yiyitea-blog · 6 years
So i came across the post trying to justify ‘trans ethnicity’ in which an adopted child can change their ethnicity to whatever the ethnicity that their parents are/where they are raised. i just wanna say (first of all trans-enthicity is bullshit) but on top of that- this post is PAINFULLY toxic and WRONG.
if you’re adopted into another culture, then you should embrace it. you get to experience the knowledge of the culture AND be raised by people of that culture. that’s is great. but you should never actually try and say that you’re from that culture. i mean like, why would you do that??? why??? believe it or not this is just another case of weeaboos and koreaboos.
you should always embrace YOUR culture and what YOU are. saying you are anything else is false and delusional. there is no justification for ‘trans-ethnicity’. remember that.
feel free to debate.
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yiyitea-blog · 6 years
My favourite movies from 2018
hi i know no ones gonna read this but whatever, here are a list of some of my favourite movies that i watched this year (in celebration of 2018 ending). hope u enjoy & i hope u don’t find them too boring
Never Goin back
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I really enjoyed this movie. it’s about 2 girls who pretty much just struggle to get through life, but together. it’s really fun and shows all the crazy adventures that they go on, all with one goal in mind: to go on a trip to the beach. it really shows how deep their friendship goes, and fun life can really be lol
Hector and search for happiness
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I also enjoyed this movie, it’s about a psychiatrist who wants to learn more about what makes people happy, so he can help out his clients more, and so he sets out of a journey across the world. along his journey, some crazy things happen that teach him more about happiness, sadness, pain, and life. it made me cry, and it’s filled with all sorts of emotions, but overall it’s a good movie :)
The Worlds End
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This movie is honestly just really funny. it’s about 5 guys in their 40’s who try to complete the ‘golden mile’ (which is a challenge where you go to 12 different pubs and chug a pint from each one all before reaching the last pub called the worlds end where u finish it off (i think)) because they failed last time when they were in high school, and THEN there’s a huge plot twist which i don’t wanna give away, but to say the least the name ‘the worlds end’ gets a little bit more literal, and so getting to the end just turned into like a whole new challenge.
And the best for last,
The Imitaion Game
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This, by far, is probably one of my favourite movies of all time. The Imitation Game tells the true story of Alan Turing, an english mathematician who is trying to crack Enigma (a german code system) during WW2. Let me tell you, this movie broke me. No matter how many times i watch it, it always manages to make me cry. It was SO well acted out and scripted. It really captures the story of Alan Turing, and makes me so sad every time. Please watch it if you haven’t already, not only because it was a good movie, but because it spreads awareness of who Alan really was, and what he accomplished. (also includes lgbtq!!)
‘’i know a lot of spies alan, you’ve got more secrets than the best of them’’
thats all. hope u get the time to watch them!
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