yindelune · 2 years
PICK-A-PIC reading: A Message For You (TIMELESS)
You know what to do~ pick one of these photos and just scroll down for your reading! ^^
1st half of your reading will be about your current situation, just a little something for you to confirm if the reading is indeed for you. The second half will be the message.
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One: (https://lesstalkmoreillustration.tumblr.com/post/138919080233/elly-smallwood-tumblr)
Two: (https://pin.it/5ZxlXXq)
Three: (https://www.flickr.com/photos/148156833@N08/43772994222)
Pile 1
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1st Half: 8 of Pentacles, Justice, 3 of Swords
There is this sort of injustice that you keep trying to change and turn around. For some of you this is more about finances or family issues, and it just makes you feel like life is so unfair to you. It's like no matter how hard you work to turn this situation around, you just can't seem to succeed. First thing you need to know is that this situation is very Karmic, and it will definitely get better than this, even though it feels at the moment like it's impossible to get through this.
2nd Half: The High Priestess, Queen of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles
First thing I got was, "look at the bigger picture; maybe you're missing something because you're so focused on the small things". I also have a feeling that your mind tends to make things bigger than they seem. I feel like there's just sooo much that is yet to be revealed to you right now? But behind the curtains there's nothing but abundance for you. Really, that's all I'm seeing here. This message is not exactly an advice, but a reassurance that you'll get through this. It may be a slow process, but you will see this through, and when you do, you'll realise it's sooo worth it. Perhaps the advice is just to persevere and endure. But no matter what, abundance and everything you wished for are waiting for you on the other end.
Pile 2
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1st Half: 3 of Swords, 8 of Pentacles, Justice
You have GOT to be kidding me- these are the same cards my pile 1s got, only in different order... :O wtf... The message is still different, though, I can feel it. But still... What the heck.
Okay, anyways. I feel like this pile is working so hard for something that doesn't really align with them anymore. You're so drained of failing at this, but have you asked yourself if this is still what you really want? Because sometimes the reasons things don't work is just because they're not meant to work. You definitely need a little shake up in your life, especially in your mindset. This feels like holding on to something so tightly just because you've been doing so for years, and letting go of it would make you feel like you wasted your time. Try to zoom out, see the bigger picture. While this might not be for you, there surely are lessons that this taught you. Maybe it's not about seeing this through all along, but just picking up lessons along the way. Lessons you'll need once you've decided yo go for the real deal.
2nd Half: Ace of Wands, The Devil, Queen of Cups
Yeah, you're definitely being nudged onto a new path, a new beginning. Because this is Wands, I assume for most of you this is a creative pursuit? But ultimately this just feels like something that will make you feel so exhilarated again. After long years of forced efforts into something that always failed, you're finally being met by something that will make you feel excited and inspired and motivated, and you won't have to force it. It will make you feel so emotionally fulfilled, and possibly help you get in touch with your Divine Feminine energy, or maybe this can be a doorway for you to meet a maternal figure who will be there for you always to lean on. The purpose of this current thing you've been working on is just to teach you something, or maybe detach you from a bad habit. The Devil can also be saying that your attachment to this thing is becoming unhealthy and that's mainly why it's time to explore new stuff.
Pile 3
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1st Half: 9 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, 10 of Cups
You're definitely somewhere stable and full of abundance right now, and honestly (because the bottom of the deck is 10 of Swords) I feel like you've earned it. But still, there's a part of you or of your life that just feels out of place. Like I think of it as that one dimmed spot in a place that's all lit up. These days you probably find yourself asking what else is there to be done? Or to be achieved? You've earned this stability but because you're used to struggles, this stability sometimes feel boring to you. Also, I feel like you're the type to associate your worth with your accomplishments, so now that it seems to you you've nothing left to work towards to, you feel uneasy. Perhaps this well-deserved resting period comes off to you as stagnation.
That's what I see in terms of your current background/situation.
2nd Half: 10 of Pentacles, The High Priestess, Queen of Pentacles
You have got to be kidding right now like seriously what the heck- THESE ARE THE SAME CARDS I PULLED FOR MY PILE 1'S SECOND HALF... And if you saw my Pile 2 reading, the cards I pulled for their 1st half of the reading were also the same as pile 1's 1st half... 🥲 What the heck is this honestly no one can really make this sh!t up seriously. Because it's not like I don't shuffle the cards!
Try to warm up more to your situation right now. As I've said, you've earned this stability and this abundance. Don't worry because there's definitely something else for you to accomplish; there's a reason why you still feel sort of incomplete despite what you've achieved. But don't rush it. Bask in this stability, because you might need to remember how it feels to get through your next journey, which I think will be more of a spiritual awakening or ascension. You've achieved material stability, and when it's time you'll be sent off to achieve spiritual completion as well, but that time isn't now. So just try to enjoy what you have at the moment. You've literally earned it!!!
That's all I'm seeing for everyone. Thank you for reading my...reading. 😆 But seriously, thank you for taking your time to read everything! See you again!
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yindelune · 2 years
PAC: a reading about your person
so this reading is about your person - their energy/traits, how they see you, and something that you need to hear regarding this connection.
before you start picking your pile:
this is a reading for the collective so there are details that might not feel right for you. it’s normal. take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.
this is a timeless reading so even if you see this weeks, months, or years after i posted this, it’s meant to be relevant to your current situation.
reblog and likes are very much appreciated! as well as your written feedbacks! if you think this reading can also help a friend or a loved one, you can send them the link to this reading. thank you!
how to pick your pile:
what you have to do first is to center yourself, take 3 to 5 deep breaths, and as you do, think about your person.
after that, you can pick one of the photos below. pick the one you feel the most drawn to.
it’s okay if you feel attracted to more than one pile, it might just be that there are messages you’re meant to receive from other piles.
Let's begin!
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pile 1
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your person's traits/energy: the devil, ace of cups, 4 of swords
this person is disciplined and can seem too rigid but has lots of love to give. they could also be someone who feels like they have a lot of responsibilities (could be a capricorn). i can also see that this person is well equipped, like no matter what battle it is, they are going to fight ready. this person is intimidating at first and is very guarded, and almost like a tough nut to crack. but somehow, i feel like you've managed to make them feel comfortable with you. this is someone who's more often serious than joking, although they're not completely stoic. honestly i’m really having a hard time getting more information about them so yeah definitely a very guarded person... i need the help of my clarification cards 😭 it's not that they're not approachable because i feel like they're always open to be of help. i think they're just reserved. very reserved. and they keep things business. 
i think the reason this person has become more closed off is because they've just come out of an unhealthy cycle (possibly a relationship/connection with a narcissist) that left them feeling all betrayed and/or drained. there's a bit of ego included here, like while they were in a relationship with that person, the way they subconsciously survived was to inflate their own ego. now that they're out if that relationship, or whatever connection that was, they're beginning to realize things and be more retrospective so they may want to spend a lot of their time alone. just by themselves. at first i thought this was a masculine energy, but now actually i'm feeling more of a wounded feminine... regardless of gender. they are isolating themselves right now as they believe it'll be easier to face their issues alone. and this time this is a conscious choice that they made. they know what they're doing is what the cards want me to say. they may be isolating themselves now and you're worried, but this time what they've made is a conscious choice to be alone, because, as i've said, they know and believe they have to face their issues alone.
for some of you, this could be someone who's the total opposite of what i just described. i feel like this person is sooo loving and dreamy and easily influenced that it was so easy to find themself trapped in an unhealthy habit/cycle. and, same thing, i think they are also in the “i gotta deal with my issues alone” phase. that's just for some of you, though.
how they see you: 2 of pentacles, queen of swords, the wheel of fortune
they see you as someone who's very smart but doesn't know what they're doing 99% of the time, or doesn't believe in their capabilities 99% of the time. i feel like you're always stumbling and all chaotic on the outside so other people in general may see you as the kind of person who's just...messy and has no direction (sorry for that), but this particular person knows you're smart, knows your potential, and knows that you can do so much better. and this isn't in a degrading way, by the way. because they can also see that you're trying, and they believe you will get there. another thing, this person sees you as someone who is absolutely capable of leading, of commanding a whole room. this person believes in you. they also feel lucky to know you. i feel like you make them laugh and amuse them even without intending to. despite being in some kind of a hermit phase, they actually like having you around. oh, and they find you adorable sometimes. while they're the negative polarity, they think you are their positive counterpart. you just shine in their eyes. i can feel how much they admire and adore you, and wish you would stop doubting yourself.
advice: 8 of pentacles, the fool, queen of wands
okay, so this is definitely a soulmate connection. one where you two will help each other go out of your respective comfort zones. but that time isn't now. this person need time for themselves. this part, you have to let them do this alone. right now i don't see anything romantic, actually. but this is a deep connection. so if you have romantic feelings for them, i would advise you to maybeee tone it down a bit. not only for them, but also for yourself. this person definitely trusts you, though. but right now they really need to focus first on themselves and stand back up in their power by themselves. they really don't wanna depend on another person anymore to make themselves feel complete. right now they don't need a lover, they need a friend who understands that most of the time they would prefer to be alone. one who won't change the way they treat and interact with them despite the low-maintenance thing going on. i feel like this connection right now is moving slowly, and it will be this way for a little bit longer, but they'll come out feeling ready to take risks again, and you will come out with a sturdier self-confidence and self-esteem.
pile 2
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your person's traits/energy: the stars, 9 of pentacles, 8 of swords
right off the bat, i feel like this person is a chill, laid-back one, but not the kind that takes everything as a joke. i can feel almost this quite rational and sensible energy from them, like they know which battle is worth the fight and which isn't. they are independent and low-maintenance, and they're also good with people (they're probably an air sign, specifically a libra). they must really be thriving when it comes to finances, too. i feel like an opportunity or a potential new beginning has recently been presented to this person, and they're just not sure if they should take that risk. maybe this is about a person, like they're not entirely sure if they should take the risk of making a move on them. but they definitely want to try. i feel like they've been taking a break from all romantic endeavors for a while, but now, oh wow they're definitely interested ;) they're really considering welcoming love again, and allowing themselves to be happy with someone. they've done their work to achieve independence and stability within themselves, and i think they're pondering if it's time to give romance a chance again. 
i guess their fear mainly stems from the fear of this new love ending up being just another unhealthy cycle again, as well as the uncertainty, but daaamn, they really can't help feeling the butterflies even if they wanted to help it. whoever this person has been talking to, they really do be enjoying this person's company. like, really. almost like talking to them and being with them brings them back to the heart-fluttering parts of their teenage years. i cannot tell yet that their person is you, but we'll figure out soon enough. but yeah, they're just really beginning to develop these deep feelings for someone. your person easily opens up, or at least very open to their friends. i think. i feel like instead of telling me more about themselves, they're really just telling me about their cute little crush it's so adorable!  they might be a taurus crushing on a libra/aquarius, or vice versa.
how they see you: the hierophant, the hanged man, justice
okay, first of all. JUSTICE CARD. NEED I SAY MORE??? LIBRA!!! i feel like this person sees you as someone who's very orderly and organized. someone with self-discipline and self-control, who values fairness and balance! the cards feel serious and matured, so i guess that's how they see you. they like that their laid-back-self found their serious, kinda intense counterpart in you. in their eyes, you just have a lot of depth and wisdom! they really look up to you and they listen to everything you say because they feel like you can guide them and teach them how to be more perceptive and self-reflective, and that you can really help them grow.
they also may see you as someone who's a bit traditional/old-school, and they REAAALLY love that. this feels like having a crush on an older person whom you know can protect and guide you 🥺 they really trust you. this person was definitely intimidated by you when you first met, though. maybe even until now. they think you've got a lot to put on the table, they're just so impressed by you that they can't help but want to impress you, too. maybe that's what the 8 of swords was about, too. they do not have any idea how to impress you and they're just stuck there not knowing what move to make. you might be their senior, or boss, or you might simply be older than them. at least that is what i'm getting. i feel like in a social/professional setting, you are really good at putting on your "don't mess with me" facade, but i also feel like this person has gotten to know the you that lies beyond this facade. and it just fascinates them how you can act so stoic when you're actually so fun to be with. they definitely see you as someone with so much stability within yourself, and so much stability to offer. they feel like you've gone through a lot of things and that's why you are so wise and mature now.
but yeah you make this person feel sooo excited, like a teenager crushing on a really smart, disciplined and attractive teacher. I KNOW BECAUSE THAT'S HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW 😭 they don't only have a crush on you, they look up to you and admire you! i'm getting a sense that you're actually their ideal type, omg. are you smiling rn? pls tell me you're smiling right now because I AM EVEN SQUEALINGGGGG.
advice: 7 of pentacles, king of swords, the fool
i feel like you're someone who naturally takes their time with things, especially making decisions, but if you also like this person, definitely make a move. it doesn't have to be this groundbreaking move! subtle ones will do. again, make a move. you may be someone who naturally leans more towards logic and maybe even practicality, but i feel like this situation doesn't require logic as much as it does feelings. does this person make you happy, too? yes? go for it. after all, i can sense that you also feel dulled by your repetitive daily routine. you desire something that will excite you again, and i feel like this is exactly what this person has to offer.
another reason this person's hesitant to make a move may be because they are not sure if you'll be comfortable with it, because they love what you currently have - friendship, i guess? or just something casual. as i have said, you tend to be a bit stoic in public so being a casual friend to you already feels like an achievement to them. i also said that your moves can be just subtle ones, so it can be as simple as maybe showing them that you'll be fine with them making moves? if that makes sense. because this person, i can see that they're definitely ready to do everything to prove to you that they're sincere about you, and to wait until you're ready. they just need the go signal. if you want them, too, play your part and give them the green light! this person really is head over heels for you, i feel like they take a lot of your pictures, or take many pictures with you. i also feel like you've talked to your very few friends about this, asking for their advice. and this person also talks to their friends about you 😭 
lastly, give them a call. GIVE THEM A CALLLLLLLL!!! let them know you're thinking about them or something. just. MAKE MOVE. GIVE THEM THE GREEN LIGHT.
pile 3
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your person’s traits/energy: 7 of cups, 4 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles
idk why but i feel like this person's kinda selfish... ;~; like they've been through a lot, and in the end they came to this resolution to just always put themselves first. even if it means letting others down, or harming those who are in their way. not only selfish, but i'm sensing greed, too. i feel like everyone who gets too close to them, who trusts them, this person leaves them with a broken heart and broken trust. i really didn't expect this about this person, actually, especially considering that the pic i used for them was THAT pic. but then again, before i began this pile's reading, i imagined them to be benevolent, it felt wrong. so simply put, they prioritize themselves the unhealthy way. it's the way that harms other people. i feel like that's the image they want others to see. the selfish, greedy image. almost like... they purposely do that to push people away? i can sense that this person has some serious inner child work to do... their energy, i can compare it to a kitten who was beaten up and left to die, but they lived. now they're a stray, and because of the trauma they got, they're always hostile to people who try to approach them, not because they're a bad person, but because they're actually afraid. (ok the selfish and greedy part makes more sense now. it's almost like this, "better hurt you first before you get to hurt me" kind of energy). even though the first cards to jump out are totally throwing me off, the clarifiers are actually nicer.. which is why i think they're throwing people off on purpose. they're so hard to reach, honestly, i'm not even gonna lie i'm having a hard time reading them. it's also like even they themselves are confused about who they really are. i also get the feeling that they have thought of themselves as a "lost cause", so they don't even really try anymore. something's also telling me that they're always moving??? they're always working so they won't have to talk to people, and so people won't dare talk to them. so much fear is being masked by the "bad person" facade, and they've gotten used to acting like a bad person that they've lost touch with their authentic selves.
how they see you: 2 of swords, the moon, the sun
okay, i had to do the shuffling over and over again here because it just seemed like your person really didn't wanna spill and was doing their best to confuse my ass!!! they're really STUBBORN ngl. okay, so here we go- actually i been wanting to say this since earlier, but i think this like a twin flame journey... if you believe in that, haha. if not, then it's definitely a soulmate connection. but not just any other soulmate connection. this one is really strong. i also think only few people would pick and truly resonate with pile 3 because this is such a unique connection... there's a lot of depth here. they definitely see you as their counterpart and mirror. that's like the highlight of what they're saying to me. i feel like they see you as someone who also has internal struggles and when they met you, they felt less alone. like they have found a friend in you, a friend that's veeery similar to themselves, and they take comfort in that. i hate to say this because this line is really common when it comes to twin flames and it sounds a bit cliche, but this person feels like you mirror each other in ways that they can't really describe. and even though you make them feel less alone, they also kinda fear having to physically be with you or to even just have a thought of you (and really, i think they been thinking a lot about you) because it makes them more conscious and aware of what's going on inside them and it forces them to face it. as i have said, you mirror them, and that includes seeing in you the same struggles they've been having, so facing you also means facing their fears and wounds. thus, whether they're aware of it or not, in a way, you trigger their healing process (you could be a scorpio). and honestly, i feel like they fear confronting it. also, you shine so much in their eyes. you just stand out. this connection really has some heaviness to it but not really in a bad way. it's more that it has substance. they fear you and yet, they also find comfort in you.
because of your strong impact on them, they're really compelled to have ALL their guards up when it comes to you. 
advice: three of swords, knight of wands, 2 of cups
alright, this is surprisingly short, but it's straight to the point. this person is obviously bearing a lot of wounds. they need love, and lots of patience. if you know you can't give it to them, just keep your distance for now. even if you want to but you know you would be pouring from an empty cup, don't do it.  if you are to make a move, though, make sure not to rush them. as i have said, they need lots of patience. and love. it may take time before they can show improvements. they really just need to feel loved and worth fighting for, to feel that people are willing to stay for them. so if you know you can, if you know you are stable enough to be the person they can depend on for a while, then please love them and fight for them. show them they're worthy of such an effort.
Alright, that’s it for this reading!
Thank you for taking your time to see and listen to what the cards had to say! And also, thank you for the love that my very first reading received (and continues to receive). I really appreciate it. It only encourages me to be better at this, and to help enlighten more people through my tarot reading.
Again, thank you!
Yin ♡
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yindelune · 2 years
And here’s another one: children cannot consent. They cannot consent to sex, they cannot consent to life altering permanent medical procedures. Parents are there to protect them, to guide them, and to understand their opinions about things that effect them, but at the end of the day a child cannot be trusted to have the knowledge or foresight to make a decision that will physically and psychologically follow them for the rest of their life.
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yindelune · 2 years
PAC: What is your soul searching for?
Hello, everyone! This is another one of those pick-a-pile readings, yes. Hehehe. It's my first time doing this, so please bear with me if I'm still a little messy when it comes to elaborating my points.
So in this reading we're going to take a look at your soul energy, what your soul is searching for, as well as advice on how to achieve it. Please note that the answers might apply on a bigger scale or only for your current situation.
Here are a few things I would like to address before you start picking your pile:
This is a reading for the collective so there are details that might not feel right for you. It’s normal. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.
This is a timeless reading so even if you see this weeks, months, or years after I posted this, it’s meant to be relevant to your current situation.
Reblog and likes are very much appreciated! If you think this reading can also help a friend or a loved one, you can send them the link to this reading. Thank you!
What you have to do first is to center yourself, take 3 to 5 deep breaths, and as you do, focus on this question: what is my soul searching for?
After that, you can pick one of the photos below. Pick the one you feel the most drawn to. It’s okay if you feel attracted to more than one pile, it might just be that there are messages you’re meant to receive from other piles.
Let's begin!
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Pile 1
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Soul energy: Ace of Swords, Seven of Cups, The Emperor
Right off the bat, this soul is very ambitious. This makes you want to accomplish many things, and for some of you, you might be good at multitasking, or just tend to multitask often because it’s hard for you to focus on only one thing when you can get lots of tasks done at a time. I can also sense that you guys’ souls are very wise and such intellectuals. Naturally mental and logical, you probably follow your mind more often than you do your heart. You know exactly what you want, but it’s not only one thing. You want a lot of things, and really, most of those are things you want to accomplish and not simply have in your hands without hardwork. You have so much clarity in you especially mentally because I feel like you rarely to never get clouded by emotions. So intelligent, so smart–souls who've got so many brilliant ideas up their sleeves. I can also feel like you are the kind to pull away, take a step back, to see things on a bigger scale. Like, when things are beginning to seem chaotic and confusing to you, what you do is breathe and zoom out, so you can see better what’s really going on. Apart from this whole mental thing going on, there’s also dependability here, and maturity. You want to make sure you make the right choices at all times, some of you even take pride in that. And now, I’m also sensing a bit of perfectionism (okay, maybe not only a bit). I can see you constantly monitoring your progress. You’re self-reflective, and at some point, might even be self-critical. And I can’t possibly stress this enough: you’ve got a lot of big ambitions. There’s a lot you want to accomplish and most or all of them are to serve the public. I feel like ultimately you want to be known by many as someone whose brilliant, original ideas helped change society for the better. Big, big Aquarius energy. There’s Leo, too, and Aries. But Aquarius is the strongest energy I can sense in this reading.
What your soul is searching for: Seven of Swords, Page of Swords, Five of Wands
Okay, there are two things here. I’ll say first the one which I feel like is for only a few of you. Ultimately, your soul wants a break from all heavy thinking going on. You want to use your capability and intellectual gifts without the pressure of it having to go somewhere significant, without the pressure of it having to contribute a lot to your progress. As I have said, I can also sense a bit of perfectionism. I guess your soul wants a breather. You’ve got a lot of ambitions and you want as much as possible to achieve them within as little time as your determination and hardwork can allow, so you have this mindset like, “every move I make, every step I take must lead me closer to accomplishing these things, otherwise they’re futile”. But what you want right now is, like, “can’t I, for once, use my intellectual gifts for fun?”. That’s what I can sense for a few of you.
For the majority of my pile 1s, you guys’ souls yearn for people who can challenge you. And this is not in an arrogant way. You want to meet people who can measure up to you so you can further fortify and solidify your talent. You want to meet people who can be your Socrates and do what he does. Socrates argues with his students until they also question their own arguments, so they can find the weak spots of their arguments, and work on them and solidify them further. That’s what you want.
Advice: The Chariot, The Star, The Sun
For a few of my pile 1s, the cards are encouraging you to focus for now on your confidence. On having fun. Be rest assured that you’re going somewhere even when it doesn’t feel like it. You need to feel motivated and inspired again, and to find within yourself the answer to why do I enjoy doing this? Find a reason that is independent of external validations, independent of your goals. This way, you can change your “everything must lead to something or it’s futile” mindset.
For the majority of this pile, the cards say: put yourself out there. You're literally meant to shine. I feel like you're stuck right now and you don't know what to do, but this is the sign to go for it. To start moving. Whatever project you have in your mind, or if you've been planning to move, or change jobs, this is your sign. I feel like the energy of your environment and yourself aren't really matching anymore. You can do it. Please, I just know you can! Your energy is sooo, how do I explain this- such a force to be reckoned with. Your soul is wanting to serve a bigger purpose than what is in front of you, and that's exactly what you're gonna do. You’ve got a lot of ambitions, and it won't hurt to start crossing out stuff from your bucket list right now. After all, you want to meet people who can be your equal when it comes to your intellectual capacity. You won’t meet them if you won’t come out there to find there.
Pile 2
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Soul energy: Eight of Cups, Six of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles
The very first thing that came to me is this pile's sentimentality. I'm sensing that your yin energy is a bit more dominant, either it has always been this way or it's only right now. I think you're in a situation where you have to give and give and give, and even though you know and want to put yourself first, it's just not possible right now. I feel like you neglect your wants and desires to put others first, and it's not in a sense that you do this subconsciously. You are totally aware that you have to put yourself first—in fact, I feel like this pile has recently just learned the real meaning of self-love—it's just your current circumstance doesn't allow you to. I feel like this is mostly because of your family, and I think some of you who picked this pile are asians. But even if you aren't, you're just bound by responsibilities and it feels like right now there really is no way out. You want to put yourself first but it's like, you can't do anything, that's just the situation you find yourself in. All you can do is wait until you're out of it. This pile is also sensitive. Even if you weren't always like this, at this time I can sense an increase in your sensitivity. You're more aware and conscious. Just, this is so gloomy... I feel for you, please hang in there. I also feel a bit of, like, wallowing in self-pity, almost. Like you really feel so doomed, and I think your mind has convinced you that this is how it's going to be for the rest of your life.
What your soul is searching for: Nine of swords, Justice, Nine of Cups
First of all, you really want to stop worrying even just for a while. You feel like it's so unfair, your situation right now is so unfair to you and your soul longs so much for "justice" for yourself. You want to be able to fill your cup first, so you will not be pouring from an empty cup. You just want the mental torture to stop. You want to get better mentally so can start to better yourself overall. And maybe you even long to experience how it is to also be put first by others. You really want your life to do some turning around.
Advice: King of Cups, Queen of Swords, Ten of Pentacles
First thing I’m getting is that you can always ask for help. It’s not weak to ask for companionship. It’s natural, we’re humans and no human is an island. Even simply just opening up to other people, it can be a great help. Ultimately, though, I’m sensing you should try going to therapy. I feel like you take even the small things personally so this kind of hardship is too much for you. You feel like there’s no one who would want to be there for you, to be by your side when you need them. But those people exist, you just need to have the initiative to approach them. They will help and guide you. Also, try spending some time outside. Preferably someplace where you can clearly see the skies (I feel like skies and clouds really calm you). Breathe fresh air. And here’s the hard part, a harder pill to swallow–even though it’s difficult, even though it will definitely make you feel guilty at first, practice prioritizing yourself. The little things can do, like maybe buying foods that YOU like, instead of what they like, or giving at least 10 or 15 minutes to yourself everyday. I feel like the cards are saying that it’s inevitable—one day eventually you will have to do it. To do something that’s against your belief that you always have to put others first. You can’t simply wait for your life to suddenly start changing, because your life is also waiting for you to take initiative. It’s like only you can really spearhead your very own growth. If you really feel like there is no one in your inner circle who can help and understand you, go out there and connect with new people. I’m almost 100% positive that there’s someone coming into your life, a father figure (regardless of gender), whom you can depend on. They’ll guide you and watch you grow and be so proud of you.
Pile 3
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Soul energy: Four of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, The Lovers
Ohh this pile, this pile–such a mystical, dreamy pile. Right at the beginning I could sense Libra/Pisces energy! I love it. Very sweet and innocent. A whole sweetheart. I think you have a nice balance to you. You are not devoid of emotions (in fact, you are good at handling them, both yours and others’) but they don’t really weigh you down either. I can also sense this childlike energy. A child who’s just ready to give love without expecting anything in return. I can also say that you are open and welcoming because just looking at the picture that represents the pile helped me gather a lot of things about your energy whereas, for the other piles, I had to rely on the cards. Synch a calm energy like, really, wtf my chaotic ass is embarrassed. It’s what I would call an evolved feminine energy. Giving, nurturing. You’re fine taking things slow, and because of this, people don’t have a difficult time catching up to you. You just flow with life and don’t even try anymore to get things in your control because you believe everything will fall into place eventually. You also worry but not to the point that it gives you serious overthinking/anxiety issues. Overall just a lovely energy. Like, honestly, I just want to stay in the presence of this energy for a good while.
(I did stay in it for a good while)
You are supportive and caring, but not to the point where you neglect yourself. I think you’ve gone through what pile 2 is going through right now. That is, you’ve filled your own cup. I can’t help but be really proud of you.
And oh, okay, I just received this–there are others who are still just on the way to achieving this very energy, but this is your sign that you are doing it right. It’s slow paced, because it has to be, and it might feel like you are not moving, but you are. And you’ll get there, too. Very soon.
What your soul is searching for: Death, Temperance, Five of Cups
Alright, this is a bit different from the energy of your soul right now. There’s mourning here, and definitely loss, too. Either something ended, like a connection you really treasured, or it might be about a loved one who passed away. I feel like you really want closure from this loss. I feel like it was already in your expectations that you were gonna lose it/them, but still, it’s just so much pain. You’re such a loving person so I understand it must be really hard to let them go. I feel like, for some of you, this loss was what triggered your growth in the first place. Others of you it feels like your faith in the Universe or whatever/whoever you believe in is being tested. This loss also might have happened a long time ago, and even though remembering it does not weigh you down as much as it used to, deep down you’re still yearning for some kind of a closure, because it’s the only thing that’s going to give you peace of mind.
I just got this message while editing this: this loss might be about your past self. Like you missing and still mourning the past version of yourself.
Advice: Ten of Wands, Nine of Wands, Knight of Cups
I’m seeing “embrace your sufferings”. Whatever feelings you have towards the loss situation, don’t push them away or view them in a negative light. Although, yes, they’re unpleasant feelings, but they just want to be seen. Those feelings need you to cater to them, to nurture them into something pleasant. Maybe you are afraid of the confrontation because it might shake the foundation you worked very hard to build. But it won’t, your foundation is far stronger than it was before and you can take it. You want closure but your subconscious is resisting it because it’s what’s ingrained in your mind, that you won’t be able to handle it. You won’t have closure without confrontation, but you don’t have to fear it because you are really much stronger now. Maybe this is why I was sensing so much positivity at first that it seemed like positive energy was the only energy you had–you really try your best to surround yourself with it, you try your best to embody only positive energies. But you have to embrace the negatives, too. Or more accurately, your negatives want and need to feel embraced, too. They will hurt, yes, but not to the point that they will cause serious damage to the growth you have worked so hard for. You’re afraid to go back to square one, and believe me, you won’t. Maybe this reading’s purpose is to tell you that this is the right time to confront that loss, because this is the time that you are already able to take it. You’re not going back to square one, it’s like stopping to visit someplace where you can acquire something that’s necessary for your journey, but after that you’ll be picking up where you left off.
Alright, that's all for this reading!
Thank you for taking your time to see and listen to what the cards had to say!
Yin ♡
148 notes · View notes
yindelune · 2 years
Omg, I just saw this (and didn't know how to reply because I'm practically a caveman). Thank you! I really appreciate your feedback 🥺
PAC: What is your soul searching for?
Hello, everyone! This is another one of those pick-a-pile readings, yes. Hehehe. It's my first time doing this, so please bear with me if I'm still a little messy when it comes to elaborating my points.
So in this reading we're going to take a look at your soul energy, what your soul is searching for, as well as advice on how to achieve it. Please note that the answers might apply on a bigger scale or only for your current situation.
Here are a few things I would like to address before you start picking your pile:
This is a reading for the collective so there are details that might not feel right for you. It’s normal. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.
This is a timeless reading so even if you see this weeks, months, or years after I posted this, it’s meant to be relevant to your current situation.
Reblog and likes are very much appreciated! If you think this reading can also help a friend or a loved one, you can send them the link to this reading. Thank you!
What you have to do first is to center yourself, take 3 to 5 deep breaths, and as you do, focus on this question: what is my soul searching for?
After that, you can pick one of the photos below. Pick the one you feel the most drawn to. It’s okay if you feel attracted to more than one pile, it might just be that there are messages you’re meant to receive from other piles.
Let's begin!
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Pile 1
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Soul energy: Ace of Swords, Seven of Cups, The Emperor
Right off the bat, this soul is very ambitious. This makes you want to accomplish many things, and for some of you, you might be good at multitasking, or just tend to multitask often because it’s hard for you to focus on only one thing when you can get lots of tasks done at a time. I can also sense that you guys’ souls are very wise and such intellectuals. Naturally mental and logical, you probably follow your mind more often than you do your heart. You know exactly what you want, but it’s not only one thing. You want a lot of things, and really, most of those are things you want to accomplish and not simply have in your hands without hardwork. You have so much clarity in you especially mentally because I feel like you rarely to never get clouded by emotions. So intelligent, so smart–souls who've got so many brilliant ideas up their sleeves. I can also feel like you are the kind to pull away, take a step back, to see things on a bigger scale. Like, when things are beginning to seem chaotic and confusing to you, what you do is breathe and zoom out, so you can see better what’s really going on. Apart from this whole mental thing going on, there’s also dependability here, and maturity. You want to make sure you make the right choices at all times, some of you even take pride in that. And now, I’m also sensing a bit of perfectionism (okay, maybe not only a bit). I can see you constantly monitoring your progress. You’re self-reflective, and at some point, might even be self-critical. And I can’t possibly stress this enough: you’ve got a lot of big ambitions. There’s a lot you want to accomplish and most or all of them are to serve the public. I feel like ultimately you want to be known by many as someone whose brilliant, original ideas helped change society for the better. Big, big Aquarius energy. There’s Leo, too, and Aries. But Aquarius is the strongest energy I can sense in this reading.
What your soul is searching for: Seven of Swords, Page of Swords, Five of Wands
Okay, there are two things here. I’ll say first the one which I feel like is for only a few of you. Ultimately, your soul wants a break from all heavy thinking going on. You want to use your capability and intellectual gifts without the pressure of it having to go somewhere significant, without the pressure of it having to contribute a lot to your progress. As I have said, I can also sense a bit of perfectionism. I guess your soul wants a breather. You’ve got a lot of ambitions and you want as much as possible to achieve them within as little time as your determination and hardwork can allow, so you have this mindset like, “every move I make, every step I take must lead me closer to accomplishing these things, otherwise they’re futile”. But what you want right now is, like, “can’t I, for once, use my intellectual gifts for fun?”. That’s what I can sense for a few of you.
For the majority of my pile 1s, you guys’ souls yearn for people who can challenge you. And this is not in an arrogant way. You want to meet people who can measure up to you so you can further fortify and solidify your talent. You want to meet people who can be your Socrates and do what he does. Socrates argues with his students until they also question their own arguments, so they can find the weak spots of their arguments, and work on them and solidify them further. That’s what you want.
Advice: The Chariot, The Star, The Sun
For a few of my pile 1s, the cards are encouraging you to focus for now on your confidence. On having fun. Be rest assured that you’re going somewhere even when it doesn’t feel like it. You need to feel motivated and inspired again, and to find within yourself the answer to why do I enjoy doing this? Find a reason that is independent of external validations, independent of your goals. This way, you can change your “everything must lead to something or it’s futile” mindset.
For the majority of this pile, the cards say: put yourself out there. You're literally meant to shine. I feel like you're stuck right now and you don't know what to do, but this is the sign to go for it. To start moving. Whatever project you have in your mind, or if you've been planning to move, or change jobs, this is your sign. I feel like the energy of your environment and yourself aren't really matching anymore. You can do it. Please, I just know you can! Your energy is sooo, how do I explain this- such a force to be reckoned with. Your soul is wanting to serve a bigger purpose than what is in front of you, and that's exactly what you're gonna do. You’ve got a lot of ambitions, and it won't hurt to start crossing out stuff from your bucket list right now. After all, you want to meet people who can be your equal when it comes to your intellectual capacity. You won’t meet them if you won’t come out there to find there.
Pile 2
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Soul energy: Eight of Cups, Six of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles
The very first thing that came to me is this pile's sentimentality. I'm sensing that your yin energy is a bit more dominant, either it has always been this way or it's only right now. I think you're in a situation where you have to give and give and give, and even though you know and want to put yourself first, it's just not possible right now. I feel like you neglect your wants and desires to put others first, and it's not in a sense that you do this subconsciously. You are totally aware that you have to put yourself first—in fact, I feel like this pile has recently just learned the real meaning of self-love—it's just your current circumstance doesn't allow you to. I feel like this is mostly because of your family, and I think some of you who picked this pile are asians. But even if you aren't, you're just bound by responsibilities and it feels like right now there really is no way out. You want to put yourself first but it's like, you can't do anything, that's just the situation you find yourself in. All you can do is wait until you're out of it. This pile is also sensitive. Even if you weren't always like this, at this time I can sense an increase in your sensitivity. You're more aware and conscious. Just, this is so gloomy... I feel for you, please hang in there. I also feel a bit of, like, wallowing in self-pity, almost. Like you really feel so doomed, and I think your mind has convinced you that this is how it's going to be for the rest of your life.
What your soul is searching for: Nine of swords, Justice, Nine of Cups
First of all, you really want to stop worrying even just for a while. You feel like it's so unfair, your situation right now is so unfair to you and your soul longs so much for "justice" for yourself. You want to be able to fill your cup first, so you will not be pouring from an empty cup. You just want the mental torture to stop. You want to get better mentally so can start to better yourself overall. And maybe you even long to experience how it is to also be put first by others. You really want your life to do some turning around.
Advice: King of Cups, Queen of Swords, Ten of Pentacles
First thing I’m getting is that you can always ask for help. It’s not weak to ask for companionship. It’s natural, we’re humans and no human is an island. Even simply just opening up to other people, it can be a great help. Ultimately, though, I’m sensing you should try going to therapy. I feel like you take even the small things personally so this kind of hardship is too much for you. You feel like there’s no one who would want to be there for you, to be by your side when you need them. But those people exist, you just need to have the initiative to approach them. They will help and guide you. Also, try spending some time outside. Preferably someplace where you can clearly see the skies (I feel like skies and clouds really calm you). Breathe fresh air. And here’s the hard part, a harder pill to swallow–even though it’s difficult, even though it will definitely make you feel guilty at first, practice prioritizing yourself. The little things can do, like maybe buying foods that YOU like, instead of what they like, or giving at least 10 or 15 minutes to yourself everyday. I feel like the cards are saying that it’s inevitable—one day eventually you will have to do it. To do something that’s against your belief that you always have to put others first. You can’t simply wait for your life to suddenly start changing, because your life is also waiting for you to take initiative. It’s like only you can really spearhead your very own growth. If you really feel like there is no one in your inner circle who can help and understand you, go out there and connect with new people. I’m almost 100% positive that there’s someone coming into your life, a father figure (regardless of gender), whom you can depend on. They’ll guide you and watch you grow and be so proud of you.
Pile 3
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Soul energy: Four of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, The Lovers
Ohh this pile, this pile–such a mystical, dreamy pile. Right at the beginning I could sense Libra/Pisces energy! I love it. Very sweet and innocent. A whole sweetheart. I think you have a nice balance to you. You are not devoid of emotions (in fact, you are good at handling them, both yours and others’) but they don’t really weigh you down either. I can also sense this childlike energy. A child who’s just ready to give love without expecting anything in return. I can also say that you are open and welcoming because just looking at the picture that represents the pile helped me gather a lot of things about your energy whereas, for the other piles, I had to rely on the cards. Synch a calm energy like, really, wtf my chaotic ass is embarrassed. It’s what I would call an evolved feminine energy. Giving, nurturing. You’re fine taking things slow, and because of this, people don’t have a difficult time catching up to you. You just flow with life and don’t even try anymore to get things in your control because you believe everything will fall into place eventually. You also worry but not to the point that it gives you serious overthinking/anxiety issues. Overall just a lovely energy. Like, honestly, I just want to stay in the presence of this energy for a good while.
(I did stay in it for a good while)
You are supportive and caring, but not to the point where you neglect yourself. I think you’ve gone through what pile 2 is going through right now. That is, you’ve filled your own cup. I can’t help but be really proud of you.
And oh, okay, I just received this–there are others who are still just on the way to achieving this very energy, but this is your sign that you are doing it right. It’s slow paced, because it has to be, and it might feel like you are not moving, but you are. And you’ll get there, too. Very soon.
What your soul is searching for: Death, Temperance, Five of Cups
Alright, this is a bit different from the energy of your soul right now. There’s mourning here, and definitely loss, too. Either something ended, like a connection you really treasured, or it might be about a loved one who passed away. I feel like you really want closure from this loss. I feel like it was already in your expectations that you were gonna lose it/them, but still, it’s just so much pain. You’re such a loving person so I understand it must be really hard to let them go. I feel like, for some of you, this loss was what triggered your growth in the first place. Others of you it feels like your faith in the Universe or whatever/whoever you believe in is being tested. This loss also might have happened a long time ago, and even though remembering it does not weigh you down as much as it used to, deep down you’re still yearning for some kind of a closure, because it’s the only thing that’s going to give you peace of mind.
I just got this message while editing this: this loss might be about your past self. Like you missing and still mourning the past version of yourself.
Advice: Ten of Wands, Nine of Wands, Knight of Cups
I’m seeing “embrace your sufferings”. Whatever feelings you have towards the loss situation, don’t push them away or view them in a negative light. Although, yes, they’re unpleasant feelings, but they just want to be seen. Those feelings need you to cater to them, to nurture them into something pleasant. Maybe you are afraid of the confrontation because it might shake the foundation you worked very hard to build. But it won’t, your foundation is far stronger than it was before and you can take it. You want closure but your subconscious is resisting it because it’s what’s ingrained in your mind, that you won’t be able to handle it. You won’t have closure without confrontation, but you don’t have to fear it because you are really much stronger now. Maybe this is why I was sensing so much positivity at first that it seemed like positive energy was the only energy you had–you really try your best to surround yourself with it, you try your best to embody only positive energies. But you have to embrace the negatives, too. Or more accurately, your negatives want and need to feel embraced, too. They will hurt, yes, but not to the point that they will cause serious damage to the growth you have worked so hard for. You’re afraid to go back to square one, and believe me, you won’t. Maybe this reading’s purpose is to tell you that this is the right time to confront that loss, because this is the time that you are already able to take it. You’re not going back to square one, it’s like stopping to visit someplace where you can acquire something that’s necessary for your journey, but after that you’ll be picking up where you left off.
Alright, that's all for this reading!
Thank you for taking your time to see and listen to what the cards had to say!
Yin ♡
148 notes · View notes
yindelune · 2 years
PAC: What is your soul searching for?
Hello, everyone! This is another one of those pick-a-pile readings, yes. Hehehe. It's my first time doing this, so please bear with me if I'm still a little messy when it comes to elaborating my points.
So in this reading we're going to take a look at your soul energy, what your soul is searching for, as well as advice on how to achieve it. Please note that the answers might apply on a bigger scale or only for your current situation.
Here are a few things I would like to address before you start picking your pile:
This is a reading for the collective so there are details that might not feel right for you. It’s normal. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.
This is a timeless reading so even if you see this weeks, months, or years after I posted this, it’s meant to be relevant to your current situation.
Reblog and likes are very much appreciated! If you think this reading can also help a friend or a loved one, you can send them the link to this reading. Thank you!
What you have to do first is to center yourself, take 3 to 5 deep breaths, and as you do, focus on this question: what is my soul searching for?
After that, you can pick one of the photos below. Pick the one you feel the most drawn to. It’s okay if you feel attracted to more than one pile, it might just be that there are messages you’re meant to receive from other piles.
Let's begin!
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Pile 1
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Soul energy: Ace of Swords, Seven of Cups, The Emperor
Right off the bat, this soul is very ambitious. This makes you want to accomplish many things, and for some of you, you might be good at multitasking, or just tend to multitask often because it’s hard for you to focus on only one thing when you can get lots of tasks done at a time. I can also sense that you guys’ souls are very wise and such intellectuals. Naturally mental and logical, you probably follow your mind more often than you do your heart. You know exactly what you want, but it’s not only one thing. You want a lot of things, and really, most of those are things you want to accomplish and not simply have in your hands without hardwork. You have so much clarity in you especially mentally because I feel like you rarely to never get clouded by emotions. So intelligent, so smart–souls who've got so many brilliant ideas up their sleeves. I can also feel like you are the kind to pull away, take a step back, to see things on a bigger scale. Like, when things are beginning to seem chaotic and confusing to you, what you do is breathe and zoom out, so you can see better what’s really going on. Apart from this whole mental thing going on, there’s also dependability here, and maturity. You want to make sure you make the right choices at all times, some of you even take pride in that. And now, I’m also sensing a bit of perfectionism (okay, maybe not only a bit). I can see you constantly monitoring your progress. You’re self-reflective, and at some point, might even be self-critical. And I can’t possibly stress this enough: you’ve got a lot of big ambitions. There’s a lot you want to accomplish and most or all of them are to serve the public. I feel like ultimately you want to be known by many as someone whose brilliant, original ideas helped change society for the better. Big, big Aquarius energy. There’s Leo, too, and Aries. But Aquarius is the strongest energy I can sense in this reading.
What your soul is searching for: Seven of Swords, Page of Swords, Five of Wands
Okay, there are two things here. I’ll say first the one which I feel like is for only a few of you. Ultimately, your soul wants a break from all heavy thinking going on. You want to use your capability and intellectual gifts without the pressure of it having to go somewhere significant, without the pressure of it having to contribute a lot to your progress. As I have said, I can also sense a bit of perfectionism. I guess your soul wants a breather. You’ve got a lot of ambitions and you want as much as possible to achieve them within as little time as your determination and hardwork can allow, so you have this mindset like, “every move I make, every step I take must lead me closer to accomplishing these things, otherwise they’re futile”. But what you want right now is, like, “can’t I, for once, use my intellectual gifts for fun?”. That’s what I can sense for a few of you.
For the majority of my pile 1s, you guys’ souls yearn for people who can challenge you. And this is not in an arrogant way. You want to meet people who can measure up to you so you can further fortify and solidify your talent. You want to meet people who can be your Socrates and do what he does. Socrates argues with his students until they also question their own arguments, so they can find the weak spots of their arguments, and work on them and solidify them further. That’s what you want.
Advice: The Chariot, The Star, The Sun
For a few of my pile 1s, the cards are encouraging you to focus for now on your confidence. On having fun. Be rest assured that you’re going somewhere even when it doesn’t feel like it. You need to feel motivated and inspired again, and to find within yourself the answer to why do I enjoy doing this? Find a reason that is independent of external validations, independent of your goals. This way, you can change your “everything must lead to something or it’s futile” mindset.
For the majority of this pile, the cards say: put yourself out there. You're literally meant to shine. I feel like you're stuck right now and you don't know what to do, but this is the sign to go for it. To start moving. Whatever project you have in your mind, or if you've been planning to move, or change jobs, this is your sign. I feel like the energy of your environment and yourself aren't really matching anymore. You can do it. Please, I just know you can! Your energy is sooo, how do I explain this- such a force to be reckoned with. Your soul is wanting to serve a bigger purpose than what is in front of you, and that's exactly what you're gonna do. You’ve got a lot of ambitions, and it won't hurt to start crossing out stuff from your bucket list right now. After all, you want to meet people who can be your equal when it comes to your intellectual capacity. You won’t meet them if you won’t come out there to find there.
Pile 2
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Soul energy: Eight of Cups, Six of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles
The very first thing that came to me is this pile's sentimentality. I'm sensing that your yin energy is a bit more dominant, either it has always been this way or it's only right now. I think you're in a situation where you have to give and give and give, and even though you know and want to put yourself first, it's just not possible right now. I feel like you neglect your wants and desires to put others first, and it's not in a sense that you do this subconsciously. You are totally aware that you have to put yourself first—in fact, I feel like this pile has recently just learned the real meaning of self-love—it's just your current circumstance doesn't allow you to. I feel like this is mostly because of your family, and I think some of you who picked this pile are asians. But even if you aren't, you're just bound by responsibilities and it feels like right now there really is no way out. You want to put yourself first but it's like, you can't do anything, that's just the situation you find yourself in. All you can do is wait until you're out of it. This pile is also sensitive. Even if you weren't always like this, at this time I can sense an increase in your sensitivity. You're more aware and conscious. Just, this is so gloomy... I feel for you, please hang in there. I also feel a bit of, like, wallowing in self-pity, almost. Like you really feel so doomed, and I think your mind has convinced you that this is how it's going to be for the rest of your life.
What your soul is searching for: Nine of swords, Justice, Nine of Cups
First of all, you really want to stop worrying even just for a while. You feel like it's so unfair, your situation right now is so unfair to you and your soul longs so much for "justice" for yourself. You want to be able to fill your cup first, so you will not be pouring from an empty cup. You just want the mental torture to stop. You want to get better mentally so can start to better yourself overall. And maybe you even long to experience how it is to also be put first by others. You really want your life to do some turning around.
Advice: King of Cups, Queen of Swords, Ten of Pentacles
First thing I’m getting is that you can always ask for help. It’s not weak to ask for companionship. It’s natural, we’re humans and no human is an island. Even simply just opening up to other people, it can be a great help. Ultimately, though, I’m sensing you should try going to therapy. I feel like you take even the small things personally so this kind of hardship is too much for you. You feel like there’s no one who would want to be there for you, to be by your side when you need them. But those people exist, you just need to have the initiative to approach them. They will help and guide you. Also, try spending some time outside. Preferably someplace where you can clearly see the skies (I feel like skies and clouds really calm you). Breathe fresh air. And here’s the hard part, a harder pill to swallow–even though it’s difficult, even though it will definitely make you feel guilty at first, practice prioritizing yourself. The little things can do, like maybe buying foods that YOU like, instead of what they like, or giving at least 10 or 15 minutes to yourself everyday. I feel like the cards are saying that it’s inevitable—one day eventually you will have to do it. To do something that’s against your belief that you always have to put others first. You can’t simply wait for your life to suddenly start changing, because your life is also waiting for you to take initiative. It’s like only you can really spearhead your very own growth. If you really feel like there is no one in your inner circle who can help and understand you, go out there and connect with new people. I’m almost 100% positive that there’s someone coming into your life, a father figure (regardless of gender), whom you can depend on. They’ll guide you and watch you grow and be so proud of you.
Pile 3
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Soul energy: Four of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, The Lovers
Ohh this pile, this pile–such a mystical, dreamy pile. Right at the beginning I could sense Libra/Pisces energy! I love it. Very sweet and innocent. A whole sweetheart. I think you have a nice balance to you. You are not devoid of emotions (in fact, you are good at handling them, both yours and others’) but they don’t really weigh you down either. I can also sense this childlike energy. A child who’s just ready to give love without expecting anything in return. I can also say that you are open and welcoming because just looking at the picture that represents the pile helped me gather a lot of things about your energy whereas, for the other piles, I had to rely on the cards. Synch a calm energy like, really, wtf my chaotic ass is embarrassed. It’s what I would call an evolved feminine energy. Giving, nurturing. You’re fine taking things slow, and because of this, people don’t have a difficult time catching up to you. You just flow with life and don’t even try anymore to get things in your control because you believe everything will fall into place eventually. You also worry but not to the point that it gives you serious overthinking/anxiety issues. Overall just a lovely energy. Like, honestly, I just want to stay in the presence of this energy for a good while.
(I did stay in it for a good while)
You are supportive and caring, but not to the point where you neglect yourself. I think you’ve gone through what pile 2 is going through right now. That is, you’ve filled your own cup. I can’t help but be really proud of you.
And oh, okay, I just received this–there are others who are still just on the way to achieving this very energy, but this is your sign that you are doing it right. It’s slow paced, because it has to be, and it might feel like you are not moving, but you are. And you’ll get there, too. Very soon.
What your soul is searching for: Death, Temperance, Five of Cups
Alright, this is a bit different from the energy of your soul right now. There’s mourning here, and definitely loss, too. Either something ended, like a connection you really treasured, or it might be about a loved one who passed away. I feel like you really want closure from this loss. I feel like it was already in your expectations that you were gonna lose it/them, but still, it’s just so much pain. You’re such a loving person so I understand it must be really hard to let them go. I feel like, for some of you, this loss was what triggered your growth in the first place. Others of you it feels like your faith in the Universe or whatever/whoever you believe in is being tested. This loss also might have happened a long time ago, and even though remembering it does not weigh you down as much as it used to, deep down you’re still yearning for some kind of a closure, because it’s the only thing that’s going to give you peace of mind.
I just got this message while editing this: this loss might be about your past self. Like you missing and still mourning the past version of yourself.
Advice: Ten of Wands, Nine of Wands, Knight of Cups
I’m seeing “embrace your sufferings”. Whatever feelings you have towards the loss situation, don’t push them away or view them in a negative light. Although, yes, they’re unpleasant feelings, but they just want to be seen. Those feelings need you to cater to them, to nurture them into something pleasant. Maybe you are afraid of the confrontation because it might shake the foundation you worked very hard to build. But it won’t, your foundation is far stronger than it was before and you can take it. You want closure but your subconscious is resisting it because it’s what’s ingrained in your mind, that you won’t be able to handle it. You won’t have closure without confrontation, but you don’t have to fear it because you are really much stronger now. Maybe this is why I was sensing so much positivity at first that it seemed like positive energy was the only energy you had–you really try your best to surround yourself with it, you try your best to embody only positive energies. But you have to embrace the negatives, too. Or more accurately, your negatives want and need to feel embraced, too. They will hurt, yes, but not to the point that they will cause serious damage to the growth you have worked so hard for. You’re afraid to go back to square one, and believe me, you won’t. Maybe this reading’s purpose is to tell you that this is the right time to confront that loss, because this is the time that you are already able to take it. You’re not going back to square one, it’s like stopping to visit someplace where you can acquire something that’s necessary for your journey, but after that you’ll be picking up where you left off.
Alright, that's all for this reading!
Thank you for taking your time to see and listen to what the cards had to say!
Yin ♡
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