yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
Week 15
If you were asked to create a viral marketing campaign for your live client, what will be the concept and steps you will take to make it a successful campaign?
Personally, l will always started off doing research for the campaign so as to know more about the campaign. Search the information of the companies, clients need , images, mood boards and surveys to let me know more and be the one of the audience and develop more on this.This will help us we are doing on the right track.This will also help us to find our problem and,come out of our insights/observation.From there, we will now can deep develop on our idea and concept. To think more creative and interesting idea combine together.
Secondly, we need to ensure everything works well with the concepts and the campaign then to the visual and others way to communicate with the audiences.Then we will continue to think about the copywriting and the headline so as to pull up our poster and attract the audience.
Viral isn’t it very easy as you have to think of a lot of ways and research.It is not a must to be a nice poster but must have to be more unique , special and a meaning purpose behind this advertisement.This is a way to make the target audience to know the meaning in the poster and spread the awareness to others people.
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
O&M VISIT Week 14
Before l visited o&m, l didn’t really known this advertising company was so awesome and looked cool till when they show us their work.All of us was like “wow”! It was great experience to visit Ogilvy & Mather, even though l not strong in advertising. However, after looking thtough their works and hearing all those life story from the designers, l had a though of “give a try on advertising?”. I have no idea too! (considering advertising after internship ?) It’s not easy to work in advertising company, as from what they say,” one week without sleep and going home, as 10 min sleep is very satisfy to them”.They have to reach the expectation to the client and pitch, sell the project and mostly the important things is the “IDEA”.How you development in this whole progress, and the “CREATIVE THINKING’.It was inspired and motivated seeing & hearing of the works. The speaker was the ECD of O&M, Melvyn. I like the way how he present in front of us. He has lots of confident, a very good voice which don’t make us bored and sleepy! He did also shared his experience during along the way and how does advertising industry works. 
The office of O&M was cool ! When l get step in the company, i thought there were only one level but didn’t expect the office has two levels.I like the company design , their wall is painted and their work is pasting around the companies. Its a feel of home . All the employees have their own desk and laptop to do work , and they also can free and easy to have a cup of coffee at level 2. It can be seen that they treat their own staff like a family! I learn one thing in this workshop is , no matter what you have to speak out in pitch confident , doesn't mean that the work good the client will buy it , it all about the confident that you show out and sell the work!
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
What did the client say about your presentation today? What needs to be improved for the final presentation?
What l felt is my group did a good job. We managed get all the things done on time. And memorize the script to present but didn't expected that we will overtime and l didn't get to speak up! But overall , we did a good job! Our campaign has a lot of things going on , like interior or exhibition and prize of posting story. For the storyboard, we changed a lot , the client felt that out me storyboard is good which links to the insight , I should be glad that they are scarify with the storyboard,because we consult a lot from yanzo and realize a lot problem like no link so we discuss and changed. The client did say that our poster is not focusing on target audience (working adult ) instead of kids. Then the message is not really clear too. Even tough , we got a lot of comment on our work but I think we can improve on in these few week and make it better than interim. We also quite nervous in presentation coz it's our first time do this project and facing client to explain everything !
Things to improve on , our art direction and the poster to shown our target audience is working adult . And the ooh didn't shown is bugis! We also have to bring back mint museum to the working adult which link them back to there for a walk.We will overcome all these problem and improve on it !
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
Tigerair Infrequent Flyers
What is the insight behind this campaign?
The insight shows that the australis don’t fly often as shown that the chicken are usually kept inside the house and they don’t usually fly around and don’t have the freedom to fly around.It can be seen that they don’t fly frequently as a research shown 77% of Australians fly less tan 3 times a year.
What is the objective and campaign strategy behind this video trying to achieve for the people in Australia?
The objective on this video is to attract the people to join Tiger airways.It is a platform to let them to join the club of Tiger airways and created for them to fly frequently and easier.The campaign achieve to attract the infrequent flyers to join and make them feel that they will have a sense of belonging and a family in Tiger Airways.
Do you think this is a successful campaign?
Yes, l think this is a successful campaign as it really attract people to fly more often.At the first part, l look in the video , i don’t know what is thing about. After the part the bird and the sound came together, i get the emotions from the video and it attract me continue to watch and wanted to watch again and again and again. Although l don’t fly a lot but l can feel the emotion and the message in the video.
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
What must I find out with my team in order to do a good research about live client? List down THREE important considerations that will help the team to ace CA3 as well!
The main important point is to do more research on what difficulties the client is facing and why this is a problem? Keep asking myself why and what and how. That why research has to be done clearly and based on the audience perspective to solve the problem. Not only just to research on the only one company problem and also find out more about others country companies and compare. What are the difference and similar. And further more, we can know how are we going to love the problem and help to improve on it.
The second important point is to known well of your companies and others companies.At a point of time, you only know your own company problem but with knowing other companies problem and how are you to have a creative idea to solve this problem comparing to others. and what if their idea and your idea is the same? We have to know others companies strength so as to pull us back and make our camping successfully done which also love the problem and attract the audience.
Lastly, is teamwork.No matter what, there will have miscommunication between the group, stress,messy and lost.But i felt we can come over through all these problem and try to communicate well. Use our own strength to help each other and try our very best to make a successful campaign. At our stage, it will be very hard to handle it, but we can go through this journey together !
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
Week 11: Art Direction for an Advertising Campaign What did you learn about Art Direction from today’s activities - were there any challenges faced and how did the team rectify it? Aside to that, how did you contribute as a team member to the creative team?
In this activity, we had learn the art direction which applies to our CA.Every gourd has assigned a poster.For my group, we had assigned an ad “River Safari Singapore”. We had a short discussion of this ad, we realise that in this ad they used a lot of time and planning on this ad. Although it look simple but they used a lot of time on casting models and digital imaging.And it really need time to adjust all this important detail stuff which require a long time to produce this ad.
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For our second activity, we had to create a series of two ads “It’s OK to eat alone”.Every group had to do different mood of their ad, So for our group we have been asian to of humorous and fun-loving.It will be very hard for us to take the image directly because before that we have to plan what are the position for the model and the environment of the ad to produce the mood and concept. I felt our ad has produce a mood of humorous and fun-loving which is a good thing but during the progress l feel that its very hard for us to produce the work within the timing which the lecture given. We have to do the illustration and photoshop the images and plan. My group has give a lot of effort and ideas of doing this ad, i can see everyone is contributing the ad. The challenges l faced us when we don’t have the enough time to do the illustration and we have to keep change the illustration which don’t really fit into out ad to show the mood. But in the end we did the ad well and produce a good work to show the mood of humorous and fun-loving.
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
Throughout semester one since April 21, elaborate and share THREE crucial learning outcomes acquired from Module BCS that are vital to your knowledge gained as a young designer. Explain why do they matter much to you as an aspiring designer.
BCS taught me a lot the meaningful principle and ideas of advertising.The three most important learning points which apply in BCS and what l learned from is Emotional, Research and Trust yourself.
Emotional is a important feeling toward the ideas of the ad.I didn’t know that emotional will be so important principle for the ad. As l don’t even experience before of any emotion to any ad. When l pass by any of the bus stop or mrt, l just feel that this just an ad and an idea. That it but now l have change of thinking of a ad. Every Ad has a emotion to it, sad or happy or angry. It show the emotion to the audience and who do they feel it. When a ad show a good emotion to the audience , it really counted as a good ad !
A good ad not only of the idea and concept is there , it is also to spread out the feeling of the ad to the people around us to get know more about this matter and feelings.
Research is a very important thing we have to do. We have to deeply research to know more about this product so that when we designing of brainstorming we will able to explain what do we have to do this by all the research that we do.It will be a hard time for us to do the research because some of the explanation is not what we really want and can’t find the research we really wants. Usually, l won’t do much research but after learning the importance of research l started to give a try of doing research in every project and get use of it. Research let us to have a better understand of the products and more knowledge we will gain. So i felt that it is really an importance component apply in our whole project.
Trust yourself
Trust yourself is a important role of doing work. When brainstorming any of the work, just trust yourself and say out loud of the thing you want to say. Nobody will blame you when you say something wrong or what. I felt that this is the important role of in doing work. Trust myself of doing work and the design, everyone had different kind of style of doing work and design. You can see the good work and the bad work but the importance is you have to trust yourself in your work so that other will trust you in your work. and be confidence anytime. If someone is not scarified on your work, you cannot look down on yourself instead of trying harder and work it out with your design.
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
Week 14: Interim ”Identify a concept presented from the 21 groups which got your attention. Why did the group’s concept attract you? Comment on their effectiveness, art direction and presentation style.”
LELO HEX(Team Ziling)
This group has shocked me at first when l know they were doing condom.It was a unique product. They used animals to shows that how strong is the condom was as many adverstiment didn’t through of using animals to show the advantage of the condom. By using hexagonal pattern on certain animals, it really attracted me as nobody will through of this. Condom has always show people that it very noraml stuff in our daily life but l felt after looking their idea and concept of their product, l very look forward of the final adverstiment. How do they develop this to attracted many of the audience which shows a strong visual to buys this products.
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
Week 12: Scamp War “Express the importance of allowing someone to catch your concept quickly through looking at your sketches/scamps. What are the possible pitfalls if a design project was done without this process of providing scamps or sketches?”
Sketches and Scamps is parts of thinking and brainstorming process that can give other a better understanding of your ideas before you start doing the design on ai/ps. It also allows us to use pencil to sketch out the design clearly which will be easy and effective for us instead of starting in the laptop. By sketching out, it can clearly shown of the final visual.
Scamps is very important for us because it will allows the cilent to see clearly on the idea within few mins.It also a faster ways to showing the drawing of our ideas and concept instead of speaking out of the ideas and writing down in words. It also allows the cilent to have a full visual of our ideas which allows them to trust us.
Although today l was absent for the class lesson and PIZZA TIME but i do really enjoyed doing sketched/scramps. It will be really helpful in our design and idea when we progressing of out work.By allowing us to capture all the important idea and drawing in the paper.
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
Week 9:Pick one memorable quote from one of the eight legends. How does it inspire you as a design student?
“Creativity can change the way we feel about something and will stay with us for eternity.” -John Hegarty
Creativity is something which we need to apply in our design, it changes the way of thinking in different perspective area.It is also the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. This quote has the real meaning to the designers, it can change our mindset of thinking design in a usual way.To me, l felt that creative is very important to us, it will affected our life. Not only apply to our design work but also in daily life ,it can allow us to do and think more creative things around us which can helps us have more interest in our life. Creative have alway stay with us for eternity. Why do l say this is because whenever l go , creative has always in my mind which helps me to think more ideas and special thing which l didn’t done it before. It also helps us to work with our brain and think out of the box instead of something boring. I enjoyed the fun of thinking creative ideas wherever l go, for example : when you go shopping you will think something is related to fashion + graphic design or doodle ? Mix around the idea together to create a great advertisement ?. and many more… Sometime, when l was doing design , l felt creative is always surrounded around me. When l get this question, i won’t think directly in to this topic instead of think out of the box, which has link to the topic and mixs the idea together. Creative also has to look around the environment and sense the feeling. It also can be emotional !
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
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In Singapore, condom advertising is banned from broadcast media, which makes marketing the prophylactic practically impossible. Okamoto needed another way to reach its audience of young adults. We knew that most Singaporeans live with their parents into their 30s, making privacy a premium. Singapore is still a largely conservative society, meaning that when Singaporeans have sex, they have to keep things under wraps. We created a campaign based on new, fun products that gave Singaporeans more chances to hide out and have fun, providing them with more opportunities to use Okamoto condoms.
The three products were designed to help in relevant scenarios. Urban Camouflage is a car screen that makes your car look empty for nighttime drives. The Nightcap is a coaster with a hidden condom, sold at bars and clubs. And to make the most of an empty house, use TipOff: the smartphone app that keeps an eye out when you've got your hands full. We created online videos and banners, used social media and engaged popular bloggers who endorsed our solution to the Singapore-wide problem. The buzz drove our audience to the Okamoto Freedom Project microsite, where they could purchase the products.
Soon after its launch, the Okamoto Freedom Project was picked up by popular websites and forums. On top of successful bar promos for Nightcap reaching 100,000 people, our blogger engagement programme was a great driver for online traffic. Numerous lifestyle magazines gave the Project coverage and thousands of TipOff downloads came from Singapore and around the region. The Project as a whole reached an audience of over one million without any need for traditional advertising. Best of all, the Okamoto Freedom Project led to an increase in the number of Okamoto condoms in our audience’s pockets.
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
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A Silent Dialogue 
This exhibition showcases the depiction of avant garde Chinese calligraphy through the movement of the dress and human body.
Derived from the traditional Chinese calligraphy, the artist is inspired by the branch of calligraphy, the avant garde. This inspiration comes from the modernisation of calligraphy arts that still remains alive today. This particular art has undergone a radical change and it has opened itself to experimentation through various works of many contemporary Chinese artists.
It has inspired me through its combination of something tradition that seems impossible to connect with fashion industry, it worked out surprisingly good.
In the artist, Natasha Vania Suryanata’s progress journal, she showed a large mount of research and experiments of using different medium.  Some works may not even be legible since emphasis is given more on representing aesthetic expressions which is the use of new media.
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
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The third exhibition that caught my attention was this photography project shot by student Michelle Fat Pratana.
Entitled as Unflawed, it features different parts of female bodies such as hairy hands, fat tummy, big boobs, flappy arms. These are few of the common things that will be judged by the society. Often I feel that female today are being too hard on themselves, they don’t see how good they are, but keep striving for that “PERFECTION” , which is something that will never exist. I admired the confidence of the artist, to step out of her comfort zone and talk about something sensitive like this. Thus, to a audience like me, I felt strongly of this positive energy and thinking from the artist. Emotionally, this was my favourite exhibition.
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
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1    Ask yourself as a consumer, WHO do you think is/are the target audience?
What would you want to achieve with your TA after letting them read your suggested bodycopy?
Could it be something emotive, logical or reliable?
> The target audience will be adult with kids and teenagers. Because it allow them to recall past childhood memories and build up a different memories with their children which also then bring the happiness and joy with them.
2    Why do you think your bodycopy recommended is good writing? Does it serve its purpose with a particular resonance?
> The bodycopy had link to the headline and also show the message clearly. Not only erperience the fun it also bring back memories from your childhood which you never encounted before.
3    Explain why you have written your body copy as such?
> To attract their attention which they don’t encounted before with their own children.
4    What are the main considerations you have when putting the bodycopy together?
>  The tone which persude them and by using simple words to let them understand and easier communicate with them.
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
After reading the requirements for CA1, what are your considerations in order for you and your assigned team to do a good job?
On that day itself, l didn’t know that we have to draw lots to get into our group for CA1 because l was absent on that day. Until Candy told me that l was in group with lynn & toby, my expression was like “WHAT?”. l felt it good to group with toby & lynn which also can learn thing together from each others.l found myself being lucky to be on the same group with lynn and toby. We don’t really know each others well or talk to each others.But l hope that we will be able to communicate with each other and solve problem thoughout the project. I wish along the way we do project , we can understand each other weakness and strengths so that we can help each other to save the problem and being a team.I admit that, l don’t usually speak in english but l will try to speak english with them instead in chinese, at the same time l can learn more from them because l think both toby and lynn are the good model which l can learn from them.It will be useful for my presentation ! l think we can do a good job together as a team,during the progress we have to do more research that helps us to know more about the marketing.If we want the project to be a success we have to know that what is our goals of our products and who are we targeting at and, how are we advertising a product. All in all, we can work as a team to avoid all those problem and understand each others and put in effort in every project !
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
What strengths or weaknesses did you learn about your group project presentation today? How can you help your team to improve?
For today presentation, l didn’t expect that toby was sick and can’t make it for the presentation and, lynn and l still have to continue with the presentation so we had a lot of problem in the part which toby were be saying. l was well prepared and memorise all the script but in the end, things happened but l don’t really blame anyone because you have to deal with different situation and being more fixable.
But seriously, quite disappointed with today presentation because everything changed and we felt quite sudden and we can’t present well during the presentation.
I thought of we had done well in our poster but  the outcome of the poster response was not as good as my expectation. our copywriting and headline are linked to Rihanna and our poster is not creative. We have to put more effort and creative to change a new idea of our poster.
I think in presentation, l have to train more in my english pronunciation and speak in a smoother way instead of lag of some confident. In our group, l think we have to improve on our presentation although toby is very good in speech, she can lead us and, l think we need to concentrate on some detail part and make it shorter instead of too much information and we can’t present in 10mis.
Our group have done well in research but then we have do too much and its has took up too much attention time from us and can’t concrete on others important details.
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yinxianqing-blog · 8 years
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The Institute of Unlearning
The Institute of Unlearning prides itself as a place where keen individuals enroll to forget old ways and to unlearn and relearn - all in the name of increasing one’s personal level of adaptability and capacity to be more creative and innovative, not only in order to enhance one’s standing in the working society, but also to enrich oneself in more ways than one in his/her everyday life. Only by unlearning what we already know, can we allow ourselves the possibilities of seeing new ways of doing things. At first, this project seems confused to me from far, as the same pattern of drawings are being framed on the wall, but with various experimentation implied. Till I fully understood the meaning behind, I was very inspired and impressed the artist idea. Thus, this project allows us to rethink about what everyday items are for, it let us think out of the box.
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