yena12 · 8 years
The Great Pax Whitie
by Nikki Giovanni
In the beginning was the word And the word was Death And the word was nigger And the word was death to all niggers   And the word was death to all life   And the word was death to all   peace be still The genesis was life   The genesis was death   In the genesis of death   Was the genesis of war   be still peace be still In the name of peace   They waged the wars     ain’t they got no shame In the name of peace Lot’s wife is now a product of the Morton company     nah, they ain’t got no shame Noah packing his wife and kiddies up for a holiday   row row row your boat But why’d you leave the unicorns, noah Huh? why’d you leave them While our Black Madonna stood there Eighteen feet high holding Him in her arms   Listening to the rumblings of peace    be still be still CAN I GET A WITNESS? WITNESS? WITNESS? He wanted to know And peter only asked who is that dude? Who is that Black dude? Looks like a troublemaker to me And the foundations of the mighty mighty           Ro Man Cat holic church were laid   hallelujah Jesus   nah, they ain’t got no shame Cause they killed the Carthaginians   in the great appian way And they killed the Moors “to civilize a nation” And they just killed the earth And blew out the sun In the name of a god Whose genesis was white And war wooed god And america was born Where war became peace And genocide patriotism And honor is a happy slave cause all god’s chillun need rhythm And glory hallelujah why can’t peace   be still The great emancipator was a bigot     ain’t they got no shame And making the world safe for democracy Were twenty millon slaves   nah, they ain’t got no shame And they barbecued six million To raise the price of beef And crossed the 38th parallel To control the price of rice   ain’t we never gonna see the light And champagne was shipped out of the East   While kosher pork was introduced To Africa   Only the torch can show the way In the beginning was the deed   And the deed was death And the honkies are getting confused     peace be still So the great white prince Was shot like a nigger in texas And our Black shining prince was murdered   like that thug in his cathedral While our nigger in memphis was shot like their prince in dallas And my lord ain’t we never gonna see the light The rumblings of this peace must be stilled     be stilled be still ahh Black people   ain’t we got no pride?
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yena12 · 8 years
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Ready for your TBR list to explode? I’ve gathered the 100 best sci-fi fantasy novels by female authors and there is sooooo much reading goodness to dig into. From YA to adult lit, from magical realism to epic fantasy to post-apocalyptic sci-fi feminism, from short stories to series, there’s a book on this list for every single reader.
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yena12 · 8 years
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yena12 · 9 years
My hands have begun to betray me,
not yet this flesh;
it will
My eyes are the first to go,
all those books in the night, screens in the day, pen and ink in between.
I must learn to see it for what it is
that inexorable partner,
grateful for what has gone on before,
hesitant about what comes next.
I must learn to see it for what it is.
The smile of recognition across the crowded room
a companion on the long walk home.
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yena12 · 9 years
Writing, if nothing else, is a bridge between two people, a bridge made of language. And language belongs to all of us. If I enjoy a poem, that just means I am recognizing within it something of myself, something I must already possess. Therefore, to love a poem is to love a part of myself revealed to me by another person…I really believe that writing is the closest thing we have to true magic. Where else, but in words, can we discover each other out of thin air?
Ocean Vuong (via poetsandwriters)
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yena12 · 9 years
Same Sun
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yena12 · 9 years
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yena12 · 9 years
Learn to Speak Selfish
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yena12 · 9 years
Tough Mother - web content from Ziploc
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yena12 · 9 years
(via https://soundcloud.com/mina-naghavi/all-thieves-turn-and-turn?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=tumblr)
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yena12 · 10 years
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yena12 · 10 years
Yeah this is  the stuff
I go into several methods for outlining longer pieces, including free-write summary, skeletal summaries,
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yena12 · 10 years
The Homestretch (2014 documentary) trailer. Watch this and begin to understand.
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yena12 · 10 years
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Great Ohio River Flood, Louisville, Kentucky, 1937
Margaret Bourke-White
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yena12 · 10 years
Press Play is the place where The New York Times debuts noteworthy new music. Love these guys honestly fun!
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yena12 · 11 years
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yena12 · 11 years
This was my cup of morning inspiration today and I love this! Honestly this is an actionable/do-able video.
Thank you Amy Cuddy! Thank you.
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