yelenawithaj · 1 year
I love you more than everything, although I love God above all things. I love you as much as life, Him more than life. I'd give my life for my faith; but I'd even rather give my life to you, for safe-keeping, to hold it in your hands gently and explore all it contains. My soul craves heaven, but all my heart sees, all my heart wants, is your love. Is that not enough?
A Saint In Love
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yelenawithaj · 1 year
mom decided I'm old enough to know about family troubles so she complains to me all the time
dad decided he wants to bond so he asks my advice knowing he won't listen
my older brother is engaged so he doesn't need my ears to listen. his fiancee will tell him if anything's up with me
my sister tries to keep up our love, but our worldviews have diverged so far we almost always keep it safe and shallow. nothing bad is ever up
my little brother doesn't think to call me, I'm too far, I have been for too long. mum will tell him if anything's up with me
my future sister-in-law insists I can rely on her, although she's always too busy to talk to me. my sister will tell her if anything's up with me
there are other people who I should be able to tell I've spent the afternoon crying. I'm terrified it will be one time too many I vent. they never tell me anything's wrong in their life, maybe we're not there after all
i just need to hug someone and hear that it's all gonna be okay. I know it will. I just need to hear it for the 1000th time
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yelenawithaj · 1 year
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not bad for an idiot tbh
I got the Top 4.47% on this English Vocabulary test
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yelenawithaj · 1 year
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From How to Be Perfect by Ron Padgett
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yelenawithaj · 1 year
There is a Japanese water beetle called Regimbartia attenuata. It has developed an incredible adaptation to be being eaten by pond frogs.
It walks out the frog’s butt.
The beetles get swallowed whole, and usually that would be considered Kinda Fatal, but this particular species is just like “DID YOU THINK A FROG’S DIGESTIVE TRACT COULD HOLD ME?!” and proceeds to walk through the frog’s intestines, then presumably stimulate the frog’s hind gut with its legs so that the frog poops. The beetles emerge headfirst and 93% of them survive and live on for weeks afterward.
Apparently some beetles can do this obstacle course in six minutes! (Usually takes a few hours, but some people will speedrun ANYTHING.)
Isn’t that COOL?!
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yelenawithaj · 1 year
How an Armadillo gathers foliage for its nest.
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yelenawithaj · 1 year
Can I interest you in a
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crabonated beverage?
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yelenawithaj · 1 year
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cricket finds compliments very alarming
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yelenawithaj · 1 year
In Croatian (and surely some other languages, but I don't wanna say a wrong one and I'm too tired for research rn) kids call any grown-up on the street uncle/auntie (usually depending on the area, e.g. "striček/teta" in Zagreb, "barba/teta" in the south).
And I just think it's so sweet that our culture encourages everyone to treat children as their own relatives, and children to trust those people somewhat, because it testifies how tightly-knit we are. In the south even when you grow up, a man older than you is still "barba". It's more common in small communities and it's just so. amazing. how we see people.
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yelenawithaj · 2 years
being a jack of all trades master of none is actually so awesome bc i can make the shittest clay sculpture and the ugliest drawing and the sloppiest painting and the worst hand stitches and the wonkiest earrings and it's like. who cares + now im surrounded by lots of different silly things i made with love and care etc
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yelenawithaj · 2 years
“Protect the children” works well as a shibboleth because you can almost guarantee that whenever it’s whipped out it’s as a response to something that doesn’t cause any child any physical harm. It’s a call to preserve some mythohistorical state found mostly in the minds of right wing conservatives.
“Protect the children” generally means something like, “preserve their innocence.” And I can see why someone might earnestly believe this is good. Because integrating new ideas into your worldview is genuinely uncomfortable. I think, uncharitably, that this is especially true if your worldview is conservative; your whole political bit is resistance to new ideas!
The idea that children shouldn’t have to grapple with ideas they may find uncomfortable for whatever reason maps perfectly onto the idea that children don’t get to grapple with ideas that you may find uncomfortable for whatever reason. And I can’t speak in super general terms here, but I can definitely say that my childhood was impoverished because of this.
What I can say in general is that when people don’t have the language to express something they feel, they don’t stop feeling it, they just don’t express it.
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yelenawithaj · 2 years
Una tarea fácil pero aburrida se debería llamar pan carcomido
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yelenawithaj · 2 years
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Slab of brittle sea star fossils.
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yelenawithaj · 2 years
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Don Quixote, 1955, Pablo Picasso
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yelenawithaj · 2 years
i have never understood or played magic the gathering, but i have nothing but respect for it after seeing this tittieless snake woman
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you could have gone the easy route. you could have given her titties. but you didn’t. cause she’s a reptile. thank you mtg. thank you.
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yelenawithaj · 2 years
btw I'm only here to Do A Thing so go check out @ramongomezdelaserna pls
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yelenawithaj · 2 years
if you’re a new tumblr user from tiktok or IG or something and only like posts and dont reblog them yeah people will think you’re a bot and block you but you will also make this website actively worse. they want “algorithmic” users like you, served recommended posts through likes, not people who just follow each other and respond to the direct chronological feed. there is a reason this website is still better than the rest, even with all its problems, do not ruin this
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