cindy Kimberly)
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Name: Bridgette Isobel Fairlie Birthday: June 25 (16 years old) (Cancer) Interests/Hobbies: surfing, swimming, marine biology, cooking vegetarian dishes, baking, crocheting (even though she's really bad at it), roller skating, riding on her bike, watching romcoms (she always cries at the happy endings), making candles, leading environmental club Visual Muse: (Sasha Pieterse)
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Name: Gwendolyn (Gwen) Ingrid Fahlenbock Birthday: February 8 (16 years old) (Aquarius) Interests/Hobbies: drawing in her sketchbook, painting, listening to Deftones, making playlists, binging reality TV shows (secretly loves the petty drama), painting her nails twice a week, helps make sets for school plays and stage manages, loves rainy days, smoking weed, messing with her cello, feeding stray cats Visual Muse: (Krysten Ritter)
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— ♔ —
Name: Heather Saeko Wilson Birthday: January 11 (16 years old) (Capricorn) Interests/Hobbies: cheerleading, dancing ballet, keeping a following on social media, photography (she'd never admit it but she likes taking more than just selfies), watching sad romance movies and Gossip Girl, shopping, fashion, likes history (it's all just gossip), being around people (doesn't do too well alone, but would never admit it) Visual Muse: (Sandy Diana Bang)
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Name: Duncan Wilder Nelson Birthday: March 30 (16 years old) (Aries) Interests/Hobbies: skating, soccer, tagging graffiti everywhere (especially abandoned buildings), smoking weed, teaching his dog (Petey) tricks, loves late-night drives, listening to grunge rock, watching old movies, playing the drums, secretly likes going to vintage bookstores and record stores, loves a good Oreo McFlurry, secretly really good at math Visual Muse: (Zario Bolanos)
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Name: Geoff Bartol Petronijevic Birthday: December 3 (16 years old) (Sagittarius) Interests/Hobbies: surfing, swimming, wakeboarding, water polo, lacrosse (and is actually really good at it), partying, comedy movies, listening to house music and international music (especially eastern European), cooking for friends, is determined to throw a Project X-level party someday, actually really likes pottery and clay-making Visual Muse: (Brad Pitt)
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Name: Trent Theodore McCord Birthday: April 26 (16 years old) (Taurus) Interests/Hobbies: playing the guitar, listening to all genres of music, watching and reviewing great films (loves Letterbox'd), reading, writing songs and poems, surfing the internet, taking care of his little sisters when his mom isn't home, driving to scenic spots for song inspiration and some peace of mind, working a shift at the local daycare center Visual Muse: (Logan Lerman)
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—    ҉    —
Name: Alejandro Matías Burromuerto Birthday: August 13 (16 years old) (Leo) Interests/Hobbies: soccer, beach volleyball, singing, student council, theater and drama, posting on social media, flirting with random girls (but never seeing it through), partying, watching black & white films, always seeks to outshine his brother (often doesn't succeed), tutoring others (is really strong in all subjects) Visual Muse: (Xavier Serrano)
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friendly reminder that this is all for my story now posted on wattpad and fanfiction.net, ENDGAME.
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yazzberry · 2 months
posting the prologue of my high school au total drama fanfic
it is also posted on wattpad: ENDGAME [total drama] by aliasyasmine
link in bio <3
no beta reader so lmk if u find any errors :0
chapter 0: the funny way i feel tonight
— ❈ —
"Yo! Gwen!"
The faint tap of a popcorn ball landing (and sticking to) her head brings Gwen's attention back towards the party. She had been in the midst of zoning out, as her friends knew she was privy to doing, before loosening her lips into a waxed smile at the sight of them—her friends.
Friends. Wow, never thought I'd use that word so fondly, she thought to herself as her ears readjusted to the discordant mixture of blasting party music and blasted partygoers—Gwen could tell from the lingering fumes of weed spilling in from the patio, where everyone would go for a smoke. She considered that she hadn't taken a hit all night, and should likely go out for one later. Thank God she wasn't driving home.
"I didn't realize we were back in middle school, what's with the food projectiles?" She scoffed, picking the popcorn out of her hair and launching it back at its thrower.
"Oh come on, pasty. Don't act like you're above it." He didn't miss a beat as he spoke, smartly dodging her lame attempt at a rebuttal. Duncan—it's crazy to see what his smirk could do to Gwen, even now. But she's not into him, of course she's not. Gwen and Duncan, they've always been the best of friends. Huh, there's that word again: friends.
His playful expression was perfectly painted by the dancing firelight, courtesy of Geoff's fireplace. All the emanating hues of red and orange and yellow accentuated every corner of the den, acting as the only source of light probably across the entire house, save for a few LED strips and lamp fixtures.
Nevertheless, on a night as auspicious as the last Saturday before the first day of school—the final, dying call of summer—all darkness of the night was welcome. And, like with any high school party, it served the ultimate purpose to guise all the soon-regretted (yet presently indulgent) decisions made by dumb teens looking for cheap thrills.
For Gwen, it let her sneak longing glances at Duncan without him noticing. She knew her affinity for darkness would serve her good one day, aside from labeling her as the 'weird goth girl'.
She playfully punched his shoulder, eliciting an eye roll from Heather, whose uncanny insight and understanding of the teenage brain once made her a formidable opponent, but now, an all-knowing friend.
"Ew, is this really any better than third-wheeling with Bridge and Geoff?" Heather said, looking down on them from her comfortable position on an armchair, a lazy arm propping her head up on the side of the couch and legs tucked parallel into the seat. "And where are they anyways? I'm bored." She added, feigning a deep interest with her nail beds as she stretched her hand closer to the fire, trying to examine them.
Duncan and Gwen sat on the floor with their backs against another couch. Duncan cackled as he laid his head back, slightly resting it on the cushion behind him, "Oh I'm sure they're getting nice and cozy in some random room."
Her voice dripped with attitude, lined with disgust, "Like I needed you to tell me that."
He scoffed back. "Well, it's not like you outright asked me or anything—oh wait, you did."
"It was a rhetorical question."
"Didn't sound it."
Now Gwen was the one to roll her eyes, before deciding to be a good samaritan and end the spat before it killed the vibe: "Guys, I'm gonna go get a refill. Anyone want another drink?"
But before she could even get up, another voice chirped in. "Wow I guess this is great timing!" Bridgette exclaimed as she and Geoff set down their load of red party cups on the coffee table, in number totaling five. One for each friend of the group: Geoff, Bridgette, Heather, Duncan, and now, as the most recent addition, Gwen.
"The party turnout is great tonight, I'm so glad everyone from school could make it!" Bridgette sighed as she threw herself on a loveseat, consequently dragging Geoff down with her from their intertwined hands.
Geoff doted on her, moving a careless strand of hair that found its way right in the middle of her face, "I always thought my parties were great, but they're even better when you help me plan them. I'm starstruck by you, babe."
Gwen, Duncan, and Heather, for all their differences, looked amongst each other and shared the same expression, lost somewhere between disgust and humor.
"No way am I sitting through your little love-fest this sober," Heather remarked as she reached for a drink, Duncan doing the same as he shook his head in understanding.
"No!" Bridgette exclaimed, jolting herself out of Geoff's touch and paying indivisible attention to her friends. "You see, I kind of had an idea.."
"Alright! Malibu's got a new drinking game for us to play!" Duncan hooted, raising his cup to her.
Gwen smiled as she followed in suit, grabbing a drink and clutching it a teasing distance from her mouth, certainly close enough to get a foul whiff of whatever concoction Geoff had cooked up for them moments earlier. Gwen couldn't help but grimace at the strong stench of liquor—how anyone could stomach a sip of that was beyond her.
Bridgette coyly rubbed her neck, tousling her honey blonde waves as they moved with her nerved expression. "Not exactly, Duncan, I just thought maybe we'd go around and say some stuff we wanna do this year, y'know, like goals." Then, finding the confidence to properly pitch her idea, perhaps herself excited about the prospects of a new school year, "Junior year is a really important one—it's our second-to-last year before college! Big big deal, guys!"
She frantically waved her arms in the air, as if the earnestness of her expression wouldn't be enough to convince them of it.
"God you sound like my mom," Gwen laughed as she set her cup back down (at a safe distance from her nostrils, of course).
"I think that's a great idea Bridge!" Geoff declared, raising his cup to his girlfriend's ingenuity.
Duncan leaned into Gwen's ear to whisper, "Can't remember if he's in Division 1 lacrosse or D1 glazing." She only slightly bursted with laughter as she tried to feign her whole attention on her too-wholesome friend.
"Laugh all you want guys, but I for one want to have a memorable year with you all," the blonde huffed as she protectively hugged her cup to her chest, as if it were a manifestation of her most sincere ideas.
"Well you've got a point there, Bridge," Heather started, leaning into the conversation and raising her cup to toast with a devious smile, "Junior year will be perfect, because I'll be taking my rightful spot as cheerleading captain and Queen Bee, especially now that last year's seniors have graduated."
At this Gwen couldn't help but scoff, Oh, this is too good.
"Yeah, fuck this year's seniors, right? It's not like they'll wanna go for those much coveted positions either," Gwen spotted her an incredulous look, at which Heather only smirked.
"Well, unlike you, Gwen, I'm not scared off by a little competition, or confrontation." She confidently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Especially when I know that I'll always come out on top."
Gwen didn't dare humor her antics with a response and instead just rolled her eyes at Heather's massive ego. And it wasn't like Gwen didn't pick up on Heather's subtle dig at her—"scared off by confrontation" what the hell was that supposed to mean, Heather?!—she just had to swallow back all angered sentiments and stuff it into the brimming jar of "Heather Complaints" she had, filed away in her mind.
But no. They were friends. Friends! Even with all the qualms, contentions, complaints. They had to (at least for everyone else's sake) pretend they could stand each other and weren't actually at each other's throats half the time.
I mean sure, they had their moments of camaraderie—some sort of pseudo-friendship existing between them—but never mind the fact that were it not for Bridgette's unwavering kindness, Geoff's welcoming and contagious joy, Duncan's uncanny ability to attract all things fun, exciting, and maybe a little dangerous, they would not be friends at all.
Duncan, completely ignoring whatever subtle feud was occurring between the two and taking Heather's toast as an excuse to go in for a greedy sip of his drink, offered his signature smirk and dismissive shrug, "The seniors this year suck; if it means sticking it Scott and his loser girlfriend, I'm game."
At this, Bridgette melted into a sigh of frustration.
"Now that's something I can get on board with. I mean, seriously, I'm so glad we don't have any douchebags like him in our grade," Bridgette added, also taking a drink from her cup (and with no visible reaction, Gwen noted—maybe Gwen was just a lightweight after all).
The gears started turning in Gwen's head. She'd already been apart of the friend group for a whole year now, but even so was still catching up with all the complex lore of her friends' dramas with other people. "Scott..wait a minute is he the person who you guys said st—"
"Yep." Duncan responded before she could even finish her remark.
Hmph, guess he's still not over it. Understandable, though unexpected from someone as stoic as Duncan makes himself out to be.
"Well Bridgette's right," Geoff beamed at his girlfriend, "Everyone in our grade's hella chill." He sat back contently, and, as if on cue, all of the attention in the room was snatched by someone singing, loudly, into a microphone all the way in the living room
At the sight of Cody belting his little heart out, drinking in all the glory of the generous crowd pooling and cheering at his feet, Geoff's kitchen island being his stage, Gwen immediately whipped out her phone to take a picture.
"With some notable exceptions," Bridgette said, finishing her boyfriend's thought.
"That's so fucking embarrassing," Heather sneered, her bored expression apparently not quelled by the sudden mosh pit forming in the living room. Duncan followed in suit, taking his eyes away from the train-wreck of a performance, "Remind me to bully him for it later."
"Come on, you guys don't have to be mean. How about you share your goal for this year, Duncan?" Bridgette chastised, trying to find a lighter conversation within his general broodiness.
"Yea pass, I don't have goals," he said, rolling his eyes.
"Oooh you're such a bad boy, Duncan. You don't have any hopes or aspirations—let me guess, juvie crushed them," Gwen taunted with a playful smirk, setting the bait for a much too-humorous reaction.
"If the role's already written, might as well play into it," he nonchalantly shrugged, a similar smirk finding its way onto his face, "And besides, the chicks love a bad boy."
Now he was looking straight at her, and, put simply, Gwen could not deal. "Alright, cool down, Casanova." She tried to play it down, even turning away so that he couldn't see a layer of blush spreading across her cheeks, noticeable against her (way too, according to Heather) pale skin.
"You think you're slick but I see your game, D-man," Geoff professes with a knowing expression. "And let me just say, you're out of luck, because the best girl in school is already taken-"
Geoff tried to give his girlfriend a sweet peck before she abruptly stood up in sudden excitement, even knocking his beloved cowboy hat off his head.
"OH MY GOD!" She shrieked, clutching her phone.
Geoff joined Bridgette on her feet, sneaking a peek over her shoulder at her screen. A matching smile soon colored his own appearance with elation, "No way! Mocha's coming to town??!!"
"Ugh, your nickname-giving skills suck, Geoff. Who the fuck is Mocha?" Heather scoffed, feigning pretension to hide the the great curiosity baked into her question.
Bridgette still hadn't stopped her gleeful jumps as her fingers flew across her keyboard, "You guys know Courtney, my friend from California?? Her older sister got into the residency program at our local hospital, y'know, the one for neurosurgery?! And anyways—they're moving to Wawanakwa!!"
The bubbly blonde hugged Geoff in excitement and the two were in the air, squealing with joy.
Duncan burst out laughing, "Geoff, dude, have some dignity."
But Geoff, whether he heard his friend's disapproval or not, didn't care and kept jumping up with Bridgette.
"Pretty underwhelming if you ask me, especially considering you've never mentioned her to us," Heather dryly stated.
"Yea Bridge, is she the other woman?" Gwen joked, falling victim to her friend's contagious joy.
"Come on guys, you're all gonna love Mocha! She's really cool!" Geoff added, trying to get his underwhelmed friends excited.
"Personally, I couldn't care less. Call me when Latte and Cappuccino are in town," Duncan lamely remarked as he took another sip of his drink.
And then, he did what Gwen never expected him to do—he looked straight at her.
Not at her, per se, more like into her. It was really stupid, actually, how one single motion—it's not even a motion! just a turn of the eye—could have Gwen second-guessing her entire existence under his unwavering glare.
The truth is, Gwen's not as lovestruck as she sounds. She's just a teenage girl with a crush, and while Gwen had never previously been able to identify with the cheesy generic teenage experiences, she felt a small internal victory within the fact that, for once, she finally fit a socially acceptable stereotype.
"So pasty—you gonna share your goal with us now?" He taunted her, his trademarked smirk covering his face.
"Yea Gwen! Come on, share with us!" Bridgette doted as she sat herself down on the floor right next to Gwen, with Geoff sitting down right beside Bridgette, scooping her with his arms.
Gwen sighed, slightly wringing her fingers in her lap. Cheesy as it sounded, she had a lot of goals for this year. And while she was never one to set high expectations for just about anything—with the knowledge that they'd inevitably be let down by some cosmic force in the universe, denying her a happy and conventional life—this time around, the question found her with more hopes and dreams than she'd like to admit.
"What is weird goth girl pining for? Hmmm, let's see, can I take a guess—" And before Heather could even finish her sentence, Gwen threw a pillow at her, having anticipated a lame remark from her direction.
"Come on Gwen! Speak your truth, brah!" Geoff encouraged, raising a cheerful cup at her hesitancy to, well, 'speak her truth'.
As she looked around at all her friends, Gwen couldn't help but revel in the disbelief that a) she'd actually made friends as the weird new girl in town and b) got close enough to people that they actually care about what she has to say. Seriously, her former self would've never bought this.
Oddly enough, her life was perfect in the way it was imperfect—she had friends, and a love interest on the horizon. It was the scene where every cheesy high school movie would cut to the credits. What more could she even say?
"Umm," she started, "I guess this year I want to...do more stuff."
At this, Bridgette raised a questioning brow. "Care to be just a little bit more specific?" she prodded.
"I mean that I want to take more risks, go after what I want, and not let things pass me by because I'm too...self-conscious, or, in my head." Gwen took a deep breath, not realizing that she had been staring into her lap this whole time and couldn't hold eye contact with anyone in the group when she was being vulnerable. But, in the spirit of her professed goal, she hazarded a look up, "Y'know what I mean?"
And all of them, even Heather, offered a knowing glance. "Yes...dorkula." She admitted, hiding her smile behind her cup.
Geoff applauded the side of his cup, "Well that's a toast-worthy goal if I've ever heard one—to Gwen!"
"To Gwen!"
They all took a hearty drink from their cups, even the honored girl herself despite her great aversion to alcoholic beverages.
The burning sensation of the mystery juice sliding down her throat produced a sour expression on her face, much to the humor of the rest of her friends (friends!).
Yep, she definitely was a lightweight.
— ❥ —
"Psst, Court! We're here!"
Another gentle tap and nudge on her shoulder was enough to wake the brunette up from her sleep. It takes her a second or two to come to—her eyes slowly blinking, panning around the car to find a disheveled mess of snacks and candy wrappers thrown askew the floor, a wool blanket wrapped around her body, and her sister sitting beside her, trying (and failing, but waking up from a nap is disorienting anyway) to softly wake her up.
"Josie...how long was I out for?" Courtney asked, sorely rubbing her neck in a sorry attempt to recover from whatever horrid position she had slept in.
Her sister scoffed, blowing an unruly strand of blonde that had fallen from her messy bun—emphasis on messy—out of her face, "Oh, you know, not too long; maybe just the whole car ride over from the airport, so basically like 2 and a half hours."
"Talk about middle of nowhere," Courtney groaned as she took a wistful look out the window.
"Well, I prefer to think of it as small-town charm!" Josie beamed as she hopped out of the car door and embraced the fresh air of a forgiving, 3:00 AM Wawanakwa night.
"Yes, and how charming it is to be so stranded from civilization. Tell me, you do know that Santa isn't real, right?" But even as she teased, Courtney couldn't fight the shadow of a grin appearing on her face.
Josie's energy was contagious, and while sometimes her optimisms were misled on some fantastical, idealistic (and ultimately unrealistic) notions of what the world had to offer, Courtney had to admit that it felt nice to just take things as they came—nice and easy.
In theory, at least.
She joined Josie in getting off the car and stretching her limbs a bit, before getting back to business and taking their luggage out and paying the driver.
"Come on Josie, let's get inside—it's freezing out here!" The brunette called to her sister as struggled in trying to maneuver all six of their suitcases up the walkway and onto the porch.
"Oh Court, hold on! It's such a pretty night, and look at the stars!! We never got these in LA," The latter comment was more of an afterthought as her thoughts fixated only on the sight above, her eyes wide, her jaw dropped.
Courtney rolled her eyes before deciding to indulge in her sister's wishes and bother a glance a upward.
Oh, how she hated to admit when Josie was right. But she really was.
It seemed as though every single star in the galaxy put on its best dress to welcome the Barlow sisters that night, in a true display of beauty that Courtney, with her cache of travelled places and around-the-world luxe vacations, couldn't say she'd ever seen before.
So this is Wawanakwa Falls, a light chuckle and the shadow of a smile punctuated her thoughts.
"Alright," Courtney muttered, "let's get inside."
And even as she started to walk towards the entry of their new home, her gaze was still fixed above.
Hope you enjoyed this short prologue! Some food for your thoughts:
What do we think of Gwen? Her liking Duncan, shocker, right?
And what about her and Heather being friends-ish so early on in the story? They obviously seem like they have stuff to work out, but most fanfics make them friends way later on, if at all. I don't know, we'll see how this goes.
And also a Scott mention in the prologue—what is his deal? And what's his beef with Duncan?
Drop all your thoughts, opinions, predictions (?) in the comments, PLEASE, I love interacting with you!! The lengths of full episodes will be longer (this prologue was about 3k words and my writing average is 6-8k (!) words), so don't worry if this was much too short for your taste. See you next time!
a. yasmine
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yazzberry · 4 months
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Out of context SCBME :p sorta
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yazzberry · 8 months
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Saw a meme 🫡
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yazzberry · 8 months
it's been a minute. possibly more.
wowwww i cant believe im back here but i really wanna follow thru on my fandom commitments. i actually just finished 6teen and it sent me into a depression bc it's just SO PERFECT and im so sad it has no fandom buttttttttt
i have NOT forgotten abt my beloved powerpuff gorls <3333 im this close to finishing a super hot blossutch comic. it's kinda long too so prepare to get FED blossutch stans.
i've also started working on a total drama fanfic that I started way back in 2022 and just never did anything with. reading MTH always has me inspired to write, and since im convinced that no ppg fanfic will ever be greater than SBJ's, im not even attempting a ppg work and am moving on to total drama.
as u can see....lots to come, idek if anyone's here and reading this but whatever. get excited!
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yazzberry · 2 years
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bubbles slowly becoming my fav 🥺💙
bc is next :0
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yazzberry · 2 years
bubbles from the powerpuff girls
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yazzberry · 2 years
blossom from the powerpuff girls
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yazzberry · 2 years
buttercup from the powerpuff girls
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yazzberry · 3 years
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yazzberry · 3 years
blossom utonium 🌸
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i love pink but i feel like i might’ve gone overboard-
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yazzberry · 3 years
bubbles utonium 🫐
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my personal fav tbh :))
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yazzberry · 3 years
made ppg moodboards <3
buttercup utonium 🐍
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yazzberry · 3 years
random ppg and rrb body headcanons that’s been on my mind for ages. there is absolutely no logic behind this, just what feels natural to me.
Boomer (190 cm) > Brick (186 cm) > Butch (183 cm)
Blossom (174 cm) > Buttercup (169 cm) > Bubbles (163 cm)
Blues - the leanest of the group (Boomer is officially the pale nicotine addict about to perish large eyebags scrawny giant for me)
Greens - the muscular, medium sized ones (cliche but it works for me)
Reds - THICK, i’m sorry but they are just packing in all the right places
Brick - extremely straight and soft, upper back length. usually keeps it in a low ponytail. likes to braid it too. thick eyebrows. light blonde bodyhair except for navel and armpits. can but refuses to grow facial hair because it annoys him.
Butch - curly and volumnous, MULLET or buzzcut. finest shade of black. nicely shaped long eyebrows. hairy chest & legs (very proud of his bodyhair!). can and sometimes will grow a moustache.
Boomer - wavy fluffy hair, lower neck length. middle part beach waves cut. will wear hairclips and bandanas. thinner straight eyebrows. very light almost invisible bodyhair. can’t grow facial hair (god’s his witness he has tried).
Blossom - straight silky hair down her waist. still wears her bowtie. thin arched eyebrows. light body hair that she refuses to shave.
Buttercup - thick straight hair, below ears length with bangs. she will only use comb like once every few days and likes to keep it shaggy. bushy S-shaped eyebrows. has body hair which she shaves in accordance to her current mood.
Bubbles - soft thin waves down to the middle of her back. experiments with all kinds of hairstyles. thin round eyebrows. dislikes body hair on herself and will shave all of it.
Brick - heavy freckles EVERYWHERE. long diamond shaped head. sharp upturned deep set eyes, long thin nose and wide lips. average teeth. doesn’t like tattoos or piercings. big palm with short thick fingers. also, beautiful healthy nails beds.
Butch - has the nicest skin out of the boys with no skincare routine. square headshape. hooded, wide set bright eyes. wider nose. lips always dry and on the thicker side. has a gap between his front teeth but they are pearly white. lots of bruises and scars. few tattoos and plenty of piercings (mainly on his face).
Boomer - softer features than the other two. heart shaped head. has a few cute moles on his face. downturned eyes on the rounder side. heavy eyelashes and heavy eyebags. straight button nose. cupid bow thin lips. blinding white teeth. actually hides a few scars under his clothes. ear piercings, no tattoos. long thin piano fingers.
Blossom - freckles everywhere (though not as numerous as Brick’s). extraordinarly smooth skin. oval shaped head. upturned ‘cat’ eyes with light but long eyelashes. greek long nose. beestung thick puckering lips. no piercings or tattoos. wears everyday casual make up (mascara, some tinted lipbalm, blush). elegant long fingers with french nails.
Buttercup - angular strong (still feminine) features. inverted triangle headshape. upturned sharp eyes with extremely thick eyelashes. short snub nose. wide uni-lips. no piercings but a few tattoos. prefers no make up but will put on minimal if she feels like it. rough skin hands with short trimmed nails.
Bubbles - looks soft and squishy. heart shaped head. round portruding eyes with especially long eyelashes. upturned short nose. full heart shaped lips. BRACES! nipple piercings but no tattoos. likes to wear heavy make up (bright eyeshadows, lot of blush, stickers etc.). butter soft small hands with multicoloured nails.
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yazzberry · 3 years
i kinda remember Buttercup being the fastest PowerPuff Girl was canon…
but everyone is saying Bubbles is the fastest?
am i missing something? wasn’t Buttercup being the fastest canon in the show???
someone explain lol
some of the pages say Bubbles is the fastest and the others say Buttercup is the fastest?? IM SO CONFUSED… maybe it wasnt explained in canon?
i also found this but idk how valid this is??? HELP
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yazzberry · 3 years
i love how this account is a record of my progress in art. like if u compare my first post to my latest….progress !!! we love to see it <333
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