yeoo-whysoserious · 1 year
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Uhh 😩
Hellll0… YEELLLL000W Yeohoooemes.
To tell you todau when I woke up ..
Yeah it was A lot earlier then expected but it was ok.. ya know
We’ll then I get a damn text on my phone….
Ok right like I was saying . This blast 💥
Comes into my 💡 today
truly I was at a loss of emotions today… it’s weekend I’m ready to do normal deep clean organize house.. thd blast comes & in my life I have found a lot of people who truly just like to manipulate everything I do. Make all things about just them… sucking life out of souls around them to plenos there own needs & when they think 🤔 eh I’m good coffee thst CRAXXXY
Yup .. come strolling back . But I’m unique . You’ll never meet a more annoying person in life as me , but im a real human at heart and im equality . And being treated with love.
My life is full of peace . Yes I have massive amounts of chaos . But look at the hell shit I wake up to every day … my simple weekend routine was totally interrupted by someone rushing me , to do things i can do myself but slow … and risk me . Haven’t seen persok in 5 plus years … and the last time was not good. Hit me out of a blue . Wants to make $$ off me. Im good off all that .
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I’ll continue to keep a small circle ⭕️
No shame in my game .When im blessed those around me¥
Who would of thought my life would lead me to this moment , I thought I had to legit document everything going on … because this crap is not ok to do to people . I hope someone learns from my mistakes .
<do not bully others>
<<treats things how >>
<<<you want to be treated>>>
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